Comparison between Angular 11 vs 12 vs 13 Infographic

Page 1

Compar i sonBet weenAngul ar1 1vs1 2vs1 3

WhyAngul ari sPopul ar ? Ai m ofbui l di ngi nt er act i vewebappl i cat i ons

Anopen-sour cef r amewor k

Possi bl et ocr eat edynami cwebappl i cat i onswi t havar i et yoff eat ur es

Agi l edevel opmentpr ocess

Angul ar1 3 1 3

Rel easeDat e:

November3, 2021

I vyEver ywher e Depr ecat i ngI E1 1

At t r act i ve, engagi ng, andeasyt ouseappl i cat i ons

1 00%I vy

AdobeF ont sI nl i neSuppor t

EndofI E1 1Suppor t

L ocal i z at i onI mpr ovement s

Angul arL ear ni ng

Er gonomi cAPI s

TypeScr i pt4. 4suppor t

St r i ctCL IMode

Ver si on7. 4ofRx J S

New TypeofF or ms

Rout erchanges

Test i ngI mpr ovement s

Angul ar1 2 1 2

Swi t chf r om i 1 8n F ut ur eofPr ot r act or Nul l i shCoal esci ng St yl i shI mpr ovement s


NG APIupgr ade Typescr i pt4. 2 EasyL ear ni ngCur vePat h

Rel easeDat e: May1 2, 2021

I mpr ovedRepor t i ng&L oggi ng

F ast erBui l ds

TypeScr i pt4. 0Suppor t

Updat edHMRSuppor t

Webpack5Suppor t

Aut omat i cF ont sI nl i ni ng

Adi osPr ot r act or

St r i ctCL IMode Def aul tPr oduct i onBui l d

Angul ar1 1 1 1

Movi ngt oESL i nt

ComponentTestHar nesses

Housek eepi ng

Updat esonOper at i onByel og

Suppor t sL az yL oadi ng

Rel easeDat e:

November1 1 , 2020

TypeScr i pt4. 0

TypeScr i pt4. 2

TypeScr i pt4. 4

Webpack5Suppor t

Webpack5. 37Suppor t

Webpack5. 37Suppor t

Mi gr at i ont oESL i nt

Mi gr at i ngf r om l egacy i 1 8nmessageI Ds

Vi ew Engi nei snol onger avai l abl e

Depr ecat i onofI E9, 1 0, andI Emobi l e

Depr ecat i ngsuppor t f orI E1 1

EndofI E1 1suppor t

Updat esonOper at i on Byel og

I mpr ovedcomponent t est shar ness

I mpr ovement st ot he Angul arCL I

Updat edL anguage Ser vi cePr evi ew

Updat edL anguage Ser vi ce Pr evi ew

I mpr ovement st o Angul art est s

St r i ctcheck swi t h af l ag

Def aul tst r i ctmode

F r amewor kchangesand dependencyupdat es

Roadmapt opr ovi de ear l yf eedback

Roadmapt oi nf or m aboutt he pr i or i t i esoft heAngul art eam

Suppor tt oAdobe F ont s

L i nt i ng

Mi gr at i ont odef aul t I VY-basedl anguageser vi ce

Changest ot heAngul ar Pack ageF or mat( APF )

I mpr ovedNgcc compi l er

I mpr ovedl oggi ng andr epor t i ng

Updat edHotModul e Repl acement( HMR)Suppor t

HTTPi mpr ovement s

Desi gnedby:

PRmer gesf r om communi t y ComponentAPI updat es

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