1997 v25 i22

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The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

I n This I ssu e . . .


Weekly sports update .......3 Music reviews ............. ,...4 SGA candidate letters ....8

Volume Twenty-five, Number Twenty-two

Tuesday, November 18, 1997

WPI’s Pfizer undergraduate fellows by Mary Devlin, Emma Palmacci and Timothy Iskra, Class o f ‘98 This past summer, three WPI students had the opportunity to work as Pfizer Un­ dergraduate Fellows in various fields of scientific research. Pfizer’s summer Fellow­ ship program aims to increase students’ educational opportunities and extend their realm of knowledge with hands on experi­ ence in an on-campus laboratory. Each applicant developed an original research project with the guidance of a faculty mem­ ber and submitted their project proposal to Pfizer for evaluation. W PI’s Mary Devlin, Timothy Iskra and Emma Palmacci were among the thirty Fellows chosen from colleges and u n iversities around the United States to partake in summer re­ search. The three worked in laboratories on campus during the summer and were in­ vited to Pfizer Central Research in Groton Connecticut on Friday, September 26th to share their findings in a poster session along with the other awardees. The day included presentations made by Pfizer em­ ployees on their current research projects and a tour of Pfizer’s research facilities. The students’ poster session took place in the afternoon, and employees were given the chance to learn about the work completed over the summer. Students were also able to hear about the fresh and original re­ search emerging from other universities.

by Dave Smiley Class o f ‘98 Recently th ere’s been a great deal of press about the tragic results o f college students indulging in alcohol. Incidents such as the deaths at LSU and UMass have left indelible marks on the public’s percep­ tion of college drinking and the image of Fraternities and Sororities. The further tragic death of Scott Krueger at MIT and Fraternity brothers caught purchasing a keg underage has caused many people at WPI to wonder “are we next”. On behalf of the strong Greek system that we enjoy here at WPI, I would like to emphatically state “not if we can help it”. Stepping up to the challenge o f improv­ P H O T O BY R O G E R R il.E Y ing the Fraternity system and protecting its Three W PI Students were am ong thirty fellow s recently chosen from colleges and universities members and the WPI community, members around the US to partake in sum m er research. of the IFC and Panhel came up with several solutions. This year’s bid signing was on November 7,h and the IFC proactively passed Mary Devlin is a senior majoring in Bio­ cells. Mary's site-directed mutagenesis a resolution to make bid signing weekend a and enzymatic studies indicate that an chemistry. Her project investigated the struc­ dry affair. To help facilitate this, events were tural importance of two conserved amino acid oxygen in glutamine 923 plays a functional planned for that Friday night and they went residues in cation binding and transport in role in cation binding and transport. off with smashing success. Beginning with Mary’s project mentor Dr. Jose Arguello, the Na.K-ATPase. The gradients produced a scavenger hunt the new members were then an assistant professor in chemistry and by this ubiquitous eukaryotic cell membrane presented with tons of food and a comedian enzyme maintain cellular homeostasis and biochemistry, has studied the structureto provide alcohol free entertainment. The See Pfizer, continued to page 2 generate action potential in nerve and muscle comedian never quite struck a chord with the audience but the goal was achieved. This year's bid weekend was alcohol and incident free! Continuing with this positive trend, the celebration began at noon with an excel­ IFC and Panhel have organized a number of lent performance by Simple Harmonic Mo­ events for this week. Nationally the week ol tion. W P I’s talented all male a cappella November 17lhthrough 2 1"1is Alcohol Aware­ group. C ookies, cake and punch were ness week and it began at WPI with Rahn served. The library also provided gifts for Fleming speaking in Fuller on Monday night. its visitors: small black and red boxes con­ To encourage future generations of WPI taining white flashlight keychains (batter­ Greeks to responsibly use alcohol, all new ies included!) sporting the Two Towers members were required to attend the presen­ logo and “WPI Gordon Library” . The open tation. To mix in some fun, Wednesday night, house was a delightful event that I'd defi­ the “Blues Brothers” movie is playing in nitely recommend attending next year. Fuller at 8pm. For anyone who went to hear PH O TO C O U R TESY O F W PI V IRTUA L TO UR The George C. Gordon Library was dedicated on October 28,1967, a couple of years after its primarily by the George C. Gordon Trust Fund. the presentation on Monday, admission is George Crompton Gordon was an electrical free, otherwise its two dollars. Bryant Col­ initial planning. Before the library building was completed, each department maintained its own engineer and a WPI alumnus from the class of lege Peer Educators are presenting on Thurs­ 1895, who bequeathed $5 million to the school day evening in Newell Hall (Atwater Kent library, and the school’s main library was when he passed on in 1964. You can learn more 116). Their presentation is about all facets of housed in the basement of Alden Hall. Fund­ ing for the new library building was provided about him, about the history of the library, or relationship rape and should provide enlight­ about WPI in 1967 from the library’s open house ening information for any WPI student or ---------- .------------display cases (which were still up as of 11 -14). faculty. Friday at midnight there will be 3 on Or check out the library’s homepage: http:// 3 basketball games played in Harrington and Co ntents teams can signup in the mailroom Monday www.wpi.edu/Academics/IMS/ljbrary/ Editorial................................. .................... 9 This Newspeak staffer would like to con­ and Tuesday. tetters to the Editor .............. ............. 9, 10 IFC and Panhel encourage everyone to gratulate the library on a successful open International House ........... ................. 11 take advantage o f Alcohol Awareness week. Club Corner .......................... ................. 12 house, and on thirty years of dedicated ser­ 12, 13 Announcements................... vice to the WPI community. Many thanks As a Greek system wc would like to see ev­ West Street House ................. ................. 14 to the awesome members o f the library’s eryone treat alcohol responsibly and have a Classifieds .............................. ................. 15 great time too. staff!

Gordon Library celebrated 30th Anniversary by Sally K. House Newspeak Staff The George C. Gordon Library hosted its third annual open house on Wednesday, November 12, between 12:00 and 3:()()pm. This year the open house celebrated the thirtieth anniversary o f the library’s estab­ lishment in 1967. The open house featured a photo exhibit on the third floor, with a contest allowing attendees to vote for their fa v o rite p h o to s; a triv ia c o n test w ith prizes; and a used book sale with profits going to Library Director Helen Shuster’s bail fund for the M uscular Dystrophy As­ sociation Jail & Bail fundraiser. But what birthday party would be complete without presents, refreshments, and music? The



..............................2 N ew s ... Sports............................. ..............................3 Arts & Entertainment ......................... 4 ,5 Computing .................. .............................. 6 Writing Center ............ ..............................6 Student Government.. ................ 8, 10, 11 Ask President Parrish ........................ X, 10

An alcoholfree Greek Bid Week

11 .....

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