1997 v25 i4

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The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

I n T h i s I s s u e ... Black history in sports.... 3 SGA candidates................... 8

Volume Twenty-five, Number Four

Tuesday, February 11, 1997

Winter Carnival proves to be a tremendous success Despite the bitter cold and lack of snow, a good time was had by all by Dave Koelle E ditor-in-C hief Emeritus

S traightjackets at the SocCom m Pub show, w hile Jazz great Curtis F uller perform ed in A lden. At midnight, the Great Klondike Bar Hunt w as held. R unning aro u n d in freezing w eather in the m iddle o f the night, rum ­ maging around cam pus, show ed what some people w ould do for a K londike bar. Saturday was full o f fun and surprises. T he day started with som ething unique: a W inter B arbecue, courtesy o f DAKA. To top off the meal, a kiddie pool full of ice cream w as m ade available.

O u td o o r a c tiv itie s c o n s is te d o f F ro z e n T urkey B o w lin g , that lovely and unique sport where you try to get a strik e by th ro w in g a B utterball; B room ball, kinda like hockey, but with broom s and a ball (go figure); and C age B all, w hich you may recognize as that huge ball rolled out during Traditions See Carnival, continued to Page 5

T he 1997 W inter Carnival this past w eekend was a sm ashing success. The festivities began w ith a historical dis­ play o f the W inter Carnival in the Wedge on Friday afternoon, follow ed by the faculty/student social hour. F or the past week, much of the cam ­ pus was w ondering what Sex Squares was. It turned out to be the m ost en ter­ taining event the cam pus has seen in a long time. In Hollywood S quares fashion, W est S tre e t H o u se d ire c to r Tom B a lis tie ri a sk e d nine members o f the fac­ ulty. staff, and student body q u e s tio n s ab o u t sexual awareness. There w ere four team s, each r e p r e s e n tin g a c la s s year. The Freshmen beat the enthusiastic Sopho­ m ores (they even m ade T-shirts for their team !), and th e S e n io rs p u r ­ v e y e d th e ir s e x u a l know ledge to com e out ahead o f the Juniors. In the final round, it was the S eniors v ersus the F re s h m e n , and th e NEW SPEAK STA FF P H O T O / ED CAM ERON Freshm en won. Despite the bitter cold, many people showed up to participate in the festivities A fte r Sex S q u a re s , people had the o pportu­ of Winter Carnival this past Friday and Saturday. Above, a group of students nity to be entertained by “hacks” the cage ball, while the amazing and slightly dangerous sport of Turkey Bow ling (above, right) was just getting under way. Meanw hile, Sundeep Reddy the Friggs and the amus(right) was shooting for a new record in the chili pepper eating contest, sponsored in g ly b iz a r r e L o s by WPI Crew and Healthy Alternatives.

Students to attend model UN conference to be held in Boston by Ben Fischer Office M anager On February the 13th eight W PI under­ graduates will leave the environm ent that they have become accustomed to for an in­ ternational conference held by H arvard stu­ dents in Boston. The conference is Harvard's N a tio n a l M o d el U n ited N a tio n s

(H N M U N ’97). It is typically attended by around 2500 college students from around the globe, making it the largest in the United States and also one of the largest in the world. W PI's own Global Affairs Party (G .A .P), with help from Professor Rissmillerand some financial help from ihe Projects Office, will be sending eight students to H N M U N '97. See UN, continued to page 5

Ta b le of C o n te n ts N ew s..........................................2, 5, 6, 7 Sports..................................................... 3 Arts & Entertainment......................4, 14 This Day in History...............................6 Student Government Assoc........H, 10, 11 West Street House..................................8

•m —b mm i------m-------- m— -----— m— m—

Editorial................................................ 9 Commentary.............................. 9, 10, 13 letters to the Editor...............................9 Club Corner.................................. 12, 13 Classifieds........................................... 15 Police l j ) g ........................................... 16 -----

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Ariza becomes director of new summer program Courtesy o f WPI News Service Eileen N. Ariza has joined the WPI adminis­ tration as ESL (English as a Second Language) director. In this new position, Ariza will be re­ sponsible for planning and implementing the university’s ESL Summer Institute, an inten­ sive, five-week program designed for interna­ tional students planning lo study engineering or science in the United States. The program will debut in July. Throughout the year, Ariza will serve as an ESL resource to international students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs at WPI and will test and teach ESL to interna­ tional teaching assistants. She will be working out of an office in Alden Memorial until early summer, when she and Tom Hartvig Thomsen, assistant director o f student life, will move to the new International House at 28 Trowbridge

Road. Thomsen’s title will then be changed to director o f international students and scholars to reflect the scope of his duties here. A riza earned an Ed.D. in m ultilingual/ multicultural education at the University o f Massachusetts in Amherst, M.AT.s in English to speakers o f other languages, Spanish as a second language and bilingual/multicultural education at the School of International Train­ ing in Brattleboro, Vt.. and a B.S in elementary education at Worcester State College. Before coming to WPI on Feb. 3, she was assistant professor of Spanish and ESL and director ol the ESL program at Tusculum College in Greenville, Tenn., and she taught part-time and summers in the Harvard University Extension, where she received the Excellence in Teaching prize in the summer o f 1996. She previously taught ESI. in several area institutions, includ­ ing Wellesley High School, Dean College and Quinsigamond Community College.

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