1996 v24 i3

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Student Govt, impacts quality of campus life by Brian Parker Associate E ditor The Student G overnm ent A sso ­ ciation met last T uesday, the 23rd in the low er w edge. O ne o f their first orders o f busin ess was to support the funding o f $5000 for the upcom ing W inter C arnival, w hich w ill be held on February 9th and 10th. SG A assum ed responsibility o f the even t, as an o n-cam pus organization is re ­ q u ired to do for lia b ility issu es. A nother reason for this move w as to expedite the funds, as having an ­ other group as sponsor w ould have required an o th er m eeting before a senate com m ittee and tim e was ru n ­ ning short. W hen the funding issue w as re ­ solved. the Senate m oved on to a n ­ other question w hich cou ld have had an im pact on the upcom ing election. A bill was introduced w hich w ould have linked the p ositio n s of P re si­ dent and V ice President; much like in our national elections. T here w ere strong feelings on both sides o f the

c a n d id a tes e lec ted sep arately can ner could not overcom e. T here was question. stand on their own m erits, she voted concern that som e goo d candidates The senators in support o f the bill to reject the bill. m ight not run for office if they had to felt that il w ould act as a guarantee T w o m ore bills: the Student G o v ­ find a running mate. T he question o f that the senate w ould have ex e c u ­ ernm ent B udgeting A m endm ent and what happens if tw o friends win an tives who cou ld w ork w ell together. the R eserve R estructuring A m end­ electio n and then have a falling out T here were strong feelin g s that u n i­ m ent were quickly passed. They were cam e up; there is no w ay to g u aran ­ fication o f the tw o positio n s w ould for the m ost part a follow up elim inate co n tro v ersy and o f the S G A ’s m ove from that “ diversity is not n ec­ O C FC class III last fall and essary am ong lead e rs.” If W ith th e r e c e n t a d d i t i o n s o f W in te r C a r ­ they needed to be passed to the P re s id e n t an d V ice n i v a l a n d Q u a d f e s t to t h e l i s t o f th i n g s straighten out a few issues. P resid en t had ag ree d to The final bill o f the night th a t th e s o c i a l f e e is s u p p o s e d to s u p p o r t . work together w hen they w as the Social Fee R estruc­ decided to run for office, th e f u n d is d r y i n g u p . turing Proposal. This p ro ­ they w ould surely w ork as posal was offered as an alter­ a team to carry out th eir native to the social fee in­ goals. A final point was crease w hich w as proposed last fall. tee that tw o people w ill agree on all m ade that this might help to g enerate As there w as little support for the issues. more excitem ent for the elec tio n s increase in fees, this proposal was In the end the senators deadlocked and the senate as a w hole, w ith one looking to m ove som e o f the ex ­ o v e r the issue, 10 to 10 w ith several m em b er p o in tin g o u t th a t m an y penses from the social fee to the absten tio n s am ong those who had people had show ed up to the m eet­ institute. heard the debate but w ere apparently ing, only to leave after the W inter C u rren tly , social fee m oney helps still confused. Vice President Reidy, C arnival received its funding. to pay som e o f the A ssistant D irector w h o w as p resid in g fo r P resid en t T hose who spoke against the bill for Student A ctiv ities' salary as well C onnelly (w ho was ab sen t), had to seem ed to feel that there nev er had as for a service contract o n the film cast the decid in g vote. A pparently been a c o n flic t am ong the execu tiv es projectors in Perreault Hall. The sid ing with those who believed that that m aturity and a professional m an­


projectors were g iven as a gift to the institute and the proposal indicates that the institute should be resp o n ­ sible for them , not the students. T he social fee is sm aller this year than last, as the n um ber o f u n d er­ graduates has d ecreased. A dded to this is the fact that SG A established a capital reserve last fall, the M usic A ssociation moved into OCFC class III and WPIR is b ein g added to the groups thal receive funding. W ith the recent additions o f W inter C a rn i­ val and Q uadfest to the list o f things that the social fee is supposed to support, the fund is drying up. T he bill was w ithdraw n before a vote cam e up, but SG A is still c o n ­ sidering ways to support student a c ­ tiv ities as best they can. One p ro b ­ lem w ith the proposal is that it w ould require money to com e from so m e­ w here else in the in stitu te’s budget; at a tim e when every departm ent on cam pus is feeling the need to cut expenses. W ithout raising incom e o r cutting expenses som ew here, the roughly $20,000 ju s t c a n 't be found.

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute









Volume Twenty-four, Number Three

Tuesday, January 30, 1996

Discussion of Campus and Recreation Center focus of open meeting b y D ave K oelle E d ito r-in -C h ie f On T uesday. January 23, an open m eeting w as held to discuss the fu ­ ture o f the C am pus and Recreation C enter. Janet R ichardson, assistant vice president for student affairs and dean o f student life, began the meeting by discussing what has been done so far in the effort to get th e. center on

Gordon Library to hold open house Feb. 7th by Kathleen Watt Gordon IJbrary Acquisitions A ssociate The George C. Gordon Library Open House will be held on W ednesday, February 7th, from noon until 3 pm. Members o f the WPI community are invited to stop in to leam about the library and its services. T he R eference D epartm ent w ill present a W W W demonstration. The third floor gallery will feature the library's Invitational Art Show and voting will take place for “ Best of Show .” President Parrish will be our fea­ tured speaker at 1:00. Stop by and meet our new president. At 2:00pm we will have a short presentation by Professor Joel Brattin of the Humanities D epart­ ment. Prof. Brattin has been instru­ mental in bringing the Fellman C ollec­ tion o f Charles D ickens’ materials to WPI. The staff will be available to meet members o f the WPI community and answer questions. There will also be fresh, home baked refreshments. The first 100 guests to register at the open house will receive a limited edition Gordon Library mug.

cam pus. T his w ork has been broken dow n into three stages. The first stage, w hich took pace tw o years ago, included ascertain in g w hat goes into a cam pus center, looking at c e n ­ ters on o ther cam p u ses, and finding out each c e n te r’s strengths and w eak­ nesses. O ne o f the m ost im portant things the cam pus cen ter com m ittee learned w as w hat not to do w hen our cen ter is built. A sking q u estio n s such as, “ If you w ere able lo build your cam pus cen ter all over again, what w ould you do d ifferen tly ?” were very im portant and in form ative. The prim ary objective o f the sec­ ond stage, which took place last year, was finding a site for the center. Last year, surveys listing possible sites were sent out to m em bers o f the WPI com ­ munity, who were asked to rate the possible sites according to such crite­ ria as centeredness, acceptability, time, and cost. U ltim ately, a site was cho­ sen which w asn't one o f the sites pre­ sented on the survey. This new site, the present A lum ni G ym nasium (w ith an ad dition ex ­ tending tow ards Higgins L aw n), co m ­ bined the qualities o f som e o f the sites that w ere on the survey. T his site com bined two projects, the n ec­

essary rem odeling o f A lum ni G ym, and the building o f the cam pus cen ­ ter, thus g etting two im portant things done at once and in creasing the po­ tential for donations. Al that point the focus o f the b uilding changed from solely a cam pus center, and added the recreational aspect to il as w ell. The third stage is go in g on now. T h is stage is co n cern ed with d e ter­ m ining w hat w ill actu a lly go into ihe center. Som e o f the things in the plans m ight have to be cut (for e x ­ am ple, offices for studeni publica­ tions and for student life will not be going into the cen te r), and others m ight have lo be reduced. The ca m ­ pus center com m ittee will present th eir determ inations at next m onth’s trustee m eeting. At the end o f the meeting, Chris Jachim ow icz, assistant dean of stu­ dents, talked about ihe various sec­ tions that are in ihe current plans for the center. These sections include areas such as the following: a mail room , a new pool, dining areas, ath­ letic facilities, a bookstore, a conve­ nience store, and lounge areas. Q ues­ tions from those at the meeting were entertained.


Chris Jachimowicz listens to a question from a student at the campus center open meeting last Tuesday in Perreault Hall.

Student Government Association elections now underway Student Government Association Press Release The Undergraduate Student Govern­ ment is pleased to announce that the 1996 C-term elections period has begun. As always. Student Government is look­ ing for dedicated members of the under­ graduate student body to run for office. There are three Senator-at-Large posi­ tions available in the Senate. In the executive branch, the positions o f Presi­ dent, Vice-President, Treasurer and Sec­ retary are available as well. To be eligible for any o f these posi­ tions, students must meet the following

Men's Indoor Track See page 3

criteria: he or she must be currently enrolled at WPI, not a second semester senior, and in good academic standing as determined by Institute regulations. Any student that meets these criteria is en­ couraged to stop by the Student Govern­ ment Office and pick up a nomination petition. All petitions must be returned lo the Student Government Office no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, February 7. Electron ic voting on the Col lege ComputerCenter Unix system will take place from Thursday, February 15 through Sunday, February 18. Paper ballot vot­ ing will be held in the lobby o f Daniels

Hall on Monday, February 19. Student Government encourages al I undergradu­ ate students to vote and show their sup­ port for the candidate of their choice. If anyone has any questions about the

elections, or would like to find out more about running for office, please contact the Undergraduate Student Government at 831 -5565, or stop by our office lo­ cated on the first floor o f Daniels Hall.

Prof. Sacco to appear on sitcom Chemical Engineering Department Head and astronaut Albert Sacco Jr. will be featured with fellow Columbia crew m em b ers Ken B o w erso x , C ady C olem an, Fred Leslie and Kathryn Thornton on the Feb. 13 episode of Home Improvement. The team traveled to Burbank, Calif, last month lo take part

in the program, which stars Tim Allen. The episode includes in-orbit footage shot especially for the show during the space shuttle’s mission last fall. A de­ scription of the program, along with a photograph of Sacco and Thornton in­ side the shuttle, appears on page 5 of the Jan. 20 issue of TV Guide.

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s N e w s ..................................................................................................2 S p o rts.................................................................................................3 World N e w s..................................................................................... 4 A rts & E n tertain m en t...................................................................5 E d ito ria l...........................................................................................6 C om m en tary.................................................................................... 6 C om puting........................................................................................6

Student Government A ssociation .............................................. 7 C ounseling and Student Developm ent C en ter....................... 7 Club C o rn e r ................................................................................... 8 Greek C o rn e r..................................................................................9 C la ssifie d s.....................................................................................IJ C o m ics............................................................................................ 11 Police l j t g .....................................................................................12

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