1998 v26 i1

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W e a t h e r ...

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Rain most likely today with a chance of rain or snow tomorrow and Thursday. Lows in the 20's to mid 30's , highs in the mid 30's to 40's for much of the week.

Volume Twenty-six, Number One

Tuesday, January 13, 1998

Tenth annual ISO Dinner brings campus together by Jason Craley Newspeak Staff On Saturday, December 6, 1997, the International Student Council, (ISC), held its tenth annual Interna­ tional Dinner in Alden Hall. A p­ proximately 200 people attended the event, the highest dinner a tte n ­ dance to date. T he IS C -sp o n so red event in ­ cluded the participation of several diverse national, ethnic and reli­ gious organizations on campus. Several o f these organizations, in cooperation with DAKA food ser­ vices, contributed to a collection o f ten dinner dishes and four desserts, w hich included entrees such as Korean noodles, Vietnamese spring rolls, M exican chicken and MidEastern sweets. The evening also featured eight m usical perform ances which in ­ cluded Indian, Korean, Greek, and M uslim songs and dances. T he W PI Dance Club also performed a sp ecial re n d itio n o f a w altz to S trauss’ “ On the Blue D anube” ,

while violinists Josh and Zachary Addison, sons of Professor Bland Addison, played an Irish jig for the audience. During the Dinner, a collection o f special prizes w ere given out, in c lu d in g a g ift c e rtif ic a te to G om peii’s and ISC coffee mugs, courtesy o f both H ealthy A lter­ n a tiv e s an d the I n te rn a tio n a l H ouse. This year also marked a new ad­ dition to the International Dinner, as the ISC joined with the National Society of Black Engineers, (NSBE), in prom oting an N SB E holiday canned food drive. All attendees to the dinner were encouraged to bring at least one can to donate to th e d riv e . ISC c h a ir S ashe Kanapathi stated that both ISC and N SBE realized the advantage o f connecting the International Din­ ner with the canned food drive. Kanapathi believes this to be the beginning of expanding service-ori­ ented programs for future Interna­ tional Dinners. At its second year in Alden Hall,


Members of the Korean Association, Ji-Yong Moon, Mun-sook Kim, Young Jod Kim, and Hyun Ik performed the two modern korean songs, "Waiting for you" and "Now, Goodbye". ISC advisor Tom Thomsen sees the International Dinner as an invalu­ able asset to the holiday environ­ ment of the WPI community. “The din n er has alw ays been held in D ecem ber during the h oli­ days, and h a sn ’t been affiliated

Evidence found of escape from black hole by Kathy Sawyer The Washington Post WASHINGTON - Astronomers have detected method in the m ad­ ness around a black hole 40,000 light-years away, where a titanic version of Yellowstone’s Old Faith­ ful geyser has been erupting at regular intervals about every half hour in je ts o f hot gas traveling

more than 600 million miles per hour. The findings indicate that it is, af­ ter all, possible to escape the in­ tense gravitational power o f a black hole even after riding to within 40 miles or so of the brink. A black hole is a collapsed object o f such den­ sity that nothing, not even light, can escape once it has passed through the dark boundary known as the “event h o rizo n.” B ecause black

Spreading Christmas cheer

ATO recently held a Christmas party for Worcester Area orphans before break. Over $900 was raised to help the children.

holes are therefore invisible, scien­ tists struggle to study them indi­ rectly, th rough th eir effects on nearby matter. In the case o f this particular black hole, its flamboyant flares of glow­ ing plasma, shooting out at 90 per­ cent of the speed o f light, have been a ttra c tin g a tte n tio n fo r y e ars. W hat’s new is that astronomers for the first time have been able to peer close to the bizarre heart of the ob­ ject and glimpse a synchrony in the processes that produce the star­ tling fireworks. They even trans­ lated the mood swings into a rhyth­ mic audio recording. ‘T h e great value o f these obser­ vations is that potentially they are giving us a key to answ er some big qu estio n s,” said Jean Sw ank o f NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Cen­ ter, one o f the researchers. “I be­ lieve this black hole will be one key to finding out lots o f things about black holes and jets.” The black hole, known as GRS 1915+105, is in the constellation Aquila (the Eagle), inside E arth’s home galaxy, the M ilky Way. T he new o b s e rv a tio n s , a n ­ nounced Wednesday at the annual w inter m eeting o f the A m erican Astronomical Society here, focused on a roiling disk o f matter, heated to millions o f degrees, that is spi-

See Black Hole, cont ’d to page 3

with religion, ” said Thom sen. “ T his enables us to bring together a mix o f faculty, students, alum ni and parents from different back­ grounds, w hich educates ev e ry ­ o n e on th e d if f e r e n t c u ltu r e s around them .”

Social Web finds yet another communications solution by Sarah Walkowiak & Justin Greenough Last fall, much to many student’s despair, the beloved events post­ ings were removed from WPI UNIX systems for various technical rea­ sons. The sequel to the events sys­ tem was a solution offered by the College Computing Center, known as the BBoard, a similar posting system , a c c e ssib le th ro u g h the World Wide Web, and in a text for­ m at through UNIX. Although the BBoard solved the problem o f un­ necessary posts and mail server clogging, many still do not utilize the system to its fullest potential. A nother service which has re­ cently begun filling the empty void left by the events removal is the So­ cial Web. The Social Web system was created last year by Troy Thompson, who is also an employee of the CCC. Users may login and get information abo u t events at W PI and oth er schools within the Worcester con­ sortium. However, both the BBoard and the Social Web, in the past, have been under-utilized because both the

See Social Web, cont’d to page 3

C o n t e n t s ... News .......................—.. 2,3,10 National News.........................3 Sports.................«...—.......----- 4 Arts & Entertainment........... 5-9 West Street House........... . 1C International House ............. 10 Computing............................. 11 Gaming.................................. 11 Letters to the Editor................11 Club Comer...........................14 Announcements.....................15 Classifieds.............................. 19 Comics............................... 18,19 What's Happening.................20

Rain m ost likely today with a chance o f rain o r sn ow tom orrow and Thursday.


L ow s in the 20's to m id 30's , highs in the m id 30's to 40's f o r much o f the week.

Volume Twenty-six, Number One

Tuesday, January 13, 1998

Tenth annual ISO Dinner brings campus together by Jason Craley Newspeak Staff On Saturday, D ecem ber 6, 1997, the International Student Council, (ISC), held its tenth annual Interna­ tional Dinner in Alden Hall. Ap­ proximately 2(X) people attended the ev en t, the highest d in n e r a tte n ­ dance to date. T h e IS C -sp o n so red event in ­ cluded the participation o f several diverse national, ethnic and reli­ gious organizations on campus. Several o f these organizations, in cooperation with DAKA food ser­ vices. contributed to a collection of ten dinner dishes and lour desserts, w hich included en trees such as Korean noodles, Vietnamese spring rolls. Mexican chicken and MidEastern sweets. The evening also featured eight m usical perform ances which in­ cluded Indian, Korean. Greek, and M uslim songs and dances. The WPI Dance Club also performed a sp ecial re n d itio n o f a w altz to S trauss’ “ On the Blue Danube".

while violinists Josh and Zachary Addison, sons o f Professor Bland Addison, played an Irish jig for the audience. During the Dinner, a collection o f special prizes w ere given out. in c lu d in g a g ift c e rtif ic a te to G om peii's and ISC coffee m ugs, courtesy o f both H ealthy A lte r­ n a tiv e s and th e I n te r n a tio n a l H ouse. This year also marked a new a d ­ dition to the International Dinner, as the ISC joined with the National Society of Black Engineers. (NSBE), in prom oting an N SB E holiday canned food drive. All attendees to the dinner were encouraged to bring at least one can to donate to the d riv e . ISC c h a ir S a sh e Kanapathi stated that both ISC and NSBE realized the advantage o f connecting the International D in­ ner with the canned food drive. Kanapathi believes this to be the beginning of expanding ser\ ice-oriented programs for future Interna­ tional Dinners. At its second vear in Alden Hall,

Exclusive Newspeak Interview with They Might Be Giants, who finished up their recent tour with a stop here at WPI.


M em b ers o f th e K orean A ssociation, Ji-Y o n g M oon. M u n -so o k K im , ^ ou n g Jod K im , and H yun Ik p erform ed the tw o m od ern korean so n g s, " \\ aitin g for you" and "N ow , G oodb ye",

ISC advisor Tom Thomsen sees the International Dinner as an invalu­ able asset lo the holiday environ­ ment o f the WPI community. “The dinner has a l w a y s been held in D ecem ber during the holi­ days, and h a sn 't been affiliated

Evidence found of escape from black hole by Kathy Sawyer The Washington Tost WASHINGTON - Astronomers have detected method in the m ad­ ness around a black hole 40,000 light-years away, w here a titanic version o f Yellowstone’s Old Faith­ ful gey ser has been erupting at regular intervals about every half hour in jets o f hot gas traveling

more than WX) million miles per hour. The findings indicate that il is, af­ ter all, possible lo escape the in­ tense gravitational power of a black hole even after riding to within 40 miles or so of the brink. A black hole is a collapsed object o f such den­ sity that nothing, not even light, can escape once it has passed through the dark boundary known as the “event h o rizo n.” Because black

Spreading Christmas cheer


ATO recently held a Christmas party for Worcester Area orphans before break. Over $900 was raised to help the children.

holes are therefore invisible, scien­ tists struggle to study them indi­ rectly, through their effects on nearby matter. In the case o f this particular black hole, its flamboyant Hares o f glow­ ing plasma, shooting out at l)() per­ cent o f the speed of light, have been a ttra c tin g a tte n tio n for years. W hat’s new is that astronomers for the first time have been able lo peer close to the bizarre heart o f the ob­ ject and glimpse a synchrony in the processes that produce the star­ tling fireworks. They even trans­ lated the mood swings into a rhyth­ mic audio recording. “The great value o f these obser­ vations is that potentially they are giving us a key to answer some big qu estio n s,” said Jean Swank of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Cen­ ter, one of the researchers. “I be­ lieve this black hole will be one key to finding out lots o f things about black holes and jets.” The black hole, known as GRS 1915+105, is in the constellation Aquila (the Eagle), inside Earth’s home galaxy, the Milky Way. T he new o b s e rv a tio n s , a n ­ nounced Wednesday at the annual w inter m eeting of the American Astronomical Society here, focused on a roiling disk o f matter, heated to millions o f degrees, that is spiSee Black Hole, cant J to page 3

with religion, ” said Thom sen. This enables us to bring togethei a mix o f faculty, students, alum ni and parents from different back­ grounds. which educates ev e ry ­ one on the d iff e re n t c u ltu r e s around them .”

Social Web finds yet another com m unications solution by Sarah Walkowiak & Justin Greenough Last fall, much to many student's despair, the beloved events post­ ings were removed from WPI UNIX systems for various technical rea­ sons. The sequel to the events sys­ tem was a solution offered by the College Computing Center, known as the BBoard, a sim ilar posting sy stem , a c c e ssib le through the World W'ide Web, and in a text for­ mat through UNIX. Although the BBoard solved the problem o f un­ necessary posts and mail server clogging, many still do not utilize the system to its fullest potential. A nother service which has re­ cently begun filling the empty void left by the events removal is the So­ cial Web. The Social Web system was created last year by Troy Thompson, who is also an employee o f the CCC. Users may login and get information about ev en ts at W PI and oth er schools within the Worcester con­ sortium. However, both the BBoard and the Social Web, in the past, have been under-utilized because both the

See Social Web, cont "d to page 3

S ix re s e a rc h e rs at U C S D S ch o o l o f M e d ic in e w ere rushed to hospital emergency room s after drinking coffee lac ed w ith th e n e u ro to x ic chemical ?^ B acrylamide... s' jfe .

Tattoos are becoming a spreading trend, not only among Harley fans but in the sports industry as well....

si § M m

C o n t e n t s ... News.................................2,3,10 National News......................... 3 Sports........................................ 4 Arts <6 Entertainment........... 5-9 West Street House.................. 10 International House............. 10 Computing............................ 11 Gaming................................. 11 tetters to the Editor............... 11 Club Comer ...........................14 Announcements.................... 15 Classifieds............................. 19 Comics.............................. IS, 19 What's Happening................ 20

P age 2

T u esd a y , Ja n u a r y 13, 1997

N e w sp e a k

N a t io n a l N ew s

Police launch investigation into UCSD coffee poisoning by Sara Snyder The Guardian (U. CA-San Diego) (U-WIRE) LA JOLLA, Calif.— Call it one wicked brew. On the morning o f Nov. 5, six researchers at the UCSD School o f M edi­ cine were rushed to hospital em ergency room s after drinking coffee laced with the neurotoxic chemical acrylamide during a lab meeting. A fter tests revealed that the quantity o f acrylamide found in both the coffee and the coffee grounds was too great to be dis­ m issed as an accidental contam ination, cam pus police launched a criminal investi­ gation into the incident. A ccording to UCSD A ssistant Police C hief Jay Dyer, campus detectives are con­ ducting interviews and gathering informa­ tion, but as o f yet, have failed to identify

any suspects. The poison victims, two graduate stu­ dents and four staff members, experienced “almost immediate nausea and weakness,” said Ruth Covell, an Associate Dean at the School o f M edicine. However, the amount o f acrylamide found in the coffee did not approach lethal levels and the researchers were able to return to work that same day. D espite this speedy recovery, C ovell said little is know n about the long term h e a lth im p lic a tio n s o f th is ty p e o f acrylamide exposure. “Most o f what is known about the ef­ fects o f acrylam ide has to do with periph­ eral nerve effects o f chronic exposure,” Covell said. ‘T h e re is little information in the literature about a single acute expo­ sure.” A crylam ide is a w hite, w ater-soluble

cry sta l used to m ake g els for p ro tein a n a ly s is . A c c o rd in g to C o v e ll, th is chem ical is common and easily accessible to th o se w o rk in g w ith in th e m ed ical school, but one that an outsider would be unable to attain. M edical C enter spokesperson N ancy Stringer said that the poisoned research­ ers were not all from one lab, but repre­ sented a variety o f labs. They cam e to­ gether that morning in a conference room in the Cellular and M olecular M edicine East building on the medical school cam­ pus to “discuss a com m on area o f re­ search.” Stringer said that the conference room is a meeting area com m only used by many different groups. Covell said that the cause of the con­ taminated coffee was “probably not” acci­ dental, but declines to speculate about a

possible motive for a poisoning attack. According to Dyer, the campus police are “trying to come up with a reason,” as well. Dyer said that the police have not com ­ pletely eliminated the possibility o f this in­ cident as a non-criminal occurrence. “O ur focus is the criminal aspect of it,” Dyer said. “But we can’t rule out any pos­ sibilities until we get to the bottom o f this thing.” According to Covell, researchers and lab workers are continuing their work amid an atmosphere significantly altered by this un­ solved mystery. In the afterm ath o f the poisoning, Covell said that researchers at the medical school are “understandably concerned,” and “probably more aware of their environment,” than before the inci­ dent occurred.

Man cites ex-wife’s internet “addiction” in divorce by Donald P. Baker The Washington Post UMATILLA, Fla. - Keven Albridge re­ calls the evening he came home from work and found his w ife Pam ela, “all sm iles. She said her m other had allow ed her to use her credit card to sign up for A m erica O nline.” Now, 18 m onths later, the Albridges are divorced, after Keven accused Pam ela in co u rt o f becom ing so addicted to the In ­ ternet that she neglected their two young children. The divorce decree, signed Oct. 1, does not mention Internet addiction, but Lake C ounty Circuit Court Judge Jerry Lockett aw arded prim ary residential responsibil­ ity for the children, o f ages seven and nine, to the father. U nder the jo in t cu s­ tody arrangem ent, Pam ela gets the ch il­ dren on w eekends and W ednesday a f­ tern o o n s. Pam ela denies she is addicted to her hom e com puter, but she readily adm its sh e has fou n d frie n d s an d s o la c e in cyberspace that were m issing at hom e. H er m istake, Pam ela said, was adm itting to the judge that she stays online “four or five hours a day,” exchanging m es­ sages with a group o f 20 or so regulars w ho originally got to g eth er on-line to talk about their pets but wound up b ar­ ing their souls to each other. A fter five or six m onths o f exchanging view s about their anim als, Pam ela said, “you run out o f things to say about your pets, and you turn to personal stuff.”

That’s how Pamela, 40, “met” a 52-yearold A rizona m an, who has visited her in Florida three tim es and who may not have helped her cause by accom panying her to the courthouse on the day o f the d i­ vorce hearing. Pam ela contends K even concocted the addiction theory so he could dum p her and m arry the attorney who filed the d i­ vorce petition for him. Iro n ically , the rela tio n sh ip betw een K even A lb rid g e and atto rn e y B renda Sm ith had its roots in a com puter too. Keven, 35, w ho said he plans to m arry Smith this spring, said he was introduced to her by a friend who installed a co m ­ puter in S m ith ’s law office. Pam ela contends it w as her husband’s affair with Sm ith, not her infatuation with the Internet, that led to the divorce. D ivorce arising from excessive Inter­ net use is a rapidly grow ing phenom enon, according to K im berly S. Young, a psy­ chologist and founder o f the C enter for O n-Line A ddiction at the U niversity o f

P ittsburgh-B radford, but Young said the A lbridge divorce is the first she knows o f in which a m other lost custody o f her children because o f the charge. Pam ela got her first com puter in 1995, using it to set up a bookkeeping system that tracked incom e and e x p en se s for K even’s one-person carpentry business, installing fences in the rural horse coun­ try here north o f O rlando. Because o f the rem ote location o f their house, four m iles from the nearest paved road, and surrounded by the O cala Na­ tio n a l F o rest, the A lb rid g e s h a d few neighbors. W hen she signed up for the popular In tern et co n n ecto r A m erica O n lin e in July 1996, she quickly discovered the no­ lim its world o f the Internet. W ithin weeks she went from a “new bie” (a new com er) to a skilled navigator on the W orld Wide W eb. Even so, Pam ela said her com puter use exceeded AOL’s m onthly base charge o f $9.95 for five hours use only once before

she opted for a flat rate o f $20 a month for unlim ited-use, an option introduced a year ago. K ev en a d m its th et he and P a m e la “d id n ’t have the greatest m arriage” when she started using the co m puter, so “I could deal with her neglecting me. But when it affected my children, I drew the line.” Pam ela crossed the line, according to K even, one night in O ctober 1996, when th eir daughter, Shannon, asked him to h e lp her w ith h o m ew o rk , say in g her m other had said she was “too busy” on the com puter, an accusation Pam ela de­ nies. Pam ela A lbridge wants to appeal the custody ruling. T hanks to a division o f property that left her the house, co m ­ puter, fax m achine and all the softw are, she has an idea for a hom e-based jo b , preparing menus for restaurants and of­ fering cam era-ready work for small busi­ nesses, on the Internet.


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P age 3

N e w sp e a k

N ews

1998 job market very strong, 2 national surveys report by Colleen Harvey Daily Northwestern (Northwestern U.) (U-W IRE) EVANSTON, 111. — N orth­ western seniors worried about finding a jo b after graduation might be pleasantly sur­ prised when they begin their search, ac­ cording to two surveys released in D ecem ­ ber. The tw o studies predict a high dem and for this y ear’s college graduates, partly be­ cause o f the strong econom y and partly because o f the decreasing number o f stu­ dents graduating with a college degree. One study, conducted by the National Association o f Colleges and Em ployers, found that almost 70 percent o f the em ­ ployers surveyed planned to increase newgraduate hiring and only 3 percent planned to decrease hiring. The study concluded that new-graduate hiring will increase 19.1 percent nationwide in comparison to last year. The 27th Annual Recruiting Trends sur­ vey, another survey on career placem ent, predicted a 27-percent increase in job open­ ings for 1998 college graduates. A ccord­ ing to the study, published by M ichigan State U n iv ersity ’s C areer S ervices and Placement, the p redicted increase is greater than any recorded in recent jo b market his­ tory. “This is the best jo b market in 30 years,” said William Banis, director o f N U ’s Career Services. “Northwestern is fortunate with the large num ber and wide diversity o f em ployers that are recruiting.”

In addition to the predicted increase in hiring graduates, the N ACE study predicts that the average starting salary for a ’98 graduate will increase by 4.6 percent. Over the last year, a variety o f factors have strengthened the jo b market for col­ lege graduates, including a steadily grow­ ing economy, low inflation rates and a low unemployment rate. In ad d itio n , the num ber o f students graduating with a bachelor’s degree will decline by 1.2 percent. With fewer gradu­ ates, a greater number o f jobs will be avail­ able. The M SU study also surveyed em ploy­ ers on w hat they were looking for in col­

Continued from pg 1

my jo b search to a few areas,” said Sara Rupp, a CAS senior who has been working with the placement center. Rupp said she has become aware of the strong jo b market. “I have noticed a lot o f em ployers on cam pus recruiting,” Rupp said. But the strong market has not benefited every job-seeker. “I’m not going into a field where the com­ panies are large enough to be affected by the good economy,” said Darren Meyers, a M cCormick senior majoring in mechani­ cal engineering who hopes to begin a ca­ reer in the outdoor industry.

AT&T to Buy Teleport Communications by Pradnya Joshi Newsday N EW YO RK - A fter m onths o f specu­ la tio n a n d ru m o rs, A T& T C o rp . a n ­ nounced Thursday that it will m ake its first strong push back into the local tele­ phone business by purchasing Teleport C om m unications G roup fo r$ l 1.3 billion, o r about $59 a share, and $1.1 billion in assum ed debt. The deal brings together the nation’s long-distance giant and an upstart entre­ preneurial company that has begun to chip away at the dominance o f local service pro­ viders such as Bell Atlantic Corp. by ca­ tering to business customers. The stock o f New York City-based Teleport, which

Social Web: Solutions BBoard, and the Social W eb work best when used with a web brow ser such as Netscape or Lynx. This makes the process o f viewing events more tim e-consum ing and reduces the number of people who will read the messages. In order to better serve it’s community, the Social Web has ch o ­ sen to expand and include a direct m ailing service. The direct mailing service allows Social Web m em bers to have events e-mailed d i­ rectly to them. To reduce the flow o f un­ wanted messages, the service may be cu s­ tomized so that the user only receives m es­ sages about selected topics. Examples o f m essage topics include: C am pus W ide Events, M eetings, Music, Exhibits, Films,

lege graduates. It reported that the demand for technical graduates and graduates with computer skills remains very high. Accord­ ing to the survey, some o f the most fre­ quently reques ted m ajors include com ­ puter science, information science, engi­ neering and business management. B anis e m p h a siz e d th a t NU se n io rs should use the Career Services department when searching for a job. Among the departm ent’s resources are a library and counselors w ho are available to help students set their careers in the right direction. “Even though I haven’t begun applying yet, they have helped me to narrow down

Lectures, and Athletic events. To sign up for the mailing service, login to the Social Web and select the Profile option from the “Odds and Ends” menu. In the column marked “Send me Daily Mail­ ings A bout:”, click on the boxes next to the topics you would like to receive mail­ ings about. Then, go to the bottom o f the page and select “Save My Profile.” If you do not have a Social Web account, you may obtain one (for free) by visiting the site at: http://social.wpi.edu. The Direct Mailing Service appears to be one o f many viable solutions the recent cam pus communication problems and will hopefully increase com m unication within the consortium and the school for the bet­ ter o f all community members.

had risen on the m erger rum ors, closed down 3 at 54. AT&T’s stock closed at 62, up 2. The acquisition, subject to regulatory approval, w ould give A T& T a secure foothold in the m arket for providing lo­ cal service to business custom ers, som e­ thing it has not been a b le to achieve since a 1984 court order broke up M a Bell, creating the long-distance business it is now, and spinning o ff local service to the Baby B ells. C ongress passed legislation in 1996 breaking down those barriers, and AT&T said T hursday it w ill build a new unit for local services w ith Teleport as the foundation. T eleport started out by pro v id in g w h o lesale co n n e c tio n s, but now se rv e s b u sin ess c u sto m e rs in 57 markets. The acquisition would follow a trend to­ ward long-distance com panies getting into local telephone service by buying estab­ lished carriers. The fourth-largest long-distance company, W orldCom Inc., had pur­ chased several com petitors to the Baby Bells before it announced it was buying the No. 2 long-distance com pany, MCI Communications Corp. “It certainly fits into the industry trend that w e 're seeing, w here long-distance com panies are trying to com bine with stro n g lo c a l c o m p a n ie s ,” said M ark Sirower, a professor o f m ergers and ac­ quisitions at New York U niversity’s Stem School o f Business. “There (are) a lot of specialized niche p layers g o ing a fte r th a t business c u s­ tomer,” Sirower said. AT&T had examined several strategies to get into the local mar­

ket again but this acquisition may make the most sense, said Bob Wilkes, an analyst with Brown Brothers Harriman. It had been rum ored to be looking at buying a Baby Bell, but that idea foundered when it be­ cam e clear regulators saw antitrust prob­ lem s. AT&T also had looked at leasing pieces o f networks from Baby Bells, but th a t’s not viable right now because the com pany would have to negotiate pricing state by state. AT&T’s chairman and chief executive, C . M ic h ae l A rm stro n g , sa id T eleport should be able to preserve its corporate culture after the acquisition. Teleport’s president and chief executive, Robert Annunziata, “is going to be in com ­ mand and in control o f a lot o f those entre­ preneurial people,” Arm strong said in a telephone news conference. “I ’m not go­ ing to let you assume that the AT&T that you know today is going to be big and bureaucratic tomorrow.” Cost savings for the merger partners will be relatively small in the beginning, but in the first full year o f combined operations, AT&T expects the companies will save $1 billion by operating together. That will grow to $2 billion a year by 2002, executives said. “A lot o f these synergies are based on grow th,” Arm strong said. “ It’s going to permit us to be much more cost effective when we go to that local exchange busi­ ness grow th.” About two-thirds of Teleport stock is owned by cable companies _ Cox Commu­ nications, Comcast Corporation and Tele­ com m unications Inc. _ w hile the rest is traded on the open market.

I0 B S IN THE GLOBAL M A RKET ..... Being Asian bilingual is your ticket to success. Interview w ith th e w o rld ’s top com panies a t th e Pan-Asian Job Fair, including: Adobe



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N ew sp e a k

Page 4

N e w s & Sp o r t s

Sporting tattoos is a spreading trend among student athletes by Sandra McKee The Baltimore Sun L et’s play word association: Tattoo. It conjures up a member o f the H ell’s Angels dressed in black leather astride a Harley. Popeye the Sailor with that anchor on his bulging forearm. A small man pointing to the sky and yelling, “De plane! De plane!” But in the 1990s, tattoos are seen every­ where, from the wrist o f a waiter in your favorite coffee bar to the biceps o f an ath­ lete in your favorite sport. W hen the Associated Press did a pre­ season survey of all 29 NBA team s, it found that 35.1 percent o f the players have tattoos. A lthough the NBA has Dennis Rodman, it does not have a monopoly. T a tto o s a re e v e ry w h e re in s p o rts . T h ey ’ve moved from the arms and chests o f bikers and sailors onto the arm s, backs, shoulders and ankles o f athletes from high school to college to the pros. The images range from heartfelt memori­ als to the whim sical, often on the sam e body. And the reasons for wearing perma­ nent body art? The answers are as diverse as the individuals who wear it. Tow son U niversity gym nast H eather Hanson, currently blond, “It’s been so many colors, I don’t remember my real hair color,” she says, has 22 body piercings and five tat­ toos. Hanson, 19, was 3 when her mother had her ears pierced and 17 when, accompa­ nied by her mom, “who had to come with me and provide proof of ownership”, she got her first tattoo, in memory of a former coach who was killed in an airplane crash. “His name was Stormy Eaton, and he was like my father,” Hanson says. “I used to tell him I’d like to get a tattoo, and h e’d laugh and say, The only tattoo you’re ever going to get is my name on your butt.’ He coached me at a club at home in Scottsdale, Ariz., for seven or eight years, and my mom knew the kind o f relatio n sh ip we had. When I told her I wanted to get this in his memory, she understood.” She has “Stormy Eaton” tattooed on the back o f her hip. At the end of a Ravens practice, more than a half-dozen tattooed players head for the locker room. Among them is fullback Tony Vinson, who has a large Darth Vader lo o k alik e on his arm w ith th e w ords, “ Know the Ledge.” Vinson says a lot o f his fraternity brothers at Towson State also got the design. “ Basically, it’s supposed to represent a Phi Beta Sigma standing on a ledge,” he says o f the image he got in 1994. “I did it because I wanted it. T here’s ju st som e­ thing about a tattoo that I like. I w ouldn’t have gotten it if I thought it was just a fad. I think it’s more than that.” It doesn’t matter that the tattooing pro­ cess is painful. “Like a hard pinch,” said Ravens punter Greg Montgomery. “Like a cat scratch,” said Dave Sobel, a tattoo artist. It doesn’t matter that it’s done with needles, or that a color pigment is in­ jected into the skin, more or less for life. “It’s not so painful you can’t stand it,” said Ravens wide receiver Derrick Alexander, who has three, a panther, a colorful snake and a scorpion, despite being “afraid o f

Left: Sophomore gymnast Heather Hanson, 19, has five tattoos and more than 20 piercings.

From Page One: Greg Montgomery, Baltimore Ravens punter, shows one of his tattoos.


needles.” Thousands o f years ago, tattoos repre­ sented tribal memberships. Later, they be­ cam e a class distinction, worn by high priests and royalty. In the mid-20th cen­ tury, tattoos became associated with devi­ ant behavior. “M ost people,” said sociologist Clinton R. Sanders in his book, “Customizing the Body: The Art and Culture of Tattooing,” “saw it as a decorative cultural product dis­ pensed by largely unskilled and unhygienic practitioners from dingy shops in urban slums.” But now, tattoos have changed again, moving into the mainstream. Athletes seem drawn to tattoos as ex­ pressions o f devotion and love, and Dr. Russell Hibler, a psychologist for Helix Behavioral Health at Union Memorial Hos­ pital, sees nothing strange in that. “A tattoo is painful to get,” said Hibler, “and it’s a way o f saying, 'T his mark of honor, that I can proudly show, I will carry for them forever.’ It’s speculative, but it’s an act o f chivalry. How much more civi­ lized and sophisticated, even if done in a plastic surgeon’s office, can a demonstra-

tion of love be?” Dr. Barbara Honig, a dermatologist with Metropolitan Medical at Good Samaritan Hospital said getting a tattoo carries a num­ ber of risks. There can be an allergic reaction to the

Weekly sports update: Results from January 2nd to January 8th by Geoff Hassard Sports Information Director Women’s Basketball (4-5) The wom en’s team opened the new year with a road game at Amherst. The squad was m issing som e key players as they dropped a 71-46 decision. Kate Burgess (N ew port, ME) led three E ngineers in double figures with 15 points. Freshman Lynn M ichalenka (Lincoln, RI) had 13 p o in ts and se n io r A n d re a K o d y s (Templeton, MA) had 11 points.

Men’s Basketball (1-6) The m en’s team was on the road as well to open their new year as they got in their

WPI Winter Sports Schedules Sat 1/17 .... .... W N E C **................. .4 :0 0 Wed 1/21 ....... BRANDEIS.............. .7 :3 0 Sat 1 /2 4 .... ...at C L A R K **........... .4 :0 0 Tue 1/27.... ...at WNEC** ............ .7 :3 0 Thu 1/29 ... ... at Springfield**..... .7 :3 0 Sat 1/31 .... ...at Coast Guard**.... . 1:00 Tue 2 / 3 ..... ...N O R W IC H **.......... .8 :0 0 Thu 2 / 5 ..... ... at S u ffolk................. .7 :3 0 Sat 2 /7 ....... ...CLARK** ............... .2 :0 0 Thu 2/12 ... ...SPRINGFIELD** ... .8 :0 0 Sat 2 / 1 4 .... ... at Babson** ............ 2:00


Thu 2/19 ... ...M IT ** ...................... .7 :3 0 PM Sat 2/21 .... ...COAST GUARD** .2 :0 0 PM Wed 2/25 ... ...CAC Toum -lst round7:30 PM **Constitution A thletic Conference Gamt

Womens Basketball ... In v ita tio n a l............. ... 1/3 PM Thu 1/15 ... ...T R IN IT Y ................ . 7:00 PM Sat 1 /1 7 ..... ..PINE M ANOR........ .2 :0 0 PM Tue 1/20.... ...at W N E C .................. .6 :0 0 PM Thu 1/22 ... ...at UMass-Dart......... .7 :0 0 PM

Sat 1/24 ....... at Coast Guard......... ..2 :0 0 Sat 1/31 ....... MIT** ...................... ..7:30 Tue 2/3 .. ...... CLARK** ............... ..6 :0 0 Sat 2/7.... ..2 :0 0 Tue 2 /10 ..7 :0 0 Thu 2 /1 2 ..... BRANDEIS............... .6 :0 0 Sat 2/14 ....... B A B SO N **.............. . 2:00 Tue 2/17 ...... Mt HOLYOKE** .. ..7 :0 0 Sat 2/21 . ..2 :0 0 Tue 2/24 ...... 8 Tourn-lst r n d ...... ..7 :0 0 Fri 2 /2 7 .. . 5:30

cars and went across the city to W orcester State. T he Lancers shot 51 percent from the field enroute to an 83-61 win. WPI got as close as seven points in the second half, but c o u ld n ’t su sta in th e effo rt. R yan Fournier (Charlton City, MA) led the way with 17 points. Classm ates Tim Briggs (Rutland, MA) had 14 points and D ana Griffin led WPI with 9 rebounds.

Special Event The women’s basketball team will be host­ ing their annual alumni game on Saturday, Jan. 17. The festivities begin at 11:00 a.m. with a basketball game amongst former play­ ers. This will be a prelude to the women’s game versus Pine Manor at 2:00 p.m.

Womens Swimming

http://www. wpi. edu/A cademics/Depts/PE/SportsInfo/Winter/

Mens Basketball

injected pigment, infections resulting from the use o f needles and exacerbation of skin problems such as psoriasis and eczem a. She also sees a lot o f people who have decided they don’t want them anymore. “People who want to have them removed end up at the people with the lasers, and that’s expensive and painful,” Honig said. But youths are seeing them everywhere: on athletes they admire, in television com ­ mercials, on MTV. W ashington C apitals left w ing C hris Simon, who is a member o f the Ojibwa In­ dian tribe, had a design o f a traditional In ­ dian bracelet tattooed around his upper left arm four years ago. He said he looked for such a design for tw o years before finally finding one he could live with for life. “In olden tim es, these bracelets w ere made from bone or wood with feathers and little beads,” he said, pointing to the d if­ ferent segments o f his etching. “I wanted it because it had special meaning to me. Anyone who decides to get a tattoo should think about it a long time.”


PM Sat 2/28 . ..4 :0 0 PM **New England Women's 8 Conference Gan

Mens Swimming Sat 1/17 ........ UMASS-DART* .... ..1 :3 0 PM Sat 1/24 ....... SALEM STATE*... .. 1:30 PM Sat 1/31 ....... at Clark..................... .. 1:00 PM Mon 2 /9 . ..7 :0 0 PM Sat 2/14 . 1:00 PM Fri 2 /2 7 .. Sun 3/2 ... ...... @ W esleyan............. .........TBA *Home meet held at Clark University

Sat 1 /1 7 ....... UMASS-DART.*.... .. 1:30 PM Sat 1 /2 4 ....... SALEM STATE*..... 1:30 PM Tue 1 /2 7 ...... at Westfield State 7:00 PM Sat 1/31 ...... at C lark .................... .. 1:00 PM Thu 2 / 4 ........ at Brandeis.............. ..7 :0 0 PM Sat 2 /7 .......... 12:30 PM Sat 2 / 1 4 ...... .. 1:00 PM Fri 2 /2 0 ......... New England Championships Sun 22 ...........


*Home m eet held at Clark University

Wrestling Tue 1 /2 0 ...... A1C/UMASS-LOW. .5 :0 0 PM Sat 1 /2 4 ........@ M IT/Trinity/W illiam sl 2PM Wed 1 /2 8 ..... at Plymouth State... 7:00 PM Sat 1/31 ........NECCWA vs METRO CONF @WP1..................... 11:00 AM Tue 2 / 3 .........COAST G U A R D ....... 7:00 PM Fri 2 / 6 ........... W E SL E Y A N ..............6:30 PM Wed 2 / 1 1 ..... at Roger Williams ...7 :0 0 PM Sat 2/21 ........NECCWA Tournament Sun 2 /2 2 ........@ Roger Williams 10:30 AM Fri 3 / 6 ........... NCAA Tournament Sun 3 / 8 ..........@ Upper Iow a........ 11:00 AM

P ag e 5

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A r t s & E n t e r t a in m e n t

Interview with John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants “ What we ’re doing and what’s considered the “groovy ” thing to do are very, very fa r apart. ” by Sarah Walkowiak Associate Editor SW: What is your initial impression of WPI? JF: I’ve only been here for about five min­ utes. I drove up the driveway the directions were extremely clear, and, uh, it looks like a gym to me. SW: W here do you get ideas for the themes and lyrics in your songs? JF: You know, that’s a very difficult ques­ tion to answer in a simple way, I think a lot of our songs sort of come out... a lot of times the melodies just sort of generate themselves and it’s something like you’re just walking down the street humming a song and you realize it’s a new song, so you just kind of look like someone who’s just humming to themselves, walking down the street... In terms of our approach to lyrics, I think that we try to avoid the sort of standard-issue “rock lyric”, and at the same time sort o f incorporate a lot o f the things about rock lyrical writing that probably attracted us to rock music in the first place, which is that there’s a lot of things about our songs that have a lot o f cultural references that are pre­ sented in kind of a low-key, everyday kind o f way. I think that it seems really disarming to people to hear a song that m ight’ve been written 40 years ago that has some cultural aside in it that is obviously from 1997.1guess we just approach lyrics in a very personal way, and we just try to do what we do best and we don’t worry how it’s going to fit into the rest of the world that much. In general, I feel like we’ve, for better or for worse, gone our own way as far as bands go, I don’t think it’s ever bothered us that we don’t fit into a movement or a trend. I think probably the closest we ever came to it was just kind of at the beginning of the whole college-rock/altemative-rock scene but even then, I felt like we didn’t really fit in because we weren’t

some regional band that had two guitars, drums and bass and some desire to carry on the punk rock tradition. I think in general we always had a more complicated take on music than that. So, it’s hard to say, but I just think that for us, I feel like w e’ve been very lucky just as a band because what we do is so different than commercial bands... It’s been an interest­ ing kind of journey for us to be a band that actually has sold records and found a na­ tional audience or interna­ tional audience for itself. In spite o f the fact that what They Might be Giants visit WPI campus December 13, 1997. John we’re doing is kind of on the margins of the culture, it’s like something that doesn’t exist on the radio story of our lives. ...and really is in general the kind of music for SW: How do you decide who gets to sing small audiences. the vocals for each song? SW: What can you tell us about your up­ JF: Mostly, there’s always a primary writer coming album? for any song. In a lot of cases, there’s a sole JF: I’ve got this Mono Puff [John’s side writer. John [Linnell] writes songs and I write project] album which is going to be released songs and we both contribute them to the this spring. That’s a very different record than band. And in a funny way, there’s kind of a the last Mono Puff record and most [They style for the band that we feel like is an Might Be]Giants records. It’s a very rhyth­ overarching thing. In some ways we feel like mic, and very different kind o f record. I we’re actually writing for this other entity worked with a DJ on a lot of it. Right now beside ourselves. I don’t think John or I have w e’re putting together this They Might Be ever approached songwriting as a confes­ Giants live album. Like a lot o f live albums, sional thing. I think we think of it as more like it’s a strange hodgepodge of different per­ writing a short story, we write a lot o f charac­ formances and incarnations of the band, with ter songs and we write from a lot o f different different personnel, and that’s going to have points o f view. It’s not really that important probably a half-dozen new songs. There’s who sings it, I think. I’ve sung some songs one song on it called “They Got Lost”, that’s that John’s written... We’ve done a lot of this very super self-involved story o f the songs together. I’ve sort o f been the male band. And so it seems like it’s perfect for a lead in some songs that seem like they need live album. It’s basically just about us driv­ a more straight-ahead voice, because John’s ing around, getting lost. Which is a very com­ voice is more... really like he always is John mon occurrence for us. It basically is the Linnell, whereas I think my voice has got more


Flansburgh plays guitar

of an anonymous general male tenor quali­ ties to i t ... There’s a song that’s going to be on this live album called “Reprehensible” that’s very croony. John sang the demo, and it sounds really good, but it also very much sounds like him. And when I sing it, it sounds a little more anonymous. And it seems like that’s what the song called for. You know, it’s not... In a way, John’s voice has got so much built-in character that sometimes I feel like I’m Art Garfunkel, I can do the official “tenor-guy” pretty voice thing when John wants it that way. SW: On your most recent album, Factory Showroom, the song “I Can Hear You” was recorded at the Edison Laboratories, how did you decide to go about recording the song that way? JF: Well, we were invited by the people at the Edison Museum to do this public demonstration of their wax cylinder recording de­ vice that Thomas Edison invented in the 1890’s. It’s sort of hard for people to imag-

See Interview page 6

WPI awed by They Might Be Giants by Jonathan Tanner Newspeak Correspondent They Might Be Giants presented a stun­ ning performance for the WPI campus com­ munity with their concert on the 13th of De­ cember. Having performed here once before a few years ago there was some doubt as to if their name would create enough interest on campus for a return invite, but with a huge turn out those fears were easily allayed. The concert started with the opening act of “Lincoln” performing for about an hour. They had a decent sound and might be a band o f note in their own right in another year or two. But, after an hour of hearing decent songs, but none o f note, the audi­

ence was ready for Giants to take the stage. Stalking out carrying their mic stands up­ side down the group broke into an almost impromptu sounding rendition of their clas­ sic “Spider”. From there they went immedi­ ately into one o f their most notable classics from off their Flood album, “Build aLittle Bird­ house in Your Soul.” W ith im pressive lighting thought the evening the stage seemed to be continually alive with the environments and places. At the beginning o f one o f their songs they employed what the group called their “Liv­ ing C onfetti C an n o n ” w hich produced enough confetti in the air that danced around and maintained itself throughout the whole song so that you could believe that it was in

fact alive. At another point during the concert they had everyone who was on the concert floor for a giant conga line that continued the whole time they played. Watching from above it was very impressive to see the entire audi­ ence moving as a cohesive yet chaotic unit. During “Particle Man” they went off into what they termed “a music eating virus” where they explored different sounding drum beats to where they eventually ended up with “Seinfeld” coming from the base guitarist. T he songs they perfo rm ed included enough of the old classics that the fans who are familiar with their work, but they also free styled on those throughout the night enough so even if you had heard the song 100 times

before there was something new for you to experience that night. They also treated the audience to a couple o f new songs that they’ve written, including “Mr. Worm.” They employed an unusually large staff that they would strike onto a sensor to pro­ duce the beat while they did an absolutely incredible rendition of “Lie Still Little Bottle” . And, after consenting to an encore, they came back for a performance o f possibly their greatest know n hit “ Istanbul (not Constantinople)”. They’re a group that I hope we are able to bring back as often as possible for they cre­ ated a show which people who were not fa­ miliar with their music could enjoy and those who know it had an absolute great time.

P age 6

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A r t s & E n t e r t a in m e n t

Interview with John Flansburg of They Might Be Giants Continued from page 5 ine, but basically the wax cylinder was not only the first recording device, but also it’s kind o f the predecessor o f the phono­ graph record. It’s basically the phonograph in a different format. But it also was the first m echanical reproduction o f sound. Except for music boxes, nobody ever had anything where there was a speaker making noise back at them, so it was really a big leap forward in terms of what technology was bringing people. And the topic o f the song is basically kind of a tribute to all the different ways that speakers intrude on our lives. It talks about car alarms that talk at you and intercoms and phones on airplanes and all these different ways that little squeaky, noisemaking devices are in our lives and the de­ vice it’s recorded on is the original thing that did that. So, it’s kind of a tribute to the wax cylinder recorder itself. And it was written for the demonstration. It’s a really crazy machine, it actually doesn’t involve

any electricity at all, which is really hard to imagine, but it was before electricity was widely available. I guess there were people doing electrical experim ents, but it cer­ tainly w asn’t like there were outlets in people’s houses. So it’s like this contrap­ tion that just has a spring loader that you wind up and this heated cylinder is placed on this thing that turns around and there’s a couple o f these giant cones that you sing into, and they collect the sound pressure o f your voice, just the physical sound pres­ sure o f your voice into this little tiny cone, the tiny end o f it kind o f vibrates a stylus, that digs a groove into this warm, rotating wax cylinder and that creates the groove that makes the sound and it’s such a crazy idea, yet it completely re-creates the phonograph setup perfectly and it was just a real interest­ ing experience, definitely a once-in-a-lifetime kind o f thing to be sitting there with a hun­ dred people at the Edison Museum singing into this giant cone and singing this crazy

song, it was really fun. It was something I’ll never forget, and it made for a really interest­ ing recording and after we did it we just thought “Hey we could put this on a record” and it’s not that far field. The engineers kind o f looked at us funny when we got to that track when we were mastering the record. SW: How did you get it from a wax cylin­ der to the recording? JF: The engineer at the sessions, this guy Peter Gill, who has a lot o f wax cylinder re­ cording stuff, he actually owned the recorder that they made it on, because nothing in the museum can actually be used, because they don’t want it to get degraded by use, so he brought in his own collection of wax cylinder recorders and we used his equipment. He’s got one that actually has jacks coming out of it that he plugged into a DAT [digital audio tape] machine, so it’s completely straight out o f the 19th century directly into the very tail end of the 20th. So, it was cool. SW: There was once an episode o f Tiny

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W o r n , h i s b u t f r l s a d a a r t a b o u t t o fe o o o a io I I I w o r s t a a a a t o a . A Fine Line Features a Jean Doumaman Production 'Deconstructtig Harry’

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Toon Adventures in which they had two o f your videos. Did you guys have any involve­ ment in this or have you seen it? JF: Basically, when they started up the Tiny Toons thing, Stephen Speilberg’s people called us up and said “We’re starting the Warner Brothers cartoons over again, are you interested in getting a big check for permis­ sion to use two songs which you’ve already recorded?” and we’re like “sound’s good”. Now people are kind o f used to the idea of Tiny Toons, but at the time it struck me as hyper-cute, because it’s like the baby ver­ sion of cartoon characters, so they’re already cute enough, and it just gets to a point where it’s almost like “How cute does it have to be”? It’s sort o f like baby Muppets. We were flattered, it was certainly lucrative, and in a strange way it’s kind of opened us up to a completely different audience and a very, very wide audience. A lot o f people found out about the band through that and they’ve certainly gone on to enjoy our music in a much more specific, focused way. So, it’s just like anything else you do in a career like ours. I just feel like it’s important if you’re in a band like ours and you believe in what you’re do­ ing. You’ve got to be open to the work that it takes to get your music to be heard. I think a lot of musicians have a very cynical attitude about how much the world is ready for them, especially if you’re doing anything that is pushy or edgy or in your face or has some asset to it that makes it not automatically fit into the general scene. For us, it’s actually a very positive thing to be thrown into the deep end of trying to make sense o f this crummy world in which we live in. I feel up to the challenge, and it really is a challenge. W hat w e’re doing and w hat’s considered the “groovy” thing to do are very, very far apart. SW: It looks like we’re about out of time. Thanks for talking to us. Author’s Note: This interview will be aired in its entirety on WWPI later this term, listen for details, or e-mail radio@wpi.edu for more information.

The Postman: A review by Jessica Morgan Graphics Editor Kevin Costner has once again outdone himself. The plot of the movie described the struggles of a man who just wanted to be alone, but through a string o f bad circum­ stances has to go into hiding. He makes up a story about being a postman to get food, but ends up with an army of postal workers all over the United States. Post-Apocalyptic films are usually slow in developing, and this one wasn’t any different. However, it sepa­ rates itself from the others through one main feature: Its scenery. The only reason I would recommend going to see this film bigscreen is just for that reason. The movie took place on location all over the western United States. There was no painted scenery, which means that if you put this movie in your VCR at home, it won’t have the same effect it does when the movie is in the theater. If you want to be awed by the movie’s scenery watch it in the movie theater; otherwise don’t expect to be impressed by the movie while watch­ ing it at home.

P age 7

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T u e sd a y , Ja n u a r y 1 3 ,1 9 9 7

A r t s & E n t e r t a in m e n t

Movie guide: Capsule reviews of current releases Courtesy o f Los Angeles Times Opinions are by Los Angeles Tim es re­ viewers. Ratings by the Motion Picture As­ sociation o f America are: (G) for general audiences; (PG) parental guidance urged because o f material possibly unsuitable for children; (PG -13) parents are strongly cau­ tioned to give guidance for attendance of children younger than 13; (R) restricted, younger than 17 admitted only with parent or adult guardian; (NC-17) no one younger than 17 admitted. An American Werewolf in Paris - A painfully anemic variation on John Landis’ witty and poignant 1981 “An A m erican Werewolf in London.” Not even the exquis­ ite and p e rsu a siv e Ju lie D elpy as the w erew olf can save this one. Tom Everett Scott is the likable young American o f the film ’s title. (R for werewolf violence and gore, and for some sexuality/nudity.) Amistad - Steven Spielberg’s recount­ ing o f an 1839 shipboard rebellion o f 53 slaves and its momentous afterm ath con­ firms the director’s mastery o f mainstream filmmaking, but broadness of character and situation hamper the film ’s ultim ate effec­ tiveness. Im pressive acting by D jim on Hounsou as Cinque, the revolt’s leader, and Anthony Hopkins as John Quincy Adams. (R, for som e scenes o f strong brutal vio­ lence and some related nudity.) Anastasia - Everything about this ani­ mated feature about the missing daughter o f the last Russian czar, from its attractive lovers to its too-cute animal sidekicks, is as familiar as familiar can be. Except it’s from Fox Animation, not Disney, which may portend the end o f a monopoly. (G.) As Good as It Gets - Starting with some o f the most unlikely romantic com edy pre­ mises imaginable, co-writer-director James L. Brooks and stars Jack N icholson, Helen Hunt and Greg Kinnear come up with a wise and unexpected fantasy that is as shrewd about relationships as it is generous with laughs. (PG -13, for strong language, the­ matic elem ents, nudity and a beating.) Deconstructing Harry - A bravura act o f self-revelation sure to infuriate as many people as it entertains, this com pulsively honest and funny look at the literary and love life o f a Manhattan novelist is one of w riter-director-star Woody A llen ’s most compelling films. (R, for strong language and some sexuality.) Firestorm - Firefighters battle a mam­ moth forest fire and a sociopath prison es­ capee. Howie Long, Scott Glenn and Will­ iam Forsythe star. (R for violence and lan­ guage.) Flubber - R em ake o f “T h e A bsent Minded Professor” finds Robin Williams concocting a physics-defying substance that may save his failing college. Uneven b u t g o o d -n a tu re d . W ith M a rc ia G ay Harden and Christopher M cDonald. (PG, for slapstick action and mild language.) For Richer or Poorer - Tim Allen and K irstie A lley are terrific to g eth er as a Donald and Ivana Trump-like couple, flee­ ing tax fraud charges and winding up pass­ ing them selves as an Amish couple, but their movie is overly long and over the top.

(P G -13, for some sexual innuendo and one use o f strong language.) Good Will Hunting - Actors and boy­ hood pals M att Damon and Ben Affleck co-w rote and star in the feel-good tale of a m ath genius who has the chip on his shoul­ der rem oved by understanding therapist Robin W illiams. Full of good spirits, but even more predictable than it sounds. (R, for strong language, including som e sexrelated dialogue.) Home Alone 3 - Another inane comedy from w riter-producer John Hughes, the in­ explicably successful m aster o f teeth-rattling, mean spirited comedy. Kids will laugh as much as adults groan. (PG, for slapstick violence, language and mild sensuality.) Jackie Brown - A tribute to two key influ e n c e s in w rite r -d ire c to r Q u e n tin T arantino’s creative life: w riter Elm ore Leonard and star Pam Grier. Too leisurely for its own good and hurt by a lack o f im­ mediacy, this adaptation o f Leonard’s “Rum Punch” goes down easy but is far from compelling. (R, for strong language, some violence, drug use and sexuality.)

John Grisham’s The Rainmaker Francis Coppola gives John Grisham’s tired formula, in this, an inexperienced attorney

takes on a negligent insurance com pany and its corporate lawyers, enough wit, char­ acter, emotion and style to m ake it not only the best o f six Grisham adaptations, but one o f the season’s most enjoyable films. (PG-13, for a strong beating and elements of domestic abuse.) L.A. Confidential - D irector C urtis Hanson has taken Jam es E llroy’s novel about L.A. cops in the ’50s and a fine en­ sem ble cast (in clu d in g K evin Spacey, R ussell Crow e and Kim B asinger) and turned out what looks to be the definitive film noir for this particular time and place. Cynical, hyperviolent, dripping with atti­ tude, it’s as unnerving as it is irresistible. (R, for strong violence and language and for sexuality.)

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - A chatty national bestseller about a mur­ der trial in brandy-soaked Savannah that was never film material in the first place has been turned by director Clint Eastwood into a listless and disjointed exercise in futility. (R, for language and brief violence.) Mouse Hunt - N athan Lane and Lee Evans do a fair impression o f Laurel and Hardy in this darkly comic, and too often shrill, “ Home A lone” knockoff about two

brothers’ inept attempts to kill a wily mouse inhabiting their inherited mansion. (PG for language, comic sensuality and mayhem.) Mr. Magoo - Leslie Nielsen is led up a blind alley in this relentlessly unim agina­ tive version the ’60s cartoon. Directed by Stanley Tong. (PG, for mild language and action sequences.) The Postman - D irector and star Kevin C ostner doesn’t seem to realize how silly his earnest futuristic film, about a p o st­ m an as savior o f civilization as w e know it, plays on the big screen. T hink o f “M ad M ax” directed by Frank C apra and you’ll get some idea. (R, for violence and som e sexuality.) Scream 2 - Ups the body count and strains m ightily to top the im pact of the original, leading to a m orbid and c o n ­ trived effect, despite considerable clev ­ e rn ess and scarin ess. N eve C am p b ell heads the list o f survivors from the first film . (R, for language and strong bloody violence.) Titianic - At $200 m illion and co u n t­ ing the m ost expensive film ev er m ade, Ja m e s C a m e ro n ’s ep ic sto ry o f lo v e aboard a doom ed ship gets its m oney’s

See Movie Reviews, continued to page 8

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T u esday , Ja n u a r y 1 3 ,1 9 9 7

N e w sp e a k

P age 8

A r t s & E n t e r t a in m e n t

WPI Dance Club sees “Blue Man Group me was the paint. The actors used paint (non­ toxic, I hope) to creative beautiful images. I had the unique opportunity to be a part o f one o f these displays, in fact. Toward the end o f the show, a Blue Man surprised the audience by climbing to the balcony and se­ lecting me for a part o f the performance. I was taken on stage, paraded around dramati­ cally for a few moments with my face on the giant video screen, and then instructed to climb into a jum p suit. The Blue Men then lead me backstage where I got a small taste of how the show is run- from behind the scenes. The audience watched videotape o f my body being hoisted up by my ankles, covered in paint, and then slammed into a canvas. Several minutes later, I appeared

The WPI dance club had their first event this year, and it was an experience that will last me a lifetime. We saw the show “Blue Man Group” on Tuesday at the Charles Play­ house in Boston. Although I had heard ru­ mors that it was a great show, everyone’s portrayal fell short of the real thing. I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you, so I won’t give too many details, but it is well worth the $25 student entrance fee. From high on the balcony, I watched the incidents unfold below. Using a variety o f media, the show had comical movies mixing live video footage from within the theater with

a collage of premade sequences, a four-man band, and lighting effects that leave me look­ ing at my pitiful dorm room decorations in disgust. The Blue Man Group’s musical tal­ ent is evident all throughout the performance. They drummed up a dizzying spectacle with their painted faces, swirling lights, and hu­ morous overtones. Above all, the show was funny. The interaction of the audience and the stage props was hilarious. Not often have I had the chance to see live video of the in­ side of someone’s throat, or watch a blue man fill his mouth with an unbelievable quan­ tity of mushy marshmallow material. Curi­ ous as to what I am talking about? You’d have to see it to believe it. The most impressive part o f the show for

Concert listings

CD review: Ivy - Apartment Life

by Matt LeClair Class o f '01

Avalon (Boston, MA) 1/30 - Steve Earle & The Dukes/Buddy &Julie Miller 2/3 - Judas Priest

Berklee Performance Center (Boston, MA) 2/6 - Cassandra Wilson

Centrum (Worcester, MA) 1/14-T h e Artist (formerly known as Prince) -CANCELLED!

Fleet Center (Boston, MA) 1/23 & 1/24 - Bob Dylan/Van Morison 5/15 & 5 /1 6 - E lto n John

Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel (Providence, RI) 1/23- B .B . King 2/23 - Paula Cole

The Middle East (Cambridge, MA) 1/21 - M arcy Playground 1/21 - Pat Dinizio ( The Smithereens) 2/11 - Less Than Jake

Orpheum Theater (Boston, MA) 1/16 - Megadeath/Coal Cham ber/Life o f A gony

Paradise Rock Club (Allston, MA) 1/23-H o lly Cole 2/1 - Space Monkeys/Ivy

The Roxy (Boston, MA) 1/31 - Ween 2/11 - Sugar Ray/Save Ferris/Gold Finger

Worcester Aud (Worcester, MA) 1/24 - Pantera/Anthrax

by Brian Whitman Newspeak Staff I know I’m a bit late with this review. I’ve had this album for a long time, but I really didn’t need to listen to it until a certain con­ cert in New York City over winter break in which about 14 different musicians came out of the woodwork o f the ‘Downtown Scene’ and performed a 6-hour circus act o f distorted tap-dancing, concept sound collage and that ever-present video feedback loop. Now, I’m a big fan of music for art’s sake, but even too much o f a good thing is horrible, and I needed to go home that night and listen to nice, do­ mestic, trebly Pop music for days on end to reverse the damages. The first disc I put on was Ivy’s Apart­ ment Life. Ivy co n sists o f D om inique D u ra n d , A n d y C h ase , a n d A dam Schlesinger. Some of you might know Adam from the group Fountains o f Wayne. Same kind o f deal here - Ivy is all about hooks and punches; m any songs are ju st the same riff over and over, in slightly different permutations. The story goes that Domin­ ique was visiting America lkrnn Paris and only planned to stay here for a year to learn En­ glish - lucky for us, though, she met Andy who knew Adam and they wrote a song or two. So how does that French-native vibe fit in with power pop? I will say that there are times during the vocals that I get distracted - the accent grates against the melody somehow. But for the most part, it is a welcome change from most o f the female-fronted rock bands on the radio who tend to run into one an­ other. If you are familiar with the Sundays, you’ll see this connection: somewhat halfrockin’ half-trancy grooves, guitar riffs that are more based on timbre than pitch, and vocals that rock critics love to call ‘ethe­ real’. However, another subset o f Ivy is that ‘Toad the Wet Sprocket factor’s: ul­ tra-simple leads with rigid song structure. So we get the impression that Ivy could do a slightly better imitation o f popular radio music than the originals. But there still is something that sepa­ rates Ivy from the masters o f modern pop m usic, the six degrees o f Jason Falkner groups (Jellyfish, Grays, Eric Matthews, C ardinal...) Ivy is just barely missing that second level that would take them from pop music to better pop music. Take “Never Do

again, back on stage in a most surprising fash­ ion. I’ll leave it for you to go to the show and find out for yourselves exactly how. I will say this much though, cold je llo on the face really keeps you aw ake. I think I’ll try that sam e technique next tim e I ’m studying late at night. The show lasted about tw o hours and ended in an am azing dem onstration. The whole theater cam e to life w ith moving parts and strobing lights. From the bal­ cony, the view was a sea o f people, paint, and paper, appearing and disappearing in the flashing m ulticolored lights. I re­ ally hope, through the year, that the dance club will see other productions like this one.

Movie Reviews

That Again” for a quick exam ple - it starts off with this neat-o 80s gated guitar tremolo snip which turns out to be a nice groove. Then the lyrics start: ‘T h e cat’s on the carpet./The phone doesn’t w ork./I hate when it’s quiet. / It means that you’re hurt.” ? O ne wants to forgive Ivy for such a verse quickly, but they don’t give you a chance. The song never changes. I’m glad that I own this record; it serves as a nice reprieve from my norm, it makes me happy, and some songs are positively bouncy. But, even too m uch o f a good thing is horrible, and I’m ready to get back to my so u n d c o lla g e . W h e re ’s th o se M erzbow discs?

Continued from page 7 worth in everything but the script. Supe­ rio r production d esig n and action se ­ quences clash painfully with dialogue so cliched it makes you w eep in frustration. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate W inslet star. (P G -13 for disaster related peril and vio­ lence, nudity, sensuality and brief lan­ guage.) Tomorrow Never Dies - Though the addi­ tion of Hong Kong action star Michelle Yeoh helps, the latest James Bond film suffers from its determination to keep things as familiar as familiar can be. Pierce Brosnan returns as Agent 0 0 7 . (PG-13 for intense sequences of action violence, sexuality and innuendo.)

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T u e sd a y , Ja n u a r y 13, 1997

N e w sp e a k




A r t s & E n t e r t a in m e n t

Cyrus Chestnut Clinic this Friday by Tim Miranda Class o f ‘99 This Friday, January 16th, pianist and bandleader Cyrus Chestnut will conduct a jazz clinic here at W PI’s Alden Hall, at 3:00 PM. The clinic will feature W PI’s Jazz En­ semble and the IAJE Massachusetts AllState Combo, and is free and open to the public. Cyrus Chestnut has been playing piano since the age of seven, starting with church perform ances as a child in Baltimore. He received further musical training from the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, and the Berklee School o f Music in Boston. His

In addition to his well-received record­ professional career started in 1988, when ings, Cyrus C hestnut has toured exten­ he played for many well-known artists, in­ sively throughout the United States and cluding vocalist Jon Hendricks, Wynton internationally as pia­ M a rsa lis, d ru m m e r Carl Allen, and trum- 1 1 n ist for the L incoln p e te r T e re n c e I “Cyrus Chestnut can find more joy I Center Jazz Orchestra W y n to n Blanchard. In 1994, he | in a single note than most pianists do | w ith M arsalis, as w ell as joined Betty C arter’s j with huge handfuls of harmony.’' vocalists Betty C arter trio as the p ia n ist. | Tom Moon, Philadelphia Inquirer T h a t sam e y e a r, |______________________________________| and Jon H en d rick s, and as the leader o f his C h e s tn u t la u n c h e d own trio. C hestnut’s second release in his band leading career with the album 1995, “The Dark Before the Dawn,” built “R evelation,” which topped several jazz off the foundation o f “Revelation,” chal­ charts, and was voted the year’s “Best Jazz Album” in an annual poll for The Village lenging Chestnut, in his words, “to express how he had grown since the first album ” . Voice.

C yrus C hestnut will be bringing this wealth o f experience and talent to W PI on Friday. The clinic, part o f the M ass Jazz F estival, will include perform ances by W PI’s ow n Jazz Ensemble, as well as the IAJE M ass. All-State, All-Star Com bo. In addition, the Cyrus Chestnut trio will be perform ing that night at M echanics Hall on M ain St., at 8:00 PM. The M ass Jazz Festival is co-presented by Music Worcester, Inc. and W ICN Pub­ lic Radio. The Jazz Clinic is presented by the Jazz Studies Program, Rich Falco, di­ rector, with support from our Music A sso­ ciation and JazzGroup. AUmerica sponsors the Jazz Clinic and Concert.




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Ex p e c t

g r e a t t h in g s

T uesd a y , Ja n u a r y 1 3 ,1 9 9 7

N e w sp e a k

P age 10

W e s t Street H o u se

N ewspeak

By C-term, you should know. by Kelly Boyle Student Development and Counseling ...where the library is. ...the phone number f o r Boomer's. ...the top ten habits which irri­ tate your roommate. ...which professors you must get. ...which residence hall to try to get into next year. ...the top ten songs that the bells chime. ...whether you love or hate South Park. ...what the heck West Street House is. A m azingly enough, we occa­ sio n a lly com e a c ro ss stu d e n ts w ho did not realize that th ere’s a p la c e to go fo r c o u n se lin g on cam pus. Or a place to go for help with time m anagem ent or infor­ m ation on academ ic success. Or a place to go to learn stress m an­ agem ent. O r a place to go for anger m anagem ent. O r a place to

consult w ith som eone regarding a person y ou’re concerned about. O r a place to play in a sandbox. O r a place to sit in the m ost relax­ ing reclining chair on cam pus sit and listen to cool soothing m u­ sic a n d c o n te m p la te a p la n t. Where is this amazing place? You g u essed it - W est Street House, otherw ise know n as the Student Development and Coun­ seling C enter (SDCC). W e’re lo­ cated in the yellow house at 157 West Street. You may already know us and d o n’t know that you do. For exam ple, everyone who went to the opening speech for First Year Orientation this year has already seen o u r d ire c to r (he gave the speech). W e’ve also been seen at housing selection night, at R.A. trainings, in Boynton Hall out of breath because we just walked up the hill, at Open H ouses or any events where there is food, or at H e a lth S e rv ic e s s te a lin g DumDums. We try to meet as many people

• •• on campus as we can, so that if you should need us we won’t be strangers. We do counseling with many different students on many different issues, such as relation­ ships, depression anger, stress, and so on. You can come to see us for not so serious issues or very seri­ ous issues. We also do quite a bit o f consulting — so if you’re con­ cerned about a frien d you can come talk with us about it. We’ll give you suggestions on things you might do or say, and give you our opinion on what might help the person. We also w ork with many people on academic success strat­ egies, including time management, stress m anagem ent, m otivation, and study strategies. In addition, students come to see us regarding the LEAP program. West Street House services are free and confidential. Some stu­ dents say that they w on’t come see us because they are embarrassed that someone might see them here. But because our office does both

student developm ent and counsel­ ing, no one can tell why any given person is at West Street House. A person in our waiting room could be there for advice on a R.A. pre­ sentation, for a LEAP appointment, for a discussion on tim e manage­ m ent, or for a very serious coun­ seling issue. So come see us, and do so before a problem gets so big that it is unmanageable or you are so stressed that you c a n ’t func­ tion. We’ll assist you in getting back on track. D on’t try to figure out if it’s the type o f issue we deal with. Basically, if it bothers you, com e see us. W e’ll either help you out here or advise you o f the place to go. Now for the big question: Do we analyze the designs you draw in our sandbox after you leave? No, we don’t. O f course not. We ana­ lyze them right then and there while you’re drawing them. Just kidding. Lucky for you we don’t know how to do sand a n a ly sis, so design away to your heart’s content.

&tubent Jfretospaprr of l&orcegter $olptetf)mt 3ln*titute c/o Student Activities Office 100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609 Phone: (508) 831-5464 Fax: (508) 831-5721 Email: newspeak@wpi.edu Homepage: http://www.wpi. edu/~newspeak Editor-in-chief Edward J. Cameron Jr. Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Lisa Bartee

Assistant Editors______ Heather Mazzaccaro Ben Fischer Sarah Walkowiak

News Editor Justin Greenough

Features Editor Alison Keach

In t e r n a t io n a l H o u s e

Sports Editor

“Wanted: US citizens” by Billy D. McGowan Director o f the ESL W elcom e back! Now that the holidays are over and a new ac a ­ dem ic term is starting, why not do som ething different? A fter W W II, there was an all out effort by d ifferent elem ents o f the US governm ent to go out into the w orld and, am ong other so m e tim e s d u b io u s a c tiv itie s , spread dem ocratic ideas and in ­ troduce m odern technology. The m ain plan was to get the w o rld ’s peoples busy thinking for them ­ selves and raising their standards o f living. These efforts culm inated with U S b u sin e sse s e x p o rtin g m en and m aterials to various points aro u n d the g lo be. A m e ric a n s so m etim es got into trouble for one reason or another, but by and large, the endeavor paid off. The US was even able to surpass the B ritish in reaping the benefits o f a revolution that has seen the rise o f dem ocracy, free m arkets and liv in g s ta n d a r d s a ro u n d th e w orld. These successes, in turn,

have led to in creased c o m p e ti­ tio n fro m th e n a tio n s w h ic h only a few d ecades e a rlie r w ere the re c ip ie n ts o f US tu te la g e in t e c h n o lo g y , e c o n o m ic s a n d p o litics. W ithin the last tw o decades, one in d u stry a fte r a n o th e r has had to cope w ith the results o f this new success in the form o f in c r e a s e d c o m p e titio n fro m abroad. T he notion that the huge US dom estic m arket was enough to focus on lost its edge. In or­ der to sustain the standard o f liv­ ing that US citizens have grow n used to, US industrialist turned their eyes tow ard the rest o f the w orld as a m arket to sell m ore d o m e s tic g o ods and se rv ic e s. “G lo b a l” has becom e the buzz word! T his em phasis on global m ar­ kets and the preparation n eces­ sary to sustain them cau g h t on at universities as well. The de­ clining num ber o f seats occupied by A m e ric a n s at u n iv e rs itie s , b u ilt to a c c o m m o d a te b a b y boomers, had to be filled by som e­ one. And education is also an

N ew s

Campus Center update by Sarah Walkowiak Associate Editor The last campus center meeting took place on December 12, 1997. The plans for the kitchen area and possible themes were discussed.

The two schemes, which had origi­ nated from earlier discussions, were a “living-room” theme and a “mar­ ketplace” theme. The positive and negative aspects of each theme were discussed and the architects are cur­ rently working on a solution.


industry, isn ’t it? So in keeping with the idea of exporting dem oc­ racy and technology, u n iv ersity ad m in istrato rs an d dep artm en t heads began w elcom ing in te r­ n a tio n a l s tu d e n ts on to U S c a m p u s e s in r e la tiv e ly la rg e num bers. At W PI the notion o f global­ ization has been w ritten deeply into curricula. T here are a num ­ ber o f global outreach efforts on cam pus, from the active recruit­ m ent o f in te rn atio n a l stu dents and faculty to establishing WPI ou tp o sts in v a rio u s c o u n trie s o f the world. Students and pro­ fe s s o rs from th e s e c o u n trie s freely assemble on US cam puses, and organizations to bridge the gap betw een the in tern a tio n al and dom estic students have been formed. One such organization here at WPI is the International Student Council (ISC). The ISC, as it is called, is open to all students, A m erican and In­ tern atio n al. It is an e x c e lle n t arena to bring together both com ­ m unities on cam pus, no m atter how diverse each is. The am az­ ing fact is that som e international students from ju st about all o f the various com m unities have joined this organization, but almost no A m e ric a n s e v e r b o th e r, e v en though A m erican students are, w hether they know it or not, pre­ paring to work in organizations where we will be rubbing shoul­ ders w ith people from other cul­ tures. The ISC is an excellent format

fo r m eeting re p re se n ta tiv es o f these cultures whom we A m eri­ cans will work with and for. W hat better opportunity to get to know these exciting and highly inter­ esting cultures than through the students right here on W PI cam ­ pus?! The kind o f understand­ ing that can grow out o f such as­ sociations lasts a lifetim e, and can help bring about the elusive world peace we claim we all want. T h is o p p o r tu n ity is j u s t o n e m ore way that W PI is trying to a ffo rd all o f its s tu d e n ts th e chance to develop skills neces­ sary for the (excuse me) 21 st C en­ tury. For membership information for the ISC, contact Sashe Kanapathi at International House. M eetings are held every T uesday at 4:30 PM . * ** * The Hispanic Student Associa­ tion (HSA) invites everybody at W PI to celebrate L atino W eek. The program is diverse and excit­ ing, in te llec tu al and sensuous. W hat’s left to come this week is as follows: Wednesday (1/14) Coffee House. Come sam ple Latin American coffees, pastries and Latin jazz in the Low er Wedge from 6 PM to 9PM. Thursday (1/15) Judge Luis Perez will discuss the Latino youths in Higgins House from 6:30 PM to 9 PM. Saturday (1/17) Dinner-Dance from 6 PM to 1 AM in Sanford-Riley Hall.

Advertising Manager Brandon Ngo

Business Manager Christopher El stank

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Writing Staff Janelle Evans Ken Gagne Stacey Leisenfelder Matthew Lug Joshua Millard Adam Ross Brian Whitman Sarah House Graphics Staff Justin Greenough

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T u e sd a y , Ja n u a r y 13, 1997

P ag e 11

N e w sp e a k

C o m p u t in g

Residential network update for C-term by Debbie Dexter Computer Trainer Welcome Back! Often times when students return for C Term, many have changed their residential address. Some move to another room on campus, some de­ cide to move off-campus, and some are just arriving at WPI. Since students have been back for almost a week now, you may have

already figured out what you should do regarding your network connec­ tion if you have moved. But, just in case you don’t know, here’s some steps to follow to ensure your net­ work connection will work. 1. Check with Residential Services to see if their database lists your new address (we at the CCC have no ac­ c ess to th is d a tab a se to m ake changes ). 2. Make sure your payment for

your network connection has been received and processed. If you paid for a full year back in August skip to # 3. If you just sent your payment in please give us a few days for your payment to be processed. If you haven’t paid, please stop by the CCC Main Office (2nd Floor Fuller Labs) and speak with our secretary, Marie Dube. 3. If your address is up to date in the Residential Services’ database,

L e t t e r T o T h e E d it o r

Res Services - Heartless for the holidays In my three-and-a-half years or so here at WPI, I have come to quite a fewconclusions about the various de­ partments at this school. I’ve decided that some are effective and efficient, some are not and some are just plain ridiculous. I guess this is to be expected of any institution. However, the word “heartless” was one I never used to describe a department at this school. At least not until I saw for myself how heartless the Department of Residen­ tial Services could be. I spent C term of 1997 in San rancisco doing my IQP. I had filled out and mailed in the paperwork necessary to reserve my dorm room for the 97-98 academic year, and I had arranged for an exchange student to occupy my room during C97 (so that I could get a refund for that term). I returned to find that, as promised, my room was avail­ able for me for D term, but that my squat­ ting rights (which I had already paid for) w o e given away, and that in the housing lottery my space had been taken. Most of D term was spent try­ ing to find a room somewhere for 9798. Luckily, a room was found and I passed the incident off as a major mixup that worked itself out I had no in­ tention of fighting, even though the paid rights to my room had been ig­ nored. Just before A term of this year, I be­ came engaged to be married. During that term my fiancee and I discussed moving out to Worcester together, so that we could “try things out” before the major move after graduation. lapplied for a refund for C and D terms, and since I was given every assurance that my problem was common and that

there would be r ~ little reason for | denial, she and I m oved into a studio apart­ ment. I wish I had known how little the concerns of the students m atter to the people at Res Services. My re­ quest was de­ nied, and I was told that a “97% H6 H m * yen sot / t j y , . . <v* occupancy eus.v ,c^A-e tP rate” outHappy holidays and happy new weighed my need for the $3200 that would come from a refund. I appealed year, Res Services. Robert Bourque, Class of ’98 and was turned down by the Housing Board because I did “not present sig­ nificant changes in my personal cireumGa m in g stances to warrant granting a release.” Meanwhile, I’m literally forced to skip meals because we have no money. Our by Ken Gagne combined incomes (hers from a full­ Newspeak Staff timejob, mine from a part-time) are be­ ginning to come short of breaking even Tide: BOMBERMAN 64 with expenses. I cannot graduate if I Platform: Nintendo 64 work more. She cannot work more. I Publisher: Nintendo can’t believe I’m even considering the Rating: 8.1 possibility of withdrawal from classes in order to survive. To bomb, or not to bomb; that is Res Services claimed that since my the question. Hudson delivers an engagement and subsequent move answ er g am ers w ill like in was “avoidable,” they were not obli­ Bomberman 64, for the Nintendo 64. gated to grant a refund. Maybe my This is the latest installment in circumstances were avoidable. Maybe what has long been considered the my heart is to important to me. Or maybe u ltim a te party gam e. T he I’m not cold nor calculating enough to Bomberman series originally ap­ understand the priorities of the people peared ten years ago and made its at Res Services. Do feelings even mat­ way to practically every game con­ ter? sole since. Its first 64-bit showing, Bomberman 64 is sure to please. T he o n e -p la y e r m ode has changed drastically, into a 3D, po­ lygonal world, somewhat similar to Super Mario 64. Each level is full of new places to explore in eight direc­ tions, and up and down. Reaching the exit is often simply a matter of traversing from point A to B, while other times puzzles must be solved and obstacles overcome. Some lev­ els are one-on-one battles against b o ss-ty p e c re a tu res. P laying Bombennan by yourself is now prob­ ably the most fun it’s ever been.

your payment has been processed, and you still do not have an active co n n e c tio n , send em ail to the helpdesk (helpdesk@wpi.edu) that includes the following information: Your name, email address Your old residential address Your new residential address Your port number Your p c ’s E thernet ad d re ss (should look like a combination of numbers and letters in the pat­ tern: ??-??-??-??-??-?? Your p c’s IP address (should look like 130.215.###.##) Any errors your pc is reporting If you don’t know your ethemet address: If you are running W in­ dows 95, click Start then Run, and type WINIPCFG. A window will pop up with your ethemet address (M ake sure that your ethem et card is selected in the drop dow n list, not the PPP adapter). The ethem et address should be a number like XX XX XX XX XX XX where the X’s rep­ resent a digit 0-9 or letter A-F. Note: your pc should be obtain­ ing an IP address automatically using DHCP (Dynamic Host Con­ figuration Protocol - The rules by which an IP address can be as­ signed to a workstation when the workstation requests one. The IP address is assigned to the w orkstation only tem porarily.

The next time the workstation re­ quests an IP address, it might or might not be assigned the same one.) If you are not using DHCP, your pc may experience problems. For those of you that live off-campus now, you may want to know what computer services are available to you via your modem. Right now, you can use a terminal emulation program to dial into W PI’s worksta­ tions (the phone number is (508)7980166). Windows 95 comes with a small program called Hyperterminal (Start -> Programs -> Accessories), which works okay. Look at the in­ structions available from the help desk webpage: http://www.wpi.edu/ +CCC/Help/Network/modem.html Here’s some things you CA N ’T access via modem: • There are no PPP or Slip accounts available to students so therefore you will not be able to access Novell services via modem. • Any TCP/IP (e.g. Netscape) pro­ grams on your PC • Any X applications run from the UNIX host • Map your UNIX drive via Samba Also, some terminal emulation programs do not allow local port printing (like Hyperterminal) The information contained in this article is available via “InfoPages” on the web at http://www.wpi.edu/ -training/News/newsletter.html

Bomberman 64 a blast The multiplayer battle mode lacks some o f the excitement other forms o f Bomberman have offered. The di­ agonal movement introduces a new element, as do the multilevel stages. T here are few er pow er-ups and gameplay options, and only four play­ ers maximum (whereas the Saturn version allows up to ten). It is still a fun romp, but this form o f play has taken a backseat to the solo adven­ ture mode. The graphics are colorful, cute, and distinct. The worlds vary from the coldest mountains to the hottest volcanoes, each portrayed in detail. The characters themselves are usu­ ally plain, but not poor. The only drawback to the new graphics sys­ tem is the changing camera angles. Although players can rotate the view, it is often difficult to find one that allows sight into the nooks and cran­ nies Bomberman may find himself. The music is equally sufficient. It fails to create the fast-paced atmo­ sphere that should be associated with such mass destruction, but does settle nicely into the background. Sound effects do the bombs justice, but there is little else other than the explosions. The control is simplistic enough to not be problematic. One button to

lay bombs, another to throw them, and the ‘C ’ buttons to change cam­ era angles. Bomberman 64 employs the analog stick for precision mov­ ing along precarious perches. The game starts off with a sharp learning curve to master all the vari­ ous techniques connected with a bom b’s usage, but the necessary skills are quickly acquired. The mun­ dane enemies pose little threat, but the end-level bosses require a bit more work. Later stages present a challenge from the environment it­ self, as a strong wind threatens to hurl Bomberman off a mountain, or a stray fireball scorch him. Progress through each adventure world can be saved to a controller memory pack. And, should one find special items during play, a custom Bomberman can be assembled from various head and body pieces, for saving and use in either the single or multiplayer modes. Bomberman 64 is a highly satis­ factory game, with no major flaws and few minor ones. If you’re plan­ ning a party, Bomberman on another system (e sp e c ia lly the S u p er Nintendo) may serve the purpose better, but the latest incarnation o f the explosive series is still worth playing.

P a g e 12

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N e w sp e a k


Saturday, January 17,1998 Sanfovd-'Riky tfatt (‘Rjley Commons-'Basement Level) (‘Entrancefrom Institute %pad to 'Par/qng Lot)

‘Dinner: 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. rD#nce: 9:0frp.m. -1:00 a.m. (Semi-formalftttirej $10 (in advance: ‘Dinner/'Dance) $15 (at the door, ‘Diimer/'Dance) $5 (College I.(D.: (DinnerADance) $5 (at the door. Dance only) for advanced Dinner/Dance ‘Octets onCy-Taya6(e to: WPI, 6y Friday, January Sf*1 MaiC to: Myma Rivera, WTI, ResidentiaCServices, 100 Institute Road, ‘Worcester, 01609 (emaiC: mrivera@ja(<g.iirpLedu) (508) 831-5645.

Music 6y

AmadorOlvera Cornida ‘Iipica (Spanisf.JPisfesl.for ‘Dinner

T u e sd a y , Ja n u a r y 13, 1997

N e w sp e a k

M isjpmk Stwdm t Mss@tiw.Uiom L atim W edi Sdktim k

free and Open to the ‘Public o Monday, January 12f - 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm: (Discussion on Latino American 1History - WPI Professors Lee JontaneCCa & AngetRivera. IntemationaCMouse, 28 Trowbridge %oad (iBetween Institute Road &!ttigfiCand Street). on the. map. o Wednesday, January 14th- 6:00pm - 9:00 pm: Hispanic Student Association's Coffeehouse -tPastries and Coffeesfrom Latin American countries. (Daniels HattLozoer Wedge-#2(9 on the map. ‘Entertainment: ‘BackgroundLatin-Jazz music. o ‘Ihursday, Jamury 15* - 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm: Quest speaker- Judge Luis Perez, Juvenile Court - *Latino youths: A Perspective*. Higgins House (Salisbury St.) #1 on the map. o Saturday, January 17* - 6:00 pm -1:00 am Latino Dinner/Dance. SanfordRitey Haft (RiCey Commons-iasement LeveC). (D.J. Amador Rivera. SemiJormaCAttire. #R4 on the map.

P age 13

N ew speak

P a g e 14

T u e sd a y , Ja n u a r y 13, 1997

Clu b Co rn er Chinese Student Association W elcome back for C term! Hope every­ body is as active as ever to participate this term ’s events! One major event for CSA this term is the Chinese New Year Dinner, preparation is already under way. So par­ ticipate and be part o f this event. Sports for this term are basketball, bowling and table tennis. Coming back from a long break, the CSA basketball team won Thursday’s match. Defense was the key.

Christian Bible Fellowship W elcome back everyone. Did you enjoy the break, and was it relaxing for you? We hope you had a chance to reflect on the

m eaning o f C hristm as and celebrate the birth o f our Lord, Jesus. W ith the new year starting, so are all o f our activities. FN F is every F riday at 7:00 held in the Low er Wedge, not M or­ gan A. T uesday Night Prayer will be held at 9:30 down in Founders. There w ill be sports every Saturday. For m ore infor­ m ation about any o f these or on anything else, e-m ail cbf@ w pi.edu. “In the beginning you laid the founda­ tions o f the earth, and the heavens are the w ork o f your hands.” Psalm 102:26 (NIV) Just as G od m ade this planet in the be­ ginning and created the heavens, let him m ake your life into what He has planned for you. Instead o f clinging to your own

dream s and am bitions, turn them over to God as we begin this new year.

Masque Hi everyone! W elcom e back! T his w eek’s got everyone in a blitz. Quilt re­ hearsals have begun, and the producer (harro@ wpi) is still looking for people in­ terested in filling production positions! Feel free to email Matt at that address. Second— start thinking about New Voices 16! Play submissions are due at 5:00 pm on February 2nd. If you have questions about the structure, email ljohnson@wpi and pick up an information sheet in SL20. Otherwise, Masque meeting, Friday 4:30, Alden Hall Green Room. Be there!

Muslim Student Association A s-S a la m u A la ik u m , R a m a d h a n Mubarak! & Welcome back to WPI. We are halfway into this blessed month, and the MSA congratulates all Muslims on this occasion. A host o f programs are planned for this Ramadhan including free daily iftar (break in g o f the fast) available in the masjid. The daily car-pool departs W PI at 4:25pm from the Collegiate Religious Cen­ ter (CRC), 19 Schussler St.. The annual W PI Ram adhan D inner is approaching, scheduled for January 23rd, stay tuned to the mailing list for the latest information. Taraweeh prayers are conducted daily at 7:30pm in the local masjid, please e-mail msa@ wpi.edu if you’re looking for trans­ portation. The weekly Ju m ’uah (Friday) p ra y e rs c a r-p o o l d e p a rts the C R C at 12:15pm. Daily Dhuhr’ and ‘Asr prayers are arranged on campus at the CRC at 12:00pm (noon) and 3:30pm respectively. We thank DAKA for accommodating fasting M us­ lim students with an alternative meal plan. C heck out the regularly updated M SA hom epage at: http://w w w .w pi.edu/~m sa, and be sure to access the Ramadhan Spe­ cial Feature. For more information or to join our mailing list contact msa@ wpi.edu. Wa Salam.

Library research classes

CASH IN ON GOOD GRADES. If you’re a freshman or tuition, most books and sophom ore with g o o d fees, plus $150 per school grades,apply now for a month. They also pay off three-year or tw o-year with leadership experischolarship from Army e n c e and officer credenROTC. Army ROTC [[Tader^ tials im pressive to sch olarsh ip s p ay future em ployers.

Topic: RESEARCHING PROJECTS AND SUFFICIENCIES: Hands-on Sessions U s­ ing Library Research Tools W hen: January 12th - 15th, 1998 at 11 A.M. - 12 Noon Where: Sessions are held in the ‘T ra in ­ ing Room” (G L 114) located inside the PC Room on the first floor of Gordon Library. How: Please sign up in advance at the Reference Desk. Space is limited. These sessions focus on research tools available through the library’s web pages (http://library.wpi.edu/): the library catalog; databases and indexes such as U nCover and FirstSearch; and access to other librar­ ies. Printed sources are discussed as well. Students receive a detailed handout sum ­ marizing electronic resources covered in the session and important printed sources, such as m ajor indexing and abstracting tools. Students currently engaged in project or sufficiency work, or those who will be soon, should attend. Questions? Please come to the Reference Desk on the main floor o f the library, o r send mail to libraryquestions@ w pi.



Calculus tutoring schedule C’98 Tutor: Gideon Aweh Monday: 11:00a.m.-1:00 p.m.

For details, visit 28 Harrington Auditorium (100 Institute Rd.) or call 752-7209

Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Wednesday: 9:00a.m.-noon Thursday: 2:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.

A nno uncem

P a g e 15

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Flu or cold? When to go and seek help from Health Services Courtesy o f Health Services C olds and Flus are the m ost frequent health com plaints seen on our cam pus. T hey are both cau sed by v iru ses, the m ost com m on infections affectin g the hum an race. M ost students will have 34 viral illnesses a year. They cause sym p­ tom s that can range from m inor annoy­ ance to an extended, thoroughly d eb ili­ tating illness. T h e en o rm o u s v a rie ty o f v iru se s there are dozens - m akes them hard to avoid. Thus, getting a cold or the flu does not guarantee im m unity to the next cold or flu virus, since it is unlikely to be the sam e strain. Sym ptom s C old sym ptom s m ay include a sore throat, nasal or ear congestion, fatigue, a r u n n y n o s e , s n e e z in g , h e a d a c h e ,

hoarseness, and/or a mild fever. The dis­ com fort may continue for a few days or for as much as a week o r so. Flu is a m ore severe illness, which o f­ ten in c lu d e s a high fev er, h e ad ac h e, w eakness, dry cough, aches all over the body and a distinct “sick” feeling. Sym p­ tom s usually begin to subside after 1-2 days, although it can last a week or more. T reatm ent W hen you have a v iru s (w h eth e r a sim ple cold or a severe case o f the flu), you can treat the sym ptom s but not the germ itself. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics. It is your b o d y ’s im m une system that will ultim ately dispose o f the virus; until then, all you can do is m ini­ m ize the discom fort. Som e suggestions: Rest: For fever or fatigue and aches, you sh ould go to bed. Increase your activities gradually as you feel better. A cetam inophen (Tylenol): For fever.

chills, and to reduce the discom fort o f a sore throat, A cetom inophen, tw o tablets ever 4-6 hours, OR Ibuprofen (A dvil) 1-2 tabs every 4 hours, O R A leve 1 tab every 8-12 hours. Fluids: D rinking large am ounts o f flu­ ids will keep the m ucous secretions loose. Try to drink a glass an hour. D econgestants: Nasal congestion can be relieved by using decongestants ac­ cording to the package directions. These may make you jitte ry or keep you awake, so only use if necessary. H ot liquids will help open the nasal passages. C o m p lic atio n s: M ost v iru s-re la te d sy m p to m s (fe v er, c o n g e stio n , m uscle aches) are norm al. However, you should com e to H ealth Services if: • If you cough up green, yellow, or bloody mucous If your nasal secretions are yel­ low or green. • If you have pain in your neck, ears or

|4 a K e —


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sinuses If you have pain in your chest or are wheezing • If your fever rem ains above 101 and doesn’t subside or goes above 103 • If you have asthma, or are an insulindependent diabetic P revention: As a student, dem ands on your tim e w ill vary, but try to m aintain as regular a schedule as possible w ith ad ­ equate sleep, a reasonably balanced diet, reg u lar e x e rcise and avoidance o f to ­ b acco, d ru g s, and alco h o l. F re q u e n t handw ashing, not sharing drinking and eating utensils and m inim izing contact with people who are coughing and sneez­ ing also h elp s to lim it the spread o f vi­ ru ses. If you h a v e any questions about your s y m p to m s o r w ish to be e v a lu a te d , H ealth S ervices is open M onday - F ri­ day, 8:15 a.m . - 4:45 p.m. •

Saturday, January 17th

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P a g e 16


ew spea k

T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 13, 19 9 7

N ew s

W PI 1 9 9 8 S u n d a y N ig h t Film s J a n u a r y 1 1 th T H E E N G L IS H P A T IE N T J a n u a r y 18 th IN A N D O U T J a n u a r y 2 5 th A L IF E LE S S O R D IN A R Y Fe b ru a ry 1st K IS S T H E G IR L S F e b r u a r y 8 th GATTACA

F e b r u a r y 15 th 1 KNO W W HAT Y O U D ID L A S T SUM M ER Fe b ru a ry 22n d P L A Y IN G G O D M a rc h 11th S T A R S H IP TR O O PER S M a r c h 1 5 th A N A S T A S IA S p e c ia l 2 p m m a tin e e - O n ly $ 1

J jtjt

Black Hole: Hope for escape Continued fro m p a g e 1


M a r c h 2 9 th FLU B B ER A p r i l 5 th SC R EAM 2 A p r i l 1 2 th W ELC O M E TO S A R A JE V O A p r i l 19 th M OUSE HUNT A p r i l 2 6 th TOM ORROW N E V E R D IE S

raling into the black hole like water bub­ bling furiously down a drain. The material is being sucked from an ordinary star nearby. Several teams observing separate pieces of the puzzle at different wavelengths of light (representing various temperatures) reported the high-speed jets erupted im­ mediately after globs of this infalling mate­ rial seemed to disappear, just before they were swallowed by the black hole. The evidence suggests that the system was somehow ripping these globs, each with a mass of about 1(X) trillion tons, out of the black hole’s powerful gravitational grip and blowing them millions of miles into space with staggering force, in the form of the jets. The trigger for these cycles remains a mystery, the researchers said. Whatever it is, the amount of energy required to complete one eruption cycle would supply the current an­ nual power needs of the United States for six trillion years. “We are very excited about these re­ sults,’’ said Stephen Eikenberry, of the Cali­ fornia Institute of Technology, whose team used the 200-inch telescope atop Palomar

Mountain to observe the jets in infrared wavelengths. A stronom ers have long sp ecu lated about the mechanics that produce such jets, which are seen in a wide range o f settings thro u g h o u t the universe, he said, but “the direct connection between the disappearance o f the inner disk and the jet ejection has never been seen until now.” Swank, along with a team led by Ronald Remillard of Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, observed the disappearing disk of material in X-rays, using NASA’s Rossi Xray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite. A team in France, led by Felix Mirabel, also observed the jets in radio wavelengths. “It’s amazing that the jets can rip this matter away from the black hole,” said Remillard. This is a shrimp as black holes go, with the mass of 10 to 30 suns compressed by gravity into a sphere about 25 miles across. It is one o f about a dozen such small ob ­ jects believed to be cruising the galaxy. Because o f its small scale, “it changes over minutes and hours, rather than months and years,” Eikenberry said. ‘T his will let us learn a lot in a much shorter period.”

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com see

Kevin Kline

p c lalPMKTnmoiiaT


SocComm Presents

In and Out Sunday, January 18, 1997 6:30 pm and 9:30 pm $2.00 p er person


T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 3 ,1 9 9 7

P a g e 17

ew spea k


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Pa g e 1 8


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T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 3 ,1 9 9 7

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Off the mark \ r i

G£B WUlZ -WVTH AM IfttAIi i PrRHooR VJINO, I M S l3 o z f it o - S c f f f i£ 7ftA V £ u M G W

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“It’s just an old Jedi mind-trick."

by Mark Parisi

by Brian Shuster Announcing Newspeak’s

Siipar Banana coloring contest! Now it is your turn to help Super Banana fight injustice and evil wrong-doers around the world! Super Banana has finally met his match in the steaming caves of Plantainland, home of the infamous Bad Apple and others. Your mission: color in Super Banana in the appropriate colors, and insert next to him your vision of the evil per­ petrator our hero has come to fight. The entry with the best coloring job and enemy will have their character included in an upcoming




5 o m e . P 60PL& . P c ,n ’ t-

Super Banana! Winners will be displayed in the April 1st issue of Newspeak! Note: Newspeak staff members are not eligible to win.

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T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 13, 1997

N ew spea k

P a g e 19

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ACRO SS 1 Noah's boat 4 One who mimicks 8 Funeral stand 12 Hawaiian necklace 13 Outer garment for women (India) 14 Leeward side 15 School of whales 16 Wanderers 18 Smell 20 Design with intricate figures 21 Never 22 Moist 23 Clinched hand 27 Though (Inf.) 29 Auricle 30 Windy 31 Exclamation 32 Pig pen 33 Slippery fish 34 Press service (abbr.) 35 Field of conflict 37 Tree 38 Time 39 Was (p.t.) 40 Black fluid 41 Ante meridian (abbr.) 42 Formerty 44 Drama set to music 47 Frightening 51 Neither 52 Unencumbered 53 Great lake 54 Condition of being (suf.) 55 Undesirable plant 56 Distance (pref.) 57 Female saint (abbr.) DOWN 1 Aquatic plant 2 To the back 3 Japanese robe 4 Thin Man dog 5 Equal 6 End of pencil

7 Bolt 8 Fateful

Name _____________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________

SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW’s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD’s. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-2189000 Ext. A -15334 for current listings.

Total Enclosed $. Allow only 30 characters per line

Get involved with winter carnival! E-mail Shubbard @wpi for more information. Shag me baby!


by S c o t t A d a m s




Newspeak will run classifieds free for all WPI students, faculty, and staff. Free classifieds are limited to six (6) lines. Ads of a commercial nature and ads longer than six lines must be pad for at the off campus/commercial rate of $5.00 for the first six lines and 50 cents per additional line. Classified ads must be paid for in advance. No information which, in the opinion of the Newspeak editors, would identify an individual to the community will be printed in a persona) ad. The editors reserve the right to refuse any ad deemed to be in bad taste or many ads from one group or individual on one subject. The deadline for ads is noon on the Friday before publication All classified ads must be on individual sheets of paper and must be accompanied by the writer's name, address and phone number.




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C o m ic s

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CASH! *** CLASS TRAVEL needs students to promote Spring Break 1998! Sell 15 trips & travel free! Highly motivated students can earn a free trip & over $10,000! Choose Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatian, Jamaica or Florida! North America’s largest student tour opera­ tor! Call Now! 1-800-83864H___________________

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9 Capability of (suf.) 10 Ever (poetic) 11 Point in law 17 Print measurement 19 Midwest state (abbr) 22 Method; direction 24 Island (abbr.) 25 Adult male deer 26 Sort 27 Defrost 28 Rabbit 29 7th Greek letter 30 Opal 32 Smirked 33 Large N. American deer 36 Person who lives in (su f) 37 All 38 Corrects 40 Very small island 41 News agency (abbr.) 43 Route (abbr.) 44 S-shaped, double curve 45 Base 4 6 Johnson 47 Stitch 48 Prong of a fork (Scot.) 49 Indicates an enzyme (suf.) 50 None

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T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 13, 19 9 7

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What's Happening: January 13-18 Graduate Civil Engineers for May Position 6:30pm -Co-op

G.C Solutions, Inc., a specialized Construction Management consulting firm for General


7pm - Women’s

Contractors and Owners in the Northeast is seeking highly motivated Civil Engineer who will be

7pm - Wrestling vs. 8pm - Concert, The

graduating in May. The individual who is accepted for the position will be directly involved in all aspects of estimating, claims analysis, scheduling and project management for heavy civil type projects. Our office is located in the Metro West are

1:30pm - Men & Women’s Swimming vs. UMass 2pm - 80’s Film Festival, Perreault 2pm - Women’s Basketball vs. Pine ’Manor 4pm - Men’s Basketball WNEC

11:30am - Catholic Mass, Alden Memorial 6pm - Catholic Mass, Founders Study Room 6:30 & 9:30pm - Movie, In and Out, Perreault

and interested candidates should fax their resume to

G.C Solutions. Inc.



3000 s tu d e n ts , 1 p a p e r

MANDATORY MEETING for all SOPHMORES, JUNIORS and TRANSFER STUDENTS interested in the COOPERATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM For May to December 1998 On: Tuesday, Jan I3th 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Salisbury Labs - 115 (Kinnicutt Hall) If you are interested in Co-op for the session, you must attend this mandatory orientation and pre­ registration meeting. Students who cannot attend this meeting should stop by the Career Development Ctr, Project Ctr. - Lower Level by Friday 16th.

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