I n This I ssue...
The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Book Review ..........................7 IceCats .......................................8 Technology o f Skiing ....... 10
Volume Twenty-five, Number Two
Tuesday; January 28, 1997
Social Web connects Tech to the social scene “Where do you want to go tonight?” by Kimberly Farrell Newspeak S taff “W here do you want to go tonight?” is the question that greets you as you log into W PI’s newest bridge between the technol ogy that we all use and the social life that we all crave. It’s a place to find something to do, meet someone new, and let other people know what’s going on. In a given week there’ll be an exhibit at the library, a movie on Sunday night, a rock ‘n ’ roll show in Riley and any assorted number o f sporting events. Rather than read the countless fliers hanging up around campus all you have to do is log into the social web. Another exciting new feature of this web site is the M atchm aker... as soon as you enter your profile you can find a list o f other social web member that match up closely, send them a message, and see what happens! This as pect has only been available since January
19lh, but already there are at least 6 matches to even my name. This computerized dating service may seem a bit dry to some, but it is a pretty neat way to find people that aren’t way out there, people that are right on cam pus that might even sit next to you in Calcu lus. The Social Web isn’t sim ply a WPI phe nomenon, however. There are several links to W orcester-related sites, and the member ship is open to any m em ber o f the consor tium. A few people from C lark have signed up so far, but we’re still trying to drum up m em bership. It’s easy to sign up, easy as logging into your email account. To log into the social w eb, bring up N etscape or any other w eb brow ser (pref erably one that supports Java-script) and go to http://social.w pi.edu/ and follow the login instructions. Due to the fact that som e events arc only cam pus-w ide, a dis tinction needs to be made as to which cam
pus you are logging in from. You need a passw ord, and every tim e you go to the social web, you log in with that passw ord. O nce in. a screen with people’s birthdays on it will appear, and a menu bar to the left. C lick on w hichever option you w ant, and check it out! We recom m end the This Week link, show ing what events are happening this week all over the place. If you w ant to let people know o f an event, link to the A dd button, and follow the in stru ctio n s there. For com puterized m atching, first update your P rofile, then click on M a tch m aker and see whom am ong your friends and classm ates you are com patible with! There are still a few bugs, but Troy T h ompson, creator o f the Social Web, assures us that h e ’s w orking on them. So Log In, Click On, and Check Out this neat new site on W P I’s w eb, at h ttp :// social.wpi.edu, and don't miss out on w hat’s going on today.
New policy for recognition of student clubs to start by Eric Wilhelm Graphics Editor Those looking to start new organizations on campus should obtain a copy of the new policy for recognition of student activities, which contains many changes from the old procedure. Many o f these changes will af fect new sports clubs, with many m ore safety-related requirements being incorpo rated into the new manual. The new recognition process may not go into effect until this coming Fall, at least six months later than was initially forecast by the Student Activities Office. Applications for recognition were no longer accepted af ter the end o f A Term, effectively putting a stop to the organization o f new clubs on campus until the new process goes into ef fect. This is bad news for those clubs which were organizing at the time the change was announced, such as the Astronomy and Rail road clubs, for they are now at the mercy of the wheels o f WPI bureaucracy. Unable to apply for recognition, they are not officially able to schedule rooms for meetings, or use any of the facilities o f the college until the recognition process begins. As the January 3 1 deadline for SGA’s bud get packet approaches, a definite plan for new organizations is still lacking from both the Student Governm ent Association and
Student Activities. These tw o organizations need to work together to com e up with a com mon recognition policy so that new organi zations may apply in a one-step process, with only one form for both SG A funding and o f ficial college recognition. In the new guidelines, organizations re questing recognition must file: 1) A letter o f intent with the names and signatures of the club’s elected officers and advisor; 2) A com pleted application for recognition (which does not exist in a finalized form yet); 3) A hazing compliance form signed by the offic ers; 4) The names and school addresses o f 50 full-time students who support the estab lishment o f the organization at WPI; 5) A current constitution in accordance with the constitution format outlined by the guide lines; 6) A one paragraph description of the organization for potential use in college pub lications. Once a letter of intent has been llled with the Student Organization Council (SOC), an orga nization may conduct limited business on cam pus. Over three months, groups may post no tices and reserve tables in the Upper Wedge a total of five times. When the completed application has been filed at the Student Activities Office, the SOC will review the request at its semiannual rec ognition meeting, which is held in Septem ber and February. The SO C will then make
its final decision after meeting with the orga nization, if necessary. Unlike the previous recognition process, organizations are not required to obtain rec ognition from a departm ent, or obtain the names and signatures o f twelve people who intend to be members o f the club. On the whole, the entire process is much more rigor ous than it had been, with six as opposed to only five crite ria for recognition, and a lengthy interval between the submission o f an application and its approval.
WPI Web wins NetGuide Gold Subm itted by Amy L. M arr Web Coordinator NetGuide has selected the WPI Web as a Gold Site — one of the best on the Web. The Gold Award recognizes Web sites that meet the staff’s stringent criteria for overall excel lence. NetGuide has screened over 100,000 URLs and reviewed more than 50,000 sites — the Gold Award goes to only 15,000 of the Web’s best sites. This is the second time this year the WPI Web has been honored by an outside orga nization. Earlier in the year, NetCollege ‘97, a book and website published by Wolff New Media, heralded the WPI Web, giving it a five out o f five-star "W IRED” rating. At their site, searching for “Worcester Poly technic Institute” among N etG uide’s Best o f the Web brings up the following: “As befits a technical institution o f higher learning, the Worcester Polytechnic Institute site has some handy interactive options. Be fore you get to the online admissions office, check out students’ course evaluations. The internal links to academic information are fairly cut and dried, but cute cartoon draw ings make the site user-friendly.” The WPI Web earned three stars for Per sonality, Design, Content, and the Overall Rating. In addition, the Theatre & Theatre Technology pages at WPI also received the Gold Award, a three-star overall rating, and four stars for Personality! The only higher honor NetGuide bestows is the Platinum Award - a four star rating. To learn m ore about N etG uide, visit http:// www.netguide.com/.
Swingin’Riley Commons
Table of Contents N ew s..........................................2, 10, 15 Announcements....................................2 Arts & Entertainment.... 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 Sports.......................................4, 5, 8, 14 tetters to the Editor.............................. 9
Club Corner................................ 6, 7, 12 This Day in History...............................8 Classifieds........................................... 15 Comics................................................. 15 Police lM g ........................................... 16
Jon Svetky and his band brought new life to the coffehouse last Friday night.