1997 v25 special

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Tuesday, April 1, 1984

The Student Newspaper of Y/e Petfer Initials

I n T h is I s s u e ... Tunnels are a hoax ..... . . . . 2 Cult corners .................. ....4 Thought Police log ..... . . . . 8

Real Parrish and Socko: who’s in charge here? brain to form under the center knuckle. els. Can you im agine drying o ff after a breezes, rustling the fine hairs .... But I di­ gress. H and dryers are the next big change. NB: W hat did you do over the next few show er with a paper bag. The rush o f warm NB: I ’m sure the question m ost on y ears? ev ery b o d y ’s mind is: Why the sock? RH: Well it took RH: It was winter, I was cold. C an’t me a few w eeks to be too careful these days. le a rn e n o u g h to NB: Tell us: How much o f an im­ function. A nd until pact does Socko have on decisions I cam e to W PI I was content to ju s t offer m ade by the Big A ? RH: Oh, you'd be surprised. C am ­ a few su g g e stio n s pus C enter? Not a chance unless now a n d a g a in . good ol' Socko here approved. Now that I am here I NB: For how long has Socko been plan to start radical w ith you? changes. I decided RH: Well, S ocko and I go back that I w as no longer quite some time. You know how those content w ith being sock puppets can b e so hard to get in the pocket all of the tim e. aw ay from. NB: W hat is the NB: Not really. b ig g e s t p o lic y RH: That's okay, I don't ex p ect ev­ change you plan to eryone to understand. President Parrish is first sighted with Socko during a conference. People NB: I suppose that is not neces­ im plem ent at W PI. attending the conference had trouble distinguishing the real puppet. RH: H and d ry ­ sary. Well, Thank you very m uch for ers. T here is noth­ this unique opportunity. ing w orse after w ashing than having to rub a ir is m uch better. The warm air sw eeping RH: A nytim e. Say good bye, Socko! m yself raw on these sandpaper-like tow ­ o v er you is rem iniscent o f warm sum m er Socko: G ood bye, Socko!

by Armand Junger Sources close to C om rade Parrrish have disclosed the true inner w orkings o f the A dm inistration. In a recent interview our source inform ed us that the true decision pow er is held by P a rrish ’s sock puppet, Socko. W hen Parrish was confronted with these accusations he decided not to com ­ m ent, how ever, his right hand agreed to an interview: N ew sbeep: W hen did you becom e the leading decision-m aker at W PI? R ight-H and: Well when the rest o f my body becam e P resident this year I cam e along for the ride. W hen I found that I could have the entire com m unity in my grip I decided to take over. NB: How did you becom e so intelli­ gent? RH: W hile my body was w orking on an E lectrical E ngineering research project at the U niversity o f V irginia in 19 7 1 I re ­ ceiv ed a v io len t e lectrical shock. T his shock apparently activated dorm ant parts o f my DNA and caused an extrem ely dense

New tradition started at WPI by Scythe Xanthopoulous Waklszkiewicz Sort-of -a-reporter The Inner Party has determ ined that WPI does not have enough obscure, pointless traditions. To give the current generation o f W P I s tu ­ dents a closer co nnectio n to th e a lr e a d y w a rp e d h i s ­ to ry o f th e s c h o o l, th e Cult Festival, a new tradition, has been initi­ ated this year. T h e C u lt F e s tiv a l is a w e ek lo n g e v e n t, c e l­ e b r a tin g c u lt pride. In order to p ro m o te un ity an d d i­ v e r s ity , all types o f cults are encouraged to p artici­ pate. R epresentatives from a wide variety o f cults participated in this y ears’ cult fes­ tival. Som e cults represented include: Sa­

Ta b l e A p r il A p r il A p r il A p r il

F o o l s .......... F o o l s .......... F o o l s .......... F o o l s ..........

....................... 1 ........................2 3 .......................... 3 .......................... 4

tanic C ults, O rw ellian Societies, SGA, the C ult o f C thulhu, Skull, the O ne T rue Holy C elestial Path o f E nlightenm ent Through Spritual F ortitude (form erly know n as the R ailroad club), the C arrots, and the newly


form ed W ashburn cult. The O rder o f Apathy has been excluded from the cult festival this year for lack o f


See C ult Week coninued on p a g e 2

F ools A p r il A p r il A p r il A p r il

F o o l s ....................... ............. 5 F o o l s ........................ .......... 6 9 F o o l s ........................ .......... 7 4 F o o ls -ex tra - ........ 666

WPI’s front page held hostage by Diva Koala Editor Amaretto

homepage and the FBI homepage. “We’ve been hacked!” sighed Big Brother Parrish, until he saw the ransom note. Then he understood the true nature o f the situation. Pablo Verde, a WPI student recently cred­ ited with finding a bug in a major M acro$oft application, had som ething to saw about this as w ell: “ Heh heh. C o o l.” With any luck, the web page hostage takers will discover that the WPI community really does appreciate all of the work that goes into a five-star web page. Even though it requires a helluva lot of docum ents to be HTM Lized.

The W PI Web Page M asters™ , Trojan T hom aspson and A im ey M arrrr, have held the W PI hom epage hostage! D um -dum dum! Until their dem ands are m et, the hostage takers have put up a new hom epage on the Web (h ttp ://w w w .w p i.ed u ). W P I’s new front page advertises the true m eaning o f our acronym — We Prefer Initials — as well as silly graphics. “Our dem ands are simple,” wrote the evil­ doers in their HTM Lized ransom note. “We want <B>each</B> and <B>every</B> member o f the We Prefer Initials com m unity to appreciate the hard work that goes in to a re s p e c ta b le homepage. We will take prisoners! You just don’t understand all the time it takes to make this thing look good < I> and< /I> work well !<BR>” Marrrr added, “If I have to put HTML tags in one more freakin’ document I ’m going to get out my G lo c k and m u rd e riz e someone dead.” This recent develop­ ment comes on the heals o f W PI’s web page “win­ ning the gold” as well as NEWS REAKS STAFF PHOTO / SOCIALIST STAFF PHOTO the recent hackings o f such pages as the CIA The WPI homepage, until the terrorists' demands are met.

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