1996 v24 i16

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In a u g u r a tio n by Dave Koelle Editor-in-chief A beautiful latc-summer morning greeted the WPI community Friday morning as students, faculty, and dig­ nitaries assembled on the Quad and in Harrington Auditorium, ready for the day's activities. The Inauguration be­ gan with a procession of various stu­ dent organizations entering the audito­ rium. After they were seated, the pro­ cession of dignitaries started. Mem­ bers of the academic decked in regalia and honored guests community paraded through the auditorium. The Most Reverend Daniel P. Reilly. Bishop of Worcester, read the invocation, fol­ lowed by a spectacular rendition of the National Anthem by three WPI gradu­ ates, Maria R. Bergin ‘93, W'endy A. Manas ‘95, and Sara J. Pollard ‘94. After this, greetings were given on be­ half of the undergraduate student, graduate students, administration and staff, alumni, faculty, and community of Worcester. Guest speaker Dr. Claire L. Gaudiani, President of Connecticut College, gave some thought-provok­ ing remarks about where technology has the power to take us, and how we must reshape some of what we know to

T u e sd ay ,

G r e e k

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H o m e c o m in g

e x c e lle n c e :

This past year not one, not two, but four WPI fraternities won awards from their national chapters for the 19951996 school years. The proud and es­ teemed chapters on our campus that won prestigious awards are Alpha Gamma Delta, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Chi, and Zeta Psi. Alpha Gamma Delta’s Zeta Zeta Chapter here at WPI has earned the Five Star Award once again for its commit­ ment to the five points: The Scholarship Star -For maintain­ ing a 3.0 GPA average or be ranked number one in scholarship for all women’s groups on campus. The Leadership Star - From a com­ mitment and balance of philanthropy, social, campus involvement and awards presented by the WPI. The Standards Star - For upholding the ideal Fraternity standards. The Quota/Total Star - For reaching

V o lu m e

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F o u r

w h e r e ’s

President Parrish discussed the finer aspects of technology education with a panel of business and education leaders last Saturday.

e a r n

ment program, good alumni relations, campus leadership and activities and participation is the Special Olympics and tutoring at Doherty High School, here in Worcester, all are part of what it took lo win this award. In addition, TKE won 4 more awards for their dedication to the following areas: Scholarship, Alumni Support, Public Relations and Rush. Theta Chi’s Epsilon chapter won a number of excellence awards from their national chapter including the Howard R. Alter Award for chapter excellence, the highest award that can be given to an active chapter. Also because of their massive rush effort and active brother-

S z a fa r o w ic z

p r e s tig io u s

hood they won excellence awards in the areas of Risk Management, Procedures and Involvement, New Member Educa­ tion Programming. Campus Involve­ ment, Alumni Programming, Rush Pro­ gramming, Success in Rush Award, and Philanthropy/Community Service Pro­ gramming. Their summer renovations and awards will lead to a happy new school year. Zeta Psi, the first coast-to-coast and international fraternity presented its Pi Tau chapter with its most distinguished award, the Comstock Award and the Outstanding Chapter Award. The highly sought after Comstock Award is passed along to the Zeta Psi chapter that most

N e w

G o a t?

pantsinthe 19th Annual FrankSannella Road Race had a good time as always, as did the alumni participating in the Annual Alumni Soccer Game. As the day progressed, more and more people began filling the Quad and the surrounding area. At 1:30, the Homecoming football game started. This year, WPI played against Union College. The Goat made a showing right at the beginning of half-time, lead­ ing to a brawl on Ihe far side of the field lhat lasted for quite i while before anyone ran away with the goat. After the game, everyone headed down to Institute Park for the Tradi­ tional Rope Pull. This contest was over quickly as the freshmen man­ aged to pull the rope out away from the sophom ore’ s grasp. To everyone’s surprise, the victorious freshmen look the rope and ran away with it! It was later found wrapped around the floors of Morgan Hall, where it was retrieved. As the day came to a close, alumni and friends departed, and the Quad emptied. As everyone else was wind­ ing down, the freshmen were rallying themselves, determined to get the Goat from whoever had it. It was another successful Homecoming, toeveryone’s delight.


P la y e r

a w a r d s exemplifies the vision of brother Will­ iam A Comstock, which includes pro­ moting true brotherhood, whose mem­ bership is lifelong, turning out self-re­ specting, original thinking, self-con­ trolled, purposeful gentleman The most Outstanding Chapter Award was earned through much hard work by initiating 100% of it’s pledge class, maintaining a high level of scholarship, leading and participating in numerous on-campus activities and events, working at a soup kitchen and earning money for charities and working on risk management. The Pi Tau chapter last won this award in 1985, which is impressive for a 20 year old chapter.

o f th e

W e e k

by Heather Mazzaccaro Sports Editor Last week freshman Jamie Szafarowicz became the first WPI ath­ lete to be awarded the New 8 Player of the Week in Women’s Soccer. So far the leading scorer of the team, Szafarowicz racked up two goals and two assists in the first three games to walk away with the award. The ME major from Oakham, M A plays soccer year round and it shows by her strong ball handling skills and her affinitiy for hitting the net. In the second varsity yearof Women’s Soccer, talented newcomer’s such as Szafarowicz arejust what the team needs. Lacking numbers this year, the team has struggled in it’s first two weeks of com­ petition winning only two games out of five. After tough loses to both Tufts and Gordon College (0-2) last week, the team hopes to rebound and become a force to recon with in the New 8 Confer­ ence this year. Lead by senior captains Laura Beilitz and Lynn Kearnan and coach Stephanie Carlson, the Lady Engineers


Jamie Szafarowicz, shown here moving the ball down the field during last Thursday’s game against Gordon College, now has the distinction of being the first W P I athelete to be awarded the New 8 Player of the Week award in W omen’s Soccer. will be playing Anna Maria and Regis on home turf this week. Come down to watch the games to show support for the effort these women are putting out

Table D ilb e r t ! See page 11

th e

T w e n ty - fo u r > N u m b e r S ix t e e n

fr a te r n itie s

their chapter total (set by the Pan Hel­ lenic Council) by April 15 of each year. The 90% Initiation Star -For initiat­ ing 90% of their new members. The last time AGD won the Five Star award was during the 1993-1994 school year. Seven of the 116 other AGD chapter that also won this es­ teemed award are: Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Mercer University, Auburn University, Murray State Uni­ versity, Fort Hays State University and the University of British Colum­ bia. AGD has also won a Jewel award, along with 17 of its sister chapters for raising over $2,000 through its philan­ thropic efforts. Tau Kappa Epsilon won the TOP TKE award forthe fourth time in the past five school year for the Northeast re­ gion. Each year each chapter is re­ viewed for this award within each re­ gion. Chapter president Sahal informed me that maintaining a strongGPA, ample community service, good risk manage­

Symposium explores future of technology education


a n d

Terwilliger ‘88, Norton Assis­ reap its full benefits. Teach­ tant Professor of Mechanical ers must be fellow learners, Engineering, gave him the explorers in discovering sci­ charter of WPI Dr. Parrish ence, instead of lecturers, then gave his Inaugural Ad­ she said. Humanity has dress, “Making a Difference.” come a long way: “We not The Alma Mater was sung only map geography, we by the Glee Club and Alden map the human genome.” Voices, backed up by the Con­ In the face of all of the mar­ cert Band. vels of technology, she sees That afternoon, the Inaugu­ Johann Gutenberg’s print­ ral Symposium took place. The ing press as “just an up­ topic for discussion was "The grade," a necessary step New Liberal Education for the along the way to the techno­ Age of Technology.” Eight logical world we know to­ esteemed guests, including day and will explore even President Parrish, participated further tomorrow. She also in a panel which resulted in a remarked that any enemy worthwhile and interesting dia­ which we may have is no logue. longer an evil empire, but The next day: Homecom­ conll ids that can tear people ing. Again, the weather apart. In this new, techni­ couldn’t have been nicer. The cally-enhanced world, we day started smoothly, almost need each other more than slowly, as alumni and guests ever; we need the ability to N EW SPEA K S TA FF PHOTO / ED CAMERON began to filter in. The minia­ work in teams, to get along, ture golf holes, sponsored by to share the benefits of each When the dust settled on the athletic field Saturday, the Student Alumni Society, others’ learning and knowl­ these two guys were the “Goat Keepers”. were laid out on the Quad. edge. The worst enemy to There were various other activities on Hanlon, a Humanities professor and humanity will be the powers that pull the Quad for children as well: a face Secretary of the Faculty, put the presi­ us apart. painter, a magician, and a pupper show dential medallion around President After Dr. Gaudiani’s remarks, the entertained kids of all ages. ParticiParrish’ s neck, and Chrysanthe President was officially installed. James

S e p te m b e r 2 4 ,

by Ben Fischer Features Editor

f e s tiv itie s ,

Arts & Entertainment............................ Commentary........................................... letters to the Editor............................... Greek U fe .............................................. West Street House..................................


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on the field. Also come to see Szafarowicz (#16) and the rest of the team in action. You won’t be disap­ pointed.

C ontents Writing Center.................................... ................................ 7 ................................ S ................................ 9 .............................. in .............................. n .............................. I I What's Happening.............................. .............................. 12

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