2014 WPTI Professional Development Courses and Training Calendar

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Workforce Professionals Training Institute (WPTI)


Professional Development Courses and Training Calendar

SEE INSIDE FOR: - Front-line training programs - Cohort-based learning - Advanced leadership courses - Organizational consulting PHONE: 646.278.5685 Fax: 646.278.5699 info@workforceprofessionals.org workforceprofessionals.org

table of contents Letter from the Director of Training & Development Training Catalog Courses by Category Course Calendar Course Descriptions & Rates Registration Procedures and Policies Consulting and Customized Project Services About WPTI WPTI Staff & Consultants

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WPTI is pleased to bring this 2014 Public Calendar Training Series to you at a discounted rate due to the generous support of: The Clark Foundation • Ira W. DeCamp Foundation Altman Foundation • The New York Community Trust

LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Dear Colleague: It is with great enthusiasm that we introduce the Workforce Professionals Training Institute (WPTI) 2014 training and capacity building catalog. Results from our recent survey highlighted continued demand for training and development to address the needs of the people and communities served by workforce programs. Furthermore, we have observed an increased emphasis on performance given the rapidly changing funding environment in which many of our customers exist. Our experience training over 7,000 individuals and providing consultation to over 350 programs in and outside of New York City enriches our ability to meet this demand. This catalog has been designed with our customers’ needs in mind and includes training programs that develop staff skills and strengthen organizational capacity to deliver high quality service. Among the variety of courses found in this catalog, we combined our foundational courses with exciting, NEW advanced courses to challenge and inspire workforce development professionals throughout an organization’s hierarchy.

“These new 201 and 301 level trainings will address challenges faced by senior leaders.”

We have enhanced this year’s offerings with an expanded focus on professional development for managers and executives. The trainings will help address challenges faced by senior leaders such as managing teams for results, planning and implementing sustainable improvement processes and meeting performance-based outcomes. I invite you to explore these 201 and 301 level training opportunities on pages 17 to 21. Trainees will experience a dynamic learning environment through a combination of lecture, presentations and group exercises where they will receive information, best practices, tools and networking opportunities that will help improve performance and overall excellence.

Please visit our website at www.workforceprofessionals.com for updates on training offerings, special events, upcoming webinars, and forums. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact me at 646-278-5683 or email at tbarnes-griffith@workforceprofessionals.org I look forward to seeing you at future WPTI trainings. Sincerely, Tirza Barnes-Griffith Director of Training and Development


2014 TRAINING COURSES BY CATEGORY WPTI courses are designed to strengthen the skills of practitioners both in and outside of the workforce development field, and are aligned with its core competencies. The trainings are grouped into categories and are a guide for identifying professional development needs.



Getting participants to show up and stay involved in program offerings is often a major challenge of workforce development programs. See below for the training courses that address these issues and offer result-driven strategies to job seeker engagement.

In order to support participants in securing employment, programs must maximize their efforts to engage employers and create viable opportunities. The following trainings will advance your employer engagement skills and provide proven tactics to achieve placement outcomes.

*Customer Service 101 The Hallmark of a Thriving Workforce Organization


*Customer Service 101 The Hallmark of a Thriving Workforce Organization

Facilitation Finesse Perfecting Your Presentation Skills to Empower an Audience


Job Development Boot Camp 101 Lessons from the Field


*Facilitation Learning Group A Comprehensive Look at Curriculum Design and Implementation

PAGE 9 - 10

Job Development Boot Camp 201 The Pulse of Relationship Building and Program Success


Managing Resistance The Art of Increasing Job Seeker Engagement


Retention Intervention Strategies that Make People WANT to Stay in Your Program & on the Job





Whether it be assessment, goal setting, skills acquisition, resume help or interview practice, the following trainings will improve your approach to preparing participants for the job search.

These highly-interactive training sessions provide leaders an opportunity to learn from peers and access strategies, tools, and tactics that can be used to address the challenges faced when operating a workforce program.

*Facilitation Learning Group A Comprehensive Look at Curriculum Design and Implementation

PAGE 9 - 10

Leading with Confidence 101 Practical Strategies to Help Build the Skills of New and Aspiring Managers


Getting the RAP Down Employment Strategies for Job Seekers with Criminal Histories


Leading with Confidence 201 Managing for Performance, Supervising for Excellence


Success in the Job Search Dynamic Coaching Strategies that Get Job Seekers Hired


*Performance-Based Contracts What it Takes to Exceed Outcomes and Lead Your Organization to Success


*Model for Improvement A Framework for Planning, Analyzing, and Measuring Results


Workforce Development 101 An Overview of the Workforce Development System


*indicates NEW training course 5


*Visit www.workforceprofessionals.org for the remaining course calendar to be posted by mid-2014.

Job Seeker Engagement Course Job Seeker Preparation Course Employer Engagement Course Leadership Development Course 6



Customer Service 101

The Hallmark of a Thriving Workforce Organization 1-Day Session | New Course Topics Include: • • • • • •


Generating a spirit of service; Understanding a customer’s needs; Attitude and its impact on customer service; Communication: verbal and non-verbal; Managing the “difficult” customer; and Building trust and rapport.

April 10 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $185 Regular $215

About This Course: This customer service training is designed for anyone who provides service to internal or external customers including job seekers, employers, funders, community partners or stakeholders. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are hallmarks of a thriving workforce program as they directly impact success with the people and communities you serve. What is your program’s standard when serving a customer? Do you create a lasting impression for internal and external customers? Is your program reputation one that delights or disappoints customers? In this training, you will learn skills to deliver an exceptional service experience, one that is of high quality and moves a customer to speak highly of your program to others. Trainees will master these customer service tactics to improve the quality of program delivery, meet the needs of job seekers and build long-lasting relationships with employers.


√ Front-Line Staff √ Professionals in client-facing roles √ Program Directors


This has been one of the best trainings that I’ve participated in. Time really flew by! --Partnership Manager, GED Plus - NYC Department of Education



Facilitation Finesse

Perfecting Your Presentation Skills to Empower an Audience 2-Day Session | Core Course


Topics include:

2-Day Session

• • • •

Essential traits of an effective facilitator; Training methods that engage a variety of learning types; Strategies that create opportunities to tap into participants’ strengths; Delivering workshops that empower participants through learning by doing; and • Building trust and rapport to create a classroom environment that is safe, enjoyable and conducive to learning.

June 5 June 12 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $225 Regular $255

About This Course: Workforce professionals are increasingly being called on to lead workshops and create participatory processes involving participants from diverse backgrounds. Great facilitation skills are not only critical to empowering participants, but acquiring the skills often proves to be a daunting task for workshop leaders while simultaneusly achieving the learning objectives. This training session will help to build your confidence, knowledge, skills and capacity to facilitate effective and impactful workshops. Our hands-on, practical approach enables trainees to immediately apply what is learned in their classrooms.


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Life Skills Facilitators New Trainers or Workshop Leaders Program Directors Work Readiness Instructors


The training was great. There was great information. Thank you so much for everything, you guys rock! --Intake/Recruitment Specialist, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center




Facilitation Learning Group

A Comprehensive Look at Curriculum Design and Implementation 4-Day Session | New Course

About This Course: The Facilitation Learning Group (FLG) is a three (3) month program for practitioners who wish to further enhance their skills in writing curriculum and leading workshops. In four (4) learning group sessions, trainees will have an opportunity to brainstorm, exchange ideas, share best practices, network and learn new strategies and techniques to improve their lesson plan development and workshop delivery skills. The program will include a four-step process: 1. Orientation 2. Initial Classroom Observation

3. Learning Group Session 4. Grand Finale

(see page 9 for details about each step)


4-Day Session

April 4 May 16 June 6 June 20 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Rate $380

Topics include: • Defining how participants will illustrate their understanding of learning objectives; • Customizing lesson plans based on participants’ learning needs; • Determining learning styles and instruction methods that keep participants focused and on track with learning goals; • Incorporating creative activities that will foster critical thinking and decision making; • Creating a safe environment for optimal participation; and • Building a workable, quantifiable action plan to move forward.

continued on the next page >>

The learning groups are informative and the facilitators are very knowledgeable. --Head Instructor, Italian American Civil Rights League




Facilitation Learning Group (continued) Orientation (1 session) – April 4, 9:00am – 4:30pm During orientation, members will receive a detailed overview of the upcoming program, meet colleagues with similar facilitation challenges, and set up their on-site observation dates. You will be asked to select your two most challenging facilitation topics for WPTI to observe, evaluate and provide recommendations for improvement. Classroom Observation (1 visit) – *Based on student availability A WPTI trainer will visit your worksite to observe you faciliating a classroom workshop. We will evaluate your lesson plans, curriculum content, workshop delivery, and ability to motivate and engage participants. We will provide constructive feedback, offer recommendations, and help you develop an action plan for areas that require improvement. Learning Group Session (2 sessions) – May 16 & June 6, 9:00am – 4:30pm Following the observation, you will meet two times with other learning group participants to identify strategies for creating, editing or strengthening curriculum content. During these sessions, you will also receieve materials, resources and templates to help you improve your workshop and facilitation style. Grand Finale (1 session) – June 20, 9:00am – 4:30pm In closing, group members will present a final project that includes best practices, lessons learned, and personal experiences in designing, writing and implementing new curriculum. We encourage at least two staff members per organization to participate in the FLG. Interested individuals must commit to completing a four-step process over a period of three months.


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Career Coaches Case Managers Facilitators Job Developers Program Managers Retention Specialists




Managing Resistance

The Art of Increasing Job Seeker Engagement 1/2 Day Session Topics include:


• Awareness of barriers to better understand your job seekers and reach them even when faced with resistance; • Motivational interviewing and other techniques that will help job seekers feel hopeful and capable; and • Increasing your capacity to engage job seekers, and use this skill to create a more encouraging environment focused on long-term self-sufficiency.

April 30 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Early Bird $85 Regular $95

About This Course: Placing individuals with multiple barriers to employment in a meaningful and rewarding position is only half the battle. This is mostly because this audience may lack the motivation, discipline and appropriate attitude necessary to maximize the job opportunity. It is important for practitioners to understand why job seekers may be disinterested or disengaged. Employing various approaches to get to know job seekers, their interests, knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors is essential to effectively prepare them for success in your program and on the job.


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Career Coaches Case Managers Facilitators Job Developers Program Directors Retention Specialists Work Readiness Instructors


I’m glad I attended this training course, and will use what I learned in my program. --Director, Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services



Retention Intervention

Strategies that Make People WANT to Stay in Your Program & on the Job 3-Day Session | Core Course


Topics Include:

3-Day Session

• Strengthening connections between workforce practitioners, job seekers and your program/organization; • Offering high-quality services that attract and keep job seekers engaged; • Creating a high-performance environment that promotes and supports long-term self-sufficiency; • Implementing cost effective retention, reward and incentive systems that work; and • Developing an effective communication strategy to engage and retain participants after graduation and job placement.

April 8 April 15 April 22 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $275 Regular $305

About This Course: Retention is central to the mission of workforce development, and is a strategy that goes beyond collecting paystubs and distributing metrocards. A successful retention strategy requires a comprehensive approach that effectively empowers job seekers to manage their job search and take charge of their career. In this training, you will learn how to infuse the message of retention into every aspect of your program and implement real working strategies for the four distinct areas of retention outcomes: 1. Program Retention 3. Engagement after Placement 2. Employment Retention 4. Long-term Self-Sufficiency


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Career Coaches Case Managers Facilitators Job Developers Retention Specialists


This was a very good session. There was excellent presentation and a masterful grasp of the subject material. --Career Coach, The Osborne Association, Inc.



Job Development Boot Camp 101 Lessons from the Field

3-Day Session | Core Course


3-Day Session

Topics Include: • Identifying and pitching the value of the services you offer; • Prospecting techniques that help you identify leads, network, and target the right industries; • Overcoming employer resistance to hiring applicants with limited experience or significant barriers to employment; and • Transforming customer service skills into an account management approach.

March 4 March 11 March 18 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $275 Regular $305

About This Course: Engaging employers and securing quality employment opportunities for job seekers in this tough economic climate and tight labor market is a challenge, but it is not impossible. Whether it’s your first day on the job or you want to hone your skills, this course will cover the basic strategies every job developer must know. In this session, you will learn to use the steps along the Job Development Continuum to achieve your program outcomes. You will practice proven strategies to break down resistance and engage employers quickly with purposeful and persuasive sales techniques. You will also gain the tools to effectively prepare your job seekers to minimize barriers, correctly match job seekers to employers, and appropriately respond and troubleshoot when placements go bad. Lastly, you will explore additional strategies to integrate labor market forecasts and information (LMI) into your job development toolbox.


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Account Managers Employment Specialists Job Developers Program Directors Staff with primary responsibility for placements or employer engagement √ Work Readiness Trainers


I enjoyed the marketing activity and learned how important word choice is when selling a service. --Employment Services Analyst, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation



Job Development Boot Camp 201

The Pulse of Relationship Building and Program Success 2-Day Session | Advanced Course


Topics Include:

2-Day Session

• Techniques to help break down resistance and create opportunities for a mutually beneficial relationship; • How to effectively demonstrate and quantify the value and breadth of your program services; • Beneficial tools and techniques to bolster your account management efforts including the use of social media; • How to triage your employer pool and track the most useful information for relationship management; and • Progress driven follow-up that leads to better results.

April 24 May 1 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $225 Regular $255

About This Course: This two-day training session is a highly interactive course designed for seasoned job developers who would like to sharpen their employer engagement skills, establish and maintain employer relationships and learn new strategies to expand their employer pool. With New York City’s unemployment rate tipping over 8.7%, now more than ever, workforce development services and consistent job placement is critical for job seekers. Defining, establishing and maintaining long-term employer and stakeholder partnerships are at the core of any successful workforce development program. Account Management, as a long-term relationship strategy, can catapult your program objectives, improve recruitment and retention outcomes, and increase employment opportunities for job seekers.


√ Experienced Job Developers (3-5 years) √ Program Directors √ Work Readiness Trainers


Thanks! It’s been a pleasure attending this training! I’m a student for life and this was great. --Employment Readiness Professional, Exodus Transitional Community, Inc.



Getting the RAP Down

Employment Strategies for Job Seekers with Criminal Histories 3-Day Session | Core Course Topics include: • An overview of the legal and workforce systems that impact individuals who have been convicted of a crime; • Addressing employer concerns and understanding employment laws; • Approaches to effectively connect job seekers with employers; and • Motivational Interviewing strategies to prepare job seekers with criminal histories for long-term self-sufficiency.


3-Day Session

May 6 May 13 May 20 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $275 Regular $305

About This Course: For the 60,000 New Yorkers in prison and tens of thousands more who pass through the courts, local jails, probation and parole each year, the impact of a criminal record will be felt long after they have paid their dues. Significant internal and external challenges often lock these workers into low-wage jobs—or out of the job market altogether. This training will provide you with concrete employment strategies and Motivational Interviewing techniques to assist these job seekers in overcoming numerous barriers to employment.


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Case Managers Career Coaches Job Developers Program Directors Work Readiness Trainers


These sessions have been great! I had an amazing experience and took so much information with me. Great work! --Case Manager, Queens Library



Success in the Job Search

Dynamic Coaching Strategies that Get Job Seekers Hired 3-Day Session | Core Course


Topics include:

3-Day Session

• Utilizing a strength-based skills assessment strategy to help job seekers set and achieve employment goals; • Honing an effective 60-second marketing pitch; • Cover letters that leave employers wanting to learn more; • Developing résumés that impress; and • Diffusing employer concerns about youth, former offenders and others with significant barriers to employment.

January 16 January 23 February 6 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $275 Regular $305

About This Course: While our economy appears to be making gains in other areas, unemployment is still hovering around 7.8% nationally and 8.7% in New York City according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor. Landing a good job is getting tougher every day in an economic climate where so many candidates are competing for few open positions. How do you prepare job seekers to stand strongly above the crowd and increase their chances of gaining employment? Attend this comprehensive, in-depth course to learn techniques, tools and strategies for getting job seekers hired.


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Career Coaches Job Developers Program Directors Work Readiness Instructors


This course was very interesting. The instructors have personalites that kept the group engaged. I learned some good tips that I am excited to try out. --Career Counselor, Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council (RBSCC)



Leading with Confidence 101

Practical Strategies to Help Build the Skills of New and Aspiring Managers 2-Day Session | Core Course


Topics include: • • • •

Leadership fundamentals and issues new managers face; Overcoming the initial fears and anxieties of managing others; Developing your personal leadership strengths; Communication techniques that earn the trust and respect of team members, peers and managers; and • Managing your time, priorities and projects to increase productivity.

2-Day Session

March 5 March 12 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $225 Regular $255

About This Course: Becoming a new supervisor/manager means increased responsibilities, taking on greater challenges, relating to colleagues in new and different ways, and acquiring new leadership skills. Many first time supervisors are often unprepared for the demands of this new role. The leap from worker to supervisor can be a daunting task that often leaves new managers feeling anxious, overwhelmed, isolated and stressed. This training will cover proven management techniques and practical strategies you need to become a stronger, more confident leader.


√ First-time Managers √ High potential employees on a management track


This was great! It was my first time at WPTI and it exceeded my expectations. --Program Coordinator, The Osborne Association



Leading with Confidence 201

Managing for Performance, Supervising for Excellence 1-Day Session | Advanced Course


Topics include: • Defining and measuring mutually agreed upon ‘success’ dimensions; • Assess how your leadership style impacts your work performance, environment and relationship with colleagues: • Implementing change in ways that inspires staff and achieves results; • Strategy development for leading high performing team members with differing styles than yours; and • Creating a strategy that will elevate your leadership impact.

June 3 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $185 Regular $215

About This Course: Leaders understand that it’s vitally important to consider the multiple dimensions of organizational and team success. That success goes beyond “getting results” and hinges on how the work happens and how people relate to each other during implementation. In this one-day, highly interactive course designed for mid-level and senior managers, you will learn about three important dimensions of success: results, process, and relationship (RPR). The RPR model encourages leaders to better understand varying leadership and work styles in addition to proven strategies for creating a more satisfying work experience, a higher level of productivity, and sustainable results. Trainees will participate in activities that encourage a balanced view of what “success” really looks. Additionally, you will work to develop an action plan for applying the three dimensions of success for your team and organization.


√ Experienced Managers √ Program Directors √ Senior Managers


I loved the discussions with the other trainees and the feedback received from facilitators. Thanks for the support. --Director, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow (OBT)



Performance-Based Contracts 301

What it Takes to Exceed Outcomes and Lead Your Organization to Success 1-Day Session | New Course Topics include: • The ins and outs of performance metrics and payment points; • Ways to help your staff internalize the way to succeed in a performance environment; • Performance reports to create a data-driven culture in your program; and • Strategies for maximizing performance and revenue for your program and success for your funders.


February 26 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $185 Regular $215

About This Course: Performance-based contracts are an integral part of the New York City workforce development system. Leaders can capitalize on performance requirements and incentivize their teams if they fully understand the nature of performancebased contracts and how to leverage the flexibility and innovation such a contract affords. This full-day training geared toward managers and executive leaders will feature guest facilitation from WPTI’s partner Public Works Partners. Scott Zucker and Celeste Frye, both public-sector executives, have overseen substantial performance-based contracts. The training will empower you to fully understand and leverage your performance-based contracts, train your team to manage to and beyond performance metrics, and eventually exceed your targets.


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Data/Reporting Coordinators Development Professionals Organization Executives Program Directors


I would love to continue the momentum in my program and can’t wait to share many of the practices I learned today with my staff. --Assistant Director, Urban Upbound



Model for Improvement 201

A Framework for Planning, Analyzing, and Measuring Results 1-Day Session | New Course


Topics include: • Incorporating a systematic approach to achieve more efficient results; • Using data to identify, analyze and improve existing processes within a program to meet new goals and objectives; • Incorporating the Plan, Do, Act, Study cycle for the implementation of change ideas; and • Developing measures to know if improvement is actually happening.

July 23 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $185 Regular $215

About This Course: Workforce programs are increasingly expected to use data to effectively measure outcomes and to inform planning and program design. Accomplishing these tasks can seemingly leave little time to focus on elevating program performance. Over the past several years, the Workforce Benchmarking Network (formerly known as the Benchmarking Project) has equipped workforce program staff with tools and knowledge for using data to strengthen program processes and results. Recent work has focused on adapting an improvement process to the contours of workforce development. This framework can help program leadership and staff identify specific performance improvement goals, develop a plan for achieving those goals, make use of existing program data, and build an organizational culture supportive of continuous improvement. Join us to learn approaches for helping staff experience data as a useful resource for improving services to jobseekers and employers.


√ √ √ √

Data Specialists Development Professionals Program Directors Senior Managers


Thanks! This was a great training. I’m looking forward to using some of the strategies we covered in the upcoming weeks with my staff. --Assistant Program Director, Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council



Workforce Development 101

An Overview of the Workforce Development System 1-Day Session


Topics include: • Introduction and overview of the NYC Workforce development system; • Federal, state and local workforce programs and their funding sources; • Key government, non-profit and for profit agencies that deliver workforce development services here in NYC; and • Tips for establishing a successful agency partnership in the NYC workforce development field.

2 Options February 4 or July 16 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Early Bird $185 Regular $215

About This Course: Each year in New York City, workforce development plays a critical role in bridging the gap to employment and self-sufficiency for thousands of New Yorkers. The system of programs, organizations, funding streams and stakeholders are as vast as the needs they seek to meet. Understanding and navigating this system can be a challenge for even the most seasoned practitioner. This training is a unique opportunity for practitioners both in and outside of the workforce development field to learn more about who is involved in the system, what are the types of programs, how it operates, and where the funding comes from to support the various New York City workforce development programs. Furthermore you will gain, insights on the basic features and functions of workforce programming that every practitioner should know.


√ Front-Line Staff √ Program Directors √ New professionals to workforce programs √ Supervisors


Excellent workshop. One of the most engaging in the industry. --Director of Workforce Development, CASES


REGISTRATION PROCEDURES AND POLICIES Follow these easy step-by-step instructions to register for any training! First Time Users

For New Supervisors Who Wish to Register

1. Go to https://www.workforceprofessionals. org/training/index.php. 2. Click “Apply to This Training” on the course you wish to register for. 3. Click “Create New Registrant Account” if you are a staff member or “Create New Supervisor Account” if you are a supervisor. 4. Complete all information fields and save your username and password. 5. Click “Apply to This Training”. 6. Review and print “Application Confirmation” page. 7. You will receive an email confirmation for your enrollment.

1. Go to https://www.workforceprofessionals. org/training/index.php. 2. Click “Create New Supervisor Account”. 3. Create new username and password and complete required information. 4. Click “Create New Supervisor Account”. 5. Review page with login information and print for your records. 6. At the top of the page, click the red “Login” button. 7. Click “Add New Staff” button or “List Active Registrations”. 8. Enter new staff contact information under “Add New Staff”. 9. Click “Save Registrants and Email Login”. 10. A computer-generated login and password will be sent to each staff to access their personal accounts. 11. Click “Register for Trainings” tab at the top of the page to enroll staff. 12. Scroll down to select the training(s) for which you wish you register staff and click “Apply to Selected Training(s)”. 13. Check the box next to the staff member name that will attend the training(s) and click “Register Selected Staff Now”. 14. You will receive a “Staff Application Confirmation” page.

Returning Users

1. Go to https://www.workforceprofessionals. org/training/index.php.

2. Click on the course you wish to register for. 3. Click on “Registrants” if you are a staff member or “Supervisors” if you are a supervisor. 4. Enter your username and password. 5. Click “Apply to This Training”. 6. R eview and print “Application Confirmation” page. 7. You will receive an email confirmation for your enrollment.


REGISTRATION PROCEDURES AND POLICIES Registration is available online at https://www.workforceprofessionals.org/training/ login.php.

prior to the training program to receive full credit toward a future WPTI training program by emailing smori@workforceprofessionals.org. No refunds will be given. All credits must be utilized for another Public Calendar training within one year of cancellation.

Early bird rates are available for up to two weeks prior to the event where indicated. All registrations must be received at least one business day in advance of the training session. We cannot guarantee a seat if registration is not received within this time frame.

Registrants who do not attend the training program and fail to cancel within 3 business days of the session will forfeit the full registration fee. Substitutions of a registrant requires written notification to WPTI by email, along with the substitute name and contact information.

Payments: WPTI accepts payment by check or credit card. 1. Checks must be made payable to Fund for the City of New York/WPTI. 2. Credit card payment must be made online. 3. We do not accept cash.

Location & Directions: Our programs are generally held at the WPTI Training Center located at 11 Park Place, Suite 701, New York, NY. We are easily accessible by subway and PATH train.

Your completed registration will reserve your seat for the event. If your organization is processing check payment, please provide proof of payment (i.e. copy of a check-request form, or a copy of the actual check) prior to the date of the training to confirm your seat.

A/C to Chambers Street E to World Trade Center 2/3 to Park Place R to City Hall PATH: World Trade Center

Cancellation and Substitutions We reserve the right to cancel or postpone training based on insufficient registrations, inclement weather, or other unforeseen emergencies. In such cases, registration fees will be refunded. Please allow at least 6 weeks for refunds to be processed.

Please visit hopstop.com for specific directions from your location. Half Day Events: 9am - 1:00, with check in at 8:30 Full Day Events: 9am - 4:30, with check in at 8:30 Breakfast is provided for all sessions.

We will make every effort to provide as much advance notice in the event a cancellation must occur and will communicate this cancellation via email notice.

Please contact WPTI’s Office Manager at 646.278.5685 or email smori@ workforceprofessionals.org should you have questions, need further details about WPTI’s registration policies and procedures or to cancel a registration.

Registrants must cancel within 3 business days


CONSULTING AND CUSTOMIZED PROJECT SERVICES WPTI’s consulting and customized project services are designed to help organizations further enhance their program offerings and develop staff skills. In the past nine years, we have worked with over 350 programs to help achieve better outcomes, motivate staff, and engage and retain participants.

CONSULTING EXPERTISE: Leadership • Strategy • Manager skill development • Teambuilding & staff alignment

Design • Curriculum development & facilitation • Program development • Evaluation & outcomes management

Implementation • Job development & employer relations • Recruitment & marketing • Program & employment retention

What does consultation include? WPTI will partner with you utilizing evidence-based models and research to address organizational challenges. Using our 5-Step Engagement Process, we will integrate solutions that enhance your program’s framework and introduce innovative approaches to problem-solving, concrete tools for implementation, and proven strategies to improve organization performance.

Through our CONSULTING Services, WPTI: • Navigates organizations through complex programmatic challenges in order to strengthen capacity and performance; • Links programs to dynamic resources to grow and strengthen their services; • Identifies improvement areas in staff structure and realignment; and • Synchronizes staff and program priorities, enabling organizations to work through funding expectations.

consultation can take a number of forms: • • • •

Leadership coaching; Customized training and cohort-based learning groups; Special event facilitation; and Review of materials and/or curricula.

How to Request consultation Please contact: Tirza Barnes-Griffith, Director of Training and Development at 646-278-5683 or tbarnes-griffith@workforceprofessionals.org.



WPTI MISSION To build a stronger workforce through training, consulting, and field leadership with workforce development partners and businesses. Founded in 2004, WPTI is a nonprofit organization focused on improving the day-to-day operations of workforce development programs and strengthening the workforce development field. WPTI provides professional development and training opportunities for program staff and managers, as well as technical assistance and consulting services to organizations and local workforce systems. As a result, WPTI builds the skills and capacity of practitioners to help thousands of low-income and disadvantaged jobseekers achieve economic independence by improving organizational capacity and performance. WPTI provides highly contextualized services in three core areas, meeting the critical need for professional development and capacity building opportunities in the workforce development field, including multi-organzational training workshops, customized training/ technical assistance, and large-scale initiatives. Over the past nine years, WPTI has trained more than 7,000 practitioners in 350 organizations in the New York City metro area as well as organizations in Florida, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, California and Washington, DC. Our clients include local community-based organizations and nonprofits, for-profits and government agencies that provide services to hard-to-serve jobseekers. This includes individuals with multiple barriers to employment, English language learners, formerly incarcerated individuals and disconnected youth. We enjoy a hard-earned reputation for high quality programming that influences the performance bottom-line of organizations while also building a network for peer-to-peer learning and support among workforce development professionals. Repeatedly, our customers return to us for technical support and staff training. For any questions or for more information, please contact WPTI: Phone: 646.278.5680 Fax: 646.278.5699 info@workforceprofessionals.org www.workforceprofessionals.org


WPTI STAFF & CONSULTANTS Staff Sharon Sewell-Fairman, Executive Director

Sherazade Langlade, Deputy Executive Director

Tirza Barnes-Griffith, Director of Training and Development

Aaron Barnes, Research Assistant

Saki Mori, Office Manager Trainers & Consultants Bert Gervais Gigi Gillard

Greg Holley Oma Holloway

Marty Miles

Stacy Woodruff-Bolte



The Hallmark of a Thriving Workforce Program p.7

Facilitation Learning Group

A Comprehensive Look at Curriculum Design and Implementation p.9

Leading with Confidence 201

Managing for Performance, Supervising for Excellence p.18

Performance-Based Contracts 301

What it Takes to Exceed Outcomes and Lead Your Organization to Success p.19

Model for Improvement 201

A Framework for Planning, Analyzing and Measuring Results p.20

PHONE: 646.278.5685 Fax: 646.278.5699 info@workforceprofessionals.org workforceprofessionals.org

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