The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
I n T h i s I s s u e ... Recycling ........................ 2 People A uction ............... 10
Tuesday, November 11, 1997
Volume Twenty-five, Number Twenty-one
Dinosaur Jr. brings life to Riley Commons all were amazing. J Mascis belted out some crazy guitar solos which left no question o f why he is known Last Friday, I had the pleasure of witness as a “Guitar God”. Some of the high ing my favorite band. Dinosaur Jr., perform lights o f the set were, “Little Furry to a packed crowd in Riley Commons. The Things off” Your Living All Over last time 1 saw the band, they put on an awe Me and “Mick” off their latest Hand some show at Yale, but much to my friends it over. The best part of the show and my amazement, they rocked WPI harder however was the two song encore. than we ever imagined pos■ The first song was a sible. The crowd was a cover o f the C ure’s “Just Like Heaven”, good mix of “techies" and “...much to our which is on the album local die hard Dino Fans. I amazement, they Fossils. The second actually made friends with was on of my favorite a couple o f guys from rocked WPI Dino Jr. songs, Brown that were at the last harder than we "Frcakscene”, off one show I went to and were of their first albums planning on going to ever imagined B ug. “ Freakscene" Saturday’s show at Lupo’s possible...” has the most memoin Providence. The band rable lyrics out of all doesn’t have the popular- _____________ ________ 1■■™l“ of their songs, “I’ve ity or air-play o f bands like Pearl Jam or Aerosmith, bui who needs that seen enough to eye you, but I’ve when you can sell out small clubs across seen to much to try you...Sometimes the country with dedicated and addicted I don't thrill you. Sometimes I think I'll kill you. But don't let me f*ck up fans. Their set consisted of 12 songs off almost will you, Cause when I need a friend every one of their albums keeping all their its still you...What a mess.” I don’t fans happy. It’s hard for me to distinguish think there was a better way to end now what songs were the best because they the show. Alison Reach Features Editor
Air Force crashes, Army victorious by Heather Mazzjuccaro Sports Editor The tension had been building for a week. Toilet paper was strewn across the yard of the Air Force detachment and also in the Army ROTC hallway. Web pages were hi jacked. faxes were sent between the two of fices, and chalk drawings and slogans could be found around campus. However, the real battle was not in the war of pride on the cam pus but on the football field Saturday morn ing. On this blustery day, the Army ROTC would show the Air Force ROTC who con trolled this campus. The Army wasted no time in their con quest, forcing the Air Force back into their own end zone for a safety, bringing the score to 2-0. With 11:30 left to go in the first quar ter, Cadet Donahue (Army) scored a field goal. The score remained 5-0, Army at the end of the first quarter. The second quarter saw much of the same. Army started things off with spectacular runs by CPT Kamaze and MSG Gleason that even tually set up the touchdown by CPT K. A
quick two-point conversion later and the Air Force deficit increased to 13 points. The Army defense continued to shut down the Air Force’s offensive attempts and finally got the ball back for another touchdown recep tion, this time by CPT Decker with 4:55 left to go in the half. Then, with only 7 seconds remaining on the clock, SFC Scroggins threw the ball 33 yards and it was caught by Cadet Morrison in the end zone for yet another Army touchdown. The score at the half was 25-0 in favor of the Amiy ROTC team. During halftime, the Air Force must have came up with a plan bccause they scored the first touchdown of the second half with a run by Cadet Meades. As a result, the Air Force inched up to 6 points. Army, on the counterattack, again hit Cadet Morrison who ran a short 10 yards into the end zone for his second touchdown of the day. Not giving up. Air Force came right back at the Army cadets, when Cadet Ilangantileke ran to the goal line for a second Air Force touchdown bringing the score to 31 -12 at the end of the third quarter. See Army, continued to page 2
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s News....................................................2 Sports...................................................3 Arts <£ Entertainment.......................... 4 Student Governent Association....5, 10 West Street House................................ 6 Letters to the Editor............................. 7 ..... .... ...............
Computing..................................... 7,12 Club Corner........................................ S Announcement.................................. 10 Classifieds......................................... II Comics............................................... 11 What's Happening............................ 12
Its yourCampus Center so... by Jennifer Cooper Newspeak S taff
Recently, the Newspeak staff attended an informative campus center meeting. The end result was this: they want to know what we. as students, think. Please email Newspeak the answers to the following questions so that your input can help the development of the campus center. QUESTION 1. “Campus center” is kind of general - what would be a good name for the campus center? QUESTION 2. Imagine you are in the gor geous campus center, you are hungry so you go to the food court where it is set up kind of like a mall food court - what kind o f food would you like as choices? QUESTION 3. If there was one activity (rec reational) that would differentiate a good campus center from an amazing campus cen ter what would that be (bowling for in stance)?. Thanks! Please email your response to Newspeak (s'* with the subject as an swers.
They will die for you... Monique Simone-Teran University o f New Hampshire (U-WIRE) DURHAM. N.H. — It doesn't matter whether they are Squids, Jar Heads, Zoomies, Grunts or Coasties. they will die for you. The men and women o f the U.S. Navy, Marines. Air Force, Army and Coast Guard have taken an oath to sacrifice their lives for the protection of yours and your rights under the Constitution. Your right to choose betw een McDonald's Big Mac or Burger King’s Whopper is defended by these people. The right to a hot shower, warm bed and a cold beer (if you are legal) is protected. These people die for your right to buy gas for your car, and the abi lity to even pur chase one (if you have the cash or credit). Many people have died so that you can have the privilege to pierce your tongue, nose or eyebrow (or any other body part you so choose). So you can dye your hair fuchsia if you want, grow it down to your derriere or just shave it all off. People will continue to stand up for your ability to chose your sexual partner or even whether to have sex or not. They defend a woman’s right to sexual plea sure. (No clitectamies in this country.) Your religion is secure. You can worship whichever entity you choose - God, the Devil, Cindy Crawford or none at all. Our military will continue to defend your right to an education. Your freedom to speak
your mind, even if it means calling them “war mongers” or “baby-killers.” Your vote in the election of our governmental leaders, so you better know your candidates. I am a veteran. I swore to uphold the be liefs of this country, even if it meant that I might have to die. (What could I do? Throw a typewriter at them?) 1 am proud that I served. (Grateful I didn’t have to give a life or limb.) I never knew what patriotism was until I served in the Air Force. I signed my life away for more money and education ben efits; however, they taught me more than journalism and office politics. Now I cry dur ing the National Anthem (or is it just memo ries o f Basic Training?). I’m thankful every day. I listen or read the news and thank God I’m an American. Our country may not be perfect. Children are starving in our own backyards. Violence is tearing apart our youth. There is civil un rest among our cultures. Families are killing themselves. But we are striving towards equality, peace and prosperity, as our forefa thers (and foremothers) did. Veterans Day is Tuesday. It is a day of remembrance. Take time to thank those people who swore to uphold your rights and the rights of others. Remember those who died for your way of life. Think about those who are still Missing In Action. Sometimes they were led in the wrong di rection, but they always believed, fought and were willing to die for your rights.