1951 v42 i4

Page 1

W oree411«,

Mut., TuHday, Ot'l· 30, 1951

\ olumc XU I 'umb.. r ·'



KeH Elected Chairman at Fro-: h Meeting Commitlct• Appointed To ''Tritt> Coni'!tjtut ion


ew Tech Clu~s

On '-.ttunl.t) (ktolx>r 20, the d, 1,., ui '55 tuuk tht'ir lllttlal :.lep tm,.trcl' uftidal ren•~tnitiun on tilt' l :lmpu.... l'hi~ ".1~ acwmplbhed thwugh , 1 ml't't IllIt held durin~ a rtt·ril cl II u.tlly rl'-.ervecl fnr Phy ...it.ll l.dul.ttum lrcturr The n-....embla~t· \\ d.' pll'• lllt•tl OH•r by Dun .\dam~ until .1 vnlt \\ , !!> taken thnt 53\\ Until ~dl) t ho~n a:. temporar) lhnirruan, u pn~ilion thnt hr will hold unul the delllun uf permam•nt 1)fliu•r, Kdly tht>n prntrt'de!d w nppoint n commitlee to draw up a con~tilutio n hy \\ hid1 the dass will be ROVerncd thruugh Its yean. nt Tech. This com· millee will also serve to handle any bu.;mt·•~ that may arise before the elect ion~ c.tn be held. IL'l lin.t meet in~ wn' h<'lrl on Thursday, October 25 w •tart the wheels of orl(aniwtion n10\'in11 Tho--e men who will bear the brunt of the work for the next few \\ Ceks are Fred Drake, F'recl lleran~r, Hob Stempel, and George 1-ronu'

FacultyWive To Spon or Their 2tu.l Annual Hoe-Dowu It will he ·•boe-l.lowo" nij(hl on !':tlvemhcr 17, when the wiw:s of the fa( uhy of Tl!\h ''ill !~J'II.m ...or


their Sl!(:(llltl annual "quare Dnncc in Alden ~lemorlnl. rhcrl won't lJe any hay on thr lloor, 11r .111y t\1\\:. mooing in tht• hal~on) llut ''hen that mountain music ~tart) tu tloat t hrou~h the h<tll, you j U!'l l .ln 't rc,_i,t that


to jump up did; your ho.-els. and prurnen.ulr yuur partner around. Don't slay U\\3)

bt•cnu!'l' you don't know how tu ...quare dance The "c.aller" walh throu~oth l'\'ttrY dance belorc it starts, 1'\plaining all Lhe !ileps. Thill dance i... helcl for the Senitlr and junior 'tudcnh and their dat~. and fur the faculty und their wives. Inform your ~a l now of the comin~ e\'elll, so sht can get her best cnlico dress nil

... tnrched up. Thill dunce is n ul,:t slep towards l>etter sturlent-fnculty relations. Tbe id~.>n of thl.,. affair is to ~et t'vcryonr to h.•t their hair down anri have u )(OOd timr. There will be more in· format ion concerning this dance in 1he next week, so, Seniors and j uniors, be sure to watch the bulletin boards and plan to attend this social affair.


s·IX Sen·lors and One d B Jun-1 0 r p I e d "e y &. T au B et a p I •

Debat r n1 Conn Meet Futur(• Pluu ~ to Include Two-Ouy ' t•ssion in Vt•rmont

:-ion will last owr a period nf l wu d,ty .. \\ith two dt'l~<lles o;c.hrdulcd for

N<'w Mt>n Announced at AsMcmbly; t>resentation or BeniK }\forks Honor

Friday even in~. and thr\>e plano('(! for Saturclay. " It ie the pur· In orrll'r to famillarizt' the stutlent' poee o f Tau Beta or ft"t.h with the functiuninj.l or nn Pi . . . "To mark actual debate, plans nn~ in the mak· In a fittln~t man· in~ fur carryinl( uut one of these ll\'S· nc-r those who ~ions durin!( n "<.:hoot U"S<'mbly. Tht• have eonferred team from Hnrvnrd will be contacted honor upon the-Ir con(erninR this matter, And it lb Alma Mater by hopecl that thry nlong with Tech '~ 1l h t I n 1 u labed neg.H ive team will be able to get to f1C•holanhlp and exf!mplary daargethcr for lhil! debate. nctc.•r •• und~rg...duateAJ •• •' aad In acltllllon •• • 'to fotter a tplrlt of liberal culture in the eql· nM•rins colleset~ of Amf!rlra'." Tht'S(I were the words of F.dward G. Samolls, local chapter president, a.s h~ opened the Tau Beta Pi portion of the assembly on Wednesday, Octo· her J 1. Upon the announcement of the names of the seven men chosen for this fn ll's pledging, the new men cnmt forward to receive a model or the Btnt, the symbol of Tau Beta Pi. The selection or initiates to this honor is not only dependent upon hiRh S<"holarship, as lhe spKificaUon that Seniors be in the upper rtrth of their class and the Juniors In the upper righth shows, bul also upon worthy activities both on and off the campus. The men chosen were: Senloru Donald Mott Krautt LHter Willlam Uoyd, Jr. Robert Aldrich Meyer Wayne Wrlflht Roberbon TOTAL $16,590 l .eevl Sabri Tuomeaolua The Tech News Association quota R ldlard Alaa Zeleay is ubject to review at the end of the Junior a first term. David Speaeer J enney Twice each ~ar, in tbe fall and again in the spring, Tau Beta Pi elects new mm to its soelety. An initiation banquet to welcome

The newly improved Worcester T t-ch rifle range is going full forte now. Formerly all ftrlng bad to be stopped between the hours or 12:00 noon and I : 00 P.M., and a lso between 4 :00 P .M. and 4 :30 P.M., ao that the janitors could get to their lockers which were located, or nil places, between the rlrlng stations aud the taq(ets. Tbese lockers, plus

odd5 and ends or gym equipment, fell prey to many a stray bullet. With these obstructions now all re. moved there is a clear path to the target area, which has also been improved. Formerly, there was only one strip of armor plate inclined downward at a forty-five degree angle, and posl-

the new men wiD be held at the Sterlin(C Inn on Thursday, November 8. The ~uest speaker will be Mr. George L . Stout, Director or the Worce Ler Art MU!eum.

I. C. C. Square Dance Alden Nov. 3 Collegiate Crowd

Adm .•50


tioned about three feet from the floor, to catch the bullets. This lt!tup was fine for shooting from a S.. TABCET ~lANGE.--~"•• I


Pa1e Two



Ocaober 30, l9Sl


Wrartug.a ~,



i•ago 1

standing position, but for those ~hoo tin~ from a prone position, the WONDERINGS: Memb« Our local groups, the I. H. I::. 1:::.. targ<'t was a t a clifficult angle to hit. <)nd the A. Ch. E. R. S. seem to have TherefiJre, a new strip or verLical J:Usociated Colleeiale Press EOlTOR-lN-CRIEF :ost the old spark. Let's hope that lhe armor plate has been inserted beEdward G. Samolis campus color of form er years will not FEATURE EPlTO l< MANAGING ~;DITOR neath the original plate for the beneJohn M.. Tracy Wcluud CnvuMugh be dimmeci by failurtl of these groups fit or those marksmen faring [rom a NEWS EDITOR SECRETARY to revive once more. j oseph Lojewski Richnrtl C. Gillette prone p()sition. The indirect lightin~ FALLI NG LEAVES: SPORTS EDITOR ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR h< 1S also been improved with addill is always a scource of amazement Michael J. Essex, Jr. Vylo Andrdiunas tional lluorcsccnt lighls. To reduce BUSINESS MANAGER the methodical way that our ground Robert Favrenu uew performs the nt:vCr ending chore glare on the targets, the armor plates ADVERTISING MANAGER CJRCULATJON MANAGER Ronald Thomp son Robert J ohnson of cleaning up after Autumn's Ain~ . and surrounding areas h;Lvc been ASSISTANT MA NAGl~R ASSISTANT MANAGERS The government has a good bet on painted a Oat light blue. Walter Stewart 'flmothy V. O'Toole, Jr. David Fairbanks The Tech Rille Club is a member providing permanent jobs by reforJUNIOR EDITORS of the ~t: w England League. and it estation. The Civil students are talkFrancis 1\'lndigan Slnnley Derman Jnmes 0. Sullivan \Villium J . <.:imonelli is Ponald Oliver with cluus in this league that they Richn{d Snmolls inf: a))out radar on the transits to sec ,Richard T . Gates John Gtarin Rober~ Mennrd ha\•c llliJ~t n£ their matches. H owthrough the pea-soup fog put oul by Bcrnn1 d ] . PuLrillo ever. they al$o schedule other COLUMNIST the burning piles or leaves. Alfred C. Baf:tro matches including pustal matches. OEPAICTJ\1ENT CUAUACTJ::ItS : REPORTERS jOhn F. Malloy R,;bert Jacino This week's prize goes to the Chem. l'ostal matches are hc·ld with other Paul E. Jalbert J ohn ) . Gregory W. Whitman Mowry Thomas lt. DeLuca Engins. cuntribut iun j ohn Fddsinc. universities LO(l £ar away ~o journey Roger R. Oscll after a full summer in which he to. Therefore, each Learn shoots nt BUSINESS ASSISTANTS Joseph Frnlino Th Cimns O'Connor Donnld R. Campbell cmssed the cnunlry on the unbeliev- their own range and then senrls its J ohn Calhoun Robert Niro Edward S. Bnldyga William V. lh5zka able sum or four dollars, (without score through the mail to be comRobert Meyer Henry K. ,Burger CARTOONIST PHOTOGRAPHER performing manual labor) of which pa rcel with the other team 's score. Edward Bonukcvich Roy Wil!C John haslens to say $.50 of which was Ll owever, President Hocchsletter said FACULTY ADVISER Prof. J ohn H . Mackenzie gambled aw;~y al Harold's Club in the marksmen would prefer to Ne wt PhonC't: B~•lneaA{ 5·2024 Edilorl•l{t~~~! Reno. He has again come through. have all the matches "shoulder to TERMS . His newest projecl is attempting n shoulder". Subtcriptlon per school year, $2.00; single copies, $.10. Make all checks payable lo Due to thin armor plates and B uaineu MaJIA8et. Entered as second class malter, September 21, 1910, at the Post term without books or sliderule. Otlico in Worcester, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879. danger of knocking plaster of£ walls, j ohn may be setting a new trend. only .22 caliber rim-fire ammunition Is used on the range. However. every spri n~ the team makes several trips down to the Shrewsbury out81 AL BAFARO Believe-it-or-not those are lbe exact by a recenl f1re. 1f SAE has resembled a cigar fac- door range to fl re their M-1 s. measurements. Phl Sigma Kappa This year's club officers include the Another fatal step has been taken tory for the last few weeks, it is Another Homecoming has been entered into the books at Phi Sig, and l:>y Lwo o£ our brothers. "Chuck" because of the lar8e number or following: ~lichuel N . lloechstelter. a fine time was bad by all. Into each Home lost his pin a couple or weeks brothers who have recently parted president ; Donald B. Youngdahl , party, however, a da rk spirit has to ago and just recently Bob Hencgan company with their fraternity jew- mnna~er ; und ~tarshall J. Kidder, creep. This time the dark cloud was had the same stroke of luck. The elry. These more recent victims or team coach. in the form of an octopus, reaching ranks of the bachelors arc thinning Dan Cupid are Harry Manley, Don The t<.>am's chief ambition this year Krauss, l'aul Sanford, Don Post, and is to beat M.l.T., their arch rival. and searching for the beloved frater- rapidly. A.T.O. Howie Latimer. Special congratula- and Coast Guard Academy, who have nity pin. Three brothers broke down The house was host to Maj. Gen. tions arc also in order for Mr. and alternately held the championship for in a moment of weakness. Our congrats to Bucky Walters, Stan Negus, Lawton and Colonel Foster at dinner Mrs. Len Janowski, wbo recently many years. Walt Reibling and their terrific last Wednesday. The General, an becmne the pnrents of a fine baby !\luch of the improvement in the women. This trio closes the book on alumnus or our chapter, proved to be girl. set-up or the ran~e can be credited T ht_' t u K u1•pu P hi the top deck, fronl room at Phi Sig; an outspoken m;m as he talked or his lo the work of the new R.O.T.C. On Thursday evening, lVIr. and unit. Two sergeunts are available for Don Ross dropped his pin three weeks experiences in Europe durin~ot the war and of his duties as Deputy <;:bief Mrs. George V. Uihlein were guests of instructions throughout the day. ago. These sober Sophsl The brothers found it ralher diffi- Signal Officer o£ the Army. In remi- the fraternity at dinner. 1t was the Colonel Fuster has been appointed cult to hit the books again on Sunday niscence, he recalled many inter- first opportunity for many of the faculty advisor to the organization. night, but midst tears and jeers, the esting anecdotes of his life as a Tech brothers to meet the mother and His work with lhc team at )'lJ.T ., father of our National Execulivl' national champions last year, is enweekend was over. The House on student. Everyone extends best wishes and Secretary. Dean Street looked like a Displaced couraging to the team's hope for a Friday afternoon found the house successful year. Building £rom Hiroshima. A cleaning- heartiest congratulations to Lyslc up process began to make the house Parlett, following his recent initia- n scene of great activity as the brothers pitched in and prepared for spic and span again. And a last note tion. Leo Lutz and Bob Sova have been the arrival or thirty-live girls from of thanks; this to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hollows, our chaperons, who at i1. again. After seeing their skill Fr:lmingham State Teachers College. successfully weathered the storm. in wallpapering lhe living room, they The furniture was moved from the L.X.A. were Rlso "persuaded" to do the front living rooms to make more room for Everything is now back to normal hall . Thanks for a swell job. dancing. The library was trans(ormed Tech Carnival hairman. Henry at LXA arter the most successful Sigma Alpha E psHon into a very nice lounge for the occarn case you 'rc wondering why all ~ion . AL about seven o'clock, cars hupiro a nnounced duri_ng the week Homecoming weekend we've had~at least in the number or alumni that the black ribbons are currently being left for Framingham to pick lhe girls lhttt the annual Tech Carnival festivi returned to help us celebrate. Among worn around the campus, it's only up. Shortly after eight tbe party was ties will be held in Alden Memorial the alumni that showed up were the SAE's mourning the recent pass- in full swing. The evening was fillecl on Friclay, November 16. On this Professors Adams, Locke and When- ing or Pledge Paddy Murphy. This with dancinJ:l and games nnd group night, the freshman-sophomore comman together with Dr. Morley and Friday niKhl a wake will be held, si n~ing . Shortly before midnight, the petition is in the dramatic field as John Bartlett. Open house in the followed on Saturday evening by 11 party hurl to end in order to get the they turn their wits toward skits in even·ing fou nd " Pop" and " Mom" funeral from the house, complete girls back on lime. ~[r. and Mrs. another phase of inler·class rivalry. Whenman joining in the festivities. with pallbearers. undertaker, mourn- Tom Carlin were our chaperones for The sophomores will be striving extra hard to walk away witb the prize All in nil, a good time wa~ had by ers, and ru1 appropriate grave. Rest lht> evening. winning cup in an effort to close the everyone. assured that Paddy will be mourned Saturday night the house was again One queslion is now puzzling all of in a manner to which be would give the scene of a party. This time it was widening ~ap which the frosh have the brothers. What is Emil !..arson hi:; hearty approval. the ttnnual Halloween party. Every built up in Goats Head competition. feeding his potatoes? " Ven ve grow Activity !his pnst weekend found one came dressed in old clothes and As in previous years, the carnival potatoes in Maine, ve grows dcm,'' some of the brothers journeying to a mask. Those who ca'me without a will also include a short skit prepared stales Larson, and to pto\•e it he New London for the Coast Guard mask soon found themselves in the and produced by the faculty . brought one b:1ck last week that Rttme, while those who remained process of makin.g one. A scavenger DandnK will follow after the final amazed everyone. " Dis potato," says behind supported the Halloween bunt, games and dancing were judging has been decided. Larson, ''is tventy em. long, eleven Dance sponsored by Park Congrega- scheduled for the evening. Mr. and Come one, come all, Lo the Tech em. vide und forty em. around da tional Church to raise funds for lhe Mrs. Jim O'Regan, and ~'lr. and Mrs. Carnival Balli belly. It also veighs over tree pounds.'' repair of exte,nsive damage caused ~eil Crowley chaperonecl. Publisbed WeekJy During the College Year by The Tech Newe Aasociation of 1he Woue•t l' r Poly terh n ic: l nttihde




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30. 1951


SPORTS narl'i




ll9-:l6 h y Ilu kic At Franklin Park

I F TPuni " Lt•1ul nt S tokt• Cl u~ola o f lluhf'u h •n


l't•l ~q II UII:.

F ot•(' Bntcs ul Home• On Frith&); Zt•lt•n y Aim F o r i\c•" Cour~e ICN ·onl

\\ 11 h

tht• tt'nni .. tourn.mu•lll mov· in:.: ,11 11 •nail ~ ll.lll'. nn complcll.' nutthc4 ll\'ff.' pl.l)'ttl durins.t the ~t \lt-t·l.; , nur \H'rt• nny pn.'' iou~ unr:. wmplt•tt'd : hlll\t'\t'r, \ EP £ailin$t tll arr.ln~t· ,1 ptH[l(lllt'nlt'nt hht another nl.ltl h h)' lur£dt. thi~ 1imc to SPI:-•. Thi... \1,1, O...l'E\ tirst \lin oC the ytar. on \\ t·dnc"'lay, hoi\C\ er, they were un tht court" aJt.lin f.1cinA I'GU, but Phi (:am dl!fcatl'tl tht•m in un init ial

~ E W S


., <tnad E<lgc Tuft~ 2-l


IAmtlma, Conn.--." ionwom• hod to do it. An uncle rmanned, m c·r ·\\ ork•·cl (Hot hull tt•um c•unnnt ~o on nairut• ulout~ly "Inning ntlci M·ngttin!'l l fuuthull f(lllllt'l! fur t•H •r . ~n it WIIM tlw 1\litMiN! from J\lalu ~· (;oul in Finul tlw \ I. S. ( 'uu 14 t (;u 11 rtl At'tult•m y thad tlltl the clirty cle('{l, unci hruke tht• 11t•wn ~n nw \\ 1•1 "in lltrc•nk. It \\ 88 fitting that it ehuuld be S t•t•oncl :o~ Ut•<·itlt•:o< thi 11 C. G. h •um. fur th(•y urt• hy fur t h e mot~t spiritet.l t eam to Exdtiug Contt•!.'\t dualll'ngt> tht• lo('{llll to duh•. It took u eomhinution o{ a ~ut I ,,, '-.1turtl.ly .t Juy£ul J.m,Jo.ICI of nan n y tltin,:11 to clo It, n o t t•,duding hrt•uktl. hut r..-gardlt'tlll o{ how \\ urtt·~ttr 1\·,h ~ll.lrr player:. re· it " u11 d o m•1 the li mel "u11 COlt I! I C u urcl 27, WurC'f•i!tt'r 7 • STATISTI CS tunwd l'itllll iou,ly I rom MNHord f/11 fn It It IIIII playt•tl hard nncl t'OAST GUARl> ThCII IJ IJ .lht·r hann~.t tlt'h·.lll'tl the JIOYterful lllllt.:, hut '<t't'llWtl tO ),1\:k I h3t I.Ill Il' \Ard• c~tllt<l ru•ll>lll .IJIO' l .. ll l>•~<lttr~ trc>m l'u£1.. l\'t h's hero \1 :\l> "''lllH'thin~: 1'\tr:t that aIIuw~ Ullll'f· I .uoro 1111~"'/''ed I ••••• ~..m • ~• •d ~ J 1\t'lf

La.:.t Stuurday nftrrn01m the 'l'e\.h h.trricr' H'lllurcd to Franklin Park tu meet ~tmhl.',t.... tern Vnhcr~it ) The tr1p. hO\\c\er. \\a,n't ltlll prof•t· al>ll' a~ 1hcy \ICrt.' ddeatetl I'>·JC>. D ie!.; Zt-leny, Jll' o( the "S<tuatl. \\ a~ 1 1 Jbo dd!•;ttl·tl, 0}' 1-. d ~ht-a or '\orth· \Lila... \1 hu play.. tht' outside left '•h KAlnrt.l s•.n,,una ~ J.4 I 1• dn~o:" lO ,·m~r~,. \ictm IOli'. I n tll' ...,. huucr 1,,.,, ~ I t·a~lern. !'his wn~ tht> first time thi~ 111'1"'""" 1 lnmhlu Y<Col , I II pu..itiun lx'\:auo.e he stort>d lhe win- tina I .mal• ~b. J·u~t thl' rlilt t hat I ht' • ., ... ,,. ~ l8 1 1 .....a ..on that Zel.:ny ha.:. betn beaten nan~: j.(oal "'1th only thirty .;e..:ond~ J \ :1~ •;I~ kith r.cum~.J W 101> ~''" Luntlune~ had .1 hench loatk'tl \A , l><'naliu.J " 111 ~hea ron the -1 1 mile cour~ 111 Zl: 1o n·maininl( in the ~-:.mll.' to J.the Tech 11 it h re.tdy, "tllinJ.t rand .ahie n•..t'r\·1"1 t't~<L'I t:unrd lrd 10·0. Thi!> was the and Zeleny fini:;hed st'Ctlntl nhnul 15 tht• l'tlj.(C 2 I Cl\l.'f T urts. Ucrau..c it who \ll'rc opnblc ur, un<l did piny ~Cifl' at hnlf-time. vnnb b(•hincl him. Then another "·I~ ~ud1 ,, dtl~c Rame, the CC).lthrs ~otrt':ll ball \hi s cnnul(h tu justlry tht' Cmut G11artl srorrd ogai11 in the Tech runner didn't ~core until Don ul both tc·am~ matte h.• w o;ub-;titutions and ~t•ry clo~ -.et, 10-lt uutcome. t'n,1..,1 Guard wns ~ood. third period, as their offtnsive unit l'o"t came in seventh. .uHitl\l' n•~:ular,, \\ho did such a fine Tlwy havr llll(' or the l~es t footbnll :'l'l'llli.'d LO l(fOW stronger each timt DuriiiJ.t 1he JlitSt " eck. a very im· The T ech harriers didn't have an joh of playinM, shllwt•ll that Tt•ch wns d ubot 11£ t hrir lon~t and l(lorious hi!!· lht•y entered Lhe game. Onniels be· (ltlrtunt 111atch 1(111 und(.'r wny, the opportunity to look over Lht• cou r!it• a ~-:rea t ly imt>rovl'Cl ball club with tory this :Wll'>~ll\. .\nd 'l't•rh wa!\ tJeli· r amr ~lil(h t ly monotonous as he m,n~h that nualcl dt>cide the chnm· l>eforc the meet, nnd since mnny or th.ll fuurth Jll'rind tlri\C :.till tht'rc to nit ely uff. Tlw I'I 'crs nrc depend in!( p<Jpprd this cunvcrsion I hrough Ihe pinn•tup r hc match refrrred to was them nt•vcr run there bdore, they Ill' U!ll'<l wlwn nct'ckcl. mort• 1han 1.'\'t•r tm n ptLo..-,lng of£(•nsc uprif(hts. T he t•:nglneers were by now playt•d bctwt'l'l1 SA E and I'G O, both wrre lllliiWI\re o£ '1011\C o£ the hnzardS Turt ~ drew lirl>t bltX•d while in the thi-. S\'a..o.;on, und wh<•n th<.' pn-;sts don't n 'IIII I, ~:unfu~J, and betlruf(gled look· 11f II h11111 hU\'l' not bCt'l\ tJl'fcatctJ a~ \1 hich loy be£ore them. TIJree nr the t';lrly part ur lht' first period. Jt click , then tht• o£Ccno;c IJCI~'l duwn . inJ.t ~ luh. The Coast Guard coach yt•t jll•l mw ..et MIS played be· r cch runners turned their nnkles 1111 urrc.•rl nft1•r Tufts hud just taken ·1 he game wns plnyrd bdun• n .,wltclwd assignments with his offen1\\t'('ll lll\' hHI Crnternilil''\ with I) runnin!( through the wcl leaves. mil' :~hut at 1he I(O:tl and Pnlmer, cruwd or m•arly 3,000 fan ~. lm lutl· ~ive and defensive units, and the Mid· enwr~tin~t tht' virtnrs in a decislvt' \\'ith their sea~ n·s re<;orcl nt 2-2 ~t•l;lht• u£ Ttt h had neatly blocked it in!( n mall but vud£t·rous l(rtiUP dit''> ~rtw even more Sl)irlted and \lin ll· I Tlw outcome o£ thi~ matt.h the hnrnel"i will be lookin~ ror\\ artl But m tlw nr \t instant Tomn o. in· rmm \\'o rn~tt•r. lt wusn't ll lack or determined. m<t) l<tncl the ln>J)hy for either team . to mrrting Bates here on Friday , ld1• ll.'£1 u£ Tuho;, tlrove a low bo()l supporters that !>lopped TeLh, ror thl' 'rt'rlt flnttlly ~sired across a h''" t•Hr. o,i nee I'G D hns AUitcn past a hcrnnon and Tuft:. the £ollowing intu Lhe £11r corner o£ Lhe goal which ~taut TIL'tml~ Rivl'r wa-. made to marker in tht lnst frame , as a CG fi\P and 1':-o h. \\ithout lusi n~. it re· 1\t"t'k at \ledfurtl. "'" llllJlO~'ihle for Palmer to block. n•-.cmate at time' by the nurllo shcxk punt was blocked Wld Eldridge drove m,un' fur ~ \ I<. tu duplicate this ftat !'>t•~eru l attcmpl!i by T ech tu score wu,•t•s, It "J ~ ju.,t a qut•stlon of tuo the hull to the two. Malloy scooted Tht• meet on l~ritlay will be the i£ thr) , ton, rxpt-cl to walk nway n~ fnilc'< l ht.'\:au~e of the wiud carrying muth l'G unci notcnouJ(h PI T il's. O\·cr, anti Tom, " the-out-of-town-toe" la~ tnne at home £or both Zeleny and thamp ... w't FridJy 110 coming back to Capt. Ronnie Thompson, a they will the• l~tll hX> far. t'outo, inside-left 1 "" gamr teas !turd und clo..e O'Connor, popped the point a fter. tht• n('b after lct-in~t three matchC''i both be Aradualinl( thi!l J une. Thi. or TN h, hnd l\\0 \('ry mce boots throughout the ftn,t period, with ltc h:u yet to rniss a point after hy forfc•i t tu ~ I'E, I'G IJ , and s 1~. will a l~o be Ukk 's last attempt to jw.L harcly ml!.s the top of T ufl'l, ntithcr team uflerinl( n rent swrinl( away £rom Alumni Field. TO try to brenk the wur-.e ret orcl whkh J(llrtl :mel a bt'autiful try by Adams, thrt'at. The Tt'th line wus fmh and GRIDIRON GOSSIP \I• I • 'Ill(} thCrt'(1 \T() , (I•0• J,nutllt'tl bac..k by beatinf( them, <>·3 wns M't lru;t year by j~lh~ on or in.,ide raght uf Tet:h, to store on a ..lrnng at thnt llOin t, nnd the Mldtliel\ C'nn't help but repeat that it wa., \nntlwr wl rrmains to be playe1l be· Prol'icience ColleRe. Let.~ lave 3 n•huuncl from his hl'nd also failed \Wrc not brt•nkinl( louse their sent- just LCIO much Const Guard at this Cure• 1his match ROCS into 1he record.\>.! good crowd on the fit'ld Fntlay aftchr· ht•lttuw uf the wind. ha,ks. The <;t'CCJntl canto, however, r.cumc •.• Must. be discouraging to Te{h made their nr .. l AOal midway "Pcllrfl n different tall!, for in thl!J ~r Ml many clean jer~ys on the opnoon w help cheer Dick on to t t' T hb t.F tournament was to have h' h h • hi d•""'~·es thrnul(h the lot'tuntl period on a goal brief 15 rninutrs, \oasl Guard rolled ponents. Coast Guard must have recon1 w 1c e ru: y .......... • . ' ln•ll'tl Ol t. 4th. It n<.tunlly AOl hy Schmh t, IC'£1-fullbnck of Tc:ch. up three bll( touchdown'!. The fmtl done n te rrlf1c scouting job on Tech undl•r way Oc1. 8th bccuust' or in· The hull had jw;l rebounded £rom a T l) was !'el up by fine runninl( on thi.'l year, for t hey seem~d to know P ICK A WINNER 1 clt'mrnt wrathcr. The tournament l'uh '" man's head nnd Sch mitt the part ur • padaforo. and hi!'t neet · the plays as well as the team at sev· ha,, thcrrfurc, !Jeen goinl( on ror 24 The T~::cu 1'\hws will awa rd n nt•atly met it to :.end a low boot into rooted backfll'ld ma tes. It wM Spada· cntl times. . . . This defeat allot clays, yet only I I match("J have been ticket to the Tech-Norwich J<ame to the goal tieing the score at 1· 1. fora that finally pushed over for the thoughts of an undefeated season to wmrteted Thcrt' nrc still 25 ma tch~ the bc~t prognosticator on the Tech During the second half Tech counter. CG added tht point ufter. the four winds, but rqardless, Tech leh ttl he playl'd. \\'ith the aid or campu~. Put selections in the T ecu playccl n better dt!fen. ive game anti Not hing could stop the home dub still hrus a club to be very proud of .•. 01 lidt• rule. this .low movin~t 195 1 :-:~ws box in BcJynton, no Inter than It "as thw greatly to Willard's ag- at this point. They roared right on Norwich, the S())e remaining team to l.F tennb tournnml.'nt mny not be 4 1'. ~1. . Friday, :\ov. 2. r\ote: ties llrl'':oivene..,, Both he and Strage a fter the kick with fant running plays, race the EnRineel'li this ~ason, rolled c•lmJllrttcl until Dec 2 1st. count as losses. kept 1 urts £rom re. lly threatening nnd a pass or two to break the up a decisive victory over Champlain w L Holy Cro..'ll vs. Colgate cluring tht course or their tiKhl and monotony. In tess than three min- Saturrlay, 44·6. Turts vs. A mher~>t rrlcn tlc.;~ uttack.,. Thus with only · setond l.rh md-llahn, COAST OU.utD-ZJ !--.\1-. 3 0 ute... they had scored thear Caburo, Strylftltt. Dartmoulh \'!!. Yale Pr.u .(.'(.Oncls to go, Tec:h wok Lhe ball deep tOUrbdOWO. Th•IS Lame • 0 1'11111! · 1 I boot 1I..ell 11 '""1•...-.<·arhiAitl, 8 row11, Ul110t1 • 0 l ruar~ticlclc, MoHler htclnbachtr, ~ l ichigan v~. Illinois intu Tuft's cltfen<,e and almost mime· for Lhe convero;ion was errant. Whis· 1 't:~.~~r..... nani~l•. Archer. t'<~••~Jio. I' K 2 0 Coa.,t Guard vs. Northeastern ulouc:ly, ~ l nla s hooked his foot into per~ of "another 14· 13 would be ...~~~~~~r,~ardt-bladtlanclcr, Burnham, Mad· I 'PE 0 .. )f. l '. \'5. Texas tht• hall tl) score the winning ~otoal. fh.P IU11t1 rnlatklr-!Mamtn, Murr.hr. Dabcodr. 2 I j(reat•• wtnt arounc1 I ht T tc h !Itands, ktcht 1J.-K"•••· lalnrl ll~]onr. IAwil. 1\t'ntucky vs. Miami TX Ouartrrbach-lllho, Rcll 'h Cuftl. 'e"l \leek Tt-ch take on B.l'. in an IJul •It WQ!oll •t Ill• thC CAr(1S. I 2 r..,r. ha lfbach-t'urron l Kuucll, CIJ>III. Texas Christian V!l. Baylor \TO awuy l(llnlC. I Mike Slte(u•k punlt'd into lhe end la~J~hl halfback-Spadafora, o•ronnor, llobll· 0 I.'( •\ GeOrJlin vs. Alabama Fullhar~-llla~t.. Holllncawurth, l llacll, 0 3 LineupCJ: zone on a .,.....,.h , fourlh down • und 1 urtan, Suolcl. Indiana vs. \\' i<;<;onsin \EP 4 0 Po. ilion T U ITS Coa.st Gun rei took over pos.~ssion of 1, 11 fnrl!~rof!:O:•:h!I~~ B-Y TM.:II gnali(• Grauallese the ball on their own 20 yttrrl line. ::::~: ~~~~~~~~~ •• n. Pelthlne. l'almcr n uckley Here Spadafora demonstrat.ed how he ~i~~~··~:!~t:is~·, 1 ~.co~~;;, 1 .,, Nr1u.. trb ~chmiU .. e come to be called one of the RMtt~hl oh, Mack_,. I lt. Ted£ord h ..., 1-'11'1'1 rfiJ •cht taclclu~·l'l ~nd-l'•trrl(oll, Mthll c ..·~facDonald very greale'll run ning backs in the Ouotlrthatko--Ju!'h. S• t:'" ' •· Ellsworth ch r rh hlfbuk,.....{ortrory ....... 11 ,. lh Willard Whyte hL'IIory of Coast Guard learns. He ~,1,,ll:.~k~A1~~hB~d~~d~;~n •••· _ Kruszyna "'tlhered in the Qb's handoff on a .,...... b, '"'''"11 ' rh StraJ(e 7 ,. CO AST GUARD 0 o o o 1- 7 Breyton quick·o~ning dive play, and scam· woMc~TI'R TF.CK Haaland or f'OA!>T CltJA Rl) KOrlnc: Touchdc!wu , Ripley pered the full 80 yards through l h e s 11arlafura 2. C'uNooi. Bon• : polau after Mala.~ ot . d .......... o .. na, l>anllth a. Der Hagopian weary T e<:h defenses for lhe lh1r ir .\ dams woRo:sn:K TECH ~'"'"• · :r-~u~o 'od \laJio,, after IOUC:hd<•WD, 0 Tomasso Coost Guard touchdown o f lh e ptra . O~••l•point~•~•· il O..rl u r. Couto • •'-L'clt ood d umptrr. flnwerd A. CriDAi hue! h~tu•••• . b cr Davidson Bennett T LS time UIC .-.1 . was g I an <l;amuriJ. .....e ,.; 6tlcl jud••· ·- · J. s......

I.... .•. .....



' 1\

, I I I I I I I I


Don't cut your o'clock class at

s 8 !I







... Co·-· :r-,.

<ktoht'r 30, 1951


Pqco Fo1ll'

GEN. LA VfON-f'rom Pore l

view is pret-ented bere: Qu,.stion: Did you t:lke Ell'Ctrical Engineering in your undergraduate years at Tec:h? .lnsu•rr: :\o, I majored in 1\lechanicnl En11ineering. The electrical courses which I received in that department provided 11ufticienl background for my work in the Signal Corps. Qu~stion : 11 ~ your training at Tech bcen of much use to you in the army? Answer : Yt·.s, an engineerinK training of thi'l c;ullbcr Is extremely helpful for ndvnnccmenlln the Signal Corps. Even in administrative positions questiOn$ about equipment, methods, and procedures are con· stantly arising which can be an· swered by a fundamental, practical knowledge or engineering. Qutstio~t: \\'ere you alwnys connected with the Signal Corps? A mu'f'r: The first three years of my career were spent as a Lieutennnl in the Infantry, after which I transferred to the Signal Corps.

Question: Why did you traru.fer tu the Signal Corp~;? 1lnsw:cr: In peacetime, the train in~ JlrOi•ram oC the Infantry did not .imulate actu:.J combat condition!> •md improvement wn:; slow. T ht Signal Corp:,, however, has alway mrtintained an ac.live training pro scram in which the methods used arc idt•nlical to thO!>e necessary in battle \\'e have also been allotted sufficient funds to carry on proscressive research ancl development. Question: Is IL difftcull to become a senior officer without n Wcsl Point education? Amwer: I f thnt was true at one time, it certainly isn't any more. Contrary to public opinion, there is very litlle discrimination in this resped. Nowadays, there are so fc" We!>t Point graduates in compari~on with the number of Reserve Off•cer!> that it is impo\-;ible to have any preference shown. In 1110st cases we don't know whether an officer had graduated from \\'est Point or not. The same might be said of religion. The army never has used this as n

ha i!'t of selection for ~enior officers. \n in pection of the list of top rank101( gtnerals would confirm this bdit·f. {Juqtion: Uo yuu think our nilitary t xpan,iun will c.ontinue even if tht• lo.orean \\~tr i:. terminated? .lllswt r: Our Congrc,;s realized that our only ... ure defence against foreign .tl(rt',...m is preparedness. To attain thi rnd, th<'y "ill continue to provide lw funds nett"'~1 ry to raise and l'quip a large standing army as well as l u PHIIIHHc research and dc,,eJoprnerll of m•w weapons. From nuw on unlll 1he question of J)CU CC i!l finally solved, rvery youth leaving hiKh school and collc·~t> must lle ready 10 serve bi:; timr in the Service. Our lessons wen· l<'ttrnt'd the hard way from now on therc will 00 no lellinsc down! (Jur.rlitm : What uhout the future uf the unit h1•re at Tct.h? Jllls-oLot

r: The unrt stationed at

1\'( h will recri .. r the laH-:.t equipment av.tilablr second only lO the demands

uf the Korean war and our train in!( ramps.

PROFES IONAL SOCIETIES MEET, PLAN FOR FUTURE ' I ht· ,\H.'hl-•. A. )1E, und .\lEE got do\\n to bll!oines., during the last week . llw iir,t two organrLalion:. held prdiminary meetings while the latter ht•ld n board meeting and planned a '1pa rk Dance. 'I ht• unly thing of a business nature arrit·ll un at the \I ChF mctling wa~ the setting of a dnte Cor the annual !' nit Op Hop. The date set was :\uvcrniJcr 30. Thl' members lhen wc•re l(ivcn u tnlk (Ill Curruslun Enginc•t•rinl( by l\lr. Gt•orge Allrn of the trawl( CIHporation. ~ I r Allen made hb lttlk muc.h more intt're,.ting by 11t1rking in as many IWrsonal prol>lcms and <'xpericnct'S tl' (>O sible. Al the conclusion of hLo; talk the rnemlwrs retired to room 117 where coke, cotJkie~ . nnd ice cream wcre • erved. T ht• Jm,ineS-'> agenda of the American Sodcty of ~ I Khanicnl 1-:n~ineer,.. wn .. istcd uf the "i)!ninl( up of new mt'mlwr,. .\ftcr thb two movies were ~hown to the group. Tht· lirsl 11howed




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Ball Pollll


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Worcester Telegram

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LabrlcatJon and



Farn•worth Texaco Station ....

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The Evening Gazette


Restaurant Under New ~Ianagement

Sunday Telegram

Radio Stations WT AG and WTAG-FM

On i\Londny of lasl week the or. flt:t•rs of the .\1 EE met at the home ur the Orl(anization's advisor, Profes<;(lr 1>. C. Alexander. At this meeting .tpplic:ntion · for membership were dislU,,.ed and also a member:.hip driv~. Then the program for the forlhlOillin~ Spark Dance, which was ~ld on 1· richty evening of last week, was pl:tnnc.'<l It w~1s decided that tbe aff:lir would be held in lhe F.lecuicaJ Ent.tineering Design Room. and thu the Bu}ntonians would pro,ricle music fur dnnri n~o:.

C:"IW C UT ..

Cervantes' Don Qo.~iJt!OI~

..,..._. .. nra onca


Cor. D11bla.nd & Coald ln1 C IIIIW C Uf


I drink wl.en I l.ave occasion •........-_..._

of convening from J)eaCt tirnt: mas!> production to war timt ml! ~ production used by the General ~ l utnr~ Corporalion durin.!( the bel(inning of the last war. Tbe lieCOnd was a colored film concerned with the: udvantages a prospective mAnU· filCturcr would ba\'e if he set up a f.tt tory in West \"ir~inia due to ~ bmrntiful natural resource:) of lh~

8PICCIALI.ZINO IN CRICW CUTS ~ l: Jl llal• 8&. Op.,.olte C..rt 11 .... 81at. .!i

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Tatty Sandtoiches Good Food


1 t t

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