1999 v27 i9

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The Student N ew spaper o f W orcester Polytechnic Institute

e a t h e r


l\iesday: Fair. Highs in the 50s. Wednesday: Cloudy. Highs in the 60s. Thursday: A chance o f showers. Highs in the 60s.

T u e s d a y , A p r il 6,


T e c h n o lo g y

P I s ig n s

su p p o r ts th e a r ts: W P I

W o r c e ste r A r t M u se u m

a c a d e m ic

Courtesy o f WPI Media Relations

c o o p e ra tiv e a g re e m e n ts

V o lu m e T w e n ty - S e v e n , N u m b e r N in e


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Although W orcester Polytechnic Institute ju n io r Eric Tapley is still in the midst o f his college studies, he can already teach others a few things. The Jaffrey, N.H., native has spent the last term designing a Web site for the renowned Worcester Art Museum. The results o f that work d e b u te d M arch 19 at h ttp :// www.worcesterart.org/. T apley’s involvem ent began a year ago when museum administra­ tors called WPI for help in redesign­ ing its Web site. W PI’s Amy L. Marr suggested Tapley. “I put Eric on the project and they liked what he did so much, they of­ fered to hire him for the summer,” said M arr, the u n iv ersity ’s W eb coordinator. Tapley began to di­ vide his time between WPI and the museum, with the cooperative ven­ ture cropping up this year. “Eric currently works full-time at the museum on his co-op, and puts in 15 hours a week for my office,” Marr said. “H e’s a busy guy! This summer, he’ll work full-time for me and put in a few hours a week for the museum. His duties consist of Web design, instruction and com ­ puter support.” Established in 1976, the WPI Co­ operative Education Program pro­ vides a way for students to include in their education extended periods of full-time, outside employment at com panies and other institutions. Co-op is a non-credit, paid work ex p e rie n c e in w hich classro o m learning is complemented and rein­

f o u r A s ia n u n iv e rs itie s

Courtesy o f WPI Media Relations Realizing the value that a global perspective can give to students and faculty, W PI has signed aca­ demic cooperative agreements with four A sian universities. The agree­ ments were signed by the presidents o f each o f the four universities and W PI P re s id e n t E d w a rd A lto n Parrish during a recent Asian trip. Two o f the universities are in T hai­ land and two in the Republic o f China. The Asian universities are the N ational Taiw an U niversity and T atung In stitu te o f Technology, both located in Taiw an and the Asian Institute o f Technology and Chulalongkom University, located in Thailand. “T he co o p eratio n agreem ents could mean the exchange o f stu­ dents across many disciplines be­ tween WPI and the four universi­ ties,” says W PI Provost John F. Carney III. “It will also mean that individual faculty from W PI can engage in research at Asian univer­ sities for up to one year and faculty from the four universities will come here. Joint research projects and joint courses o f study are expected to be developed. “ An initial three-person team o f Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) students will be selected by WPI professor Yi Hua “Ed” Ma o f the Chemical Engineering Department for a project at the National Taiwan University beginning in January of 2000. Ma, an alumnus o f National Taiwan University, says the WPI team will work on an environmental mudslide problem affecting the con­ struction o f residential building on hillsides. “ In the future, I’m look­ ing forward to M ajor Qualifying Projects in chem ical engineering there,” he says. The agreem ents state tha^ the development o f academic coopera­ tion will further “mutual interests in the fields o f education and re­ search and as a contribution to in­ creased international cooperation.” Agreement highlights are: Institu­ tions will cooperate in the exchange of information relating to their ac­ tivities in teaching and research in fields o f mutual interest; Institu­ tions will promote appropriate joint

w e b

forced. Students in cooperative work arrangements have the oppor­ tunity to practice some of their de­ veloping technical skills. H e re ’s a c o n v e rs a tio n w ith Tapley on how he became involved in the W orcester Art M useum ’s Web design project: W hat have you been up to at the W orcester Art Museum? Primarily I’ve been working on redesigning the museum Web site. This has involved a lot o f collabo­ ration between m yself and various staff members at the museum, most notably the designer, Sean Flynn, m arketing director Joan Wackell and com m unications manager Bar­ bara Donato. I’ve also had gener­ ous assistance from their informa­ tio n s e rv ic e s d ire c to r, Jo h n Clevenger, and the individual who has been updating and maintaining the W eb s ite all a lo n g , P h il Johnson. So I can’t rally take all the credit for this. We started by charting a direc­ tion for the Web site and defining goals. We wanted it to be graphi­ cally appealing, but not ominous. At the same time we wanted the site to be clean, and for the content to be easily readable. (Basically no black backgrounds or crazy mov­ ing images.) After setting a few standards on design, we worked on its organization. We needed a site that would reflect the way people view the museum, not it’s internal structure. We ended up categoriz­ ing our information into seven sec­ tio n s : C o lle c tio n , E d u c a tio n , Events, Exhibitions, Information, M embership and Services. This is

News ................................... .... 2 International House .......... .... 3 Editorial............................. 3 letters to the Editor ............ 3 Sports.................................. 4 Arts <6 Entertainment......... .... 4 Reader's Poll ...................... .... 5 Club Comer ....................... ... 12 WPI Honor Code ............... ... 14 Announcements................. ... 14 Classifieds.......................... ... 15 Comics................................ ... 15 Crossword Companion....... ... 15 Police Log .......................... ... 16 What's Happening............. 16

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oj Prints Last Updated: March 29, 1999

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A part of the Worcester Art Museum webpage a short enough list that people don’t get o v erw helm ed, but there are enough different categories to con­ tain nearly all o f the information we have to present. Finally we set up a flexible de­ sign based around our organization. Part o f the design process involved using museum art throughout the site. A great exam ple o f this is seen in our main page, where an image from our collection is random ly se­ lected from a pool o f five images which presents a sample o f what the museum has to offer.

Now that the new Web site has gone live, I’m going to focus on adding features and then working on some other projects at the mu­ seum. All along I’ve been the sup­ port technician for the Computer Studio there, which includes setup and maintenance o f a server and 12 M acintosh com puters, as well as w riting technical docum entation and in stru c tio n s for co m p u ter, printer and scanner use. One of the most exciting projects I’m going to start is teaching people

See WAM, continued to page 2

I n te r n a tio n a l S tu d e n t C o u n c il C u ltu r a l F e s tiv a l


Above: Sophomores Brian Faull and Vishnu Pandey examine the Germany exhibit this past Saturday. They both sampled rich chocolate spread on rolls. N EW SEPEA K STA FF P H O TO / FR ED ER IC K TAN

Left: One of the more popular exhibit!* at the cultural festival was the skin tatooing. Presented at the India exhibit, this attracted many participants.

See Asia, continued to page 2

C O N T E N T S ...

s tu d e n t h e lp s c r e a te


Mfhars inside. C re w

M e e t a t

T h e



H o n o r C o d e ...

R e a d e r

R e s p o n s e

Should there be test proctors?

Letter to the Editor...

"Honor c o d e s c a n only flourish in a n atm o­ sp h e re of a ca d e m ic trust. It would m ak e a m ockery of th e notion th at s tu d e n ts h av e ta k en a pledge to ac t honestly in th e c la s s ­ room if faculty n e v e rth e le ss took extensive surveillance a n d policing m e a s u re s to keep s tu d e n ts from cheating."

"E nglish d o e s not h a v e m a le /fe ­ m ale verb c a s e . And historically, th e m ale p ro n o u n s h a v e b e e n u s e d to e n c o m p a s s both se x e s.."

H o m e


l \ | | | I I | 1

W o m e n 's N ovice E ig h t c a m e in firs t, a n d M e n 's V a rsity B F o u r p la c e d s e c o n d in th e m e e t on S a tu r­ d a y April 3rd.

Pg 6

Pg 5

Pg 7

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