The search is on...who will be our next president? A cadem ic D epartm ent H eads, and sch o o l, or to fill the vacated p o si a n um ber o f can d id a tes from ad m in will be led by John N elson, V ice tion. In any case, P resident S trauss istrato rs, facu lty , and staff, as well C hairm an o f the B oard. T he c o m w ill stay on for a sh o rt p eriod o f tim e as from o u tsid e the school to act as m ittee w ill d ev elo p a fram ew ork for to “en su re an orderly tra n sitio n ,” an interim p resident. T hese c a n d i a jo b d escrip tio n over the next couple a cco rd in g to H ebert. dates w ere in terview ed at the end o f o f m onths d escribing w hat w ill be T he interim president is expected last w eek, and the subcom m ittee was looked for in a'n e w president. T he to hold the p osition until the end o f expected to p resent its recom m en co m m ittee w ill also be engaging an the fiscal year, June 30, 1995. The dations to the E xecutive C om m ittee ex ecu tiv e search firm to a s at a m eeting yesterday. sist in developing the jo b If one o f the can d id a tes d escrip tio n and in id e n tify w as a p p ro v e d , th e W P I “ /1 1 7 '// will do what it takes to he com petitive ing p otential applicants from com m unity w ill learn w ho an d g et the rig h t person to lead this institution v ariou s backgrounds - a c a the interim p resid en t is by into the 21 st ce n tu ry .” dem ic and otherw ise - w o rld the end o f this w eek. If -Stephen Hebert. Secretary of the Corporation w ide. T he jo b d escrip tio n not, the search w ill c o n a n d \ ice President, \dm inistration m ust be ap p ro v ed by the tin u e u n til a p e rs o n is B oard o f T ru stees before it found w ho the E xecutive m ay be used. The search C o m m itte e b e lie v e s is com m ittee w ill report its findings to B oard o f T ru stees hope to appo in t a right for the jo b . the B oard o f T rustees for final d is new presid en t b efore then. A c c o rd in g to S te p h e n H eb e rt, cussion and approval. The decision S ecretary o f the C o rp o ra tio n and is ex p ected to be reached som etim e ’"S earch in g for th e 14th p resid e n t V ice P resid en t, A d m in istratio n , if next sp rin g , w ith the new p resid en t S oon after the appoin tm en t of the the interim presid en t is chosen from assum ing d u ties on July 1, 1995, the in terim p resid en t, a search c o m m it faculty, staff, or ad m in istration o f beginning o f the 1995-1996 fiscal tee w ill be created . It w ill co n sist o f W PI, arrangem ents w ill be m ade to year. re p re s e n ta tiv e s o f T ru ste e s, S tu eith e r allow that perso n to com plete A fter the search com m ittee re th eir du ties w hile also running the d en ts, F aculty, A d m in istrato rs, and
by Tom Sico A ssociate Editor W PI President Jon C. S tra u ss in form ed the WPI com m u n ity o f his decision to resign last m o n th (see N e w s p e a k 8 /3 0 / 9 4 , v 2 2 , # 1 6 ) S trauss has accepted a p o sitio n as C h ie f F in a n c ia l O f f ic e r o f th e H ow ard H ughes M edical In stitu te in C hevy C hase, M D . S trauss h as been presid en t for nine years, ab o u t 2.4 years lo n g er than the m ean fo r c o l lege presid en ts at priv ate doctoral in stitu tio n s. Since that tim e, a su b co m m ittee co m posed of m em bers o f th e E x ecu tive C om m ittee o f the B oard o f T rustees has been w orking to c h o o se an interim p resid en t, w ho w ill m anage the daily affairs o f the sch o o l, and its p ro je c ts and in itia tiv e s , w h ile a search is conducted to fin d W P I’s 14th president. * F in d in g th e in te rim T he subcom m ittee is co n sid erin g
The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tuesday , Septem ber 13 , 1994
Volume Twenty-two, Number Eighteen
WPI campus radio, it’s in the future get on the airwaves. In the interim, the station will broadcast on Greater Media C able’s FM stereo service on campus. With an FM splitter, all students on W PI’s cable network will be able to listen in. A small transmission cost of around a thousand dollars will be se cured and if all goes well, testing will begin by the end o f B-term and broad casting by C-term. Another fifteen thou sand is also required to soundproof the studio and buy equipment. The IQP group has already done a lot of the groundwork, securing a room, getting Greater Media C able’s OK and some of the money. Now, they are at a point where they need some support. A student group needs to be formed to actually run the station and write the
Brian Parker Features Editor Perhaps the most important point to come out o f last Friday evening’s meet ing to establish a radio station here at WPI was one student’s comm ent: “WPI would feel more like a real school with a radio station.” The meeting, held by Josh Single, Jeff Coates and Greg Findlen as part of their IQP was to gather some support from the dozen students who attended. The project is more o r less a contradiction o f a previous IQP which came to the conclusion that radiocouldn ’t be re-established on campus. It will take three to five years and fifty to a hundred thousand dollars until we are actually ready to build a tow er and
The rope pull by Nathan Wittasek and Kevin Shea, Class o f 95 The sounds o f the cheers from the hom ecom ing football game had not yet died out. Institute Pond w as quiet and still on this warm fall afternoon in Septem ber of 1909. Soon, however, the grass would be tom up and the w ater thrashed about in this, the first Freshman - Sophomore rivalry rope pull at W orcester Tech. The Fresh men, m em bers o f the Class o f 1913, were intent on winning this intense event so that they would no longer have to wake up each m om ning and don their beanies to satisfy the allpowerful Sophomores. The Sopho mores, mem bers o f the Class o f 1912, were equally am bitious, if anything, they w anted to humble the Freshmen well into N ovem ber forcing them to keep their beanies and lose face. Each class took its side on opposite ends o f the pond. The rope had been laid across earlier in the day and now stood poised for the men to harness the pow er o f their class spirit and pull the opposing side into the muck. One hundred men strained as the signal was given to begin the battle. For quite some tim e both sides labored, giving and taking vital inches o f the rope.
ceives in form ation from potential can d id ates the field w ill be narrow ed dow n. T h o se rem aining few w ill be asked to com e to interview here at W PI, m e etin g w ith tru stees, faculty, staff, and student lead ers in in d i vidual m eetings. O pen cam pus m eet ing w ill also be held w here the entire co m m unity may ask q u estio n s o f the in d iv id u als being considered about w hat they w ould do as p resid en t. S tra u ss b e lie v e s the p re sid e n t “ pro v id es a focal point for d ev elo p ing strateg ic directions fo r the in sti tution through d iscu ssio n , policy, and en co u rag em en t, as w ell as a t tem pting to raise funds for, and m ain taining the day to day affairs of, the in stitu tio n .” A cco rd in g to the C hronicle for Higher Education, Septem ber 1, 1994, the m edian salary for the President / C E O o f a d o cto ral in s titu tio n is $149,000. Hebert says, “ [W PI] will do what it takes to be com petitive and get the right person to lead this institution into the 21st century.”
Finally, using the last o f their waning strength, the Freshm en pulled the Sophomores into the mire o f Institute Pond, hum iliating them before the multitude o f observers. The Freshmen were finally free of their abhorred bean ies and had gained a solemn respect from the rest o f the campus. That was then, this is now. On Septem ber 17,1994, the Freshmen and Sophomores will gather for the eightyfifth time to do battle in the rope pull. Using the same rope tht numerous classes previously used, the campus will soon know which class possesses the most strength, unity, and spirit. Im mediately following the homecom ing football gam e ag ain st U nion, around 4:00, fifty o f the best men and women from the classes o f 1997 and 1998 will face off at the west end o f Institute Pond. This represents the first event in the three part Freshman - Sophomore ri valry to determine which class will enter the annals o f WPI history by having its year permanently inscribed on the G oat’s Head. Once again only fifty spots are available to each class, so it will be vital to choose your representatives wisely and support them heartily. Those who do battle will receive a shirt commemo rating this traditional event.
Venture Forum "Dreams to Dollars See page 3
One beautiful Saturday...
constitution. At first, D J’s will probably have to come up with their own format and bring their own music. The station will also be non-commercial in order to get a break when they apply for an FCC license. O f course, the FCC believes that we are still broadcasting off the top of Alden Hail. The W orcester College Consortium used to run a station here, but it has since gone commercial as W ICN. So for now, students can either becom e directly involved by attending one o f the upcoming meetings: Sep tem ber 28 and O ctober 10. O r else look for the petition that will circulate in the upcoming weeks, which is supposed to dem onstrate our support of the radio station. The positions will be open to a n y o n e in the W PI c o m m u n ity , undergrads, grad students and faculty will be allowed spots. If anyone knows o f equipm ent that would be helpful or ju st has questions, contact one of the group members.
Sonia j / ' ‘V *
S a tu rd a y w as a beautiful day w ith blue skies a n d m o d erate te m p e ra tu re s; the M en 's soccer team w in n in g th e ir season o p e n e r ag ain st W SC (see sto ry , page 3); a n d D ub S ta tio n , RD R iddim , a n d Stick F igure Stanley p e rfo rm ed d u rin g R eggae on the Q u ad b ro u g h t to us by th e P ub C o m m ittee o f SocC om m .
Healthy opportunities by Christine von Ulrich, MS Exercise Physiologist H ealthy Alternative Sports / Fitness Coordinator H ave you ev er been curious about y o u r ow n c a rd io v a sc u la r fitn ess. V ery o ften we w o n d er about w hether o u r fitn ess level is average, high, or low; and we often think abo u t doing m ore ex ercise but do not know how to start, w hat to do, o r ju st think that it is no fun. S tarting this m onth I am the new sp o rts/fitn ess co o rd in ato r fo r the H ealthy A ltern ativ e D ep art m ent, and w ill be w orking in the fitn e ss cen ter to answ er the above q u estio n s and hopefully m ore for you. I w ill be ad m in isterin g subm axim al bike tests for any o n e w ho is in terested in learning m ore about th eir card io v a sc u la r fitness and en d u ran ce. T his bike test is part o f a co m p reh e n siv e fitn ess assessm en t w hich will include o b taining your e s tim a te d m a x im a l o x y g e n c o n
sum ption, % body fat m easurem ents, and reco m m en d atio n s for an e x e r cise program to reach your sp ecific goals. I w ill also be at the fitness cen ter to an sw er any q uestions you m ight have about using the N autilus m achines and free w eights. Som e o th er projects that I w ill be startin g in clu d e a bu d d y -w o rk o u t service w hich m atches you w ith a w orkout buddy w ho has a p p ro x i m ately the sam e fitness level as y o u r self; aftern o o n or evening m in i-le c tures on a v ariety o f topics that w ill
range from the effects of e x ercise to stress m an ag em en t or any specific q uestio n you may have (th at p ro b ably m any other people also have); and w eight loss d in n er groups w hich w ould m eet over d in n er (potluck style) to d iscuss w eight loss p ro b lem s and solutions. So d ro p those books (tem porarily) and co m e o v er to the fitn ess center. E x ercise has been know n to im prove c o n cen tratio n , im prove o n e ’s m ood, and to help m ake friends. L ooking forw ard to m eeting you all!!
Parking decal update Student parking decals are now available at the cam pus police office and can be picked up from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m . - 3 p.m. D ecals cost $10.00. All adm inistration, faculty and staff need to be issued new decals. You should receive your registration form by the end of this week. Please com plete these forms and return them to C am pus Police as soon as possible. New decals well be sent back via inter-cam pus m ail.
Table o f Contents In The N ew s .................................................................................... 2 Announcements ........................................................................ 2, 3 Community Update .......................................................................2 Sports ................................................................................................ 3 Newspeak Entertainm ent ....................................................... 4, 5 Commentary ............................................................................. 8,11
Letters to the E d ito r ...................................................................... 8 Arts & Entertainment................................................................. II Club C orner .................................................................................. 12 Greek C orner ................................................................................13 Classifieds ..................................................................................... 15 Police L o g ......................................................................................16