The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
T h is
I s s u e ...
Cuckoo’s N est ................ 4 Person on the street ....... 6 Police Log ...................... 16 T u esday, N o v e m b e r 26,
V o lu m e
T w e n ty -fo u r, N u m b e r T w e n ty - tw o
WPI student to attend Peace Prize awards Trip is prize fo r taking 1stplace in International Science & Engineering Fair wind tunnel. “ My project was the compilation Courtesy o f of four years of work in high school,” he says. WPI News Service “ I found that by drawing air through the sur face of the airfoil at different locations, I could John Tassinari, a W PI freshman majoring in increase lift by 100 percent and reduce drag mechanical engineering from Braintree, Mass., and greatly reduce the separation thought he’d accomplished a lot when of the boundary layer.” he beat out entries from more than Tassinari says the ISEFair is 1,000 students to win this year’s In an invitation-only event for sci ternational Science and Engineering entists between the ages of 12 Fair in Tuscon, but he’ll top that honor and 22 throughout the world on Dec. 11 when he attends the Nobel whose projects are designed to Peace Prize presentations in benefit mankind. The work Stockholm. must be original and fully docu Tassinari was recently notified mented. “ In my opinion, there that he was one of two students to is no greater achievement a win a Glenn T. Scott Nobel Peace high school student can attain Prize Award. Presented each year than be invited to enter this for the fair’s top two projects, the prestigious fair,” he says. award provides an all-expenses “ John’s remarkable academic paid trip to Sweden to attend the prowess has continued at W PI,” ceremonies. Tassinari and the says history Professor John other Scott winner, Naomi Bates, Zeugner, Tassinari’s faculty ad a Princeton University freshman NEWS SERVICE PHOTO visor. “ He made all A’s in Term from North Carolina, w ill meet A. The invitation to the Nobel with the Nobel winners and the John Tassinari, one of two students to attend this year’s awards. awards is a tremendous honor King, Queen, Princess and Prime M inister of Sweden and w ill be inter tion and was invited (with five other Massa one that recognizes both his intelligence and viewed by CNN on Dec. 11 for a program chusetts students) to the ISEF. To attend this liis promise.” Tassinari, son of Paul Tassinari and Dawn to be broadcast throughout the world. fair is such an honor, I was proud to be al Goodrich of Braintree, is a National Merit The trip to Stockholm is the somewhat lowed to go.” surprising conclusion to a journey that be Tassinari won first place in the Engineering Scholar and a member of the National Honor gan when Tassinari was a freshman at Projects Section and also garnered the top Air Society. At W P I he is a member of the Soci Braintree High School. “ I received a third- Force award in the 1996 IS E F for “The As ety of Martial Arts and enjoys mountain bik place award in the Massachusetts State Sci sessment of Lift: Boundary Layer Control Us ing, Kempo karate and live music. Paul ence Fair during my freshman year,” he ing Suction Through Slots.” For this project Tassinari received a bachelor’s and master’s says, “ then won second place sophomore he built a wing profile that he tested in M IT ’s degree in mechanical engineering from W PI. year and first place in my junior year. The first-place finish entitled me to go as an al ternate to the International Science and En gineering Fair (IS E F ). Finally, in my senior year, I took first place at the state competi-
International Week at WPI by Jason Papadopoulos News Editor The ISC (International Student Council at W P I) has a week full of international events in store for W PI in December, the “ Interna tional Buffet” , “ ISC Coffee Hour” and “ In ternational Bazaar” . In a month full of international events like Latino Week, the ISC kicks off a series of events on December 7th, with the annual “ International Buffet” . Due to unprec edented demand for this event in previous years the ISC has for the first time moved the “ International Buffet” to Alden Memo rial Hall to try and satisfy the demand for tickets. The hall which has a capacity in excess of 300 people, 50% increase over last T a b l e
o f
year’s buffet, which was held in Founders Dinning Hall. The organizers are hoping that the extra tickets will be enough but the tick ets which are priced at a mere $5.00, have all almost been sold, according to the Stu dent Life Office. The buffet will consist not only of ethnic food from around the world, but also a pro gram of entertainment reminiscent of the various cultures represented on campus. The ISC said that student representatives of the countries from where the dishes are prepared in will act as ambassadors and will be ready to serve the visitors and answer any queries they may have in respect to the food or per formances. “ Not from here, nor from there: Are we See ISC, continued to page II
Retraction The caption accompanying the photo graph on the front page of last week’s is sue was incorrect. Newspeak apologizes for any problems this may have caused. We especially wish to apologize to the Colleges of Worcester Consortium and to the driver of the van for not investigating this occurrence upon receiving the photo graph from an anonymous source.
Letter from Consortium Shuttle Manager To The Editor, This letter is in reference to your front page photograph and underlying type re garding the accident involving the Con sortium Van and a faculty member’s car. It is apparent that neither the Consortium office, the student managers, nor the driver of the van were contacted before this was published. The facts that you have pre sented are very much in error and need to See Van, continued to page 8
See a lso . About the Colleges of Worcester Consor tium, page 2. The Consortium Shuttle Bus Service, page 11.
Cuckoo's Nest live at Alden Hall
C o n t e n t s
tetters to the Editor.....................8, 9 N ews................................ 2, 6, 7, II Announcements...................... 2, 5, 7 Editorial.......................................9 Academic Honesty................9, 10, II Sports...........................................3 Club Corner........................... 12, 13 Arts & Entertainment..................4, 5 Community Update.........................6 Classifieds.................................. 15 What’s Happening........................16 West Street H om e.......................... 8 Police L o g ...................................16 Computing.................................... 8 ----—------- -------- -------
McMurphy, played by Dana Schosser, takes bets from the boys in Masque’s prduction ofOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by Ken Kesey. The play was performed last week to capacity crowds.