M ic h a e l J a c k s o n
s p a n k s
h is
m o n k e y
A ld e n
Bubbles plays encore performance by Diva Koala Editor-knee-deep-in-Shit Michael Jackson delighted in spanking his monkey last Friday in front of a large crowd. It turns out that Bubbles wasn't performing well enough, but after a couple of slaps from The Light One, Bubbles couldn’t be stopped, even by WPI police brutality. “There’s something wrong in the world when we can’t have peace, not even between man and monkey,” said Jackson in a post-concert interview (Oops! Nudebeach blunder! Michael Jackson was here for a lecture, not a concert'.). “I was giving my monkey some tender loving care so he would perform well, but those mean police men tried to hurt my Bubbles!” Bubbles’ performance consisted of swinging on the trapeze while light ing fireworks with his feet as The King of Pop (known as the King of Soda on the East Coast) sang his melodius songs in the background. It was during “Beat It” that Jackson started spanking his monkey. After this song, it appeared as if Jackson felt bad about what he had done; he broke into a heartfelt
rendition of “I’m Bad.” “But that song is a song about being good, not being bad,” said psychology Professor Bill Norwood, “so I believe that Jackson didn't really feel that bad about his beloved pet.” Audiance response was mixed. "I thought it was not cool that he spanked his monkey," said Kim Karokian, Class of'97. "I think he spanked his monkey becuase of that rogue bottle rocket," noted sophomore Harry Jackson (no relation). Jackson (Harry) was refer ring to an incident earlier in the show, when Bubbles accidentally shot a bottle rocket directly at Jackson's (Michael) head. Jackson (Michael) seemed to be in a daze for a minute before resuming his performance. "Probably reminded him of the incident when his hair caught on fire," noted Professor Norwood. "That poor white man. Um, I didn't say that, did I? I didn't mean it... Don't quote me on this. Hey, you damn reporter! STOP THAT DAMN TAPE RECORDER!" [Ed. note: we are re minded of a similar incident, in which a certain senator in a certain student government said something about not giving money to charities. But, I di gress...]
Jackson is currently engaged in a dispute with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in which PETA claims that Jackson was tugging his turtle a bit too often. “Everyone has to have a release some how,” claimed Jackson. “For me, it was seeking the friendship of my turtle. He always stayed in his shell. I eventually had him circumshelled. Now he can come out and play when ever I get the urge.” “Why do you think I wear all of these bandages?” asked Jackson, re ferring to the many layers of mate rial wrapped around him in a mummific fashion. “He’s a snapper turtle.” Overall the audience seemed to enjoy the lecture (ahem) with only a few complaints. "He didn't play any Zeppelin, man," said one student. "His moonwalk looked like he was on Jupiter — it seemed to heavy," remarked another. “The next thing you know, he’ ll be choking his chicken,” said an attendee of the show. It was not disclosed if the attendee was refer ring to Ruby, Jackson’ s rubber chicken.
P r e s id e n t P a r r is h p la y f u lly Patiently prioritizes personal promises by Brain Parker Editor-armadillo In a recent interview with our new President, Doctor Edward “Don’t call me Robert” A. Parrish, I found out that this gentleman has a few quirks, in cluding a fascination with the number 14. He is the 14th president, arriving just in time for the 14th Nude Voices Festival and he won’t be officially in augurated until around 14 months after he took over. Parrish is known for his strange comments; at the October 12th fac ulty meeting, Parrish commented: “We have to learn to appreciate our selves [and our fellow members of the community], I left my wife in Nashville and now I have Steve Hebert.. .you all haven’t met Shirley, but you can draw your own conclu
sions.. . ” Nudebeach was interested in how punctual President Parrish has been spending his time, besides running off to conferences with Steve. Nudebeach is certainly NOT interested in the details of these con ferences, what follows is a transcript of my conversation with President Parrish: B.P. - “So, President Parrish, is it OK if I refer to you as PP?” P.P. - “Perfectly” B.P. - “When you first arrived at WPI, what did you most look for ward to?” P.P. - “Playing Parcheesi, paint ing puny pink pachyderms, pruning Peruvian pygmy petunias, petting puffins. . .” B.P. - “I understand that your lei sure time is important to you, but was there anything you thought the
President Parrish with an unidentified guest.
Serial Killer stalks campus
See p ag e
school needed to do to improve its national ranking?” P.P. - “Prove parking problems, praise proficient Polytech people, progressive Polytech Plan.” B.P. - “I hesitate to say this, but you aren’t the first person to notice these problems. The thing is, there’s a lack of communication, no one understands us or our problems. How would you get this information out to the community?” P.P. - “Patiently prepared press packets.” B.P. - “That’s a truly novel solu tion, I can see where that would work. What do you see as the biggest ob stacle to your success?” P.P. -“Primarily? Pompously pi ous psychoanalysts.” B.P. - “Really? I’m sure a lot of our readers will be shocked to find that out. you know what the word on the street is, I’m sure.” P.P. - “Playful parasitic Protes tants prevent proactive progress para digm?" B.P. -“Yes, the theory that a group of religious fanatics are stopping the school from assuming a leadership role. I’m happy to see that you’ ve de-bunked that one. How would you feel if we moved on to some of your likes and dislikes?” P.P. - “Piously pleased.” B.P. -“OK, I was wondering what your favorite fashion articles of all time were.” P.P. -“Plaid polyester pants, pew ter Pennsylvanian penny pendants.” B.P. -“And your favorite singer?” P.P. - “Prince!”
The Gloved One choking his chicken. You won't see this on MTV! (Then again, maybe you will...)
p r a is e s
B.P. - “What are your favorite foods?” P.P. - “Pork pies, peas, pheasant. H
B.P. - “We’ve heard very little about your wife, what does she do for fun?” P.P. - “Preparing pomegranate pastes, pyrolyzing paisley paper products, patching pithy premolars, prepaying proctologists, picnicking peacefully. . .” B.P. -“How well do you think any of these skills could be used to raise money for the school, which would help reduce our tuition?” P.P. - “Perfectly.” * B.P. -“Any other ideas for raising money?” P.P. -“Pimping partial, parochial, probability predicting, physics pro fessors! Passing putrescent penguin pee! Peddling pedophiles PhD’s! Peculating personal prizes!” B.P. -“Thank you.. .What is your favorite work of literature?” P.P. - “Peter Pan.” B.P. - “Have you been up to the WPI mansion in New Hampshire?” P.P. - “Pentillion Pines?” B.P. -“Yes. What did you like the most about the place?” P.P. - “Pretty, proficient prosti tutes, pear-shaped pasta, perambu lating prayerfully.” B.P. - “Uh. . .yeah.. .1 see this is a terrific office, there’s this great carpet, wood paneling. . .what do you like the most?” P.P. - “Purple pens.” B.P. - “Did you run into any trouble when you first arrived on
News................................................................................2 Sports................................................. ............................. 3 Commentary.................................................................... 4 Disclaimer....................................................................... 4 2
P o ly te c h campus?” P.P. - “Poorly posted parking places, problematic parking passes.” B.P. - “You got your share of tickets, didn’t you?” P.P. - “Plenty.” B.P. - “I’d be disappointed if I asked you about your two favorite magazines, eh?” P.P. - “Probably.” B.P. - “Is there anything you’d like to see the WPI community work ing towards?” P.P. - “Prized pollution preven* tion projects.” B.P. - “Is there any reason why we haven't seen more about these projects for quite some time?” P.P. - “Painful, piecemeal pub licity process; poor paragraphs; piddling, poopy press personnel.” B.P. -“How did you get back from your last California conference.” P.P. - "Penultimate Pacific plane.” B.P. - "What was the topic of that conference?” P.P. - “Preparing penile probes, processing probative papers, pul verizing pumice pillars, parallel processing.” B.P. - “Who ran the show?” P.P. - “Presenter: Panamanian Procouncil Paul Pugwash.” B.P. - “So do you have any last words that you feel might apply to our readers.” P.P.-“Positively! Play ping pong, pillage, piss periodically, please pharaoh Parrish, prize platonic pen pals, predict problematic pelvic problems pre-posthumously.”
Contents More News.................................................................... 5,7 Geek Corner..................................................................... 6 Classifieds........................................................................ 7 Police I M g...................................................................... 12