Review Eggs Any Way You Like 'Em by Sco/1 Bury N~wsp~altStoff
One of the great r~atur~!t of live theater that it doe:.n't ~aturate ,·our bram \\ilh lugh·tcch at the: expense of y~ur imn Illation. Consequent I), a good play will null you in· w it and make you part of it. Watchiup the Ma5quc Winter Festival's productaons of "\\hen I \\ m Your Age" b> Susan Vick and "PVl. \\ ars" by James Mel ure I felt invol· '~ "'uh the Mones and the characters. Although both plays had line perfor· mances by the re,pective actresses/actors, "\\hen I \\a~ Your Age" was the j~wel of the mght. Perhaps a bit confusing in th~ begmning, the \tOry quickly moved into a chronological serie~ of flashback\ or Charloue\ life. Thill Ytas aided by the crisp lme delivery and smooth scene transitions. Jennifer Knud~en gave an inspin..'d perfor mance as Charlotte. Even though I c:tnnot direct!~ relate to the situations experienced by Ch rlotte. I did understand the emotions. B) the end of the pia\ I was rooting for Charlotte to ''hold'em in the row." That last bit of ad~ice gi\en to her by I illy, Nancy l c:asdale, w11s representative of the undeNanding and closeness between grand· mother and granddaughter. But \\hat i' lite without conflict. This wns provided b~ Pearl who was played by Katrina Kleber. fhe tcnl>ion between mother and ~~
Katrina Kleber as Pearl, feeds Charlotte (Jennifer Knudsen) some Gerber pears in a scene from "When I Was Your Age."
daughter was great. The constant comparisons to the older ~bter and unrealistic ex· pectations concerning physical appearance were brought together nicely in the prom scene. It became quite apparent that Pearl didn't really know Charloue. Director Tony Mastromatteo did a fine job in bnngmg out the talents of his players. As noted earher, the pla)' was fao.t and very crisp. Thi~ served to enhance the story by symbolizing the urgency with which all children want to grow up. lt would be nice to say that ''PVT. Wars" captured my imagination also, but in reality it left me somewhere between here and there. The point about fightintl our own private wars was noted and mental pat iems do make for a convenient dramatic veh1cle. But overall the Mory was predictable and not very interesting. My indifference toward'> the play is surpri ing in light of the three characters, Sihto, Gately and Natwick. The cast members brought them to life. Paul Coryea was en· thusiastic as the fa~t ·talki ng and FLASHy ltahan y,hose ~econd favorite pamime was haras)ing Dave haioli who played the ju~t slightly neurotic Natwick. Central to the story was Gately, the frustrated radio repair(contlnued on page 7)
The atudent newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic ~ nstitute Volume 15, Number 7 Tuesday, March 3, 1987
1987-88 Tuition Jumps to $10,800 by Jim Webb Editor m Chief Tu1tion and fees at WPl for the '87-'88 academic year will be $10,800. The trustees approved the increase during their spring meeting on February 20. This is a lO'lo increase over this year's tuition and fees of 9,820 President Strauss sites faculty and staff compensation. and maintaining state of the art equapment. in a letter to parents,~ major reasons for the increase...About half of the proceeds of the tuition increa~e this year ..., ill be employed to amact and retain the best pos,ible faculty and support staff," states Straus~.
Room and board will increase, although not in the same magnitude a~ tuition. Housing charges will be increased an average of
7.Sf1/o partially in an effort to continue upgrading the quality of WPI's residence halls. DAKA will increase charges for board by an average of S'lo These new increase will put the estimated expenses for a WPI education over $15,000. Financial aid will receive an Increase in funds of6..S:The '86-'87 financial aid pool was $9.2 million. This will increase to $9.8 million for the '87-'88 academic year. The fmancial aid department. is now in the second year of a four year overhaul to meet the full financial need of students. This system which is less biased and more systematic than the one being phased out includes the classes of '90 and '91.
New Order Firemen Get New Lab by Mikt Wrobleski N~wstn~~k Stoff WPI's Fire Protection Engmeenng (FPE) engineering as management and architecture, all leading to a wide variet) of job:. Graduate Program is the fir\1 of its kind worldwide. fhank'i to Aetna, WPl now has A fire protection engineer has to deal with the physical aspect of fire, working on ito; lir\t laboratory U\ed for the sole purpose of rirc Protection Engineering studies everything from detector and sprinkler The "grand"• opening of the new systems to engineering explosion suppression laboratory took place on Tue~day of last systems that explode chemicals into JUSt week. In actuality it was a very informal beginning explosion~ 'iO that the fire is exceremony, la~ting only firteen minutes. The tinguished almost before it happens. The lab h11~ been in operation for ~orne weeks FPEngineer must also work with the human a\pect of fire, de!>igning exit routes to get now, and although not fully complet~.there people out safely. Most interesting, however, \\ere everal .. tudenrs ducking under the nbbou 10 be cut. in order to work in the lab. is the study of lire trom standpoint of the Hut just what exactly is fPE? lire itself. This work is done u~ing computerI he tacl 1s that FPE is not "exactly" based simulations. anythmg, u's a hodge-podge of various Fire protection engineering started ofli· cially at WP1 eight year~ ago m 1979. It dbciplincs combmcd m the form of the lire protection cngmeer. That new order fireman traces its WPI root& to Professor Fiugerald could have a badground in c1vil engmeerof the CE department who started students ing, mechanical eogineerin~. electrical (continued on oaR• 5)
Applications Rise 25 Percent by Thomas Tessier Newspeak Staff As the many students still tripled in tensive revision. Accordmg to Robert Voss, Morgan can attest, this year's freshman class Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, "In the past (until two years ago) (the book) of 716 students is the largest in WPI's was very philosophicaL .. lt wasn't aimed at history. This is due to a new strategy that benefits that may accrue [the new one emworked better than the admissions office had anticipated. This new strategy includes a phasizes) more what WPI is .•. We're going to tell people about the projects ... Students r~isigoed application and viewbook, a new flnancaal aid policy, and more agrtlisive love Lhe idea." The two towers concept was general recruitment. also a major theme, Voss continued, "'We For the second year in a row, applications tied it (the viewbook) in so much rhetoric are up (2S'le in 1987), and the admissions (that 1t was very hard to understand)." Other changes include improved photography, and staff is currently examining their criteria for a completely revised layout. acceptmg applications as to avoid an overThe application itself was also dramaticsized class of 1991. The campus viewbook, wh1ch contains an ally altered. Last year. an applicant had to applicanon for admission, ha$ undergone ex(conrinu~d on pagt S)
WPI's New Information Sciences Building To Be Called Fuller Laboratories
(WPI News Service)- Worcester Pol)'lechnic Institute's new information science~ building will bear the name Fuller Laboratorie~. hono\'ing the late Worcester industrialiM George F. Fuller. a WPl trustee for 29 year~ and lifelong supporter of the college. In making the announcement, WPI Pressdent Jon C. Strauss said. "11 wa, the y,;i~h of the Board of Trustees to identify the name of one of WPI's most generous families with this important new academic bUilding. A S2 million pledge from the George F. and Syb1l H. fuller Foundation ha' helped to in\urc that construction can begin as .o,oon as final plan~ are complete."
of the Fire Scienus
in Hig-
rm paxe SJ
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTION RESULTS STUDENT GOVERNMENT 01 t ICERS PreSident - Bill Ricco Vice Pre~ident · Scott Rictl Secretary - L..1sa Partridge
Plaque is presented during th~ gins 1 aboratories on Tuesday.
Fuller Laborawrlc,, which will OH~rlook Salisbury Strt.>et between the Gordon Library and Atwater Kent Laboratories, will house the department of computer science, academic and administrative computing up· port ser11kes, WPI's ln~trucuonal Med1a Center and a 400 ~cal auditonum for all campus u~e. lt will al~o ~erve as the hub of the campus computer network. The Phy,ical Fac!litit:s Committee of the WPJ Board ofl ru,tccs. chaired by Leonmd H. Wh1te, '41, pre~1dent and treao.urer of R H. White Construction Company of Auburn, wlccted the an:h1tectutal firm of
CLASS OH ICl~RS Class of '88 Pres1dent - Da\lid McKnaght Vacc Pre idcnt - Jean I aiosa Secretary - Diane Brissette Treasurer - Diane f)rer Class Representative · Scott ll1shop
Class of '89 President - Ke' 1n Doyle V1ce Pre~ident • 1\hson Gockm Secretary · Nuer-Afshan R{twoof Trea~ure1 • Magda Bonmn Cla~s Representative - Peter Mullen Cia's ot '90 President Tom Ed"ard~ \i 1ce Pr~tdent • Heather Jean Juhct Secretary • Lisn B:ttt1sta Treasurer Darllyn Reuter Class Representau~·e - Clauchne Gagon