SGA debates bring candidates’ views to forefront by Brian Parker E ditor-In-Chief L ast T hursday, the can d id ates for executive positions in SGA for next year presented them selves to the WPI com m unity in a form al debate. D e spite a m iserable turnout (around thirty p eople, including the ca n d i dates th e m se lv e s atten d ed ) m any good ideas w ere brought up and d is cussed. F irst, G reg Snow, w ho is running unopposed fo r the position o f T re a surer w as g iven a few m inutes to present h im self and an sw er q u e s tions. In his opening statem ent, he re m arked "SG A cannot forget w ho it represents, it is the voice o f the stu dent body, b u t all too often this is forgotten and [SGA becom es] an e lit ist g ro u p w hich hinders progress on cam pus. . .change in the o rg an iza tion and its leadership is needed and I hope to see the leaders view ed as accessible a n d as w orking w ith the stu d e n ts.”
In answ ering som e o f the q u es tion. “ I have looked for a long tim e Snow feels that an e lec tro n ic b u d get filing system should be d e v e l tions, R eidy stated that she did not at w hat SG A do es and I cam e to the see a lot o f SGA m em bers looking conclusion that changes need to be oped and that he w ould w ork to e n m ade. T h is includes rethinking the sure no cuts in student funds from for student opinions. She brought up Senate o rien tatio n , being w illing to the adm inistration. He also feels a proposal, w hich has g otten som e attention w ithin SG A , to assign sen a that there are no m ajor p ro b lem s w ith take q uestions from the student body tors 100 m ailboxes and have them and doing m ore in the academ ic c o m the current bud g etin g sy stem , e x keep in touch w ith those stu cept that in som e cases the five percent cap placed on dents. She show ed som e d is cannot fo rg e t who it rep resen ts , it is appointm ent that the idea had budgets is too restrictive. the voice o f the stu d e n t body, but all too often not been carried out and in W hen he was asked if this is fo rg o tte n a n d / SGA becom es I an elit dicated she w ould do what he w as ready to devote tim e she could to m ake sure that to w ork for a b etter W PI, ist group w hich h inders progress... " students w ere fairly repre he responded w ith a quick -Greg Snow “ I am read y .” sented. Candidate for SGA Treasurer There was an an n o u n ce B utland answ ered in re p ly to a q u e s t io n as to m ent that F iona A bram s w hether SG A served its purpose that m ittees.” had w ithdraw n h er c a n d id a c y for it has “several purposes, including R achel B u tla n d th en g av e her Secretary, so the debates m oved on funding for o rganizations and that it opening statem en t where she m en to the race for V ice-P resid en t, w here Rachel B utland and K irsty R eidy are has done w ell.” W hen asked what tioned her e x ecu tiv e experience (she her view s on W P I’s in teractio n w ith is c u rre n tly S G A S ecre ta ry ) and running. other colleges w ere she said: “ Inter stated: “M y m ajo r goal is co m m u n i Reidy w as allow ed the first o p en action is very im portant. . .W PI stu catio n .” L ate r she w ould say that ing statem ent and she said that she dents should look at w h at’s happen “ the ad m in istratio n should be m ore had seriously con sidered h e r run for ing at o th er colleges and participate open w ith the students and that SGA the spot and that she had d ecid e d on in activities th ere.” should act as a liaison to let the V ice-P resident because sh e felt she R eidy agreed that the other co l students know w hat is going o n .” could do the m ost good in that p o si
leges have a lot to offer and that a lot m ore could be done to prom ote a c tivities o ff cam pus. She said w hen ask ed an o th er questio n re g ard in g w hat could be done about the apathy w hich seem s so prevalent on cam pus that she was “ not sure w hat could be done, but I h av en ’t seen SG A doing m u c h .. .I’d like to make WPI a place w here students w ant to b e.” B utland pointed out that m ain taining open com m unication w ith the G S O was a duty o f the V ice-P resi dent and that SGA could do m ore to w ork w ith graduate students. R eidy stressed the im portance o f the SGA com m ittees and m entioned that they w ere seldom heard from by SG A. In her closing statem ent, B utland talk ed about the fact that “ SG A d e c i sions affect every student at W PI and that her goal was to get all o f the senators to listen to the stu d en ts.” R eidy stated that she had “w it nessed problem s w ithin S G A ” and that she w ants to “get in there and m ake changes so that SG A can be
See Debates, continued on page 2
The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tuesday , February 14 , 1995
7\PEAK Volume Twenty-three , Number Five
Cynthia Tucker challenges students to overcome ignorance by Brian Parker Editor-In-Chief On February 8th, Cynthia Tucker, editorial page editor for the Atlanta Con stitution, came to WPI to speak about The Bell Curve and its racist implica tions. She started off by saying that she enjoys visiting colleges, for college stu dents enjoy learning and that is an inspi ration to her. She cautioned the audience to be wary of the resurgence of racism in America. The Bell Curve is just one vivid example of a “warped and suspect science,” which claims to talk about economic decline, but instead promotes a fear of all colors and creeds. Tucker said that she did not intend to stand and attack the book, but rather to “give the tools with which you can analyze it and fight [racism] back.” Her first point was that Murry and Hemstein, the book’s authors, argued that IQ is determined largely genetically and therefore any group o f people which score lower on IQ tests is destined to alw aysdo poorly. By further saying that blacks score lower on IQ tests, they present “the very definition o f racism itself— for racism is the belief that one race is better than another.” The idea that “whites are better than
blacks” was popular in the 19th century, when many white scientists came to the conclusion that whites had an intellec tual advantage. However, that was then and more recent research has shown a strong relationship between IQ and en vironment. It is true that African Americans do score lower on IQ tests, but in Northern Ireland Catholics tend to score lower than Protestants. This seems to back up an argument that a group of people in a lower social position have not been ex posed to as many ideas and therefore would not do as well on a test designed to measure intelligence. Murry and Hemstein recognize that there are a significant number o f African Americans who are doing well, but they dismiss that by pointing out affirmative action programs and projects like Head Start. They seem to imply that even with all the assistance that is offered, African Americans have not been able to help themselves. Tucker, on the other hand, pointed out that recent studies have determined that traits such as skin color develop relatively quickly in any species, but intelligence differences do not follow this pattern. The human race simply is not old enough for any group o f people
Winter Carnival ’95 Snow sc u lp tin g (left) a n d fro zen tu rk e y bow ling (right) w ere ju s t tw o of th e m any events w hich w ere held as p a rt o f th e W in te r C a rn iv a l th is past w eekend. T he c a r p ic tu re d to th e left is a rep lica o f a c a r th a t w as scu lp ted d u rin g a Tech C arn iv a l in th e 1960’s, w h ich is p ic tu re d in Two Towers on page 227.
International Career Fair
See page 5
to be significantly less intelligent than another for purely genetic reasons. Race is more o f a social construct than a physical difference between people. The information on which Murry and Hemstein based their book is also ques tioned. It was collected by the Pioneer Fund, which had the goals o f “racial betterment” and “sending blacks back to Africa.” The data could be tainted if it was collected by a group which ex pected a certain outcome. There was some question as to how this book could find a publisher (Simon and Shuster) and why it had gotten so much media attention. Usually, racists can’t get in the door at a major publish ing house but racism is on the rise. The Republican Party is ready to cut social programs and white males feel like they are “under attack.” Recently, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynahan called the black, urban population “a new spe cies.” Rush Limbaugh trades in racist stereotypes, such as the “welfare queen.” The Bell Curve only says what some people want to hear. There has been a 12% drop in the income o f white males who do not have college degrees. This is closely related to the revolution o f technol ogy, which in many ways has made the
im possible seem possible. There was a time w hen som eone w ith a high school diplom a could find a blue col lar job, which paid m iddle-incom e wages and provided good benefits, but these days are gone. But this is due to changes in technol ogy and not to any affirmative action programs. It is an unfortunate coinci dence that just as civil rights advanced, the economy underwent such a dramatic change, but this is unfortunate for every one, not just one group o f people. “Ford is not laying people off because blacks are going to major universities.” Unemployment is twice as high for blacks than it is for whites, so there is no strong case that any jobs are being taken away from white males. Tucker stated that “you have a responsibility to see through the propaganda and see what’s going on. It is easy to get inform ation..
.Americans have strong opinions, but often are not well inform ed.. .we often feel that we have a ‘democratic right’ to ignorance.” She said that one cannot get informa tion from a television news program (with the possible exception o f the MacNeil-Leher News Hour, o f which she is an occasional guest). Instead, a major newspaper is a much better source of the information needed to vote, write to Congress, and be a good citizen. She concluded by stating: “ I ask you to think about the country you’ll be living in. WPI graduates will find jobs, but the demographics of this country are changing.. .The ability to grow depends on the ability to overcome the hysteria and prejudice based on ignorance. You are going to need information to do that and I encourage you to do whatever you can to fight racism.”
Interested in Quadfest? by Rich Santora Chairman, Student Activities Executive Council (SAEC) For those o f you who are unfam iliar with the SAEC, it is an organization that was created for tw o purposes. One purpose o f the organization is to maintain open lines of com m unication between many o f the student organi zations that implement social programs throughout the year. The other pur pose, which is germane to this article, is that we attem pt to coordinate large scale events that involve m any organi zations. A previous exam ple is Hal loween W eekend, which took place in B term o f this year. C urrently the SAEC is com posed predom inantly o f Class III student organizations. Quadfest has proven, in its two years existence, to be the largest and most successful o f the numerous events that take place on cam pus each year. This has been m ade possible by the extreme generosity o f the entire W PI com m u nity. This generosity has taken on forms such as monetary donations and
N ew s ................................................................................................. 2 Sports ................................................................................................ 3 Arts & Entertainment................................................................... 4 Announcem ents .............................................................................5 Student Government Association .............................................. 6 Graduate Student Organization ................................................ 6 Career Development C enter ....................................................... 6
personpower. It is my hope that the com m unity w ishes to continue this tradition o f team work. It has proven to be an invaluable enhancem ent to the quality o f student life at WPI. I w ould like the SAEC to serve as a base for the new Q uadfest C om m ittee. I encourage every student organiza tion to begin thinking of w ays to m ake this y ear’s Q uadfest the best one yet. I believe that the time has com e to start formalizing some o f the ideas I have heard floating around cam pus regard ing what people would like to see at Quadfest. 1 ask that if you are inter ested in joining the Quadfest C om m it tee, let us know. Please send your re s p o n s e s to e ith e r m y s e lf (santora@ wpi) or better yet, ju st mail quadfest@ w pi. The SAEC will com pile the responses and attempt to set up a convenient m eeting time. I plan to call the first m eeting som etime during the w eek o f February 20th. A fter all, we do have a lot o f work to do, but I prom ise you it will be worth it. Thank you in advance for your co operation.
Contents Club C o rn er .................................................................................... 8 Greek C o rn er ................................................................................. 9 Newspeak H u m or ....................................................................... 10 Commentary ................................................................................. 10 Classifieds ..................................................................................... 11 Police L o g ..................................................................................... 12 What’s Happening ...................................................................... 12
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
N ew speak
Pag e 2
Beyond the Farm ^
For the week preceding this Saturday, Febru ary 11 th, 1995, here’s a review o f what hap pened Beyond the Farm: President Clinton announced his $ 1.6 trillion budget for the next fiscal year Feb 6th. It features middle-class tax cuts and some spend ing cuts, but still has a $ 197 billion yearly deficit which would rem ain steady through the year 2000, drawing Fire from Republicans. Also this w eek in W ashington, the House passed a line item veto bill 294-134 Feb 6th and several crime measures, including one withholding funds from states without strict sentencing measures Feb 8th. President Clinton vowed Feb 11th to veto any legislation w hich would roll back last year’s crime bill. The alleged mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing, Siddig Ibrahim Siddig Ali, unexpectedly pled guilty to all charges Feb 6th. A fugitive in the case, Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, was arrested Feb 8th and indicted Feb 9th. Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo announced Feb 9th that he was cracking down on the EZLN rebels in Chiapas and arresting their leaders. M exican troops were sent in to the region Feb 10th and captured several strongholds. How ever, rebel leader Subcommander Marcos, iden tified as Rafael Sebastian de Allente, had not been found as o f Feb 11th.
They’re Talking About It... The nomination o f Henry Foster, Jr. as Sur geon General may be in trouble. Foster report edly conducted far more abortions than the six originally cited, and did other, now-controversial medical procedures in the 1960s. In shorts... Talks between Peru and Ecuador broke down Feb 5th, but both sides accepted Jimmy Carter and former C osta Rican President Oscar Arias as mediators Feb 10th; three Peruvian aircraft were shot down by Ecuador Feb 1 1th...Bosnian M uslims and the Croats agreed to settle their disputes in mediation and an agreement was reached to reopen two crossings at the Sarajevo airport Feb 5th, but the Bosnian Serbs started an offensive near Bihac Feb 9th...a 7.5 earthquake near New Z ealand caused no dam age Feb
Debates Cnntinuprl frnm Continued nnop from
5th...the space shuttle Discovery successfully came within 37 feet o f the Russian M uir space station Feb 6th before returning to Earth Feb 10th...Judge Lance Ito dism issed a ju ror in the Simpson case Feb 7th because the white woman had the same doctor as the defendant; the jury took a tour o f the Brentwood estates where Simpson lived Feb 10th...South African antiApartheid activist Allan Boesak was accused o f m isappropriating ch aritab le do n atio n s Feb 7th...the best efforts o f federal m ediator Bill Usery (Feb 7th) and President Clinton (Feb 8th) failed to resolve the baseball strik e...Jo zef Olesky, a moderate former com m unist, was named the new prime minister o f Poland Feb 7th after President Lech W alesa dem anded that W aldemar Pawlak be replaced Feb 6th...a 6.5 earthquake 175 miles west of Bogota, Colom bia killed 45 and injured over 200 Feb 8th..the UN voted to send peacekeepers to A ngola Feb 8th...student protests at Rutgers U niversity, which included the interruption of a basketball game Feb 8th, are scheduled to continue until President Francis Lawrence steps dow n for making a statement questioning the ability o f minorities to take standardized tests... Dan Quay le announced he would not run for president Feb 9th, leaving Bob Dole, Phil Gramm, Lam ar Alexander, and Arlen Spector as the current Republican field...the Department of Energy announced Feb 10th that forerunner organiza tions exposed 9000 people to radiation from 1940 to 1975...on Feb 10th Croatian President Franjo Tudjman invited NATO troops to re place the UN forces he wants out o f his country by the end of M arch...form er Arkansas senator William Fulbright died Feb 9th at the age o f 89. F inally... Dodgeville, W isconsin resident Ron Dettinger was very impressed with the visibility as his flight took off in Milwaukee. He could even see his ow n car in the parking lot— with its lights on. And that’s what happened Beyond the Farm.
Sources this week included All Things Con sidered (NPR), the Associated Press newswire, the BBC Newshour (BBC/PRl), the Christian Science Monitor, KCBS radio news, KGO radio news, KOMO radio news, the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour (PBS), Norm Gregory's Seattle News Page (WWW), Pacifica Evening News (KPFA), Paul Harvey News and Comment (ABC radio), and the Reuters newswire. — Lance Gleich, Stanford CA Beyond the Farm is designed to provide a reasonably short summary o f a week’s events for people who would otherwise have no chance to keep up with current events. It may be distributed/forwarded/posted anywhere. Com ments, criticisms, and requests for e-mail sub scription additions or deletions should be emailedto “ ” Con gratulations on keeping up with the world around you!
You wake up in the morning to the m usic of W A A F or W XLO coming over your alarm clock radio. Inevitably, some com m ercials com e on, breaking up the flow o f tunes. Y ou’re going through your morning routine, when all o f a sudden, an advertisement o f interest catches your ear - it’s an ad for an MBA program and other part-time graduate studies at WPI. This same ad that you are hearing is the same ad that thousands o f people are listening to on their way to work in the morning. In the span o f forty-five seconds, men and wom en already part o f the work force and looking to get ahead in their chosen professions, leam about all of the opportunities that the WPI part-time gradu ate program offers. Lisa M Jcm berg, the Director of Graduate M anagem ent Program s and Part-Time G radu ate Program M arketing, worked with various m edia-m arketing strategists in order to get the attention of those people within the WPI parttime graduate program ’s population o f interest.
“ In order to keep the same number in the program, we have to work twice as hard [at m arketing],” Mz. Jem berg said. To keep up with other schools, such as Bentley, Babson, and Clark, we have to use the same media methods. In addition lo the radio ad described above, there were also direct mailings and new spaper articles. M edia-m arketing not only builds com munity aw areness but also unity. Along with the com m ercials run during the morning, there were “Seasons G reetings” spots featured on W XLO over sem ester break. You may have heard a holiday m essage from Interim Presi dent, John Lott Brown, o r many o f the other forty-nine adm inistrators and WPI graduate students that were asked to participate. Unfortunately, because m edia-m arketing is so visible, it is often open to criticism . But when the marketing for the part-tim e graduate program resulted in the filling o f approxim ately ninety em pty spots, and a fifty percent increase in the attendance in the information session offered about part-tim e graduate studies, who can really criticize?
Attention undergraduates: D-95 C ourse C han g es will be held in H arrin g to n T uesday, F eb ru a ry 14 W ednesday, F ebruary 15
in w h at’s going on now. T hey all seem ed to have sim ilar feelings in regard to the student cen te r too, feeling that it w ould be nice to have a place to congregate but that it will not solve the social situation at W PI. T hey all seem ed to share the feeling that SGA should do m ore to prom ote itself. D aly brought up C ath y C o nnelly’s idea o f assigning m ailboxes and stated that SG A should do m ore to follow through w ith its plans. C onnelly pointed o u t that the P ublicity C om m ittee does a good jo b o f getting the w ord out and that SG A should “get perso n al” w ith the student body. C hutoransky stated that senators should go to o th er groups’ m eetings and find out w hat’s going on as w ell as publicize. W hen asked w hat SG A had done in the past year to m ake life for students better, D aly stated “ I’d like to list things, but I cannot. W e have the T ech C arnival. . .but I can ’t think o f anything d efin itiv e.” C hutoransky also stated that a lot h ad n ’t been done but that SG A m em bers do w ork hard. C onnelly said that SG A had spent a good deal o f tim e investigating M aple and trying to g et faculty advisors to advise their stu dents. She also m entioned that SGA had w orked to rem ind the adm inistration o f the im portance o f the W PI Plan. A ll the candidates seem ed discouraged at the lack o f follow -through that SGA som e tim es dem onstrates. W hen asked about a particular problem w hich they had pursued on their ow n for SG A , only C onnelly had an answ er. She stated that investigating M aple, w hich seem ed to put a lot of stress on the freshm an class, led SG A to form a focus g roup to study the problem . W hen asked what influence he w ould have as P resident, Ryan D aly said that a President “does not influence p eo p le, instead they look for respect. Presidents com m and w ith a pow er from w ithin.” C hutoransky said that one o f the m ost im portant functions o f SG A is to bring people together so that they can voice their opinions and take action. In her closing statem ent, she said that she has seen m any changes at W PI and that SG A needs to adapt. C onnelly said that she was open to any q uestions, and that she finds accessibility to be a personal goal. D aly ended the night saying that it was too bad that so few people had attended the d e bates and that he w ould like to see m ore interest in SGA from the students.
GORDON LIBRARY W e d n e s d a y , F e b ru a ry 15 n o o n - 3 :0 0 p a n .
WAAF radio commercials by Donna Edzards Newspeak Staff
page 11
more in touch w ith studen ts.” T he next debate w as am ong the P resid en tial can d id a tes, Ryan D aly, C athy C onnelly and L exie C hutoransky. D aly m entioned in his opening statem ent “ I d o n ’t like speaking at people, I like sp e a k ing w ith p eo p le.” He w ent on to relate that he w alked into the SGA office on the first day o f school in his freshm an year and w ent on to w ork on the C om m unity C ouncil for a S p irit Day. He m entioned his disappointm ent at the low tu rn -o u t fo r cam pus events and that he feels he can m otivate people to m ake a d iffe r ence. “ I think SGA should w ork w ith o th er o rg an izatio n s on cam pus, such as the IFC , SA S and S kull” to m ake positive changes. C o n n elly w as given the opportunity to speak next and she said that she also had b een involved in SGA since her freshm an year an d that “ It hurts when people say that SG A d o es n o th in g .. .the only thing SGA has done in the past three years is get better.” C hutoransky then said that she is in th ir teen d ifferen t o rganizations and that “w ho you are is w hat you are.” She m entioned th at she com es in contact with m any people and that her ex periences can help SG A. “ I can act as a liaison w ith the com m unity.” All three candidates w ere asked for th eir view s regarding the role o f SG A and th eir goals for the com ing year. Ryan Daly w as given the first chance to speak. He indicated that SG A should im prove the quality o f life for all students. He also said that he had no single goal but that his goal w ould be to w ork for w hat the student body w anted. C o n n elly said that she felt SG A should be the “advocate for the stu d en ts’ needs” and that SG A should be available to the students to help them solve their problem s. H er goal continued in th is them e, relating a need fo r b etter com m unication and a m ore active role in the freshm en orientation. C hutoransky said that SGA does a lot behind the scenes, but they should play a larger role in getting their own message out. She also said that SGA should do everything that it can to remain informed of what happens on-cam pus. Her goal is to “keep SGA on its feet and bring the w ord ‘student’ back to SG A.” All o f the candidates felt that G reek o rg a nizations (o f which all three are m em bers) o ffer a chance at a richer social life and that in dependents should take advantage of the program s w hich are offered currently. T his does not seem to im ply that nothing will be done to enrich the social life on-cam pus, but rather it is a m essage to get students involved
President Brown w ill s p e a k a t 2 p .m . in d ie S e m in a r R oom
S tu d e n t, F a c u lty , S ta ff A rt S h o w V o te f o r y o u r fa v o r ite ! P r iz e f o r d ie w in n in g e n tr y !
R E FR E S H M E N TS H o m e m a d e co o kies & co ld d rin k s
th e following dates:
9:00 a m - 12:00 pm a n d 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm a n d 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
C e *
V * e * .'
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
N ew speak
Page 3
S ports
Weekly sports update - results from February 3rd through 9th by Geoff Hassard Sports Information Director Wrestling (13-3) Final dual meet record The Engineers completed their 19th consecu tive winning season last week and will now prepare themselves for the New England Col lege Conference W restling Association Tourna ment this weekend at Roger Williams College in Bristol, R.I. They are the defending champions and will try to repeat to retain the trophy for another year. Saturday, February 4, WPI braved the ele ments for a journey to Middletown, Connecticut to wrestle Wesleyan University. The Engineers were victorious 41-6. W inners for WPI were freshman Aaron Becker at 126 lbs., ju n io r Paul Hammerstrom at 134 lbs., sophomore Nate Fiore at 142 lbs., junior Dan Hugaboom at 150 lbs., senior Matt Wassel at 158 lbs., senior Garrett Trom bi at 167 lbs., senior Dave Argento at 190 lbs. and junior Rich DeStefano in the heavy weight division. Last W ednesday the Engineers had a tri match with Roger W illiams and Bridgewater State. They ended up winning both matches 309 over Bridgewater and 29-16 over Roger W il liams. In the match versus Bridgewater, winners were freshman Bill Lucas at 118 lbs., Becker at 126 lbs., Chu at 134 lbs., freshman Peter Falk at 142 lbs., Trom bi at 158 lbs., junior Jeff Steams at 167 lbs., Argento at 190 lbs. and DeStefano in the heavyweight class. In the match against Roger W illiams, win ners for WPI were Chu at 126 lbs., Fiore at 142 lbs., Hugaboom at 150 lbs., Trombi at 167 lbs., junior Matt Shedd at 177 lbs. and ju n io r Rich Regan at 190 lbs. We want to extend good luck to the team as they defend their NECCW A title this weekend, February 18-19, at Roger Williams College at 10 a.m.
Men’s Swimming (4-8) Final meet record The m en’s team got snowed out on Saturday, February 4, versus Keene State College and finished up their dual meet season Monday, February 6, against Brandeis University. The Engineers lost 94-71. WPI had only two swimmers win their event
as sophom ore Jason Wening won the 500-yard freestyle and freshman Brandon A lexopoulos won the 200-yard breaststroke. Coach Whit G riffith will now ready his swim mers for the New England Championships on February 23-25 at Bowdoin College. WPI has many qualifiers for this year’s championships along with our relay teams. Good luck to all com petitors.
Women’s Swimming (4-8) Final meet record The w om en’s team also was snowed out for the Keene meet, so their dual meet season has ended. Like the men, the ladies team has quali fiers for the New England C hampionships com ing up this weekend at Bowdoin College. Good luck and good swimming.
Men’s Basketball (14-5) Due to the snowstorm, the men’s game with Nichols College was postponed, but they did play tw o games last week. They defeated cross city rival Clark 81-74 and lost to Amherst in overtime 79-76. In the Clark game, WPI was facing them for the third time this season having won the previ ous tw o meetings. Senior Chris Dunn led four Engineers in double figures as senior Scott Ennis had an outstanding game with 19 points, sopho more Jeff C ayer had 17 points and junior Jim Naughton had 13 points to go with 19 rebounds. In the game versus Amherst, two o f the top ten ranked teams in New England Division III were m eeting head to head. Amherst converted critical free throws down the stretch and won in overtim e 79-76. WPI battled back throughout the entire game to tie it at 69-69 with a chance to win it in regulation. A lob towards the basket was all WPI had time for, but it was broken up and the two teams would play an extra session. Five Engineers registered double figures in scoring led by Dunn with 19 followed by Mike Shannon with 16, Naughton with 13, Ennis with 12 and C ayer with 10. Four players also had double figures in rebounds led by Shannon and Naughton with 12 each followed by Ennis and C ayer with 10 each.
Women’s Basketball (15-5) The w om en’s team has been on a roll lately as
Perreault Hall February 15,1995 7 :0 0 PM
they have moved them selves into a first place tie in the New England W om en’s 8 Conference with a 5-0 record. They also have a nine gam e winning streak going as they won two more games last week over W ellesley and MIT. Tuesday, February 7, the Engineers put their perfect conference record on the line against W ellesley College. An early second half run opened up a tight game as WPI cruised to a 664 0 win and keep their w inning streak alive. In the game sophomore Kim Landry had 22 points to lead the Engineers. Junior Jenn Lovin and sophomore Danielle Batey were immense on the boards as they each had 12 carom s each. They also scored in double figures as Lovin had 12 points and Batey had 13 points in the win. In the game versus MIT, WPI set a school record by scoring 111 points enroute to a lop sided victory 111-62. The game was close for the first five minutes before the Engineers pulled away and never slowed down. Landry led five players in double figures with 18, followed by Cathy Jzyk with a career high 16, freshman Andrea Kodys also with a career high 15, Lovin with 12 and Batey added 10 in the win. Junior Rebecca Rubenstein had a career night in ripping down 14 rebounds.
M en’s Indoor Track The men competed in the W orcester City Meet and finished second behind Holy Cross. Outstanding performances were turned in by a number o f WPI athletes. Junior Chris M oore was first in the long jum p, senior Jeff M ullen was first in the triple jum p, sophom ore Doug Hawes was first in the 55-m eter hurdles, junior Steve Labranche won the 500-m eter run, sopho
more Tim Caldwell won the 1,000-meter run, junior Rich Person won the 800-m eter run, and freshman David Hawes won the 200-m eter dash. Our 4x400-m eter relay team was also victorious as M artin, H awes, Labranche and so Peter M anolakos took the win for WPI. Congratulations to senior James Beardsley who set a new record in the high jum p when he cleared 6’-7 1/2". The old record was 6’-7". This performance qualified him for the New England Division III Championships as well as the ECA C Meet.
Intramurals There will be an information meeting on W ednesday, February 15 concerning D term activities. The meeting will run from 11 a.m. to noon on the second floor of Alumni Gym.
Athletic Hall of Fame Nominations for the WPI Athletic Hall o f Fame will be accepted until February 21st. According to Raymond Gilbert, D irector o f Physical Education and Athletics, any m em ber o f the WPI Community may nominate suitable candidates. WPI coaches, faculty, staff and alumni are eligible. WPI athletes becom e eli gible for admission to the Hall o f Fame five years after graduation. Nomination form s are available in the Physical Education and A thlet ics Office in Alumni Gymnasium.
IceCats lose brawl with Hershey Bears by Andrew Marsella Newspeak S ta ff It would have been the perfect night for a rousing hom e victory. For the first tim e all season, the IceC ats played in front o f a soldo ut Centrum audience o f over 12,316, settin g an attendance record not only for the team , but for the AHL this season. U nfortunately, the IceCats co u ld n ’t q u ite pull out a w in, despite the valiant effo rts o f netm inder W ayne C ow ley, and they fell to the H ershey B ears w ith a score o f 3-1. The gam e started o ut w ell enough w hen halfw ay through the first period, W orcester left wing #15 John C arter scored by w orking the puck loose from under H ershey goalie N eil Little and burying it hom e. C arter, w ho has extensive NHL ex perience w ith the B ru ins and the San Jose S harks, leads the IceC ats w ith 17 g o a ls , a n d h a s p ro v e n to b e W o rcester’s most d an g erous pow er-forw ard. T he rest o f the period resulted in som e terrific saves by both goalies, but n eith er team scored again, and the IceC ats retu rn ed to the locker room w ith a 1-0 lead. T h is w as ano th er good sign for the IceC ats w ho have a w inning record in gam es in w hich they score first. T heir luck d id n 't stay w ith them thro u g h the second period, how ever, and the H ershey B ears d id n ’t let up. D espite som e in credible sav es by C ow ley, in cluding a terrific glove save w hile in a diving split (d o n ’t ever try that at hom e!), the IceC ats defense could not p revent the Bears from scoring tw o goals. T he W orcester offense had a tough tim e too.
getting o ff only four shots in the entire p e riod, and at the end o f the second, the score held at 2-1. In the third period, the IceCats stepped up the offense and took more shots, but ju st c o u ld n ’t find the net. The H ershey d efense d id a good jo b o f stopping the Icecat’s drives at the blue line and ate the clock by icin g the puck. T his prevented the C ats from b u ilding the m om entum that they needed to even the score. Late in the period, the final d isap p o in t m ent cam e w hen the IceC ats allow ed the B ears one too many rebounds, and after tw o o r three q uick saves in a row , C ow ley ju s t co u ld n ’t keep the puck out. W ith less than tw o m inutes left in the gam e, the IceC ats attem pted to capitalize on a final pow er play by pulling C ow ley and creating a 6 on 4 advantage, but the gam ble d id n ’t pay off. T he final score o f the gam e held at 3-1 and the IceC ats overall record fell to 14-30-9. G oalie W ayne C ow ley was recognized as the #2 star o f the gam e, stopping 28 o f 31 shots against him and giving his team a chance for a victory. He did his part fo r sure, and the responsibility for this loss rests on the Ic ecat’s o ffense, w ho ju s t c o u ld n ’t quite connect. Still and all. it w as an exciting gam e and it w as good to see such a strong show ing o f crow d support (it w as the first tim e I’ve seen ‘‘the w ave” in action at the C entrum ). W ith m ore w eekend hom e gam es, this franchise could easily be the m ost successful team in the AHL, and m ight be just w hat W orcester needs!
Dr. Alan Goldberg's Programs are directly aimed at helping college students become a 'PEAK PERFORMER' in the many different arenas of the college environment. Constructively coping with stress overcoming learning & performing blocks; maximizing potential: - ACADEMICALLY - SOCIALLY - ATHLETICALLY SPONSORED BY: WPI Healthy Alternatives Office and WPI Athletic Dept.
The IceCats played to a sold-out crowd last week against the Hershey Bears at the Centrum, losing a well fought battle 3-1 and dropping to 14-30-9.
N ew speak
P age 4
& E n ter ta in m en t
Worcester Art Museum presents Will Barnet by Donna Edzards Newspeak Staff The W orcester Art Museum, W A M , is pre senting an exhibit entitled W ill Barnet: Ameri can Printmaker. This display is com posed of fifty of the over two-hundred prints which the museum was presented two years ago. These prints survey B am et’s career between the years 1931 and 1982. Will Barnet was bom in Beverly, M assachu
setts. He attended the School of the M useum of Fine Arts in Boston and later the Art Students League in New York from which he received a three year scholarship. He later became the official printer at the League, and went on to teach at the Art Student League, Cooper Union, and The New School for Social Research. Barnet reflects his surrounding world as well as himself and his thoughts and views through out all of his works. Looking through his prints from the earliest to the latest is like “looking
through a photograph album. You watch his style mature and the progression of the issues he raises unfold.” While his children were grow ing up, he w as'often influenced by their interpreta tions of the world around them as well. Bamet added much to the area o f printing and is well recognized in this exposition. You can view this display until the ninth o f April. The W orcester Art Museum is open Tuesday - Fri day: 1 lam - 4pm; Saturday: 1 0 am -5 p m ; and Sunday: 1 p m -5 p m .
1995 CERA Award for poetry contest open CERA is currently accepting your poem as an entry into The Cera Award for Poetry Scholarship Competition. The award, a $500.00 Cash Schol arship, will be presented to the author o f the finest poem received. Some authors may be offered an opportunity for publication. To enter, send your poem, with your name, mailing address, phone number and school name, by February 28, 1995, to CERA by: 1) Mail addressed to C era - Scholarship, PO Box 1889, Fremont, CA 94538-0188. 2) Fax - (510) 6515404 or 3) email - A winner will be selected and notified by March 18,1995. An entrant must be a college or university student. Entries will be judged based on the following criteria: Content - 25%, Form 25%, Language use - 25%, and Style - 25%. The
winner will be determined by CERA, an organi zation dedicated to the creation and appreciation o f the literary arts.
One poem per person please. Poems should be typed in a standard font on 8 1/2 x 11 ” white paper (if applicable).
Passport films to be shown Films from the Passport Films Series will be show n on Friday, February 17, and Saturday, February 18. M ovies begin at 7 pm, and are shown in Perreault Hall. The cost is $1 with WPI ID, and $3 for the general public. Sugarcane Alley will be shown on the 17th. Set in M artinique in 1931, director Euzhan Palcy paints a rich portrait o f native life under French Colonial rule, filtered through the coming-of-age o f a bright, sw eetly opportunistic
black boy learning to reconcile the values o f his shanty-tow n roots with the education opportu nities that beckon him to the big city. Show n in French with English subtitles. Dead Can Dance - Toward the Within will be shown the following evening as a special presentation by the WPI Fine Arts Com m ittee. This is the only New England screening o f a live perform ance o f Dead Can Dance captured on film by Ron Friske (Baraka).
by J. Well here you go. A nother edition o f culture spew... fresh from the demented mind o f one o f W P I’s own. W hat’s in this w eek’s article? Well dam n it and find out! In keeping with a new found tradition o f sending piercing shells through the cam pus via this lovely HP thing called Newspeak , I guess I'll bring up a name which everyone else has: Gadsen Flag. Unless your bed is under a rock you should have heard about his antics by now. W ell that’s great! Honestly, I think its great. I mean I think h e’s talking out his low er posterior porthole som e o f the time (maybe a lot o f the tim e)but h ey ,at least he’stalking. I l l leave the com m entary to the lovely ladies o f Philler and the editorial pages. The one thing I will say is maybe if more people voiced their ideas we would have a better campus... or at least more am using things to read. Anyways. This w eek’s article will be some what short but nonetheless inform ative. First of all, a little note about the airw aves around W orcester. Y ours truly will be joining the WPI minions in broadcasting on WP1R across chan nel 38. Air tim es are M ondays and Fridays from 1pm to 2pm. And, if that’s not good enough or if you live off-cam pus like I do; tune into 90.5 WICN from 11pm to 2am every o ther Monday night starting February 20th. Yes, th a t’s right, the FCC and some very unsuspecting radio station people will actually be letting me broad cast across the airwaves. Look out. W hat will 1 play, you ask? Good question. I have a two-part them e that hopefully I will stick to. I intend to play 1: songs by bands you hopefully haven’t heard o f before and 2: songs by bands you might have heard o f but never heard more than one single. No overplayed radio hits. No Pearl Jam . No M etallica. Sorry, I like both groups but they are just way overexposed. And the part you SH OU LD have been wait ing for: an album review! Yes, only one this w eek because that’s all I could afford to buy. (Can anyone say I need a budget from News-
Bettie Serveert - Lamprey In case you haven’t heard o f them Bettie Serveert is a relatively new band from the N etherlands that is m aking quite a name for them selves here. They’ve already been on MTV and hosted 120 minutes , but I won’t hold that against them. Their sound is a rather unique one. Part G in Blossoms melodies, part Sarah M cLachlan songw riting and singing, part Sugar angst and energy, but all wonderful. Somehow this is one band that m anages to stay on that line between fast and slow w ithout losing your interest. Som e songs are quicker than others, but all have a certain feel about them that drives even the slow er tracks on the album. This in itself is an accom plishm ent, but Lamprey holds even more surprises in store. The songwriting has depth and em otion in not only the melan choly lyrics but also in the arranging o f the music itself. Songs range from their pop single “ Ray Ray R ain” with its happy sounding melo dies and d arker more sublim inal lyrics to faster paced ones like “Re-feel-it” to the stronger and com pelling yet quite subdued “Silent Spring.” All in all one o f those m ost am azing things about Bettie is their way o f tugging on you slowly with happy m elodies and bitter lyricism until you find yourself captured in their dark radiant sunshine. Carol van D ijk’s voice is com pelling and strong yet without overpow er ing the m ood o f a song. Yes, I know what you’re thinking “oh great another female fronted alternative band" but I can honestly say that Bettie Seveert is NOT ju st another stereotype. T heir music is powerful and yet soothing in a time which favors harsh grating sounds o f other groups. If you are looking for an alternative to all this so called “alternative” music then check out Bettie S ev eert’s latest release. W ell e n o u g h o f pretty poetic m usic re view s... th is w eek I’d like to ride th e News peak sensationalism w ave w hile its still there and (if you even care) give out m y name. W ell, not really . My em ail address (oh come w e’re A LL geeks at this school ju s t give up a n d a d m it it d a m m it) is tin te r n @ w p i (d u h ....lik e it’d be tintern@ rpi). W hat I’d
Movie Channel Schedule T u esd ay, February 14 Cliffhanger D ie Hard D ie Hard II
W ed nesday, February 15 School Ties Airheads The Prince of Tides
T hursday, February 16 Mo' Money Boomerang Heathers
Friday, February 17 Coming to America In the Line of Fire The Abyss
Saturday, February 18 Cliffhanger Mrs. Doubtfire D ie Hard
Culture Spew
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
like all o f you to do is em ail me w ith in fo rm a tion and flood my inbox. Y es, I’m inviting you to c lu tte r my inbox w ith your opinions, ideas, com m ents, statem ents etc. O f course there is on e condition. B eing involved w ith several m ajor WPI factions like SocC om m and SGA and such I kind o f represent all o f you in various areas. In o rd e r to better do this I ’d like to hear what you have to say on these (critical?) W PI issues: 1: SGA... blast away and tell me what you want from us. 2: SocCom m again., sam e here. 3: Music...(duh that’s what 1 try to write about sometimes) Specifically tell me your views on SGA and what we should be doing. I know I’m probably flogging a dead horse but go ahead and speak up. Relieve some of that C term stress and let me know how we can better life and anything else at W PI. For SocComm I would specifically like to know what kind o f events would interest you. W ould you like to see a big hobby horse on the Quad, or what? Is Q uadfest worth doing or should we just shuttle everyone over to C lark U niversity’s Spree Day? And for music... This gets personal. As a m em ber of the Pub C om m it tee I’ve noticed attendance at show s during the past three has gone way dow n. W hy? Are we not bringing the types o f show s you like? If so what kind o f shows W O U LD you like to see/ hear? Keep in mind that w e can ’t get Van H alen o r NIN o r even Mazzy Star (though I w ould personally give a testicle to bring them here). W hat kinds o f music w ould like or what is wrong w ith the kind of m usic that is brought here? W hat kind o f m usic IS brought here? Should w e even bother? A nd if you’d like to say som ething non-related to any o f this, feel free. I’m wide open to new ideas and I’m NOT afraid o f writing under my real nam e....or email any way. ps. w atch this spot n ex t w eek for B IG ...I m ean R EA LLY *** b i g *** W PI m usic re lated new s. G o Figure it out for Y ourselves. -tintem .
M on d ay, February 19 Unlawful Entry Blankman The Abyss
Movies b erin a t 6i€€pm on Channel 12, an d the first m ovie Is shown for a second tim e after the th ird m ovie.
• Work Moa-Frt. 3-5 hrs. per day • Immediate openings on the 10:30 pm shift • Up to $5,250 in tuition reimbursement per year, selected shifts only • Full benefits for part-time work
• Potential promotion to supervisory position within 1 year! Interview Hours at UPS Monday and Tuesday, l - i pm. 9 pm-Midnight, Wednesday and Thursday 3-8 pm. Friday 3-6 pm at The UPS employment office in Shrewsbury on Rte. 140 ai the intersection of Rie 20._____________________
For more information, call
(508) UPS-J0BS an equal opportunity amptoyar
Pa g e 5
N ew speak
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
Time of year has arrived to apply for aid T he Reference D epartm ent has a collection of 1995-96 scholarship brochures and applica tions from a variety of organizations. Interested students may review the scholarships available and make copies o f applications. F or specific questions on these scholarship applications, contact the sponsoring organization o r the W PI Financial Aid Office.
Financial aid application packets have been distributed to student mailboxes. If you have not received a packet and you w ish to apply for financial aid in 1995-96, please obtain a packet im m ediately from the WPI Financial Aid Of fice. Deadlines are fast approaching. Information from other sources offering fi nancial aid is also available in G ordon Library.
International Career Fair Looking for a job during D-term? Worried about unemployment and the recession? At the WPI Alumni Fund we'll give you: Flexible work nights Hourly pay Delicious free snacks Relaxed atmosphere Nightly bonuses
Plus: You get to work nights on campus and you don't have to dress up! It's a great chance to help WPI and other students like you. Call today for an interview at 831-5073 or e-mail us at .a.i R t i l *****
The fair will also feature several speakers to answ er questions and relate their experiences abroad including: Brian M inahan, an export representative to C hina for Norton C o.; Trishna R ay-Chaudre, a m arketing technical sales re p resentative to m any parts of the far east for M onsanto; and Ms. Paula M urphy from the M assachusetts Sm all Business D evelopm ent C enter (M SBDC) with inform ation about in ternational businesses in the M assachusetts area.
Have you had a project in a foreign co u n try and w ish that you could w ork there in the future? Enjoy trav elin g and w ould like it to be part o f your jo b ? T he International S chol ars S em inar is sponsoring an international career fair, on F ebruary 23, in the low er wedge. The fair w ill provide inform ation packets in cluding the types o f international jo b s available and the steps needed to obtain them.
SJC Historical Society to hold lecture in Worcester on the abolishment of slavery The Suprem e Ju d icial C ourt H istorical So ciety announces a lecture on the Quock Walker Cases , a series o f W orcester cases that co n trib u te d to the a b o lis h m e n t o f sla v e ry . W o rc e s te r h is to ria n P ro f e s s o r K e n n e th M oynihan o f A ssum ption C o lleg e, Hon. Pe ter W. A gnes, Jr. o f the C harlestow n D istrict C ourt an d Hon. Ju lian T. H ouston o f the M assachusetts S u p erio r C ourt will discuss the cases and th eir im pact on the institution
o f slavery and social and econom ic c o n d i tions o f the day. The lecture w ill be held at 4 :0 0 pm on W ednesday, February 15, 1995 in W ashburn H all at M echanics Hall, 321 M ain S t., W orces ter. An inform al reception will follow . T h e program is free o f charge, but sp ace is lim ited. T o reserve a seat contact Joseph K elleher at the H istorical S o ciety, (617) 742-6090 o r K athleen O ’C onnell at (508) 756-4393.
Professor consults on new Hendrix release
Beware of bogus bills The Treasury O ffice recently accepted a $100 bill as paym ent on an account. The bank later determ ined that the money w as counter feit and W PI’s account was charged. Because o f this risk and a need to minim ize the am ount o f cash in the office, change will no longer be given for $ 100 bills. Associate T reasurerSylvia C ucinotta urges everyone in the W PI com m u nity to be aware o f the potential risk when they deal with these large denom inations.
Joel J. B rattin, A ssociate P rofessor o f E n g lish, w as the ed itorial co n su ltan t for the 44page book let that accom panies the new co m pact disc Jimi in Denmark produced by C a e sar G leb b eek , UniVibes, R epublic o f Ireland and released January 28. The C D features a variety o f Jim i H endrix recordings m ade in C open h ag en d uring 1968, 1969, and 1970.
W P IR 9 0 .1 FM C h a n n e l 38
WPIR Programming Schedule This is the current (as of Feb. 8) version of the WPIR programming schedule. It can also be accessed on the World Wide Web through
C-Term 1995
Midnight 2 am
Gavin Kennedy & Ryan Young
Ben Haupt & Ben Higgins
Greg Amiro
Brian Leary
Chris Lengner, Chris Seal, &Angela Cfymer
Jeffrey Chausse
Mike Caprio Seann Ives
2 am 5 am 5 am 8 am 8 am - 9 am 9 am -10 am 10 am -11 am 11 am - Noon
Kenneth Danila
Off the Air
Steve Sluter
Matteo Rinaldo
Will Nothwang Mike Koehl
Off the Air
Mika Newton
Vincent Wallace
Lance Sawyer & Josh Baker
Carla Guenther
Marco Fedeli
Brian Charest & Dan Boucher
Sean Barrett Jason Bourgeois ft Sean Gresorv
Chris Taylor Greg Walker
Noah Cushing
Paula Hunt
Morgan Rosenberg
Keith Franklin
J Banez
Jeff Coates & Jason Heminger
Chad Whitney
Noon -1 pm 1 pm • 2 pm
David Spencer & Joe Malek
2 pm 4 pm
Michael O’Bryant Philler’s Laurel & Guinevere (6am) Chris Taylor
John Mock
Cory Wajda
Aron Atkins
Sean Barrett Greg Walker
Keith Franklin
Morgan Rosenberg
Chad Whitney
Jason Heminger
Richard Otero & Sean Price
Ben Fischer Krogen Carreno
Sommyr Pochan
Jason Macierowski
Steve Hollwedel & Bill Goode
Marc Kazigian
Chris Kuiawa
Jef Spaleta
Kevin Hardiman
Bill Durbin
Kyle Warren
4 pm 6 pm
Josh Single
Steve Lawler
Tim Lewis
Alan Head
Stefan Corporale & Brian Gibbons
Justin Caserta & Justin Cutroni
Richard Darling Michael Olivieri
6 pm 8 pm 8 pm 10 pm 10 pmMidnight
John DiVerdi
Rob Eckman
Patrick Delahanty
Greg Murphy & Mike Sanders
Justin Urban
Nathan Towne-Smith
Pete Coppenrath, Nat Fairbanks, John Gledhill, & Scott Peitzsch
Greg Cabana
Brent Bourgoine
Justin Urban
Tim Doherty & Kim Farrell
Mark Kapeckas & Andrew David
Greg LaFond
David Coutu, Nate Howells, &Dave Hawej
Eric Reuter & John Hiltz
Prudence Martin
Jeff Coates
Jay Johnston & Shawn Beatty
Ed Hallissey
Seth Skintigh
Dana Donaldson
Ben Fischer Krogen Carreno Jason Macierowski
Sean Dunn
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
N ew speak
Page 6
S tudent G
sso cia tio n
CSLI: C hair Guthrie reported that the committee met last night and dis cussed several issues. There will be a President Findlen reported that Ex meeting on Monday, place TBA. ecutive Staff met that morning, the topic P.R.: Chair Lasovsky reported that was the CDC changes. Also, there will I. Meeting called to order at 5:55 the committee met today and discussed be a slightly higher than usual increase pm. the success o f the meeting with Pres. in tuition and fees than in the past. This Brown which was held Monday. They will not affect financial aid. II. Attendance: also designed and made table tents ad Executive Board: Greg Findlen, Pres.; vertising the SGA debate and flyers for Rachel Butland, Sect.; Don Socha,Treas. the elections on Feb. 10Senate: Cathy Connelly, 14. Ryan Daly, Shannon Finley, WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE P&P: Chair Snow re Beth Gentry, Lee Guthrie, ported that the committee Mami Hall, Ed Hallissey, will meet later this week. Rebecca Hoffman, Lucie L a so v sk y , Jaso n There are several Consti tu tio n a l am en d m en ts Macierowski, Amy Plack, Greg Snow, Kristen Stagg, looked at as well as the CSLI By laws. C h izzy U chendu, C ara Valliere. Absent: Fiona Abrams, -Institute Committees STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION CSA: SenatorConnelly Vice Pres, (excused), Joe V. Secretary’s Report: reported that the committee met on Wed. Batcha, Heather Cleary, Nat Fairbanks, Secretary Butland reported that of Feb 1,1995. There will be an Advisors Deb Foley (excused), John Grossi (ex fice hour attendance is good. She asked Workshop for all academic advisors on cused), Seth Kinligh, Jason Mickey (ex for written committee reports from the March 13. If anyone has any feedback cused), Amy Sinyei, Dave Smith, Jeff chairs. Spaletta, Tim Tully (excused), Cindy associated with advising issues please get in touch with her (swathy@wpi) or Vollaro (excused), Shelby W alker (ex Kevin Shea (shea@wpi). VI. Treasurer’s Report: cused), Joe Wain. Parliamentarian: Jason Averill Treasurer Socha reported that Ap V ffl. Old Business: none propriations will be meeting Wed. from III. Approval of Minutes: 1 lam -12noon in Beckett. The minutes of the meeting held Janu IX. New Business: ary 31, 1995 were approved no amend VII. Committee Reports: Motion 1 0 c.9 5 -T reasu rer Socha ments. -SGA Committees moved that the senate vote to approve Minutes for the meeting o f February 7, 1995 Meeting held in Atwater Kent 219
IV. President’s Report:
his appointment o f Greg Snow as Class II Ass. Treas. Senator Connelly sec onded. Motion passed. M otion llc .9 5 -S e c re ta ry Butland moved that the Senate approve Presi dent F indlen’s appointm ent o f Lee Guthrie as the chair of CSLI. Senator Plack seconded. Motion passed.
-Senator Daly announced the Winter Carnival this weekend. Tell everyone to go and have fun. -Senator Uchendu asked people to please sign up to work at the election table. -Senator Snow announced the debate is Thursday at 6pm in the Lower Wedge.
X. Announcements:
Senator Hallissey moved to adjourn, Senator Macierowski seconded, motion passed.
-Senator Connelly asked people to please meet tonight at 6:30 to help hang posters for the Winter Carnival.
XI. Meeting adjourned at 6:09pm.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 14, 1995 5:45 pm, Atwater Kent 219 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes o f meeting held February 7 IV. President’s Report V. Secretary’s Report VI. Treasurer’s Report VII. Committee Reports VIII. Old Business IX. New Business Motion 12c.95 - Approval of CAI’s survey about Maple - Sen. Fairbanks Motion 13c.95 - Appropriations - Treasurer Socha Motion 14c.95 - Appropriations - Treasurer Socha Motions 15c.95 to 22c.95 - Constitutional Amendments - Sen. Snow Motion 23c.95 • Resolution for Ceremonial Transfer o f Power - Sen. Snow X. Announcements XI. Adjournment
S tu d en t O r g a n iza tio n
GSO General Meeting Minutes February 8, 1995 AK108 Meeting commenced: 11:00am Officers Present: VP o f Policy, Brian Prunier; VP o f A ctivities and G raduate Life, Ira Vaidya; VP of Public R elations, O koziem Eledu; Treasurer, Gregory Shearm an; Secre tary, Allen Martin
Officer Reports: Ira - The trip to Peking Wok is scheduled for next Friday night (2/17) at 7:00pm . The price will be $5 for G SO mem bers, and $6 for guests, pay able in advance. An electronic re minder will be sent out to all GSO
mem bers.
Old Business: Discussion continued on the issue o f helping to fund a graduate student for travel expenses to a conference where he had a paper accepted. C on cerns were raised regarding the notion o f setting a precedent that would open G SO to many more such requests in the future which we may not be able to afford. It was decided that the funding for this student would be voted on as a single issue, with the assum ption that discussion would continue in the future. The possibility of the G SO setting aside an annual budget as a rew ard to graduate students in sim ilar situations will be included as part o f this discussion.
S tudent G o vernm ent A
The m otion of funding this student was passed. The exact am ount of funding will be determined at the next
general meeting.
VP o f Policy: Brad Pope, ME, bpope@ w pi V P o f A ctivities and G raduate Life: Peter A pollo, M E, apollop@ wpi VP o f Public Relations: D avid Keller, ME, kellerdr@ wpi V P o f Orientation: Douglas Borden, PH, dborden@ wpi T re a s u re r: R oy M a rtin , M E , rem three@ wpi The position o f Secretary will be voted upon at the next general m eet ing.
New Business:
Elections fo r new G SO officers were carried out. C ongratulations to the new officers: President: Greg S hearm an, ME, shearm an @ wpi
U ndergraduate students in the CS departm ent have been invited to an informal interview with perspective new faculty members. GSO w ould like to ensure that CS graduate stu
dents are also included in such activi ties. Meeting Adjourned: 11:50am
Additional Anouncements: C ongrats again to all the new o f ficers, it’s alm ost becom ing an M E G SO . C ongrats and w ish you all the best in the com ing year. T he m isun derstanding betw een the CS g rad u ate students and the departm ent has been cleared up. The graduate stu dents w ere included in the activities from the onset. Som ew here along the line there was a lack o f com m u nication. N ext G SO m eeting will be on W ednesday, 21st February at 12 noon in A K 108. New faces are a l w ays w elcom e.
sso ciatio n
The SGA Issue of the Week : The food quality here at WPI by Amy L. Plack SGA Senator First off, most people d o n ’t know w hat is going on in SG A. T he m in utes o f o u r m eetings d o n ’t tell you very m uch, and the agendas say even less. T h a t’s because th ese docu m ents are really to help the senators keep track o f what goes o n , not the student body. So, w e’ve com e up w ith a solu tion. In addition to publishing the m inutes in Newspeak , th ere will be an article each w eek. T h e article will discuss at length an issu e which has been brought to us by you, the students, and what we are doing to help rem edy it. C hange c a n ’t take place overnight, but w e’re planning to keep you posted on the issues that are im portant to you. This w eek, I have c h o sen a big one - the issue o f the fo o d quality here at W PI.
Ju st about everyone you ask w ill tell you that the food here at W PI “su ck s.” I realize that is a gross generalizatio n ; the G rille isn ’t as bad as the cafeteria, and F ounders seem s to be b etter than M organ. B ut, le t’s face it, the food does suck. (D IS C LA IM ER - I am not speaking for every sen ato r in that paragraph; it’s my opinion) C u rio u s as to what students really think, I talked to a few. I also saved all the postings to w pi.test regarding the food here and all the rum ors that are abounding. So, I know have a m ighty large file in my acco u n t, w hich is p u b licly readable: -tre k / N ew s/daka. (It grow s by the day, trust me) I announced that I was co llecting the inform ation for the C om m ittee o n S tu d e n t L ife Is su e s th ro u g h sganew s and g ot a m ost interestin g response. Janet R ichardson, D ean o f Student Life, requested that I for-
Career D evelo pm ent Center
Co-op job market looks great for summer/fall placements The jo b market for co-op positions for this sum m er and fall looks the most prom ising it has been for several years. The market continues to be good for CS and EE co-op positions, but there is a marked increase in the num ber o f positions avail able for M E ’s and C E ’s. M any big com panies have made it clear that a major portion of their full-tim e permanent hiring will come from the students who they bring in through their co-op program. General Electric, for example, plans on filling 50% o f their positions in their Techni
cal Leadership Program from their co op students. Because o f the up turn in the co-op jo b m arket, the< deadline for registering with the Co-op program for the June-D ecem ber co-op term has been extended until Feb. 23rd. If you a re fin is h in g y o u r sophom ore or ju n io r year and are in good academ ic standing, co-op could the best thing you can do to increase your job prospects when you gradu ate. Stop by the CDC on the 3rd floor o f Boynton Hall or call 831-5549 for more information.
w ard her that file. I did, and sent her updates as th ey came through. Dean R ichardson now plans to approach the C abinet w ith that m ighty file in hand and see what they have to say about it. So, w hat is SGA doing about it? We are still gathering inform ation,
and aw aiting the C ab in et’s response. D ean R ichardson has ask ed the C SL I to get ready to “roll up [our] sleeves and get d irty ” w ith this issue, and we are ready. W e’ll keep you p o sted on o u r progress - d o n ’t expect a m iracle overnight. For m ore inform ation on
o th er issues C SL I is pursuing, c o n ta c t th e c h a ir , L e e G u th r ie , lguthrie@ w pi. Please feel free to forw ard all c o m m ents and questions about this co l umn to m e, trek@ w pi. N ex t w eek’s is s u e : A cadem ic_dishonesty @ w
N ew speak The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI Box 2700, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Phone (508) 831-5464 • Fax (508) 831-5721 • Editors-in-Chlet
News Editor
Kristen Greene Brian Parker
Jennx Yambert
Associate Editors Chris Freeman Troy Thompson
Business Manager Vacant
Features Editor Vacant
Business Staff
Writing Staff
Lisa Bartee
Lexie Chutoransky
Eric Craft Donna Edzards Andrew Marseila Jason Macierowski Amy L. Plack
Stephanie Gagne Michelle Prudente Tom Sico
Dave Koelle
Kristen Greene
Faculty Advisor John Trimbur
City Editors Vijay Chandra John Grossi
Sports Editor
Jason Philbrook
Photofltaptut-Slafl Geoff Elliott Ben Fisk Patti Kessler Brian Smith
WPI Newspeak of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, formerly the Tech News, has been published weekly during the academic year, except during college vacations, since 1909. Newspeak has been printed on recycled paper since January, 1991 Masthead designed by Troy Thompson for Newspeak's 21st Anniversary. All articles should be typed and include the author's name and box number Copy m ay be sent to WPI Box 2700 or brought to the Newspeak office (Riley 01). Articles m ay also be submitted via e-mail. All copy is due by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding publication. Letters to the Editor must contain the typed or printed name of the author as well as the author’s signature, telephone number, and box number for verification Students submitting letters to the editor should put their class after their name Faculty and staff should include their full title Letters deemed libelous or irrelevant to the WPI community will not be published. All Club and Greek comers must be submitted via e-mail and be 275 words or less. All ads are due by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding publication. Any submissions received after this time will be subject to a flat $15 late fee per ad. Advertisements, including classified ads, will not be accepted via email. Classified ads must be prepaid The decision on whether a submission is a public service announcement or an advertisement lies with the editors. The editorial is written by a member or members of the Newspeak staff. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the entire Newspeak staff The editors reserve the right to edit all copy for correct punctuation and spelling as well as appropriate content Printing is done by Saltus Press First Class postage paid at Worcester, Massachusetts. Subscription rate is $20.00 per school year, single copies 75 cents within the continental United States. Make all checks payable to W PI Newspeak.
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N ew speak
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
P A T H W A Y S, lo o
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WHILILHVl Give yourself avalentine you have always deserved, a Healthier You !!! Come to the Lower Wedge on Tuesday, Febuary 14th between 10am-2pm, The following organizations will be participating: American Heart Association American Cancer Society BACCHUS Bancroft School of Massage DAKA Nutritionist Fallon Community Health Center Women’s Wellness Center WPI Athletic Department WPI Campus Police WPI Counseling Center WPI Healthy Alternatives Office Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Testing
Hubbard Regional Hospital WPI Human Resources $4.00 with a valid WPI ED $8.00 without
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
N ew spea k
P age 8
C lub C orner
Alpha Phi Omega
German Club
H A PPY V A L E N T IN E ’S D AY !! I hope that your V -D ay is going really well! C O N G R A T S TO ALL O U R NEW PL E D G E S !!!! 1 hope you all have as much fun p ledging as I did!! D on’t w orry if y o u ’re a little nervous, your big hros will help you through it!! W ell, S aturday we had our sem i. I’m sure it w ent really well. 1 think we should all give B enny a standin g -O for doing all this cool fellow ship stuff!!! A n o th er sta n d in g -0 has to go to S arah for all these service projects!! G ood jo b to both o f you and to all the o th er officers as well! W ell, 1 guess th a t’s about it for this w eek.... Y iL FS — m
G uten Tag! T hanks to all o f you who showed up to the Stam m tisch last Friday. U nfortunately, not enough people showed up in order to hold a fair election. Therefore, the election was postponed until this Friday, Feb 17, at the Stammtisch. If interested, it will be held at G om pei’s from 12 to 1. This is an excellent w ay to im prove your Germ an or hear your native language. Hope to see you there. Tschus!
F ahrenheit 451 :Fahrenheit 451 :Fahrenheit 451 :F ahrenheit 451 :F ahrenheit 451 F a h re n heit 451 :Fahrenheit 451 :F ahrenheit 451 F a h r en heit 451: T ickets are on sale now, so buy lots o f them early. F riday and Saturday are alw ays p acked so plan ahead. T ickets are on sale daily from 12:30-2:30 in the ticket booth in D aniels, e-m ail ck ach ler for m ore ticket info. A re you tired o f sittin g around with noth in g to do?? Are you tired o f being bored?? Do you w ant som e excitem ent in yo u r life?? W ell...h ere’s y our chance! Join the running crew for F 4 5 1! Its fun! Its ex cit ing! Its FR EE !!!!! If you have a little tim e to kill until production w eek, then drop an em ail to m elissa@ w pi and sign up for this W O N D ER FU L opportunity! M asque m eeting F ri day 4 :3 0 , G reen R oom , F lock thereforth. L ots-o N ew V oices announcem ents so be there!!!!!
Chinese Student Association H iya g u y s (and gals, as usual). Hope everyon e is doing fine with th eir classes so far and that y o u ’re all able to get out o f your nice w arm beds in the m orning and go to class. At least you should all be able to get o ut o f y o u r boring dorm room s and com e to C SA activ ities and to IM gam es to c h ee r your team s on. A nyw ay, the C hinese New Y ear party a w hile back went w ell...I’m sure o u r dearest a d v iso r R oger had a good tim e giv in g out $$$ (though his w allet m ight have som e o b jec tions). H ope everyone had a good tim e ...but d o n ’t think th a t’s all for CSA this term ...stay tuned for m ore stu ff com ing up. W ell...g reat big congrats go out to the 4 C S A T a b le T en n is team s th at m ad e the p layoffs...C S A 2, m ighty Frank & Prakash; C SA 3, aw esom e Foo & H oang; CSA 4, u n b eliev ab le Q uach & Brad; and finally, CSA 5, super-d u p er (also know n as dum b-dum b on certain occasions) A ntonio & Jack. A p p lause an k you. If you happen across any o f these T able T ennis kings on cam pus, please slap them on the back. B e sides T T , please also applause o u r B asketball and B ow ling team s for w orking so hard and d o in g such a great jo b in the season so far. K eep up the good w ork, guys...and keep on going to the hoop and for the pins. O h, and y e a h ...G O W A T C H IM G A M E S ...G O C H E E R Y O U R TEA M S O N ...and th a t’s an o rd e r...p lease. O k, a couple m ore things.... The long aw aited fo r new sletter, “The D ragon," should be com ing o ut soon. It has been d elayed once again by ‘tech n ician ’ difficu lties, b ut should be under constru ctio n now. It is not too late to subm it any a rticles/jo k es/artw o rk /w h at e v er you w ish...just mail to < dragon@ w pi> ( o r e v e n to < s id e o u t@ w p i> if y o u w ish)...sim ple. O k, one last thing (fo r now an y w ay )...start thin k in g about w hat you want to do for the C ultural Fest in A pril. If you d o n ’t know w hat that is, d o n ’t w orry...m ore stu ff w ill be sent out about that later. Well then, take care. Later!
ISC All rig h t, this is going to be a short and sw eet n o te...F irstly , I apologize for not w rit ing last w eek and th erefo re not keeping all you people who are reading up to date. S ec on d ly , 1 w ant to say that th ere is going to be a n o th er m eeting this W ednesday at 4 :3 0 and so you should all try to be there. It’s going to be at M organ C and all “ m em ber” groups o f the ISC should try to have som e rep resen ta tives p resent. F inally, I w ant all o f you to read N ewspeak next w eek. I’ll let everybody know the ex act events that are go in g to be taking place for the rest o f the year. Until then, be p atient and d o n ’t forget a b o u t the m eeting. T ake care and enjoy the w eather.
Men’s Glee Club O k, w e’re back! W ow , M alchiodi, what w ould you sell your p arents for - beer? I m ean you sold your sister for an answ er. If I gave you a nickel, could I date all three? W e had a good tim e sledding last w eekend. I
think G lenn lost parts o f him self on the hill, though. G lenn, did you have a lobotom y as a child? Hey G ressley, I still think the G o m p ei’s m oney should have yo u r picture on it. A ny w a y , I h o p e e v e ry o n e h ad fu n at th e R athskellar this w eekend. D on’t forget, the A ssassination G am e starts this w eekend. Kill your friends! Kill K eith! I hope th is w eek’s top ten list is not too o ffensive to anyone except maybe Ian. H eh, heh. T op 10 R easons to S ing w ith S m ith 10. They love us. 9. “ D yke H u n t” part tw o. 8. W e’re “fostering go o d n ess” (oops, sorry, w rong school) 7. Babb really wants to. 6. W e’d rather listen to K eith sin g than talk. 5. We can finally figure o u t which M uppet Lucinda resem bles. 4. So K en can m eet another “frien d .” 3. It’s our first “one day stand.” 2. Ian d o e sn ’t have a girlfriend com ing out that w eekend. 1. If at first you d o n ’t succeed. . .
SFS C ongratulations to all o f the n ew offic ers... Prez: Ben “L im ey M aggots” B ennett, VeeP: T ara, T reasurer: M ike S anders, Secre tary: Steve R ichardson... R em em ber, th ere’s a m eeting W E D N E S D AY at 7PM in OLIN 218. Be there.
Christian Bible Fellowship W ell, th is term has really been zoom ing by. I can n o t believe the we have a little over tw o w eeks left! W e are looking forw ard to all the w onderful things that G od has in store for us th is w eek. P rayer and S hare is a g reat time to praise and seek the Lord w ith o th ers here on c a m p u s W ed at 7pm an M o rg a n A. T H U R S D A Y is IN T E R -C A M P U S F E L L O W SH IP!! W e w ill be gath erin g in the lo w e r w ed g e, th a t’s rig h t., the L O W E R W E D G E , at 7:37pm to have a w onderful time o f fello w sh ip and songs. G rab a bunch o f friends and jo in us! F or any o f you w ho d o n ’t know , FN F is on Fri at 7pm also in M organ A. T his is a great tim e to be together and learn about the L ord through songs and the Bible. B ring a friend. S ports will be on Sat starting at 10:39am in front o f A lum ni G ym . “T his is the day that the Lord has m ade; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (P salm 118:24 N IV ) As school w ork becom es m ore and m ore as the term w inds dow n, I have thought a lot ab o u t how I live my life and w ho I am living for. I know that school w ork is im por tant to an extent, but there is so m uch m ore to life. G od gave us life, and o u r life carries a very large price tag: Jesus C hrist died for us to be able to experience all that G od w ants us to ex p erien ce in life. If God w ent to so much trouble to bless us w ith the gift o f life, why do we grum ble when m orning com es? W hy do we rejoice w hen night has com e and w e can find a little rest, only to w ake up g rum bling again? S h o u ld n ’t we take on the sim ple attitude o f children , alw ays excited to get up in the m orning and rejoice in living? Jesus can help you experience life more fully and freely, for this truly is a day that the Lord has m ade; let us rejoice in the blessings o f today.
G o m
p e i ’s
Wants You To Bring Your S w e e tie To Munch fl Foot Long Sub For 2 With P i c k l e s , Chips, & 2 Med S o d a $4.69 Expires 2/17/95
Happy V a len tin es Day
AXP Starting off.... even though the Postulants to o k over an hour to find the house, they had enough time to serve us up a 1000 shots o f w oostah’s finest "caustic” - keep it up boys, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible [faint but visible]. I’d like to congratulate Foster and his b and this weekend on finding Tamm any Hall an d great tunes. Grenade! Postulant snap list includes: Spice and Forge-it. I say put them toeto-toe to break the tie. “Boy, it sure does stink in here!” Little known fact recently sniffed out by cave dwellers. On that note... Jackson, did you turn on the o v en hood? W ell, alternatively speaking, our N ational [Alphia Chi Roh] will be pleased with o u r recognition. Sideball, what do you think o f changing the library with the TV room... [drinky drinky motion]? Maybe the shock o f the trailer d isap p earin g w arped my train o f thought. A ny who, it must have been B ob’s fault. Great jo b boys on the Saturn Snow Bunny - the oranges were nice, but you out did yourselves w ith the celery. G im py - your going to have a hard time getting away from the border patrol now. On a lighter note, go out on Saturday everyone; get on a well accustomed yarcavasmorckin NOW. T h at really didn’t make sense, but either way go
to the form al. See ya there, fruity.
ArA Happy V alentine’s/B uff Day! And Happy B irthday to Laurie and my (real) Mom! Hey Pledges-got your Bananas? D on’t get caught w ithout one! And le t’s see more root beer barrels in those candy bags, ok? G reat jo b with the snow raid-gotta w atch out for w ater freez ing w hen it’s really cold out (did we pay atten tion in C hem ?). In the new s this w eek: Cindy& M indy (say it out loud-it’s fun), Cindy ’s got the w ings and M indy gets the hug! Also-for the 3rd w eek in a row (some sort o f record I’m sure) Jenn K. as the SW! And the awardless, but w orthy, PW -Jess S.-Congratulations! A spe cial little hello to Q uigs-have a cup o f coffee and catch y our breath. Relax, it’s almost over!! There is a new rule I ju st made up: from now on, only O N E construction paper project per m eet ing! T he W inter Carnival has com e and gone, we should play Broom-Ball more often. See you all bright and early tom orrow! (psst...Hey Shaggy, it’s Junior Night!) ...A DOVELING! AGD PLED G ES-Hey girls! Hope you guys had a great weekend! (OX beach party) Jess hope you were successful on your mission (x marks the spot!!) G ood job on the pledge test. Juniors- we hope you liked your banner- it was
ATTENTION CLUBS AND GREEK ORGANIZATIONS Below is a reminder o f the Club and Greek Corner submission policy.
Our policy requires that: 1.
All submissions to the Club and Greek Corner must be submitted via Electronic mail. No Club or Greek comers will be accepted in paper format.
2. The maximum allowable number of words is 275. No exceptions will be made. 3. Submissions may under no circumstances contain copyrighted material. 4. The deadline for submission of articles is the Friday before publication at 5 pm. 5.
Page 9
N ew speak
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
The Editors reserve the right to make the final decision on the appropriateness of content.
Submissions to the Club and Greek Corner should be mailed Any questions/problems with this policy may be directed to The editorial board would like to thank members o f WPI Greek organizations and Clubs fo r their compliance with this policy.______________________________________________
Positions Available for Summer IQP Abroad
so cold that night that even the duck tape froze. Very creative snow raid on W ednesday nightyou did a good job for only five people. Hope everyone found the proper clothing that they need for the week. D on’t forget to bring around everything you need and d o n ’t walk alone! Have a great time this week- take tons o f pictures so we can laugh at ourselves later. M aybe we shouldn’t w ear m akeup the whole week- Just kidding Julie and Stacy!! Sarah A good jo b on the M & M ’s. H ave a great V alentine’s Day!!!! A doveling
ATQ Ready, Set, Go? W ho will win? Who knows? Tapley, here kitty, kitty, kitty. Dawson, do you really have to wear that hat and tie to work? Gobis woke up about a certain situation. Thank God. Josh found a new way to bum those excess calories. Cohen took one for the boys. Somebody has to, you know what I’m saying. Rad has been talking some vulgar trash, will he back it up? Beats took a round trip to New Haven to pick up the girl from Indiana. Sorry, from New York. Huck, how many? That ain’t right, dude. You got problems. Boxer shorts, anyone, anyone. 55 wins and 4 losses, I laugh at that record. Walter, if you want to show Gobis and Goudreau what time it is, I’m your man. (! @#$ %%AA& &&**((! @ #$%** $$% Pete)
AXA The past week was a huge success for the KAGL sports team s. KAGL played a great bball game against M organ 4th. Instead o f playing like the old G A K B F team , K AG L played this game with intensity. A fter being down by about 20 points, K AG L cam e back to win in double overtim e. C oach D looked like K areem w ith his sky hooks and reverses. This game was a team effort. Even Sweetah alm ost hit the double digits in scoring. C ongrats to the KAGL swim team! They cam e in third place overall. T ony, you got to w ork on your reaction time! T oo bad the starter was blind and d id n ’t see the false start. W e could have had second. Apollo, go take a jum p o ff the pool balcony. The w inter carnival was fun. It was a blast dragging N ate’s truck around. By the way, happy belated birthday to Mr. M in...w hoops, 1 mean happy belated birthday to Big Daddy John! T h at’s the news and 1 am outta here!
<Z>K0 D oesn’t it figure that the one thing W hitten actually does was to get that bus. - Rusty w ould like to know if anyone found the $ 17 in one’s he lost last Friday night. - For all the Associate M em bers, house m eetings are every Thursday at 10:00. - Chris has been having reoccurring dream s o f the ghost o f Jim M orrison telling him to prepare for a long sum m er journey...w eird. H appy birthday Ruck and Alex. - Does anyone else w onder about Ellis and Rollins and their n ew p e ts ? G uz P ro v e rb : to g a ... to g a ...T O G A ...T O G A ! !! niner......over. - KTFB!
T h e r e a r e s e v e r a l o p e n in g s fo r IQ P p r o je c ts d u r in g t h e E 9 5 s u m m e r te r m
in :
London • Venice • Costa Rica M o r e in fo r m a tio n a n d a p p lic a t io n s a r e a v a ila b le in t h e O f f i c e o f G l o b a l P r o g r a m s , P r o j e c t C e n t e r
fa T a T a
Hey Phi Sig Sigs! Standing O ’s go out to Shannon Bielitz for designing and making the Spirit Day banner! G reat jo b Shannon! Also, standing O ’s go out to Jen Rice for making the lasagna dinner for the New M em ber C om m ittee last w eek! Thanks Jen! H appy belated birthdays go out to Paula Hunt, C aroline Kondo, and Erika Sim pson who all celebrated last week! H ope you guys had a great time! C ontinued good luck to all o f the w inter sports team s who will be finishing up their seasons soon! All your hard work has d efi nitely paid off! T hanks to everyone who went to Spirit D ay games last week! Y our support was most appreciated!
In the personals this week: M andy, NEVER g o to the gym without w earing spandex...apply to infected area. Erika has m ade it into the G uinness Book o f W orld Records for having the largest thum b known to man. T hanks go out to Sarah M acllhenny for decorating the stair well with tom ato soup....w ay to take a digger and stink up the house for days! V -Neck, the can’t make it through O N E W EEK w ithout som ething breaking on you! Laura Bielitz...w as that interpretive dancing? Your digger w as pretty graceful...FL O O R S ARE S L IP P E R Y W HEN W E T !!! S o rg in i...E N O U G H S A ID ! J u lie er UNITS are also slippery when wet! Special hellos go out to C athy Jzyk (I’ll get you in the personals for doing som ething dumb REAL soon...I’m w atching you), C hristine C arrigan, Karla Eignor, Kelly King, Darlene, M aria D ilanco, Sue W az, Dwalin, and Jess Cram. LITP
hi News Bulletin: There has been the reported sighting o f a large om inous object heading tow ards the Pi. Everybody should stay inside w ith doors locked until the coast is clear. Other new s. Sw oop gives in to the most comm on tem ptation ever, and has the mark to prove it. A nd d o n ’t say we didn’t warn you. I’d like to give an aw ard to Uh-rich w ho accom plished his first ‘house fixing’ this w eek- only fifty to go John. There was a J sighting also in the area a couple days ago, how ever only one. It looks like the Pitch Tournam ent will be big, almost as big as the cave in Justin’s head. T h at’s where he hides the cards. I’ll see you next Tuesday...
TKE G reetings from The Land o f the 69. This is the first com er coming from the Little C en trum. G uest writer this w eek is D ef Con. We here at house are battling the plague, a muta tional disease brought from the depths o f the African jungles by the Lion King a year ago. O nly now has this terrible m anifestation been activated and in doing so, striken down the m ajority o f the house. For good ideas for cures go see D ef Con, Dools, or Birdie. U nfortu nately, and not surprisingly, they c a n ’t be m en tioned here. Friday night saw GFY, in their debut perfor mance since going platinum , in their cd, still at the factory, hyped up, to be released PARTY. T he women and children o f W orcester flocked to TKE to see their live perform ance with guest celebrities Bing C rosby, M etallica, Randy Rhoads, and the Doors. The W ho were ex pected but pulled a no-show due to lack o f parking. C ongrats guys, good w ork on the cd, and good luck to the future. Ladies and gentle men, GFY. Since it is only Friday, we can still make predictions about the RCB and then laugh about them come Tuesday when we see how many o f them cam e true. Lady J scores in the Pumpkin patch. T at comes home with three women. G arth m akes record sales as the A gawam coor dinator. Disch catches a peep from his date. Sahal tries the method o f ancient tribal dance to w oo his date into subm ission. N ew sflash, O ’shea cups a feel. F roggie’s tadpoles swim upstream , but get stuck in the canal. How ‘bout som e salt with those carnations new mem bers? N ice after taste too, huh? G ood work Suennen for putting so much work into the RCB and congrats for everything going so well and ev eryone having a good time. M issing: flag from room 69, last seen Friday night. W arning, the material will self-com bust w ithin eight days if not returned. Also, tonight w ill be the conclusion o f the house foos tourna m ent follow ing the house m eeting which is ritual. C U N ext Thursday because Tuesday is too soon. Smell you later.
P a g e 10
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
N ew speak
ew speak
H umor
CHAOS by Brian Shuster ^
B U B B A 'S
Zeta Psi's annual "W ell, now , I'm not e x a c tly s u re . . . it's re a l s lo w w h e n I g o tta o rd er p arts for th e s e fo reig n m o d e ls ."
C omm entary
J a il & B a il
Channel One News by Winston Smith
[Ed. note: The following commentary was submitted by an author who wishes to remain anonymous and has chosen to use a pen name. The opinions do not necessarily represent those o f the Newspeak Staff. ] “Hello, I’m Brad Shallow...” “...and I’m Jill Perky. And this is the Channel One Totally Hon est Evening News.” “ In Congress today, several key bills were passed that may alter the legislative process, raise or low er your taxes, change the way you d o business, or become laws that you will be e x pected to obey. We will not be covering these items, though, so that we can replay the videotape of Newt Gingrich’s mothercalling Hillary Clinton a bitch. Jill?” “ A fringe environmental group today issued a proclamation saying that the world would end ‘sometime next Thursday afternoon.’ The group offered no scientific corroboration for this a n nouncement, and we did not ask for any. We will be presenting this proclamation as objective fact, and when it does not come true, we will com pletely fail to notice. Back to you, Brad.” “ In Roxchester tonight, people were brutally murdered. You did not know these people, and there was nothing you could have done to help them. While this event will have little-to-no bearing on your life, we will show enough graphic detail, including splattered blood and weeping relatives, to make you feel depressed and unsafe no matter where you live. Jill?” “ In Los Angeles today the O.J. Simpson trial continued. While no new evidence was pre sented, reams of unsubstantiated allegations, in sults, and unbelievable rumors were spread by both the prosecution and defense in an effort to sway public opinion and otherwise obfuscate the facts o f the case. Channel One will report every sordid detail to you, assisting in this smokescreen and contributing to the day when Simpson is acquitted in spite o f a list of physical evidence as long as your arm. We will now pause for station identification.” “Next onA Hard Affair: This man, aconvicted murderer, claims that the CIA used a mind-control device to make him commit his crimes. In stead o f treating him like the nut and liar he is, we will give him a half-hour of sympathetic prime time television coverage to rant about his delu sions, allowing him to inspire other loony-toons and further erode your confidence in your country and culture. Tune in to ‘Spooky Svengalis,’ to night on A Hard Affair.”
missed as ‘spurious and without basis.’ Despite the fact we devoted at least three minutes of wild speculation to this item every night last week, continuously referred to the man in question as an ‘alleged child molester,’ and destroyed his repu tation and business, we will in no way, shape, or form acknowledge or apologize for our mistake.” “Didn’t think we would. Brad. In medical news tonight, we will be examining the question ‘Do Cellular Phones Cause Brain Cancer?’ As always, we let the viewer be the judge!” “What if the viewer isn’t an oncolologist, medical physicist, or some other person with the years o f experience and education necessary to understand the question?” “Not to worry, Brad; w e’ll be oversimplifying, quoting out of context, and presenting so much dubious or just plain wrong information that it would be impossible for them to reach a valid conclusion if they were Nobel Laureates in Medi cine! Additionally, in the interest of creating controversy we’ll be including inflammatory sound bites from ‘experts’ on both sides of the issue. In accordance with our station policy, no attempt will be made to distinguish the reputable scientists from the ‘cranks.’” “And finally, in the Nation’s capital and in Little Rock the W hitewater investigations con tinue. This scandal has resulted in the indictments and/or resignations of key Clinton administration officials, instigated the suicide or murder o f Vince Foster, and may lead to the impeachment of the President o f the United States. In light of our overwhelming liberal bias and the fact that the situation can not be summarized in ten words or less, we will be ignoring it entirely.”
to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association
Would you like to throw somebody in jail...your roommate, your RA, maybe even a professor? Help Zeta Psi raise money for the MDA and we'll get a real police officer to apprehend the person of your choice!
Sign up all this week in the Wedge!
‘Thanks, Brad. And I’m Jill Perky...” “...and I’m Brad Shallow. And this has been the Channel One Totally Honest Evening News.”
-p «l ta b le -
“Perverts, emotional cripples, exhibitionists, and scum...all on the next Oprah-Jesse Rivera\ Exclusively on Channel One - New England’s totally honest television station!” “I’m Jill Perky, and we now return to the Channel One Totally Honest Evening News. W e will now be showing a ten-second segment men tioning that child molestation charges against a nursery-school operator in Lexingcord were d is
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
N ew speak
P a g e 11
C la ssified s ***SPRING BREAK 95*** America’s #1 Spring Break Company! Cancun, Bahamas,
SEMINAR: M A NA GING TEST A NXI ETY. Tuesday, February 21, 3:30 - 4:30 PM. Counseling & Student Development Center. 157 W est St. 831-5540.
or Florida! 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! Organize 15 friends and TRA V EL FREE! Call for our finalized 1995 Party Schedules!! (800) 95-B R EA K
Newspeak will run classifieds free for all WPI students, faculty, and staff. Free classifieds are limited to six (6) lines. Ads of 1 a commercial nature and ads longer than six lines must be paid for at the off campus/commercial rate of $5.00 for the first six lines | and 50 cents per additional line. Classified ads must be paid for in advance No information which, in the opinion of the Newspeak editors, would identify an individual to the community will be printed in a personal ad. The editors reserve the right to refuse any ad deemed to be in bad taste or many ads from one group or individual on one subject. The deadline for ads is noon on the Friday before publication. All classified ads must be on individual sheets of paper and must be accompanied by the writer's name, address and phone number.
Let's not milk the issue.
Now renting apartments for 95-96 year. Large 3-5 bedroom units in well maintained, secure buildings. W alk to campus, partially furnished, laundry, parking. Call today to make an ap pointm ent to see. 792-0049.
C ome hear President Brown speak at 2:00PM, W ednesday, February 15th in the Seminar Room o f G ordon Library.
G RA D U A TE STUD ENTS W ANTED! Housing with old-world charm, quiet studio and one bedroom apartments. Sun-filled, immacu late, heated, hardwood floors, white walls, fully applianced kitchens, laundry room, locked build ings with intercoms. Walk to school. Call for an appointment. 755-2032
V ote G R E G S N O W fo r SG A T R E A SURER!!!
Name _____________________________
Total Enclosed $
C ome on, guys... Don't be cold. Allow only 30 characters per line
W ORLD W ID E WEB demonstrations will be given during G ordon Library’s Open House, W ednesday, February 15, 12 noon to 3PM. GW W - Find your next clue at the IMC. Is this really worth it? Wait and see...
SPRING BREAK - Nassau/Paradise Island, Cancun and Jam aica from $299. Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and More! Organize small group - earn FREE trip plus commissions! Call 1-800-822-0321.
“That better not be my gavel!" Tuesday Feb 14th..look for special dining service guest M .B.A. Karen K iber at the WPI W ellness day in the lower wedge to provide information and consultations concerning nutri tion.
C R U ISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earning an excellent income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour Industry. Seasonal & full time em ploym ent available. No experience necessary. For info, call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C50112.
L [Sniff] Joey was that you? Thanks goes out to the two draftsm en “uh„ thanks” T. G. W ho loves ya, baby? A. H.
We just have short ones. T h at’s all we have. Legal Seafoods is coming to W PI Dining. Look for specialties offered in the Grille and Higgins Dining Club. Bon appetite!
SGA Elections are here... D on’t forget to vote! Greg- Thanks for paying... W e really appre ciated it! -K,K,J,C & A
* 1 2 9
To m y h unka, h unka b u rn in g lo v e, a smooooch! C hiquita, Chiquita, Dole, Dole, AGD, AGD!
liver lips
Two words: Free Bird T. G. Coupon good for one “treat.” A. H. T o H - O - N - E - Y ! ! ! I love you. Happy V alentine’s Day.
That was a little fribble-ous! Congratulations to Nate Towne-Smith, Greg M arr, G reg Murphy, Rob Caputo, Jon Steward, and Steve Richardson, Lens and Lights’ new officers!
Rated X candy hearts for sale. Jill- W here have you been kiddo? Y ourm om misses you! Love, Alison Faye
---- S E R V IC E S '< ’ N A;.'eta St Itlwca NV' V4&50
Toll fre e 1 -8 0 0 - 6 4 8 - 4 8 4 9 O rganize a group and travel fre e " 1
Lori, Brenda, and Monika, 4 more weeks till FLORIDA!! Love, Alison Faye So, how do 3 Z eta Psi brothers feel about being tied up?
r» iy ? s T L o iN T [ E J L J tJ t r a v e l
G u aran teed lev.est p uces c ” ca n ip .is'.
Will you be VALentine? H - O - N - E - Y !!!
C ancun i, , s.w Jam aica i„..„ $439 Florida m..,.
I want a Hot Fudge Sundae, with walnuts, a cherry.... and a bottle o f Tequila.
F in a K, E in an E, Happy Vday.
SE M IN A R : M A K IN G P E A C E W ITH FOOD. Thursday, February 1 6 ,3 :3 0 -4 :3 0 PM. Counseling & Student Development Center, 157 W est St. 831-5540.
Yarcavasmorckin for sale!
"Barber Shop Welcomes WPI students Regular
T.G. Tell me you love me... A. H. TRO U BLE is coming back to Fruit Street! H eeeeyey
H a ir c u t s
By Appt. or Walk-in Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 -5:30
S / O
t U U
324 Grove St., Wore. (Next to Percy's) Tel: 752-5510
Uhhhh...Dave? Please rem ember to return your DAKA mate rials. Thank you. H m mm mm , anything else? Sniffley - I’m sick o f these squirrels!
P ^ G F E 5 5 IA 7 S A L ? I E T W £ W A S 5 A C IA * T W < P. O . BOX 190968 • BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 0 2 1 1 9 (617) 361-3631
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W e’re PUTTDIGOn fl Great Spread AAD VOU’REInVTTED. So Stop By For Your Free Bagel Already!*
* * * * * *
Just how many AGDs CAN you fit in C arrie’s clown car? Seven, if Ms. Bony Hips doesn’t lay down on K T ’s “arm” ! (Who is going to shut the door??)
Finally, fresh New York Lower East Side-style bagels in Worcester! Kettle boiled, then baked at 500° for that delicious, shiny crust. Drop in during our Grand Opening Celebration now through Mar. 31 for free bagels and balloons. And try one of our over 20 spreads and sandwiches while you’re here, all made with fresh fruits, vegetables, and prime meats and fish.
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Ba?elWorks 258 Park Avenue, Wortester MA 5 0 8 / 7 5 4 - 8 8 5 9 Open 6 : 3 0 - 5 : 0 0 M-F, 7-5 S i t . , 7-J Sun. ‘ One Fli t, delicious, fresh baked, buttered baqel per customer, with this ad. No substitutions
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 ,1 9 9 5
N ew speak
P a g e 12
P o lic e L o g Thursday, February 2 8:15am 1:17pm 2:00pm 4:52pm 5:00pm 8:25pm 8:30pm
- 101C out o f service. - Trespass stickers are to be placed on three doors in Goddard because of recent events. - Motor vehicle accident: Highland and Russell, two cars, officers respond, Worcester PD called. - Fire alarm: Morgan, WFD called. - Clear: fourth floor, east wing, no apparent smoke. - Medical: Injured wrist. Institute Hall. - Transport: Institute to Memorial Hospital.
Friday, February 3 10:42am - Car towed from Goddard lot. 1:39pm - Medical emergency: Male with abdominal pain, Elbridge St., EMS, officers respond. 1:48pm - Emergency Ambulance called to Elbridge St.
--------------------- -----------
Tuesday, February 14 Valentine’s Day 10:00am to 2:00pm - W ellness Fair, Lower W edge. 2:30pm - Entrepreneur’s Collaborative: “Richard A . Davis - President, TLS Acquisitions, Inc.” FL 320. 5:45pm - SGA Meeting, A tw ater Kent Room 219. 7:30pm - Lecture: “Chaos: Peasant Rebellion and the Fear o f Disorder in 20th Century China,” Clark University, H iggins University Center.
Saturday, February 4 12:36am - Medical response: Daniels third floor, intoxicated student. 2:54am - Distraught person: Assumption PD calls regarding student o f their college residing at Salisbury Estates, WPD respond. 3:14am - Officers clear Salisbury Estates, subject transported to Memorial Hospital. 6:50am - Disorderly persons: Powerhouse reports persons climbing beech tree. 3:30pm - Assist: Students stuck in library lot, Plant Services notified. 6:42pm - Assist: Student out o f gas on West St. 7:57pm - Assist: WPD in snow removal on Institute Rd. 11:15pm - Medical: EM S to Morgan, male, trouble swallowing, sore throat. 11:16pm - Transport: Morgan Hall to Memorial.
Wednesday, February 15 12:00pm to 3:00pm - G ordon Library Open House. President Brown will speak at 2:00pm. 4:00pm - Lecture: ‘T h e Q uock W alker C ases,” Mechanics H all, 321 M ain Street. Call 756-4393 to reserve a seat.
Thursday, February 16 Academic Advising Day 3:30pm to 4:30pm - Sem inar: “M aking Peace With Food,” Counseling and Student Development Center, 157 West. St. 8:00pm - International Coffeehouse: “Plena Libre,” Riley Comm ons, $1.00.
Sunday, February 5
Friday, February 17
3:39am - Assumption College reports missing student, possibly on campus. 5:45am - Assumption College reports student found. 3:43pm - Officer advises youths sledding down Boynton Hill. 11:23pm - Assist: Officer assisting motorist behind Goddard Hall.
7:00pm - Passport Film: “Sugarcane Alley,” Perreault Hall, $1.00. 8:00pm - Play: ‘T h e M ystery o f Edwin Drood,” Holy Cross, Hogan Cam pus Center.
Saturday, February 18 2:00pm - M en’s Basketball vs. Coast Guard, Harrington. 2:00pm - Tour o f the M onth, W orcester Art Museum. 8:00pm - Film: “Toward the W ithin,” Perreault Hall, $2.00.
Tuesday, February 7 12:12am - Assist: Student admitted to Founders Dining Hall to retrieve jacket. 3:37pm - RA called to investigate odd smell on Riley second floor.
Sunday, February 19 Wednesday, February 8
National Engineers W eek begins 6:30pm and 9:30pm - Film: “Interview with the V ampire,” Perreault Hall, $2.00.
12:21am - Assist: Student admitted to library with officer to retrieve item. 12:39am - Medical response: Regent St. 4:46pm - Water break: Officers respond. 9:14pm - Unknown alarm: Harrington. 10:31pm - Medical: Daniels Hall, EMS and officers respond.
Monday, February 20 Student Volunteer Day 7:00pm and 9:00pm - Film: “Vital Signs,” Holy C ross, Hogan 519.
Walking distance from WPI Clean: Studios, 1, 2, 3 bedroom units Gorgeous Victorian Buildings Locations: 21 Institute Road 15 Dean Street 10, 14, 45 Lancaster Street 59 Dover Street 88 Elm Street 17 Elbridge Street 18 Trowbridge Road
Starting Rent $395 and up Applianced kitchens, tiled baths Act soon, apartments are going fast Occupancy June 1, 1995 Call today for an appointment