Worc8tn, M•M-.
Tae-clay, Ort. 21, l9SJ
Volumt- XLIII Nunobt-r 3
MANY ALUMNI EXPECTED FOR HOMECOMING Coast Guard Game to 11 Highlight Day's Well SOCIAL EA ON Rounded Activities ROll ON WITJI
ATO and SAE Divide Scholarship Award; TKP Leads Activitia
Ffa, in~ been attracted by Lhe poignant strains of .•Jima Mater, The Alpha Tau Omega was awarded Gangs All 1/crc, and Swert Adclit~e, Moonsh ine Music anti Excellence Prize at a Kt!Oial army of alumni will be on Plum1> Purnt•kins l o Get assembly today by Admiral Wat campus come next week-end, SaturP ertine nt A tTairM 1\foocl of the Evening Tyler Cluverius. Winning of this day, October 25th, wattling to be Discussed As Grout, prize Cor combined excellence in greeted by warm handshakes nncl Big doings are in store for ~o,•em (amiliar surroundings, elated by the tier I , when the local undergraduate Swings Into Action scholarship and outside activities indt-scribable nttraction of a college also made A.T .O. the recipient of tbe chapter of the A ME will sponsor l\lost Frrshmen on thr Hill are football afternoon. and borne off on Prt>s id~·nt 's Trophy, which is awardthe \\inl! of reminiscence. Home- their Hayseed Hop in . anford Riley quite familiar by now with the whitr eel to the fraternity winnin~t the Geo· coming is a time to forget about Commons. The -;\1.E.'s baH' drc.ided hats wurn by ~ kull. However, as eml F.xccllencc Prize. flunked phyc;i ..s tests, long hours of to li"cn up the social season with an was "'•idenced in thP pasl few weeks, studyinl(, or the countless times thl' evcnin~ of round and squAre dnncin)l. nnothtr ~trnUJ) hn'l bcPn quite con· A.T .O. nnd ~.A . E. divided the slip-stick slippt>d and came up with scholarship nwrml lhis year ; there The hoc-down will be striclly In spicuous by wny or their bow-tics, the wrong answer. Homecoming ill was no seconrl prize given. It has a time tu remember only the nice step with the season featuring the straw hats, and vest!!. If the Fre,.h· been customary for the award lo be lhinl(s about undergraduate days- good old rural style of eutt•rlninmenl. mnn w(luld ask r1ny upper-clussrrmn divided between the two top fraterivy-tovercd hall~. the first dance with .\ pprnpriate dec-oration" will ~t the just what this Elroup is hr would he nities when, as this year, there Is a the "one ann only'', and some or the moo<! of the harvest I imc, with piles Informed that Lh~ mtn are n select virtual lie in scholarship. No scholbudd it'~. arship improvement award was givor pumpkins and slacks or com ft' W cornprisin~t Alphn ("h:tpter or the Offlcinlly the 1952 Homecoming en for the past year. The very stalks colorfully arran~ted throu"h· I H F.E, enior honorary socit'ty here " EMBT~TES progrnm will open with registration simple and lhougbt-provokinJZ; reason out the hall. To Issue forth with at Tech. The significance or the unlin the Reception Room of Sanford for this is thnt nol one fraternity Re8uh8 ol S.C.~\.. Poll Riley Hall between the hours of culls of " do·se·do", " Aiemand left", form is known only to membrrs of improved In scholarship. To Be U~tecl Ae Guide 10:00 and 12 :00 on Saturday morn- " Grnnd right and left '', the AS~lE the ~troup , but several who have .Bccnuse it ranked second in scholFor Fulure Assemblies Ing. This time has been set aside Cor has procured Pete Hollman for the n)lule exhaustive slu(lles of 1ht mat· arship and fourth in extra-curricular the procurement of identifiCation evening. Pete has bad a good deal lcr claim it i.s directly t ra<'cable to For runny studenlll this year lht• activities, A.T.O. collects the welttag~ and tickets for all activities. of experience in the art of d!rectinJ.t the ritual costume or u IHoup of tolling of the old tower bell on earned $ 125·$ 150 which goes to the (Of course, there is al\\'ays the strong the intricate manipulation or whirl· Xnrrangan.!>l'lt lndians who once Wednesday mornings is a signal that recipient of the Geneml Excellence po~o;ibility that some of the boys, ing sets. If you h.we never gone trit'<l to drink ln'< litutt' PCind dry. sch(lo] i~ over fflr the morning. A Prize. The exact value or the cash havinj( arrivrd Friday night, will perusal or the stuclenls hour plan awurfl is determined by the income through the maneu,•ers of "dive for ha\'e already identif1W themo;ei\'CS, On Wednesday ln-'1, the: ll U::l~ held schedule will indic.1te t}utl eleven receivrd rrorn certain stocks owned the oyster'' or other :.uch step,, this without benefit of tags by engaging thrir second formal meeting of the o'clock on Wcducstlay morning is not by the Tnslitute. is your chance to really get into the in vnriuus Corms of hoop-la.) Immetcrm in the D·C Room of the Somer- a free periotl but rather an impur· ~wing of thinJ,tS. Explanations or the diately after Re$(istration close~ . ~t'l rare LnhoratnriNI. ndrr the taut pnrl of Lhr student's college The four highest-ranking fraterdifferent calls will make It ]XIsslhle nities on the hasls of general excel· ahle guidance of Brother Kilburnc curriculum. luncheon will begin in Commons, for everyone to participate In the the uro up clistus!icd und voted on A 1.]1 I c·' b th lcnce werr: Alpha Tau Omegn., with where everyone will be " fortified for ,. ssemu cs nrc p ann u y c • l f 148 59 Sl Phi fun . Ask. anyone who has done it, Qcveml mallers of utmost lulernuS "' \ ( tl · r: IIi !~Core 0 a busy afternoon with a good meal • .~ .1 • or lC purpose o £ 11 ng n ar pom II 'th I46 99• S'; ' gma AI ha most or thr fun is in the learning. , tionnl rtnd local imJ10rt:tnt.U iru.ludcd gap 1n !he stu derll •s curr 1c.u 1um 1c ft ..'•I>'~. on, WI 'tl and pleasant sociability.'' , ...• ; . lgma d ThP ta • wl11c . h were th e nppoi n,.IIIR of by th1· lalk o r non-tee hnt.crlI sub'JCCt.i 1Ka 1)a on,PhiWI with I 14 "·93 I an Aflt'r lunch, Lhc sports events will Dress for the evening will be 111 . ints. e 146 16 begin with Tech's meeting T uhs ~trlltly formal , according to country Broth~r !'arlin as Chnrto~raphcr and and tu uffer n few moments or need· PI ' po College on the soccer field al I :30 ' tandards that i:.. Blue duugare' , Brother HaaJand 11.5 lwad or the cd rt.>luxati1>u from th<· burden of The General Excellence Trophy I'.M The booters will really be out l1ri~ht llannel shirts, and comfort· Cnnstitution f)(•]>nrtrntnt. After the '\tudic.<s. Many critks (If engineering Committee finds the wirmer of the aher thL'I one to avenge that last- alM shoes will !>Uffice for the male lnro;in<"Si matlt·rs \\ NC di~prnt;C"d with , gracltwte!> noint to their passive alli- award In the following way. First, minutt•, hor. eshoc win the j umbo~ elt•nwnt pre-.ent. Concernin...: femal~ the <.~andalo us report that Cine of thr tude tlr cumph.• tt• <li~intrrest to any- lhr scholnslic average of each fraterpulled orr agnins t the pigskinners a attire, just tell your dote to come hroLhers had been, as it was !ltnled , thing whkh dnC!t nnt dirertly con- nity Is computed, nnd the averages couple of Saturdays ago. One bose· 'tlressctl in her gayest Kinghorn skirt " frntcrni7.ing " with ()nc> n( the pro- cern ll•chnical subject!!. The assem- nrc• arranged in descending order. h:~ll cliumonrl and forty paces to the and whitest cotton blouo;e. fr'l~MS was barrel for all to see. hly progmm tries ttl alter this. Then the poinl-per-man average In southward, thr Consl Guard i\ cnd· De~pltt' cQmfurlnhlc clothinl(, il i ~ Immediate exrcution wa, !IUI(gC3ted That as'!Cmhlic'l are so sparsely uul'lldc activities is computed for t>my, ~mu ll c~llcge powerho~se •. wi!l impth~iiM rnr one to krl•p Crvm but due w the ~everity Clf this in· attended , st•t•ms to indicate that each fraternity, nod these are also stack up aJmmSt Coach Prttch.ud s, \\orkin~ up a lntbcr of swc.1t after ~idi11us crime the clf'fendant wa11 giv- either the choite of ru;sembly pro- nrrunged in order. Next, the Crateroft out-'i<:ored, but ne\'er lleatcn,j havin~ spun lhroul(h severn] faJ.t en n stay or mercy by the tribunal gram'! is pour ur that the student just nity with the hi~hest activities averfootballers. ~u doubt. many alum:~ numllers. To help cool the at t endant~ •lf Injustice of nne month so that !ails to realizr the profiL'I which he agr is given a J>Oint score equal lo "ill blink red-rimmed eyes wht'n off lhe A ~IE will provide icy r!' the c;ounscl Cor the dcfcn~c, Prof. derives from attcndinl( assemblies Lhc scholastic nverage or lhe fral.ertht>y behold john Boynton's fme:-t ~ fre!'hmrnts. There will al~o be 110lld ~hJIIif(an, might build up n case for Th<· S.C.A. has drcidt'd to give the nily which ranked highest scholassporting new unies and a two platoon food to quell the appetites of ihe the accused. studrnt the bentfit of the doubt in lically. Similarly, the fraternity with sy~tem. Finally, the harriers will ur more viJ(orous. Despite 1his unfurtul'lt\le incitlent , this mallcr nnd hns arranged w have Lhc ]Qwcsl nclivities average Is given challt ngcd by l'\orthcastern o\'er the !"o MJuarc d<tnce is complete with· Lbe meeting did culmiMLl<' un a hap· the entire student body polled. They a poinl score ftlr activities equal to hill and dale course. oul a. hillbilly band to provide that py note for all brothc•rs for It wa.q will be asked to choose what types lhf~ 1\ChrJiast ic average of lhe scholas· If all goes well, the laying or the "moonshine moosic;" so neces!illry Cor announced Lbat al the next meetin~ or assemblies they would like. The tically lowellt fra ternity. Then, accornerstone of the new Ci"il Engill a ~enuine '·hoe-down". However, to of tht' group Brother Sorlin would poll will be distributed in the near livitic~ point scores for the fratemi · neerinA building. Kaven Hall, wi hire such an orchestra and al~ tu lead a seminar in which he will re- future. When you get a ballot con- Lie.s between the two extremes are . f hmeols to the crowd port his findings on Kelvins Law as s.ider carefully t.be choice you make. .:alculated by Interpolating, on the take place right after the tilt. In . be 'Iea Dance proVI(1e re res ~ny C.'l.'>e l ber~ Wl11 a . attending will set the AS)lE back a applied to flow or beer in a pipeline The future of assemblies in this basis of points-per-man averages, bem Sanford Rtley Hall at 4 · 30. It ll Therefore a dona- from all advance notices these find· school now rests with you. Execute tween the highest and lowest point ":'i~ht be well at this point to emp~a- ~r~ ~ '::Cn~~llar will be' requested ings are expected to be revolution· the power of the ballot wisely and scores. Finally, the scholastic aver!17.e the fact that students are m- tr or II I altendlng. :t.ry in the field of brewing. with discretion. Se11 EXCELLENCE PRJZE-P•1e 4 ,.,. HOMECOMI NC-Pas-e 4 rr- '' 3 coup es
P. .e1\to
'I'ECH ,.,~
Rob«t 1 Mmard
MANAC INC EDITOR Donald S. OUvcr NEWS EDITOR Richard P. Sa.moll.l
SPORTS EDITOR L . Andrtlcun.u
Francis W. Msdlsan
B lJ~ I NE.'>S
MANAGER Timothy V. O'Toole CfRC1)LATION MANAC£1{ .\DVERTJSJNC MANAGER Wuher M. !;lrwArt Thomu P. O'Cunnor ASS IS1'ANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS Wllli11m nas1.k n Marlin Dur<kln ll arold
Let Ca1tnuu W. Whitman Mowry
J UNIOR EDITORS J ohn Malloy Robtrt
Rogtr OKII
J aclno
Alan Cnstnntln R cnry Spadoni David LaMarre
J>un.11il (;rt"nu·r WilliAm HDIJ Paul Jalbfn
Robe-rt t.alwnte
Leonard Mdlo
David BiMon
JohA Calhoun
Robt-n junior Vl~nl Boliver Robt-rt Meyer td<luud Uouvlet
Matbcwa Joeepb f'raililo
Rkharcl I>.. I uc•
Robt-rt Nlro Robert Pear« Philip Luviu \ndn~
CARTOONIST Ceorae Sanctuary
Pror jobn H. Machnzie Nrwa Phonru Rualnt•u , S·%024
. 1 3- 1<111 Edctoriei \S-20 24
TERMS Sub«.riptlon per Kbool year, $2.00; a!Jacte coplu, $. 10. Make a.ll chedEJ payable to BullDea Manqu. Entered u tecond clua !DAUer, September 21, t910, at Lbe Pot! Ollce In Worcester, .M111., under the Act of Marcb 3, 1879.
Editorial R o p e Pull 1'hlll Frltluy
This Friday afternoon, begin ning the Homecoming celebrating,
the traditional rope pull between the Freslunnn and • ophomore classes will ta ke place. The annua l tug-o'-war should be a great spectacle this yea r ns the Sophomores try to score in thr Goat slwacl competition. The Fre. hmen got the jump by winning the paddlr ru.,h, first of many events. Most of the school will be out to watch lht• " wet" losers and the gleeful winners. &IUitlDfl D•lc Ch• nsed The rushing date of October 24 has been moved up to Thur..clay, Octobtr 23. This move was made by the l.F. Council, with the backiDg of the fraterniti es, through a suggestion of the Tech Council. The Council felt that the traditional Homecamiog Rally the ni~hl before the footbnll !(ame should not be overlooked . This rally will now lttkr place o n Friday night, Octobt'r 24, g iving the s tudent body n chnn Cl' to . how thut they arc behind their team all the way.
Alpho Ev ilon Pi Any c~ual ob~ner at 28 Einhorn the--e pa.,t weeks would have noticed a murkccl chfference in the topi~ con~itlercll for d~~ussioo after dion~:r nnd at other free time during the• day. The ~wpc of intcn..::.t seems ln havt· swih.ht:d from stresses, volts, hwtl:; of fu!li(ltl, UJI(I rurr lalisies lo <I .serious c()nsidcratlon of the political l'llrnpnigns now In progress. This Y('lll, 1111 lhc is~urs !ieem to directly (OllC't'rn our Malus and future. The lwalt hy at mo'lphcre nf distussion and cldh'llf• '-('l'ms to J>Oint out once a~ain to thn't' critln of wlle~e fraterni1i(•<~, that our alleged diQinterest in world and nation:tl affairs is unfuunclt•cl, and th.1l current i:-<>ues are ah\;lys ~:iven C4lrdul attention and "rutiny by all. Coincident with the intere:.l in naticmnl affair'i this week has been the IIJp ic uf humrc:omin~. MeetinJ,!s in the ~nmkr lilted rc)()nts have i)een going rm :til week und p lans eApcct to h<' in full !\\\ ing hy the middle of 111'\t wct•k. The house has been LUflll'd nVl'r lu the skirts fur lhr wt•t•kl'IHI, and 11 concentrated camrwi_~~n tu f(Ct a lar.llt' per cent of the nlumui huck hns proved surressful. fo'l ashe!i frr>m the social rc~isler : Joyn· Is uHnilll( home . . . Lynnr linully wrull' a h•Hcr ... H rmil'l had n woth puiiNI. ... T lwtu ( :hi Tlw buunti£ul trays of dt'lcllable clt•liwdt·~ 'Prt'atl hy our ~lothe"'' Cluh at tht•ir mrl'tinA lac:t \\'ednes-
Lbeir new pll'd~t to l~t initiated .\11 tht brother!> took titncfi,h pleasure in de\·i in~t variuu, orcJc;d:. for the youn~ ladie,, H n~c,.t'r, the only casualty wa~ Pete Becker's ~~re recorder which Rave up the '!ho-.t "hile tryin~t to rt..>turd the pro~oecdinl(-.. T\' ha ftn:tlly invaded ThNa Chi. Charlie Colr smu~s.:l<'d in u receiver last werk nnd within h<>ur~ it Wlh ·•snowin~·· in "!-,tucHo 1001." ]E>C Carr wantrrl tu watLh the fll(hts tht• mhrr nil-(hl, but wht•u thto last ruunrl ended , ht> wn11 o;tlll un the n10f tryinK tl> urienl Llw ault>nnn. Our huuo;e mamtl(t>r. \rt '\ichnls. mu~l have gone inw the whole~lle soap bu~inesc;, lie has '-pedal 'l>Ups f()r hand<~, dishe'l, ~rla,...e,, put'l. nnd noors. In utld11 icm Cec1rge Saltu-. rontributecl a few l1.tr" 11f humt·mnd(' o;oap whith \\t'rl' promptly ~n·ed up a.s fud~e by u wait-on .... ho prefers to remain annnymou . In prtparution for ru-.hins.:. Gt'tlrJ.tl' ~a nder~n was dtanin.l( up hi ~ mom and di.:.c:owred to the amat •mtnt of all that there ""' a 11om uutler hi' ao;smtment uf re,..i<,tur... <«lllfll·n-.er.... and ust>tl dl'ltrun....
tion, the room bas been ~hen the impo,.imt title " )Jole )Jansion " \\'ell, we\e had some pre-homecoming vtslts from old alumni amonl( them being Chuck Reid, 11b~ cume up from \ 'irginia and stayed at the house for several day!). \\'e also welcomed several Tufts .\TO's who came for tbe A C E meeting last \\'edne day and had supper nt the house. ,\ltmg wilh the other huuscs on the II lii . we ar<' looking forward to the biA Humecoming Weekend and to sering nil our alumni back again
T heta Kappa Phi Everyone here at the house was pleasantly surprised last Friday when Uill Cro~an dropped in for a \ri!-it Bill '"as calle<J away from hi::. dutib of instroctin~ at Lbe Institute to "trve .... itb the na''Y
day rt•,ultt'(l in scvt-ral demoli.'\hed clic•h \t ltw.t twn of the brothers r\hau,tt-cl tlwir tJunta-. of calorie!; for Ot tuber On Thur...day, about JS ~rirls from Omt')(a Kuflf"' 'orurity brnu.J(ht twer
Thl' informal party held at the huu-,e la::.t aturday was a bi~ suclt" l'he brot.hprs and their dates enjuyt'(l a pleasant evenin~ or daneiliA min~led wilh sprinkling of a l1ttle mirth. Impromptu entertain· nwm 11,,., the byword for the evening as the brothers took advantage uf t•very opportunity Lo send the Quite n few of thl' hrot hrr~ 111~1k ,uulil.'ncc into voluptuous lnughlcr. uff for thr ~t:tmc nl \\'e~lcynn lrl\l Su lurduy. On llw wny lfown, 111·vcrnl ~ l ;111y uf the brothers were very of tlw hoy-; stoppt!d :tt ' l'u rrln~o~ton surprised lu ~c a young lady l'avortwht•rt• 1lwy maclr u hig ~plu ~h . inA uruund the hou<;e 1h(' 01 hcr rvcThe stay ·at ho 1116 \H'rt' 1101 wry ning ~ht.' turned out to lx• ~ I ike idle <•itht•r, hut k(•pt up tlw !\0! ial Slwhck playin~ nne nf hi· prallic,tl .,lilndinJ;t u£ tht• hou"• , .. ith the nl'hth- jol.es. ll -..·em;. that " J:tl!uar ' j acinborin~ .,tudt•nb of th<· uppo,itt• l(t·n- lll muldn t gel a d:ne and ~ l ikt was drr by dt•p:trtins: 1111 , 1 h.tyridt• 11 ju't tryin~ot to keep him happy. \nutht>r brother has made hb conturnNI CIUI In l~t• ""t•ll 1inw fur t'\'erybody. tril111ticm to the Chamber ~lu It Ccmstruttum hn.' 1)('<'11 lo(OIOJ( un '-t>ciety of fn..;tit ute Road. Uick mu~l of the ~ummer on un .uldititHI.ll Crook ren•ntJy brou~ht a full set of room in thr u.-. . .enwnt. 11., prt•..ent drum~ to the huu,.e to round out tht occupanb .1ncl builth•r<~, Brotht•r, mu~it ••1 ;l l!l!re~otation. The drums get !'ova anti .\lien .•Ire i.<•pt llrl'll)' hll"} pknly or uq:, <'Specially clurinR lht' lini... hin~ it up \ ftt•r mm h !ldil>c:ra nunn hour redtn.b.
Unit-Op Hop
Foolbull Fllm11 ul A111W'mhly At the regular Wcdnesdtly assembly, several football film s will be shown this week. One fi lm will be one o£ the Tech games or Iaiii year, and football highlighL'I o f lhe top games around the country from last year will also be shown. These films are being shown by Tlw Unit Opcr:llions Laboratory the S.C.A. in an attempt to lind out exactly what T ech studt•nt!\ wo uld will vihmtr with till' mrllow tones or like for assemblies. This week's promises to be especia lly goocl, nnd thr llrtynttmlanq M the ,\I CitE huve should appeal to the student body. tht'ir a nnunl llnit Op flop. Thi~ llom« omln.- l)c-c-orMIIontt Colorful unla uff.1ir will Htke plart> sometime Tech fraternities will bedeck themselves in various dccomtions in the laltrr p:1r1 of '\on•mher. Become Snturdny. These decorations are a wondrous si~tht to behold 1\H't'n I hr hnur' nf ~ .mel 11 the dull each ytnr. It i no cru~y job for the judges to choosr a "inner dr.th lahm.ttury ''til II(' ehJn~e<l. "" Glancing over the rult-s for this year's decoration conte.l, it ...cems i( hy t"inllt•rt'll.t\ I airy God mot her, that there ii a l(laring IOOI>hole. The rules c;tate thnt not more th.tn inw u 'P·trklin~ ni~.:htduh lilled with twenty-live dollars may be spent in decorating a hou~r. I lowevt'r. .lllllii..Jiht•rt•. contribution'! of a ny :-izc Jlltl) bt> accepted by the hotl'es and u"ed , !'-Hille' e~f 1ht· .tllliii'Jlht•r(' be in full achanp roviMd that there• is m• co... t to the house involvrd. tage were tnken o r thio; loopholt' n farce would be mad<' of th<- cun 1111' furm uf rwrfumt' ~·nt thrmu~h the:> test. Pe rhop-; the judgM !'hou ld b a...-e their deci'iion much mml' :ur rnnclitimtin)( 'Y"tem. hr:l\'ily on the themt' prcscntl•d than on the cost of thr prr.,C'nlat ion I nllm\in~ tht• tht•uw nf tht• clan•r Thr work thClt thr frnll•rnity men nclually do themsel\'('~ rqlrl'..,l'lll~ tt•frt• ... hnwnt.. :~rc• "l'r\l'tl in a lrut• ( 'ht•m Fn~o:im• styh•. Tlw t:offl.'e i.. many pre<:ious hours nn<l o,houlli br weighted accordingly. prt•p.trt•tl in :1 hi~ tlist illc:ry madr up R . J. l\t. of till ~Ill h tl( !(la~"wan•, !lntl Sl'r\'Cd in lw:lkt·r~. Fur thu'r who think tht1ir d.llc'li ilrt• rold thl're is n h. i~~tlllll'h'l In llll'.lsurr the heat of COUNER IIIGIII.ANO AND LANCA, TEU !'ITS. 11 l.i..... l'ht·~t· .md other novellil'~ Ont• Dlof'k from tlw Auclilorium nt.lkt• it nnt• n( tlw most unique d.lnt ,., 1111 tlw hill f' luff Ory - Sort and Fold l our t :l otltrll
To Be Held
In Novcmhet·
- - -----
October 21 , 1952
Pubhkd Wcd!Jy Dunn& lhe CoUqe Year by T ...... !'if'w• A..OC'IAicUO or tbf' ... o~"tu Polr t .... hn•c lnolh••• M...,ba
~socil*d Cole6de
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'i~ened to n ~i~nal trainin~ group in Cnmp • an Luis Obispo, California rcond Liteutenanl j nme~ Cutlet O'Connor was lhe cadet who worked lJ~A D In tlw Si~na l Corps en,Rineering laboThe ultimntt• nim o f lht' (IJIIIlury rulorlcs lnst summer ratlter 1han Seirnn• Depart nll'nt i-; tu put t hi.' en· J um~~ Collins :ts was reported. tin• drill pmgrum in 1he.• hnnd~ of the Tlw R.O.T .r. unit has been re· c.tdrt offiler<~. \II uf tlw ~uphomorrs r~h·in~ a ron.;iderable amount of new and advanced lllllr:-t• nulet 'I are nnw l'<lllipmt•nt to supplement thi'\ year·~ beinJ.! gi\'rn nn uppurtunity to drill pm~.:rum. One of the late~t itemc; is \'ariuu'> unib tm the fll'ld c.>wry !'-.11 ,, wmpll•te photo.ttraphk unit with tmlay mnrnin~. J.lml'' ~ l ue l\. .1y \\a' fmlilit.., 111 lakl· and tlc>wlop pic.tppe~intt'i l l ',ull't I IHiltrMnt ( 'nlmwl tun•... Thi., t'quipment is to be.• u td ;md Gt•nt 1\..uunl..l., .1nll J:.mt , hi tr,tin .tlh',IOI..t'd COUN r:ldt'h in O'Cunnur, Jr 'H'rt' t hu-en ·" Cncid tht• rutlimcnts of • itmal Corp~ phoC.tpt.~m' elf l 1111\Jl.lnu·.. \ .tntl B r, toc.:r lphy and fur R.O.T c publicitr 'f1t't..IIHI) \ l.tm utht·r \,lclllllt' hnt· at Tl'Ch. .\nother item l)(·inr nt~\1 r'i' t in tlw lltllt, ancl .1 -t·lt•\linn ln'\tiHcl ,\1 pre:-ent j, n complt·tl• four 1nll Itt• m.ult• tu till thr•c.· frnm .tmun~: tun tcmHnunic.n inn :\\'~I em, 1, hich the uubt,lmlinl! Junior~ unci "iuplm \\ 1·11 • 1 cl h .c • t t t'•>n 101. u e a rU.'luca-. 101( ' a " mm~·"' nm' t nwllt·d in tlw pru •r.un 1 ~ \It•II ,1, a telr-typeiHitcr nntr.tl. r wo 1\t•t•l. ...u~n It \\,1.,. mi..t.li.t·nly f hi, port.lhlr 'tatiun ilo the I>:Hkhont' repnrH•d 1h.1t <'ulmwl Fct-H'I \I ,L, ,,.,. nr tlw cnmmunicatiun 'Y1>ll'm in ~i~1wd tu 1\.nrc•a lit• ha-. ht•rn II'· f.. Lm•a tmlay.
'ltirt11 IJt>tmtifully IArumlt>rt>fl
Dry Cleaning t RFE "OTli·PROOF
Telephone 3-6193
\'t'.lr thi ~ llanu• was a big suctt•,. \\ ith t'Wryc10e h.Jvin~t n ~oorl t1mr. rhtrt• i' no admi'\.,ion cbarj!e .Inti l'rr,hnwn and their date:. are invitt'tl ttl <"llmt•
ERS LAUNDERERS 113 ~'fi!h.land Street
Oc:tnber 21 , 1952
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Plgslcln Profile"
Costly Errors Help Wesleyan As Eneineers succumb 27-14 PO TFffi T AGAIN BUT J lARRIERS LO E
L:lSt Friday arternoon tlw cross )lerl _'\orcross must h~l\ e borcountry team travelled to 1\ew Lonnm~:d his Southern accent from some lon, l'onn .. to nwi'l the Coast Gunrd pm'n shop in Korth Carolina. Actu· .\ rndcmy and were defeated by a ally he is a native of Penn!\ylvania. ll was a t King ton High School in :.l."'rr of 25-34. li.owevc,>r. the incli· P.:nn.yh•ania that his athletic career \ idu:~ l ''inner WJ:. Tech ·s Oun l'os t. JIOI off to a running start \\ ith )Jeri who covered the 4. 1 milt's with case. lrtlcr in basketball und 1\ inning This was thl' second strui14ht win track as well as football . fur I >on. Uchind l'ost, in 5cctmd Hr rna triculated at the U niversily anti thiro plact•s were two Coast <1f '\onh Carolina at C hapel I fill in Guard runners. They were in tum 19 tn where he played four years or followed by HuJth Tufts.•\n enemy football and two years or trnck. )lerl runner trnilt'CI TufL'> and then Tech's ran from the wingback spot on somt• J im Clampell tuol.. sixth plar1•. It pow1·rful single wing teams. In hb wns here !hal the Coast Cuurd n.· tiN rollege Kame, as a frr~hm,m, he .;ured thernsel\·1..; n victory lly tnkln~ meed for the winning touchdown againbt \\"illiam and :\lary. a thrill he tht' ne"l four places. Tht•n Dkk won't forget in a long t ime. Mrrl, playin~t in the pre-two-pi:Hoon era, was lhlltrrworth, l..t•~ Keefe, l'hil Stakni~ and Paul SchunnHikl•r f1JIIuwecl t(l also a defrnsivc standout, his qpeed st:lllding him in good stead. \\'orce~tcr T echs new backfH'hl ("OUCh played on the Tar·IIt•els unuefeated l"'lllllJ)ICte the St'OI ing. 1948 powerhouse that went to the ugar Uowl. That was the team that ~l :111y people have inquirc<.l how a featured Charlie "Choo-("huo' justice at ta ilback. Thl.' followiJ\& year t rn,._., country :.<:urc Lc; ohtainrd, SCJ '\onh Camlina wound up tht> sea on with a Cotton Bowl engagemenL this reporter will nuempt to du so. The ·•'r a r-llrrl " truck team also ht"nef1t~·c l from :-\ orcros.~· OyinA feN . Thr1·c nrc scvt' ll nwn on n cm~s rnun. Mcrl rw1 the low hurdles nnd was the winnl!r In many Southrrn l:Oll\')(l' 1ry team, of whom five t:a.n rouut in meets in thi:. t•vent. llw winnin):( score. The lir:.t man to :\J eri l':o rcrtl ~s ~radu:llt•d from the l'niver~i ty uf ~ urth <'a mlina in IC>SO. place reLr ivt•" one l"1ints, the st•cund Hr was uwa nlrtl his )f..\. in l'hy:-ical Eclmation the f()llll\\ in14 year whih• runner two JlOIIll s, etc.. unt il lhl.' hr 11 ·L'> cOllchinA :11 ).loort•willc: H ij:th Sdl<ll) ) Th!! foll<l\1 inA yc·,tr he mt1vrtl "'urin~ is cnmpll'l t•d The si\th and to Chapel ll ill HiAh St:huol n ~ cuach nnrl tlwn c:ame hi~ appoinlmrut to Sl'\l'nth men un the ll•nm ure nul in Worcester. t ludt•d in 1he winnin~t score hut if \\"e at '1'1~· h \\ Clcome Cnal h NorcrO<:!I, rr:tli.ting that bc•hind him i!l a thry linish bt'fore one of the lir' l Ow lll"allh or cxpcricnce £rom which we nrc hound to brnctit W<· are nlso mt•n of the uJliXl'ing team . tlwy "ill happy to ~e that he has rcalil(ned him<:('lf with the 1\urth and we hllJW Utll'le tllt' ~ttOrc u£ I ht' O)>[l()Sin~ IC.Hil it won't be six more years before he dmps into a local Jmwn shop to un- to be omc hi~other . load that • outhern HCCt'nl. ..•
Engnteer o ·cer Tca1n Wl1ips Aa·eh Rival Clat·l<. Team 2-0 Davide~on
llomccoininoBattJe Looms Tlw hi~o;h J)Oilll ur I he curren I f<IOt·
cores I' a ir · ncers Junked even better Lh:tn in thl• hall sca.o,un will he rrnched this Sal· Forwurfls and 0f'fen8~ fir, t half of the tilt ·~he line. com unluy when the Techmen entertain pm.etl uf lleat h, Dava.r,, Damlc;on, highly IC!Ut~·d Coast Guard in a pig· Play F lawles!!l 8 a II ll<Htlttnd, \'cmbu, Sl hneicler n111J Le-
, ~kin cla ~ic which will he thr feature .\ <letcrmlned lighting Tt."ch sorccr dm1:o: functioned n.lmust mc:c-h:micnlly event of this year's annuul Unmctram, once :tnain took the mca'lurc • cl r.1n • J>a•s1·n.. '11\CI clrt' libll' n" h"<l " ton ' c • ·' ... ' wminK fcstivhicr, on lhc Hill. This ,., " IJf their arch dly rival Lhis S:ttunlay, the n ark dden'lr !lMWl'tl. The ftN b d1'f1nitely the " big one" as far as as they outlasted and linally out· -.core enm r "" ft"r tcs• of the th1• Engineers nrc concernt'd nnd 1 ' 13 nl't\U pl,tyNI a much improved Scurlet I hinl nuurter Whl'll ll hi"h [l;I'>S rnml ., " with this fnct in mind, Conch Bob l'leven, Z·O, at 1he Clark field . An CII·CitP t :11n • Jl 1 11 ,..,. an an '"1 ~ '"tlnv'rl"'' ' • • .. Jlr!tch:m l hn'l hncl his charges work· npenin~ day crowd of :,omc two hun- into n ..0 al via Onvid~on 's he:ul. "' InK ''cry hurd recrnlly, i n a dctl!r· tlt{'fl banner tlnppin~. coon t.:uatcd, \ fter tilt' 'core lhr pr"''ure 111'came minecl effort w grl the squad in top lht•t·r h:t!JilY t'lnrk rooteN tried• vuin· ..trun•·"r 'I'll"~ cJ-.frn' ''' Jll.1y···' 'P·Itk ..,, , \:U • fcmn ror Sa tunn 1 y;; cnntesl. ", .oar,t ly ln '~ 1 ur tht'. home tt'am 111• \'tctor~· lin!! hall the \\hole J.(:tnw nnli lotlkNI (:uartl ha.'l 11 pnwt>rrul ft)Othnll mn\~ Ill p r l'VIl> US yean thl~ year!> unhrrtlillllu Tht• •'"W'IYS rt·lhlil<· . ht y m('n it.ou .,..J It •· ' · t h'111e o r nrar Iy t'IA t:ll~l(> prt>vPd to be Ollt' of lht: lll~!ll halfhark line or IJrBucr, roru jo anrl Wt)Uid certninly hv to lhl.' Prltchardthnll packrd CQI1lt•sts ur tht• l'nll ft' Uro\\n kt: pt the ball in lht: uppt)Silll: nwn' .. crtdit j( tht•y !lhould knud• orr 't'.t-IJil . Both tt anb pl.lyl'<l \H•II und hrt If uf 1I1e "••eld . , .,lc• f uIll.1ac ks aI,,. tlwar . mortt puiJlh .lt.t·tl rt\':ll'\. . • luu:o~tn tlw1r hrarts uu t fur cH'ry ~- playt'd wt'll and protrdt'(l the RtMl •• . , r>nd of the 1\g minute:. uf pl:lyi n~t . r. I . . . ., I I ht> lica r., hum New l.unllnn nre Wtl h llt' f}' c r tert11IOOI1fln .• ln\Cin !IIlii • tirno' · l t Wa"·' n closely C'JlltCstell "llmC I r I h" If I I I II I Urr(·ntly fNitUriiiJ< a V(•ry pot ent · •· " v IJU III IIllS(• [I 'I lC Jl HYt'f It' all the \\" I V us each t('llll1 tried • r hi" 1'111 N•r L,~'" Iy anrI IUnllln_g ntl:l. ~k led hy :-.;nt l-ipnda." • lu• ·I fi.!IIW n tlcsrwratdy tn out-kick out-run nncl h . h . ft.r:t. who wall ht• remembrrrd no; the • • !'- t r:u~" prutl'ltCt1 t e n~ I <~u11'. 1 • , ct•tu·r:tll\' out 11tay the OJVVI'ition ..1 halft,ac.k whn ha" haunted the I nt• • ,.. · H.trrv 1>fU\\ n ~I 11t•l 1 11II\\ n """ \t t' I I 11 d f I t Ufl • llllt.., t te K~ mow '" • ~ pl.ayNI ,1, if he was t141rn in the ~oal ( hard·mtm for tht' pa~t threr ~l'a t;C>OS, .tnt! rlmm the held th;ll the un <~us- I' . I I t I r r I h Pllt"art last y~ar rar inl( ('il(hty yardo; tu pay llhl't nnt s eat Y 11 e · · I' · h" I T h I t 27 7 IWt tint: ob~cn·er ml~hL haw imn~.t- , . . • tl JJ ~r ry ~"emed l'l < lrt Ill a ~amr w It I ec os • . • • • tt:tnll' lfJ il '-IS•t'n Y " '"' • \I th 11 h d • ·~ .... l uwtl htnN:If a 1 u tenm~ mutt h f hi r• 1 pluck the -n. e rar'l a ox:en un..,.,a en • 1111111' (IU t o now · ,. u · h · ·1 \rr<"npt.1m Jan Da\ itl~n u~ed ht« b:~ ll nut of the air tOJ ,top \\ h:tt m t ree prevwu" appearanre'l uoll •· ..t l"k hl"Jd tn win the ball ~ame ,,, he ac· r" Jn..,t , aturday, when Amher'lt upset 1 • lory. , uuntrd inr hoth T rch o;ron•., by ooJ(r•• 1 e a sure !'l O , . It11r app1e carl w1t• h a 33- J ·•• v1c puunrfin~ tlw lea ther ~phl•roid 1 i\s a resul~ , the Rears will tlcfinlt·rly thrnul!h the caAe with his head. tate Mll tual Barber S h op be nut to win Saturday with the Tl'{:hmen just as determined to re.\t h""l f tt"me Coach J•"m Geddes • 6th Floor State M.u..l B•llcllq mu,t have ~h·en each player 3 ..hot A,pollll..-u 11 DWI~ peat Amherst's performance, so all llf adrenalin '*<:J I•<;e with the onenindications point lO a very holly I' S40 MAlN ST. T~l. ~1911 in!( of the third quarter the Engi· rontcsted game.
. I
I .
, .
Gr·otul(l and Aerial Offe nsive tynaied by Fun1ble , lnte r·ct. .ption llr 8()0 l'IHI.IIOWER
f'umhlt'8 and pa1111 intercc(llionl! IIJielled clefeut for Worcf'eter Tc""h u11 they lo8t 27- L4 to Wet!lcyan a t Andru8 Fi.-lcl, !\fiddle town, Conn. Coa<·h Pritehard '8 offen !M', tin'tl hy conlllanl play, C'ould no t proclru•c the' s park nt'(•ded to 8f•nd them UJI the fa eld. 1'et'h'll de· lnyNi tra p pla y with J o hn l\1a lloy oncJ Geor gt• Ahdow running croi<i!c.>d u11 We.-leyan. hut tbe barcl ch argintr and Kharp ta.-kllng roup l.-.cl "ith e~l ipth'ry li nger ei.l t> nclll, made- Tom Mahar'!! (l&fl8l ng indTt><• lh't~. Wc81t>yun hn11 procluc-etl 1" 0 grt'al runner 8 in J ohn Fart'llt' nncl Joe Moll. "hile Tech guint'd only 63 yarclt1 hy ground. Aguin. Te-cb's outetumlinK on clcfen ll(' was J ohn G regor y. Dick Oazint'l pl uyt>cl u g ood gtame a t offen sive e nd, " 'hlle co-cap tain Dun' Holnw& pla~tucd tht• We,icyan Backfield throughout the ~ttDlt'.
llloom put the opening kickoff on
almost intercepted one. On
Lht• I 0 \\here it was run back to the nr:o:t plny Bol> Fish intercepted tt the 20 by Dave Nixon. Two plays puss as George Strom hit the pns$er. latl.'r uh'rt Dav,• Ilolmcs flou nced on 1\hclow ran lhe clelnyed trnp 17 a fumult• by J(ll,' ~loll . j1lhn 1\l:tlloy yards to the \\'ec;lryan 26. Uolnws nud GltttrRc Abdow urouJ,tht the ball caught a pa~s ami drove In the eight to the IS. There Tom Mahar threw 11 here· he was hit hnrll and fumbled, tu lit'rh Petci"Son Cor the touchdown. Sundcrson rernvtring. The half endTom ()'('()nnur t:onvcrt<.'<l nnd Tech ed 20· 7. l(lil 7-0. Wrsleyun tonk the kickoff nncl The following kickoff was taken could not gain yardage. :\ qukk
kick pul the bnll on Tech's 49. Un·ni,•r hit tucltl1· for 14 yards nnrt u f1rs l down. l\lalloy went for four , nnd ,\l>dow for four more and then t•htht. The hall rested c1n the Wcslt•ynn 22. t\ siOJII>etl line l.mck anti three incompleLed passes, one n button ho1.1k t1 roppetl hy l1ol nws and llnother went through Bazinet's nrms in the end zcme. Wesleyan bnl'ks struirmed and snnkrd for two ftrst downs. Uakcr wns hit hard lly the ct·ntcr of Tech's line and f~tml.li£o(l , Frilt. teroverin~ un the Wesleyan 43. ~1ahnr immcclintcly threw n palls. llut.inet gathl'rcd it in on the 20, l"l11dcd would-he tncklers, nnd ran c•wr fur the ~corr. O'Connor·~ extra point was ~oo<l nnd Tech was .sllll in 'l'h1• lhlrd play artrr the kickoff the ball gumr trailing now 20· 14. ~aw Ouvc Nixon lntcrtcpt in!( u Wesleyan took Fritz's kitkofT on ~hthnr pass intenck<d for Peterson the IS and mn il, !Jack to the 2S. und nmninR it 2S yurd~ to the Tech Gregory broke through 10 nllb joe 2.1. Thrrc runninA plny!l put the Moil for a timely loss. Eggers then rl~~kin un thl' 6, wht:rt• Juhn F:trest• nunlNI to his 46, where Earl Dloom, ca~ght a Brigham Jlll.'i..t; deflected by surrounded by Wesleyan linemen, Ukk lluyiP of Tech. IJ. 7. made a fair catch. After no success An interc<·111ion by 1\ rnie EgJ(ers un the Rround, Mahor Lhrcw a pallS uf a ()<IS!I hurrirclly thrown by to Onzinet for 11 14 yard gain lo the Mahar, l'ushecl constantly, gave Wcs- 39. Nixon tippe(l the pass into Bat's ll:ynn the hnll. 1\ hrllllnnt ~idelinc arm!!. A line buck did nol s ucceed run by Farc<~C set up tht S<ore. joe in producing a flr'lt down, inches ) lnll HlrriNI the mail nrnund right eparn tiog the ball an<! I he line t•ntl fur the tally. 20· 7. marker. 1\ Pill'S to B~L7.1net (lnd a. run by J enkins of Weslcynn cau~hl a pass Malloy pu!!hcd Tech lnlo Wesleynn to hring lhe hall to mid-fteld , hut a territory. Thrrr th<" attack was holdinA penally forcrcl them hack !<lnpprcl. From hi ~ 20 l•nrl.'c;e booiNI only to hnvc Brigham throw a pnss n. qu1ck kick in nttempt 10 stall orr uvt•r llloom's hr:ul complete to linch· 'I'Nh, IJick Sandc·rsnn inl erceptccl man. Earl mndc up fo r this milllakc uuotlwr Mahar pass, tmly to hav(• nn thr next play by intercepting a IJa,•t• llnlmrs intercvpt n \Ve•leynn pn~<~ as the quarter enricd. Mahar flil'"· Mahar "atr'' thr ball wh('n the wa." hit tryinj( to 1>a.ss and fumbled , line llidn 'f block. Abdow gained the 1\}.)(luw of T ech falling on the )(IO'!C Jo...t yntclage by a fake pass by hall. Mike Shel>ek, who later rP· Mahar ttnd cleltlyc•tl buck 1lan<loff. injurel'l his knee, spiraling a punt to r\ had pitch-out forced Tech to punt. lht• 50, but it hopped backwartls, 1\ p:t'\., to end Bob Lavin put We~ Techmcn allowing it to roll ag::tinst lcynn past midfielrl. Brigham passed thl·tn. Brigham threw to Lavin for to Ft~rt''-e, Henry Norwirk making a the las t score. Henry Norwick !!lipl>e<:l great lry to deOect the perfect ra<~s, trying to bat the ball down. Score: for Hn apparent score, hut a man-in· 27· 14, Tech tried to pass to keep in the molion penalty nullified the score. \\'~leynn tried to score as lime wa~ ~e but was unsuccessful aod running oul in the first half. Dave shortly after the fmal whistle ended Jenkins dropped a pass and John the 11trugglc.
hy \\',•:-lt•ynn on the l\\l'nty :md Ml· vtlncNI live yard<~. Aftc-r two ftr~1 down ~ hroul(hl the bnll to the T rd1 47, hrilliant line play by Trd Fritz, Stan 'levrnger, and Ed n ouvit•r forn'tl \\ r~lryan to punt . Tech wrnl nowhcrr nncl Don Orrnier JHIIItCd 45 yards out nf trouhlc. Arter Wcslcyon a~otain punted, and Gcor!!c Alldow rnn it b:Lck t11 the 20, the lirst In a series of bncl brctaks for Tech cwnl'. Alldow f urn bled with j oe Ah·ssi re~:overiug on the Tech 18. A quick pass tu lloh Unel1mun urUUj.!hl the ball to tlw 4 . 'fhc Tech line· hrhl defiantly hut tm (uurth do\\ n john 1'\lxon just curried the bnll over. Conversion hy John ll inswnngcr tied the score 7-7.
r ... ,..., EXCELLENCE PRlZf:-From
age and the point average for activi· lies are added for each fraternity , the totals reprc<;r.nting the point scores for the Gl'neral Excellency Award. The scholarship averages for the four top houses scholasticaily were: 75.61% for S.A.E., 7S.S6% for A.T.O., 13.907c for S.l,.E., and 73.85% for Theta Chi. On the basis of outside activities, T .K.P. ranked first v>'ilh 75.61 points, S.P.E. second with 73.09 points, P .G.D . Lhird with 73.08 points, and A.T.O. fourth wilh 73.03 points. The General E xcellency Prize is certainly well-named, and l he AT 0 , l 0 be onAralulated for ~-I · good.s are . lhe 195 1• t• ~ r work deunng 1952 school year. But they must 't'o Iook to th elr Iaure Is , ror compet1 1 n .IS under way aga1n, an d a11 th e other fraternities are w~rking hard for wha t th at award means. UOMECOMI NC--From Pa«e 1
vited, nea urged, to attend. At this point, the best part of Homecoming will begin, for each fra· ternlty, gaily and originally deco· rated, will hold buffet suppers for alumni and friends. Many an old tale will be re-told , old songs re-suog, and jangled nerves relaxed, as the fraternal bowl spills over its heart warming nectar of brotherhood. Tn the evening Alden Memorial will be the setting for a perennial favorite, the Homecoming Dance, where the house with the best all-round display will be awarded t.he Homecoming T rophy. Another special treat is in store for alumni in that plans are underway to hold the rope pull some time during the weekend. I nstitute Pond's muddy waters will bring icy chills to many a spint', cause many a grin to
Tech Pharmacy 8. HO ROWITZ.
Phor• .. WPI ' JJ
A Tedt Slo re For Tec:ls Men CANDY • SODAS • DRUGS
Carnegie at Tech; How to Get Marks And lnHuen ce Profs . . In keefJ1_ng wrth the ~t:nd now so preva~nt 1~ our cducal~onal syste~, th~ T£C~ Nf.WS would. l•ke. 10 submit
tin~ art•~c for cotUideratum of all, Th•,s artrde ~as written ,by D. Ger· aldmc Guertm, rlass of 48 at Wor~ester State T~achers' CoUege, w_Jro 11 now teaclrm~ at Sutton H_•glt School. The artiCle has been edrted for tcrlrnical rolleges. To all tJJose rellow·sludents who have not yet reached the top in the academic world, we submit for ap· proval the following proposals concerning college educalion. However impractical they may see~ at first glance, we are sure that w1th further study you will be convinced by the cogency of the argument, and s~b· scqueotly, be won over to our pomt . of VIew. In the first place, all studying for knowledge. must be done away with, and studying for a MARK be sub· slituted in its stead. The acquisit ion of true knowledg~ .mu~t be always secondary to acqumng a m~rk. • There are many ways or msurmg your obtaining a "good" mark, but perhaps the best is to be sure that you learn onJy those things that the idiosyncracies of the instructor de· rnand that you know. All else is extraneous material. H the pro£ tells you to forget everything you ever · · ·11 d learned 1 forget lt- ll WI O yOU no h · h good. If t.he teacher emp aslzes l e spread over otherwise impassivr faces, and swell mttny a heart in remembrance of times thal used to be. To borrow an old axiom, may we remind you thnt old grads never fade away ; they'll be around on Homecoming Dn.y l RELIABLE PRESCRIPTIONS
HIGHLAND 1J PHARMACY 107 B lahla nd St., Worceater, Ma... Plsone: fHJ594
SHEAFFER WATERMAN'S INK OR B-41.1.. POINT STYLB S uprft'hrom r Ink Dell Point R••6U.
RAPHAEL'S I'oear fl/elaltborly 1-
For Tlaat NEW LOOK on 1ick 1l10t>1 lturry to
U11der M a,agtlffut
Good Food
Worcest er Teleg ram
• • •
October 21, 19SJ
racl that "you cannot live without a cosine'', remember that you might get it on a test. If the more essential points conc~ning ~e~..,ton's laws seem to be d!Sfegarded In yo11r class discu~ion, don't let that worry you. Obviously, since they are being left out, they are not important. Only those capable of expert memorization can hope to be scbolastically successful. Memori1.ation is tltc thing. Memorize onJy those £acts shown to be important by their inelusion In classroom discussion The parrot-like habit of spouting the in· structors' ideas verbatim is highly commendable and should be em' p1oyed w 11eoever poss ibl e. Ad equa le memorization is essential to your o•·tt'mg the muc h· so ug ht·h.1gb mark , ,.,.: which will assure you or future suc· .. _ on1y lhe cess 1n l'f 1 e. R emem.Kr, ,, 1>r..,. 1ns , w1.11 ma ke a mar k on lh e pages of time. After all, why should " lt d • y..u c1u er up your m1n 1earmng useful facts when memorizing the ins tructors' witticisms wiU achieve the desired effect- a wade on a piece of white paper- with much Jess effort. You must never submit an idea of your own to an instructor. It migbt prove nnt.1gonistic to !tis ideas, and thus have a detrimental effect on your mark. Never usc your mind. Do not make the fatal mistake of thinking, for this will interfere wilh intelligent memoriztttion, thus jeopnrclizing your chances of admittance tlte honor society. 1,. v · Finally, n"ver "nJ'oy your studies. ' ' Qf COllr~n, you nlUSl fn1'gn 1'nteresl 1'11 '""' ... the JJre enre of the instructor in or· der to prejudice him in your favor. Uut such interest must be only pretencr:. Otherwise, you will ftnd yourself acquiring an education. You will find yourself no longrr analyzing the prof's pet likes and dislikes. You will no longer record slcno~rnphicnlly t'\lt'ry detail of dnss discussion. You will no longer have the time to mem· llrize these thinj~s. ln short, you will foil miserably in the pursuit of the prinw objccti\re, the l\11\R K. .\ s you I(O t.hr<)UJ~h college life,
Early on the mom of )lay 31 , 1929, Mrs. Richardson, Sr., was rushed to the hospital. tittle did she realize that out of this was to come little A.K. Yes, r was born in Pittsburgh in a hospital. The only reason that r was born in the hospital was that I wanted to be near my mother.
The Tech student physicists' group held its first meeting of the year on Friday afternoon, October 17th. The group decided to remain on a local status for the time being, but hopes to become eventually a.n undergraduate chapter of the American Institute of Physicists. Charles Dechand gave an excel· lent talk about his work nl Brookhaven National Laboratories this past summer. He bad a very interesting job working in lhe acceleration department repairing the giant cosmotron which was recently writ· ten-up in life Magazine. Occhnnd related bow Brookhaven was stnrted a few years ago as a co()pcrative research center. fn recent years the 275 scientists working there hnve been mostly concerned with problems of atomic energy, and Brookhuven has an atomic pile. The next m~ting of ttre group will be held on November 14th, when K eu Heuley will be the speaker.
My birlh was nationally publicized, and even Mr. Barnum called to con· graLulate my father. and offer me a contract. True, havmg two heads was a bit odd, but after all, I had the same number . of eyes as normal people. Immediately after the blessed event, the doctor toward. my . came " father . and S<ud, Con~ratulatl~ns, Mr. Rtchnrdson, what do you thmk r ?" M f h r d 0 your son Y al er rep 1e ' '' Do we have to bring that up?" \\'hen I was five years old, we were living in Noblesse Oblige, Illinois. My father flashed his B.S. degree and got a job as shoveller. Time marched on, and after live years in the first grade, I gave up school work to begin my education. The stories TEKQUlPS I heard about :-.:ew Yurk tilled my King Arthur : I lwnr you' re boybh heart, and afl!:r due consideration I packed my toothbrush and m if4 hch u,·inl(. Kni~hl : In wha t manor, elr? headed ftJr the bi~ city. While roaming around the city, I met my first ~irl. There !'he wassillin)( on the Brooklyn Brid~e-wit h her feet in the Hudson River. Ob, but she was a beauty! j ane Russell. Detty Grable, and Veronica Lake all rollccl into one-nil 400 pounds of her. She had everythin(( a man could want- beard, muscles, mustachebut alas, our romance was shortJived. She bt-came frustrated, not knowing which head to ki~s. and clied of a l(Uil that went off. Weeks Iuter I was walking the However, by this limr 1 hnd
st ret·t~.
•'Wh nt kind of a clre811 did 11be ~(·ttr to the fJllrt y lru~ t ni~ht ?" " I cun't r memher. I thin k it Willi checked ." "Wow I T h at mu8t bove been some 1u1r1y !"
" l 'm lo~ing my punch," said the lady as she hastily left the cocktail party.
.. • •
Boy: Sli••k aro und uml we'll l'l ny u little Pony ExprC88. Girl : l'on y Exprt'lll!? Wh at's I h ot ? Boy : T h ut's Post Office with a little m ore h or sing around.
ru:quill'<l a close circle u( friends. \\'e used to dine together at the famous follow fnjthruUy the tcneL~ lhat we rcstaurrrnts. When the meal was over, have uutlined, and you will succeed. WI! would all reach fur the cht>ck. Rl•memller this byword . whirh is ap1 was 110 dwck dod~er. r just had '' I lid you have n good time witb prupriate to your pusillon in lire, and rt sli~thl lmprdiment in my reach. the Siamese Twins?'' mlHhl wl.'ll bt• your gnicling stnr : \\'dl , yc<~ and no." " Rcalitin~ that I was gcllin~ on in " now llown ye loyal suhji'Cts . 10 lifl• and that my br:~in wa.s ~lill as Kin!( ~JarkinA System." t:il\ld a~ new, I dt'Citlcd lu gu to n 1909 1\•t•h Clwc r plat r of hiJthcr lcarnin~.t Bvynttm f.OYETI' E'S ES 0 T AT ION What did we do? H ill. ( entered \\'.P.I. (\\'•lr!'L Place I 02 ll i.h lnud . 1.. al Ooynl on 1. Whrtl did we fin? IrnnKiunbll•) in I03t' n:< a Frl'shrnnn. Trl. ;\.9579 Wt- bcnl 1he A~.t~irs 'iC'xl yrnr I may he rt Sophomore. Nothin~ tu twn.
\\'l)bulc ~obbll'. rnnlr dnnlc, \\'e heal the .\ gl:(ie, w n fra.t.zlc Loop thr luop. \\'h•mp th~<• whuon. \\'c put the A~ies Into the ~oupl
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11. F. LUNDQUI T T he Heffernnu Press
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