1995 v23 i2

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Japan’s earthquake touches WPI community by Jennx Yambert News Editor The earthquake that hit Japan early last w eek had effects that could be fe lt strongly here at W PI. P rofessor Jo h n F. Z eugner and his fam ily w ere in Kobe near the q u ak e’s ep icenter. W hen new s o f the earthquake found its w ay to W PI, th e project cen ter a n d o th e r f r ie n d s o f P r o f e s s o r Z eu g n er began trying to c h eck on his s ta tu s . C o n ta c t w as m a d e la s t W ed n esd ay , the Z eugner fam ily is unharm ed, and th eir apartm ent ju s t w est o f the city is still habitable. S o c ia l S c ie n c e p r o f e s s o r K e n t R issm iller, a friend o f Z eu g n er’s w as ab le to fill us in on some o f what is h ap p en in g in Japan. As o f late last w eek, natural gas h eatin g and water w ere still u n av ail­ able through the m ain lines to the

Z eu g n er’s apartm ent. E lectric space heaters w ere b ein g used to provide w arm th, and w ater could be brought in from elsew h ere by hand. Food was scarce in K obe, but the Z eugners w ere g ettin g along. T h eir fam ily o f five had taken in eight less fortunate people w ho had been left hom eless by the earth q u ak e. The am ount of d e stru c tio n th a t Z e u g n e r h as d e ­ scribed to his co lleag u es is in cred ­ ible. H ighw ays and build in g s have co llap sed , and it is virtually im p o s­ sible to travel. A pparently, som e train lin es are still running, an d it is possible to travel from Kobe to O saka w here public bath s are available. The C ity o f O saka, east o f K obe, was fairly undam aged by the tre m ­ ors. but heavy d am age o ccu rred even in K yoto, north o f Kobe. The shocks from the initial quake were felt, h ow ­ ev er slig h tly , as far aw ay as Tokyo.

Kobe was still experien cin g a fte r­ shocks on T hursday, a couple days after the initial quake. P rofessor Z eugner is reported to have been in good sp irits w hen he spoke w ith his colleag u es here al W PI. Since the quake he has been interview ed on the B B C and an ar­ ticle has appeared in the W orcester T elegram and G azette. Zeugner and his fam ily have been in Japan since January o f 1994. His wife, Alice, is a Japanese language professor, his three children had been attending a bilingual school. He has been teaching classes on intercultural studies at Kobe University. They had planned to stay in Kobe for a year and a half before returning to the States. Zeugner has traveled to Japan on many occasions and enjoys im m ers­ ing him self in the eastern culture. D uring the years o f 1976 to 1978 he

was a Fulbright S enior lecturer at Osaka and Kobe U niversities. During the years o f 1981 to 1983 he was a V isiting Professor A m erican Cultural H istory at Keio U niversity in Tokyo. Professor Zeugner has been a mem ber o f the WPI staff since 1971, and he has used his international ties to help seek out projects for students and to edu­ cate groups such as the International Scholars Candidates, as well as edu­ catin g the students in his norm al classes. The U niversity in Kobe is currently closed, and it is not sure if it will be opening after its scheduled w inter break. Zeugner is still unsure if he will stay in Kobe to continue his work, or if his fam ily will soon be returning to the U nited States. Right now, they, and the rest o f the city, are sim ply trying to get along and are w aiting to see what will happen.

V The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Professor John Zeugner


N e w sp e a k Tuesday, January 24, 1995

Volume Twenty-three, Number Two

Have you checked your mailbox? Federal IRS tax returns as soon as Financial aid application packets possible, so that you may use the offi­ fo r the academ ic year 1995-96 are cial tax data on the FAFSA and FAF. now available. Current financial aid recipients in the Classes o f ’96, ’97 2. Before sending the FA FSA and FA F in their respective envelopes to an d ’98 who have been enrolled since Federal Student Aid Program s and to T erm A ’94 should already have re­ College Scholarship Service, M A KE ceived their packet in their W PI m ail­ boxes. The packet includes the W PI A C O PY O F EACH FO RM AND U pperclass A pplication Folder, the R E T A IN T H E M F O R Y O U R RECORDS. C heck each section on Free Application for Federal Student the form s to ensure that you and your A id (FA FSA), and the Financial A id parents have com pleted them as th o r­ Form (FAF). Students who did not oughly and accurately as possible. receive an application and plan to ap ­ 3. O ur instructions refer to the form p ly for financial assistance must o b ­ tain the necessary forms at the Finan­ for “D ivorced or Separated Parents.” If applicable, obtain this form from the cial A id Office in the low er level o f Boynton Hall. Financial Aid O ffice. 4. U pperclass students will be noti­ Please note the follow ing im por­ fied o f financial aideligibility approxi­ tant items when filing the FAFSA and mately the first w eek o f July, 1995. If FA F and follow all instructions rel­ you are in the current freshm an class, evant to your application: 1. Filing the FAFSA and FAF is please note that this upperclass notifi­ cation date is considerably later than easier if you and your parents have the date entering freshmen are noti­ com pleted your Federal tax returns. fied. Therefore, we recom m end you make 5. Current m em bers of the C lass of every effort to complete your 1994

’95 who anticipate continued enroll­ ment in the 1995-96 academ ic year must obtain an application packet at the Financial Aid O ffice. (Please note that Financial Aid eligibility for most sources o f aid is limited to 16 term s o f attendance only; this policy is closely m onitored.) 6. Students who entered W PI d u r­ ing C ’95 and did not receive a finan­ cial aid application packet for 1995-96 may obtain one from the Financial Aid O ffice. 7. Note the instructions in the appli­ cation packet for all relevant dead­ lin e s , in c lu d in g th o s e fo r the U pperclass A pplication Folder, the FA FSA, the FAF and the reciprocal state grant programs. 8. Contact staff m em bers o f the W PI Financial Aid Office for any ques­ tions you have regarding com pletion o f the 1995-96 financial aid forms.


W PI’s Chris Dunn dribbles by the opposing Clark University in a game held in H arrington last Saturday night. Dunn set a school record in a game versus W estern New England College last week when he scored 43 points in one game.

SocComm Movie Channel r

See pages 4 & 5

by Joel Waterman Writer At Large Several sm all fires broke out in Alumni G ym nasium on Friday D e­ cem ber 23, 1994, due to electrical prob­ lems. These problem s were caused partially by the return o f electrical pow er after a short pow er shutdown due to the construction o f Higgins Laboratories. Dam age to the gym was minim al, and much o f the gym ’s power was restored by the next day. Pow er for the gym is fed through H iggins L aboratories, and pow er to both buildings w as shutdow n earlier that m orning as construction crew s were doing w ork nearby. The elec­ tricity was restored at approxim ately 11:30 AM , and according to WPI

N ew s Service, several people made reports o f odd noises com ing from various pieces o f electrical equip­ m ent. Soon after, sm oke was re­ p o rted , fire alarm s w ent off, and the W o r c e s te r F ire D e p a rtm e n t r e ­ sponded. The three to four small active fires were easily contained, but not before doing some dam age to the main elec­ trical panel, some o f the older wiring, and some m inor smoke damage. The only other damage reported was a bit o f structural dam age done by the fire fighters searching for any sm oldering or burning wires. M ost o f the harm done was repaired later that day. The old dam aged wires were replaced, and partial pow er was restored by the next day.

Pub Committee brings Big Catholic Guilt to WPI by L Bartee and J. Brandt

Men’s basketball on the move

Damage from fire in Alumni Gym minimal

On Friday evening, forthe third time in as many years. Big Catholic Guilt filled Gompei’s place with a blistering wall o f industrial noise. Although the replacement o f the two original guitar players has left them with a very differ­ ent line-up, vocalist Sam Jordan man­ ages to keep the energy high as he strides around the stage roaring into the micro­ phone. The show opened with The Brain Police, a hardcore trio that started out their set with a line-up o f two bassplayers and a drummer. The novelty and their huge grinding sound kept the inter­ est level high during the first half o f the set, but when the vocalist swapped his bass for a more standard guitar, the mu­ sic quickly devolved into fairly standard hardcore fare and audience members began slipping away to wait for the main attraction to show. , Finally, after a brief pause between sets, the lights went down and the stage began to fill with smoke. The audience began to cheer as the members o f Big Catholic Guilt strode into view. Tim Osborne took up his customary place within his cage of drum and sample triggers, and M. Crass and Perry James took their places at the bass and drums,

respectively. Sam, shaven scalp gleam­ ing beneath the lights, grasped the mi­ crophone and greeted the crowd before launching into the opening song. The crow d stayed fairly calm dur­ ing the opening few songs. A fter Sam asked if “you guys are ever gonna warm up,” and the band played a couple o f old favor­ ites, a pit form ed tow ard the front o f the stage. The energy level rose and soon h alf the audience was happily moshing away. By the closing song, “T om ,” practically everyone there was moving. After playing an encore o f “I Spit On Your Grave,” as they left the stage for the last time, Sam said “Thanks! This is the third time w e’ve played here, and it’s always a gas!” The audience, ex­ hausted, stood and clapped for a second return, but the lights came back up and the show was ended. For the third time, BCG have played WPI, although this was the smallest audience they’ve had here. The show was not wellpublicized, which undoubtedly contributed to this. This time, though, there were no smoke alarms, and, since there weren’t

Ta b l e


N ew s ................................................................................................. 2 Arts & Entertainment...................................................................2 Sports ................................................................................................ 3 Special Feature ......................................................................... 4, 5 E ditorial ........................................................................................... 6 Letters to the Editor ...................................................................... 6 \ __________________________________________________________

enough people there to crowdsurf, Sam was not dropped on anything hot or pointy. Still, even without these enter­ taining attractions, and even with the change in personnel. Big Catholic Guilt gave a hell of a show.


Contents Commentary ........................................................................ 6, 7, 11 Student Government Association .............................................. 7 Club C orner .................................................................................... 8 Greek Corner ....... 4 ........................................................................ 9 Classifieds ..................................................................................... 11 Police L o g ..................................................................................... 12 _________________________________________________________ J


T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

N e w sp e a k

Page 2


Beyond the Farm

For the w eek preceding this S aturday, Janu­ ary 21st, 1995, h e re ’s a review o f w hat hap­ pened B eyond the Farm: An earthquake registering 7.2 on the Richter Scale struck 12 m iles below the Japanese island o f Awaji on January 16th. Despite a high level o f preparedness, 30400 buildings collapsed. D am age was most severe in the nearby city o f Kobe, where dozens o f fires broke out and w ater mains were damaged. M ajor damage extended as far aw ay as Osaka, Japan’s secondlargest city, and is estim ated at $60 billion. M ajor pieces o f infrastructure, including sec­ tions o f the H anshin Expressway betw een Kobe and O saka and Bullet Train tracks were de­ stroyed. As o f press time, 4905 were confirm ed dead, w ith 202 missing, 21600 injured, and 70000 hom eless in the largest quake to hit Japan in 40 years. The Russian Army com pletely surrounded the Chechen capitol o f Grosny for the first time January 15th. Russian Prime M inister Viktor C hernom yrdin called for peace talks January 16th, and another false cease-fire was declared January 17th. On January 19th, the Presiden­ tial Palace in G rosny was taken over by Russian forces, forcing m ost Chechen fighters to flee into the countryside for what they claim will be an extended guerrilla war. Heavy fighting was reported outside Grosny January 21st.

They’re Talking About It... The controversial $9 billion loan package for M exico has stalled in the Senate as the D em ocrats filibuster a bill to end unfunded m andates on the states. M eanwhile, Congress sent its first bill to President Clinton January 17th, the m easure to require C ongress to follow law s it passes for the rest o f the nation. On January 18th, the Senate Judiciary Committee met early to pass the Balanced Budget A m end­ ment 15-3 and send it to the floor. In the House, D em ocrats have continued to attack Speaker G ingrich’s canceled book deal, leading to ugly partisan fighting. In sh o rts... E gyptian P residen t H osni M ubarak helped to diffuse the territorial stan d o ff betw een Yem en and Saudi A rabia January 15th...Israel attacked Palestinian cam ps in southern L eba­ non January 15th...the San D iego C hargers defeated P ittsburgh 17-13 January 15th and w ill face the San F rancisco 49ers (w ho d e­ feated D allas 38-28) in the Superbow l Jan u ­ ary 29th... the Pope continued his A sian tour w ith stops in the P hilippines Jan u ary 15th, Papua N ew G uinea the 16th, A ustralia the 17th-19th and Sri Lanka the 20th...the Los A ngeles R am s football team announced a m ove to St. L ouis January 17th...L am berto D ini announced the new Italian governm ent

Donate for earthquake relief The WPI W om en’s club is accepting contri­ butions for the relief o f earthquake victims at Kobe U niversity, Japan. Funds collected will be forwarded to Professor John Zeugner for distri­ bution to the victims. Please m ake checks payable to the WPI W om en’s Club— Earthquake Relief. Send to the WPI Business Office, c/o Patricia Thibeault.

Help with writing available The WPI W riting Resource C enter offers tutoring in writing to all WPI students. Trained tutors offer feedback and assistance on any writing assignment or project. Students may sign up for a one hour appointment on the sign­ up sheet outside the WRC. The W RC is located in Salisbury Labs 134. We are open on Mon­ days, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 912 and 12:30-3:30. On W ednesdays we are open from 12:30-3:30. If you have any ques­ tions, please feel free to call us at x5503 or send em ail to wrc@wpi.

Jan u ary 1 7 th ; its c o m p o s it io n of bu sin essp eo p le m ay fail an upcom ing vote o f c o n fid en ce...L am ar A lexander filed to run fo r P re s id e n t a s a R e p u b lic a n J a n u a ry 17th...P resident E rnesto Z ed illo signed a re­ form pact w ith oppositio n g ro u p s in M exico Jan u ary 17th ...F isch er-P rice an n o u n ced the closure o f its M ed in a NY toy fa c to ry January 18th...in T u rk ey , “L ebanon F reedom F ig h t­ e rs ” k id n a p p e d A m erican L t. C o l. M ike C o allard an d h is son January 18th...a 6.5 quake in C o lo m b ia k ille d o n e in B o g o ta Jan u ary 19th...a law m aker and four o th e r people w ere killed in A lgeria January 19th as the governm ent rejected a peace p act...th e US lifted som e san ctio n s on N orth K orea Jan u ­ ary 2 0th...an ex p lo sio n on the U S S N im itz in B r e m e r to n W A k il le d o n e J a n u a r y 20 th ...m issiles w ere reportedly fired on the A fghan cap ito l o f Kabul Jan u ary 2 0 th ...90 year-o ld C h in ese leader D eng X iao p in g was reportedly in th e hospital Jan u ary 20th...a three-day strik e against G eneral M o to rs’ parts plant in F lint, M I ended Jan u ary 20th...m ore hostages w ere taken by rebels in the W est A frican nation o f Sierra Leone Jan u ary 21 st, brin g in g the to ta l to 19. C la r ific a tio n s /C o rr e c tio n s ... In the Ja n u a ry 14th ed itio n , it was not m ade clea r that Sen. C h risto p h er D odd is to becom e ch airm an o f the D em o cratic Party, not sim ply a sp o k esp erso n ...R o b ert Rubin w as co n firm ed as T reasury S ecretary Jan u ­ ary 10th. F in a lly ... Do you know your sign? The R oyal A stro­ nom ical S o ciety in B ritain has d ecid e d that the signs o f the Zodiac are inaccurate. The society claim s that there should be 13 signs, the new one b ein g O phicus the h ealer from N ovem ber 30th to D ecem ber 17th. The dates for all the o th e r signs have to be changed under the new system . The A strological A ssociation rejects the changes. And that’s w hat happened B eyond the Farm.

Sources this week included All Things Con­ s id e r e d (N P R ), the A s s o c ia te d P ress newswire, the BBC News hour (BBC/PR1), the Christian Science Monitor, the Jim Eason Show ( KGO-AM). KCBS radio news, the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour (PBS), Market­ place ( PRI), Meet the Press (NBC), the Reuters newswire. Weekend Edition (NPR), and the World News Roundup (CBS radio). Lance Gleich, Stanford CA

Boffoli replaces Hastings Boffoli replaces Lisa M. Hastings o f Acton, M A, who resigned in November to become the developm ent officer at Harvard U niversity’s Arnold Arboretum.

courtesy o f WPI News-Service Christopher J. Boffoli of Shrewsbury, MA was recently appointed associate alumni director for fundraising and programs at WPI. Boffoli graduatedfrom St. Peter-Marian High School in Worces­ ter, and earned a bachelor’s degree in English at The College o f Charleston (SC). Before coming to WPI he was a legislative aide in the South Carolina Senate, then director o f campaign fi­ nance for a Republican congressional primary. Prior to that, he was director o f special projects for the annual fund at the Medical University o f South Carolina. In his new post, Boffoli is responsible for all young alumni fundraising and telemarketing, and works with students and alumni volunteers on regional clubs, Homecoming and Traditions Day and with members o f the Student Alumni Society.



Calculus tutoring schedule, C-95 Jim Naughton Salisbury Labs 11 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 2:30-4:30pm Lower Wedge Sunday, 4:00-6:00pm

& E n t e r t a in m e n t

Sneak preview: “Before Sunrise” which may still be available in the Student A ctivi­ ties Office in Daniels Hall. People with a pass will be admitted first, and if there are still seats, people without passes will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Also, posters will be given out to the first 45 people in line with passes.

by Amy L Plack SocComm Films Chair Tonight, at 8PM in Perreault Lecture Hall, Fuller Labs, a sneak preview o f a new film, entitled “Before Sunrise,” will be shown free o f charge to the WPI Community. W hile the film w on’t hit the theatres until this Saturday, we are fortunate that C astle Rock Entertainm ent has agreed to have us show the film early. View ers will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire at the end o f the film and return it to the WPI Film s C om m ittee members there. The film stars Ethan Hawke (White Fang) as an American college student on a holiday in Europe. On a train from Budapest, he meets a French graduate student named Celine (Julia Delpy) and persuades her to delay her return to school in order to explore the city o f Vienna with him for just one night. Over the course o f their 14-hour romance, the two come to understand themselves and find love for things they never knew they enjoyed, including a love, however short-lived, for each other. To attend tonight’s film, you must have a pass.

Students performing in free concert A FREE CONCERT o f excerpts from Franz Josef Hayden’s "The Creation” will be performed this Sunday, January 29 at 3:00 pm at the First Unitarian Church (90 Main Street, Wore.). Call 831-0370 for more information. Ruth J. Cooper, WPI voice teacher, will con­ duct with Lynne La Comfora at the piano. Special guest artist is Jean-Pierre Trevisani ‘89. Other soloists featured are Daniel Toohey ‘95 and G or­ don T. Gurney '41 along with five WorcesterArea artists. The 16-voice chorus will include Amy Palmer ‘96, Jeff LeBeau, Jr.’95, Brian Steiner ‘97, Brian Gressley ‘96 and Paula Moravek (BB Lab. Mgr.).


Beyond the Farm is designed to provide a reasonably short summary o f a week’s events fo r people who would otherwise have no chance to keep up with current events. It may be distributed/forwa rdedJposted anywhe re. Com merits, criticisms, and requests fo r e-mail sub­ scription additions or deletions should be emailedto “lglitch@leland.stanford.edu. ” Con­ gratulations on keeping up with the world around you!

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T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

Pag e 3

N ew spea k

Spo rts

Weekly sports update - results from January 14th through 19th by Geoff Hassard Sports Information Director M en’s Sw im m ing (1-5) The Engineers traveled to Trinity College last Saturday fo ra meet with the Bantams, WPI was defeated 119-64. The Engineers were only able to win one event on the day. Freshman Jon Prusak (Easthampton, MA) won the 100-yard backstroke. O ther WPI swimmers who per­ formed well were a trio o f freshmen. Jam ie M urdock (W oodinville, W A) finished second in the 100-yard freestyle, Tim Connolly (New Haven, CT) finished second in the 200-yard freestyle and fourth in the 500-yard freestyle and Adam Terio (Reston, VA) finished second in the 100-yard butterfly. Senior Eric Hultgren (Newport, RI) took second place in the 100-yard breaststroke. W e would like to note that Prusak and M urdock have qualified for the New En­ gland Cham pionships in the 50-yard backstroke. Congratulations!

place in the 1-m eter diving event. Swimming well for the Engineers were seniors Renee Cusson (Chicopee, MA) who took second in the 100yard freestyle and captain Jen Sanna (Madison. WI) w ho finished second in 100-yard individual medley and juniors Katie Snell (Sutton, MA) and M onika Lehky (Hamden, CT) who placed second in the 100-yard butterfly and 100-yard breaststroke respectively. Cusson hasalsoqualified for the New England Championships in the 50-yard freestyle. Congratulations!

Women’s Swimming (1-5)

M e n ’s In d o o r T ra c k The WPI indoor track squad had members com pete at the Beaver Relays last Saturday at M IT in Cambridge, MA. Senior James Beardsley (Bangor, ME) finished fourth in the long jum p with a leap o f 19-8 1/2, while junior Steve Labranche (Uncasville, CT) took second in the 800-m eter run with a time o f 1:58.7. Labranche’s time was good enough to qualify him for the New England Cham pionships later in the sea­ son. Freshman Rick Crispo (Andover, MA) finished sixth in the 800 with a time o f 2:04.

The lady sw im m ers were also at Trinity last Saturday for their meet and were defeated 14263. In the meet, junior Kim Scofield (Omaha, NE) set a school record for the 3-meter diving event. She scored 192.95 points shattering her own record o f 163.25. Scofield also took second

M e n ’s B ask etb all (9-3) T he m en’s basketball team has been playing well as o f late and are currently ranked #10 in New England Division 111. Senior Chris Dunn (Seekonk, MA) had a phenomenal week as he

scored 43 points versus Western New England last Saturday w hich set a new school record. The Engineers went 1- 1 on the week and had their six game w inning streak snapped last W ednesday against Brandeis. Last Saturday, WPI hosted Constitution Ath­ letic Conference opponent W estern New En­ gland College. The game was never close as the Engineers cruised to the 109-86 win behind the record setting perform ance o f Dunn. Dunn broke the record o f 39 points set alm ost 18 years to the month. He tied the record twice previous before finally cracking it and becom ing the first basketball player, man o r woman, to break the 40 point barrier. Junior Jim Naughton (Dublin, Ireland) chipped in 16 points and 12 rebounds in the victory. Last W ednesday, W PI took their six game winning streak into Brandeis University. The Judges had a streak o f their own going, that o f losing their last five straight, so they were hun­ gry fo r a win. U nfortunately WPI was the victim as the Judges beat WPI 115-71. Dunn again led WPI with 29 points. For his outstanding week previous, Dunn was selected as the ECA C CoPlayer of the W eek in N ew England Division III, CAC Player o f the W eek and w as named to the W orcester Area College Basketball Association H onor Roll. During that week he averaged 31 points a game. W o m e n ’s B asketball The w om en’s basketball team got back on the winning track as they w on a pair of games last week. They snapped a three game losing streak by beating W estern N ew England 66-56 and then continued their winning versus UMass-

GEORGE C. GORDON LIBRARY'S INVITATIONAL ART SHOW Students, faculty and staff are asked to bring up to three submissions to the Library Archives Room January 25 - 27 between 10am and 2pm. All art forms are welcome! Judging will be January 30. Selected art will be exhibited February 1 - 28, 1995. For additional information, contact Lora Brueck (lbrueck@wpi, 831-5413)

Dartmouth 69-43. Last Tuesday, the Engineers played their first home game o f 1995 as they hosted the Golden Bears o f W estern New En­ gland. The home cookin’ proved to be what they needed as they put away the pesky bears 66-56. WPI was led by the L-connection o f Jenn Lovin (W aterford, C T) and Kim Landry (Gardner, MA) as they both recorded a double-double. Lovin had 20 rebounds to go w ith 12 points and Landry scored 18 points and pulled down 13 boards. On Thursday night, U M ass-Dartm outh cam e to Harrington hoping to continue their w inning ways. It was not to be as the L-connection again led WPI to victory. The two com bined for 30 points and 24 rebounds as the Engineers had control from the start and won big 69-43. Sopho­ more Danielle Batey (Fairfield, ME) had a good game o ff the bench as she chipped in 8 points and 6 boards to the winning effort.

Intramural News The annual intramural swim meet is now accepting entries for this year’s race. The trials are Tuesday, February 7 and the finals are T hurs­ day, February 9. W arm-up time for both nights is 7:30 p.m. w ith the start at 8 p.m. All entries must be received by 12 noon on Friday, Febru­ ary 3. Each individual is limited to three events, including relays. All WPI faculty and full-tim e students are eligible except those who have been aw arded a varsity letter or who was a m em ber o f the 1994-95 swim team. Entry fee is $1 per individual and is non-refundable. Questions re­ garding eligibility will be made only by C oach Massucco, intramural director, o r Whitt Griffith, swim coach.

IceCats scrapped by River Rats s. a Cf r>

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poetry... collage... needlework.. .pottery

by Andrew Marsella N ewspeak Staff T h e W orcester IceC ats w ere overpow ered on S atu rd ay (the 14th) by the 2nd best team in th e ir div ision in a 6 -3 loss to the A lbany R iv er R ats. The loss occurred at the C entrum in front o f a reco rd -breaking IccCat a tten ­ dance o f o v er 11,000 fans, but despite this stro n g display o f hom e support, the C ats just c o u ld n 't com e out on top. T h e gam e w as o v e r alm ost befo re it began w hen A lbany scored first, ju s t 36 seconds into the gam e. W ith th e ir initial m om entum bro k en , the IceC ats strug gled to bounce back, but w ere fu rth er discouraged w hen the R ats slip p ed a n o th e r goal past W o rcester netm in d er W ayne C ow ley 8 m inutes later. T h e C ats w ere desperate fo r a goal now , and it show ed. T hey played m ore aggres­ siv ely in the R ats’ zone, determ ined to m ake up fo r the po o r d efense that had given A lbany a 2 -0 lead. F inally, about h alfw ay through the p erio d , IceC at c e n te r M ark O uim et ripped one p ast A lbany g o alie C orey Schw ab (as­ s is te d by le ft w in g C al M cG o w an an d defen sem an T erry V irtue), p u ttin g the C ats w ithin one. T h ere w as no tim e fo r celebrating, h o w ­ ever, w hen 30 seconds later A lban y w inger M ike V u konich beat C ow ley once again, brin g in g the R ats lead back to 2 goals. F o rtu n ately , a h o ld in g penalty on A lbany at 15:24 gave W o rcester a chance to get back in th e gam e, and IceC at defensem an Roy M itchell (1995 A H L A ll-S tar player for the C ats) co n v erted on the pow er-play w ith an un assisted goal that p ut the gam e at 3-2. O nce again, there w as no room for c o n ­ g ratu latio n s, fo r w ith less than a m inute left in th e first period, A lbany converted on a p o w er-p lay o f th eir o w n , reclaim ing a 2 goal lead b efore head in g to the lo ck er room s. D esp ite a ro ugh first period, the crow d rem ain ed faithful and excited. A fter alL the

IceC ats dug them selves out o f a 3-0 hole to win in overtim e against Providence less than a w eek before and there w as no reason it co u ld n ’t be done again. W ith the e n c o u ra g e ­ ment o f Scratch, the IceC ats’ m ascot, the fans c o n siste n tly booed dow n the “ R a t’s N est,” a group o f R iver Rats fans that m assed in one section and tried to distract the C ats w ith cow bells and jeers. U nfortunately, the second period p roved to be nearly as disastrous as the first and the only activity that W orcester could m u ster were som e fig h ts that resulted in the ejec tio n of IceC at forw ard Sean W hyte, a valued point scorer. T hat, coupled w ith the loss o f D avid Haas, w ho left the team to play in E urope and Shaw n H eaphy (a.k.a. T heo F leu ry ’s evil tw in), who w as out sick, left W o rcester’s front-line seriously underm anned lo deal w ith the explosive A lbany offense. At the end o f the second tw enty m inutes, the R ats had extended their lead to 6-2, and the C ats returned to the locker room in a pretty tough situation. The third period started up w here the sec­ ond left off, and m ounting frustrations quickly escalated into a slew o f m inor p en alties on both benches and the ejection o f three p la y ­ ers: IceC ats V irtue and R ob M elanson, and R iver Rat Scott Pellerin. Som ew here in the m iddle o f all the fly in g gloves and fists, W orcester left w ing Cal M cG ow an scored the only goal o f the p erio d , assisted by right w ing R oss W ilson. It w as too little too late for the IceC ats, how ever, and at the end o f the gam e the score sto o d 6 3, A lbany. T he loss pu ts W orcester’s overall reco rd at 12-24-8, last in their div isio n , but o n ly a few points behind the 4th place S p rin g field Falcons. Still in all, their p ercentage is 0 .3 6 4 , not too bad for a first year team in the to u g h ­ est division in the AHL. B esides, this reporter got his hands on a gam e puck, so the night w asn ’t a total loss!



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T u e s d a y , Ja n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

N e w spe a k

Page 4

S p e c ia l F e a t u r e

The new SocComm Movie Channel: How does it work??? by Amy L Plack SocComm Films Chair A lot of you may have noticed a new feature on your cable that perhaps your off-campus friends d o n 't have. It’s called the SocComm M ovie Channel, and it’s been on Channel 12 from 6 PM -2AM Mondays through Saturdays since the beginning o f the term. The WPI Films Com m ittee, with a great deal o f support from the Instructional Media C enter, has been very happy to provide this service to the WPI com m unity, but we are interested in feed­ back from you. So, before the critiques com e rolling in. I’d like to explain the process o f ordering the film s and how it’s made possible. Each film costs roughly $50 for 30 days o f possession by the IMC. The films for a given month must be ordered about two months in advance to assure availability and adequate time for advertising. We obtain the tapes from a distributor, called

Films, Incorporated. This distributor, like many others, only deals with certain motion picture companies, nam ely Param ount, Fox, Columbia, New Line Cinem as, M irim ax, and others. Some companies Films, Inc. D O ESN ’T deal w ith in­ clude Buena V ista Pictures (so no Disney Films), W arner Brothers, and Grammercy. Some films, such as the Star W ars Trilogy, are simply not available at all. It’s not as simple as driving down to B lock­ buster and picking up some tapes. We have to pay so much because we need a license to show the movies to so many people at once. If we can’t get a movie you want to see, all we can do is apologize - sorry! A month or so in advance, a schedule is made, with as many theme nights as possible scattered throughout the month and each movie is re­ peated an average o f three times. A lot o f you have expressed a desire for more theme nights stay tuned in March for Tom Hanks Night, Steve Martin Night, Really Bad Sci-Fi Night, and

L adies’ Night. I’ve also received request for more trilogies. In February, we will be showing the Naked Gun Trilogy, along with Die Hard I and II and W ayne’s W orld I and II. In March, look for The Karate Kid I-II1 and The Godfather Trilogy. A total o f three films are shown per night, with each film beginning on the hour o r halfhour, and the first film being repeated after the third one ends. Channel 12 switches over from SCOLA autom atically at 6PM when the first film begins, and switches back after that same film has repeated, usually at around 2AM. It’s an automatic process, with the VCRs being programmed a month in advance so that all the IMC employees have to do is switch the tapes before 6PM. The VCRs are even programmed to rewind the tapes after each showing! This means that no student ads or films can be run at this time. We currently only have three VCRs and a backup in case one fails us. I have heard that plans are in the works for channel 38 (no, it’s

not Spice here at WPI) to become a student channel, on which student works can be run, but that appears to be a long way off. If you are an off-campus student, the third floor lounge in Fuller Labs has been designated as a viewing area for the SocComm Movie Channel. That area was chosen because Fuller is already a 24-hour building, so it’s always open. Schedules will be available to on-cam pus residents for February and M arch soon, but you can stop by the SocComm office and pick one up if you live off-campus and want to know when films will be shown. As you can see, we are looking for your input. Y ou can send suggestions and requests to trek@ wpi.edu or drop them in inter-campus mail addressed to the Films Committee, Student Activities Office. Also, the Films C om m ittee is looking for more members. Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 9th at 8PM in SL 105, so if you are interested in joining, please show up to the meeting or contact trek@ w pi.edu.

Newspeak Asks: What do you think about the SocComm Movie Channel? i Photos by Brian Smith

r>r XT

It’s actually not bad because it’s better than regular TV. They show a lot o f stuff over and over. They have to change their variety. — Jeff Cullins ‘98

Ovverall, it s a good idea. I like it. But I ___ _____ ________ r _ _ ,______________ worry about it being another distraction, because the movies look pretty cool. — Karl B aker ‘97 — Nicole Manjerovic ‘97

I feel that if my social fees are paying I think it’s great. Definitely worth I don’t have a TV, I didn’t even know about the movie channel. for this service, but I don't receive this Salisbury Lounge or the W edge [so off- keeping. service, it's unjust. campus people can watch it too). — Jeff Mullen ‘95 — Olivia Poon ‘97 — Saskia Rosas ‘96 — Ben Fisk ‘97

I think it's great. I hope they expand it to maybe tw o or three channels so that we can have a larger variety o f movies. ___________________ — Jimm y Pai ‘97

G MAT»G RE*LSAT*MCAT P h otos o f the fo u r V C R ’s av ailab le to SocComm from the IMC. They were donated because the IMC was replacing some o f their equipment. Because this purchase was already anticipated, they mean no extra cost to the school . Except for the renting o f the movies, the movie channel costs us nothing. So check out the schedule and try to catch one o f the films, in your room with friends or in the Fuller third floor lounge.


W.P.I. CAMPUS! Take a sample lest and lind out where you stand without having an official score on your record.


Sat., Sat., Sat., Sat.,

Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.

28 28 28 28

9:00am -1 :30pm 9:00am - 5:00pm 10:00am - 2:30pm 11:00am - 3:30pm

Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury

Labs, Labs, Labs, Labs,

Rm Rm Rm Rm

105 104 121 123

C all today to reserve a spot for one of our F R E E tests.

Photos by Jason Philbrook


OQOQ 0 0 0 " t0 tO




ACADEMIC ADVISING DAY - F e b ru a ry 16(INTo classes) N O T E : F e b r u a r y 2 (p r e v io u s ly p u b lis h e d a s A c a d e m ic A d v isin g ; D a y ) - C la s s e s h e ld


T u e s d a y , Ja n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

Pa g e 5

ew spe a k

S p e c ia l Fe a t u r e

Point I Counterpoint

Movie Channel Schedule

Couch potatoism at WPI by Dave Koelle, Newspeak Staff and Brian Parker, Editor-In-Chief The new movie channel looks at first to be a good idea, however when one considers the reper­ cussions of having large numbers o f people watch­ ing TV and calling it a “social event” one may view it differently. We have seen our fellow students fall into a television trance. W alk down the floor of your dorm and you will usually see students centered around a screaming cathode ray tube. What effects does this have on the campus? First, the college wired the dorms for cable, which wasn’t a bad idea because cable is something that we all should have for a variety o f programming.

T u e sd a y. J a n u a ry 2 4

O f course, some people would watch cable too much. Now, we have an additional feature which demands more time of the students: the SocComm Movie Channel. Whereas a person can w atch most television shows for half an hour to an hour, movies tend to last an average o f two hours. Also, without commercials, there is no time for friends to talk during the movie. This severely limits the amount o f socialization which would otherwise occurs among friends. Activities around campus which may take place during some good movies will be in the back o f the student’s mind. We will see less o f our fellow students as they watch more TV. If you think apathy on campus is bad now. . . well, we need not say more.

A s an experim ent, invite one of your room ­ mates to a cam pus function, such as C offee­ house or a Pub Show , and see if they will accom pany you. T hey m ay not w ant to go if they are not interested but this is understand­ able. H owever, if their reason for not going is that a good movie will be shown, then our point has been proven. This is not to say that everyone will fall under this spell. Also understand that we love movies as much as the next person. But when mindless activities turn our friends into zombie couch po­ tatoes, do we as a whole lose out on part o f the college and life experiences? We must weigh the benefits o f the movie channel with the losses that it incurs.

Real Genius Perfect Weapon The Freshm an W ed n e sd a y, J a n u a ry 2 9

ANenl ratal Attraction Euffy the Vam pire Slayer T h u rsd a y . J a n u a ry 2G

Dracula Silver Cullet Candym an

New movie channel beneficial to students by Jami Walsh, Class o f ’97 and Kristen Greene, Editor-In-Chief H as ev ery o n e had the c h an ce to view SocC om m O s new est en d eav o r, channel 12? I f not, we su g g est you do. W hat a g reat idea to supply the cam pus w ith its ow n m ovie channel at no additional cost to the students. The channel runs from 6 pm to about 2 :3 0 am . In that tim e span four m ovies are show n. T hese m ovies include recent box office hits like Basic Instinct, but also som e o f yo u r o ld favorites like Ghost. Not only has SocC om m fu lfilled itO s obligation to provide the stu ­ dent body w ith inexpensive entertain m en t, but in doing so it has im proved the quality o f residence hall life. T his channel provides a social event fo r every night!!! Now p eople w ho d o n 6 t have the tim e to g o to a m ovie on Sunday night will have the opportu n ity to w atch a m ovie when they finally find the free tim e. It also allow s the student the choice to w atch a m ovie after d in n er and before the prim e tim e line-ups begin at 8 o ’clock, rather than sy ndicated sitcom s. Before the SocComm movie channel began it was difficult for students, underclassm an especially, to be able to sit dow n with group o f friends and w atch a movie. Even w ith the num erous cable channels the residence halls are already equipped with, it was still difficult at tim es to find anything worth watching. Also, prior to this channel a student needed a V C R in

order to w atch a movie and w ith the closest video store. Starship Video, being over a mile aw ay it was impractical for students w ithout cars to rent movies. A nother obstacle is that in ord er to obtain a video rental card the student m ust have a m ajor credit card, which is so m e­ thing that not all students have. Not to m ention the fact that renting movies can get to be rather expensive for students on a fixed budget. S om e people m ay argue th at this ch an n el w ill cause the student body to becom e “co u ch p o ta to e s.” We disagree w ith this statem ent. If th e stu d en t body w as g o in g to becom e the m indless vegetables that our colleagues claim , it w o u ld have happened w ith the in stallation o f cab le into the residence halls. The cab le w as in stalled to help keep th e student body in fo rm ed o f w hat w as going on in the w orld. T h is is b ecause prior to the installation o f cab le only the students living in the E llsw o rth / F u ller ap artm en t com plex an d Founders H all, w h ere external antennas w ere available fo r stu d en ts to plug into, could receiv e more than o n e or tw o channels. The m ovies w hich are a ire d on this channel are aired more th an o n ce d u rin g the m onth. T h erefo re, the s tu ­ d en ts can find a convenient tim e to w atch the m ovie they have selcted. T h is leaves am p le tim e to atten d all o f the o th e r events on c am p u s such as the coffehouse and pub show s. T he attendance at these e v e n ts will not d e ­ clin e becau se o f the in stallatio n o f the m ovie ch an n el. In fact, if S ocC om m decides to use

F r id a y . J a n u a r y 2 7 the o ff hours o r in-betw een m ovie periods to run ads for u p com ing events, w e believe attendance at them w ill actually increase. M any people will probably contend that stu­ dents will begin to neglect their studies and merely watch movies. Once again, if this was going to happen it would have happened with the installation o f cable television. Since stu­ dents are going to w atch television anyway why not give them som ething enjoyable to w atch rather than channel surfing for hours. H om e­ work is often done in front o f the television therefore the lack o f channel surfing will actu­ ally help the student concentrate because there is no longer a need to sw itch the station every half hour or so. This station is also providing many series o f m ovies(ie. Indiana Jones and Alien). How often do you have the chance to sit dow n and w atch a whole series o f your favorite movies in one night? W ithout the m ovie channel, renting all the movies in one night would become expen­ sive. This movie channel will provide an easily accessible means by w hich people can gather with their friends and have a good time. W e see many nights o f friends gathered in each others rooms watching m ovies on channel 12, popping popcorn, and having som e good old fashioned fun. C o n g ra tu la tio n s S ocC om m !! T he innovativeness you have shown illustrates your dedication to the W PI student and for that, we com m end you.

Evil Dead I Necessary Poutthness Point Creak S a tu r d a y . J a n u a r y 2 9

Evil Dead II Uncommon Valor Eaiders of the Lost Ark M on day. J a n u a ry 3C

Casio Instinct The Freshm an Silver Cullet T u e sd a y. J a n u a ry 3 1

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Ferris CueHer*s Cay Cff Allen M c v l e s b e a in a t C n m , a n d th e f i r s t m c v le I s s h e w n f o r a s e c o n d tim e a f t e r t h e th ir d m e r l e , a t a n n r c x lm a te ir 12am .

'Winter CamWal '95


M lc

'H ite

Whert? Friday, February 11 What time? &830PM Where? Riley Commons, aka "The Pub" We'd like to feature YOU and YOUR FRIENPS performing music, corr^dy, or whatever! Just fill out the form below and return it to the Student Activities Office. Paniels Hall by Monday, February 6th, and we'll be in touch! Questions? Email trek(£>wpi.edu.

O p e n - M

nam e of group:


'N ite

A p p lic a tio n

__________________________ _________

number of m em bers

type of act - com edy, m usical (if m usic, what kind and is it original work?):

length of act (no m ore than 20 minutes): _________________________ contact_______________________ phone:______________________ email:

P lease return to the Student Activities Office, Attn: Amy Plack

Page 6

N e w sp e a k

T u e s d a y , Ja n u a r y 24, 1995

E d it o r ia l

If you care about the future, do not use the recycling bins It is a lw a y s e a s y to te ll w h e n a m a s s - m a ilin g h a s

c o m p le te d , it is im p o rta n t to s p e n d a fe w m in u te s o n

g ro w s c lo ser. B u t th is is ju s t th e tim e w h en o u r in p u t is

g o n e o u t to th e b o x e s in D a n ie ls H a ll, fo r w h a te v e r h a s

th is is s u e . H is to r ic a lly , W P I s tu d e n ts h a v e b e e n

n e e d e d . E v e n th o u g h m a n y o f u s m ig h t n ot see th e c e n te r,

b e e n d is tr ib u te d in v a r ia b ly e n d s u p s c a tte r e d a ro u n d c a m p u s . W h ile a g r o w in g n u m b e r o f p e o p le a re u s in g th e r e c y c le b in s w h ic h a re a v a ila b le to d is p o s e o f th e

in te r e s te d in a p la c e w h e re th e y m ig h t g o to re la x a n d

as stu d e n ts, w e o b v io u s ly h av e in s ig h t w h ic h w ill b e n e fit

s o c ia liz e w ith o n e a n o th e r as w e ll a s th e fa c u lty a n d s ta ff. In T h e T w o T o w e r s , w h ic h g iv e s a n e x c e lle n t

th e W P I stu d e n ts o f to m o rro w . S o d o n ’t th in k o f th e tw o p a rts o f th e u p d a te as h o m e w o rk , in s te a d u s e it to b e n e fit o th e rs.

in v ita tio n s to p a r tic ip a te in th e e v e n t/s u r v e y , th e r e is

o v e r v ie w o f W P I ’s p a s t, th e r e is a q u o te fr o m th e 1 9 0 8

o n e a r tic le w h ic h w e u rg e y o u n o t to r e c y c le . In s te a d , ta k e a m in u te to lo o k o v e r th e “ C a m p u s C e n te r U p ­

y e a r b o o k w h ic h s ta te s "It is a n e a r n e s t h o p e th a t s o m e s u ita b le b u ild in g w ill b e e re c te d to b r in g s tu d e n ts

to s e e th e c h a n g e s th a t h a v e b een m a d e a n d m a n y o f th e m

d a te ” w h ic h is b e in g c ir c u la te d b y th e C a m p u s C e n te r

to g e th e r at le a s t o n c e a w e e k ."

d o n a te to th e sc h o o l. S in c e w e a lre a d y p ay o u r s h a re o f

C o m m itte e .

T h re e y e a rs ag o , a n o p e n c a m p u s m e e tin g w as h e ld in

T h is is in te n d e d to p ro v id e in f o rm a tio n o n th e p r o p o s e d s ite s , s o m e o f th e c r ite r ia fo r d e v e lo p in g

P e rre a u lt H a ll to d is c u ss th e c re a tio n o f th e ce n te r. T h e h all fille d to c a p a c ity a n d stu d e n ts w e re se n t to o th e r

E v e ry su m m e r, W P I alu m n i c o m e b a c k to th e c a m p u s

tu itio n , th is is o n e th in g w h ic h w e c a n all d o to im p ro v e th e q u a lity o f life. It w o u ld re fle c t b a d ly o n us a ll if th r o u g h o u r a p a th y , a s tu d e n t c e n te r w as b u ilt w h ic h d id

th e s e s ite s , a s w e ll a s a s u r v e y w h ic h e v e r y o n e is a s k e d to re tu rn . W h ile th e m a jo rity o f s tu d e n ts o n c a m p u s

ro o m s to w a tc h th e ta lk on W P I-T V . N ew sp ea k has b e e n

n o t m e e t the n e e d s o f stu d e n ts, so g iv e th is su rv e y so m e

b e h in d th e c e n te r as lo n g as w e c a n re m e m b e r and has

w ill m o s t lik e ly n o t b e a ro u n d b y th e tim e th e c e n te r is

w a tc h e d s tu d e n t in te re st d ro p as th e g ro u n d b re a k in g

c o n s id e ra tio n o r w rite to o n e o f th e m e m b e rs o f th e c o m m itte e b u t p le a s e d o n ’t ju s t th ro w this c h a n c e aw ay!

L etters

Ed it o r

to the

Professor offers thanks to the WPI Community Open letter to the WPI community: 1 w ould like to than k the entire W PI com m unity for th eir w ords and letters o f support. In particular, I am grateful for the card signed by so m any students. M y son, G iancarlo, passed aw ay on January 5. ju st one day shy o f tw elve w eeks old. He died o f S ud­ den Infant D eath S yndrom e (SID S),

c o m m o n ly kn o w n as c rib d ea th . SID S is the n u m b er one killer o f babies betw een the ages o f I m onth and 1 y ear, and a p p ro x im ately 7,000 infants die from it in A m erica each year. SID S victim s a p p e a r p erfectly h ealthy prior to death. SID S cannot be p red icted or p rev en ted , even those tim es w hen a doctor has been present. It is not caused by su ffo catio n , is not

co n tag io u s or genetic, and does not cause pain o r suffering. A lthough research ers have ideas for how one m ight reduce risk factors, no one presen tly know s how to p rev en t it. This is all that is curren tly know n about this terrible syndrom e. W e have all, in o u r ow n w ay, w orked very hard to be part o f our W PI com m unity. B ecause o f my

loss, I have learned how strong our co m m unity can be. I hope that o th ­ ers take this o p p o rtunity to reflect on life, lo v ed ones, an d to be thankful for the support o f others. In the future, I w ould like to w ork w ith student projects that deal w ith the m edical, inform ational, and m o n i­ toring a sp e c tso f SID S. F o rex am p le, w hen and how sho uld statistical fin d ­

ings be m ade available to the p ublic? W hat h appens w hen p ed ia tric ia n s disagree w ith recom m ended p ro ce­ dures? C an specific m onitoring d e ­ vices be designed? If you are inter­ ested, please contact me. Prof. D enise N icoletti, E C E nicolett@ ee, x5257, A K 216

Com m entary

Philler Feathers and Harbor Seals - What’s that thing growing on your leg?! by Laurel and Guinevere E ver get e-m ail from John Lott B row n? W e do... all the tim e... w ell... e v ery once and a w hile... w ell... we got one from him before break... Here it is:

Laurel and Guinevere: Thanks for your kind words. They are much ap­ preciated. A word o f caution: i t ’s easy to be a nice guy f o r a few weeks, before any tough decisions have had to be made. Let's watch the process unfold over the weeks ahead and continue our search fo r somebody who can really walk on water! JLB Isn ’t that ju s t w icked cool? We thought so. W e did m any P hiller jo y d ances over that one, how ever, ca r­ rying all that w eight around m ade us quite tired after several rounds. We th an k him for responding to o u r ar­ ticle and hope others w ill follow his lead. W e w onder if he has his P hiller Phan C lub certificate (suitable for fram ing) hanging on his wall w ith o th er distinguished docum ents... W ell, w e ’re well into C term now, and we have received m ore mail for o u r aliases than in ou r real mail boxes. W e’re still not sure w hat this m eans, but m aybe we should start getting on m ailin g lists so th at “ L aurel and G u inevere could have already won 10 m illion do llars!” H ere’s one o f the o th er letters w e’ve already re­ ceived:

D ear Laurel and Guinevere, We read your article first thing when we pick up Newspeak every glorious Tuesday. W e’ve had sev­ eral people tell us that we remind them o f you, so we have decided to be a little part o f this column and send you some questions that have been on our mind fo r a while. We 've been on DAKA fo r a long, long time now, and w e ’ve had our share o f adventures, ju st like every­ one else. As a matter o f fact, we ju st came back from Breakfast, but th a t’s not important right now. H ere’s w h at’s important: Life. Yes, that precious and fragile thing that we so enjoy... fo r breakfast. Recently, the DAKA people have been toying rather unfairly with Life. They have so rudely mixed Life Ce­ real with Golden Grahams over the past week. The various amounts o f each type fluctuated wildly, causing quite the stir among cereal lovers. At one point, the Golden Grahams

seemed to be entirely dead, fo r they had no Life in them. At other rimes, it appeared that they had fixed the problem, and had only one type in the dispenser, but alas, as one pulled out the handle, the bowl became filled with the cereal o f the other kind. This situation w as unaccept­ able, especially since Life is vital f o r our survival... at least at breakfast. (Sorry, that had to be done...) Thanks to the timely intervention o f our fa v o r ite DAKA h o ste s s e s , Bunny and June (hey, wasn't that a movie?), we were as­ sured that the problem would be solved... and they shared in our disappointment / fru stra ­ tion / amusement the next day when it was basically worse. The moral o f the story is... um... have Rice Crunchies fo r breakfast - th ere’s a l­ ways plenty of those...



Peace, Love, and Cows, Nick Conti and Troy Thompson

H an g on a m inute. W e know that you see the Top 10 L ist co m in g up, but th e re ’s an im p o rtan t th in g to be said first. W e assum e you all got the C am pus C enter th in g y in the mail last w eek. W ell, we h ope you d id n ’t put it in the circ u lar file, b ecause unlike m ost o f the snail m ail you get, this on e is im portant. E ven if you perso n ally will n ever see the cam pus center, those w ho com e after you will be very grateful if it is the best that it can be. (G ee, do es that really sound like an A rm y ad?) T h in k about it. T a lk to your frien d s, an d con su lt (not insult) your a stro lo g ist. T hen, w hen ail angles are co n sid ered , acute and obtu se, mail it b a c k to Jan et B egin R ichardson. She gets stu ff done. A fter all, her m iddle nam e m eans “ start” ... A nd now on to the funny b it... hopefully. .

Top 10 Worst Places for a Campus Center: 10. L aurel and G u in e v e re ’s closet. It’s far too cro w d e d in th ere a lre a d y w ith a ll th o s e d a rn c h ain s and su ch ... 9. W oodstock, NY. T h is seem s to be a p opular p lace fo r large so ­ cial g atherings, h o w ev er it is an inconvenient lo catio n for m ost W P I s t u d e n ts . ( B e s id e s , T ick etM aster w asn ’t w illing to

let W PI handle the tick et sales.) M organ Hall Service E levator. D espite its obviously u nstable foundation, w hich w ould cause nausea for many students who spent extended periods o f tim e in the C am pus C enter, lim ited flo o r space proved to be the m ajor factor in this d e sig n 's dism issal.

a ltern ate m eans o f entry to the b u ilding, and thereby c o m p ro ­ m ise their safety. 6 . F reem an Plaza. W hy not? Its central to everything. W ho cares that they ju s t fixed the w hole d arn thing up, and at g reat e x ­ p en se? B esides, they have yet to figure out w hat that darn g ra n ­ ite block is for. T hink o f it as a... corner stone... 5. S G A O ffic e . S ince ru m o rs abound o f its possible im ­ pending vacancy... and i t ’s p roxim ity to the current c a m ­ pus center, a.k.a. The W edge, m ake this an ideal choice. 4. B oynton H all - Y es, th a t’s right. The B ig A is out. T he b uilding w as o riginally c la s s ­ room s, so w hy shouldn’t we reclaim it for the students? Be0 sid es, B oynton does not m atch v i ' w ith any o f the other b uildings, so therefore, it m ust go. 3. The w orst o f the “official id e a s” -B e e c h Tree C ircle. W hy w ould anyone w ant to get rid o f th is beautiful tree? The th in g is sch o o l co lo rs! The b u ild in g w ould look like a guard to w er

B ancroft Tow er. A lthough this is a com m on place for W PI stu ­ dents to “hang o u t,” the c ity ’s habit o f consistently lo ck in g the p o te n tia l c e n te r’s m ain g a te w ould force students to seek




right th ere at the e n tra n c e ... Y ucky poo. That abandoned w arehouse in dow ntow n W o rcester - lots o f floor space, and convenient to everyw here, but drafty in “w in­ ter” Riley H a ll-ju st plain stoooopid. W here w ould you p u t the 200 students who live there now ? Duh! D id you ev er think o f that? (H ow ever, w e have to thank the “co m m ittee” for fi­ nally taking it o ff the list o f choices.)

IV. Conclusion T his project was done so that w e could exam ine the fundam ental d is­ p arities betw een the reality o f the subjective, and w hatever we say. It has been determ ined that w e have no clue, but so w hat. W e k eep talking anyw ay, but w e’d like som e help from you. If you have anything to say at all, please w rite to us at new speak @ w pi.edu, or at Box 2700, o r select P hiller P heedback on o u r W eb page o ff o f the N ew speak page. B ye for now .


e w sp e a k

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI Box 2700, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Phone (508) 831-5464 • Fax (508) 831-5721 new8peak@wpl.edu • http://www.wpi.edu/~newspeak EMtena Editor


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WPI Nawspaafc of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, formerly the Tech News, has been published weekly during the academic year, except during college vacations, since 1909. Newspeak has been printed on recycled paper since January, 1991. Masthead designed by Troy Thompson for Newapeak's 21st Anniversary. All articles should be typed and include the author’s name and box number. Copy may be sent to WPI Box 2700 or brought to the Newspeak office (Riley 01). Articles may also be submitted via e-mail. All copy is due by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding publication. Letters to the Editor must contain the typed or printed name of the author as well as the author's signature, telephone number, and box number for verification. Students submitting letters to the editor should put their class after their name. Faculty and staff should include their full title. Letters deemed libelous or irrelevant to the WPI community will not be published. All Club and Greek comers must be submitted via e-mail and be 275 words or less. All ads are due by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding publication. Any submissions received after this time will be subject to a flat $15 late fee per ad. Advertisements, including classified ads. will not be accepted via email. Classified ads must be prepaid. The decision on whether a submission is a public service announcement or an advertisement lies with the editors. The editorial is written by a member or members of the Newspeak staff It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the entire Newspeak staff. The editors reserve the right to edit all copy for correct punctuation and spelling a s well as appropriate content. Printing is done by Saltus Press. First Class postage paid at Worcester. Massachusetts Subscription rate is $20.00 per school year, single copies 75 cents within the continental United States. Make all checks payable to WPI Newspeak

S tudent G overnm ent A

ss o c ia t io n

CAP s agenda this term is the follow up on the Math Dept, and Maple, Chem 111 charge for the syllabus, curriculum re­ view, advertising on W AAF, and the V.Secretary’s Report: interface disciplines. The com m ittee S ecretary B u tlan d ask ed several I. Meeting called to order at 5:51 also needs a new faculty representa­ senators to see her after the meeting to pm. tive. He also asked the comm ittee sign up for office hours and com m it­ members for their schedules. tees. Also, to be excused from a meet­ II.Attendance: New W Pl:Senator Plack reported ing please send her em ail instead o f Executive Board: Fiona A bram s, that the meeting will be held on T ues­ leaving a message on the call-in line. Vice Pres; Rachel Butland, Sect. day at 4:00 pm. Place to be announced. Senate: Joe Batcha, H eather Cleary, -Institute Committees VI.Treasurer’s Report: none C ath y C o n n e lly , R yan D aly , Nat CSA: Sen. C onnelly reported that Fairbanks, Shannon Finley, Beth Gen­ the comm ittee voted unanim ously to try, Lee Guthrie, Rebecca Hoffm an, recom m end to the Registrar Lucie Lasovsky, Jason to use past demand, histori­ M a c ie ro w s k i, Amy W O R C E S T E R P O L Y T E C H N IC IN S T IT U T E cal registration patterns, and Plack, Amy Sinyei, Dave better conflict resolutions to S m ith , G re g S now , build the master schedule and K ris te n S ta g g , T im then give the students the Tully, C hizzy Uchendu, time schedules along with Joe Wain. the teaching assignm ents, to Absent: Greg Findlen, use during pre-registration. P re s .;(e x c u s e d ), D eb Some topics to hopefully be F o le y (e x c u se d ), John discussed for the term are G rossi(excused), Marni S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T A S S O C IA T IO N acad em ic d ish o n esty and Hall, Ed Hallissey, Seth new student orientation. If anyone has VH.Committee Reports: Kintigh. Jason M ickey(excused), Jeff any issues that they feel are relevant -SGA Comm ittees S p a le tta , C ara V a llie re (e x c u se d ), please do not hesitate to contact C athy P&P: Chair Snow reported that he Shelby W alker(excused). C o n n e lly (sw a th y @ w p i) o r K evin did a lot o f w ork over break but the Parliamentarian: Jason Averill Shea(shea@ wpi). committee had not met yet. A meeting Library Advisory: Sen. Daly an­ will be scheduled for next week. III. Approval of Minutes: nounced that the committee will meet Elections: C hair Wain reported that The minutes o f the m eeting held on February 6th. the committee has set up a preliminary D ecem ber 13,1994 were approved with schedule for C -term elections and they no amendments. V III. O ld B usiness: none are looking to see if there are any con­ flicts. They will need at least ten (10) IV. Vice-Presidents Report: IX . New Business: senators on February 16th for paper Vice-President Abrams reported on M otion lc.9 5 :S ecretary B utland balloting. Please see him afterthe meet­ the last Faculty Meeting. Also, al the moved that the Senate vole to approve ing if you can help on that day. Executive Staff Meeting they discussed the executive decision to send flowers CAl:C hair Fairbanks reported the the increase in applications for the CM to the family o f Cara Valliere. Senator comm ittee did not meet last week. On Dept, and the decrease in applications

Minutes fo r the meeting o f January 17, 1995 Meeting held in Atwater Kent 219

Page 7

N e w sp e a k

T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

for CE ^ P ' ^ Institute’s budget.

also discussed the


Fairbanks seconded. Motion passed. Senator Daly moved to hear new business, Fairbanks seconded. Motion passed. M otion 2c.95: Senator Daly moved that the Senate vote to give $1.05 for the W inter Carnival. Senator Batcha seconded. Daly stated that the motion was intended to open discussion about the W inter Carnival to be held in Feb­ ruary. Senator Macierowski moved to sus­ pend R obert’s Rules. Daly seconded, motion passed. Senator Finley moved to re-instate R obert’s Rules. Connelly seconded, motion passed. Senator Daly withdrew the motion.

X. Announcements: -Secretary Butland announced that she is intending to write a letter to Philler concerning their last article.

Please let people know that the office is open and why we have office hours. -Senator Fairbanks announced that there is a wrestling m atch W ednesday at 6:00pm in Alumni Gym. -Senator M acierow ski announced that New Voices subm issions are due on Feb. 1st. -Senator Tully announced that there is a basketball game Saturday at 7:30 pm. -Senator Batcha announced that there is a volleyball game on Sunday vs. W orcester State. -Senator Plack rem inded everyone that budget packets are due M onday, January 23rd. Senator Cleary moved to adjourn, S e n a to r S m ith se c o n d e d , m o tio n passed.

XI.Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.

Agenda for Tuesday January 24,1995 5:45 pm, Atwater Kent 219 I. 11. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.

Call to order RoU Call Approval of Minutes of meeting held January 17 Vice President’s Report Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Old Business New Business Motion 3c.95-Winter Carnival Funding-Senator Plack Motion 4c.95-motion from CAI on Chem 3-Fairbanfcs Announcements Adjournment

Com m entary

Culture Spew by Mr. Engaged W ell, w ell, well... its C term again. T im e to jo in the whiny m inions o f the overw orked and overstressed... and tim e to actually finish this thing called M QP. First I’d like to do a little com ­ m entary here. N ew speak is trying to m ake itself into a reputable and w orth­ w hile organization. One part o f this is carrying more listings o f w hat’s going on locally. For me this m eans (hope­ fully!) being able to get press passes to local area (W orcester, Boston, P rovi­ dence) show s and bring the hot juicy details to y ’all. This should also entail a com prehensive club listing and the likes. All for you guys... and to get people to stop saying “ th ere’s nothing to do!!”. In case you haven’t heard WPI is now running radio ads on 107.3 W A A F that lovely obnoxious Boston radio station where they insist there’s more rock and less talk but then you get people like Liz W ilde who blab for hours about nothing. Little opinion here... SHUT U P LIZ!! N O O NE C A R ES!!! For better listening pleasure check out the following: 88.1 fm (Holy Cross radio) 95.5 (Brown Univ. radio) and two other Boston stations: 104.1 and 101.7. Anyways these ads on W A A F are incredibly silly. They sound like typical ads for typical no-name schools where you can get a degree in computers by learning how to use DOS. The problem is this school is N OT one o f those schools. If anyone in administra­ tion happens to wake up and read this Please PLEA SE!! get o ff W A A F or get better ads... besides, the average IQ o f a WAAF listener is so low that they prob­ ably couldn’t spell W orcester Polytech­ nic Institute let alone go here. B y the time you read this you will have missed Boyz II Men at the W orces­ ter Centrum. Oh what a pity. Newspeak was supposed to send me there to review it but somehow the tickets got lost. Too bad. I figured there was probably a good article in there somewhere about scalp­ ing tickets and yelling “nice pants po­ seur” in downtown Worcester W ell, here’s the part you want to read , the album reviews. One otehere, some people ask me “why 'n’t you review certain albums like ____ V Simple. I only review those artic les which I can make positive remarks about. This doesn’t mean all the albums I don’t review I hate but simply with limited space and time why waste it throwing stones.

V eru ca Salt - “ A m eric a n T h ig h s” Okay, I admit it. Other than the Buck Pets writing a song about the Veruca Salt guitarist, Louise Post 1really don’t know anything about them. I saw them in some silly interview on M TV where the inter­ viewer was asking dumb questions and the band was getting bored and that was it. They have released what I believe is their major label debut and a very sig­ nificant debut it is. The first single “Seether” is cute almost to a fault and so is the video. The songs range from mel­ low Liz Phair/Breeders style to bounc­ ing pop singles ala Julianna Hatfield. A lot o f the album reminds me o f Julianna Hatfield and the Breeders, so if you like either o f those you’ll like Veruca Salt. The nice thing is that not as whiny as Julianna some gets and they’re not as inconsistent as the Breeders last album. The song “Victrola” is probably the best track on there, with nice big hooky riffs and a bouncing backbeat. “Sleeping Where I Want” runs to the other less traveled side and is reminiscent o f those rather slow light-but-moody Belly songs. Most o f the album tends to stay with the hooky guitar and solid beat type material as is heard on other songs like “Forsythia” and “N um ber One B lin d ” All in all if you like female fronted bands here’s another CD to add to your collection. Some might say Veruca Salt is just doing the same thing as a lot o f other artists who have been doing it for longer. So what. They’re good at it.

Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly This was actually released in 1990 but since I wasn’t here then, and since I just bought the album, and since they just came into the public eye with their new album; I figured this is one worth reminding people about. If you like their last release “So Tonight....” then you will like the first album. It features Hope Sandoval’s amazingly dreary yet pas­ sionate voice that is reminiscent o f Nico and that Mazzy Star so und What is the Mazzy Star sound??? I believe it to be part Velvet Underground, part country, part depression, and part some mysteri­ ous etheral aura which sets them apart from everyone. Their songs are equal pans haunting and brooding as well as exquisite and beautiful. From the laid back feel o f the drum s to the slide guitar creeping in to prom inent tambourine and the background textures with haunt­ ing acoustic guitars, distorted droning electrics, and organs; Mazzy Star cre­ ates a musical drawing that rivals most other groups. Spooky songs like “She

Hangs Brighily” and almost pop songs like "Halah” (the video for which is finally getting MTV airplay) combine to form an album for which you need to lum the stereo up loud and let the melo­ dies swim around you. Anyways... you’re probably all sick o f these lists by now, but h ere’s my top whatever list from 1994 o f album s to get: In no particular order: 1: Mash It Up Volume 2 and 3 - great

local ska 2: C ranberries - No N eed To Argue - yes Virginia, there IS a band more depressing than the Cure., .but still great 3: Hole - Live Through This - Good thing C ourtney Love didn’t go through with her and C urt’s idea of a double suicide, sh e ’s a much better songw riter 4: Luscious Jackson - Natural Ingre­ dients - buy this album and their first one “ In search o f Manny”

5: Mazzy Star - So Tonight That I Might See - Hope Sandoval is am azing 6 : Sugar - File Under: Easy Listening - Mr. Mould back with more under­ ground angst and pop sense 7: Frente - Marvin the Album - unique, different, and they do a good New O rder cover See you next week. Try not to let the music industry buy your ears.

Sitting in the library, wondering if the cute librarian is married by Gadsen Flag Today I’m in one of the hard wooden chairs in the library. I would bring in a (som ew hat battered) la-z-boy from home, but I can’t figure out how to get it into one o f those little lockers. I spent last weekend in Cambridge, and spent several happy hours studying in one o f Harvard’s libraries. Not that there’s a lot WPI could do about it at this point (without plastique and a liberal insurance policy), but our library lacks a number o f things. I) Light. This is actually a compli­ ment. F orthoseofyou who haven’t had sex yet (i.e.: freshM EN)(andno,Binkie, with yourself doesn’t count), last year the library had several thousand hum­ ming yellow sodium-vapor vibrators stuck in the ceiling. Sorry - several thousand humming yellow sodium-va­ por fluorescent tubes stuck in the ceil­ ing. They just sounded like vibrators. This summer, they were replaced with silent white fluorescent tubes. Kudos all round. 0 ) Quiet. The quiet study area o f the library is right next to the Mystery M e­ chanical Noise. This noise, sort o f a high-pitched whine, is audible through most o f the first floor. Placing the quiet study area right next to this was just plain stupid A much better place for a quiet study area would be on the third floor, overlooking Boynton Hill (that is, look­ ing north). Ill) Daily Newspapers. This a minor bitch, and considering where students leave periodicals in the library, a diffi­ cult one. A side note: At one point, I found the entire Telegram & Gazette for a week cleverly hidden in the record player inside one o f the music listening rooms. Newspapers? Who cares. Right, right. The point o f this. We need daily

newspapers in the periodical section. Maybe having an extra copy on Reserve would be a good idea. Speaking of good ideas, what hap­ pened to the referendum to eliminate SGA? Newspeak seemed unable to get to the bottom of this, and the author (not, I assure you, yours truly) never came forward. It may or may not have been a joke, but it wasn’t a bad idea. A lot o f people complain about SG A ’s lack o f accomplishments, or indeed, activity. If students don’t like SGA and aren’t satis­ fied with it, they should have power to remove it. I was reading the wpi.newsgroups, and came across a number of people on the net defending SGA on the basis o f “keeping a student voice in the allotment o f funds.” Sorry, Binlrie, but it just ain’t so. Although Student Government does theoretically decide how much certain groups are funded, there is no actual thought in the process: these budgets have been frozen defacto for quite some time. Last year, student government kept almost ail groups within five percent o f the previous year’s budget. There was no serious attempt to discuss or analyze these budgets. Inflation was five percent last year. Almost every group requested a five percent increase in funding. Thus, all SGA did was shuffle paperwork while freezing the budgets. If these budgets are simply going to remain frozen from year to year, trained monkeys, or a good C++ program (same thing, really) could do the jo b better. Which is sad At some schools, stu­ dents have a -direct- vote in deciding who their money goes to. At the Univer­ sity o f Wisconsin, students at the start o f each year were given 58 photocopied dollars. All the student groups gathered, with tables and boxes, in the gym and on the lawn. Students then “spent” their

money on the groups they were inter­ ested in. The student groups’ budgets were determined by the amount o f pho­ tocopied dollars they had at the end o f the day. “Extra” dollars, from students who didn’t vote were allotted propor­ tionately to those students who did vote. SGA does not do this. Instead, there are an abundance o f treasurers, assistant treasurers, Budget Class Officers (since student groups are divided by type into different classes), and other hoops to jum p through. Groups must have bud­ get items approved by SGA. SGA thus has a strange veto power over the expen­ ditures o f any student group on campus. Luckily, most groups dislike this pow er, and the budgets for student groups are these beautiful works o f creative fiction, involving Faraway Fantasy Fake C on­ ferences, Regional Madeup M em ber­ ship Fees for Nonexistent/Inactive O r­ g an iza tio n s, and T rav el E x p en ses Around Campus. This money goes to: pizza. Thus, we have an entire bureaucratic organization, involving literally thou­ sands of pieces o f paper, tens of officers, and a hellishly complicated tie-in with Accounting to provide the campus with pizza. It would be simpler to just subsi­ dize Gompei’s. M y opinion? W e have two good options available to us: A ) Let the students vote directly on funding, a la Wisconsin. B) Freeze the funding forever, and let groups spend the money on whatever they want. I’ll keep everybody posted during the coming election campaign with highly opinionated coverage. A Request: Dear SGA: Please hold two election

See Commentary, Continued on page 11

Pag e 8


T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

e w sp e a k

C lu b C o rn er ACM T he W PI chapter o f the A ssociation for C om puting M achinery w ould like to thank those that cam e to the m eeting last w eek. If you m issed the m eeting you can still take part in the upcom ing events. C om ing up shortly is the w inter social for the C S departm ent. Show up w earing your Tshirt for the 25th an n iv ersary celebration. The T -sh irts have arriv ed and are available in B lack, G reen, and B lue in sizes L, X L, XXL. W rite to acm @ w pi or visit K eith in his office to pick up yours. W e h a v e set up a w o rld w id e w eb hom epage. Point M osaic o r N etscape at h ttp :/ / w w w .w pi.edu/~ acm / to ch eck it out. ACM m em bers; you can have a p o in ter from our w eb page to yours, ju s t ask. W elcom e new o fficers. T he P resident: K eith B arrett, V ice-P resident: M ike Lepore, P ublicist: Jason Philbrook, T reasu rer; D or­ othy O lson, Secretary: G abe E rnst-E dw ards. M any thanks to R ollin and A llen for their service. T o learn m ore about A CM , w rite to us at acm @ w pi.edu or ch eck out o u r hom epage.

ASC W elcom e back everyone! H ope you all had a great X ’mas break! N ow for C term , A SC has lots activ ities for you. W e had our first general m eeting y esterday. For those o f you w ho m issed the m eeting and w ant to know w hat’s going on w ith the club, you can em ail to asians and our o fficers will take care o f your questions. T he tw o m ajor th in g s we talked about w ere: 1. A SC T -shirt 2. A SC yearb o o k The T -shirt design is all finished, now we are taking orders; for the yearbook, please hand in all pictures to Sharon o r H eri. A ny kind o f pictures you want to be included in the year­ book are w elcom e, e.g. baby pictures, fam ily p ictures etc. The deadline for accep tin g pic­ tures is the end o f C term , so keep this in your m ind and hand in as m any pictures as you like! Stay tide w ith A SC fo r m ore fun and un­ forgettable m em ories!!! B est W ishes To You All A SC O fficers

ASME W ell 1 actually have som ething to write about this week. Last W ednesday we had the first ASM E o f the new year. 1 sent out a sum ­ mary o f it in e-mail but reported the date as 1/ 18/94, needless to say it was a sum m ary o f the m eeting this year, not last year. A nyw ay for those o f you who m issed it (and don’t read email yet) I will briefly describe what we are up to. W e are planning some more plant tours this term. Polaroid and Sam uel A dam s, I think everyone know s about (or know s what the com panies are about) and in addition Bird and Sons (great for all interested in m anufacturing) and M artin M arietta. If anyone is interested in attending any o f these tours, em ail marko@ wpi and m ention which tours you are interested in. The tours will most likely be on some W ednes­ days throughout the term. A lot o f organizations have T-shirts here (even the civils), so we are having an ASM E Tshirt contest. Come up w ith a design, put it on a piece o f paper in ink (colors added at the shirt place, not on the draw ing), put A SM E som e­ where on it and mail it to A SM E Box 841. The w inner gets a free shirt and 25 bucks. W e also spoke about having som e socials this term with some other organizations. If any out there wants to have a social with the ASM E, contact us. Finally, the torches will be passed at the end o f the term, i.e. officer elections. We will be having a pizza pany and the 4 spots are open for officers. As always A SM E forms are located in front o f H L 116 and to all m em bers (and offic­ ers) who ow e dues (a lot o f you), please pay up....

Bacchus Hey guys.... ok we had a m eeting last week and got a lot o f ideas bouncing around. If you want to participate then come to our next meet­ ing on W ednesday at 7:00 pm. The location o f the meeting is in SL 121 .. G O T IT., be there... we need your support.... Strive to live healthy!!!

Chinese Student Association A big and warm hello to all as we plunge into C term ...sorry we m issed C lub C om er last w eek, but w e’re back now (and will be around for the rest o f the term). A nyw ay, once again, hope everyone had an enjoyable break and is ready to do som e stuff w ith C SA this term. T hough most people w ould m uch rather stay

in their nice warm beds this season, o ur B asket­ ball and Table T ennis players are already out w inning gam es...if the players can leave their room s and head on dow n to the courts, so can you. Go and cheer at a B asketball game som etim e...the players really w ork hard and are doing well this year...you can bring you blanket if you want, you know. O k...a few other things. There should be a general meeting tom orrow (W ednesday) prob­ ably in Salisbury Labs (as usual)...sorry the info *might* not be exact here; ju st check your mail for all the new est updates. A lso, as you should know, C hinese New Year is com ing u p...if you all have som ething you really want to do, just mail dragon@ wpi and give us sug­ gestions (or we might have to plan an event where everyone stands around and gives me red envelopes while feeding me yum m y goodies). One other thing...yearbook pictures *could* be com ing up...so stay tuned on that as well. Ok, guess th a t’s about it for this w eek...not m uch has happ en ed so th e re ’s not too much to say (unless y ’all w anna hear me sing, that is). O h, and the C SA Sports T -shirt is ST IL L ‘un d er c o n stru c tio n ’ ...sorry for the d elay due to som e technical d ifficu lties. It w ill be out as soon as possible (and it will be w orth the w ait). W ell then, take care and k eep warm ! Later.

German Club T his is for all students (p rev io u s an d c u r­ rent) o f G erm an, G erm an E xchange S tudents, o r anyone w ho is in terested in ex p erien cin g a little bit o f G erm an C ulture and can speak G erm an. A STA M M T1SCH (type o f G erm an in for­ mal m eeting w here p eople trad itio n a lly drink b eer and play card s) will be held at 12:00 until 1:00 in G o m p e i’s. H ow ever, we will be restricting ou rselv es to the co nsum ption o f sodas. T his is a go o d o p p o rtu n ity to build, p ractice, o r b rush up on your G erm an V erbal S kills, and have a lot o f fun.

ISC Hi, all o f you out there! W ell, FY I, there w as a m eeting last W ednesday at M organ C and the next one w ill be next w eek (not this w eek) in the sam e p lace at 4 :3 0 pm. I hope every b o d y is g ettin g read y fo r IS C ’s next great event - the C ulture N ight! It is going to be held som e tim e in A pril ( U th I think) and is open to all. W e ’re plan n in g to make the ticket p rices very, very low - ac tu ­ ally, w hat the heck, w e’ll m ake it free! A nd fo r that price (o f n o thing) w e ’ll th ro w in all the food and drinks. A s a bonus, th e re ’s also going to be p lenty o f m usic and d an cin g - I hope m ost o f you o u t there can affo rd that, huh? D uring this n ight, th e re ’s g o in g to be a couple o f p resen tatio n s m ade that are going to be noth in g short o f sp ectacu lar an d e x cit­ ing - so d o n ’t you d are m iss it....W e ’re going to m ake sure that “aw eso m e” w ou ld be an un d erstatem en t for the night! A nyw ay, I’ll be providing m ore d etails in later issues o f N ew s­ peak - so keep tu n in g in... By the w ay, w ould all the m em ber clubs o f ISC please ap p ro ach the m eetings w ith som e ideas as to yo u r p articip atio n for the C ulture night. W e w ould like to get things started as soon as p o ssib le....th an k you! W ell, th a t’s all fo r now folks - till next tim e, B on Chance!

Lens and Lights The C -term blues have set in... ...n o m in atio n s o pen tom orrow , 4:30P M , A K 232 if you w ant to be n o m in ated , ask a frien d , ask me, o r nom inate y ourself... T hat is all... ... go b ack to sleep ....

Masque Susan m ade lots o f really cool an n o u n ce­ m ents at the M asque M eeting on F rid ay , but as usual this got turn ed in first... so if you w ere not there ask aro u n d and fin d o u t what happened. W ell it is that tim e o f y ear when we have show s and show s and show s and need lots o f people to chip and in help out. B oth M W R ep and M asq u e’s C -term show a re lo o k in g fo r c re w m e m b e rs c o n ta c t kat@ w pi and louise@ w pi fo r th eir resp ec­ tive show s. IN T E R E S T E D D IR E C T O R S for the N V I3 festival! If you are in terested in d irectin g L E T D aw n K NO W ! She needs your nam e, past d irectin g ex p erien ce, w h eth er you p refer com edy o r dram a, w hether you w ant to d irect o r assistant d irect, e-m ail this in fo rm a­ tion to daw n@ w pi. O n the sam e no te anyone in terested in stage m anaging o r scen eo g rap h y con tact T rish, trishg@ w pi. C hain L in k Fence is b a c k .. .N ot that th ey went a n y w h e re .. .but anyw ays . . .T here w as a reh earsal Sunday and there w ill be m ore to com e w atch for

new s. Im portant D ates: F ebruary First - New V o ices S ubm ission D eadline, F ebruary 2-4 M W R ep Show s, February 23-25 F ahrenheit 4 51. M eetin g F riday as alw ays 4 :30pm G reen R oom be there.

Mu Sigma Delta Hi everybody! As you m ay have noticed, we changed the name o f the club from the WPI PreM ed/PreV et Society to this more sim pler form. O ur quarterly m eeting was yesterday and for those o f you who m issed it, the m inutes will be posted over m edvetnew s any day now. New term , new ideas, and we need your help! One o f the first things happening this term is a fundraiser that will be held next M onday and T uesday (Jan 30,31) from 11-4 in D aniels M ailroom . We will be raffling off a W achusett Ski A rea Gift C ertificate at the bargain price o f tw o chances for a dollar. Tell your friends, bring some pocket change, and win! For those o f you not in the club who might have suggestions, o r if you com e up with any ideas for club related activi­ ties, d o n ’t be shy, let everyone know via m edvctnew s@ w p i! Hope you all have a happy and prosperous w eek!-guppy

National Society of Pershing Rifles W elcom e back to an o th er glorious year at W PI. S orry about m issing last w eek folks, b ut I refu se to explain m y self one m ore tim e so you w ill ju s t have to accept it. A nyw ay, w e have a great year p lan n ed if we can get o v er the num erous large hurdles that have been p lace d in our path. First o f all, we have got to get recruiting go in g full blast now !!! T h is is a great o rg anization and we have to tell p eo p le about it, get them in terested . P ersh in g R ifles m ust have a large pledge class fo r this spring. S econdly, we w ill be h o ld in g electio ns early this year for various reaso n s. A nyone w ho w ants to try fo r any o f the follo w in g positions, do not h esitate to let peo p le know . T here is the C aptain, X O , First S erg e an t, S -1, S-3, S-4, an d ten tativ ely assis­ tant S -2, Sergeant at arm s, and S-5. W e need goo d peo p le to fill these positions, so think about it. O ur next m eeting will be tom orrow at 7:0 0 p m in HA 035. E veryone should have those b id s out by now so you should all bring in at least one person.

Newman Club I’m BACK...sorry to have missed a few issues. This place gets busy! Newman has still been chugging away though. Christmas Mass went well along with the food collection for Youville. Thanks to the lady carolers and Maria for organiz­ ing everything. We still missed those Glee Club boys! The reception after went well too as it was a good study break for most o f us. Last night was the first meeting of the term. Look for news o f the Retreat and other upcoming events. D on’t forget our Superbowl Sunday E x­ travaganza on Sunday. Stop by around 3:30pm for some food and socializing. If you want to watch the game with the infamous House Managers you are welcome to stay. For the ministers: there’sasign up sheet for the Nursing Home program. Make sure you talk to us about which weekend you’d like to go. Avoid those MPNs and have a good week! Think snow...

SocComm Your friendly neighborhood social com m it­ tee is on the run again. This w eek we have a sneak preview for the m ovie BEFO RE SU N ­ RISE. G o see it... it’s free. The meetings for the different com m ittees are as follows: M ajor events, W ednesday at 4:30 lower wedge, and probably also a Fine Arts meeting on W ednes­ day. If your are interested in seeing what we do w ith A LL the M ONEY we have... com e and j o i n ... to fin d o u t m ore in fo e m a il soccom m @ wpi or call X5509.. Later

Society of Women Engineers SW E will be holding its first m eeting of CT erm TO N IG H T— Tuesday, January 24th in O H 126 at 7pm. We will be talking about possible new programs as well as the upcom ing conference in Rochester, NY in early March. W e’d also like to get som e volunteers w ho’d be w illing to w ork for an hour or so at the SW E booth during the health fair on February U th . C om e to the m eeting if you have any questions o r new ideas, would like to volunteer for som e­ thing, or w ould like to buy a SW E “T op Ten R easons to be an E ngineer” t-shirt (we still have to sell at least 10 o f them for $10 each). Plus, we will be having refreshm ents as an added bonus for attending!

Bach is coming. Johann Sebastian that is. Sunday Feb. 5 - A lden Hall 3:00pm w ith the Smith College Glee Club (lots of them)

T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 24, 1995

Page 9

N e w sp e a k

G r eek C orner

AXP Hello again... First off, the National Consult­ ant will be here today, so throw away your empties and dust off yourtextbooks - don’t worry, it’s only temporary. H e’s just in time, too, for the annual marathon election night. Thai’s right officers - your sen­ tences are nearly over. In theory, anyway. Thus far, every time I’ve seen the light at the end o f the tunnel it’s been the train, but this time it might actually be freedom! Besides, it’s somebody else’s turn to go to jail... Well, congratulations are finally in order, as

the first successful raid was finally pulled last Friday. W ho said it couldn’t be done, anyway? Now you try it boys... "... I really like your new Twister mat, Tom.” Hey!!! What do you mean you don’t care what I do? Then why the hell did I waste all o f my money and everybody’s time when you just don’t care what I do??!! Are you saying that you’re much happier now than you were with your old, ugly floor? My goodness, you really DON’T give a damn about me, do you? H a ha ha... Finally, if you or someone you know is respon­ sible for the creation of that damn Burger King commercial with the guy who wants to eat his duct

tape for lunch instead o f paying 99 cents for some burger, 1 will personally hunt you down and kill you!!! That is all.

ATA Hello Ladies!! In case you haven’t heard. Erica is the first female in the history o f life as we know it to be on W PI’s varsity college bowl team— Congratulations! Congrats also to the S. W .’s Mia and Deb F„ and the P. W. Amy S .! Big Hugs go out to Karen G. and Cara...and Happy Birthdays to Tanya (today!) and Valerie (30th)! Thank you to Phi Sig Kap for the FOOD, I mean the social...and a special welcome back lo FIJI! Special little hello’s to Kristy and her bunny-even if Topless is allergic to her! (The bunny that is) And to the pledges- we had a great time with you on Thurs-kcep up that spirit! But remember, AGD-time is no longer in existence— better work on it! Hey Wendy— toughen up, girl! You’re such a softie! Try the backwards baseball cap look, it’s very intimidating. Don’t forget Panhel voting on Sunday...ADOVELING! AGD PLEDGES: Hey Girls! Hope you all had a great week! Good luck in Ireland and congrats on being sister o f the month: Mia L and Deb F! W e’ll miss you! Dinner with everyone was fungreat story Leslie- we missed the crew people! Good job to everyone who did the skit at the meeting. Great bonding with the sisters on Thurs­ day! Remember girls-unity! Not bad for the first try though. Good job raiding both nights! W e’re getting good - very stealth and no kidnappings. The popcorn was a nice touch- g(x>d job Kathy and Becky. Remember all o f your FE stu ff! Have a great week. Keep up the psyche! Adoveling!

ATQ Jamie made a funny this past weekend: Your buddy is in the car. Will, Lee, and Jamie learned about elementary school from some friends. Ethan has officially become undisputed intercontinental champion by applying the choke hold to an oppo­ nent that needs no name. PK knew he was in trouble when he w'as willing to do what ever Weed had planned for the party. Weed, SLIP SLIDE AND AW AY Cohen and Hebert talked with females for forty seven hours about the in’s and out’s o f relationships. House managers, stews, and vp, good job this past w eekend Fear dcx:s not exist in this dojo, does it? NOsensai. After having 24 people walk in on me and you know who, we pursued the adventure to S ch ef s apartment. That’s right boys and girls, the Bronx girls are in the house. Cohen, I really am sorry about those glasses, But u have to w atch the left jab, it’ll get you every time. (!@ #$ Pete)



Thursday, February 9th, 4:30pm, Perreault Hall

MANDATORY for all students who will be graduating

A Term '95 - E Term '96

Well now that the first party is over there are plenty o f stories to tell. Zaleski finally stayed away from AB. There was a moonface sighting in Rick's room. Leono finally found a girl that would talk to him...just kidding. Razor I hear burnt stump’s been looking for you. In other news a big win for B team basketball and Simon actually scored. Pete how was the view o f Driscoll on Friday night. Watch out, Captain primetime’s head is getting bigger.

AXA And now for this w eek’s top ten list: top ten reasons not to write top ten lists. Just kidding, Gabe. Well things are starting to pick up right now. We have so much time and so little to do, or is it the other way around? This past weekend, the brothers and A M ’s held the first round o f the first annual Cross & Cresent Bowl. Which team will win this monster event? It will be decided on Super Bowl Sunday. All brothers and AM ’s should be sure to come down to the football field to watch the game. And o f course, w e’11 all watch the other game along with a Superbowl bash. But who cares, the Patriots aren’t in it. All the new committees got rolling this past week. A lot of things in the planning are our semi-formal, broth­ erhood events like going to the Monster Truck rally- YEEEEEEH HAAAAAAW !-and our teeter-totter-a-thon with AGD. By the way, w e’d . like to thank AGD for the custom house decora­ tions. A few o f our brothers are looking forward to going to the conclave at RPI to meet with our LCA in the North East. Well, thththathat’s all folks. See you next week.


Darber Shop

Welcomes WPI students R eg u la r H aircu ts By Appt. or Walk-in Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30- 5:30

324 Grove St., Wore.

(Next lo Percy's) Tel: 752-5510

Hey Phi Sig Sigs! Welcome back to school! Sorry about the lack o f a column last week, but my two partners in crime (who shall remain nameless to save them from the disgrace o f everyone knowing that they CANNOT use e-mail) messed up. Thanks for trying anyway, guys! Congratulations go out to Tricia Pignone and Don Perry on their pinning on New Years! We all wish you the best, Piggie, and we all know that your relationship will continue to flourish. (Sorry for the co m in ess.J was possessed for a short time by Ann Landers. She was exorcised when I expelled some nasty looking pea soup.) Happy belated birthday goes out to Shannon Bielitz! Sorry we missed you last week. Shannon! Hope it was a good one! Happy birthday goes out this w eek to Christine Pukay who will celebrate on the 27th. Thanks go out to Sig Pi for the great time last week! Also, thanks to Fiji for the great social! Finally, thanks go out to our awesome new mem ­ bers for putting on a great function on Sunday! You guys are the greatest! Congrats go out to the w inter sports teams who continue to pounce on their opponents! Kimmy, I never pegged you for a skull and cross-bones kind o f girl! In the personals this week: Darlene, thanks for making this a politically correct sorority (you never know, I may surprise you someday!). The third floor o f the house mourns the loss o f their dear friend, Mr. Grow who ceased to spew out bean sprouts! S p eaking o f the house, Vneck....NOTHING IS BROKEN THIS W EEK !!! There is a minor problem, though. Spanky, Erika, Heather, Diane, and Julie seem to think that since their shopping cart is a formidable mode o f trans­ portation for them that they can park it in the driveway.

TKE Butthead: Uhhhh, ummmm, Beavis. It’s like Friday afternoon, uhhhh, uhhhh, why don’t we put the G reek Comer in, ummmm, yeah. Beavis: Yeah, yeah. Put it in. Put it in! From n atu re’s closest friends, the Seal, Birdie, and the Raabit, this w eek’s corner com es lo u. First off, way to go C orky last Tuesday night for kickin it old school and let’s see it happen again tonight! Pretty soon il seem s like D uqeutte's computer will be the center for cam pus com puting. T hanks Fitz, w e’re all D.A.M .N. G.L.A.D. to be here! I ’m getting real tired o f cleaning up the toilet paper. Now popcorn? W a z u p w itd a t? Just rem em ber what com es around goes around. The Seal is lurk­ ing! Hey Brande, how ’ve sleeping lately? This w eek w e’d like to introduce Shaffique the W onder Spear Chucker. Now a word from our sponsor: H ere now is vice-president M ark D avid Suennen- Hi there folks, special t-shirts will be available for the RCB (picture o f red carnation in taint, designed by Tat). Swell. C ongrats to the Goon room for prom pt re­ sponse and maintaining good PR with certain parts o f campus. Here it is, straight from the hom e office in Fairfield, Ohio this w eek’s top ten list: The Top Ten reasons why not to take a date to the RCB 10. Y our date w on’t go hom e w ith som eone else. 9. T hat’s one more red carnation left in the world. 8. Stag table rules! 7. Amy B rooks is doing it. 6. No small talk. 5. Can eat w ith your fingers and wipe your nose w ith your sleeve. 4. No rejection at the end o f the night. 3. Save $25. 2. N o tainted love. 1. T here’s a good chance o f com ing home w ith som eone else’s date. Until next week, and a new top ten list. G oodbye for now butt knot phorevah.

Okay, and its off to the races...As I was sitting around spiritually bonding with the mug m onster he told me a few things... W e’re having a party this weekend (I wonder if Thompson can talk like Jimmy)...The Jail-n-Bail is coming, the Jail-nBail is coming!!!...The hockey jerseys have ar­ rived so now we can kick butt in style...I wonder if Ben has gotten caned yet?...If all the brothers and pledges did as much schoolwork as M att we would have enough free time to build ourselves a new house by the end o f C-term...The pledge project started with a whirlwind and is proceeding to suck the money away...I think there was more toilet paper on the front lawn last week than inside the house...Big Dog, what can you say that hasn’t already been said..Rosse, did you know you’re not a brother until the letters get put on your jersey...How many zetes can go to jail in one day, I don’t know people still haven’t returned from the Saturday’s hunt...Everyone remember when tak­ ing pictures o f the house for the folks, take pic­ tures o f the dining room, kitchen (sink area), downstairs bathroom, and John and Andy’s room, then tell them every room in the house looks like that...Indoor Soccer this past Sunday, be sure to collect your egos from the gym floor...Signing Off-Jabba

P a g e 10

N e w sp e a k

T u e s d a y , Ja n u a r y 24, 1995

GAMMA Midnight Basketball League 3 On 3 Tournament

League starts Saturday, January 28 11PM to 1AM once a month throughout C & D terms Prizes will be given out at the end of each term. If you are interested, you must complete the form below by noon on Thursday, January 26, and drop it into Box 145. \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Team N am e______________________ Players:

Phone # _______________

1 _______________________________

Substitute i_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________i

Sponsored by Healthy Alternatives, AXP and FIJI

P a g e 11

N e w sp e a k

T u e s d a y , Ja n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

C l a s s if ie d s l—

Newspeak will run classifieds free for all WPI students, faculty, and staff. Free classifieds are limited to six (6) lines. Ads of ~ i a commercial nature and ads longer than six lines must be paid for at the off campus/commercial rate of $5.00 lor the first six lines and 50 cents per additional line. Classified ads must be paid for in advance. No information which, in the opinion of the N ewspeak editors, would identify an individual to the community will be printed in a personal ad. The editors reserve the right to refuse any ad deemed to be in bad taste or many ads from one group or individual on one subject. The deadline for ads is noon on the Fnday before publication All classified ads must be on individual sheets of paper and must be accompanied by the writer's name, address and phone number.

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L ***SPR IN G B R E A K 95*** A m erica’s #1 S pring Break Com pany! Cancun, Bahamas, Daytona & Panama! 110% Lowest Price Guaran­ tee! Organize 15 friends and TRAVEL FREE! Earn highest commissions! (800) 32-TRAVEL GRADUATE STUDENTS W ANTED! H ous­ ing with old-world charm, quiet studio and one bedroom apartments. Sun-filled, immaculate, heated, hardw ood floors, white walls, fully applianced kitchens, laundry room, locked build­ ings with intercoms. W alk to school. Call for an appointment. 755-2032 SPR IN G BREA K - Nassau/Paradise Island, Cancun and Jamaica from $299. Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and More! Organize small group -earn FREE trip plus commissions! Call 1800-822-0321. HURRY! Remember to submit your artwork to the Gordon Libraiy’s Invitational Art Show by January 27th, 1995. GFY performing at the Plantation Club with guest. 1 8 + show. $2 cover. Wednesday night, January 25th from 9pm - 12:30. Check it out.

Lori- Mayonnaise and mushrooms and wacky tobacci! -Alison Faye The sphincter is legal!! Great news, guys! I don’t need surgery for my hemorrhoids! Lori- FLORIDA — HERE W E COM E'!! Alison Faye KP - welcome back! We missed you - and I’m not an orphan anymore! Bev- can I come to your wedding? -Alison Faye Remem ber, twenty dollars can buy many pea­ nuts. Explain how. M oney can be exchanged for goods and services. Yippee! ***SPR IN G B R E A K 95*** A m erica's #1 S p rin g B re a k C om pany! Cancun, Bahamas, or Florida! 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! Orga­ nize 15 friends and TRAVEL FREE! C allfo ro u r finalized 1995 Party Schedules!! (800) 95-BREAK

SPRING BREAK!!! Cancun Jamaica Florida

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Toll f r e e 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 4 8 - 4 8 4 9 Oiganize a group and travel free'" Guaranteed lowest prices on campus'"

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Get ready. Farm er Brown, the harvest is com­ ing.

Quote o f the day: “Bah ha ha hee haw!” Superstone

I have a dream...

W ake up Brad, your lawyer’s on the phone!

Hey baby, nice ham hocks!

“Well, if I’m on the receiving end...” - A.F.

Com m entary Continued from page 7 debates. Hold one of them in BigDAKA (the cafeteria in Morgan/Daniels) during dinner. Hold the other on the planning day, February 16, and give away free food. If the w eather is nice, put it on the quad. If the weather sucks, put it in the (Harrington) Gym. I’ve heard that less than twenty people attended last year’s debate for student body President, as it was hidden in the basement of Riley and was unadvertised. Please do not hide this year’s debate. Love,

Gadsen R ag, Esq. Mystery G. Flag Quiz #1: What is the ratio o f hard uncomfortable chairs to soft comfortable chairs in the library? Best guess gets a beer. Send guesses to: Resident P.O. Box #337 Worcester, MA 01606 Note: This is N O T a WPI box. This is a post office box. On-campus mail will not help here.

The Basil Report: Week 2 by Dave K oelle Newspeak S ta ff W elcom e b ack to an o th e r fun episode o f the Basil R eport! W ell, it’s been seven to ten days now , an d no basil has sprung. I think I should have g o tten better soil. The soil I had o rig in a lly o b ta in e d tu rn e d very clay -lik e. M aybe I should actually go out and get som e real soil, if w e w ant som e basil. A nyw ay, I d id n ’t plant all o f the seeds last w eek, so I still have som e left to p lan t in the new soil that we get. M aybe w e’ll ev en invest in som e fe rtilizer. A ctu ally , if any loyal readers have any g ard en ing tips (how m any green thum bs are th ere at W PI, anyw ay?), I w ould ap p reci­ a te th e m m u c h ...m a il th e m to

newspeak@wpi. edu.

W ell, once we get some basil, m aybe w e’ll let you try som e. It’ll pro b ab ly be m ature around Q uadfest (w ell, it had better b e!), so perhaps w e’ll have a booth and exhibit our basil. W ho know s, this may be the start o f the N ew speak G arden! W e’ll have to m atoes, cucum bers, corn, and basil! O kay, I think I ’ m r e a l l l l y g e tt in g a h e a d o f m y s e lf h ere...ev en the concept o f a B asil B ooth at Q uadfest is extrem e. Note: I’m m aking no prom ises for anything in th is report! I d o n ’t ev en know if the basil w ill actually grow , although I hope it does. D id anyone else get b asil seeds from the Sm ithsonian? C are to co n trib u te? N ew speak is W PI Box 2700 (hint hint). T hat’sail for this week! Look for next w eek’s Basil Report! I hope I’ll have more to report!

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P a g e 12


N ew speak

o lic e

T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 ,1 9 9 5


Thursday, January 12 12:47am - Sledding accident: Boynton hill. EMS and officers respond. 12:50am - Worcester Police Department, Emergency Ambulance called for assistance. 3:00am - Plant services called in: Snow removal. 8 :19am - Worcester PD notified o f while car at Salisbury and Park Ave. with hood up in travel lane. 11:41am - Accident: Comer o f Dean and Salisbury St. No injury. W orcester PD notified. 2:45pm - Major water problem: Washburn shops, water everywhere. Plant Services notified. 7:00pm - Prank calls: W PD receiving prank calls for disabled vehicle at Higgins House. 8:1 lpm - Medical: Founders sprained ankle. EMS, officers respond. 8:19pm - Injured student transported to Memorial Hospital. 10:41 pm - Suspicious odor: Riley 2nd, officers respond.

Friday, January 13th 11:00am - Plant Services called, smell o f natural gas in Olin Hall by room 128. 11:07am - Assist: Officers to assist family members to find student in Harrington. 6:30pm - Bathroom faucet leak reported at Elbridge St. 10:05pm - Officer reports a motor vehicle at Salisbury St. W PD notified. No injuries. 10:51 pm - Report o f a student with a head injury at Dean St. EMS on scene, advises no ambulance at this time.

Saturday, January 14th 12:09am - Lock problem: SNaP reports Daniels 4th floor east entrance door will not secure. 2:55am - Medical response: Founders lobby, hand injury. Officer and EMS respond. 6:45am - Malicious mischief: Daniels 4th floor, east end. Custodian reports cover removed from main breaker box. 12:42pm - Intrusion alarm: Library loading dock area. Student caused alarm to go off. 3:00pm - Officer reports scratches in rear o f cruiser and damage to right front tire. 9:35pm - Alcohol violation: In front of Boynton St. fraternity, verbal warning.

Sunday, January 15th 12:25am - Disturbance: Officer out with group and campfire behind Dean St. 12:50am - Disturbance: Complaint o f students disturbing on Daniels 4th floor. 1:52am - Disturbance: Complaint o f students from party on Regent Street in roadway, disturbing. 1:58am - Officers clear Regent St. Party terminated and foot traffic dispersing. 3:21am - Harassing phone calls: Officers to Boynton St. Harassing phone call complaint, calls coming from that location. 5:34pm - Burning smell: Resident o f Schussler Rd. reports odor o f burning rubber in building. 8:21pm - Medical: Founders, sick student. 11:45pm - Malicious mischief: Officers report assisting fuller watchperson removing furniture which had been placed in elevator.

Monday, January 16th 8:12am - Fire Alarm: Stoddard C, 3rd floor men’s room detector, steam from shower. Plant services, electrician notified (on scene at 8:14). 8:31am - Medical emergency: Daniels 3rd floor, w om en’s shower. Female fell in shower unit. 10:12am - Suspicious male: 25-30 heavy set, RA from Daniels called, seen heading for Riley. 3 :15pm - Stolen wallet: from Washburn, occurred around 2:45.

Tuesday, January 17th 10:45am - Keys: found at Highland and West. Owner called, to be picked up later. 3 :1lpm - Fender bender reported behind Daniels. 8:33pm - Knee injury: Male WPI student received knee injury in alumni gym.

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r What's Happening

Tuesday, January 24 10:00am to 12:00pm - W orkshop: “ How to Find a Job,” Anna M aria College, Helfenbein Conference Room, Foundress Hall, $5 fee. Call the Career Center at 849-3345 to register. 2:30pm - Entrepreneurs Collaborative: S. Merrill Skeist, Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corp.. Fuller Labs Room 320. 6:00pm - Casino Night: Becker College (W orcester cam pus). Student C enter Gym. 7:00pm - W om en’s Basketball vs. Amherst College, Harrington. 8:00pm - Sneak Preview: “Before Sunrise,” Perreault Hall, Free with pass from Student Activities Office.

Wednesday, January


11:00am, 2:00pm and 4:00pm - Film: “Guarding T ess,” Student Center, W orcester State College. 11:15am - Lecture: Chemistry D epartm ent, Dr. M arcia J. Kieliszewski, University o f G eorgia C om plex Carbohydrate Research Center, G oddard Hall Room 217, Free. 7:00pm - W restling vs. W orcester State, Alumni. 7:00pm - W orcester IceCats vs. Portland, Centrum. 7:30pm - M en’s Basketball vs. T rinity, Harrington. 7:30pm - Demonstration/Lecture: Magician Jon Stetson, W orcester State College, Student Center.

Thursday, January


7:30pm - Film: “The A dventures o f Priscilla Queen o f the Desert,” Cinem a 320, Clark University, $4.50. 8:00pm - “ Iolanthe,” a Gilbert and Sullivan Production, Holy Cross, $12.

Friday, January


7:00pm - Passport Film: “Romeo is Bleeding,” Perreault H all, $1. 8:00pm - “ Iolanthe,” a Gilbert and Sullivan Production, Holy Cross, $12.

Saturday, January


8:00am - Conference: “Gender Equity in Education,” W orcester State College, Student Center. 1:00pm - M en’s and W om en’s Sw im m ing vs. Salem State. 2:00pm - W om en’s Basketball vs. Smith College, Harrington. 2:00pm - Discussion: Dialogue with Will Barnet, W orcester Art M useum. 2:00pm and 8:00pm - “ Iolanthe,” a Gilbert and Sullivan Production, H oly Cross, $12. 7:00pm - W orcester IceCats vs. Portland, Centrum. 7:30pm and 9:30pm - Film: “The Adventures of Priscilla Queen o f the D esert,” Cinema 320, Clark University, $4.50.

Sunday, January


1:00pm and 3:00pm - Film: “The A dventures of Priscilla Queen o f the D esert,” Cinema 320, Clark University, $4.50. 2:00pm and 8:00pm - “ Iolanthe,” a Gilbert and Sullivan Production, H oly Cross, $12. 6:30pm and 9:30pm - Film: “Clear and Present D anger,” Perreault Lecture Hall, $2.

Monday, January 30 Lunch - Student Jazz, L ow er Wedge. 7:00pm and 9:00pm - Film: “The D ream Team,” Holy Cross, Hogan C am pus Center R oom 519.

Wednesday, January 18th 8:43am - Drury Lane, rock near entrance has been painted silver.





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