1994 v22 i11

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WPI to show the Class of ’98 its “World of Opportunities” by Joseph L. Smith Assistant Director o f Admissions T hink back to your senior year in high school at this tim e...the snow has m elted, sum m er is around the com er, classes are w inding dow n, and y o u ’ve received your letters o f acceptance from colleges. But it’s not over yet you still have to decide w hich college you’ll choose to attend for the next four years. W as it an easy decision? M aybe W PI w as your first choice. O r did you put it o ff until the day before the M ay 1 deadline, w avering back and forth until the last m inute? It was exciting, but also confusing, and i t ’s


ju st w hat W P I’s future class o f 1998 is experiencing right now ! W P I’s A dm issions office has accepted near­ ly 2100 very qualified applicants. To help them m ake their college choice, we are hosting a day-long program , “W PI...A W orld o f O pportunities,” on W ednesday, April 13. O ver 700 people are expected to attend the program , so you will cer­ tainly notice a larger-than-usual crow d on cam pus. Y our cooperation and support in helping m ake th is a posi­ tive experience for these students and parents will be greatly appreciated. In fact, o v er 100 W PI students and staff have already volunteered to assist with

the program in various ways. President Jon Strauss will begin the day by w elcom ing the visitors, after w hich Dr. Jam es G roccia, D irec­ tor o f the C en ter for C irculation Inno­ vation and Educational D evelopm ent, will speak to them about the W PI student experience. T hroughout the rem ainder o f the m orning, the participants will m eet with faculty and current students as they attend presentations by the a c a ­ dem ic departm ents. The group w ill then be d iv id ed into two groups: one will be a Student Panel about student life and th e other g roup is a Parent Panel, com prised of parents o f current

WPI students, sharing their ex p eri­ ence on having a child/children at W PI. Lunch will feature entertain­ ment by W P I’s clubs and org aniza­ tions. A fter lunch, the participants have the option o f touring various labora­ tories o r attending panels about “ W hy C o m p an ies L ik e R ecru itin g from W PI”, C ooperative E ducation, C areer Planning and Placem ent, and W P I’s International Program s and Project C enters. T ours o f the residence halls will take place throughout the day — w e’ve prearranged the room s being show n, so you shouldn ’t be caught by

surprise! At the end o f the day, ev ery ­ o n e w ill have a chance to sam ple som e o f the exciting IQ P ’s and M Q P ’s being conducted by W PI students as they take part in a Projects Fair. By 3:45 p m everyone will pro b a­ bly be exhausted but - we hope enthusiastic about the variety o f o p ­ portunities available to them should they decide to attend W PI in the fall. D o n ’t be surprised if y o u ’re stopped by one o f our visitors on cam pus look­ ing for directions o r an insider’s view o f WPI. If they do, you can also feel th at you have contributed in shaping W P I’s class o f 1998!

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

s N e w spe a k Volume Twenty-two, Number Eleven

Tuesday , April 12, 1994

New Voices 12: It’s sooner than you think by Jennifer Kavka Associate Editor L ove, hate, war, destruction, m u r­ der, aw e, com edy.....W here else can you ex perience all these things in one event offered here at W PI? N ew V oic­ es 1 2 , a festival o f student w ritten, student perform ed, and student p ro ­ duced plays, is com ing W ednesday, A pril 20th to A lden M em orial H all. D uring the four days that N ew V oices is running, there will be fifteen plays, each perform ed twice. O ver 200 stu ­ dents are taking part in the festival in som e w ay w hether it’s acting, set d e­ sign, running crew , lights, sound, u sh ­ ering, publicity, set-ups, take-dow n, the cafe, directing, stage m anaging, or producing. This is one o f the only events at W PI in which this many students take part. N ew V oices 12 started w ay back in the beginning of the year with the subm ission o f plays. T here w ere 49 subm issions an d fifteen w ere selected by dram aturgs who are students se­

lected by D ean O ’D onnell, executive dram aturg. At the end o f C term , auditions w ere held for 110 parts. 97 people auditioned and som e people have m ultiple parts. R ehearsal began the last w eek o f C term. This year, the festival o f plays is being co-produced by N oah W eisleder and C hris M aloney w ho volunteered and w ere chosen for the jo b . N oah and C hris have lots of experience from la sty e a r’sN ew Voices 11 w here Noah w as A ssistant M aster C artpenter, an actor, and a director, and C hris was an actor and stage m anager. They are very happy w ith the large num ber o f students taking part in N ew V oices 12 and are experiencing very few pro b ­ lem s so far. The fifteen plays are very different from each o ther and offer a w ide vari­ ety o f subjects. The plays range from 10 m inutes to an hour long. Since there are so m any plays, the props for the plays are limited. Black cubes w ill be used to m ake beds, chairs, tables, and walls. The few m ajor

Delta Phi Epsilon chapter closes February 21, 1994 An open letter to the W orcester Polytechnic Institute Comm unity:

props are being built by students taking T h eater W orkshop. Lens and Lights is doing lights and sound. Funding for th is event cam e from th e

H ealthy A lternatives O ffice w hich donated m oney for publicity w hich includes T -shirts and posters, N ew V oices 12 is com ing soon so



Y ou’re Screwed! Brickfall H appily E ver A fter An A ppointm ent W h ere’s the C heese

Wednesday, April 20th 7:00pm T he L ast Dance Johnny Is Exile from Elysian Fields aA rdvark Emporium

Friday, April 22nd 4:30pm

Thursday, April 21st 4:30 pm

H eirloom Quilt Pick M e Up, Put Me Down O ut o f Cold Spilt M ilk...

D estruction o f Tokyo 27 E xile from Elysian Fields W h ere’s the C heese? D estruction o f Tokyo 28 aA rdvark Em porium

7:00pm I ’m Not S ure, The Program is Hard to Read

w atch for the posters and be sure to see som e o f the plays w ritten and produced by fellow students. A dm is­ sion is free.

Out o f the Cold The Last D ance

Saturday, April 23rd 4:30pm I’m N ot Sure, The Program is Hard to Read Brickfall An A ppointm ent Happily E ver A fter

7:00pm Pick Me U p, Put Me Down Destruction of T okyo 27 You’re Screwed! Heirloom Quilt Destruction of T okyo 28 Spilt M ilk....

AGD and LCA to teeter totter for charity A lpha G am m a D elta and Lam bda Chi A lpha are sponsoring a fundraiser to su p p o rt the A m erican D iabetes F oundation called the T eeter-T otterA -Thon. M em bers o f both org an iza­ tions will see-saw for 5 consecutive days on the quad at W PI and in the G reendale Mall to raise money for this cause.

T his event will begin on Sunday, April 17th at noon and end on Friday, April 22nd at noon. A rea businesses and organizations are helping support the D iabetes Foundation through their donations. W e are asking you for your support at this time. W e w ould greatly appreciate any donations that you could m ake to help fu rth er our

It is with deep regret that the International Executive Council o f the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority announces the closing o f its Phi Omicron C hapter at W orcester Polytechnic Institute. T he Chapter, the Executive Council, and the Central office staff have w orked together through the course o f the past tw o years and have agreed to this course o f action. W e would like to take this opportunity to thank: the WPI Panhellenic C ouncil: the Interfratem ity Council, especially the Z eta Psi and Lam bda Chi A lpha fraternities; Nancy H unter-Denny, form er Assistant Dean o f G reek Life, Roger Perry, 1993 Interim Greek Advisor; Ellen Servetnick, Assistant D ean o f G reek Life; and Sharon Johnson, Phi O m icron’s A dvisor. Their support, encouragem ent, and com m itm ent to Delta Phi Epsilon is a fine exam ple of W P I’s strong G reek com m unity. A ny questions should be addressed to Ellen A lper, Delta Phi Epsilon Executive Director, at the follow ing phone num ber and address:

efforts. D onations of any am ount are w el­ come. In return fo r your support you w ill be recognized publicly in a m an­ n er determ ined by the am ount d o n at­ ed. Please send your donations to: C arrie B elanger, Box 1251, or to the A lpha G am m a D elta m ailbox in the Student A ctivities O ffice.

The E n gin eers Baseball team put forth a valiant effort in last Saturday’s d o u b le header a g a in st N orw ich University. Despite their attempts, WPI lost both games.

Suite 260 7 34 W est Port Plaza St. Louis, M issouri 63146 (314) 275-2626 S incerely,

Pamela E. Gavenda, International President Amy Gilman, President Phi Omicron Chapter Delta Phi Epsilon

*/V -*> *


Table o f Contents In The N ews .................................................................................... 2 N ew s .................................................................................................. 2 S p o rts ................................................................................................ 3 Arts & Entertainment ................................................................... 4 Community News ........................................................................... 5 Com m entary ................................................................................... 6 Announcements ............................................................................. 6 V__________________________ I I ____________________________

Traditions D a y ................................................................................ 6 D iversity ............................................................................................ 6 Student Government Association ............................................... 7 Graduate Student Organization ................................................. 7 Club C orner ..................................................................................... 8 Greek Corner ................................................................................... 9 Classifieds ...................................................................................... 11

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