The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Today w ill be fair with highs in the 3 0 ’s and low s between 10 and 20
Wednesday will be partly cloudy highs between 35 and 40.
Thursday there is chance o f snow or rain, highs in the 3 0 ’s, lows in the 2 0 ’s mm
Volume Twenty-six, Number Three
Tuesday, January 27, 1998
So you want to live on campus Residential Services resurrects the housing lottery...again by Jennifer Cooper Newspeak staff Who wouldn’t want to live on campus? Well apparently a lot of us do. There are 1225 spaces avail able for techies to live and about half of them are reserved for the next incoming class of freshmen. So, after forming committees to re view what went right and what went wrong last year. Residential Ser vices decided to go with a lottery system. The lottery numbers will be chosen by a computer, so it will be completely random. Residential Services sees the lottery as a way to give the three upperclasses an equal chance to live on campus. So what do you do now? Within a few weeks everyone will receive housing applications. These arc important. Just like every year, each student, who wishes to live on cam pus, will pay a $50 deposit and re
turn the application. Then, on March 11, everyone who applies for housing will receive a lottery num ber in their mailbox. Then you can sit around with your friends and chit-chat about who wants to live with who, where, and what hap pens if there are seven of you and there are only five-person apart ments are left. All of that is impor tant to do before March 26 - which is the big housing selection night. So, the party for on campus hous ing is going to be in Harrington Au ditorium at 6:00pm. What do you have to bring and how does it work? You must have your lottery number card and your signed hous ing contract. So let’s pretend that you are lucky and have a lottery number of l - you have four friends, four friends want to live with you, all four o f your friends then gel to sign up under your lottery number to reside where you deem ‘cool’ to
IceCats win lose and tie
IceCats Defensive man Rory Fitzpatrick and goalie Fredric Cassini step up the attack of the Fredericton Canadiens' Terry Ryan the first period. However, the ‘Cats by Ed Cameron quickly answered with a power Editor-in-Chief play goal from Ricard Persson as The W orcester IceC ats sisted by Jamal Mayers and Rory stumbled after their 4-2 victory ver Fitzpatrick. The last minute of the sus the Fredericton Canadiens on period saw Fredericton split the the 18th. The tired ‘Cats playing posts for the second and last time their third game in as many days for the night as David Ling shot managed to pull out a tie against the puck past Worcester goalie the Hartford Wolf Pack on the fol Frederic Cassivi. Second period ac lowing day. With a few days of tion saw IceCats Michal Hand/us rest the IceCats were back on the and Rory Fitzpatrick do some lamp ice Saturday to battle the Roches lighting to put the ‘Cats up by one ter Americans and came away with going into the final period. Chris an overtime loss. Kenady applied the finishing The Canadiens scored the first touches with his goal midway goal of the game off the stick of through the third period. The Miloslav Guren midway through See IceCats,Continued to page 3
live. Now, remember that if you are number one you have to be there at 6:00 pm because Residential Ser vices is going to go in order and if you show up at 8:00 holding a num ber one lottery number, too bad, so sad. What if you are sick or in some foreign country doing an IQP D-term? Well Residential Services has that figured out! Have a proxy, with a signed paper stating that they can vouch for you as to where
you want to live and you are as good as gold. Now, Residential Ser vices is not just for people who live on campus. They help everyone. If you want to live off campus then they are offering three information sessions over the next two months. So WPI, now you know how to live on campus next year. For further inform ation contact Residential Services and w e’ll see y ’all on March 26 in Harrington.
Daka aims to please Will bagel baskets make your morning? by Vanessa Melanson Offfice Manager It’s hard to please people when it comes to food. Ask anyone who works for Daka and they’ll tell you. Because Daka wants to please the students, they have been making continual changes to better their service. They have adopted the “spirit of continuous improvement” as their motto. As you may have noticed, there have been a few changes imple mented at Morgan dining com mons over B term break. There is now a “Grab and Go” cart which offers students on the run a vari ety of food selections - main en trees, sandwiches, fruit, milk, juice, etc. This “Grab and Go” was set up for students who do not have time to go into Morgan Commons to dine. Also, over the term break, Daka introduced Pazzelli’s pizza, a new signature pizza concept devel oped by corporate Daka chefs. It’s especially important to the people of Daka that everyone likes their pizza because they serve about one hundred and twenty five pizzas daily. And to go along with their other changes, they are starting to
adopt an aesthetically pleasing look to their food layout. An ex ample of this is the new way they are presenting their bagels. The bagels are now put into little bas kets, separated by type. These baskets also help to preserve the bagel’s freshness. Everyone should be on the look out for the upcoming changes that Daka intends to implement. They are planning on having a new wok bar with its own chef available to pre pare whatever you want, and a pizza bar where you can see the pizza com ing fresh out of the oven. The pasta bar will be augmented with different pasta and sauce choices, and finally there will be an oven at the dessert station where cookies will be baked and served fresh. Questions about the changes or any new suggestions can be di rected to the Dining Service Advi sory Committee. This committee conducts a meeting once a month where students can voice their opin ions and offer suggestions on how Daka can improve. The RA’s are updated on when and where these meetings are held so if anyone is interested in going, see your RA for the info.
Gore seeks family-planning funds on Roe vs. Wade Anniversary by Elaine S. Povich Newsday WASHINGTON - As opponents marched Thursday to protest 25 years of abortion rights. Vice Presi dent Al Gore tried to refocus the quarter-century national argument by announcing that the administra tion is calling for an extra $15 mil lion in family-planning funds.
Speaking to abortion-rights ad vocates, Gore expressed the hope that even those opposed to abor tion could rally around the cause of contraception so that fewer un wanted babies would be conceived. “This debate must be about more than the right to end a pregnancy,” Gore said. “It must also be about the right and responsibility to pre-
See Gore, continued to page 2
Broncos What will happen if the people of the city o f Denver decide not to pay the extra taxes to build the Broncos a news stadium? Will the B roncos n o lo n g er be Denvers Namesake?
C o n t e n t s ... .............. 2 ........3,4,9 Arts & Entertainment..5-7,10,11 .............. 8 International House ................ 8 .............. 9 ............ 12 .........9,13 ............ 15 ............ 15 ............ 16 What's Happening.... ............ 16