1997 v25 i8

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The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

I n T h is I s s u e ... The Varsity games .......... 4 April 1st: Get ready ........7 Promotions........................9

Tuesday, April 1, 1997

Volume Twenty-five, Number Eight

Top Sufficiency students to be given awards Courtesy o f Humanities & Arts Department The H um anities & Arts D epartm ent’s an­ nual cerem ony for the Class of 1879 Awards, given to the best Sufficiency Projects com ­ pleted in 1996, will take place on Thursday, April 3, at 4:30pm in H iggins H ouse. At the cerem ony, the 58 entrants in the co m ­ petition will be recognized and the 19 H on­ orable M ention winners will be given c e r­ tificates. A highlight o f the ceremony will be the announcement o f the year’s top three win­ ners, who have been selected from the Hon­ orable Mention group but whose names will be kept secret until the April 3"1event. These three winners will be given cash awards and cited on a plaque in the Humanities and Arts Department. The faculty who advised the winning projects will also be honored at the awards ceremony. Each year approximately 550 Sufficiency Projects are completed. The 58 entrants for the aw ard this year represent all the disci­ plines of the Humanities & Arts Department: History, English Literature and Writing, Phi­ losophy/Religion, Music, Art History/Archi­

tecture, and Foreign Languages. According to Professor Laura M enides, Chair o f the Awards Committee, “it was a pleasurable task to read the pro jects subm itted for these awards. They are the good, better, and best projects, and they demonstrate the high qual­ ity of work performed in humanities and arts at WPI. The Class of 1879 Award, surpassed in lon­ gevity only by the Salisbury Prize, is the sec-

A highlight o f the ceremony will be the announcement o f the year’s top three winners, who have been selected from the Honorable Mention group but whose names will be kept secret until the April 3rd event. ond oldest award given to WPI undergradu­ ates. The prize was originally given by the Class o f 1879 for the best essays written by WPI students. Several years ago, the D e­ partment of Humanities & Arts restructured the aw ard com petition to honor the m ost outstanding Sufficiency Projects com pleted in each calendar year.

T his y e a r’s Awards C om m ittee has made further refinem ents by announcing H on­ o rable M ention w inners b efo re the cer­ em ony and by keeping secret until the ac­ tual event the names o f the top three win­ ners. Professor M enides said, “we thought to add some more suspense and excitem ent to the event in this way.” The Awards Committee, which in addition to Professor M enides, includes Professors Steven Bullock and Roger Gottlieb, has an­ nounced the following as Honorable Men­ tion winners o f the 1996 competition: • Greg Amiro, “The Rock ‘n ’ Roll Renais­ sance” • N athan Berube, “ Anim al R ights” • Slade Brockett, “Gad Hammarskjold and the Congo C risis o f the 1960s” • Stacie M arie C osta, “ Philosophy in the M artial A rts” • Nate Cote, “The U-boat: W hat Was and W hat C ould Have B een” • Brian Dannaker, “T he D evelopm ent o f Am erican M ysticism in N ature” • Sandra Davis, “Oui, on le veut: The 1995 Quebec Secession Campaign” See Sufficiency, continued to page 7

Students win prizes for hitting the mark in recent design competition Courtesy of WPI News Service Four WPI student teams built award-win­ ning vehicles that hit the target in Tau Beta Pi’s Design Competition on March 22. Par­ ticipants were challenged to construct a ve­ hicle that could deliver a set of “bom bs” to m arked scoring regions via a cable that stretch ed from the first balcony to the Harrington Auditorium floor. Each team was given 2Vi hours to build their contraption from a bag of materials that included a mouse­ trap, coat hanger, soda bottle, rubber bands, foil, string, foam board, and a ruler, dowel, duct tape, hot glue, clothespins and utility knife. The projects were then presented to judges from Lockheed Martin, which pro­ vided the prize money. Contestants were See Design, continued to page 7

Organizations lend a helping hand better the community. After a successful Christmas giving tree this winter, the Newman Club recently sent The past few months have been a great 19 enthu siastic students to the Y ouville success for community service at WPI. The house to paint three stories of corridors. G reek s and o th er cam pus g ro u p s have The Youville house is a family shelter that proved to be a great force lor WPI in helping provides a transition stage for mainly hom e­ less women and their chil­ dren to get them back on their feet. The shelter is emergency housing when hom elessness cannot be avoided, allowing approxi­ mately 15 families to live there for three to n ine months. The Newman club has been fixing up the Youville h ouse for a few y e a rs now, and Youville is happy to see them return every March. Other positive accom ­ p lish m e n ts have co m e from Zeta Psi, Theta Chi, As part of an ongoing community service campaign, some of the and Lambda Chi. After brothers from Lambda Chi Alpha painted the dining room of a local See helping, continued Veteran’s shelter, above. to page 7

by Alison Keach Features Editor

Ta b le


N e w s ..................................................... 2, 7 Arts & Entertainment............................. .? Sports......................................... 4, 5, 6, II Graduate Student Organization........... 6 le tte rs to the E ditor.................................7 Com mentary............................................. 7

Contents Club C orner............................................. S Community U pdate.......................... 9, 10 Classifieds.............................................. II Com ics.....................................................II Police l<og.............................................. 12 Wliut's Happening................................12

If, while walking home from last Sunday night’s movie, you noticed that the moon was disappearing, don’t worry. That night was a relatively active night for celetial happenings, as one could see the comet Hale-Bopp, lunar eclipse, and Mars all in one night.

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