1997 v25 i5

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The StudentNewspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

I n T h i s I s s u e ... 4 Stereogram .................. ....14 Police L o g ................... ....16 ....

Volume Twenty-five, Number Five

Tuesday, February 18, 1997

Skull taps sixteen in annual ceremony by Myles Walton Class o f 1997 Skull, the organization founded in 1911 to honor senior students and later faculty, staff, and alumni for their contributions to the a d ­ vancement and betterment o f the university; recen tly tapped sixteen new can did ates. Those candidates are: Alex C. Papaioannou has been tapped as a deserving alumnus o f the Institute. A1 re­ sides in Foxboro, M assachusetts and p e r­ form s as a representative o f the Foxboro Company. As an undergraduate chemical engineer, A1 was a member of Theta Chi F ra­ ternity, the Glee Club, Masque, A.I.Ch.E. and the Skeptical Chemists. As a m ember o f the class o f 1957, he also served on the Interfratem ity Council and as the Rush Chairm an of his fraternity in addition to running track here at Tech. Upon graduating he was com m is­ sioned as a first lieutenant. A1 now actively serves on the Alumni Council as well as the Executive Alumni Council, and has been an integral organizer o f Reunions at W PI for some time. M ichael Kearns a major in civil engineer­ ing from Saugus, MA is the President-elect of Theta Chi. He is involved in American Society of Civil Engineers, the Student G ov­ e rn m e n t A sso ciatio n , and the S tu d en t Alumni Society. In addition, he has also ran cross-country here at WPI. He has also been an Orientation Leader and involved in the W inter Carnival in addition to being a Peer Learning Assistant. Jennifer Sapochetti, a civil engineering student from Salem, NH. She has dedicated her time to Alpha Gamma Delta, American Society of Civil Engineers and the Student

Alumni Association. She has also been a Crimson Key tour guide for campus orienta­ tions for 1995 and 1996 in addition to being an Orientation Leader. Jonathan Reynolds, an electrical engineer­ ing students from Providence, RI, is a mem­ ber o f Simple Harmonic Motion while being a Business M anager for 2 years in the same organization. Jonathan is a tutor for electri­ cal engineering in addition to being a mem-

Skull, the organization founded in 1911 to honor senior students, faculty, staff, and alumni fo r their contribu­ tions to the advancement and betterment o f the university; recently tapped sixteen new candidates.

her of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu. Jessica Sands, is a computer science m a­ jo r from Yarmouthport, MA. She has per­ formed many roles, both onstage and back­ stage, at W PI for both Masque and the M.W. Repertory Theatre Co. She served as a Vice President for Masque during her junior year. In addition, she is a member o f the Rho Kappa cast of Alpha Psi Omega. Finally, she is a member o f Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority. Matthew A rner is a mechanical engineer­ ing student from Andover, CT. He is the President o f Alpha Tau Omega and a mem­ ber of the Global Task force for the strategic planning committee. He is also a member o f American Society of Mechanical Engineers,

Tau Bela Pi and O rder o f Omega. Matthew is also a member o f the W PI baseball team. Bonnie Gelbwasser originally from Brook­ lyn, NY is the A ssistant Director o f the WPI News Service. She is a member o f the Advi­ sory Board for the Society o f Hispanic Pro­ fessional Engineers. She is also a member of the UMass Cancer C enter’s Campaign for the Cure (UMMC). In addition to being a mem­ ber o f the UMMC she is involved in creating the first statewide Breast C ancer Resource Guide in the nation. Som m yr Pochan is an electrical engineer­ ing major from Penfield, NY. She is a WPI tour guide, female pen-pal, and a WPIR Disk Jockey. She has also been the Co-Captain of the w om en’s soccer team in addition to be­ ing a member o f the Eta Kappa Nu. This is in addition to the fact that she is also an Orien­ tation Leader. Jeevanadhar R am apriya com es to WPI from Billerica, MA and he is majoring in man­ agement information systems with a minor in computer science. He is president o f Lambda Chi Alpha, an organization o f which he was previously the social chair. Jeevanadhar is See Skull, continued to page 9

Dyson to speak at Black History Month event Gloria Taylor-Neal Assistant Director Minority Affairs and Outreach Programs The keynote speaker for Black H istory M onth will be Dr. Michael Eric Dyson. T he noted author, cultural critic, university p ro ­ fessor, public intellectual and ordained B ap­ tist minister will be on campus Monday, F eb­ ruary 24 and will present a lecture on race relations in America . As one o f A m erica’s leading intellectuals, he reveals the hidden rules o f race that dominate politics, society, and cultural life. Best known for taking black studies “to the streets” with his passion for popular culture and his com m itm ent to ur­ ban youth, many including The New Yorker says he is becoming “the most dynamic force in the American intellectual arena since the fifties.” D y so n , w ho e a rn e d his P h .D . fro m Princeton University, has taught at Hartford Seminary, Chicago Theological Seminary and See Dyson, continued to page 8

Dracula takes a bite out of WPI

February 19th is Project Night Courtesy o f WPI News Service On Wednesday, Feb. 19, WPI faculty will kick o ff the second phase o f promoting op­ portunities to students for the 1997-98 aca­ dem ic year. In the first phase, in November, students were invited to apply for openings in the global IQP program. Project Opportunities Night will focus on M Q P’s sponsored by companies; externally sponsored IQP opportunities (most within commuting distance) and IQP clusters with unique themes will also be featured. The evening will have three components: a gen­ eral overview of the project selection pro­



cess at 6:30 p.m. in Perreault Hall; breakout sessions at 7 and 7:30 p.m., when faculty will give presentations in reserved classrooms; and a Projects Fair from 7 to 8 p.m. in Fuller Lab’s upper lobby, where students can get handouts o r discuss project opportunities with faculty stationed at information tables. Faculty who have actively participated in this program in the past will again be invited. Those who have not taken part in previous programs and who wish to represent an e x ­ ternally sponsored group o f projects or a unique cluster if IQP’s with a central theme, may have their names added to the invita­ tion list by calling ext. 5457 as soon as pos­ sible.




Student Development..............................9 N ew s ..................................... 2, 8, 9, 10,13 letters to the E ditor .................................9 Sports.....................................................4, 5 Club Corner .....................................12, 14 Arts & Entertainment....................... 6, 14 Classifieds ...............................................15 Announcements....................................... 7 Comics..................................................... 15 Today in History....................................... 8 Police L og ...............................................16 Graduate Student Organization........... 8 --------------------------------- — ------------- r 1 I■■M -------------------------- ----- — —


M.W. R ep’s production of D racula, d ire c te d by M a tt D ow ling an d s ta r r in g Jim M id g e tt, w as perform ed to capacity crowds in Riley Commons this past weekend. T his was only the second time this p articu lar production of D racula has been perform ed, the first time being in 1981, when it was w ritten. O th er members of the cast included J o e P lu n k e tt as th e e c c e n tric P rofessor Van Helsing; Je n n ifer Lowell as the innocent victim, Lucy Western*?; and Ryan B lanchard as the deranged R.M. Renfield.

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