e a t h e r
Today & Wednesday: Partly Cloudy. High upper 50s. T h u rsd ay : Mostly clear. High in the 50s.
; Sigma Pi takes the cup at Greek Week '99 Tuesday October 5, 1999
by Peter Launie President o f Sigma Pi The first annual G reek Spirit Week went off without a hitch this past week. T here w as a strong showing from all o f the houses as well as a number o f independent teams. This week o f healthy com p etitio n brought o u t the unity within each house as well as that o f the G reek Com m unity. The events began with a Banner C om petition to portray the motto o f the week, “Together we are better.” T he W est S tre e t B rid g e w as decked out with colorful and imagi native banners from almost all of the houses. The brothers o f SAE won this first contest, with Sigma Pi finishing second and Zeta Psi taking third. Sunday afternoon was o ccu pied with the Cam pus Olympics, w hich inclu d ed a three-leg g ed race, an egg toss, a pie eating con test, and a tu g -o f-w ar, am ong other events. The excitement grew w ith e a c h e v e n t as team s struggled to pick up points in the overall competition. The Olympics were a success and built up a lot o f m om entum for the rest o f the week, as Sigm a Pi took second place in the pie-eating contest, and finished high in the shot put, egg toss, and tricycle race com pe titions. Each night o f the rest of the week
T h ey ’ve been here five years and loved every minute of it, but now it’s time to go. Pauline and Kerri Houle, the mother-daughter team w ho have fa ith fu lly run G om pei’s Place for the past five years are leaving W PI for Ashby,
C O X 11 A T S . . • News ............................. ....... 2 ,3 Sports............................ ........... 3 CCC .............................. ........... 4 West St. House............. ........... 5 International House ............... 5 Arts & Entertainment... ........ 6,7 Opinion ........................ 10 Club Comer ................. 13 Announcements.......... 14 Police Log .................... 14 Classifieds.................... 15 Comics.......................... 15,16 Crossword Companion. 15 What's Happening...... 16
WPI Skull Honor Society recognizes two outstanding students
Sophomores are pulled through the spray of the fireman's hose at the Freshman Sophomore Ropepull Saturday afternoon. was scheduled with a different pro gram. On Monday, Kevin Shannon spoke o f the uniqueness and the similarities o f Greek organizations. T u esday night w as the V ariety show, which included a number of interesting musical acts as well as a skit with cushion spinning and ju g gling. In the end, a song by TKE about an am putee dog “ w alked” away with first, leaving the rest of the participants to wonder who was now in the lead. The Greek Com m unity then did its p a rt for the c o m m u n ity o f Worcester on Thursday night with chapters joining together to help those in need. Brothers from each house volunteered time at charities
Two Friends Leave WPI
by Justin Greenough Editor-in-Chief
Volume Twenty-Seven, Number Nineteen
M ass, w here they plan to p u r c h a se and o p e ra te the A shby Diner. “It’s been a great time and we’ve made a lot of friends,” says Pauline o f her time at G om pei’s, “I ’ll miss it.” P a u lin e and K e rri ca m e to G om pei’s about five years ago as
See Gompei's, cont. to pg 2
such as the Worcester County Food Bank, and the Mustard Seed, where they received and prepared food d on atio n s from th ro u g h o u t the area. Sigma Pi had perfect scores for attendance in all four events: Kevin Shannon’s presentation, the Variety Show, the Community Ser vice project, and the All-Cam pus Party on Friday night. Friday’s events began at 11:00 AM with the tie-dye BBQ spon sored by the brothers o f Sigma Pi. This event ran through the entire afternoon and allowed everyone to witness the conclusion o f A X P’s Penny Wars at 4:00 from a safe dis tance. The All-Campus Party was a
See Greek Week, cont. to pg 2
Courtesy o f WPI Communications Groups Every year at Septem ber H om e com ing c eleb ratio n s, W orcester Polytechnic Institute’s Skull Honor Society recognizes an outstanding new student. This year’s Skull Tro phy for Outstanding Achievement is shared by tw o w om en: K elly Jaramillo of Belen, N.M., and Nikolc Howard o f Lafayette, Ind. T he Skull T rophy is given lo freshman students who have done the most for the class and for WPI. It recognizes outstanding perfor mance in extracurricular and aca demic activities and is awarded at
the beginning o f the re c ip ie n t’s sophomore year. Jaramillo, who is majoring in mathem atics, serves as the class representative to the Ex cellence in M athem atics, Science and Engineering Program (EMSEP) Advisory Board. An exemplary stu dent, she is a member o f W PI’s A ir Force ROTC Program and partici pates in the Women on W omen’s Issues program as well as serving as a peer learning assistant in the math department. In addition to her activities at W PI, she has been in volved in the greater W orcester community, helping to coordinate student volunteers for the Hoop
See Skull Award, cont. to pg 2
Family Values concert, a big success by Alex Clifford and Debbie Shea Newspeak Staff It’s a seem ingly quiet Tuesday night, yet if you were anywhere near the W orcester Centrum, you’d see that something was amiss. In fact, it was a rather big something. The Family Values tour rammed its way into our city, and put on quite a show. Featuring acts such as Stain’d, The Crystal M ethod, Run DM C, Filter, and Limp Bizkit, it was a night of screaming, shoving, explosions, pyrotechnics, and singing. Due to the variety in music there was quite a diversity in the crowd. However, one could tell which band most o f the crowd was there to see, notic ing that many were sporting red baseball caps; this is the tradem ark o f Fred Durst, front man o f Limp Bizkit. Stain’d was the opening act, and unfortunately we arrived right as they were finishing. T he Crystal Method was the next show. They opened up with ‘T rip Like I Do.” It w as evident the m ajority o f the
W hat's Inside. Exciting New Year for Crew! Women and Men's Crew team s win national acclaim in tournem ents... C a n they continue with their great reputation?
P g 3
crow d w asn’t here for techno as th e y ju s t s to o d a ro u n d an d cheered. At one point during the act, it appeared that keyboardist Scott Kirkland was experiencing some technical difficulties. He con tinuously signaled for crew to come up to and fix the wiring on the back of his equipment. Despite this prob lem, the music was still great, and with a spectacular light show, it combined as an experience that any techno music fan would cherish. The next show was a group o f rap pers that called themselves M obb Deep. Their stage setup consisted of mini chain link fences with barbed wiring. To add to this, the 3 rappers along with their DJ were all wearing prison uniform s. It was an en er getic and short show with nothing overly spectacular about it. It was a surprise to see 80s hiphop stars Run DMC take the stage as a replacem ent act for DMX. It was great to hear the songs that everyone knew in the 80s. They revved up the crowd by a chanting session betw een them selves and the crowd. Unfortunately they were only on for about 25 minutes, so it
Richard Patrick of Filter wasn’t so much nostalgia. Before they left, they put in a plug for a new CD. It should be out on N o vember 16, and will feature such artists as Pras, Method M an, ODB, and many others. If it’s like the Run DMC of the 80s, it’s almost guaran teed to be a hit. After a brief inter lude, the cu rta in s o p en ed once
See Family Values, cont. to pg2
Shear Maddness...
Global Oppurtunities
The Murder Mystery Lives on
Where to finish projects...
"Adapted from a G e rm a n play titled
'S c h e re n sc h n itf which w a s intended to be a murder m ystery to be taken seriously, M a d n e ss gives the au d ie n ce s a new per spective on death."
P g 6
"The fair gives m any W PI students the opportunity to take a very seri o u s glance at the possibility of spend ing part of their education at W PI som ew here other than on the main cam p u s in W orcester."
P g 4