nt newspaper of v.Jorcester Polytechnic Institute
5, Number 270
Spree Day
ce sensors installed by Tom Daniels unidentified flying object that was appast two months, this reporter proaching the earth at a high rate of speed. Investigating reports of strange This researcher evidently d'-covered that bearing the wor~. " SPACE the UFO was headed straight for WPI, and that have been popping up was involved In a project to establish a campus. Originally, It was system of magnetic field monitors that these stlckera marked the throughout the campus. He said that any fOf future temperature regula1lng sharp rise in magnet activity would be a that would be controlled through a sure sign that the UFO was about to land." Honny.vell computer. Recent InUpon learning of Cooke's dlecovery, this however. has revealed tNt this reporter talked with WPI President George cover story releeled by the Hazzard. The President aaid that the cover ~n~... Office. story had been used to give reaearcher8 Cooke, ace Newi{HHik cm>time to lay the basic groundwortt fOf the and typist, related the grizzly detection system. "Now that the truth is en enthralled audience of Sci-A known, we'll open it up to the entire WPI were assembled at IUt night's community," said Hazzard. " This is a movie, " Doc Hazzard." Cooke wonderful opportunity for project-related he had been typing late one work, especially In EE and ME. Of cour~e, the Nfi'W!Jpeak office, when he once the aliens have landed, we can look a conversation between two forward to a aeries of dlacualons, spon· assistants, who were In the sored by the Life Science Oepwtment and next to the Pub. "One of them the Humanltiea Department, that would the 'new seneo,..'," he said. focus on lnter-relatlonahlpl between our seemed quite upMt, and told two planets. Hopefuly, we will be getting a they shouldn't be talking about NSF g,..nt to defray eome of the cost of the lnfonnation. The flr8t guy must program. Other fundi will hew to come 11M, though, becauee he aurted from Mlflng tickets to curioeity ......_" the whole . - up to eome kkl Wlllhing his handL He Slid that President Hazzard uld that any students ant«~na hed been screwed up by , withlng to conduct allen-related products lnOW storm at the end of B term, ahoukl contact Prof. Oemetrv In the the next night, they began picking Projecta Center. He Mid that Student kind of strange tignall that were Government and the Social Commltt• wtll tram eomewhere In outer epace. be hOking a joint meeting ln the neer future vrt next rnomlng, NASA hed 1 to dllcu• a poaibll "UFO Weekend." technicians monitoring the redlo Those Interested In aervtng~on the Space They pinpointed the trans.Shot Committ• should send a note with and alerted the Strategic Air your box number to Tom Penet<. c-o this to be on the lookout for an paper.
Trssh in the wedge
Archibald Cox hired and
nstors, Inc. Note: uf
Th/8 ~~
tM fifth in-
a four p.n Mlrlu covwing DNA, IJlM& to tM v.y "-rt more/lty quat/on: Should tfHI wvcrure of tM E.
U..t th/8 ~ h .. fulfillfKJ ;,~ ., U..t It ha con816ttMtly taJcMr up NEWSPEAK for ffw COnMICutive we couldn't care ,.,. wh•t of it. If you didn't Hk• It, too this i1 the only ntiW$/)(IpM on AI letters lhould /HI ~ent to Box limply dropp#HJ into the fHMINf •. DTS. by
Tom D•nlel•
past month, we've been pro and con arguments ae to fiCOmbient DNA axperfmenta carried out here at WPI. In doing with all parties which haw an this vital luue: citizens, lab technicians, theologlsta, reactionaries, Daniel the lnd even the gentleman who wtll lliWiep the floor in the P3 facility. POSSible viewpoint hiS been that ia, for the opinions of Group which will be mc.t affected llq)erirnenta: the E. coli bacteria. let ua review what we have
'-t thing we Investigated when we that WPI was conllderfng DNA experiments was the ..fe containment fac:llltlet. Or. F. Oanlalli, Head of the Ufa Science
department, w-. uMV811ebte for comment, eince he waa attending a molecular biology conference on Mars. Another rMmber of the department. who asked not to be quoted, Mid, "You should be tddng to Buildings and Grounds about that. They're In charge of all the phytlical changes to be made In the I*." Gardner T. Pierce, Director of Phv*al Plant, was enthusiastic about the renovation. "At fim, we were going to put those fancy labs on the fourth floor of Salisbury," he said, "but that would twv. COlt too much. Beaklaa, thoee fellows from the National Institute of Health who were going to give us the money, wanted to tend all kinds of lnepectora crawling around up there." "That'• afl very well, llr, but where will we put the labs now?" I eaked. ''That's still up in the air. You .... ther8'a a little disagreement as to where they should be. Per10nally, I don't ... as to why we couldn't put the blasted thing In Aldan Hall. It seems to me tNt ell thoee fancy double-talk regulations· boll down to Ia having a good strong draft of air. Wrth our fan in Alden already, we could a&ap together a few walla, and have the place humming with the little buga within a week." The Colonel, It turned out, wasn't the only one with Ideas for a P3 location. John Brandon, Director of Adml11lon1, auggeeted the Student Affairs office in the lobby of Daniels Hall. "As I aee It, It'a an Ideal alte. We would have one of the most
(continued on psge 9)
byS. B. Fine The edmlniatretion hal recently hired • new offlcial to help cleen up the dirty linen In WPI'a ctc.t. Thla new adminlatrator Ia Archibald Cox. Prelident Hazzard, shocked by the dirty trlcka and nasty habits of WPI atudenta, has dearned it~ to clean the school. NtiWipHk was gr1nted an axclullve interview with Mr. Cox. N~: Mr. Cox, what makae you qualified for thla dHflcult job~ Cox: I heve hed eecperience In thla aort of thing In Washington D.C. lfM I can handle anything ttia atudenta can dish out. NrMPH~c: How do you Intend to handle the Wedge problem? Cox: I intend to handle the Wedge In much the same menner I handled the problema In Washington. I will subpoena all the tabl8l in the Wedge. If that doel not wortc, I will subpoena the deck.t of cards and if the Wedge Ia still not ciMi1ed out, I wiH jail all the bridge ~ for contempt of edmlniatration. That I am aure will aofve the problem. N.w~PHk: What other parts of the campua are under your jurladictlon7 Cox: My ~ion has no llmlta. I am authorized to clean up any other dirty areae on campus. Nt1W$1)1Mk: What aree Will you emphasize after the Wedge? Cox: I intend to go through the different departmenu one by one. I wlllatart with
Goddard HaM the chemiltly and chamklel engineering clepartrnenta. Some of thole tat. ara fltthy. The worst of them IIIIa Goddlfd 213. It even hae a nickname, the dirt lab. N~k: How will you ct.l up theee labs. Many of th.n h.ve indapandent aourcee of money end m1ny of tha prote.oc's In charge of ttl.- 1D have tenure. Cox: I have hired • apecl8l aaliltant, E. Howerd Hunt, to lmptement Opemton Goddard 213. He haa not Informed of his specific plena but the general strategy is to ~ure the atudentl. tt Ia alreldy worttlng. The students are finding tt much harder to finish their projecta. Small thlnge are going wrong, such 11 lnatrumenta breaking down. NewspHk: Ia It working? Cox: Not yet, but I expect aubetentlal reeulta In 1 few weeb.
NIIWI/)fle}c: Have you bean informed about Spree Dey? Cox: Spree Oay7 NewsptMk: Y•, I have aoma plcturee from last yea(' Spree Day. Cox: They went me to clean that up7 Are they crazy? I'm not going to do that. They can take their stuPid job. I'll take Governor Oukakla'a job offer lnataed. Ewn a pro like me can't clean up after Spree Deyl
Frost interview
Nyquist tells all by Roar J. Conman Former WPI atudent body Preeident John Nyquist haa agreed to be Interviewed by televlaion David Frost It ia reported by UPI. An undiacloeed fee Ia to be paid Nyquist, rumored to be about $3.76. Public interest In the talecaata Ia expected to be high, since it Ia believed that Nyquist will reveal for the flr8t time where Student Government meetinga were actually held during the fiery tenure of hie administration. It Ia also expected that he will reveal where he could have been found during hil one year "hiding out" period. According to Daniel T. Spaniel, personal secretary to Nyquiet, agreement wu
reached lilt week with Frost as to the taping of the show.. They are to be filmed In Florida by the Infamous Ctlf'I'IPUS VTN, the same firm reepontlble tor the video tapas screened at odd times by the WPI Social Committee. Nyquist wiU arrive by SAB vehicle next Thur.cily and remain for the flv•day filming et the Miami Project Center. t ne telecaata .,.. expected to draw audiencaeln tena nttlonwide, and 11 minute of advertising Ia baing aold for an unbelievable •1 .00. They will ba broadcast over WPICTV, Worcaater on June 4, 1977.