1996 v24 i13

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J o h n

C a r n e y

courtesy o f WPI News Service John F. Carney III, professor of civil engineering and associate dean of re­ search and graduate studies at Vanderbil t University, has been named provost of Worcester Polytechnic Institute effective July 1, WPI President Edward A. Parrish has announced. He will succeed Diran Apelian who will return to teaching and research at WPI. Provost-electCamey, originally from Lowell, Mass. earned his bachelor’s degree at Merrimack College and his master’s and Ph.D. degrees from North­ western University in structural mechan­ ics. “Professor Camcy brings a distin­ guished career in teaching, research and administration toourcampus,” says Presi­ dent Parrish. “He has had a close and harmonious relationship with the engi­ neering facu lty at Vanderbilt and served on numerous committees. He considers himself a faculty member first and an administrator second, and holds the firm beliefthat the twoshould work together in partnershipforthegood of the institution.”



n a m

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J o e l c o m e s

Billy Joel will be giving a lecture titled “An Evening of Questions and Answers... And a Little Music” on Tuesday, April 30th. Thisevent,spon­ sored by SocComm, will be held in Alden Memorial Hall. Doors open at 6:00pm, lecture begins at 7:00pm. Bom William Martin Joel on May 9th, 1949, he grew up on Long Island. At the age of four, Billy developed his love for classical music. He received the traditional classical piano training, but soon transformed the material he was taught into "boogie-woogie” ren­ ditions. Early influences on his music include Ray Charles (after whom he named his daughter, Alexa Ray), The Beatles, Dave Brubeck, Sam Cooke, the Rolling Stones, and Otis Redding. Bily Joel joined his first band, the Echoes, at the age of 14. While in junior high school, he had already begun per­ forming professional night jobs to supplement his family’s income. Al­ though unable to graduate from high school, (his grades were fine, but he collected too many absences), Billy Joel was well on his way to a rewarding career. Hicksville High School class­ mates had a chance to reflect on this at

E a rth

D a y



On Sunday, April 28th, the Re­ gional Environmental Council and the Worcester Parks and Recreation De­ partment will present the “Earth Day, Arbor Day Family Festival” in Insti­ tute Park. The event, which runs from noon until four thirty will feature music, speakers, food, exhibits and free tree seedlings. Three projects from WPI will be featured, all MQP’s, including: “Re­ cycling Used Grinding Wheels” by



V o lu m e


p r o v o s t


John F. Carney III, the newly named provost, who will succeed Diran Apelian.

S o m e

their ten year reunion while Billy was on “Saturday Night Live.” So far, Billy Joel has released fifteen albums on the Columbia label. His songs are all original, often based up o n his personal experiences growing up on Long Island, his family and traveling on the road. He has given many con­ certs including the “Bridge Tour” per­ forming sold-out shows even in the former Soviet Union! On June 22nd, 1990, Billy Joel gave what perhaps was one of his most heart-felt concerts of his career at Yankee Stadium in New York City. Havingbeenbom in New YorkCity, and raised on Long Island, I can under­ stand Billy’shometown sentiment. Lib­ erty DeVitto, Billy Joel’s drummer, graduated from my high school. We had the same sophomore year English teacher who yelled at us both, although about twenty-five years apart, for bang­ ing our drumsticks on our desks. Liberty’s Social Studies teacher who told him that he would never make it as a professional musician, was my guid­ ance counselor. For all of you who have tickets to this lecture, enjoy it! It is sure to be a great time full of words of wisdom from a man who puts a piece of himself into all that he composes, performs, and lives!

Lorie Ann Guay and Andre Kal velage, “ S pecific D etection of Cryptosporidium in Environmental Water Samples” by Steve Slutter and a presentation by Antonio Jose Delgado. There will also be interac­ tive exhibits about electric cars, new buses and other topics. The departments of Civil, Chemi­ cal, Electrical and Mechanical Engi­ neering are each contributing $50, for prize money for the contestants. Corporate sponsors for the day in­ clude: Allmerical Financia, Bank of Boston, Greater Media Cable, Nynex,

News o f the Year ^_______ See pages 10 and 11 J


T w e n t y - f o u r ; N u m b e r T h ir t e e n


f e s tiv a l p la n n e d

by Brian Parker Editor-in-Chief-Emeritus

n e w

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute


by Donna Emma Edzards Associate Editor

W P I 's

daughters, now grown. Anna serves as chair of the Transportation Re­ The new provost began his career in Patricia, a Vanderbilt graduate search Board Committee on Roadside 1966 at the University of Connecticut in molecular biology and Safety Featurcsand ischairof theexecuSchool of Engineering. In 1981, he left French, also attended Cornell tive committee of the Highway Division UConn to become professor and head of where she received her of the American Society of Civil Engi­ the Civil Engineering Department at Au­ master’s degrees in environ­ neers. His research activities in theoretical burn University. He moved on to a senior mental engineering and French and applied mechanics have resulted in faculty position at Vanderbilt two years Literature. She and later. He was appointed asso­ her husband both ciate dean forgraduate affairs work in Southern Cali­ in 1989 and his responsibili­ “ / look forward to working with facility, staff fornia but are relocat­ ties expanded in 1993 when he and 'students tofurther improve the quality of its ing to New England. took on his present title. undergraduate and graduate programs and the Catherine Holly, the “ 1 am very pleased to join quality of life on cam pus.'' second daughter, re­ the WPI community, having •John I'. Carney I I I ceived her bachelor’s been an admirer of the institu­ degree in art and com­ tion since it introduced its WPI puter science from Plan over 25 years ago,” says Northwestern and is a com­ the development of impact attenuation Carney. “I look forward to working with puter scientist in Chicago. devices (crashcushions) used in highway faculty, staff and students to further im­ He is a registered profes­ safety applicatioas. These crashcushions prove the quality of its undergraduate and sional engineer in both Con­ save lives and make the highways less graduate programs and the quality of life necticut and Tennessee and a on campus. On a personal note, my wife, hazardous for motorists. member of Tau Beta Pi, Chi He has been amajor advisor todoctoral Patricia, and I arc delighted to be moving Epsilon, and Sigma Xi honor­ and students and is the authorof more than back to New England.” ary societies. ProfessorCamey 140 articles and proceedings. He also Carney’s research interests include is also a member of the Ameri­ impact loading of structures, highway holds patents in highway attenuation sys­ can Society of Civil Engineers tems. safety, elasticity, plates and shells, and and the Society of Automotive Professor Carney and his wife, a structural vibrations and stability. He is a Engineers. medical librarian, arc the parents of two renowned expert in highway safety and

T u e s d a y A p r il 2 3 , 1 9 9 6

B illy

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N e w

V o ic e s


Karen Goodell and Mickey Lacroix in Descent from Eden, one of the many delightful plays which composed the New Voices 14 festival.

fo r

In s titu te

P a rk

Worcester Magazine, and Quantum. In the case of rain, the event will be postponed until Sunday, May 5th. On Friday the 26th, a forum will be presented in the Sackler Science BuildingofClark University at 6:30, where toxic use reduction will be discussed. Weekend plans also in­ clude clean-up projects throughout the city, at 53 sites, including Institute Park. Somebody’ s Sister, String Town, the Thorndyke Road School Environ­ mental Chorus, Chuck & Mud and Kim Trusty will be among the bands

performing on Sunday. The other band in this Arbor Day celebration is called “Tree Hackers.” The Regional Environmental Coun­ cil was formed in 1971 to protect and improve the Central Massachusetts environment. This non-profit organi­ zation works to build public aware­ ness of choices concerning air and water quality, land use, waste reduc­ tion, recycling and transportation. It sponsors a variety of programs, from research to citizen action. The council acts as a resource for the community, updating a directory

Ta b l e


News..................... ........................................................... 2, 4 Sports....................................................................................? Student Government Association........................................ 5 letters to the Editor.......................................................... 6, 7 Commentary..................................................................... 6, 7 Student Development and Counseling Center.................... 7 Special Feature: Diversity on Campus............................ 8, 9

of recycling resources throughout the county, studying land use and hous­ ing issues as well as working to keep its members informed on environ­ mental issues. Some of its studies have set the stage for the preservation of woodlands in the city of Worcester. Students who are interested in join­ ing the council may contact them at Box 255, Worcester M A 01613, or by phone at 799-9139. The council is encouraging all members of the com­ munity to come to the festival on Sunday, to learn, have fun and enjoy a nice afternoon outdoors.

C ontents Special Feaure: News of the Year............................... 10, I I Special Feature: Photo Section................................... 12, 13 Club Corner....................................................................... 16 Greek Corner..................................................................... 17 Classifieds.......................................................................... 20 Comics................................................................................IV Police Log ........................................................................... 20

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