The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tuesday, January
W e a t h e r ... Today: Partly sunny. Highs 30s. Tomorrow: Somewhat cloudy. Highs upper 30s. Thursday: Chance of rain or snow. Highs 30s.
Volume T w en ty-S even, N um ber O ne
19, 1999
David Harvey earns Community Hero Award Courtesy o f WPI Media Relations
WPI sophomore David Harvey of Worcester, Mass., has been named Community Hero for his work as a Big Brother volunteer by the United Way of Central Massa chusetts and BankBoston. Harvey, a civil engineering ma jor, has spent two-and-a-half to three hours a week with his Little Brother, Joe Biladeau, 12, of Worcester. Harvey’s commitment has amounted to approximately 160 hours of time all told. "We’ve gone fishing, and he’s come to WPI to see basketball and football games,” Harvey said of his Little Brother. “He likes to play soc cer with the guys here.” Since Joe has developed an in terest in college life, Harvey feels
that also has been a good influence. Asked why he got involved in this com m unity-service program , Harvey recalled going to a Big Brother presentation about four years ago. Something just clicked for him. “I thought it would be a good way to give back a little bit because I have been very fortunate,” he said. “I’ve learned a lot from Joe - I’m sure as much or more than he’s learned from me.” The son of Carol and Steve Harvey of Worcester, he has been involved with Big Brother since junior year in high school. Last year he was fea tured in the United Way ad campaign, “The Power of You.” At WPI, he has been a member of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and Crimson Key, the tour guide association, and has served as co-captain of freshman crew.
COURTESYOFWPI MEDIARELATIONS David Harvey and his Little Brother, Joe Biladeau, posed in the fire lab in Higgins Laboritories. Harvey worked approximately 160 hours with this boy doing things like playing soccer, and basketball.
A & E
Sp o r t s
Internet Radio: WWPI now on the Web by Jony Laplante General Manager
I’ve heard it for years now. “I can’t listen to WWPI because I don’t live on campus”, “I don’t
spend any lime in academ ic lounges where the TV’s on”, or “I don't have access to the campus cable system.” While our goal of broadcasting in the traditional sense is still in the process of be
ing realized, WWPI can now be heard anywhere in the world via the web! You can still listen to us on your TV or stereo in your dorm room or in the academic lounges (anywhere on the WPI cable sys-
WPI names new Assistant Director of Student Activities University of South Carolina Of fice of Disability Services. She received her undergradu ate degree in business from Babson College and a Masters of Education in Student Personnel Services from the university of South Carolina. She served as a graduate assistant in the Office of Alcohol and Drug Education and worked in the Office of Student Discipline and Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs while attending the University of South Carolina.
Courtesy o f WPI Media Relations
Tracey Pakstis-Claiborne of Worcester, Mass. Is the new as sistant director of student activi ties for WPI. Tracey began work on Jan. 4 and will be working with the Greek letter organizations and community service programs as well as coordinating the Parent’s Day program. “We’re pleased to have Tracey here to assist stu dent organizations,” said Gregory Snoddy, director of student ac tivities. Tracey replaces Andrea Dorow who left WPI in August. Tracey comes to WPI from the Colleges of Worcester Consor tium where she was the program coordinator for College Connec tions. She previously worked as
tem). But now, you can listen on the web as well, since most of us spend more time wasting away in front of our computer screens anyway. To listen to WWPI on the web, sta rt at our hom epage (w w w .w Once you’re there, click on “Listening to Us”. There, you’ll be able to link to the Microsoft webpage and download their Media Player. Make sure to download the ver sion appropriate to the browser y o u ’re using (N etscape or Internet Explorer). If you’re us ing the most recent version of W indows, th e re ’s no need to download the player, since it is al ready included. Once you have the player downloaded, simply click on the “Listen to Us” but ton. The show currently in pro cess will be displayed as well. To view our current programming schedule, just click on “schedule”
n n o u n cem en ts
A financial aid application packet forthe 1999-2000academic year will be placed in your WPI mailbox during the monthof Janu ary. These application materials need to be completed In order to apply (orfinancial akJforthe 19992000academic year
See WWPI, continued to page 3
Library Training Online! Now you can sign up for the instruction sessions you want to attend online! Forget all that time you used to spend lum bering over to the library. It’s as easy as...
Tracey Pakstis-Claiborne a supervisor, Integrated Worksite Program, and as an intern at the
WPI Chess Team Checkmate
Pan American Collegiate Championship Courtesy o f WPI Media Relations
The Dallas Morning News re ports that the WPI chess team tied for third place in the Pan American Collegiate Chess Championship at the University of Texas just before New Year’s Day. The four-day com petition attracted teams of chess players from colleges and univer sities throughout the U.S., Canada, Central and South America and the Caribbean. The event is effectively “the College National Champion ship.” There were 21 teams entered. WPI’s team included Ben DeanKawamura, Peter Minear, Max Pistilli and Don Asher playing boards 1,2,3,4 respectively. DeanKawamura is a freshman computer science major from Rochester, N.Y. Minear is a senior mathemati cal sciences m ajor from W yomissing, Pa. P istilli is a sophomore biotechnology major from Philadelphia, Pa. and Asher
is a freshman computer scicnce major from Fredericksburg, Va. Harvard University, the Univer sity of Chicago and Stanford Uni versity tied for third place with WPI. The University of Maryland Balti more County a-team was a repeat first place winner while the Univer sity of Pennsylvania took second place. WPI finished with a 4-2 record (the same as Harvard, Stanford and the University of Chicago) and because of tiebreak rules came in an overall 6th, according to Minear. “But,” he reports, “our team took the prize for being the top team with an average rating under 1800.” Minear also won a prize for the top individual score on board 2 at 5-1. The Pan Am Collegiate Chess Championship was sponsored by the University of Texas, the Dallas Chess Club and the U.S. Chess Fed eration. Their web site is at PanAm.
o l ic e
L o g ...
Vandalism: Someone vandalized Stoddard B with a Black Marker.
Pg- 16
C o n t e n t s ... News.................. 2,3,5,6,8,9,11 Sports.............................. 3,11 Arts& Entertainment....... 4,6,7 Club Comer....................... 12 Announcements............. 13,15 Classifieds..........................15 Comics............................... 15 Crossword Companion......... IS
Police iMg ........................... 16 What's Happening.............. 16
Two Newman Club members place gifts for charity at the Christmas ____________________________________ mass.