1995 v23 i6

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Questions raised about DAKA at open meeting by Am y L. Plack Newspeak Staff A s reported in the last issue o f

N ew speak , the S tudent G overnm ent A ssociation is investigating the is­ sue o f food quality on cam pus. As ch air o f the S ubcom m ittee on Food S erv ice Issues, I am pleased to re­ port that progress, how ever slight, has been m ade. O n T hursday night, Ed M urphy, D irecto r o f D ining S ervices, invited all stu d e n ts to an open forum in F ounders Hall. W hile there w a sn ’t m uch tim e to publicize, this m eeting w as fairly well attended. S tu d en ts at the m eeting w ere en ­ cou rag ed to tell D ebbie P eters, M an­ ager o f Founders, and Bob W ilder, M anag er o f M organ, exactly what e n trees do not appeal to them and


why. Som e students co m p lain ed about the d ifferen ces b etw een F ounders and M organ C om m ons. In Founders, according to one stu d en t, the pasta sets too long and becom es mushy and cold, w hereas the pasta in M or­ gan is usually O K. The difference is due m ainly to the fact that M organ has a h igher tu rn o v er rate; that is, m ore students eat there, so d ishes are depleted and rep len ish ed constantly. In contrast, Founders only feeds 300 o r so students, so the tu rn o v er rate is less. A nother co m p lain t was that, in Founders, m any item s are gone by 5:30 and are n ev er replaced. A c­ cording to one student, there is usu­ ally nothing left there after 6 :0 0 PM, even though Founders does n ot close until 6:30. W hile D ebbie had no

responses, Bob p ointed out that his sta ff in M organ does not start re­ m oving food until 6:30. W hen the q u estio n of ingredient q u ality cam e up, Ed invited ail stu­ d e n ts on to u rs o f b oth k itch en s. “ W e’ve got nothing to hide," he said. “ [The in g red ien ts we use] are all G rad e A .” S tu d en ts interested in a k itchen to u r should co n tac t D ebbie o r Bob. He also told students that he is w illing to arrange road trips to o th e r sc h o o ls, w h ere th ey c o u ld sam ple foods and m ake suggestions to Ed. Several ch an g es were suggested T hursday ev en in g , ranging from re­ m ov in g p e p p e rs and onions from m a n y e n tr e e s to re d e s ig n in g F ounders C o m m o n s so that a H ealthy C hoice line cou ld be added. D ebbie is considering m oving the salad bar

and dessert selections out into the dining area in order to dedicate m ore

space to entrees.

See DAKA, continued on page 2

A good number of students turned out last week to let DAKA know what they think is wrong with their food and service.

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

N ew speak

Tuesday , February 21, 1995

Volume Twenty-three, Number Six

Appalachia in Worcester It is that tim e o f the y ear again w hen the N ew m an C lub sp o n so rs its ann u al Spring B reak project “ A p p a­ la c h ia in W orcester.” The d ates for the p ro ject are M arch 13th and 14th. E v ery year a group o f W PI students give up tw o days o f spring vacation to w ork on projects for the hom eless o f the C ity of W orcester in co n ju n c ­ tion w ith Y ouville H ouse, a tem p o ­ rary, em ergency shelter for hom e­ less fam ilies. F o r the last ten years, Y ouville H ouse has provided a vari­ ety o f crucial services for fam ilies, esp ecially battered wom en and their ch ild ren , who have lost th eir h o u s­ ing. T oday at Y ouville, the average “ lo n g ” stay is as long as six m onths. O ne o f the com ponents o f Y ouville care for hom eless, battered w om en

and th eir fam ilies is their after-care for these people. Y ouville tries to move their clie n ts into perm anent housing w ith o n -g o in g su pport and services to help them m ake a tran si­ tion to norm al liv in g co nditions. This year, Y ouville H ouse has asked that o u r A ppalachia in W orcester project be centered on gettin g vacant apart­ m ents fit for th ese w om en an d their fam ilies. In th is w ay, the clients o f Y ouville H ouse can restart th eir lives in norm al living co nditions w ith on­ going support serv ices and care. So if you are in terested in helping this w orthy cause, please co n tact Susan R oosa (Box 2 500) or Becky Prince (Box 947) as soon as possible. The group is lim ited to 40 students. Sign up now and give to people o f o u r city som e o f your talents.

Gordon Library open house a success by Carmen Brown Gordon Library H ead o f Public Services The G ordon Library hosted an open house W ednesday, February 15 from noon to 3pm. It was a good opportunity for members o f the WPI com m unity to meet the staff in a relaxed atm osphere. Over 130 people signed the guest register and over fifty people heard President Brown

speak about the origins and evolution o f libraries. L ibrary sta ff at the registration table gave out free pencils and c a l­ endars w hile encouraging people to sign up fo r the raffle. A dditional staff helped patrons locate in terest­ ing W orld W ide W eb sites on the 3d floor stu d en t N ovells, w hile still o ther sta ff m ade sure that the re­ freshm ent table (hom em ade cookies and cold drin k s) w as w ell stocked.

M em bers o f the Instructional M e­ d ia C enter d em onstrated th eir m ul­ tim ed ia presentation, as w ell. T h e student, facu lty and sta ff art show attracted m any visitors who had many com plim entary things to say about it. People voted for their fav o rite piece and a s a resu lt, Eric M alo, a M ass A cadem y student who subm itted “ F light,” w on a gift cer­ tificate for receiving the m ost votes. W in n ers of the raffle include M arge Roncone and C hris B org, who w on gift certificates to the WPI B ook­ store; Mary Kelley, Fiona A bram s a n d L a u ra M e n id e s w ho w on G o m p ei’s gift certificates; Lanny T jandra, who won a WPI t-shirt do ­ nated by the bookstore; Q ingyun Z hang, who won a large WPI special pizza donated by G om pei’s; Betty Jolie, Joseph Fehribach and Debbie R iel, who won library photocopy cards; Sharon Davis, who won a case o f C oca Cola, and C ynthia Rand, w ho won a three pound bag o f M & M ’s. T he library sta ff w ould like to thank those who en tered the art show , and everyone w ho p artici­ pated in the events o f the day. W e hope all o f you en jo y ed it as much as w e did.

sunlight can be accom plished sim ­ ply by rearranging living o r w ork space. S pendin g som e tim e outside can also help. D uring the w inter, the su n ’s rays reflect o ff the snow , w hich provides an o th er m eans o f obtaining

the benefit o f exposure to light. If you have any questions about S A D , or would like to take a pap er/ p encil assessm ent, please contact the C o u n selin g and S tu d en t D ev elo p ­ m ent C enter, 831-5540.

Is SAD Making You Sad? by Carrie Daninhirsch Counseling and Student Developm ent Center H ave you ev er w ondered w hy you ju s t c a n ’t seem to kick those w inter b lah s? W hy the change in the sea­ sons leaves you feeling dow n in the d um p s? Perhaps its because what you are experiencing is som ething m ore than ju st the blues— S A D , or S easonal A ffective Disorder. W hat exactly is SA D ? Studies show that SAD may be caused by the lack o f sunlight available d u rin g the w in ter m onths. W e know that our b o d ies operate on circadian rhythm s w h ich regulate our sleeping, eating, and activity levels. It is believed that for those affected by SA D this rh y th m is slow to adapt to the change o f seasons. As a result they are affected by the follow ing sym ptom s w hich are typical o f depression: sad­ n ess, anxiety, irritability , inability to co n cen trate, w ithdraw al from and loss o f interest in activities, ex ces­ sive sleep, increased ap p etite and w eig h t gain. G enerally, tw o m ethods o f therapy are available for the treatm en t o f SAD. F o r som e, the use o f an tid e­ p ressan ts has been found to be help ­ ful. T he other alternative for treat­ m e n t is k n o w n as lig h t o r

phototherapy. How is it that p hototherapy w orks? The brightness o f light is m easured in lux. In the sum m er we are e x ­ posed to sunlight being equivalent to 100,000 lux. In co n trast, a gray o r rainy day m easu res at about 10,000 lux. In order to treat SA D , ind iv id u ­ als are exposed to a device m ade up o f w hite fluorescent lights w hich are m ounted on a m etal reflecto r and shielded w ith a plastic screen. The intensity o f this light m easures 2,500 lux, which is abo u t five to ten times b righter than typical in door light. Individuals sit about three feet away from the light for as little as thirty m inutes up to a couple o f hours a day. It has been found that sym ptom relief begins in tw o to four days and can be com plete w ithin a w eek o r two. It is im p o rtan t to note evidence has show n that w hen treatm en t stops sym ptom s q u ick ly reappear. T here­ fore, the co n tin u atio n o f treatm ent is crucial for p eople to obtain lasting results through the w inter m onths. T he use o f p h ototherapy has re la ­ tively few side effects; how ever, the follow ing should be taken into co n ­ sideration. A nyone w ith ey e or skin problem s w hich are ex acerb ated by bright light o r w ho are taking m edi­ cations that h eighten the b o d y ’s sen ­ sitivity to light should not partici-

Housing Lottery Info See page 5

A bove: stud en ts, faculty, and staff view the pieces that were su b m itte d a s p a rt o f the Invitational Art Show

Right: P resident John Lott B ro w n s p e a k s a b o u t th e o r ig in s an d e v o lu tio n s o f libraries.

Photos by Jason Philbrook

pate in th is form o f treatm ent. F or th o se w hose sym ptom s o f SA D are not as severe, m aking a d ­ ju stm en ts in o n e ’s environm ent can help to co m b at som e of the sym p­ tom s. W hile indoors, getting more

Ta b le


N ew s ................................................................................................. 2 Announcements .............................................................................2 Sports ................................................................................................ 3 Arts Entertainment .............................................................. 4, 5 Commentary ............................................................................... 6, 7 Letters to the Editor ...................................................................... 6 V_________________________________________________________

Contents Student Government Association ..............................................7 Club Corner .................................................................................... 8 Greek Corner ..................................................................................9 Classifieds ..................................................................................... II Police Ijo g ..................................................................................... 12 What's Happening ...................................................................... 12

__________________________ J

Pag e 2

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

N ew speak

N ew s


Beyond the Farm >>oh

For the week preceding this Saturday, Febru­ ary 18th, 1995, here’s a review o f what hap­ pened Beyond the Farm: Events have moved swiftly in Mexico. In elections held Feb 12th, the center-right o pposi­ tion National Action Party (PAN) soundly d e ­ feated the ruling PR I party in elections for the g o v e rn sh ip o f Ja lisc o an d m a y o rsh ip o f Guadalajara, M exico’s second largest city. The P A N ’s g u b e rn a to ria l c a n d id a te , A lb e rto Cardenas, led with 54% of the vote to the PRI candidate Eugenio O rozco’s 36%. On Feb 14th, President Em esto Zedillo gave a speech in which he called for the end o f the military cam paign against the EZLN rebels in Chiapas, but did not revoke arrest warrants for their leaders. C hiapas governor Eduardo Robledo o f the PRI sim ulta­ neous! y announeed his resignation. EZLN leader Subcom m ander M arcos remains free and uni­ dentified (last w eek’s identification has turned out to be false). A cease-fire was reached between Russian and Chechen forces Feb 13th. The agreem ent ends the use o f heavy artillery and aircraft by both sides in Chechnya. Russian President Boris Yeltsin gave a major speech Feb 16th in which he held to his belief that the Chechen invasion was a good idea and blam ed the prob­ lems on the army. On Feb 18th, Yeltsin an ­ nounced that docum ents about the Soviet Abomb program in the 1940s would be released. The House passed the Republican measure to change last year’s crim e bill funding for police officers to more flexible but abusable block grants by a 238-141 measure Feb 14th despite the President’s threat to veto the legislation. The House drew more fire from the White House by passing the National Security Revitalization Act 241-181 Feb 16th, which would cut the US contribution to the UN and prohibit US troops from being under foreign or UN control. Most international analysts believe the bill would lead to the end of UN peacekeeping forces.

They’re Talking About It... the Accreditation Council forG raduate M edi­ cal Education ruled Feb 15th lhat medical schools must teach abortion. Meanwhile, anti-abortion groups have decreed that pro-choice R epubli­ cans need not run for President if they expect full support.

In shorts... A m ajor storm dum ped up to five feet o f snow and killed six between W ashington state and Texas early in the w eek...Nelson Mandela failed Feb 12th to convince eleven women in the African National Congress W om en’s League not to re s ig n o v e r W in n ie M a n d e la ’s leadership...the official tour o f Brentwood in the O.J. Sim pson trial took place Feb 12th; testi­ mony this week included officers Risky and Phillips...a 6.2 earthquake near Homer, AK caused little damage Feb 12th...Sen. Richard Lugar(R -Indiana) announced Feb 12th that he is


running for president; Rep. Newt Gingrich (RG eorgia) announced Feb 13th that he w asn’t running; columnist Pat Buchanan (R) announced Feb 16th that he w as...eight people died when a tourist plane crashed at the Grand Canyon Feb 13th...a cease-fire was reached between Peru and Ecuador Feb 13th, though fighting did not stop until Feb 16th...a Federal judge overturned the Justice D epartm ent’s antitrust agreement with Microsoft Feb 14th...’’Forrest G um p” led the field with 13 Academ y award nominations Feb 14th...Taliban student rebels gained ground against other rebel groups near Kabul, A fghani­ stan Feb 14th...ageneral strike in Burundi started Feb 15th...’’The C oalition” of 23 conservative Democrats started m eeting Feb 15th...the crash o f a DC-8 freighter in Kansas City Feb 16th killed its crew ...m ost-w anted hacker Kevin Mitnick was arrested Feb 16th...four soldiers died o f hypotherm ia in Florida swamp training Feb 16th... tornados caused damage in Alabama Feb 16th...violence broke out in Botswana Feb 16th over a student murder...Colin Ferguson, who acted as his ow n law yer in the Long Island Railroad M assacre case, was found guilty Feb 17th...the N AA CP voted Feb 18th to replace W illiam Gibson with Merle Evers Williams as head o f the organization...a 6.6 earthquake near Eureka, CA caused little damage Feb 18th.

Finally... T here’s one more story about Boris Yeltsin on the wires this week. He apparently has a new advisor, a mystic from former Soviet Georgia named “Juna.” She claim s to use “bio-energy” to the nation’s advantage. In Leo Laporte’s w ords, “If I were Boris Yeltsin, I’d take all the help I could get.” And that’s what happened Beyond the Farm.

Distribution Note... Beyond the Farm is now available and ARCHIVED on the W orld Wide W eb at “http:/ /w ww .leland.stanford.edu/~lglitch/” as o f Sat­ urday, Feb 18. All o f this year’s issues are already posted; 1994 will be added as time allows.

Sources this week included All Things Con­ sidered (NPR), the Associated Press newswire, the BBC Newshour (BBC/PRl), the Christian Science Monitor, KCBS radio news, Market­ place (PRI), Meet the Press (NBC), Monitor Radio (PRI), This Week with David Brinkley (ABC), and the World News Roundup (CBS radio.) — Lance Gleich, Stanford CA Beyond the Farm is designed to provide a reasonably short summon' of a week's events fo r people who would otherwise have no chance to keep up with current events. It may be distributed/forwarded/ posted anywhere. Ar­ chives are located on the World Wide Web at “http://www. leland.stanford.edu/~lglitch/". Comments, criticisms, and requests for e-mail subscription additions or deletions should be emailedto “lglitch@leland.stanford.edu. ” Con­ gratulations on keeping up with the world around you!

Lectures cover diverse topics, interests Religion and particle physics are the widely divergent topics o f lectures scheduled for next week at WPI. Sociologist Julius Rubin will present “ ‘Forsaken by G od?’ Exam ples from the Nineteenth C entury” at 4:30 p.m. on Tues­ day, February 21, in W ashburn Shops 221. Rubin, who teaches at St. Joseph’s College in W est Hartford, earned his Ph.D. at the New School for Social Research. His most recent book is Religious Melancholy and Protestant Experience in America. The lecture is co-spon­ sored by the Humanities and A rts Departm ent and the Student Speakers Fund. O n W ed n esd ay , F e b ru a ry 22, M elissa Franklin, a particle physicist at H arvard U niver­ sity, will visit the M assachusetts Academy of M athematics and Science at W orcester. At 1 p.m., she will present “M aking New Massive Particles and M easuring Old Strong Forces With

Proton Beams” in Higgins House. A meeting will follow the lecture for those interested in form ing an alliance o f high school and college physics and chemistry teachers. Franklin, who was featured in a recent issue of D iscover m aga­ zine, was a m em ber o f the team o f scientists that found evidence o f the top quark.

Attention Seniors Any seniors interested in performing at Bac­ calaureate: Auditions will be taking place in Alden in the Spaulding Recital Room on M on­ day, February 27,1995 at 11:00 a.m. If this is a conflict, please contact Doug W eeks at 5696. Any seniors interested in speaking at Bacca­ laureate or C om m encem ent: Please contact Becky Kiluk at 757-3046 or at snet@wpi. A w riting sample will be requested.

Here come the campus caravans A C am pus C aravan o f three m inivans will bring in form ation about the M arch 23 “Ski fo r A C ure” C hallenge to W PI on T hursday, Feb ru ary 23. B etw een 12:30 and 2 p.m ., in the W edge, m em bers o f the W PI com m unity w ill have the opportunity to learn about and ap p ly to p articip ate in the ch allen g e, w hich w ill support c an cer research at the U niversity o f M assach u setts C ancer C enter. T hree-person ski team s from W PI and other area colleges w ill com pete for the C hallenge

C up and other prizes during the event, which well be held at W achusett M ountain Ski A rea in Princeton, M ass. P articipants will be p er­ m itted to ski all day; the com petition will take place from 4 to 8 p.m . The W PI Ski C lub is assisting M ark T. C um m ings, the C ancer C e n te r’s d irecto r of developm ent, w ith prepa­ ratio n s for the event, w hich is dedicated to the m em ory o f Danny M anning Jr., a patient at the center, who died of h is disease on O cto b er 26.

Jail ’em then bail ’em for the MDA Sign-ups for Z eta Psi’s fifth annual Jail and Bail began on M onday, February 13 and will continue until the event, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on W ednesday, February 22. Proceeds benefit the M uscular D ystrophy A s­ sociation. M em bers o f the WPI com m unity are invited to select friends o r colleagues to be jailed (with their perm ission) and collect funds to pay for the jailing. On February 22, a volunteer sheriff

will escort each of the jailbirds to the W edge, where they will be held until friends and co­ w orker contribute matching funds to the MDA to bail them out. Passerbys are encouraged to help with the bail. At the same time, people may also donate more money to keep people in jail longer. ‘T h e event is a lot o f fun for everyone and is our fraternity’s m ajor fund­ raiser,” says David Sm iley ‘98. “Last year we raised $1,000 for the M D A .”

Senior/faculty softball challenge Administrators, faculty, staff and members o f the Class o f 1995 who w ish to play in the senior vs. faculty softball gam e on May 16 sh o u ld notify D ouglas N ashold via e-m ail (nashold@ wpi) by the end o f Term C. Nashold needs to know how many will be playing so that

the number o f teams can be determined and Tshirts ordered. “ We are currently looking at just one faculty/staff team, but if enough people sign up we can get tw o teams,” says Nashold. “If any e-m ail-avoiding colleagues would be interested in playing, please sign them up, too.”

T h is F ood S u ck s... N o w W hat D o I Do?

First, you need to identify the exact problem . Is the item in question over-cooked? U nder-cooked? Cold? Too soft? Not soft enough?

There are several channels available to you for com­ plaints:

Work your way up in the world with UPS.

continued from page I Students inquired about ev ery th in g from low -fat b u tter and m ayonnaise (w hich are unavailable to the sta ff here, according to D ebbie) to w hen shipm ents o f m eat com e in (every o th er day). O ne o f the most com m on co m p lain ts heard is that the m eat is alw ay s undercooked o r too greasy. Bob had already im plem ented a s o ­ lution to the form er problem in M organ. He told the ch efs to cook h alf o f the steaks w ell and h alf m edium rare on W ednesday n ight, and students were able to ch o o se w hich they preferred. “ I got no co m p lain ts that n ig h t,” he said. W hile the problem s associated w ith food quality here at WPI are far from solv ed , this m eeting w as a good start, if not a new b e g in ­ ning. Now that stu d en ts and food m anagers are com m unicating face-to -face, rath er that through GS G ram s, problem s are w ell on their w ay to being solved.

nnouncem ents

Gel your start with one of the world's premier compa­ nies, right here in Shrewsbury, MA UPS is interviewing now for opportunities in part-time package handling shifts at night. No company offers a belter part-time pac kage And since UPS promotes from within, Ihe advancement opportunities are outstanding.

• $8 per hour to startl • Up to $5,250 in tuition reimbursement per year - selected shifts only. • Student Loan Program - borrow up to $25,000 per year! • Full benefits for part-time work! • Potential promotion to supervisory position within 1 yearl Apply Monday/Tuesday lpm-6pm, Wednesday/Thursday 3pm 8pm, or Friday 3pm 6pm at the UPS employment office in Shrewsbury on Route 140, al Ihe intersection of Rte 20 For more information, call (508)-UPS JOBS. Equal opportunity employer M/F

1. Fill out a GS gram , identifying the problem 2. Go talk to the m anager. Bob and Debbie are usually around and w ill replace your meal if you a re n ’t satisfied. 3. Email daka@ w pi. Ed M urphy, the m anager, will be reading this daily and will forw ard your com plaints to the staff. (Wc hope to have this set up later in the week.)

Please rem em ber that just telling these people that the food sucks w on’t solve any problems. Likewise, com­ plaints and questions laden \ a ith profanity will go unan­ swered.

Page 3

N ew speak

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

S ports

Weekly sports update - results from February 10th through 16th by G eoff Hassard Sports Information Director

W PI hosts an opening round gam e in the C A C C on ference tournam ent to night, F eb ru ­ ary 21, at H arrington A ud ito riu m at 8 p.m .

M en’s Indoor Track

W om en’s Basketball (16-7)

T he m en ’s indoor track season is com ing to a close as th ey com peted in th eir final tune up prior to the cham pionship m eets that end the year. A w eek ago Saturday they c o n tin ­ ued to have great perform ances an d m ore athletes q u alify fo r these end o f the season m eets. Sen ior Je ff M ullen placed third in th e triple ju m p w ith a perform ance good enough to qualify him fo r the N ew E nglands, the A llNew E nglands and the ECA C m eet. Ju n io r M arc L eF ebvre won the high ju m p event. Junior R ich P erson ran a strong 800-m eters. Junior Steve L abranche won the 800 and qualified for the A ll-N ew Englands and ECA C m eets. S ophom ore T im C aldw ell and fresh ­ m an R ich C risp o finished 2nd and 3rd re ­ spectively in the 1000-m eter run.

T he w om en’s team is also in a battle for positioning in th e New E n g lan d W o m en ’s 8 C o nference as th ey look to the postseason. Last w eek they p lay ed som e o f the top team s in the region an d play ed w ell. T hey had gam es versus C lark , W heaton and N ichols. In the first gam e on spirit d ay , the w om en w ere looking to knock o ff cro ss-city rival C lark in a rem atch o f the C ity T ip o ff final from the b eginning o f the season. The gam e

M en’s Basketball (16-6) As the season w inds dow n to its end, the E ngineers are trying to position them selves in the C o n stitu tio n A thletic C onference as w ell as w ork tow ards a postseason bid. Last w eek W PI played three gam es versus B abson, W estern New E ngland and MIT. T hey m an ­ aged to win tw o out o f the three gam es d e ­ feating B abson and MIT, but losing to W N EC. Last S aturday, February 11, was sp irit d ay at WPI as the men played the second gam e o f a double header against first place B abson. The E ngineers w ere looking to avenge th eir only co nference loss and move into a tie w ith the B eavers w ith one w eek rem aining in the season. WPI had early control o f the gam e b u ild ­ ing a 16 point halftim e lead. The second h a lf had its excitem ent as the head coach o f Babson was ejected w hich seem ed to ignite his team . T hey m ade a run at W PI, but could never get any closer than six points. W PI won the gam e 96-89 behind 37 points from senior C hris Dunn. Four other players reg istered double figures in scoring as sophom ore Je ff C ayer had 16, senior Scott Ennis had 15, sophom ore M ike S hannon had 12 and ju n io r Jim N aughton added 10 in the win. Last T u esd ay , F ebruary 14, W PI jo u rn ey e d w est to Springfield to play W estern N ew E ngland C ollege. In a shocker, the G olden B ears upset W PI 90-81 despite having three players score o v er 20 points. Dunn led the E ngineers w ith 29 points and N aughton and C ayer added 22 points a piece. C ay er also had 13 rebounds. In the gam e versus M IT , W PI got c o n tri­ butions from everyone as they pulled aw ay in the second h a lf to win 73-54. E nnis led the E ngineers w ith 21 points, while D unn had 18, C ayer had 14 and N aughton added 10.


ew speak


hope to m eet W heaton in the conferen ce tournam ent w hich begins this week. In the N ichols gam e, W PI w as looking to get back on th e w inning track. T h e gam e w as never close as the E ngineers b u ilt a 23 point h alftim e lead to w in going aw ay 7 6 -4 3 . Landry led four p layers in double Figures with 16, follow ed by L aura B ielitz w ith 12, T ricia Pignone and L ovin had 10 a piece. Landry and L ovin also registered their fifth double-double in the sam e gam e as they had 10 and 11 rebounds respectively. The E ngineers host an opening round N EW 8 C onference T ournam ent gam e this ev ening at H arrington A uditorium at 6 p.m.

was close thro u g h o u t until m idw ay in to the second h a lf w hen C lark began to pull aw ay. The C ougars ended up w inning 78-58. L ead ­ ing the E ngineers w as ju n io r Jenn L ovin who had 13 points and 14 rebounds. Sophom ores Kim Landry and D anielle B atey also scored in d o u b le figures w ith 12 and 11 points re­ spectively. L ast T u esd ay , F ebruary 14, W PI played W heaton in a battle o f c onference unbeatens w ith the w in n er m oving into First place. T his tim e around W heato n proved to be the better team as they w on 74-55. B atey had a career high 18 points in lead ing W PI w ith L ovin adding 14 points in the defeat. W PI w ill now

IceCats scrape with Falcons, come out even by Andrew M ar sella Newspeak S taff It w as the c a ts ag ainst the birds at the C entrum T uesday night (the 14th), as the W o rcester IceC ats h o sted th e S p rin g field F alco n s in front o f an en erg etic crow d o f over 4 ,000. The C ats, who c a n ’t affo rd to lose a gam e if they hope to capture an AHL p lay o ff spot, put up a stro n g effort, ex em p lified by g oalie W ayne C ow ley w ho stopped 32 o f 34 shots on net and led the team to an overtim e tie . S p r in g f ie ld n e tm in d e r S te p h a n e B eauregard also cam e up big, robbing the IceC ats o f som e b eauties and keeping his team in the gam e. The game started o ff in favor o f the C ats w hen late in th e first period center D enis C halifoux n etted his 13th goal o f the season, assisted by right w ing B lair A tcheynum and defensem an T erry V irtue. W o rcester’s m om entum continued into the seco n d period an d after only tw o and a half m inutes, IceC at cen ter M ark O uim et scored on a w rap-around assist by center Shaw n H eaphy, who w as fed by rig h t wing Ross W ilson. Eight m inutes later, how ever, the F alco n s finally m ade a squaw k w hen left w ing B ob W ren m ucked the puck past C ow ley and brought the score to 2-1, W orcester. In th e third perio d , b oth sides fought hard to k eep the p ressure on the o p p o sitio n , with each team pu ttin g 12 shots on net. Late in the p erio d , how ever, Falcon righ t w ing Ravil G usm anov hit th e m ark, liftin g a rebound o v er C ow ley, w ho c o u ld n ’t q u ite reco v er from a diving save at the top o f the crease. In overtim e, n eith er team co u ld find the back o f the net, and the gam e ended in a 2-2 tie. A fter the gam e, the F alco n s w eren ’t the only team pack in g up th eir equipm ent, as the IceC ats prepared to em bark on a 7-gam e road trip through the A tlantic d ivision. T he trip started o ff w ith a b an g on T h u rs­ day n ight (the 16 th ), w hen the IceC ats sm oked

stopped an unbelievable 45 o f 50 shots on net, com pletely shutting dow n the O iler o f­ fense in the third period to hold on for the win. T he scoring w as shared by seven d iffe r­ ent IceC ats, including LW Jarrett D euling, RW Sean W hyte, LW Cal M cG ow an, C D enis C halifoux, and RW B lair A tcheynum . T he real o ffen siv e co n nection, how ever, cam e from IceCat speedsters C M ark O uim et and C Shawn H eaphy, w ho each scored a goal (a s ­ sisted by the other) on tw o overpow ering 2 on 1 drives. The win raises W o rcester’s record versus A tlantic team s to 7-1-1 (w hy a re n ’t we in that division), and their overall record to 16-3110. T he IceC ats played the O ilers again on Sunday (the 19th), and continue their road trip w ith s to p s a g a in s t th e S t. J o h n ’ s M apleleafs, F redricton C anadiens, and the Prince E dw ards Island Senators.

the S aint John, NB F lam es, 6-1. In his fourth straight start, C ow ley perform ed sp ectacu­ larly, but it w as p in t-sized pow erhouse cen­ ter Shaw n H eaphy w ho really burnt the house dow n w ith a 3-goal hat trick and an assist for 4 points. O ther IceC at goals w ere scored by LW Cal M cG ow an, RW Sean W hyte, and D Jason W idm er. In his last four gam es, C ow ley has allow ed only 7 goals out o f 126 shots on net, a sure sign that h e’s doing his part to bring the C ats to th e playoffs. T he IceC ats continued their A tlantic d iv i­ sion onslau g h t on Friday night (the 17th), w hen they rode into N ova Scotia to face the Cape Breton O ilers. The C ats frontline was on fire, co n sisten tly beating the O iler’s g o al­ ies and w inning th e ir second straight w ith a score o f 7-5. R ookie goaltender C hris G or­ don got the nod after sitting out for four g am es, and p la y e d in c re d ib ly . G o rd o n


IceCats right wing Blair Atcheynum moves in for the rebound past Falcons defenseman John Stevens.


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Page 4



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T u e s d a y , F e b ru a ry

ew speak



A k ts & E n ter ta in m en t ■■■

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Culture Spew M ayor” tak es us on a Prim usesque ride that builds inten sity . Y et w hen track six, “ B linded F ool” starts it tu rn s out m ellow er th an “ A u ­ burn” and is co m p lete w ith vocal harm onies. “Shoot M e” is a g reat song w ith w hat seem s like h alf a dozen d ifferen t tem pos and tw ice as m any ch an g es. How Sean rem em bers all the lyrics, I’ll n ev er know . T he nex t three songs all have w hat by now is surely th eir tradem ark blend o f pow er and m elody. The album clo ses w ith the haunting m inim alistic “G rin ." G ood th in g th is is a CD b ecause you can sim ply leave it on repeat in o rd er to hear it enough to really appreciate it. B esides the variety o f sty les th e re ’s the lyrical content that is forceful y et d o e sn ’t have to be d e ­ coded to u n d erstan d . If you h a v e n ’t seen them live I sim p ly c a n ’t d escribe the c o m b i­ nation o f S hane and Rodney as a rhythm section for bass and drum s except that for a young band they so m etim es rival the m ighties o f Rush and M etallica w ith speed an d in tri­ cacy. A nyw ays this C D is one o f those you need to listen to many tim es to ap p reciate even h alf o f it. S om etim es bands go stale betw een p lay in g live and putting it into a tape. G FY k now s b etter and bro u g h t out a d ifferent and e q u ally interesting side instead. You can get a copy o f their album at eith er M ars record store o r R evolutions record store on H ighland St. A lso, check out th eir live act Friday the 24th o f Feb. in G o m p ei’s. T h e y ’ll be opening for G in g e r Butkis. D ana M ase - D ia ry - This CD was actually sent to me via Newspeak and from M&M Productions. I saw it and thought, oh great, a promo album . T o my surprise this indepen­ dently produced disc is o f better quality than many m ajor label albums. Skeptically I started listening to it w hile I was logged in and wound up bothering my room m ate every few minutes saying “ hey this is actually really good.” Maybe its because I’ve learned to hate that w ord alter­ native so much. M aybe it’s MTV and O.J. Simpson. W hatever the case this album is sim ­ ply refreshing because o f the purity o f it. Maybe it’s because som e o f the lyrics are in Yiddish and I c a n ’t understand them. M aybe it’s the balance o f delicacy and strength in D ana M ase’s

by tintern A nother w eek...an o th er bunch o f silly s tu ff loosely binded around som e sort o f m usic review ...or is it? W ait...is there actually so m e­ thing im portant here in this w eek ’s co lu m n ? W ell, as im portant as this is going to g et, yeah. Read on and find out! G F Y - D ots - Yup. You g uessed it. G FY has an album out. No big surprise th ere. Plenty o f W PI groups have recorded s tu ff and put out a tape. E xcept this o n e ’s on C D . As far as I know o f in recent years no W PI g ro u p has done that. O kay, fine, y o u ’re thin k in g big d eal...d ifferen t form at. It is a big deal if you think about the tim e, p lanning, m oney etc. in v o lv e d in d o in g a C D in d e p e n d e n tly . A nyw ays w hatever form at it is they have a serious quality recording out and, w ell, it’s d efinitely w orthy o f yo u r attention. W hen I first heard about the album I was ex p ectin g som e so rt o f M e ta llic a so u n d in g e ffo rt. W rong. In fact upon listening to the C D I w as w ondering if this w as the sam e band I had seen several tim es. The heavy disto rted g u i­ tar sound w as there as were the quick nifty basslines and m aniacal d ru m m in g ....b u t there w as som ething else, too. M elody. I d o n ’t w ant to give the im pression th at G FY is tone d e a f w hen they play live; far from it. B ut they are loud and m ore on the heavy side. O n the C D , how ever, m elody shares equal w eight w ith volum e throughout. A nother g reat c o n ­ cept that m ade me keep checking w hat C D w as playing w as the am ount o f variety they have recorded. The songs change sty les as quickly as Poison w ent out o f style. Y es th a t’s a positive com m ent. The first track “ S om eday” has an early Q ueensryche feel w ith strong m elodies and thick catchy p ro ­ gressions. T he second track , “A u b u rn ,” is som ething o f a mix betw een C ounting C row s and acoustical A lice in C hains. It happens to be my personal favorite and not ju s t becau se it uses the w ord “ p lethora” in the chorus. “ A uburn” sm oothly rides into the next song “L eft” w hich appropriately enough m akes another left turn at various points back to their heavier live sound. From there “T he

voice. At any rate “D iary” features a return to basics. The focus is on the songw riting and vocals. The atm osphere is relaxed on some tracks and faster paced on others. The lyrics run from sad to hopeful and reflect more on the daily things in life. Usually I d o n ’t like any music that bears a sem blance o f bending to­ wards a particular religion. T his is different. The songs walk you through everyday life and mention religious ideas, not force or preach them. L ike many singer/songw riter album s this one blends faster folk/rock type songs with slo w e r b a lla d s . T h e f ir s t th re e s o n g s “ Y o c h e v e d ,” “ O rd in a ry D a y ,” and “Y erushalayim ” all wind up w ith surprisingly likable uptem po sections. They d o n ’t just speed up either, they evolve. If you like religious music y o u ’ll probably like this album. If you don’t then ju st close your eyes and let the sounds relax you. E ither way its a unique and well done album. If relaxing m usic is what you’d like to hear then give “D iary” a listen. W ell th e re ’s tw o m ore rev iew s to digest. H opefully they go dow n b e tte r than D AKA. H o p efu lly y o u ’re still read in g . H ere’s my latest a n sw er to that p o p u lar question o f “w h at’s there to do around h ere?” First o f all, starting next w eek. I’ll be including a club listing fo r the W orcester/B oston/P rovidence scenes as well as a schedule o f w hat’s hap­ pening w here for show s. In stead o f sim ply cram m ing every thing in there I ’ll con cen ­ trate on places that feature u n d e r 21 show s and o n es that p eople have hop efu lly heard o f before. W atch this space for y o u basic con­ cert bib le updated every w eek. S econd item is that W o rcester is being in vaded by talent. In case you m issed C hris D ag ’s post, there will be a group o f renow ned D J ’s and a live group p laying techno in its v arious form s on Sat. M arch 4th right here in W orcester. I have no idea why they picked W o rcester as their only N ew E ngland stop but th ey did. D o n ’t look a g ift horse in the m outh. G o dance y erself silly. T alk to C hris o r m y se lf for more details. If y o u ’ve never been to a rave o r if you d o n ’t know w hat one is, take this chance to b ro a d e n y o u r h o riz o n s a n d c e le b ra te spring(???) break. L8R.


Movie Channel Schedule Tuesday, February 21 Wayne's World Wayne's World II Mrs. Doubtfire W ednesday, February 22 Boomerang Coming to America Another 48 Hours Thursday, February 23 School Ties Naked Gun In the Line of Fire Friday, February 24 Deepstar 6 Naked Gun 2 and 1/2 Patriot Games Saturday, February 25 Naked Gun 33 and 1/3 Rising Sun The Hunt for Red October M onday, February 27 Mrs. Doubtfire Boomerang Heathers

McMes heoln a t 6<0C pm on C hannel 12, and the Iftrst m ovie Is shewn for a second tim e after the th ird m ovie.

DPI masque Presents

R ay B ra d b u ry 's F













February 2 3 , 2Q, 2 5 m FLDEfl (TlEmORkRL Doors Open 1:30pm, Curtain 8pm Saturday matinee: Doors l:3dpm. Curtain 2pm nil shows $ 2

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5



Page 5

N ew speak

& E n ter ta in m en t

Masque to present Fahrenheit 451

What is a Gingerbutkis? by Marc Ortins Class o f ‘97 T h ey ’re here! T his F riday, Feb. 24th at 8 :0 0 pm, Riley C om m ons is w here you will be if you w ant to live up to any co o ln ess you m ay attem pt to portray. T h is pub show is a little bit different from the norm . First off, it is produced entirely by the Society o f M artial A rtists (SO M A ). S econdly, SO M A w ill bring to you two things that yo u ’ ve been ask in g for. I) You w anted to see m ore cam pus bands? Y ou got it. G FY w ill be playing for the first tim e on this cam pus since last year, and in perfect tim e too. T hese five TK E brothers, B o b F illio n , S h a n e H o o k e r, R o d n e y L ukow ski, Sean O ’Shea, and C hris H aley, ju s t put out a C D , ‘D ots’, on Feb. 10th. And th e y ’re gaining popularity on cam pus and in the W orcester area, so com e dow n th is Friday an d see w hat the buzz is about. 2) Y ou also ask ed for m ore d iversity in how you are entertained. W ell, headlining the even in g is the extrem ely versatile and u p standingly d i­

verse, G in g erb u tk is. G ingerbutkis is a three man band w hich has played in the hot spots o f B oston and San F rancisco that will dazzle you w ith crazed m elo d ies and a progressive funk like y o u ’ve n e v er heard before. W e’ve all got o u r ow n tastes in music, be it Jazz, Rock, Classical, o r none at all, but, de­ spite this fact I personally guarantee that if you show up on Friday night, you will not be disap­ pointed by this breath o f fresh air. Y ou’ll ju st have to trust me on this one. I’ve seen them four tim es m yself. If your heart desires a description o f this musical experience I can only say that if you com bine the slant o f Phish, with the funk o f Primus, that w ould only be a good start because G ingerbutkis only sounds like Gingerbutkis. Com e see for yourself. So all you out th ere who think y o u ’ve seen it before, o r ju s t h av e som ething b etter to do, allow m e to say, you h av en ’t and you d o n ’t! So skip the trip hom e this w eekend and take a trip w ith ‘butkis. D oors open at 8:00pm , S pecial guest o p en er at 8:15, GFY at 9:00 and G in g erb u tk is 10:00. $2 wpi $3 other.

by Katie Horning Class o f ‘96 “Fahrenheit 451” is a play by Ray Bradbury about book burning. M ontag (Kyle Stephens) is a Fireman who becomes troubled with the rea­ soning behind book burning and tries to dis­ cover w hat’s so wonderful about books. He meets readers and thinkers such as Clarisse (Sam antha Halden) and Mrs. Hudson (Helen G. Vassallo) who intrigue him. The Fireman Cap­ tain Beatty (Michael Bleyhl) warns him against reading and explains how book burning came to

be. M ontag also has a wife Mildred (Christina W eissbrod) who worries about the changes he has undergone but is herself oblivious to what books can mean. In all o f this, M ontag finds himself tom between the Firemen and the Book people. W hich will he choose? The Masque Production of “Fahrenheit 451” will have evening showings at 8pm (doors open at 7:30pm ) February 23, 24, & 25. Also a mati­ nee will be shown at 2pm (doors open at 1:30pm) on Saturday, February 25th. All shows will be in the Great Hall o f Alden Memorial at WPI. All tickets are $2 general.

Interested in QuadFest ’95?

Our first organizational meeting will be held this Tuesday at 4:30PM

Newspeak would like to congratulate the newly elected SGA Execs

in Salisbury Labs, room 105.

All are welcome to attend - bring your ideas for this year's theme!

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

Cathy Connelly Kirsty Reidy Chizzy Uchendu Greg Snow

Questions about QuadFest? Email quadfest@wpi.



INFORM ATION A N D APPLICATIONS N O W AV A ILA BLE FROM RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OR Y O U R RESIDENT A D V ISO R World H ouse and Healthy Alternatives H ouse Applications are also available from Residential Services


U F T A F IN G E R .

February 20

INFORMATION SESSION at 6:00 PM in the Lower Wedge. General information will be provided about the Housing Lottery process.

March 1

All payments of the $50.00 Lottery Application Fee made in the Accounting Office by 3:00 PM.

March 1

All Lottery Applications (including Special Interest Housing applications) turned into Residential Services by 4:00 PM.

Spnng Break

Housing Lottery Numbers Generated. They will b^ posted at the end of break and will not be available before this time.

March 28

6:00 PM - Room Selection for Lottery Numbers 1 - 150 in the Lower Wedge. Housing and Food Service Contract Signed. WPI ID REQUIRED.

March 29

6:00 PM - Room Selection for Lottery Numbers 151 and above in the Lower Wedge. Housing and Food Service Contract Signed. WPI ID REQUIRED.

March 31

After room selection nights, if a student changes their mind about living on campus, they may canccl their housing contract by going to the Residential Services Office by FRIDAY, MARCH 31 AT NOON.

In a n e m e rg e n c y , h elp isn't o n th e w a y u n le s s s o m e o n e c a lls . S o b e f o r e y o u p in c h th eir n o s e , b r e a t h e in th eir m o u th o r e v e n c h e c k th eir p u ls e , call 9 -1-1 or your local e m e r g e n c y num ber.

To learn more about life-saving techniques, call your Red Cross.

+ RedC roes

Page 6

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

N ew speak

C omm entary

Philler Cappuccino and Microchips - The Good Time Eating Place by Ixiurel and Guinevere W ell, W PIR is still cleaning up the studio since o u r second show. It’s so hard to get T abasco sauce out o f leather... Since we got all o f the technical s tu ff m astered, w e ’ll start having more talk , contests, special effects, and flying pigeons. We thank everyone w ho gets up early enough on Friday m ornings to catch the show. See you from 6 :0 0 am - 8 :0 0 am next Phriday! If you d o happen to be up and listening to o u r show , call us up at 831-5955 ju s t to let us know we a re n ’t talking to thin air or ju s t people w ho are passed out in front o f the TV because o f the party the n ight before. O ne o f our listen ers caught the show:

Hi there! I just wanted to let you both know that I caught your radio show this morning and thought it was good. Great music and great sound effect type thingies. Too bad i t ’s on so early. Maybe we should get a big PA system and wake everyone up on Friday mornings just so they can listen to Philler Phriday. On to other matters though.... I had a somewhat strange experi­ ence this past week and thought you and your readers might fin d it hu­ morous. I was digging out my car this past week and my ID somehow d isa p p e a re d ...! ’m not sure how...maybe aliens came and took it or perhaps a big purple ID eating monster ate it... but that’s not the point. The point is I went to DAKA, I place I go to everyday with my ID, to get a substitute meal pass so that I could eat and the assistant manager

L etters

to the

who was working at that time asked me if 1 had another ID on me, I didn 't and he proceeded to tell me that I needed one fo r him to give me a substitute meal pass. Well, I was suave and convinced him, after a lot o f begging and pleading , to give me the meal pass. Anyhow, the next day I went up to the accounting office to get money so I could get a new one and the lady there cashed my check even without an ID because she re­ membered me from the two or three times Fd been in there early this year. Then I went down to get my ID and the guy down there didn’t ask to see any ID, all / had to do was fill out a card with my name and social security number ..... my question to you and your readers is this.... why is it that 1 need an ID to get a substi­ tute meal pass but I don’t need an alternate form o f ID to get a school ID that allows me to eat on the meal plan and to get into all kinds o f nifty WPI events? Pondering the perplexities o f WPI, Jami B ureaucracy in action, hon. We looked you up on the m aster com ­ puter, and found o u t that y o u 're ju st a sophom ore, so w e ’ll forgive you th at you h av en ’t figured out the in­ trica c ies o f the W PI m indset yet. W hen you get to be our age, (w hich by the way is physically im possible ‘cau se tim e d o n ’t work that way) you w ill un d erstan d how to reach the 9 th level o f aw areness. W hat is iden­ tifica tio n , an y w ay ? A way to put

remember, events will only become more bizarre. John

you in a category. A re you going to let the ruling estab lish m en t tell you w hat you can an d cannot eat, w ho you are, w hat y o u r social security n u m b er is, and w hat you look like ? If ya w ant to go to this in stitu t(io n ) y o u ’re gonna... S om e p eople w ill accept your iden tity fo r w ho you are, and o th ers w ill only cate g o rize you by d ep e n d in g on how som eone else has ident i f ie d

folks? Every w eek, w e’ll m atch u p pairs o f u nderw ear and set those room m ates up on date. A lw ays w anted to sleep in until d in n er, but your ro o m m ate starts Isn ’t it w onderful w hen you can blaring E ric C lapton at 5:00 in the ask a question in an article, and get m orning? D oes 8:00 not give you the an sw er before the paper is even and your S.O . enough... quality tim e? printed? W ow , our first o u t-o f-th eco u n try -P h iller-P h an -C lu b -M em b er Ju st w rite ‘L et me stay in bed a little lo n g er’ on your entry form , and w e’ 11 (O. O . T. C. P. P. C. M .) If we put his see if we can convince the C am pus nam e on the certificate and give it to P olice to pick them up on fa lse the m ailroom , will it still get for­ charges and detain them for a w hile w arded to him ? You can never giving you at least until noon to do te l l w ith th o s e w a c k y m ailroom people... w hatever has to be done. So if Res. Services screw ed you o ver in the housing lottery for the Speaking o f fun things to do to the m ailroom , on F ri­ second y ear in a row , an d you ju s t day, we started this co n test on w ant to talk about your room m ate b ehind th eir back in the co nvenience the air, and w e’re passing the o f your ow n room , o r m aybe you ju s t savings on to you! (D o n ’t ask w ant to spend the w eekend getting us w hat we m ean, we ju st w rite drunk and going through an entire it.) Please enter: fraternity alphabetically. If y o u ’re Do you have a b ig test to­ m orrow that you need absolute room m ate has alw ays prevented you from enjoying these sim ple p le a ­ silence to study for; or is your sures, or has ju st started these th em ­ significan t o th er com ing up to spend the w eekend, and your ro o m ­ selves and m ade it hard for you to concentrate, mail th eir underw ear to m ate has not left the room for tw o us today! w e e k s sin c e th e y ’ ve d is c o v e re d netnew s o r M TV ? M aybe W PIR can W ell, th a t’s about it fo r this w eek. help! E nter P h iller P hridays ‘G et Sorry about m issing last w eek’s is ­ your room m ate a d a te ’ contest! sue, but it’s a com plicated story in ­ S end us your ro o m m ate’s nam e, phone num ber, PO. B ox, and the volving far too many chickens, and a night you w ant them to be gone, on large glass o f m ilk. K eep your le t­ an index card. T hen, pin yo u r entry ters and com m ents com ing... W e’re still w aiting for the m ailroom to d e ­ form to a pair o f yo u r ro o m m ate’s liver the deluge o f V alen tin e’s D ay favorite underw ear, be it frilly or cards we were expecting from o u r m anly, and drop it into in ter cam pus readers... <sniff> < sniff> G adsen mail to Box 2700. If yo u r room m ate’s d id n ’t even send us o ne... He sure a g irl, the sex ier the better. If yo u r ro o m m ate’s a guy, ya know , ju s t isn ’t gonna get one o f those d ates w ith us now ... m ake sure it’s fairly clea n , okay


you... This is the c lassic d iffe re n c e b etw een D A K A and B oynton. C heck w ith yo u r sociology p ro fe sso r for fu rth er inform ation about this topic...

Dear Laurel & Guinevere, Hi there! To avoid keeping you in suspense any longer, here’s some fa n m ail fro m “the person at fujitsu.co.jp in Japan ”. Having graduate from WPI in '89, i t ’s nice to be able to use the WWW to keep up with w hat’s happening in the community. From your column (and the police log...) I have an over­ powering sense that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Keep up the strange work - and

E d ito r

Another perspective on “The Bell Curve” To the Editor: Having read Brian Parker’s article in the February 14, 1995 issue o f News­ peak, I feel compelled to present another side o f the story on The Bell Curve. The Bell Curve is perhaps the most contro­ versial book o f the year, and it has under­ standably made a number of people very angry. If I were in someone else’s shoes, I am sure I would be outraged as well. Unfortunately, in this age o f political correctness, people are so prepared to believe acertain doctrine that other views are closed out without ever being pre­ sented. Furthermore, there is a strong tendency to identify as a bigot or racist anyone who disagrees with “PC” issues. A great deal o f criticism on The Bell Curve is coming from people who have not only never read the book, but have most likely no idea what it is about. Many may not have done so much as read the book’s inner flap. I would like to state for the record that 1 myself have not read The Bell Curve, though I do ow n a copy and have read some parts. I have also read reviews (coming from both sides) from a few sources. Over a period o f eight years. Harvard social scientists Dr. Richard Hermstein and Dr. Charles Murray have collected numerous data on crime and other social problems, economic disparities, educa­ tion, and various intelligence scores. The book is 845 pages long, and despite the best efforts o f the authors to explain the data, it is very difficult to read. Though I may write o f Dr. Hermstein and Dr. Murray in the present tense, it should be noted that Dr. Hermstein died of lung cancer in September. The Bell Curve is not a book about racial intellectual inferiority. It is a book about the importance o f intelligence in society. Here are two basic premises o f The Bell Curve: First, America is inundated with a myriad of social problems ranging from crime, poverty, illiteracy, teenage preg­ nancy, homelessness, unemployment, and the breakdown of the family. There have been numerous debates on what

causes such problems. Some say popu­ lar culture (MTV, violent movies) plays an important role. Others say that gov­ ernment and public indifference cause these problem s. Drs. M urray and Hermstein conclude, however, that these problems can be very strongly corre­ lated with low intelligence, and that no level o f social engineering will change that. Second, the world is facing an un­ precedented technological advance, and higher education is no longer a luxury. It is now a necessity. The need for un­ skilled labor is diminishing, while the number of jobs requiring advanced de­ grees is growing. As such, high intelli­ gence is becoming more and more nec­ essary to function in today’s world. The book presents a worrisome view o f society and what the future may hold. Essentially, say the authors, we are be­ coming stratified by intellectual differ­ ences. Those who are part o f what the book calls the “cognitive elite” (those with an IQ over 125) will become pros­ perous, politically and socially power­ ful, and will set the agenda for the future o f the world. Those who are at the low end of the intelligence scale most likely will have dismal futures. They will not take major part in the new high speed, high technology economy, and will find themselves increasingly left in the dust. The probability o f them ever transcend­ ing their status is bleak. This is the main idea behind the book. The controversy lies in the assertion that intelligence is determined signifi­ cantly by genetics (between 40% and 80%, say the authors), and that IQ tests can measure intelligence accurately. Given that the average IQ test scores o f various ethnic groups differ, the authors conclude that intelligence differs among ethnic groups. This may be a false belief, but it is not a new belief. Many scholars have believed that intelligence differs among certain groups. The authors did not set out to prove that one race is inferior to another. They drew conclu­ sions from the data they have collected.

Intelligence tests have been criticized foryears. Therefore, Dr. Murray and Dr. Hermstein are perhaps guilty o f bad science, but they are not racists simply because people do not like the conclu­ sions they reached. The Bell Curve must not be accepted without criticism, but at the same time it cannot be dismissed out of hand without a solid analytical discussion. That would be just as dangerous.

failure. Criticism of affirmative action is based on the idea that it has ultimately done more harm than good...forall races. (Dr. Thomas Sowell, a high respected economist and social critic, and himself a black, has written on how so-called affirmative action programs, particularly at universities, have caused a great deal o f problems, in his book Inside Ameri­ can Education.) Second, criticism o f welfare is not based on a hatred o f blacks. There are more whites than blacks on welfare, so the term “welfare queen” should not be construed as anti-black. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (a Democrat) was talking about an emerging underclass o f illegiti­ m acy, not o f urban blacks. Rush

Another issue I take with Mr. Parker’s article is that any opposition to affirm a­ tive action o r welfare is indicative of racism. First of all, no intelligent person be­ lieves that black success means white


Limbaugh, while occasionally arrogant, obnoxious, and egotistical, is not even close to being a racist. If you don’t believe me, read Chapter 19 of his book See. 1 Told You So. Criticism of wel­ fare, like criticism of affirmative action, is based on the idea that it has caused more problems than it has solved. Did

you know that 72 cents out o f every dollar spent on welfare is spent on gov­ ernment administration and only 28 cents actually gets to the recipients? Conservatives do not lack compas­ sion and are not racists. They simply criticize present policies as ineffective.

Adam Perrotta Class o f ’95

ew speak

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI Box 2700, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Phone (508) 831-5464 • Fax (508) 831-5721 newspeak@wpi.edu • http://www.wpi.edu/~newspeak Edltors-ln-Chlef

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WPI Newspeak of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, formerly the Tech News, has been published weekly during the academic year, except during college vacations, since 1909. Newspeak has been printed on recycled paper since January, 1991 Masthead designed by Troy Thompson for Newspeak s 21st Anniversary All articles should be typed and include the author's name and box number. Copy may be sent to W PI Box 2700 or brought to the Newspeak office (Riley 01). Articles may also be submitted via e-mail. All copy is due by 5:00 p.m. on the Fnday preceding publication. Letters to the Editor must contain the typed or printed name of the author as well as the author's signature, telephone number, and box number for verification. Students submitting letters to the editor should put their class after their name. Faculty and staff should include their full title. Letters deemed libelous or irrelevant to the WPI community will not be published All Club and Greek comers must be submitted via e-mail and be 275 words or less. All ads are due by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding publication. Any submissions received after this time will be subiect to a flat $15 late fee per ad. Advertisements, including classified ads, will not be accepted via email Classified ads must be prepaid. The decision on whether a submission is a public service announcement or an advertisement lies with the editors. The editorial is wntten by a member or members of the Newspeak staff. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the entire Newspeak staff. The editors reserve the right to edit all copy for correct punctuation and spelling as well as appropriate content Printing is done by Saltus Press First Class postage paid at Worcester, Massachusetts Subscription rate is $20 00 per school year, single copies 75 cents within the continental United States Make all checks payable to W PI Newspeak

N ew speak

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

Student G


Minutes fo r the meeting o f February 14, 1995 Meeting held in Atwater Kent 219


sso ciatio n

VI. T reasurer’s Report: T reasu rer Socha rep o rted that he has no m otions to n ig h t and they w ill com e up nex t w eek.

VII. Comm ittee Reports:

I. Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.

-SG A C o m m ittees CSLI: C h air G u th rie reported that the com m ittee m et yesterday. T here w ill be a m eeting o n M onday at

II. Attendance:

Page 7

the C A O m eeting for Pat Sullivan and reported on it.

VIII. Old Business: none IX. New Business: (full text o f all m otions may be found in the SGA office) Motion 12c.9S-Senator F airbanks

moved th at the survey on M aple, as E xecutive Board: G reg F indlen, presen ted by CAI, be Pres.; F iona A bram s, Vice accepted as an official P re s .; R a c h e l B u tla n d , WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE SGA d o cu m en t. SenaSect.; D on Socha, T reas to r M ickey seconded. Senate: H eather C leary, Q u e s tio n #7 w as C a th y C o n n e lly , R y a n am ended by F airbanks D aly, N at Fairbanks, Sh­ to read, ‘D id you have annon F inley, B eth G en­ c o m p u te r e x p e rie n c e try, L ee G u th rie, M arni p rior to tak in g a M aple H a ll, Ed H a llis s e y , based C a lc u lu s R eb ecca H o ffm an , Seth c o u rse ? ’. M o tio n K intigh, L ucie L asovsky, STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION passed w ith o n e (1) a b ­ Jason M acierow ski, Jason stention. M ickey, A m y Plack, A m y Sinyei, 6:30pm . T o p ics in clu d e: D A K A , M otion 1 3 c .9 5 -w ith d ra w n by G reg Snow , Je ff S p aleta, K risten com m ittee by-law s, b ulletin boards T reasurer Socha. Stagg, C ara V alliere, C indy V ollaro, on cam p u s, and the C D C . M otion I4 c .9 5 - w ith d ra w n by P&P: C h air Snow reported that Joe W ain. T reasurer Socha. A bsent: D eb F oley (e x c u sed ), the co m m ittee had m any m otions Motion 15c.95-A n Act to Amend John G rossi, D ave Sm ith (excused), .c o m in g up tonight. T h e by-law s fo r the C o n stitu tio n . S e n a to r Snow T im T u lly ( e x c u s e d ) , C h iz z y C SLI are also being w orked on. m oved, S e n a to r F in ley seconded. U chendu (excused), Shelby W alker CAI: C h a ir F airb an k s rep o rted M otion passed. that the w eekly m eeting is on W ed. (excused). M otion 16c.95- An A ct to Amend Parliamentarian: Jason A verill at 9pm in G o m p e i’s. S enator M ickey then reported on the M aple survey the C o n stitu tio n . S e n a to r Snow III. Approval o f Minutes: m otion th at is co m in g up tonight. m oved, S e n a to r F inley seco n d ed . T he m inutes o f the m eeting held Snow m oved to am end, Plack se c ­ A lso, he spoke w ith Prof. W oods onded. A m endm ent m ade. Butland F ebruary 7 ,1 9 9 5 w ere approved with about the S ocial S cien ce ‘to p ass’ m oved to ta b le th e a m e n d m e n t, no am endm ents. req u irem en ts. Repositioning: C h a ir M ickey re ­ M acierow ski seconded. A m endm ent IV. President’s Report: p orted that the co m m ittee will meet tabled. G u th rie m oved to table the on W ed. at 8pm G o m p ei’s. Please m otion, P lack seconded. M otion President Findlen reported that the trustees m eeting are com ing up this have all y o u r papers read. tabled. Motion 17c.95- An A ct to Amend w eekend. T o be discussed are the Elections: C h air W ain reported the C o n stitu tio n . S e n a to r Snow C am pus C enter and Dick M o ll’s re ­ that the C -term elec tio n s have been port. accom plished. The votes w ere ta l­ moved, B utland seconded. M otion lied right b efore the m eeting. All o f passed w ith three (3 ) abstentions. V. Secretary’s Report: the can d id a te s have n ot yet been M otion 18c.95- An Act to Amend the C o n stitu tio n . S e n a to r Snow n o tified so the re su lts will be posted S ecretary B utland read a m otiva­ moved, Plack seconded. D aly moved in the o ffice som etim e tom orrow . tional poem to the Senate. -In stitu te C om m ittees to call th e q uestion, H allissey se c ­ CAO: S en ato r M ickey attended onded. Q uestion called. M otion

S G- A

passed w ith tw o (2) abstentions. Motion 19c.95- An Act to Amend the Constitution. SenatorSnow moved, Cleary seconded. Daly m oved to call the q u e stio n , H allissey seco n d ed . Q uestion called. Motion passed. M otion 20c.95- An Act to A m end the C o n s titu tio n . S e n a to r Snow m oved, C onnelly seconded. M otion passed w ith tw o (2) abstentions. M otion 21c.95- A n Act to A m end the C o n s titu tio n . S e n a to r Snow m oved, S tag g seconded. M otion passed. M otion 22c.95-A n Act to A m end the B ylaw s. Snow m oved, Finley seconded. Hall and H allissey proxied th eir votes to Fairbanks. M otion passed. M otion 23c.95-A R esolution for the C erem onial T ransfer o f Pow er. Snow m oved, D aly seconded. P resi­

dent Findlen passed his gavel to V iceP resident A bram s. B utland m oved to call the q uestion, M ickey sec­ onded. Q uestion called. M otion passed. F airbanks m oved to take m otion 16c.95 from the table. Plack sec­ onded. M otion 16c.95 taken from the ta b le w ith fiv e (5) a b s te n tio n s . M aciero w sk i p ro x ied his v o te to Finley. Plack m oved to call the q u e s­ tion, M ickey seconded. Q uestion called. Snow called for division. M otion passed 16-3-3. S enator Plack m oved to adjo urn, S en ato r S paleta seconded, m otion passed.

X. Meeting adjourned at 7:14pm.

Agenda for the meeting of Tuesday, February 21,1995 Atwater Kent 219, 5:45 pm I.


m. IV.



vui. IX.



Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes o f meeting held February 14 President’s Report Vice President’s Report Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Old Business -Motions 15c.95 - 21c.95 Constitutional Amendments Senator Snow New Business -Motion 24c.95 - Emergency Funding for Men’s Lacrosse- Treasurer Socha -Motion 25c.95 - Radio Station Classification - Treasurer Socha •Motion 26c.95 - Confirmation o f Election Results Senator Wain Announcements Adjournment

SGA Issue of the Week: Academic Dishonesty by Amy L Plack SGA Senator If you looked at the minutes for our last meeting, you should have noticed two things. First, it was three times as long as a norm al meeting and second, num erous m otions were passed. With one exception, these m otions were all am endm ents to the SGA C onstitution and By-Laws, brought to the floor by G reg Snow, chair of the Com m ittee on Policy and Procedures. W hat do these am endm ents mean? In a nutshell, we voted to adjust the term s o f senators-at-large and the ex­ ecutive officers so that those execs who so desire may run for senator-atlarge positions. As things stood be­ fore the m eeting, the officers-elect w ouldn’t take office until E-term . Now, they’ll assume their positions at the third Senate meeting o f D-term. Speaking o f officers-elect, con­

g ratu latio n s to them : C athy C onnelly (P resident), Kirsty R eidy ( Vice Presi­ d en t), C hizzy U chendu (S ecretary), and G reg Snow (T reasurer). A lso, c o n g ratu latio n s to th e new senatorsat-large: Jaso n M ickey (incum bent), Jeremy Olszfewski, a n d John Pieper. SGA w ould like to thank those stu­ dents who voted in this year’s elec­ tion. In total, there w ere 353 voters, 181 electronically and 172 on paper. While this is less than ten percent o f the total undergraduate student enroll­ ment, the num ber of people voting in SGA elections continues to rise. N ow , on to th is w e e k ’s topic: aca­ d em ic dishonesty. W ith fifteen m inutes left in your [insert appropriate class here] final, you come across a question involving a calculation which you can’t do in your head. O f course, as these things tend to go, you lent yo u r calculator to your room m ate and forgot to get it

back for this test. W hat do you do? The person in front o f you has one! U nfortunately, just as you lean for­ ward to ask him for it, you notice a cheat sheet taped to the inside of the case. So much for that; you d o n ’t want to risk getting caught with it. U nfortunately, it seem s the TI-81 and T I-85 are especially suited fo r cheating. Not only can one program text and form ulas into the m em ory, but one can also conceal crib sheets inside the case, som ething I ’ve n o ­ ticed m any tim es, both in high school and here at W PI. Is cheating a problem here at W PI? The C om m ittee on S tudent A dvis­ ing, c h a ir e d by P ro f e s s o r K ent R issm iller, w ould like to know ju st that. T he issue has been raised by Janet B egin R ich ard so n , Dean o f S tu d en t L ife and A ssista n t V ice President for Student A ffairs, and the student m em bers o f C SA .

M o st co lle g e s and u n iv e rsitie s have an honor code to discourage students from cheating, but W PI does not. T h e prem ise o f such a code is that, if every student has to sign his or h er nam e to indicate that he or she is aw are o f the co n se q u e n c e s o f ch eatin g , incidents o f dishonesty will decrease. The S tudent Judicial P o li­ cies and P rocedures H andbook lists the follow ing as acts deem ed as aca­ dem ically dishonest: • frau d — includes altering grades or o fficial records, changing exam solutions after said exam , and c h an g ­ ing laboratory data • p lagiarism — copying on exam s and subm ission of any w ork w ith significant portions p erform ed by an­ o ther person • use o f unauthorized m aterials or sources (crib sheets) on exam s • sabo tage o f another stu d e n t’s w ork o r academ ic records

• facilitation o f or assistance in any act o f academ ic dishonesty U n fo rtu n a te ly , m any s tu d e n ts a re n ’t aw are o f the co nsequences o f actions such as these. Som e feel that an honor code, signed before each ex am an d w hen assig n m e n ts are turned in, w ould deter more people from cheating. O thers think that calling attention to cheating w ould only serve to encourage more people to break the rules. W hat do you think? W e’d like to h ear yo u r opinions and pass them along to the C SA . C athy C onnelly, p resident-elect o f SGA, is currently o u r representative to the com m ittee, and she w ould like to hear your o p in ­ ions via em ail, sw athy@ w pi. If you have any issues w hich y o u ’d lik e to see SG A a d d re s s, e m a il sga@ w pi. N ext w eek’s article will go over w hat we are doing about the M aple program here at WPI.

w atch the red light go on; aim it at Jane M ay er and Jill A b ra m so n ’s Strange Justice and the d isp lay stays a cool green. If y o u ’re in academ ia, A FL -C IO , EPA, o r anyw here else where “ left is rig h t” you c a n ’t afford to be w ithout it! R equires 2 9V batteries (not included); com es w ith a copy o f Rush L im b au g h ’s See, I Told You So for calib ratio n . E n ­ dorsed by The New York Times Re­

d ash ik is.

d eta ilin g unforeseen p ositive side effects o f prom ising drugs have been suppressed. Now your ch ild can help him ! Lab includes seizure o r­ d ers fo r 12000 gallons o f o ran g e ju ic e (declared unsafe because the w ords “ made from concentrate” w ere not in large enough print on th e la­ b e l) , w a rn in g s p ro h ib itin g d ru g m anufacturers from giving d o cto rs in fo rm a tio n on o ff-la b e l u se s o f drugs, plans to crim inalize v o lu n ­ tary tobacco use, one dozen la b o ra ­ tory rats, and doses o f com m on food additives such as saccharine in such large qvantities that a hum an w ould have to eat a ton o f the stu ff a d ay to get the eq uivalent dose. W atch those p h a r m a c e u tic a l m a n u f a c tu r e r s squirm and the G N P drop! W A R N ­ ING: T esting process may cause cancer in laboratory rats.

Comm entary

Wasteful Spending by Winston Smith

[Ed. note: The following com­ mentary was submitted by an author who wishes to remain anonymous and has chosen to use a pen name. The opinions do not necessarily rep­ resent those o f the Newspeak Staff. ] THE LIBERAL IMAGE Y ou’re an ardent env iro n m en tal­ ist, perhaps even a tree-sp ik er. You spend your days lobbying for more social program s and higher taxes to pay for them , and listen to Peter G abriel and G rateful D ead C D ’s at night. W hen you were in college you p ro tested in fav o r o f speech codes, shouted dow n conservative s p e a k e r s , a n d re fu s e d to stu d y S hakespeare because he w as a Dead W hite E u ro p ean M ale. In short, y ou’re a liberal! But you have needs, too. W here are you going to find the products and services you need to assist you in your re d istrib u tio n ist, successp u n ish in g , g o v e rn m e n t-e x p a n d in g lifestyle? W ho is going to help you as you slash defense spending and

n atio n alize health c a re ? It sure isn’t the phallocratic m inority-oppressing cap italist system ! W h o , then? W e are. At The Liberal Image, we are d ed ica ted to finding those item s that best help y o u Help O thers - w hether they w ant help o r not. G ive our fine p ro d u cts a try; n o t only w ill you w o n d er how you got along w ithout them , y o u ’ll soon be lo b b y ­ ing yo u r c o n g re ssp e rso n to m ake them an e n title m e n t (paid for by h ig h er taxes on cig arettes, liq u o r, and h andguns, o f co u rse)! Ju st see w hat we h av e to offer... Bad Book Detector: F inding and d estro y in g political incorrectness is a full-tim e jo b . W ith so many books like 7 he Real Anita Hill and Who Stole Feminism? on th e m arket, who has the tim e to a ctu a lly read a book b efore d eterm ining w h eth er it’s good o r bad, m uch less rig h t or w rong? W ell, w ith our Bad B ook D etector, reading books like The Way Things Ought to Be to ju d g e th e ir m erits can be a thing o f the past! (N ot that we’re im plying you were reading them w ink, w ink!) Just point it at a co p y o f Dan Q u ay le’s Standing Firm an d

view o f Books. “I D on’t Talk to the M ilitary” T-shirt: L e t’s face it - if G o d w anted us to have arm ed forces, then She w ouldn’t have given us brillian t d ip ­ lom ats lik e Jim m y C arter and W ar­ ren C h risto p h er! Let the Jackboots ‘n ’ S w agger-S tick crow d know ju s t how you feel about them with this 100% c o tto n , p re -sh ru n k T -sh irt, made o n ly by no n -ex p lo ited thirdw orld labor w orking in econom ic co llectiv es and eating vegetarian d i­ ets. P erfect for tw en ty so m eth in g W hite H ouse staffers talk in g - that is, not talk in g - to G en erals of 30+ y e a rs e x p e r i e n c e . C o m e s in S ,M ,L ,X L , and DS (D onna Shalala). A lso av ailab le in sw eatsh irts and

KunstlerW ear: M aybe you c a n ’t be a radical law yer, but you can sure dress lik e one! Include pre-loosened tie, rum pled w hite shirt w ith sleeves rolled up and neck open, threadbare brow n slacks, and cheap penny lo af­ ers. B lack plastic-rim half-glasses on a co rd (to be w orn on the fo re­ head) o p tional. “The client is o b v i­ o usly g u ilty ...” o f left-w ing hipness in the first degree!

R ush L im baugh D artboard: T ired o f ju st casting aspersions at R ush? N ow th e re ’s a b etter w ay to m ake sure he gets your “p o in t.” G reat for reliev in g tension caused w hen you h ear how the V ain B rain ’s a u d i­ ence keeps g r o w in g ...a n d g ro w in g ...a n d g ro w in g .... S et in ­ cludes board and six darts; five day w aiting period required un d er the Brady Law.

David Kessler’s A C h ild ’s First Food an d Drug Testing Lab: U nder the leadership o f D avid K essler, FDA reg u latio n s have p ro liferated like m a g g o ts, e n tire in v e n to rie s have been seized and destroyed w ithout co u rt o rd e rs, and m edical papers

All prices subject to m assive cost overruns. If a product should not p e rfo rm as sp e c ifie d , you d id n ’t spend enough; please send us m ore m oney.

P age 8

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

N ew speak

C lub Corner

Alpha Phi Omega Howdy O l’sters! Let’s see..T h is weekend we had C PR training thanks to Chris, so now we are fully prepared! Coming up, John Grossi has a long weekend planned for Conclave publicity. I think he already has drivers and stuff, but if you are interested in tagging along, drop him a line (qasama@ wpi). W ell...the first pledge m eeting w as this week....I hope too many people d id n ’t get “w recked” !! I know that a few people got trampled on during the icebreaker...and Patty did a great dive into a forward somersault! G ood job, Patty!! You d id n ’t take gymnastics for nothing! The pledge meetings are now going to be at 9:15 on W ednesdays. Drop by if you want to see what is going on with the pledge class.... SIGS SIGS SIG S SIGS SIGS SIGS SIGS SIGS SIGS SIGS SIG S SIGS SIGS SIGS !!! The pledges need to get our sigs...so make sure you drop by at the brother or pledge meetings to give them a chance to see you....PLEDGES — meetings are G REA T times to get sigs...So are office hours!! The sigs shouldn’t be TOO hard to get, once you find the right people to ask!! I guess that is it for this week...Until next time! — YiLFS, m

ASME W e’re back after taking a week off. L et’s see, we had a social a couple weeks back. W ho says 5 people don’t make a party? Hopefully future socials will be a bit more successful. T hanks to our Sec. Sue for showing up, next time maybe the pres, will too. W e had a fantastic tour of Polaroid, thanks to Matt for putting that one together. And last w eek alot o f ASME members took a trip (trek) out to M artin M arietta in Pittsfield. A total o f four hours on a bus but the tour went pretty well & I had four free sand­ wiches at lunch. We had a great turnout and it was encouraging to see people getting involved. The best way to get an idea o f what you want to do after WPI is go on some o f the tours and see w hat’s going on in industry. Its much better than just taking boring classes and never seeing what you are taking all these courses for. OK, we have decided to postpone officer elections until next term so that we w on’t have any conflicts with the hundreds o f people w ho want our jobs and end o f the term finals/projects etc. I am pretty sure there are at least some M E ’s out there who are doing M Q P’s. So enter the ASM E Papers Contest. Make a presentation on March 21 to a select group o f WPI professors that may qualify as your dept. MQP presenta­ tion. Submit an abstract of your MQP before the end of this term to A SM E BOX 841. One m em ­ ber of your group must be an ASME m em ber in good standing. Cash prizes people, you should get something back for all that work....

Chinese Student Association Hi all. Hope everything is just rolling along this term. Boy, is the weather nice out (well, right now anyw ay)...y’all should go out and lounge in the sun...it’s no fun staying inside when it is all nice and sunny. Ok, first things first.... A big HUGE congrats go out to Frank and Prakash - CSA(2) - for winning the Intramural Table Tennis tourna­ ment. They played 4 games in one night (beat­ ing 3 TC team s) and kept the title for CSA...good jo b and thanks guys. Oh, and Foo and Hoang CSA(3) - and A ntonio and Jack - CSA(5) - put out good efforts and played good games as well. The regular seasons for intramural Basket­ ball and Bowling have officially ended and all the players have done their best and played their hardest. A big thanks to all the sweaty Basket­ ball players (A ntonio, Darren, Dave, Due, Jack, Jackson, Jin, and Winnie) that made this season good ...we were soooo close to the playoffs ...well, hopefully next year, guys. The Bowling team has had a good season so far (with a 23-9 record), thanks to forever playing Zung, Foo, Jo, and Dummy. We should be at least getting into the Consolation Finals if not the Finals ...y ’all will be the first to know when the results are posted. Alright, now for som e things to consider.... D Term Intramurals are coming up soon...start th in k in g a b o u t w hat y o u ’d lik e to play...and...SIGN UP! The Cultural Festival and Quad Fest are also coming up in D term ...so you should start thinking about what you’d like to do (or see CSA do) in those 2 big events. Oh, and don’t forget to subm it stuff for ‘T h e Dragon” ...it should be com ing out soon. T hat’s all for now then. Peace.

Christian Bible Fellowship We are in the final stretch o f the term! With a little m ore than a week left, you are probably all looking forward to Spring Break, (D on’t forget the retreat in Vermont!) and so am I! But

before we all head off for the break there are still a few exciting things that will be going on here on campus. This W ed, will be the beginning o f a concentrated time o f prayer. As usual, we will be gathering for Prayer and Share in Morgan A at 7pm. FNF will be a great time o f fellowship as we continue to see G od’s faithfulness in answering prayer.( Friday night in Morgan A at 7pm). Saturday m orning sports enthusiasts will be meeting outside o f Alumni G ym at 10:30am. “ May the God who gives endurance and encouragem ent give you a spirit o f unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus..” (R o ­ mans 15:5 NIV) A s the final week o f the term is set before us, are we focused on that pile of work, or is our focus on the One who can help us get through the work? W hen we keep our eyes on the Lord, He will carry us through and our work will not bury us. Do you feel overwhelm ed and heavy burdened? Look to Jesus and follow His ways. Then God will “give” you endurance and encouragem ent as you move through each and every day.

ISC Well, here’s the latest edition o f ISC... W e’ve got som ething really great coming up for you in D term...nothing for C term because the D term event is so big, w e’ve got to prepare for it now... T hat’s right, Cultural Festival is here and it is going to be held in Alden Hall on April the 8th from around 10am to 4pm. T here’s going to be food (almost for free), beverages, dances, per­ formances, exhibits, music, fun, people and an y ­ thing else we can find. You don’t want to miss this awesome event, because it is going to be nothing short of perfect and the more people the merrier. Come early or w e’ll be full and sold out o f food, ok? Right after that event, later during the term, we are also organizing a social so that all the members can have one last get together for the year - stay tuned to this article to find out the details o f that one. T h ai’s all for today, and till next time - smile!

Lens and Lights Hello WPI... G reetings from the new presi­ dent o f LnL (Oh gosh, a fraternity m em ber as the pres., what will we do?). I hope that this coming year will be as much fun as the last one was. I think that the new exec board has a lot o f gusto, and I hope that they can keep it up. As for events going on around the campus, there’s Fahrenheit 451 this weekend. The crews have been w ork­ ing hard so come see, hear, and feel it like never before. I hope that we get more attendance for the next meeting. In case you forgot, they’re W ednesdays at 4:30 in AK 232. See you there!

Masque Fahrenheit 451 goes up this week. We still need ushers, running crew and people to sell tickets. F o r sim p licity sake, e -m ail K atie (louise@ wpi) and she will get you in touch with the right crew chiefs. Tickets are on sale at the M ailroom Box Office weekdays during lunch, so drop by and pick your up early...you w ouldn’t want to have to sit in the balcony... The New Voices plays were decided and announced... hope you were at the meeting Friday to hear all a b o u t th e m ... c o n ta c t P ro d u c e r L issa at lissa@ wpi.edu for any New Voices related stuff. That is all for this w eek folks... happy C term... meeting Friday 4:30 see ya then.

Men’s Bowling Team O ur season is starting to wind down about now. We just had our home meet last Saturday, and all who were there gave a strong effort. We took most o f our points throughout the day, and rolled a few high gam es throughout. Sunday’s meet out in Malden, once we got there (Thanks Bentley!!) could have gone a little better (Thanks M att!!). Some o f us bowled real well (just throw it hard!); some o f us should have pulled o u r­ selves out for a sub (in my own defense, the blind score DID have the highest total series from Bentley...). Coming up next w eekend is the ACU-I re­ gional tournament in Connecticut. This is our tune-up meet for the league finale (we should still be in first place) the following weekend in New York. Then, hopefully, it’s out to Omaha, N ebraska, for the ACU-I national tournament in April. See you all down at the lanes.

Mu Sigma Delta Hey all! For those o f you who keep up with your medvetnews em ail, we are having nomina­ tions for officers for next year. Anyone involved with the club is encouraged to run if you so desire. Keep in mind that a club office position looks really snappy on an application, not to mention boosting your status am ong those who write recom m endations for you (ie. Jill). N om i­ nations close this Thursday so if you are inter­

ested or think o f someone who m ight be good at one o f the positions-email Bryan! W e will have an election meeting the first M onday in Dterm, the time and location will be announced later. Now, who actually reads this dam n com er thing anyw ay? I don’t really care if you do or don’t as long as you don’t complain! If you are paying attention, the word o f the week is L IN T Why? Because I write this thing and I can make it anything I want. A quick closing note, MCAT applications are in so see Jill if you need one. C atch yall later-guppy

Muslim Student Association A ssalam - U - alaikum Brothers and Sisters. O ur Philadelphia trip has been postponed until spring break because not enough people showed interest right now with all the finals com ing up. More info will be in your mailboxes pretty soon. Thanks for showing up at the speech yesterday. It w as a great success. The T-Shirt design has been finalized. Please place your orders with Bachar (bkhatib@ wpi) by the end o f this week (the 24th o f this month). That’s all for this week. T ake care.

National Society of Pershing Rifles H ello. T his is my first “ o ffic ia l” club c o rn er for P\R T ro o p E-12. F irst off, I w ould like to co n g ratu late all who w ere elected to sta ff positions for this coming sem ester; w e’ve got a lot o f w ork ahead o f us. E nough on that for now ... Pugil stick training went w ell this past W ednesday. T ro o p seem ed to enjoy them ­ selv es, w hile the pledges learned a little som e­ thing about b ay onet fighting. H opefully ev ­ e ryone has recovered from th e ir m atches. S peak in g o f pledges... I know you all have y o u r pledge pads now. Som e o f you have even m entioned som ething a bout them to me. I h a v e n ’t seen any yet. You m ay w ant to get a m ove on for signatures... If anyone else is interested in learning abo u t tactics, o r m aybe seeing som e o f the in terestin g things w e do in the A rm y, stop on d ow n W ednesday night at 7 :0 0 in the base­ m ent o f H arrington A uditorium , outside room

28. You don’t have to be in RO TC , the A rm y, or anything. S top by and check us out.

Newman Club Hey everyone! This is it, the end of the term, crunch time, cram ming and punting time. Hope you all are beyond that stuff though and enjoy­ ing the wonderful W orcester weather and scen­ ery. Did everyone have fun at the movie night thing last week. It was in honor o f our “day o f f ’ on Thursday. So maybe the sauce w asn’t au­ thentic... good jo b being the slave John. You definitely got your exercise though running from stove to table. The movie was good too...I love a good love story. C om ing up next term is the Retreat and Quadfest which is somewhat rem iniscent o f the W interCam ival a while back. Great jo b all those Newmanites who participated and worked as well! Have a good week everyone and I’ll try to control Father’s email surges a little. A little knowledge goes a long way...Bye

Society for Medieval Arts and Sciences If you want garb, w e’ve got garb books! Well, A garb book. It shows clothing patterns from every significant era o f history, from A n­ cient Greece up till the first decade o f the Tw en­ tieth century. All you need is fabric and im agi­ nation. T here is a free event com ing up o v er break; the O NLY free event this year. It is the T ourney o f K yhron (I hope I spelled that right). It will be in A m herst, probably at U M ass. (The reason I’m guessing is because I d o n ’t have any inform ation on it yet. M ore will becom e available.) The officers have reserved the Low er Wedge this term for 2 M ondays and a Thursday evening. One was last night’s practice, the next will be next Monday, (I think) and the last will be the last day o f the term, so we can all relieve frustra­ tions, and pretend we are beating up hated pro­ fessors . . . . The non-scheduled practices will take place elsewhere, so rem ember to show up in the Wedge at about 7 so’s we can decide on a place. Practices will begin at about 7:30, as usual.








OPPORTUNITIES BE A RESIDENT ADVISOR f o r t h e 1995 FRONTIERS/STRIVE PRE-COLLEGE SUMMER PROGRAM A p p lica tio n s available on F ebruary 2Cf in R esiden tial Services, 1 6 E llsw orth

Application Deadline March 2 4 th



Pa g e 9

N ew speak

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

C orner


AXP Hey, postulants, you guys are getting it to­ gether... raids, chaos, projects. Thanks for sav­ ing Tori at three in the m orning last week; S te w a t, why the heck w as sh e m o an in g anyw ays? Extension cords - no sir, I d o n ’t believe I like ‘em. I am still not sure also w hether the cooing is com ing from T om ’s room or the L uke’s perfect fam ily o f doves. Lobster... mmmmm. Jackson w ent home with one after he got too “attached.” L ooks like it has been the longest streak without the coppers show ing up at the door. O ld C row , be good. W ell, I would like to congratulate Bob for w inning the WMA. This brings his grand total o f aw ards to 758 this year. Exec, dinner will be a w eek from today - don’t get stung. A fter a few , all the people will be going “ doo da doo doo, do doo doo, doo” [D ’oh!]. Everyone should of had a good tim e at the party and form al this w eekend, yet I only saw one well accustom ed yarcavasm orgen. If you thought this weekend was good, ju st w ait til North A dam s this Saturday. Keep your booties on, cuz it’s cold outside!! Suckers. It’s about time, but the basketball team fi­ nally won a game. O k, so was a forfeit, but we w oulda won anyw ays. Still, Jose m anaged to pull a few ligam ents this past weekend despite riding the pine. Happy anniversary! Hey Sw allow , when did you sw itch to the classy brand? And Kuiawa - there is a big difference between light and “lit” , pal. Even Proulx laughed at the ground over that! A fter­ w ards, the Sole reported five pounds o f cheese stolen. Randy was found curled up on the couch w ith R itz c ra c k e r cru m b s all o v e r him . Coincedence.... YES! Editors, eat your hearts out. Beware o f the bagpipes...

C ong ratu latio n s to the new ly initiated sis­ ters o f AGD!! Tim e and space co n strain ts prev en t me from listing yo u r nam es, but you know who you are! W e ’re sorry w e had to take the pledge pins back, but now y o u ’ve got new ones to w ear-so no com plaining! No B irthdays this w eek-w hich rem inds m e-V al, you d id great w ith the g am m a and the b uff heart, but you forgot M Y B IR TH D A Y ! I am heartbroken. D ecem ber 27th for ail o f you running to m ake co rrectio n s. T h is weekS teph gets E V E R Y T H IN G -a hug, th e w ings, a big ole pat on the back for all o f h er hard w ork, we love ya Steph! A lso, co n g rats to K aren G. and Jannine fo r g etting those pretty yellow ribbons, and to th e S W ’s S hannon and M Y S E L F (lu v y a N il!),a n d th e PW -the whole lot o f you!! W e’d also lik e to thank T K E for the V alentine and the ch o co la te-W ait, what ch o co late? T here was choco late?!?! T o m o r­ row is voting-dress com fy, it’s a long one...A D O V E L IN G L adies W ho So R ecently Said “ N i” , I mean, W ere A G D PLED G ES— W e did it! Sisters at last. No Pins! T hanks to all o u r sisters (K risty S. for the T ’s) W e love you. No candy bag s...to lose. T op ten reasons w hy we had a great tim e last wk. 1 0 -W a rm fu z z ie s 9living in the library 8- red train, b u ff bus, green trees? 7- W ho’s yo u r hunk in a bunk? 6- b u ff is not the co lo r o f d irty snow 5- G race in D A K A 4- love letters 3- M illi V anilli & N K O TB 2- hot seniors & w et squirrels And #1- T he A GD hotline C ongrats to Jannine and K aren. A big hug g o es to Erika L. G reat M /D gifts, esp. edible ones! T ighty w hities & tro u ser sock? W here are your tab le m an­ ners? A D O V E L IN G

Zeta Psi's annual

Jail & Bail to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association Would you like to throw somebody in jail...your roommate, your RA, maybe even a professor? Help Zeta Psi raise money for the MDA and we'll get a real police officer to apprehend the person of your choice!


ATO Seniors decided to resort to a cheap way to win. Rooks and Juniors still rule. Rad is in his fourtieth w eek o f having a disability. You heal slow, dude. Karl tasted the new L ibby products that cam e o ut on the m arket this past w eekend. W eed tried the old Libby products and got sick o f them. N o really D aw son, its O.K. I know it hurts, but I still like you. Leo began his training for Rocky Six. Jim m y’s budha, A ndy’s beard, and R ad’s m om and/or sister. Ready set go! Peavey and Hebert, enough said. The big bang theory is in full effect. Beats, no m ore gam es dude. She d o e sn ’t play any games, she’s differ­ ent from the rest o f them , right? I w ould definitely advise against doing forty splits in a single night. Think about it. U C onn here I com e. (!@ #$## Pete)

FIJI M ike B anks, how about aback rub. Hey K im I w asn 't kidding during skits. Ranucci, can d o my w aiton. I’m too tired from ordering O B around. In case he didn’t tell you G ove w orked 36 hours straight. Kijak take som e free throw lessons from pauly. A1 can we ju st be friends. It’s alright Pauly you d o n ’t have to do that waiton. Shanz what tim e am I supposed to pick up your m other on Saturday night? The escort service d id n ’t say. Sim ps i hope you didn’t hit any cars o n the way to syracuse..

AXA This past week we had a great spring rush. T aco Bell night sure as hell beat DAKA. T o o bad Dino co u ld n ’t get enough fuel to put on a light show. Thursday n ight’s scavenger hunt was an all out battle. L eary’s team is 2-0. N ow Leary thinks he all big and bad. He needs a good slap. Don was going crazy in his suped up VW rabbit trying to block A ndy’s car. H ey guys, just betw een you and me, I think T yler is transvestite in the closet. Everyone has to see the kinky photos of our LCA sw eethearts. (B ig J has his o w n personal photo.) BIG N EW S UPDA TE: Packard got his first haircut since 1987. S hould’ve gone for the m ilitary buzzcut, John. Next tim e we have role playing, w e’ll all beat up on B ig Daddy instead. T hanks to PSS for the social on Saturday night. Jeevan, that was one ugly tie. T hanks to all the rushees for com ing to o u r events. We hope all o f you becom e part o f LCA in the near future. B uh bye.

on H ey Phi S ig Sigs! First o ff, a HUGE congratulations g o es out to Julie M cC ullough who w as pinned o n V alen tin e’s D ay to Sean O ’H earn! C o n ­ g ratu latio n s you two! 1 w ould proudly like to announce the new E x e c u tiv e O f f ic e r s : A rc h o n J u lie M cC ullough; Vice A rchon- M arie M urphy; N ew M em ber E ducator- Jess C ram ; B ursarB ecky K ostek; New M em ber R ecruitm entS arah T egan; M em ber at L arge- N icole R o b ­ ert; T ribune- Cindy M itchell; S cribe- E rik a Sim pson; Panhel D elegate- C yndi Fusco. C o n g ratu latio n s ev eryone! W e all know that you w ill do a g reat job! T hanks go out to all o f the prev io u s o fficers, you guys did an excellent jo b and all o f your hard work an d d ed ica tio n is greatly ap p reciated! T hanks g o es out to L am bda Chi for the aw esom e social last w eek! E veryone had a b last....h ey , th a t’s my tie! Happy b irthday g o es out to L aura B ielitz

w ho celeb rated her 20th yesterday! H ope it w as a good one, Lou! In th e p e r s o n a ls th i s w e e k : H ey neophytes....D R IV E -B Y . L eah, I ’ve never seen anyone dance w ith a pole as w ell as you do! N an, congrats and great jo b at New E ngiands....K im S chofield, w e’re proud o f you fo rd o in g w ell at N E too! T ricia Pignone, my m om bakes me co o k ies, what does your m om d o ...p u lls your h air?!? E rika, you have found your calling... you did a great job plu n g in g the bow l at T h eta Chi! Special hellos go o u t to Em Peters, H eatha B ryer, H eidi H uggett, K ylie, M olly, T oni, Jack ie, Jen A dam s, B ecky K iluk, and H eidi W hite. L ITP

TKE H ey boys and g irls, here we are again. Suennen ju st sm acked h is head ag ain st my desk really hard so th at we w ould have som e­ thing to w rite about. N oonan and T at are here to h elp out this w eek in this great creation. G FY is m aking big headlines everyw here this w eek. O ’S h ea’s fem inine voice can be heard all over the h ouse, and th ey ’ve just sig n ed w ith E lectra to replace M etallica. L ast T hursday the F reshm en show ed their ab ility to be a pain in the colon. T heir ability to flip m attresses is u nparalleled in T K E h isto ry . I ’m still feeling dizzy. E ric M arceau w as on hand to w itness the conception o f his nephew BIL. D oes anyone know if Spam is still on co-op o r not? H as C hecca sobered up en ough to go to w ork yet? V alentine’s Day saw the proliferation o f many red cards, none o f which were all too rom antic. The rum ors are true, they do com e in 3 ’s. G illis has found the cure for bitterness, killing fictional characters with vim and vigor. Hey Slobbie, pay attention to this. You guys have the potential to be the most bitter M QP team that the school has seen. Cobra w eilds the pow er o f big house m anager like a G od, the goons finally have their pagan icon. The Plague o f ’95 continues! TK E infects the entire cam pus Friday night. This leads us into this w eek’s top ten: T he top ten cures for the B lack Plague. 10) Skip all classes and hom ew ork for a week 9) Post party room floor sludge 8) Sahal’s nocturnal em issions 7) A1 steak sauce and jello sandw iches 6) A group bundling Pb style 5) M edicine ball o f Nyquil 4) Boot and rally at 6:30 am 3) G oat’s urine and bat toe nail clippings 2) M itch’s home brew 1) D eath Have a good day and don’t forget to keep in touch with yourself.

0X B W G W N B G G B N W N G ...... (It’s been so long since I’ve done this, that i can’t even rem em ber how it starts). Having recently re­ covered from a severe case o f illiteracy, I have taken it upon m yself to begin enlightening everyone’sT uesdaysonce more. The cool thing is that no matter how bad this sucks, you’re still psyched just to see anything at all. Now on to the pressing news o f the day: let’s start at the end and work our way backwards if you don’t mind *&%$#@ gniht latem gib eht niw annog e r’ew yas dna ykuak eb tsuj 11’ I os .strops ni gniod e r’ew woh eadi yna evah t’nod I .tnelat dna skool doog htiw denedrubrevo ylgnideecxe tey llam s, srehtorb w en fo puorg ruo ot snoitaludargnoc tleftraeH .uoy rof foor eht no syek eht evael tsuj U’eh tc a f ni secirp ffo foor eht gniw olb s’eh, srac tnuocsid s’tnopuD ot nw od em oc, m elborp on ?hsac eht gnigniws emit drah a gnivah tub eborP droF a for tekram eht ni ;lacitabbas no enog sah daeh sih no sdradnats gnivil gnitaroireted eht htiw tespu, riah s'ragaH ; okuP taert ot ekil ew esuaceb su fo n u f ekam annog ruoy em it txen eht dnim ni taht peek os rehcir %753 tey looc ssel %35 era po-oc no elpoep taht sw ohs yduts tneceR ;(ma I rotagitsni na tahw) evren seromhpos eht elots sroinuj eht taht won dedne yllaiciffo evah sraw roolf: swen cinorom fo esod ylkeew eht ni &*% $#@ check you later.






O kay fellas, sorry about the mix up last w eek...This Week, it’s Jail-n-Bail time, time to bring out that cash and abuse the bill o f rights for a day...It was UConn Ho this past w eekend as m any o f us made the journey to the LTI at U conn...I think its alm ost time for usa to quar­ antine the house, you know lock the doors and have food, beer, and other things delivered as we sit around and recoup...H ey, Spackle, if you give me sixty bucks I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek...T op five suggestions for a new motto 5. N ah!N N N A A A A H H H H H ! 4. Are you threat­ ening me!?! 3. L et’s throw it o ff the roof! 2.Like Beer! and the num ber one suggestion 1. D on’t play leapfrog with a unicorn!...D id any­ o n e k n o w th a t i t ’s tim e fo r S p rin g R u s h ...C o m in g S o o n -O u r re tu rn to intram urals...That’s all for now ...Signing OffJabba



Page 9

N ew speak

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5





Hey, postulants, you guys are getting it to­ gether... raids, chaos, projects. T hanks for sav­ ing Tori at three in the m om ing last week; S tew at, w hy the h eck w as sh e m o an in g anyw ays? Extension cords - no sir, I d o n ’t believe I like ‘em. I am still not sure also w hether the cooing is com ing from T o m ’s room or the Luke’s perfect fam ily o f doves. Lobster... mmmmm. Jackson w ent home with one after he got too “attached.” Looks like it has been the longest streak w ithout the coppers show ing up at the door. Old C row , be good. W ell, I would like to congratulate Bob for w inning the WMA. T his brings his grand total o f aw ards to 758 this year. Exec, dinner will be a week from today - do n ’t get stung. A fter a few, all the people will be going “ doo da doo doo, do doo doo, doo” [D ’oh!]. Everyone should o f had a good time at the party and formal this weekend, yet I only saw one well accustom ed yarcavasm orgen. If you thought this w eekend was good, ju st w ait til N orth Adams this Saturday. Keep your booties on, cuz it’s cold outside!! Suckers. It’s about time, but the basketball team fi­ nally won a game. Ok, so w as a forfeit, but we w oulda w on anyways. Still, Jose managed to pull a few ligaments this past weekend despite riding the pine. Happy anniversary! Hey Swallow, when did you switch to the classy brand? And K uiaw a - there is a big difference between light and “lit” , pal. Even Proulx laughed at the ground over that! A fter­ wards, the Sole reported five pounds of cheese stolen. R andy was found curled up on the couch w ith R itz c ra c k e r c ru m b s all o v e r him . C oincedence.... YES! Editors, eat your hearts out. B ew are of the bagpipes...

C o n g ratu latio n s to the newly initiated sis­ ters o f AGD!! T im e and space constraints p revent me from listing your nam es, but you know w ho you are! W e ’re sorry we had to take the pledge pins back, but now y o u ’ve got new ones to w ear-so no com plaining! N o B irthdays this w eek-w hich rem inds m e-V al, you d id great w ith the gam m a and the b u ff heart, but you forgot M Y BIRTH D AY ! I am h eartbroken. D ecem b er 27th for all o f you running to m ake corrections. T his w eekS teph g ets E V E R Y T H lN G -a hug, the w ings, a big o le pat on the b ack for all o f her hard w ork, we love ya Steph! A lso, congrats to Karen G . and Jan n in e for getting those pretty yellow ribbons, and to the SW ’s Shannon and M Y S E L F (lu v ya N il!), and the PW -the w hole lot o f you!! W e’d also like to thank T K E for the V alentine and the chocolate-W ait, w hat chocolate? T here w as chocolate?!?! T o m o r­ row is voting-dress co m fy , it’s a long o ne...A D O V EL IN G L adies W ho So R ecently Said “N i” , I m ean, W ere A G D P L E D G E S — We did it! S isters at last, No Pins! T h an k s to all o u r sisters (K risty S. for the T ’s) We love you. No candy b ag s...to lose. T o p ten reasons why we had a g reat tim e last wk. 10- W arm fuzzies 9living in the lib rary 8- red train, b u ff bus, green trees? 7- W h o ’s your hunk in a bunk? 6- b u ff is not the c o lo r o f dirty snow 5- G race in D A K A 4- love letters 3- M illi V anilli & N K O TB 2 - hot seniors & wet squirrels And #1- T he AGD hotlin e C ongrats to Jannine and Karen. A big hug go es to E rika L. G reat M /D gifts, esp. ed ib le ones! T ighty w hities & tro u ser sock? W here are your table m an­ ners? A D O V E L IN G

Seniors decided to resort to a cheap way to win. Rooks and Juniors still rule. Rad is in his fourtieth week of having a disability. You heal slow, dude. Karl tasted the new Libby products that cam e out on the market this past weekend. W eed tried the old Libby products and got sick o f them . No really Dawson, its O.K. I know it hurts, but I still like you. Leo began his training for R ocky Six. Jim m y’s budha, A ndy’s beard, and R ad’s mom and/or sister. Ready set go! Peavey and Hebert, enough said. The big bang theory is in full effect. Beats, no more games dude. She doesn’t play any gam es, she’s differ­ ent from the rest o f them , right? I would definitely advise against doing forty splits in a single night. Think about it. U Conn here I come. (!@ #$## Pete)

Zeta Psi's annual

Jail & Bail to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association Would you like to throw somebody in jail...your roommate, your RA, maybe even a professor? Help Zeta Psi raise money for the MDA and we'll get a real police officer to apprehend the person of your choice!


FIJI M ike Banks, how about a back rub. H ey Kim I w asn’t kidding during skits. Ranucci, can do my waiton, I ’m too tired from ordering OB around. In case he d id n ’t tell you Gove worked 36 hours straight. Kijak take some free throw lessons from pauly. Al can we ju st be friends. It’s alright Pauly you don’t have to do that w aiton. Shanz what time am I supposed to pick up your m other on Saturday night? The escort service didn’t say. Simps i hope you d id n ’t hit any cars on the way to syracuse..

AXA This past week we had a great spring rush. T aco Bell night sure as hell beat DAKA. Too bad Dino couldn’t get enough fuel to put on a light show. Thursday night’s scavenger hunt was an all out battle. L eary’s team is 2-0. Now Leary thinks he all big and bad. He needs a good slap. Don was going crazy in his suped up VW rabbit trying to block A ndy’s car. Hey guys, ju st between you and me, I think T yler is transvestite in the closet. E veryone has to see the kinky photos o f our LCA sw eethearts. (Big J has his own personal photo.) BIG NEWS UPDATE: Packard got his first haircut since 1987. Should’ve gone for the m ilitary buzzcut, John. Next time w e have role playing, w e ’ll all beat up on Big Daddy instead. Thanks to PSS for the social on Saturday night. Jeevan, that was one ugly tie. Thanks to all the rushees for com ing to our events. W e hope all o f you becom e part o f LCA in the near future. Buh bye.

OIX Hey Phi Sig Sigs! F irst off, a H U G E co ngratulations goes out to Julie M cC ullough w ho was pinned on V alen tin e’s Day to Sean O ’H earn! C on­ g ratulations you tw o! I w ould proudly like to announce the new E x e c u tiv e O f f ic e r s : A rc h o n J u lie M cC ullough; V ice A rchon- M arie M urphy; New M em ber E ducator- Jess C ram ; B ursarB ecky Kostek; N ew M em ber R ecruitm entSarah Tegan; M em ber at L arg e- N icole R ob­ ert; T ribune- C indy M itchell; S cribe- Erika Sim pson; Panhel D elegate- C yndi Fusco. C o n g ratu latio n s everyone! W e all know that you will do a great jo b ! T hanks go out to all o f the previous o fficers, you guys did an excellent jo b and all o f your hard w ork and d edication is greatly appreciated! T hanks goes o u t to L am bda C hi for the aw esom e social last w eek! E veryone had a blast....h ey , th a t’s my tie! Happy birthday goes o u t to L aura B ielitz


OR over

7 0 JAMES ST. woHCESreR,


w ho celebrated h er 20th yesterday! H ope it w as a good one, Lou! In th e p e r s o n a ls th is w e e k : H ey neophytes....D R IV E -B Y . Leah, I’ve never seen anyone d ance w ith a pole as w ell as you do! N an, congrats and great jo b at New E nglands....K im S chofield, w e’re proud o f you fo rd o in g w ell at N E to o ! T ricia P ignone, m y m om bakes m e cookies, what does your m om d o ...pulls your hair?!? Erika, you have found your callin g ... you did a g reat jo b plu n g in g the bow l at T heta Chi! Special hellos go o u t to E m Peters, H eatha B ryer, H eidi H uggett, K ylie, M olly, T oni, Jack ie, Jen A dam s, B ecky K iluk, and H eidi W hite. LITP

TKE H ey boys and g irls, here we are again. S u ennen ju st sm acked his head ag ain st my desk really hard so that we w ould have som e­ thing to w rite about. N oonan and T at are here to help out this w eek in this great creation. G FY is m aking big headlines everyw here th is w eek. O ’S h ea’s fem inine voice can be heard all o v er the house, and th ey ’ve ju st signed with E lectra to replace M etallica. L ast T hursday the Freshm en show ed their ab ility to be a pain in the colon. T h eir ability to flip m attresses is unparalleled in T K E h isto ry . I’m still feeling dizzy. Eric M arceau w as on hand to w itn ess the conception o f his nephew BIL. D oes anyone know if S pam is still on co-op or not? Has C hecca sob ered up en o u g h to go to w ork yet? V alentine’s Day saw the proliferation of m any red cards, none of w hich were all too rom antic. The rum ors are true, they do com e in 3 ’s. G illis has found the cure for bitterness, killing fictional characters w ith vim and vigor. Hey Slobbie, pay attention to this. You guys have the potential to be the most bitter MQP team that the school has seen. Cobra w eilds the pow er o f big house m anager like a G od, the goons finally have their pagan icon. The Plague o f ’95 continues! T K E infects the entire cam pus Friday night. This leads us into this w eek’s top ten: The top ten cures for the Black Plague. 10) Skip all classes and hom ew ork for a w eek 9) Post party room floor sludge 8) Sahal’s nocturnal em issions 7) Al steak sauce and jello sandwiches 6) A group bundling Pb style 5) M edicine ball o f N yquil 4) Boot and rally at 6:30 am 3) G oat’s urine and bat toe nail clippings 2) M itch’s home brew 1) Death Have a good day and d o n ’t forget to keep in touch with yourself.

0X B W G W N B G G B N W N G ...... (It’s been so long since I’ve done this, that i can ’t even rem em ber how it starts). Having recently re­ covered from a severe case o f illiteracy, I have taken it upon m yself to begin enlightening everyone’s Tuesdays once more. The cool thing is that no m atter how bad this sucks, y ou’ re still psyched just to see anything at all. Now on to the pressing new s o f the day: let’s start at the end and work our way backwards if you don’t mind *&%$#@ gniht latem gib eht niw annog e r’ew yas dna ykuak eb tsuj 11’I os ,strops ni gniod e r’ew w oh eadi yna evah t’nod I .tnelat dna skool doog htiw denedrubrevo ylgnideecxe tey llam s, sreh to rb wen fo puorg ruo ot snoitaludargnoc tleftraeH .uoy rof foor eht no syek eht evael tsuj ll’eh tcaf ni secirp ffo foor eht gniw olb s’eh, srac tnuocsid s’tnopuD ot nw od emoc, m elborp on ?hsac eht gnigniws em it drah a gnivah tub eborP droF a for tekram eht ni ;lacitabbas no enog sah daeh sih no sdradnats gnivil gnitaroireted eht htiw tespu, riah s’ragaH ; okuP taert ot ekil ew esuaceb su fo nuf ekam annog ruoy em it txen eht dnim ni taht peek os rehcir %753 tey looc ssel %35 era po-oc no elpoep taht swohs yduts tneceR ;(ma I rotagitsni na tahw) evren serom hpos eht elots sroinuj eht taht won dedne yllaiciffo evah sraw roolf: swen cinorom fo esod ylkeew eht ni & *% $#@ check you later.

O kay fellas, sorry about the mix up last w eek...This W eek, it’s Jail-n-Bail time, tim e to bring out that cash and abuse the bill o f rights for a day...It was UConn Ho this past w eekend as many of us made the journey to the LTI at Uconn...I think its almost tim e for usa lo quar­ antine the house, you know lock the doors and have food, beer, and other things delivered as we sit around and recoup...H ey, Spackle, if you give m e sixty bucks I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek...T op five suggestions for a new m otto 5. N ah!N N N A A A A H H H H H ! 4. Are you threat­ ening me!?! 3. L et’s throw it off the roof! 2.Like Beer! and the num ber one suggestion 1. D on’t play leapfrog with a unicorn!...D id any­ o n e k n o w th a t i t ’s tim e fo r S p rin g R u s h ...C o m in g S o o n -O u r re tu rn to intram urals...T hat’s all for now ...Signing OffJabba

P ag e 10


N ew speak

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s p e a k


T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

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s p e a k

G e t I n v o lv e d !

C o n ta c t N e w s p e a k Email: newspeakÂŽ wpi. edu Phone: 831-5464 (leave a message)| Mail: WPI Box 2700

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T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

N ew speak

C la ssified s ***SPR IN G B R E A K 95*** A m erica’s #1 S pring B reak C om pany! Cancun, Bahamas, or Florida! 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! Organize 15 friends and TRA V EL FREE! Call for our finalized 1995 Party Schedules!! (800) 95-BREA K

W e have no food in the house because your girlfriend demanded money for overtime.

Now renting apartments for 95-96 year. Large 3-5 bedroom units in well maintained, secure buildings. Walk to campus, partially furnished, laundry, parking. Call today to make an ap­ pointment to see. 792-0049.

EDC BROW N BAG LUNCHEON, M AK­ ING LARG E CLASSES WORK. W EDN ES­ DAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1995 The Educational D evelopm ent Council (EDC) will be presenting its second brown bag luncheon for C term on February 22 from 12-1:15 in Stratton Hall 308. This luncheon will be a follow-up to last term ’s presentation on teaching large classes. We will begin with a 35-minute video on using active learning techniques in large classes and will continue with a discussion o f the ideas pre­ sented. Please bring your own lunch; cookies and soft drinks will be provided.

dshshsh and all the people are still going “ dod da dah doo do doo do doo doo dadildoo do doo “ DAD!! M en’s tennis team meeting will be held Fri­ day, February 24 at 4:30 pm in Alumni Gym conference room. Leave any messages for coach at athletic office. All interested players wel­ come.

SENIORS 2-3 Bedroom houses sleep 10 each with 2 baths one block from the beach in So. Yarmouth for college week. Security De­ posits. 413-736-2538.

“Friends are Friends forever, if the Lord is the Lord o f them .” - Thanks gals.

W A N TED : 18-25 yr old C H IN E S E or C H IN E S E -A M E R students to participate in research on relationships with family and friends. Must be single and from 2-parent family. H E L P us leam more about relationships in Chinese Culture and H E L P a Clarkie finish dissertation. Chance to W IN $60. Call Linda 508-481 -4831 or e-mail LCOTE@ VAX.CLARKU.EDU

GFY at Gom pei’s. Friday night starting at 8p. Performing with Phone Book and Ginger Butkis. Hey everybody...GFY! Thank you..drive through. M ichelle, We are so proud o f you. W elcome to Alpha G am m a Delta! May you feel the love we share. Love, your Moms!


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Allow only 30 characters per line

Will the SNOW still be around for QuadFest ‘9 5 ?

W anna build a SNOW man?? H ere’s to the Pizza Man!!!

“ Is that rhythm or is she having a seizure??” Seniors! interested in performing at Bacca­ laureate: Auditions will be taking place in Alden in the Spaulding Recital Room on Mon­ day, February 27,1995 at 11:00 a.m. If this is a conflict, please contact Doug W eeks at 5696. Seniors! interested in speaking at Baccalau­ reate or Comm encement: Please contact Becky Kiluk at 757-3046 or at snet@ wpi. A writing sample will be requested. Do you want to help people understand what they want to do with their lives o r just their major? Apply to be an advisor for the Major Selection Program. Applications will be avail­ able starting next week in the CDC. The weekend bash kicks o ff at Club Berk­ shire this Friday. Ladies, com e on down and bob for weenies. Our renovations are complete! Com e check out our new erections.

Developing Leaders

Listen for Bourque and Ralph over the radio waves Brothers... what time is it? Although Spanky is 21 he only made it to 17. T hat’s not a butterfinger 7 days and counting Five ukelelees can keep your old uncle a little lonely Hey, Warren!! Tuesday Night is Lactation Night at Club Berkshire! Swedish bikini team will be serving milk on tap ‘til the well’s dry. Welcome back to Club Berkshire. $5 Cover. “I don’t think I could wear white sneakers. They're not conservative enough.”

SPRING BREAK!! C ancun i $399 Jam aica c™.$439 Florida i

S tu d en ts/R ecen t G rad s! E nvironm ental co. seeks m otivated, goal-orien ted individuals to assist with m assive N. E. expansion plans. PT/FT/all m ajors.

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Finally, fresh New York Lower East Side-style baqels in Worcester! Kettle boiled, then baked at 500° for that delicious, shiny crust. Drop in during our Grand Opening Celebration now through Mar. 31 for free bagels and balloons. And try one of our over 20 spreads and sandwiches while you're here, all made with fresh fruits, vegetables, and prime meats and fish.

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R e g u la r

Newspeak will run classifieds free for all WPI students, faculty, and staff Free classifieds are limited to six (6) lines Ads of ~ 1 a commercial nature and ads longer than six lines must be paid for at the off campus/commercial rate of $5.00 for the first six lines and 50 cents per additional line. Classified ads must be paid for in advance No information which, in the opinion of the Newspeak editors, would identify an individual to the community will be printed in a persona) ad. The editors reserve the right to refuse any ad deemed to be in bad taste or many ads from one group or individual on one subject. The deadline for ads is noon on the Friday before publication. All classified ads must be on individual sheets of paper and must be accompanied by the writer's name, address and phone number.

Is it SNOW ing yet?

SEMINAR: M ANAGING TEST A NX I­ ETY. Tuesday, February 21, 3:30 - 4:30 PM. C ounseling & Student Development Center. 157 West St. 831-5540.




G RA D U A TE STUD ENTS W ANTED! Housing with old-world charm, quiet studio and one bedroom apartments. Sun-filled, immacu­ late, heated, hardwood floors, white walls, fully applianced kitchens, laundry room, locked build­ ings with intercoms. Walk to school. Call for an appointment. 755-2032

P a g e 11


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N ew speak

P a g e 12


o lic e

T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 1 ,1 9 9 5

L og

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Thursday, February 9 12:15am - Alarm: Alumni Gym, m en’s locker room. 12:18am - Officer reports a coach securing area, no intrusion. 5:25am - Alarm: Higgins Labs, vibration lab. 5:28am - Room is secure, problem with alarm recurring. 3:00pm - Officer removes four non-WPI people claiming to be, from Gym. 4:01pm - Officer removed same four non-W PI persons from Harrington. 5:23pm - Too much heat in Salisbury 402. 5:39pm - Possible gas leak in pizza oven o f G om pei’s. 5:44pm - No sign o f gas leak.


What's Happening

Tuesday, February 21 3:30pm - Seminar: “M anaging Test Anxiety,” C ounseling and Student Development Center, 157 W est St. 4:30pm - Lecture: “Forsaken by God?,” Julius H. Rubin, W ashbum 229. 7:00pm - Film: “Finzan,” M organ A. 8:00pm - Coffee Cave: “T oo of M any,” Riley Com m ons, $ 1.00. Doors open at 6:00pm.

Friday, February 10 4:50pm - Call-in: HVAC personnel to fix radiator in Founders Country Kitchen, no one reached at this time. 11:44pm - Disorderly persons: Report o f disorderly persons at concert in G om pei’s.

Wednesday, February 22 7:00pm - Lecture: “WPI in A frica,” W orld House. 8:00pm - Film: “The Browning Version,” Holy Cross Kimball Theater, $1.50.

Saturday, February 11 1:04am - Medical response: Founders, intoxicated student. EMS and officers respond. 2:07am - Assault: Officers out with assault victim at Salisbury St. fraternity. 2:10am - EMS dispatched to station, regarding above assault. 2:23am - Fight: Report o f fight in progress at Salisbury St. fraternity. 2:30am - Officer clears Salisbury St., transporting victim from assault to Memorial Hospital. 2:35am - Officers clear Salisbury St., out at Regent St. regarding follow-up. 3:13am - Disorderly persons: Report from Dean St. fraternity o f subjects driving around area attem pting to gain entry to fraternity party, officers advised. 3:40am - Disorderly persons: Complaint o f disorderly persons in Salisbury Estates area. 6:10am - Follow-up: WPD calls regarding follow-up to 2:23am incident. 6:39am - Assist: Custodian reports key stuck in G om pei’s entrance door. 6:56am - Locksmith notified. 8:15am - Medical response: Student in Riley complaining o f nausea, possible fever. EMS responds. 8:31am - Transport: Above student transported to Memorial Hospital. 9:13am - Access: Staff member must retrieve documents from Student Activities Office. 9:46am - Leaking pipe found by officer outside o f Atwater Kent. 10:20am - Plumber assessed leaking pipe and cannot fix. Com pany will be called on Monday. Until then alarm will be out o f service with fire protection still available. Water to outside pipe cut off. 10:29am - Alarm: Riley sub-basement and pub. 11:28am - Animal complaint: Report o f dogs fighting outside o f Founders Hall.

Thursday, February 23 1:30pm - Reading: The works o f Toni M orrison, Salisbury Labs 105. 8:00pm - M asque Production: “Fahrenheit 451,” Alden Hall, $2.00.

Friday, February 24 7:00pm - Film: “Barcelona,” Holy Cross Kimball Theater, $1.50. 8:00pm - M asque Production: “Fahrenheit 451,” Alden Hall, $2.00. 8:00pm - Concert: GFY, with Gingerbutkis and special guest opener, Riley Comm ons, $2.00 W PI, $3.00 other.

Saturday, February 25 Mexico: A Landscape Revisited exhibit opens, W orcester Art M useum 8:00am to 4:45pm - Mass Driver Retraining Program, W orcester State, Learning Resource Center. 2:00pm and 8:00pm - Masque Production: “Fahrenheit 451,” Alden Hall, $2.00.

Sunday, February 26 1:00pm and 2:45pm - Film: “W'hite,” C lark University Cinem a 320, $4.40. 6:30pm and 9:30pm - Film: “Stargate,” Perreault Hall, $2.00.

Monday, February 27 12:00pm - Lunchtime Jazz Concert, Lower Wedge.

Sunday, February 12 12:20am - Disorderly persons: Complaint regarding disorderly persons in vicinity o f Salisbury Estates. Complainant did not provide specific information. 6:20am - Open door: Custodian reports Founders entrance found pegged open, secured. 3:18pm - Medical assist: Institute Hall, student with injured foot. 3:31pm - Transport: Institute to Memorial Hospital. 10:03pm - Assist: RA in Founders reports laundry room is flooding, Plant Services notified. 10:30pm - Plant Services at Founders. 11:44pm - Possible dryer problem: RA reports possible problem with dryers in Founders laundry.

Monday, February 13 12:02am - Officers clear Founders laundry. Dryer #2 shut down due to problem. 3:52pm - Security: Non-W PI students in Alumni. 9:45pm - Malicious mischief: SNaP reports residents of Daniels 4th throwing w ater jugs. 10:08pm - Suspicious odor: Morgan Hall.

Tuesday, February 14 12:43am - Disturbance: Report o f fireworks in Ellsworth Apartm ents area.

Wednesday, February 15 12:56am - Noise complaint: Ellsworth. 1:38am - Parking violation: Tow requested for car parked in Stoddard Lot. 2:50am - Assist: Officers assisting with building fire on Highland St. 3:28am - O fficer reports escorting approxim ately 12 victims from H ighland St. fire to Wedge to await Red Cross. 4:02am - Intrusion alarm: G ordon Library. O fficers investigate, advise that custodian is on prem ises early. 6:30am - Student calls, regarding towed vehicle. 11:45am - Kaven Hall, com puter labs, intrusion alarm. Professor called, set o ff by accident. 4:00pm - W allet stolen: Salisbury Labs, officer investigates.


• Walking distance from WPI • Clean: Studios, 1, 2, 3 bedroom units • Gorgeous Victorian Buildings • Locations: 21 Institute Road 15 Dean Street 10,14, 45 Lancaster Street 59 Dover Street 88 Elm Street 17 Elbridge Street 18 Trowbridge Road

• Starting Rent $395 and up • Applianced kitchens, tiled baths • Act soon, apartments are going fast • Occupancy June 1, 1995 Call today for an appointment



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