NOTICE Petitions for President or Secretary of Student Government, and Social Chairman-Co-chairmen must be submitted to Oen1se Gorski, Riley 214 by 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 7, 1975. Campus Hearing ~rd petitions must be submitted to Norton Bonaparte, Riley 109 by 4:00 p.m., Friday, MArch 7, 1975.
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e student newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute esday, February 25, 1975
Volume 3, Number 4
tudent Government elections hursday, March 13, 1975
The student body shall elect three students to the Campus Hearing Board. Any
3. The Social Chtltrmsn-Co-chairmen.
Freshmen, Sophomore, or Junior interested 1n becoming a candidate shall submit a pet1tion signed by at least 50 full time WPI undergraduate students to Norton Bonaparte, Riley 109 by 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 7, 1976.
This year Student Government Elections be held on Thursday, March 13, 1975. offices for which candidates will be according to the WPI Student Body tion are as follows: The Office of President. The President shall have the official duties ceremony associated with the office of of the student body and serve as n of the Executive Council. The -...o~rl~•nt shall serve for one year from hislime of election to the time of election of new President and shall assume office iately upon election. The President shall be a full time Junior at time of his- her election and in academic ce at least three out of four terms of her term of office (excluding term E).
The Social Chairman-Co-chairmen along with the Fine Arts Committee shall supervise all campus wide social and cultural functions. The Chairman- Co· chairmen shall be a full time Junior at the time of his- her election and in academic residence three out of four terms of his- her term of office (excluding term E). Any qualified student who wishes to be considered as a candidate for any of the above offices must submit a petition signed by at least 50 full time WPI undergraduate students to the Student Government President, Denise Gorski, Riley 214, by 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 7, 1975. 4. 3 Students for Campus Hearing Bosrd. The Campus Hearing Board shall have >jurisdiction over all cases involving student co The Office of Secretary. violation of campus regulations of social and ::l The Secretary shall keep records and academic behavior or involving trans..0 CD all correspondence. The Secretary's gressions against the WPI community - its LL of office will coincide with that of the members, property, and rights. It shall also ent. The Secretary must be a full time serve to hear grievances brought by ••~~~nt,nrnn•·A or Junior at the time of his-her students, both undergraduate and graduate, • 111et:1on and tn academic residence at least against students, faculty, or administrators out of four terms of his- her term of on grounds of infringement of Individual (excluding term E). rights or personal damages sustained~
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visit with President Hazzard by Pete Mulvihill last week, in an interview with Or. President of WPI, several relevant of concern to the WPI coromunity raised. first to be taken up was West Street. llllllll'fA•nt Hauard said that the lincoln reconstruction and the magnitude of congestion and the detours near WPI totally unexpected. The large amount ~.nrnniAin·t" and anger generated In the WPI because of these detours an objective decision-making for the City Council and it was felt to better if WPI withdrew its petition before City Council voted. It is totally unknown WPI will reflle its petition to close West because it is unknown when the Square reconstruction will be . The city's Indecision about ina one-way plan for Highland Street Institute Road is also a factor, as this change things considerably. for the Greening of the Campus m, no major work will begin right now funding is not available at this time. east campus will remain closed to public
' travel regardless of the opening of West Street. President Ha.zz.ard said that he would like to see less blacktop in the area east of West Street. In another area, President Hazzard said he • would accept Mass PIRG's petition if over 50 per cent of the students signed the petition, but that he would establish a review every one or two years of Mass PIRG's participation at WPI to protect the school and its students. President Hazzard does not anticipate any problems if PIRG was established, but feels that there should be some measul'f! of review.
ducation vs. accrediting Dunng recent debate on how to quantify expressions of grades, the very "quality points" is a contradiction in Evaluation of students generalizes t individual students, but these whether verbal ("acceptable", l •lt•MII"ti;l'\n'''l or numerical leg., 2.75), are abstract evaluations. Statistical ab•~~~;uorls and abstract nouns and adjectives both abstractions, neither form superior the other, each only a matter of con· - that is, notational conventions pass as academic currency in our im· world. educational Idealism can change the of a world that worships these con· (exactly like money), and the l motivational conflict between ting and accredlt1ng cannot be in any way at all by tampering with a system. We have just begun to leam fact that a grading scale is a scale whether it ranges along two many points. It makes absolutely no ..,..,..,"'nat difference - we should not try fool ourselves on this - whether the WIINta~uve
grading scale of acceptable work nas two or more points, or whether this Is expressed verbally or numerically. It makes no educational difference to the real philosophy of the WPI Plan either, but it does make an accreditation difference to our students and to the college's reputation since we must all live in a real world still foolish enough to insist that publi& service institutions certify invidious distinctions among their graduates. But to debate educational or motivational differences in terms of numbers of wotda or numbers of points on a scale will remind all of us about the futility of the egg-opening debate between ttie Big Enders and the Little Enders in Gulltver's Trsvttls. I think our debate now has the wrong focus. As far as accreditation goes, if our foolish world wants an ample scale with numbers or letters on It, so be it, let the world have it. The Plan could fail1n Its educational Intent with any k1nd of grading scheme; it can also succeed with any kind of grading scheme. The point is that all grading GRADES Con'c. on page 2
On Thursday, February 27, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. 1n the Pub there will be an opportunity for any students interested in the Student Government offices of President, Secretary, Social Chairman- Co-chairmen, and Campus Hearing Board to medt with the present officers and students involved to ask questions about the duties and respon· sibilities of each office.
Civil Engineering program orientation By Neal Wright With program planning upon us again, most students find themselves groping through the enormous and proliferating quantities of pre-registration forms, in· formation packets, catalogs, the catalog addendum and further revision forms, in an attempt to plan some reasonably orderly program for their S1udies over the next year. As a further complication, several departments have made or are proposing major changes in their available courses and for· mating. As a member of the Curriculum Com· mittee, this writer has reviewed a variety of
Contraception program By Ellen King and l.auftl Mattick One thing which is sorely needed on campus.~ a source of infortnation on subjects dealing with our everyday lives. A great beginningoccurredlast Tuesday night, when what started as e project questionnaire materialized into an informative discussion on contraception. Nearly one hundred people sat in the library seminar room as Dean Briggs from The Family Planning Agency spoke on the many methods of contraception. Dealing with the pros and cons of all of the com· monly practiced methods available today, both temporary and permanent birth control methods were discussed in detail. The seminar began with analysis of the human reproductive system of both the male and female. The theory behind birth control is that if any link in the chain to conception Is broken, pregnancy will not occur. This required looking at birth control for both men and women since both are Involved In conception.. Displayed were the various contraceptive devices. The use and effectiveness of each method was then examined. While some methods of birth control were recommended over others, the emphasis was placed on individual con· sideration of the frequency of intercourse and the consequences of en unwanted pregnancy. The matter was treated in a straight· forward and informative way. Hopefully more seminars and programs dealing with the needs of the students will be coming In the future.
AD All WPI stude nts and faculty are Invited to attend the Committee on Academic Polley open meeting on the WP I Grading System on 25 February 1975 (Tuesday, Planning Day), at 4:00 p.m. in the Gordon Library Seminar Room. Und er consideration Is whether the present system CNR, AC, AD) should be replaced by a l·level pass system (E.G., NR, C, 8 , A). YOUR OPINIONS ON T HI S CHANGE ARE NT Y N E
proposed course changes, the most recent examples being the approved revisions of programs in the Humanities, and in the newly created Social Science and Policy Studies department. Program changes are also currently under consideration for Electrical Engrneering in the electronics area. However, other departments appear to have retained essentially the same curriculum format for next year. The Civil Engineering Department Is characteristic of this consistency. The last major revamping of the Civil Engineering course offerings came with the advent of the Plan, approximately four years ago. At that time, the Ctvil Engineering facult) completely reworl$ed the curriculum, producing an all new form which we are currently familiar w1th. Some courses in this format ere only bemg offered for the first time in 1975-76 (i.e. CE 4076) with others, such as Category II, being seen for only their second-er third time in five years. Thus, the emphasis in Civil Engineering appears to be one of fully im· pllmenting the curriculum, while making only relatively minor changes in courae content where appropriate, rather than any whole seal overhaul. No major curriculum changes are currently envisioned by department head Armond Silva. An example of this approach is the CE 2000-CE2003 course sequence. Modifications and refinements have been made, primarily in the Analysis and Design courses folliwng a review of each offering. An additional change was the renumbering Analyttcal Mechanics, I from ES2101 to CE2000 to better 're'ftect Its emphasis. However, the overall approach to structural analysis as reflected in this sequence remains essentially unchanged and still unique among engineering schools. The only other visible changes in course offerings have been the. dropping of CE4056 • as a separate offering, and the renumbering of Traffic Engineering from CE3052 to CE4057. The latter change serves to better indicate the advanced level of preparation and work exo<K:ted in the course. while CE4055 Urban Traansportation Systems Analys1s has absorbed the material from CE4056. The Academic Program Committee of the CE department continues investigating a variety of Ideas for effectively strengthening the program. Civil Engineering at WPI is composed of six divisions, each sufficienfin depth to allow a specialization in that area. Consideration is currently being given to offering a course in Soil Dynamics for seismic analysis purposes, in order to keep the Geotechnic area abreast of current trends. The addition on professors 0" Andrea and Rossman to the CE faculty has served to deepen faculty expertise and should help to facilitate full 1mplimentatlon of the curriculum. As may be seen from this discussion, the Civil Engineering department wlll retain essentially the same onentation for the next two years. Concern of the CE faculty over the comptency has lead to an integrated approach, which will be explored in depth in 11 l'lter article In this series.