295 May 2017 Wriggle Valley Magazine

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NO. 295 MAY 2017 wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk











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Disclaimer: Whist every effort is made to ensure the accuracy the contents of this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any information given or claims made by our contributors and advertisers. Should you have any complaints please send them to the Chairman of the Wriggle Valley Magazine, Graham Plaice.

Cover - Kingfisher by Colin Varndell



CHAIRMAN: Graham Plaice gplaice@gmail.com 01935 872921 EDITOR: Bella Neate-Clegg wrigglevalleymag@aol.com SECRETARY & DIARY: Judith Palmer ja_palmer@btinternet.com TREASURER: Rob Barfoot 01935 873306 ADVERTISEMENTS: Gordon Ratcliffe 01935 872996 gojan@btinternet.com PRODUCTION & GRAPHIC DESIGN: Bella Neate-Clegg DISTRIBUTION: Stan Darley 01935 873340 e:wrigglevalleymag@aol.com w:wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk COPY DEADLINE ● 12th of the month at the latest, prior to publication, earlier if artwork needs creating ● Maximum 400 words for ALL articles please ● Photographs either as .jpeg via email or as originals, the better the quality the better the reproduction. ● All village info. should be emailed or delivered to your village rep (please see addresses and email under each village heading). Collection point for hand written or typed articles: WVM box, Old School Gallery (On the Boyle Café), Yetminster or 1 Cloverhay, Yetminster Find us on FACEBOOK Printed by Remous, Milborne Port NEXT MAGAZINE 1 JUNE


Annie’s walk

EDITOR’S MUSINGS… Welcome to our May magazine: once again there is a lot to keep you busy within our beautiful Valley. Thank you for all your contributions this month and some lovely photos too. Back this month is the very popular (p6) - which duck are you going to sponsor Donald, Daffy or Deirdre? If you are still keen on being in the followed by great outdoors then the pp 46 & 47 at St the Andrew’s CE Primary School sounds perfect for a May excursion. Love the sound of leather hitting willow ? Join the Wriggle Valley Cricket Club as their season commences on p44. Would you know what to do do in an emergency? It would be well worth going to the in Leigh Village Hall given by the Community Heartbeat Trust on which will be explaining how to use one should you need to p17. Have you got fairies in the form of kingfishers at the bottom of your garden? Colin Varndell (thank you for our cover photo) is keen to take some local photos of these beautiful birds if you know of any secret haunts p43. We say goodbye to one of our long standing businesses this month with the closure of Georgies - but Penny and Melissa haven’t moved far and will welcome you to their new venture in Bradford Abbas p43. We wish them every success. Enjoy your May.






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Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


News from the Villages


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BIG thank you to Carol and her family and friends for the fantastic amount of effort put into the recent Jumble Sale held in Leigh Hall. I don't know,as yet, how much was raised but it was a great social event with much catching up with neighbours. On the same day the churchyard had a make over by the male partners of those arranging the sale. An amazing amount was done and grateful thanks to all. On Sunday 14th May we will be again joining with Hilfield to have a ROGATION SERVICE. We will start at Hilfield Church at 10.15am with a short service then we will be led by Paul Attwell on a gentle walk down the valley ending up at their farm for lunch. Everyone is very welcome especially children. Just a reminder that our CREAM TEAS will take place on Fathers’ Day, 18th June, at Hilfield Friary. Further in the future we shall be holding An AUCTION OF




'm hoping that the beautiful sunny weather we had last month has hung around for a bit longer so we can enjoy our forthcoming bank holidays. May is such a great month especially here in the Wriggle Valley so if you can, get outside and look at how spring has truly sprung. Don't forget to support the Chetnole Fete and Flower Show by attending their fundraising BINGO NIGHT on the 6th May - it promises to be a hoot


BATCOMBE CHURCH LOTTERY March 2017 1st No. 46 Emma Shelford 2nd No. 1 Dawn & Malc Andrews 3rd No. 2 Dawn & Malc Andrews PROMISES at Leigh Village Hall on 25th November.


- and of course, one of Chetnole's old faves the DUCK RACE on the 14th May is perfect for a post-Sunday lunch leg stretch starting at Mill Lane bridge at 2pm and always brings out the whole village. The Wriggle Valley Cricket Club will be playing their first match of the season that afternoon so you can get your sports fix at the same time. Have a lovely month,

V W M wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

BINGO NIGHT The Chetnole Fete and Flower Show are holding a BINGO NIGHT at the Chetnole Village Hall on Saturday 6th May. Doors open at 7pm, Eyes Down at 7.30pm. Entry will be £4 for six games, each of which will have a prize for first line, two lines and House. In addition, there will be an optional £2 Bonus Round, where all of the money raised from that round will be offered as Cash Prizes!! You will also have a Bar and a Raffle to keep you entertained. Proceeds from the Bingo Night go towards the cost of hiring the Flower Show marquee, which means that more of the money raised on the day of the FETE AND FLOWER SHOW (Saturday 5th August) can go towards local charities and organisations. Please come along - it’s a fun night out for all ages. There is no need to book in advance, but there is a maximum the village hall can hold, so don’t leave it too late or you might be disappointed. Jackie Boulter

CHETNOLE DUCK RACE Chetnole Duck Race is back again on Sunday 14th May in aid of the upkeep and improvement of the Playing Field. The ducks will be released at 2pm from Mill Lane and finish at the ford, Deep Ford Lane. Three prizes for adults and three for children from the raffle and cash prizes for 1st to 4th on the Ducks. Tickets will be sold on the day and around the houses the week before.

SAVE THE CHILDREN Richard Kay of Lawrence's Crewkerne gave an excellent talk “Trick or Treat? Fakes and Forgeries in the Art Market” in Chetnole Village Hall on 22ⁿd March. Save the Children committee members produced delicious canapés and £556 was raised for this great cause. Many thanks to everyone who supported this event in any way. Bee Grant-Peterkin Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


CHETNOLE COMMUNITY CHOIR After a very early start from Chetnole and Leigh a subdued, they were trying to learn their words, but excited choir set off for Bristol with their intrepid (and confident) leader, to take part in The Bristol Jazz Festival on Sunday 19th March in The Colston Hall. Choirs from as far afield as Yorkshire, Devon and the local Bristol community joined with The London Community Gospel Choir to sing a range of songs including ‘Love Train’ and ‘Joyful, Joyful’. The sound that burst forth from this massed choir was stunning. The Hall was filled with lively, exciting and resounding music ably led by the conductor of the London Community Gospel Choir – what an amazing performer. The choirs sang with fervour and absolute enjoyment of the occasion and as both audience and choirs joined in harmony singing and, dare I say – dancing; it was obvious that everyone was swept along with the music. Take a look at the photographs to see your community choir singing and dancing - we can multi task with the best! The choir returned home after a wonderful but tiring day. What an amazing and memorable experience! Michele Aldhouse wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

PARACHUTING TEDDIES Once again Teddy Bears will be jumping off St. Peter’s Church tower on Sunday 4th June. Bring your parachute and teddy bear (or any other soft toy) and have a go! Any size or design will do provided it fits into the basket for hoisting up the tower. Make sure your Teddy’s name and your family name are clearly marked. Children and adults of all ages welcome. All entrants get a certificate and the slowest descent will win a prize. £1 per jump for church funds. Stephanie Fripp

CHETNOLE OIL GROUP If you would like to order domestic oil please contact John Sanford on 01935 872973 at least five working days before delivery date. Thanks

NEXT DATE 21st JUNE Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


AN APPRECIATION OF CHETNOLIANS I love living in Chetnole within my little cottage. Situated as I am next to the church, opposite the pub and walking Bella a few times each day I encounter many fellow Chetnolians. All are friendly and it enhances my day to day life. This week I have noted that the bench has reappeared on the field, mended and re-varnished. Thanks to David Orton. The old scrappy hedge bordering the playing field is now pruned and laid ready to develop into a thick attractive structure in the future; thanks to the Murphy family. The churchyard is cut, pruned and tidy with all cuttings collected; thanks to Ned Kozowyk who has appeared each day with his barrow and tools all this week. The coffee morning, choir etc have been set up, run and cleared away by many volunteers who enhance the lives of others. Wriggle Valley mag has been delivered; thanks to Ruth and John Sanford and those who do the same for other sections of the village. Flowers in the church, help with shopping for those not well, transport to appointments etc etc. This within just one week.

When our daily news often contains the sad and distressed, how lucky we are to live within this little spot of the world! Let's all enjoy the sun and the new greenness as the year unfolds. Linda Carroll


Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


01963 210292 DISTRIBUTOR:


COFFEE MORNING Thursday 22nd June The next coffee morning in the Village Hall will be on Thursday 22nd June, between 10.30 and noon. We hope to see you there. BALL ON THE GREEN Friday 11th August

Tickets are now available for this event – for just £20 dance to a live band and eat delicious food (reminder that it’s “bring your own”). There will be an auction and a ‘heads and tails’ game. Drinks are available from the bar, and parking is on the Green. It all starts around 7.30pm and goes on to 1 am (that’s later than previously advertised). To reserve your place, or to book a table, please call George Grazebrook on 01963 210253 VILLAGE LUNCH – Sunday 13th August Tickets, at just £10, are now available for this event on the Village Green which starts at 1pm and is open to all residents of Hermitage, Batcombe and Hilfield – plus their friends and relatives. To reserve your place please call Jan Pescott on 01963 210380. After the lunch, weather permitting, there will be a tractor ride around the countryside.

BINGO – 8th April It was great to see so many people there, thank you to all who attended. As always Charlie was our caller, so many thanks to him and to Anne for their help. Bingo returns to the Village Hall in the autumn with our first game on 30th September and ‘CHRISTMAS’ BINGO on 25th November.

THEMED EVENING Saturday 21st October A date for your diary - the next ‘Themed evening’ in the Village Hall will be on October 21st - details to follow in future editions of this magazine. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk



DISTRIBUTOR: Brian Hawkins 01963 210245


oin us in July for AN EVENING WITH JOHNNY KINGDOM. WILDLIFE PRESENTER, FILM MAKER & PHOTOGRAPHER Saturday 8th July 2017. Johnny hasn’t always been the wildlife photographer, film maker and presenter that most people know him as. All this came about because of a serious accident that changed his life. Before this he was a farmer, quarryman, forestry worker, gravedigger and, if truth be told, a poacher. How things have changed, but those days certainly left him with some stories to tell. He still lives in North Devon, right on the edge of Exmoor, with his wife Julie, and springer spaniel Megan as he has done since the day he was born. He loves it here surrounded by the beautiful moor with all its stunning wildlife and family and friends . What more could a man want?


emma.harris27@btinternet.com DISTRIBUTOR:

THE LEIGH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Our Planning system exists to ensure that building development is in the public interest, weighing up its economic, environmental, and social benefits and drawbacks. Local Government has delegated some of the planning decisions to the local level because it believes that local people know best how their needs can be met. By drawing up a village Neighbourhood Plan we can better determine the future of our area. For instance, we can control the type and number of houses that should be built in the Leigh Parish. We’ll be asking you things like: In what proportions and in which areas should we build starter homes and affordable housing? What provision should be made for the supporting infrastructure such as business properties and leisure

LEIGH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN areas? Will jobs be accessible for young people living in the village and how can we improve the local transport network? We can decide what part of the environment we want to protect, alleviate flooding and protect wildlife by putting the right planning guidelines in place. Yetminster and Chetnole are also drawing up their Neighbourhood Plans and ours is now entering the second of eight phases, with funding being approved to identify the issues in the village. The whole

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews


process takes about two years. The Leigh Steering Group will co-ordinate the distribution of questionnaires, which they would like the residents of Leigh to complete, and the information collected from these will generate the aims and objectives of the Plan. Once the Plan has been drawn up it will be put forward for approval by a Parish Referendum and if approved will be become backed by law. Don’t forget, if we have no Neighbourhood Plan the Dorset Planning Department and their developers could decide for us.

The Steering Group for the Neighbourhood Plan would welcome at least three new members to work on specific tasked Working Groups and engage with our villagers. If you are interested in volunteering I will personally visit you, without obligation, to discuss how you can help. Please contact me: Richard Smith – Leigh Steering Group Chairman Phone: 07976 517088 or email rgsmith2009@gmail.com

RHYME Welcome to Rob & Sue Wydra who have a last managed to move into Fern COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATOR SEMINAR 7pm 3rd May Leigh Village Hall The Community Heartbeat Trust will be demonstrating the use of defibrillators and explaining how the equipment works and its benefits to the community in saving precious minutes in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest. The more people that know how to use the portable defibrillator installed in our community, the more chance there is of saving the life of a victim of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Everybody is welcome, and no special skills are required, just your willingness to play an important role in the event of a medical emergency. Contact: Graham Bugler 01935 872147 for more information

HOUSE HUNTING We are in the position of needing to move out of our home at short notice so will be looking for alternative rented two bed accommodation in Leigh or Three Gates from June. If you hear of anything suitable we would be very grateful if you could let us know. Eddie Upton & Philippa Toulson eddie@folksw.org.uk 01935 873889

ANNUAL CANDLE AUCTION The annual fish, chips, wine and candle auction extravaganza will take place in Leigh village hall at 7.30pm on 21st June. The last few years have seen increased interest in the auction, with more people attending, and – thank goodness bidding. Not only is it an enjoyable evening, but it as opportunity to witness, and take part in, a genuinely rare event. Gordon Morris wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk


Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Church Meeting. There was an encouragingly good turnout, especially as the very same day we heard of another church (not in this Benefice, but not so far away) where the Annual Meeting had attracted just four people. Perhaps they should be offering a glass of wine on arrival! May is another busy month with a COFFEE MORNING on Tuesday 2ⁿd May at 10.30am, another BIG BREAKFAST in the church on Sunday 8th May from 9-11am and then a special ROGATION SUNDAY service on 21st May at 10.15am. We will start the service at Leigh Village Hall and then move to the adjacent field, the wild flower meadow and finish at The Old Vicarage where we will be treated to a cup of coffee. Please come and join us, whatever the weather, in celebrating farming, the natural world and gardening and how blessed we are to live in this part of Dorset. You will notice that we now have two smart new notice boards outside the Church. Many thanks to Les Wallis, Bill Jolliffe and Mick Harris for all their hard manual work and to Alaistair Cumming for masterminding it all – a real team effort. Sadly our smart, newly repaired gate was driven into but again a great job has been done in mending it.

By the time you read this the inside of the church and the churchyard will have had a spring clean. It is important to try and keep on top of all the jobs that need doing. We recently had both a fire extinguisher check and an electrical inspection. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: OPEN WEEKEND in the church Saturday 1st & Sunday 2ⁿd July. Lots of activities, displays and food in both the church and the churchyard, including Clipping the Church on Saturday afternoon. Sunday will start with breakfast in the church and for the rest of the day the church will be filled with live music, finishing with a special Victorian Sung Evensong at 6.00 pm. ST ANDREW'S AND LEIGH VILLAGE HALL JOINT FETE - Saturday 9th September 12noon -4pm Eddie Upton & Anne Reason, Churchwardens ST ANDREW'S LENT LUNCH We are delighted that we managed to raise £318 to send to Medecins sans Frontiers from our Lent lunch held at the end of March. A huge thank you to all those who made soups and especially to those who supported this excellent charity. Jo Barlow-Poole and Anne Reason

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Great things have been happening at the Old Vicarage! At the Old Vicarage we pride ourselves on providing a full and comprehensive programme of activities to suit all needs. We were recently approached to see if we would be willing to take part in a programme that is challenging the preconceptions of life in care and showing what a positive impact great quality music can have on the well being of individuals. We were delighted to welcome five internationally acclaimed opera stars to our home. They provided an incredible morning of entertainment and we couldn’t help being overwhelmed by their sheer talent. We look forward to following their project with great interest. , we took part in the On NAPA annual challenge and joined together to sing the Carpenters hit “ ”. Participating care homes across the country all sang it at the same time, so it was good to feel part of such a big event! We were led through by the very talented Ann Hinchliffe on guitar and silly hats were plentiful. £50 was donated to Comic relief. saw the opening of Saturday “ ” (see article to the left). The village of Leigh got together and planned a special route in memory of Annie Sinnott. The walk was officially opened by her two daughters, Josie and Carey. It was lovely to see so many raising a glass to celebrate her life and countless achievements. Our Coffee morning on Saturday 8th raised an amazing £400 for the British Heart Foundation. Thank you so much for all your help and support. We had ten volunteers manning stalls! We are very grateful to everyone who gave their time, raffle and tombola prizes etc., we can't do it without you!

Colin Millward (see above) recently won the Outstanding Volunteer award at the Care Focus ceremony in Taunton. It is wonderful to see some recognition of the importance of volunteers in the Care Setting. We have a great team at the Old Vicarage who all help to make life that little bit better for our residents. Well done Colin! Please see our posters for details our on . We will be raising money for the churches in our Benefice, please make a note in your diary!


WALKING IN SUNSHINE FOR ANNIE The launch of an official walk in memory of Annie Sinnott MBE saw 150 people gather in glorious sunshine in the Dorset village of Leigh on Saturday 25th March. Annie, owner of the Old Vicarage care home, sadly died unexpectedly last April. The walk follows the route that Annie used to take daily with her beloved dogs and is clearly marked with directional signs. Before the walkers set off Annie’s daughters, Josie Aggett and Carey Faulkner, (photo on the right) planted a rose tree in her memory and unveiled a plaque celebrating the inauguration. They said: “What a wonderful way to celebrate our fabulous mum. She would have loved this!”. The plaque included a poem by Jan Milward, resident poet and activities coordinator at the Old Vicarage: When you walk down Annie's Way, in winter's wrath or summers day. Take the time to look around, for nature's beauty will astound. Remember if you will her voice and for her life smile and rejoice The walk starts and finishes at The Old Vicarage and takes about 45 minutes. It is advisable to wear waterproof footwear! Annie Sinnott and her husband Ian opened the Old Vicarage in 1984 and

developed the property to the award winning 40-bed residential care home it is today. The home was last year rated as Outstanding by the CQC. In 2007 Annie was awarded the MBE for services to social care. Denise Harrison

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews






After the issue was raised at the Parish Council meeting in March, a huge thank you to Paul Orchard for taking the lead in organising a blitz on all the litter that has been despoiling Leigh’s roadsides. Paul collected the necessary equipment from WDDC, organised some 15 residents (with their partners no doubt) to cover every road and lane in Leigh village and its approaches, and provided the drop off point for all that was collected (23 bags). The verges are now much improved; a heart-felt thank you to all who participated. And if anyone knows who might be responsible for the c.125 (yes, 125 - in addition to the above bag count) empty bottles of ‘Andrew Peace’ Australian Shiraz littering the approach road from Sherborne, please firmly ask them to desist. Maybe they’d like to take the numerous whisky bottles home too.

Alan Bennett



CLUB LUNCH Leigh Village Hall 12.30 Tuesday 16th May bookings by 9th May

MENU Shows start at 7.30pm,doors open 7pm.(bar provided) We look forward to seeing you on some of the above dates. Tickets £6 will be available from Bridge Stores,Leigh or Fiona and John Parks (01935 873603) two weeks before screening date.

Steak & kidney pie Mashed potato Cabbage and carrots Jelly & ice cream For Reservations or more details: Ring Connie 01935 872946

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



CHRISTIAN AID WEEK This year CHRISTIAN AID WEEK is from the 14th -20th May. The charity has been there for refugees since 1945 and continues to act to 'help relieve suffering and build a world where everyone has a safe place to call home'. Last year our village raised £359.30 from house-to-house collections and this year our small but dedicated team will be posting a donation envelope through your letter box again. If you want to find our more about Christian Aid and Christian Aid Week before you decide if you wish to donate, please visit the website: www. christianaid.org.uk/christian- aid-week for more information. Jill Taylor Rep:

HOW CURLY ARE YOUR VEGGIES? THE 81st LEIGH FLOWER SHOW is on 12th August 2017 and schedules are now available. They can be downloaded from the Leigh Village Website. Also available from Heather at Leigh Cross Cottage or the Post Office. New section - Quirky Vegetables how curly are your carrots?

April 2017 Lottery Draw : 1st (£30) No.56 Mr & Mrs P Burton 2ⁿd (£20) No.115 Mr & Mrs Reason 872982



ow! another fantastic litter pick by Ryme. About 20 people turned out; it was especially nice to see people from the two newest families to join the village, and for them to meet more of us. The main street is kept clean by those that walk up and down, so one gang went from the end of Common Lane out to the main road at Melbury Oak, one lot from end of Common Lane to the bottom of Tarks Hill and one lot from the triangle to Elsford Bridge, the result being about 25 bags of mostly food and drink related rubbish plus an upright hoover and a two tier metal garden plant stand! All so biodegradable! VERY MANY thanks to everyone. Please make note on your calendar and come and join us on Saturday 13th May 10am to 12.30 ish for THE ANNUAL CHURCHYARD TIDY UP. Men, women and children of all ages most welcome; there will be job for everyone plus a really good gossip and coffee & biscuits too. Please bring you own tools and gloves etc.

Village Meeting was very well attended. Mike Batten was re-elected as chairman. Cllrs Gould and Torrance kindly attended to fill us in on what the parish plan involved. It is still in the early stages, people need to think what they want for Ryme Intrinseca for the future. Welcome to Liz Somerville and Puffin her Jack Russell, who will be coming over from Cattistock to use the Old School House as her studio. She is a full time landscape artist and also creates lino and woodcuts. She will be having an exhibition at the end of May with her photographer brother and ceramicist . sister-in-law. Look on

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews




Saturday 13th May 10am to 12.30 ish

ALL WELCOME Bring your own tools - Coffee & biccies




pring is definitely here again. The trees are covered with green leaves and spring blossoms. The snowdrops and crocuses, and most of the daffodils, have long given up to the April warmth. The birds are singing. The cows are in the fields. But enough of country notes! Good news. Moviola lives on. Due to your support at the last showing of the season there is enough in the kitty to run another season (just). The organisers wish to thank everyone who came along and also those who could not make that evening but have supported Moviola during the year. The next film will be in September. So remember to keep coming. Enjoy the summer and watch out for the announcements and posters in the autumn. An early welcome to Carol and Robin Debell. They are moving to Yetminster from furthest Ryme Intrinseca. But not quite yet. They have bought the patch of ground alongside Cross Farm. There has

been some controversy over the land in recent years. So they are thinking of calling their new house, when built, “Cross Patch” ( wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

They are planning a very “green” and eco-friendly house - and to maintain the view to the church tower from High Street. They would also like to apologise in advance for the inevitable disruption that will occur from having a building site in the middle of the village. Some sad news. We mourn the passing of Colin King. A lifetime resident of Yetminster, he was a prominent member of the Garden Club. His flowers and vegetables taking nearly all the prizes at the Summer Show – usually three cups or so each year. Deepest sympathy goes to his family. He will be missed by us all. Breath-taking admiration for Veronica Hansford and Pearl Tuck for their latest fund raising challenge. They have spent a week dog sledding from Tromso in Northern Norway up into the Arctic Circle, including camping out in sub sub-zero temperatures. You will find Veronica’s log on page 30. The aching limbs and stretched muscles are thought worth it, even though the aches and pains are still there, to have raised around £7000 for St. Margaret’s Hospice.

Their next challenge seems to involve horse riding somewhere equally difficult. And Veronica hasn’t even learnt to ride yet! Well done both. And finally, on a happy note. Congratulations to Lorraine and John who have recently married. Best wishes to you both from all of Yetminster.



In Beer Hackett, we have been experiencing a marked increase in dog fouling recently and, like Yetminster, are

determined to stop this irresponsible dog owners’ lack of respect for our village. As this reflects badly on responsible dog owners of the village, we have taken advice, following a visit by the Council officer and have now posted signs provided by the Council at ‘hot spots’ to remind people to ‘pick up’ or be fined. We are watching! Susan Ferdinand

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


ST ANDREW'S CHURCH, YETMINSTER May....late Spring, early Summer and the most beautiful of months here in Dorset. Here at St Andrews major electrical work is now in full swing to renew all the wiring, lighting and heating. This means, that although the church will be open as usual during the day, there will be considerable mess and ladders etc with the ongoing work. ALL SERVICES therefore will take place at St Hippolytus Church, Ryme Intrinseca. Please check the notice board, pewsheets and this magazine for service timings etc. If you do not already receive the pewsheet, please let either John Summers know on threevalleyscurate@yahoo. com, or contact either David or Clare below. If there is anyone needing a lift to Ryme for a church service, please let us know that too. We are very grateful to Mike Batten and Gilly Wilson, Church Wardens at St Hippolytus, for agreeing to share their lovely church with us for a few weeks.

Yetminster residents will all have had a letter entitled ‘Project Hope’ concerning the renovation of St Andrew’s. Unfortunately we have discovered that this name is also the name of a major humanitarian charity. Therefore in future the St Andrew’s project will be called ‘ ’

The Church Clock repairs by now should be coming along well, and it won't be long till we hear it ringing out the National Anthem again! Your Churchwardens: David Gould and Clare Lindsay pccsec.yetminster@gmail.com

We are planning a major inaugural event later in the year so ' ' The current position is that the rewiring of the Church started on 18th April; this will take about three months and the Clock may well have been repaired by the time you read this if not shortly afterwards


FUND RAISING ARCTIC CHALLENGE: HUSKY DOG DRIVING VERONICA HANSFORD AND PEARL TUCK On 24th March we departed the UK for our flight to Tromso in Norway. There we were met by our Challenge Leader and transferred to the dog sled centre, where we met our local guides, the dogs and had equipment briefing. Altogether there were to be 18 teams of sleds and 98 dogs on this trek. 25th March, our adventure began, starting with learning to harness the dogs and steering the sled. After a bumpy start we travelled some 30 km to the tri-border between Norway, Finland and Sweden and here we made camp. The following day we were camp bound as there was a blizzard and it was deemed too hazardous to proceed. 27th March, we had a lot of distance to make up, our dogs taking us through driving snow 100km up to the Arctic Tundra, where we stayed the night in the Fish Camp at Rostojavri.

28th March, we travelled 55km through birch forests following snow mobile tracks. That evening we camped at Vosko. 29th March was another long day. After packing up camp and harnessing the dogs we sled approximately 75km through dramatic landscape down the fjords to the famous Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi where after saying goodbye to the dogs we went to have a celebratory cocktail at the Ice Bar. The following day we were able to visit the Ice Hotel and see the fantastic artwork both inside and out. 31st March, we had free time in the morning to look around Tromso before travelling to the airport for our flight home. Both Pearl and I thought this was the most difficult challenge we have done so far. However we have had an adventure we will never forget ‌ and we have raised money for St Margaret's Hospice .

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews

Veronica Hansford



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


NEWS FROM YETMINSTER COMMUNITY PROJECT Our next event will be a welcome return of the FAT MARROW BLUES BAND on Sunday 30th April at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Hall. Tickets are £10 to include supper, available to order by email until Tuesday 4th April. After that, any remaining tickets will be in the Spar shop. On Saturday 20th May we are holding a Quiz in the Jubilee Hall in conjunction with the Fair Association (se p 54 ) It will be our usual tried and tested format – bring your own supper and drinks and enjoy a lighthearted quiz set by Harvey, Simon and team. Tickets will be £5 per person, with a maximum of 6 per team: bookable in advance by email, or from the Spar shop in early May. We are now in a position to offer modest grants to local organisations, so if you have a project which would benefit

from extra funds please email us with the details: ycp873@gmail.com.

We were all so saddened to hear about the sudden death of Alison Horswell in early April. Alison and Ken had lived in Leigh for a number of years and had thoroughly immersed themselves in all things local. Alison was particularly interested in ‘am-dram’ and readily took part in, and directed, pantomimes for the Wriggle Valley Players. She was also heavily involved in the Swan Theatre in Yeovil as their facilities manager but was also no stranger to performing, and helping backstage, in many plays over the years. At home she also loved Strictly Come Dancing and was a perfect, much loved “Nanny” to her grandchildren, James and Leila. Alison was a good and reliable friend, always ready to lend a hand. She will be sorely missed by her husband, Ken, their boys, Colin and Simon, and his fiancé, Mel, grandchildren and sister Linda, as well as all those who knew and loved her. I feel sure she will be somewhere convincing everyone to Tap-Dance, do Fit Step and Watch Strictly. I hope she finds her Glitter Ball.


Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN MAY UPDATE We are moving forward with our proposal for a consultation questionnaire. This will be delivered to every household and enable you all to have the chance to comment on the developing objectives and policies for the Neighbourhood Plan. We also like the idea of some form of NP Surgery whereby people can drop in and meet members of the team and, again, we are giving some thought as to the best times and location for this. Our next grant application (funding is available from Central Government) has high priority and we hope to have this submitted by the time the WVM is distributed. As indicated in last month’s magazine there is a delay in the approval process so we do need to get this done if our overall timetable is not to slip. So we are certainly burning the midnight oil getting everything together! At last year’s Yetminster Fair we had a stall and our volunteers were kept busy answering questions about the plan throughout the afternoon. We felt that it was a great success and we have booked again for this year’s Fair on the 8th July. So do look

out for us and come and find out what’s going on. Out of interest both Chetnole and Leigh are now also engaged on their own plans and we are sharing common ideas and information. As such, West Dorset District Council now has a total of 18 Neighbourhood Plans in preparation and, additionally, has two which have been approved. Bearing in mind the amount of work involved this is a tremendous effort by all the communities that are involved! Following our request for a drone we now have an offer of help from a resident living in Brister End and are very grateful for this – we’ll be organising some photographic sessions once the weather has settled down. So do give us a wave if you see us floating above you! Don’t forget you can find us on Facebook - facebook.com/YRINP and also see our pages on both our own and the Parish Website – just put YRINP in your search engine. The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group yetminsterplan@gmail.com


Dates for your Diary Diary



28 PTFA Quiz


St Andrew's School, Yetminster


29 Jazz Café Philip Clouts Quartet


Chetnole Village Hall


30 Fat Marrows Blues Band


Jubilee Hall, Yetminster


30 Hermitage Spring walk and brunch 11am

Gore Hill car park

MAY Tues






Coffee morning/bring&buy


St Andrew's Church, Leigh

Community Defibrillator Seminar


Leigh Village Hall

WV Cricket Club net practice


Chetnole Playing Field

Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society 10.30am- Cross Farm, Yetminster Plant sale 12 Chetnole Fete & Flower Show Bingo Night


Chetnole Village Hall



Just Breakfast


St Andrew's Church, Leigh



Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Companion Planting


Chetnole Village Hall



Leigh Discussion Club Outing to Windsor



Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society outing to Willows & Wetland Centre


10 WV Cricket Club net practice


Chetnole Playing Field


13 Annual churchyard tidy


St Hippolytus Church, Ryme


14 Chetnole Duck Race


Mill Lane Bridge, Chetnole


Chetnole Playing Field

WV Cricket Club match, Stour Provost Sun

14 Minterne Spring Fair


Minterne House


20 Coffee morning/bring & buy


Yetminster Methodist Church

Yetminster Fair Association Quiz Sun

21 PTFA Fun Run & May Fair


22 Leigh Moviola Lion


Jubilee Hall, Yetminster 9.30am

St Andrew's School, Yetminster


Leigh Village Hall

28 Live Music with Word Gets Out


White Hart, Yetminster


30 Quiz


White Hart, Yetminster


31 WV Cricket match v Compton


Chetnole Playing Field

Leigh’s Rogation Service

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Dates for your Diary Diary




Holwell Summer Music Night





Bee Grant Peterkin open studio for Save the Children Parachuting teddy bears NGS Open Gardens



Tues Sat Sun Mon Tues

6 10 11 12 13



Sun Tues

18 20

Wed 21 Thurs 22 Fri




Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Outing to Venn House Coffee morning/bring & buy Summer BBQ with Word Gets Out Flower Festival Athelhampton Leigh Moviola La La Land Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society The answer lies in the soil 1950s Vintage Tea Party on the lawn for NCH Open Day WV Cricket for Fun day Leigh Discussion Club Outing to Isle of Wight from Poole Harbour Candle Auction Coffee morning Midsummer Jazz Petites Announces Yet Hist Soc Coffee Morning


Chetnole Mill, Chetnole

3.30pm 11.30am

St Peter's Church Frankham Farm, Ryme

10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm 7.30pm

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Chetnole Village Hall Athelhampton Leigh Village Hall Jubilee Hall, Yetminster Old Vicarage, Leigh


Chetnole Playing Field

7.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm

Leigh Village Hall Hermitage Village Hall


Yetminster Jubillee Hall

Chetnole Village Hall









Tues Wed

Open Weekend St Andrew's Church, Leigh St Andrew's Church, Leigh Open Weekend St Andrew's St Andrew's Church, Leigh Church, Leigh Coffee morning/bring & buy 10.30am St Andrew's Church, Leigh Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society 2pm Peter Cantrell's nursery visit Yetminster Fair 1pm-4.30

Hilfield - an evening with Jimmy 7.30pm Kingdom, wildlife presenter 11 Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society 7pm Summer party & Quiz 12 WV Cricket Club 6pm Match v Blandford Flyers

Leigh Village Hall Jubilee Hall, Yetminster Chetnole Playing Field wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Dates for your Diary Diary



12 WV Cricket Club Match v Blandford Flyers 15 Artsreach Event Seckou Keita Concert 18 Leigh Discussion Club Evening outing Dancing Ledge 20 Frome Valley Morris Dancers 23 Annual Dog Show WV Cricket Club v Stour Provost 29 Leigh Food Fair/ Classic Cars

Tues Sat Fri Sat Sun

1 5 11 12 13

Sat Tues Thur Sun


Chetnole Playing Field


Chetnole Village Hall


The White Hart, Yetminster Old Vicarage, Leigh Stour Provost Leigh Village Hall

2pm 10am


Tues Sat Sun

Coffee morning/bring & buy 70th Chetnole Fete & Flower Show Ball on the Green Leigh Flower Show Hermitage Village Lunch & tractor ride 15 WV Cricket away match 19 Y&RGSoc Summer Show 20 Community Sunday & lunch

10.30am 7.30pm 7.30pm 1pm

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Chetnole Village Hall & field Hermitage Village Green Leigh Village Hall Hermitage Village Green

6pm 2pm 10.15am

Compton Jubilee Hall, Yetminster St Andrew's Church, Leigh

10.30am 12-4pm 6pm

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Leigh Village Hall Monkey Puzzle roundabout, Martinstown Road

10.30am 7.30pm

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Leigh Village Hall


Jubilee Hall, Yetminster

SEPTEMBER Tues Sat Tues Tues

5 Coffee morning/bring & buy 9 Leigh Fete 12 Leigh Discussion Club Visit to Poundbury Digester 12 Y&RGS Outing


Sun Sun

Coffee morning/bring&buy Leigh Discussion Club Behind the scenes at the National Trust 10 Yetminster&Ryme Garden Society Reach for the sky Jennie Short 15 Community Sunday & lunch 15 NGS Open Garden

Fri Sat

20 Leigh Art Show starts 21 Themed evening



10.15am St Andrew's Church, Leigh 11.30am- Frankham Farm, Ryme 5pm 6-8pm Leigh Village Hall Hermitage Village Hall wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


General News free evening presentation somewhere in the Wriggle Valley. I hope that someone will be able to respond. Thank you Colin Varndell Telephone 01308 488341 or email colin_varndell@hotmail.com www.colinvarndell.co.uk

WRIGGLE VALLEY KINGFISHERS Would any Wriggle Valley readers, who own private river frontage, be kind enough to allow me to conduct a kingfisher project on their land? I would want to come and sit by the river in my portable camouflage hide a few times. I would share prints of any images I capture, and if  there was sufficient material I would also offer a

Dear Customer On behalf of Penny & Melissa, I wish to say thank you for being a loyal and valued customer of Georgies Hair & Beauty Studio. Sadly, the time has come to close Georgies where it has been a real pleasure providing a fully qualified professional service and introducing the latest hair and beauty products and techniques. Though it is a sad time for us leaving Yetminster, we are truly committed

to continue to provide the best products and services and are pleased and excited to announce our new location as being The Salon at Bradford Abbas Village Shop. As a token of appreciation for your continued support, please contact Penny on the telephone number below for your first appointment and special loyalty or new client offer. We also now provide Mobile Home Visits if you prefer. Both Penny and Melissa look forward to continue seeing you in the very near future. Salon: 01935 426063 ask for Penny or Melissa Mobile: 07460825425 (Penny) Email: pennymarieflint@gmail.com wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

WRIGGLE VALLEY CRICKET GAIN A SPONSOR! Good news on all fronts: we have a good number of enthusiastic players, we have spring and summer fixtures, we have a new logo, and a new sponsor. We are hugely grateful for the generous sponsorship of our new cricket shirts by the local business - Bamfords Plumbing & Electrical. Rob and Clare have supported local cricket in previous years and now kindly agreed to sponsor the newly formed WVCC. We are also delighted to have a new WVCC logo, its first appearance on the new shirts. Players - Our season starts with two net practices on Wednesday 3rd & 10th May at 6pm. These will be an ideal opportunity either to shake off any 'rust' that might have built up over the winter or to simply hone one's skills. It will also give the captain an opportunity to see the talent we have on offer and to check availability for the matches ahead - the first game is a home game against Stour Provost on Sunday 14th May. Let us know your availability. It would help us greatly in our selection for the various matches so as soon as you Will Henry, Rob Bamford, Tony Jones, Steve Fudge and Clare Bamford

FIXTURE LIST FOR 2017 SEASON ●Stour Provost - Home Sunday 14th May 2.30pm. ●Compton cc Home Wednesday 31st May 6pm. ●Chetnole Cricket For Fun Day Sunday 18th June 12 noon start: Dorset Cricket Board Coaching, BBQ & Quick Cricket.

know please email Steve Fudge: steve.fudge@outlook.com confirm ing you name, contact tel no. and your availability. Don’t forget the nets on 3rd and 10th May. Supporters - Whether from Chetnole, Yetminster or Leigh, for our home games you are all incredibly welcome to come and watch from the sidelines. We’ve got quite a lot of chairs available, the pavilion has running water and crucially a loo and who knows, cups of tea may become available. We’ll hang a sign in the main road to remind you all when cricket's on. Here's to a successful and enjoyable season ahead. For more information contact Will on williamhenry9@btinternet, or Tony on anthonygjones@outlook.com

● Sexey's School cc Away Thursday 29th June 6pm. ● Blandford Flyers Home Thursday 13th July 6pm. ● Stour Provost cc Away Sunday 23rd July 2pm. ● Compton cc Away Tuesday 15th August 6pm.

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



Well here we are in the very merry month of May and we do indeed hope it will be merry as we put the final arrangements in place for the with combined taking place at St. Andrew’s CE Primary School on This community event is to help raise funds for the community swimming pool plus St Andrew’s Primary School and even though it's only a few weeks away there's still time to dust of those running (or walking) shoes and join us

for a 5k or 10k jaunt around our beautiful village. This will be followed by The PTFA's which opens at 11.30am so if you fancy a very relaxed few hours of old fashioned family fun please come along. Just sit and pass the time with a glass of Pimms or a cool beer, indulge yourself with a cream tea or light lunch or maybe try your luck at our traditional games stalls. I can't wait to see who will win the prestigious title of Chicken Chucker of Yetminster 2017, you never know it could be YOU! There will definitely be something for everyone whatever your age or ability so please come and support us, We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on our fun filled day!

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews


They say that many hands make light work, so it was a good job we had plenty of pairs for the big school pool clean-up one sunny weekend last month. Armed with rubber gloves, brooms, pressure washers, paint brushes and reels of black bin bags, a band of parents carried on all the great work achieved by the Brownies and Guides the previous day, and got to work cleaning the pool, before painting it from top to bottom, and giving the boys’ changing room a fresh lick of paint. There were floors to clean, flower beds to plant up and lots of swimming pool equipment to scrub down, and the result was… …well, come along to the 5k and 10k Fun Run on and you’ll be able to see for yourself! We are throwing open the doors so that everyone can see where the money raised by the Fun Run is being channelled – a much-loved resource which needs these vital funds to stay open. This year, the Yetminster Fun Run has drawn a couple of great sponsors, including in Sherbourne and , who have very kindly agreed to supply each runner with a hessian bag and bottled water. Please do join us on the day (registration is at 9.30am in the school park and the Fun Run starts at 10.15am), whether you fancy running (or walking) the 5K or 10K course that loops Yetminster and Rhyme Intrinseca, or simply coming along to cheer everyone on. The more the merrier! The only obligation is to have fun and enjoy yourself.

The girls relaxing after all their hard work

Guides and Brownies hard at work

Straight after the Fun Run, from 11.30 – 3pm, the St Andrew’s CE Primary School PTFA is holding a , where you’ll be able to browse lots of lovely stalls, indulge in a cream tea or two and cheer on the children’s races. All in all, it’s shaping up to be a great day out for all the family. Look forward to seeing you there!


SHARES Sherborne Area Refugee Support would like to thank the people of Yetminster and surrounding areas who pulled together to amass a wonderful collection of donations for refugees. Locals can be very proud of the generosity that was on view in the number of donations that piled up in the church and in the offers of help to sort and transport donations to RAFT Taunton. The first huge delivery left on Wednesday and was greeted with cries of joy from the volunteers at Taunton as they had just run out of donations to sort. Many of the items from that delivery will have gone straight into a shipment that was sent off to Syria via Anaya Aid on 25th March. So many kind people came to help sort donations and then pack vehicles, it felt very much like a valued community event. Another five car loads were kindly taken to RAFT and we managed to fill an entire bay at the warehouse. Thank you everyone! Many people asked if we'd do another collection. With enough local support we hope we could manage a summer collection. Watch this space. Kate Hawnt Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


CHANGES TO CHILDCARE SUPPORT If you have young children you need to know about some recent changes in the support available for childcare. Until last month all three and four year olds were entitled to 15 hours free childcare per week in term time. If you receive certain means-tested benefits or have annual household earnings of £16,190 or less you can claim the same 15 hours free childcare for two year olds. The good news is that from April 2017 there will be an additional 15 hours free childcare per week for working parents who must (both if a couple) earn, on average, the weekly equivalent of 16 hours at the current national living wage rate, which for over 25 year olds will amount to £120 a week. If you need more childcare, perhaps to cover school holidays and you and your partner

both work at least 16 hours a week and receive Working Tax Credit, you can claim up to 70% of the extra costs subject to maximum amounts for one or more children.. The bad news is that cuts are being made for new claims for Child Tax Credit. If you already have two or more children, any subsequent children born on or after 6th April 2017 will not be eligible for support. This does not affect children born before that date. Further cuts will be made where the eldest child is born on or after 6th April as the family element of £545 a year is to be abolished for new claims. If you need advice or information about this or any other problem call Citizens Advice on 0344 2451291. If your problem is complex an appointment can be made to see an adviser at Sherborne CAB, the Manor House, Newland, DT9 3JL. Alternatively visit www.citizensadvice.org.uk or our local website www.westdorsetcab.org.uk


Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


will be our next when anyone over eight can come along and start or continue their award. The day starts at 10am and finishes at 3pm and costs £12. Please wear suitable clothing and bring a packed lunch. Looking ahead, we will have our

The blossom is beautiful, the sun is shining and we are poised for a long summer of superb activities! There will be another on . Do consider coming along to help out and enjoy spending a day outside in the fresh air. There are things to mow and mend, bash and build and prepare and paint but there is also watching the fire, waiting for the kettle to boil and cutting up the cake so you can be as energetic as you like. If you have missed out in the past then you have no idea how much fun it is! Our next few will be For July and August we will have holiday sessions on Wednesday every week. These sessions are for pre school children during term time and children age seven and under in the holidays. The session runs from 12noon – 3.00 pm and cost £4 per child. Bring your picnic lunch. Drinks available.

on the weekend of . It is always a fabulous chance to spend a weekend in the open air, to get some jobs done, to cook, eat, chat and sit gazing into the fire under the beautiful stars. Space is limited so please contact me for more details and to book a space. We have a few tents available to borrow if you would like to join in the fun and do not have your own. We are planning a on so please put that in your diary and come along to see what goes on, join in some activities and share in a special Pogles picnic. We had some fabulous parties through the autumn and winter and there are still a few weekends available for throughout the summer. Please do think about booking your special celebration with us. You do not need to be a child and we don’t put plastic bugs in the pass the parcel for grown up parties! For more details email philippa@folksw.org.uk Why not like us on facebook -


O u r exhibition of photographs, taken by local resident Barrie Allington depicting the various stages of hay making prior to the use of modern machinery, was a great success and was topped only by the subsequent evening talk given by John Birt. In his truly inimitable style John regaled a very

packed and attentive gallery audience with a journey through the early days of hay production. He also brought along some fearsome looking hay making tools which were clearly unlikely to pass a modern day Health & Safety inspection! Our thanks to Barrie, and to John, for their efforts in making both events successful. Sarah Hedin, Gallery

WRIGGLE VALLEY PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES In light of the uncertainty surrounding the Wriggle Valley Public Transport Services the following information regarding Volunteer Transport schemes may prove useful: YEO VALLEY HEALTH TRANSPORT: This organisation aims to help those from Sherborne and the surrounding villages, who currently lack reliable and affordable transport to and from their non-emergency health related appointments within Sherborne and the South West. These can include dentists and complementary medicine clinics and for GP surgeries. Days of Operations: Seven days a week, however, the phone line 01258 473154, is open only from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Please provide 48 – 72 hours’ notice. Email: yeovalleyhealthtransport@gmail.com SHERBORNE GOOD NEIGHBOURS: Good Neighbours offers assistance to all in the Sherborne area, of any age, who would welcome some neighbourly help

including transport for shopping and essential trips. Booking number: 01935 815806, 814490, 815127 or 817453 Email: barsmith@cticonnect.co.uk SHERBORNE VOLUNTARY AMBULANCE: Community bus available with driver to hire by local organisations (not individuals) for shopping, leisure, cultural and social activities or for group outings at weekends. Booking Number: 01935 873784 General Enquiries: John Miller – Transport Manager SHERBORNE COMMUNITY ACCESSIBLE TRANSPORT(SCAT): SCAT is a door to door demand responsive service in North Dorset, enabling access to shopping, visiting friends, medical appointments and much more. This service is available for those having difficulty using public transport and all persons over 60. Booking Number: 01258 473154. Much more detail on these services can be found at the Dorset Community Transport Directory website. Graham Plaice

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Well it's all sorted and we are looking forward, together with the Yetminster Community Project, to the Association's Annual Quiz! The Inquizitors are the "usual suspects" and we are grateful to Harvey and Simon and their families for their continuing support. There are various flyers around and tickets, at £5 pp at a maximum of six to a table, will be available from the Spar Store and the White Hart. So please start thinking now about your teams (and what refreshments and supper goodies you will bring!). It promises to be a great night out and there will be the usual prizes - it's an event not to be missed so do make sure you get your tickets early. More good news in that it was a full house at the March Association monthly meeting at the White Hart and we were delighted to welcome more members onto the YFA Committee. There were lots of ideas and a good buzz about having another fair - we have already let a number of stalls which is great news. Blanche, from the White Hart also joined us and was very enthusiastic and made a number of suggestions which we shall be taking forward so well done everyone! In case you didn’t know, this year’s Fair will be on Saturday, 8th July. As usual the High Street will be closed from just past The Gallery to the old Oak House Stores from 11.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. (there will be access for the emergency services, if required, at all times) – we do hope that you will join in the fun and explore all the stalls along the street and we would ask that residents who will be affected to bear with us on this special day. We are also planning, in addition to the Quiz, a future evening event so do watch this space for more details! Lastly, and on behalf of the YFA, my condolences to Pat King and family for the sad loss of Colin. He was a long time friend of the

Fair. Until recently he regularly attending our meetings and was always ready with his tractor and a helping hand when we needed him. Barbara Driver Chairman, YFA

YETMINSTER FAIR 50's Club March 1st £100 2ⁿd£50 3rd £25 4th £15 April 1st £50 2ⁿd £30 3rd £20

No. 13 No. 2 No. 48 No. 17

Mr. B. Crumpler Mr. A. Reek Mrs. P. Hart Mrs.B. Driver

No. 36 Mrs. B. Fellows No. 46 Mr. P. Moule No. 15 Mr. B. Rowsell wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com



Saturday 29th July at Leigh Village Hall As you may know this event is two weeks later this year. Please put it on your diaries. Here a couple of pictures to whet your appetite!!! Elizabeth Turnbull (01935 873846) elizabethturnbull70@btinternet.com

MINTERNE SPRING FAIR Sunday 14th May 2017 11.00am to 4.30pm Minterne House in the Cerne Valley this year is the stunning backdrop for this year’s SPRING FAIR will be held on Sunday 14th May. With one of the best shrub gardens in England and 100year old Rhododendrons & Azaleas at their peak splendour, this promises to be a popular day out for keen gardeners and their families. As seen on BBC Gardeners’ World and voted One of the Ten Prettiest Gardens in England by The Times, there are wonderful walks in 27 acres of woodland garden through towering rhododendrons in full bloom collected since the 1840’s. Head Gardener, Mark Bobin will be on hand during the day for all those Horticultural skilltesting questions! Craft stands, Plant Stalls, Bouncy Castle, R.N.L.I. Souvenirs, Food, Cakes & Cream Teas

will be some of the attractions on offer; alongside demonstrations from the Longbow Champion and a Classic Car Display. We are hosting the Spring Fair in collaboration with the R.N.L.I, again this year and the day starts at 11.00am and ends at 4.30pm. Entrance is £5 with accompanied children free.



PIZZA EXPRESS in DORCHESTER To totally immerse ourselves in this term’s topic, Italy, Chestnut Class decided to visit Pizza Express in Dorchester to find out how traditional Italian pizzas are made. The staff were absolutely brilliant and made all 32 of us most welcome. The waitress Grace told us all about the ingredients needed to make the base and the toppings and all had a chance to sniff and taste olives, basil, red onions and mozzarella. What a wonderful handson experience. Everyone had a pizza to take back to school for lunch. Jamie: “First we went on the bus to Pizza Express in Dorchester. After washing our hands and putting on our hats and aprons we did some tasting mushrooms, olives, basil, mozzarella, red onions and tomatoes. I liked the basil best”. Maggie: “Next we were given our pizza bases and we squished the sides up. We then spread tomato passata and two handfuls of mozzarella. The pizzas were baked in a hot oven for four minutes at 375o C and then we brought them back to school to eat.” Thank you to Grace and Pedro and all at Pizza Express, Dorchester, for allowing us to become Italian for a morning and also to our brilliant parent helpers without whom these trips would not be possible. What a fantastic learning experience for the children. BNC

Pedro making 32 pizza bases for us

Lovely smell of basil…

…followed by a not so pleasant olive

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews


SCHOOL CLEAN UP We had a couple of spring cleaning projects going on at the beginning of April - the clearing of our woodland area and the pool area clean up. WOODLAND CLEARING The weather was kind and we had a great day clearing our woodland area. The old pond liner was dug up and the area cleared. We have now made a barked path through the woodland and plan to make some seating so that it can be used as an outdoor class at one with nature. Thank you to the Dorset Garden Trust for giving us the money to fund this project. A special thank you to Paul Hollick for masterminding the project. POOL CLEANING The pool area was cleaned and freshly painted as were the changing rooms all ready for the swimming season. Even the local Brownies and Guides helped with the pool! Thank you to all our helpers: PTFA members, parents, staff (and their partners) , governors and general good local sorts. Many thanks , it is sooooo much appreciated. Come and view all our hard work on the day of the FUN RUN and MAY FAIR Sunday 21st May.


Our Church Communities

Many people believe that they can be very good Christians and never set foot in Church. The church has always held that whilst this is not impossible it is very difficult to accomplish. A handful of hermits and saints have managed it but we rarely meet many hermits or saints. For most of us it is simply wrong to make that claim. You can be a good person and not go to church but you do have to go to Church to be a Christian. Christians were commanded by Jesus Christ to meet together, on a regular basis to pray for each other, care for each other, to share the bread and wine together and to support each other as a community. For Christians going to Church regularly is not an optional extra, it never was and it never will be. It is true that Jesus never defined what regularly meant. Is it once a day, once a month or once a year? Jesus however was Jewish and the Jews believed that going to the synagogue once a month was the absolute minimum.

Nicholas Clegg


Beautiful St Mary’s Church, Batcombe

People who come back to church after a long absence or who have perhaps only ever been to funerals, weddings and baptisms are often surprised to find that church on a Sunday morning is not what they had been led to expect. Church can be refreshing to the spirit as well as the soul, a place to find companionship and a place to find comfort when you most need it. Why not give it a try you might be pleasantly surprised.

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



local services

For complete list see:


go to






10.15am Rogation Walk


9.30am BCP Matins with Holy Communion 5pm Songs pf Praise


11am CW Holy Communion

6.30pm CW Evening Prayer





10am Rogation Service 10am 9.30am Rogation Service at Family Service Beer Hackett

8am BCP Holy Communion


10.15am CW Holy Communion

6pm BCP Evensong

9.30am Family Service 6pm BCP Holy Communion 11am CW Holy Communion

9.30am CW Holy Communion 10.15am Prayer and Praise

10.15am Rogation Walk with Batcombe 9.30am CW 10.15am Leigh 8.30am BCP Holy Communion Village Hall Holy Communion Rogation Service, ending at the Old Vicarage 6.30pm BCP 8am BCP Evensong Holy Communion 8am BCP 10.30am 8am BCP Holy Communion Rogation Service at Holy Communion 9.30am Beer Hackett 11am CW Methodist Service Holy Communion 6.30pm BCP 9.30am CW Choral 8am BCP Evensong with Holy Communion Holy Communion Ryme Intrinseca With Ryme

CW Common Worship BCP Book of Common Prayer

Extra and Week Day Services MAY Thursday 25th



CW Holy Communion




12noon CW Holy Communion 6pm Compline

Tuesday Tuesday

1st in month 1st in month

10am Lower Covey Toddlers' Service Venue tbc 2.30pm Holy Communion OLD VICARAGE LEIGH



10.30am Rogation Service Our Church Communities


Once upon a time when my wife and I were both younger and more active, we belonged to a walking group. One day we Snow Falling on Cedars were all sitting on a river bank near Wimborne during a lunch when my wife Yet I am convinced the kingfisher is suddenly cried out, “Oh look, there’s a out there somewhere. Perhaps we are kingfisher!” Several other people not looking in the right direction when looked, but they saw nothing. A few he makes his move. When looking up thought my wife had been mistaken: it was only a trick of the light, they said. into a clear sky with its myriad of stars, We only had one person’s impression do we not experience a feeling of awe? there had been a kingfisher there at all. Have we never been moved by great It is a similar case with religious music to have thoughts that are too experience today. Some people claim to deep for words? One ancient Hebrew writer claimed have had an experience of God in one that our Creator has made us in His own way or another, while others say they image. If this is so, then there will be have never had any such experience themselves and so remain sceptical some traces of that image in the people about God’s very existence. This was we meet – acts of kindness and well illustrated in a modern novel called generosity, of courage and creativity, of “ by David love. One anonymous poet once put it Guterson. Ishmael was discussing the this way: I sought my soul existence of God with his mother. He But my soul I could not see was an agnostic and suspected that God I sought my God was hoax. He said: “No feeling about it But my God eluded me comes to me – it’s not something I have I sought my brother a choice about…..Maybe God just And found all three. chooses certain people, and the rest of us – we can’t feel Him.” Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews


Our Church Communities Three Valleys Team

Roman Catholic Services

Team Office : Yetminster Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG 01935 872600

Team Vicars Richard Kirlew

Team Email Address: 3valleysoffice@gmail.com

HELPING HANDS 01963 210953


Team Rector: Rev’d Tony Gilbert The Rectory, Church Rd, Thornford, Sherborne. DT9 6QE 01935 873044



01963 23570

Roman Catholic Church The Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3EL tel: (01935) 812021 Parish Priest: Monsignor Canon Robert Draper V.G. email: sherbornerc@btinternet.com

website: sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk


Yetminster Methodist Church Chapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJ Minister: Rev Mike John 24 Harbin Close, Yeovil BA21 5FS Tel: 01935 415837 email: revsup@gmail.com

Secretary: Mrs Barbara Driver Tel: 01935 873690


Worship co-ordinator: Mrs Marilyn Harris Tel: 01935 864232 Treasurer: Alec Reek, 17 Bucklers Mead, Yetminster.

14th Rev Margaret Oxenham from Sturminster Newton. 28th Mr Dennis Tackley from Thornford.

The Friary, Hilfield Tuesday to Saturday

Sundays: 7.30am Morning Prayer followed by silent prayer 8.30am Sung Eucharist 12.30pm Midday Prayer 5.15pm Evening Prayer, followed by prayer time Night Prayer arranged at supper

7am Silent Prayer in Chapel 7.30am Morning Prayer 12 noon Midday Prayer and Eucharist 5.15pm Evening Prayer, followed by prayer time 9pm Night prayer (8.15pm -Thurs, 8.45pmSat)

Wriggle Valley Christian Fellowship We meet every Sunday for worship, teaching, and fellowship, at Chetnole Village Hall at 3pm followed by light refreshments. For more information check out the website: wvcf.uk wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Club News

This was a very special meeting for the Leigh WI which celebrated its 90th Birthday this year – what an achievement! Our longest serving member, Connie Wallis, cut the birthday Cake. Connie has been a member for over 50 years and her daughter Deena is the fourth generation of the family to be a member with Deena’s great grandmother being a founder member. We were joined by ladies from Bradford Abbas, Glanvilles Wootton and Hermitage WI’s. We were very fortunate to have a Speaker to do justice to such a special evening in the form of Elizabeth Friend who talked to us on . Elizabeth was feeling very poorly but could not bear to disappoint us and despite feeling very ‘wobbly’ contributed to a memorable evening with a witty and fascinating insight into the world of Fashion. To reflect the passage of time during which our WI has soldiered on she talked about the clothes which ladies would have worn from the 1920’s through to the present day, her favourite being the 1930’s when the dresses were very feminine and shapely in contrast to the 1920’s when busts were flattened and the line was slender though how ladies with a fuller figure managed we have no idea! Elizabeth was dyslexic and did not enjoy school and so left at the age of 16. She was very small (17” waist!!) and had to make all her own clothes. The Hardy Amies Couture House was advertising for a girl to join them and to her astonishment she got the job. She had a two hour commute every morning and evening to get to Savile Row in London but as London was at the heart of the Swinging Sixties she found it a fascinating and exciting place to be. She had found her niche! She could look at clothes and know whether they would sell and which would be the best sellers. She started down in the

basement where she learned all there was to know from packing goods to matching hand made buttons to silk threads and shirt fasteners. She worked her way up to the Couture Show Room under a Madam Mark who only spoke French so that was another skill to learn. Here she met many famous ladies as they had to come in three times to be fitted for dresses and some were more memorable than others. Joan Sutherland was a very large lady and a lovely gent called Ernest who worked there said one day that he had had his daily exercise by running round Joan Sutherland three times! She moved on from there to work for a small Design House where she did everything: Designing the clothes; accounts; petty cash; buying all the fabrics. She loved it! The Taylor sat cross legged on the table to sew and they made clothes for the film “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” and Elizabeth modelled all the clothes. Elizabeth went on to do many other things in the Fashion World and attended all the big Fashion events of the day. She became a buyer for five Fashion Houses and travelled to and fro from Hong Kong to London. One of her favourite jobs was working for the designer Jean Muir who she rates very highly and whose clothes she loves to wear. In the early 90’s she left the fashion world and trained as a Therapist and Personal Development Life Coach helping people feel better inside rather than better on the outside. Elizabeth is writing her memoirs which should make fascinating reading.


A little semi in Sandford Orcas Sandford Orcas Manor. A beautiful Tudor manor house. Owner, Sir Mervyn Medlycott led our tour. Not only proud of his property he is also fascinatingly well informed of its history and contents. Originally the house was owned by the Knoyle family. The family had the unfortunate habit of always on the wrong side at the wrong time. As Catholics in the reign of Elizabeth I they were persecuted; as Royalists in the Civil War they suffered heavy fines and had to sell out to creditors. After occupation for many years by tenant farmers it came back into direct family ownership in the 1870s, passing to the Medlycott branch of the family in 1914. Still debt-bound the house was let again in the 1960s/70s and opened up to paying visitors. To increase the footfall, as they say nowadays, stories of ghosts were put about. The house’s reputation as one of the most haunted houses in the country is sadly no more than a money-raising scam. From 1870 onwards the occupants, with the exception of the tenants above, were great collectors. The rooms were filled with panelling, Jacobean woodcarving and mediaeval stained glass. Now all immaculately cleaned and polished. As we toured the house we were shown a particularly fine carving from

the Joiners’ Hall in Salisbury over a bedroom mantelpiece depicting the arms of James I. Two carved knights in armour stand on either side. The young Medlycott used to sleep in this room and still has memories of being frightened by the knights seeming to move in the dark. The manor is a genuine, unspoiled example of its kind. Sir Mervyn speculated that if the owner has enough money to maintain but is not rich enough to make drastic alterations, then a building has the best chance of preservation in its original design. However even this formula is still very expensive. Various outbuildings and even half of the house itself have been sold off over recent years. We could have seen the original Tudor kitchens but they are now the sitting room of the house next door - behind the dividing wall! In Sir Mervyn’s own words, when asked, he now says he lives in “a little semi in Sandford Orcas”. Outings. The planned outings continue to be fully booked. There can be cancellations: family visits, unexpected hospital appointments, etc etc. If you wish to put your name down on a waiting list for cancellations, contact Elizabeth Jubb on 873397. The next meeting will be 13th September – AGM & JONATHON WEEK’S: “A BLAST FROM THE PAST”

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews



LEIGH DISCUSSION & SOCIAL CLUB APRIL 2017 Our talk on the 4th April was given by club members – Sam Symes and Mick Harris entitled “Ickers Joggers”. After the sad death of their father, Richard (Icker), Andrew, Stephen and David Vickery decided to do some fund raising for charity in his memory. Not ones for doing things by halves they settled on a cycle ride from John O’Groats to Lands End. Two friends, Johnny and Claire asked if they could join them and a support group comprising of Sam Symes, Mick Harris, Peter Rigler and Chris Keohane was formed with Johnny’s van and Andrew’s Land Rover being used as support vehicles. The plan was for one vehicle to be ahead looking for stopping places and checking the route, etc., with the other following behind for protection and sorting out bike problems. Anne Harris planned a route so everything was in place. After several months of training, on the 19th April 2016 the support team drove 729 miles to John O’Groats picking the cyclists up at Wick Airport on the way. The Scottish part of the journey was sometimes up steep inclines and quite hard work, with traffic being an increasing problem the further South they came. The team covered a total of 945 miles in eleven days with the longest leg being 110 miles.

The cyclists are to be congratulated on their achievement together with the support team who claimed 100% commitment, although because of the photographs and numerous mentions of whiskey distilleries the 100% claim was queried on the night – we drew our own conclusions! Total money raised from the cycle ride was £17,170.34 with other revenue from a race night and the ‘Rural Foxy Ladies’ calendar giving a total of £20,170.34, which was divided between: Fortuneswell Clinic, Dorchester County Hospital £12,174.34 Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance £4,000 Marie Curie £4,000 Graham Sargent

SUMMER TRIPS WINDSOR – 9th May ISLE OF WIGHT FROM POOLE HARBOUR – 20th June DANCING LEDGE FROM POOLE HARBOUR (evening) – 18th July All open to non members Contact: Pete Betts – Tel. 01935 873753

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews


CHETNOLE AND LEIGH GARDEN CLUB April’s guest speaker was Chris Ireland -Jones from Avon Bulbs, in South Petherton. With twenty seven RHS gold medals to his credit, his informative talk was entitled ‘Some EXTRAORDINARY bulbs, a nurseryman’s view.’ It was interesting to discover that our truly British, native bulbs are only five species being bluebells, wild narcissus, the Loddon lily, meadow saffron and snakehead fritillary. The snowdrop was brought here by the Romans! So what makes one bulb better than another? Included in his list of criteria Chris mentioned size of flower, stem length, disease resistance and growing something different from our neighbour. His specific recommendations and horticultural advice were as follows: Regarding Nerines, Nerine bowdenii is fortunately drought resistant and for improved flowering responds well to heat from a nearby hard surface. The Guernsey lily, Nerine sarniensis Fothergilla Major, is sensitive but will flower as late as October but if you would like a totally hardy form try the tall and broad petalled hybrid, ‘Zeal Giant.’ For those interested in growing Tropaeolums there are three recommendations; Tropaeolum speciosum, favouring a peat soil and having a trailing nature, Tropaeolum tuberosum which due to its sensitivity to frost needs re-burying every two to three years and finally the strikingly coloured Tropaeolum tricolorum. The latter, being a native of Bolivia and Chile, although dormant in summer is long-flowering.

For snowdrop lovers advice is to divide the plants in April. In Chris’ view the best snowdrop is S. Arnott with middle-season flowering, a honey scent, useful as a cut flower and reproducing as a bulb. Five other recommendations are Augustus, Straffan, Sandersii, Magnet and Lady Elphinstone. The more recent varieties with green outer petals include Green Tear, Jade and South Hayes, although these are very expensive and do not increase in the same way. (It also takes an extremely patient gardener to wait five years for flowering!) The allium, another favourite garden bulb, appears to succeed because of the adage, “The bigger the bulb the bigger the flower.” Globe master, although expensive to buy, will give the garden five or six weeks of beautiful colour. It has two layers of flowers and is good for plant association. An exotic tulip to try, Tulipa sprengeri, originating from Turkey grows to 50cm with glossy leaves and red flowers. It dislikes disturbance although once established, will grow in most situations. The next meeting is ‘COMPANION PLANTING’ with Mike Burks at Chetnole Village Hall at 7.30pm, on 8th May. New members and guests are always welcome. Rose Roberts


YETMINSTER & RYME GARDEN, ART & CRAFT SOCIETY MEET THE JUDGES!! If you have ever entered for a village show and wondered whether to leave the flower on your straightest courgettes or the stalks on your reddest raspberries, not to mention which jar to use for your jam, then this meeting was an occasion not to be missed! The three judges who make the crucial decisions on whether it is a first, second or nothing at all were there in front of the meeting on April 11th and the questions were coming thick and fast. Helen Croft (fruit & veg), Judy Reeves (flowers and floral art) and Suzanne Roriston (cookery & preserves), usually seen in August peering rather too intently for comfort at every exhibit, explained how they became qualified to do that and had brought with them their RHS and WI ‘bibles’ which had all the answers. The criteria for cakes , especially that good old stalwart the Victoria sponge, were given full attention as, with years of experience behind her, Suzanne recommended that supermarket jam was far better as a filling than homemade, which apparently just sinks rather sadly into the cake, and that the weight of the eggs used were the guide to the proportions of the rest of the ingredients. (Some members remembered their grandmothers saying exactly the same thing at this point.) And we all loved her observation that ‘some entries in a village show are better than the County Show’. Helen and Judy had a clear message too about showing flowers,

fruit and vegetables, and that message was – uniformity - same size, same colour, same shape will win prizes, as will leaving on stalks cut to the same size, raffia for tying up onions and imaginative arrangements, which could all tip the balance in a tiebreaker. “Make it look nice, it’s a show” was the final verdict.

COLIN KING Talking about the Summer Show inevitably brought Colin to our minds. He was famous for his prize-winning vegetables, especially those five onions, so expertly displayed on their special stand. To preserve his close connection with the Show over so many years, the cup which is awarded for vegetables will be renamed the Colin King Cup in his memory. FOR SALE Beryl Lawrence has a good quality organic wormery for sale for £30. If anyone is interested, please ring her on 01935 873560 for details. NEXT MEETING … …is an outing to the WILLOWS AND WETLANDS CENTRE near Langport on Tuesday 9th May. Judy Ferretter

Next mag is JUNE 2017, 12th MAY for news, views & previews


WRIGGLE VALLEY MOTHERS’ UNION Our next meeting is on Thursday 4th May from 2.30 - 4pm at Jo Barlow-Poole's home in St Andrew's Close, Leigh when we will meet to discuss our theme for the year "FAITH IN ACTION" followed by tea and Thank you to all those who came to our Lent lunch held in the Jubilee Hall at the end of March and especially those who made the delicious soups. We were able to send a cheque for £150 to the "AWAY FROM IT ALL HOLIDAY FUND". This fund gives families the chance of a week in Sidmouth at a hotel in August - all the families who go would not be able to afford such a treat and part of The Mothers' Union work and ethos is to support families who live in difficult situations for whatever reason. The actual sum raised at the Lent lunch was £126.

cakes! We will be hosting the MONTHLY COFFEE MORNING in the Jubilee Hall in Yetminster on Wednesday June 7th from 10-12. Hope to see you there and if anyone wishes to join the Mothers Union, please contact Margaret Shipman on 872440. Anne Reason

MPs and District Councillors serving you in 2017 House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA -

8 Waterside, Sydling St Nicholas, Dorchester, DT2 9NY T: E:


T: 07921 846082 E: Trill Farm, Thornford Road, Sherborne, Dorset. DT9 6HF T: E: 90 Newland, Sherborne, Dorset. DT9 3DT T: E:


Regular Meetings … Every Mon Table tennis Bev’s Core Vinyassa Flow Yoga

Every Tue

9.30-12.30pm 9.30-10.30am

Leigh Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall

Leigh Short Mat Bowls Just Gym Gymnastic class

2-5pm 4.15-6.30pm

Leigh Village Hall St Andrew’s Primary School

Yetminster Table Tennis Club Yetminster Bell Ringers

10-12noon 7.30pm-10pm

Scout Hut, Yetminster St Andrew's Church

Topsy Turvy Toddlers 9-11.30am Chetnole Art Group (until Easter) 10am-1pm

St Andrew's Primary School Chetnole Village Hall

Beginners Pilates

Chetnole Village Hall St Andrew’s School Hall

Relax & Renew Yoga Cubs (in term)

6.30 -7.30pm 6-7.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Scout Hut Yetminster

10-12 noon 10.30-11.30am

Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall

Every Wed Drop in Coffee Morning Morning Yoga Class

Croquet Coach/Play 3pm (until Oct) Wednesday Club (in term) 3.15 pm-4.05pm Chetnole Chuckers Pétanque Club 5pm summer only

Yetminster Playing Fields St Andrew's Primary School Chetnole Playing Fields

Croquet Junior WV Players (in term) Beavers (in term) Scouts (in term) Beginners yoga

5pm summer only 6-7pm 6-7pm 7-9pm 7pm

Church Farm, Hermitage Leigh Village Hall Scout Hut Yetminster Scout Hut Yetminster St Andrew’s Primary School

Yetminster Short Mat Bowls


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Every Thur Tai Chi

Every Fri

1.10 - 2.10pm

Kids After School Yoga (term time) 3.15 - 4.15pm


Leigh Village Hall

Advanced Pilates Pear Tree Baby & Toddler

10am 1.30-3pm

Chetnole Village Hall Pear Tree Preschool

Yetminster Short Mat Bowls Leigh Rainbows (5-7yrs)

2-5pm 5.45-7pm

Yetminster Jubilee Hall Trim Room, Yetminster

Leigh Brownies (7-10yrs) Guides Leigh Short Mat Bowls

5.45-7pm 7-8.30pm 7-10pm

Yetminster Jubilee Hall Yetminster Jubilee Hall Leigh Village Hall

Chetnole Community Choir Table Tennis

7.30pm 9.30-12.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall

Croquet Club


Yetminster Sports Club

3pm 10.15 am

Yetminster Sports Club Yetminster Jubilee Hall

(May - Oct)

Every Sat

Croquet Irish Dancers

Every Sun

Chetnole Chuckers Pétanque Club 3pm summer only

Chetnole Playing Fields

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


…Events & Activities 1st Mon

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club


Chetnole Village Hall

1st Tue

Leigh Discussion Club (wint)

7.30 - 10.30pm

Leigh Village Hall

Wriggle Valley MU (alt months)


Church Hall, Yetminster

Tuesday Club

2.30 - 4pm

Leigh Village Hall

Yetminster & Ryme Garden Soc.


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Senior Winter Lunch Outings


2nd Tues

Sue Footner 873610

(not July/Aug) Halstock & Distr. British Legion

3rd Tues

Rest & Welcome Pub

WV Women's Group


Gable Court

Wriggle Valley Lunch Club

12.15 - 3pm

Leigh Village Hall

Leigh Parish Council - alt mnths


Leigh Village Hall

Last Tues

Leigh Women's Institute

7.30 - 11pm

Leigh Village Hall

1st Wed

Coffee ‘n’ Cakes

10 - 12noon

Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Batcombe Coffee Morning



Yetminster Senior Citizens


The Meadens

Yetminster Historical Society


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Police Support Unit

2 - 3pm

The Cross, Leigh

Chetnole & Stockwood PC

2nd Wed


Chetnole Village Hall

2nd/4th Wed High Stoy Bible Study


Venue contact 872342

3rd Wed

District Council Ward Surgery

11am - 12noon

Old School Gallery, Yetminster

Last Wed

Woodland Wednesdays


Pogles Wood nr Leigh

[not Aug & Dec]

Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca PC

2nd Wed/alt mth

Police Community Support

By Church, Yetminster 7.30pm 10.20-10.40am

St. Andrew's Primary School


Stonyacres, Yetminster


Shearstones, Yetminster


Carpenters' Arms, Leigh


Church Lane, Hermitage

2.30 - 4.30pm

The Friary, Hilfield

1st & 3rd Thu Yetminster Scribblers

6.30 - 8pm

Old School Gallery, Yet

Last Thurs

Yetminster Fair Association


White Hart

Leigh Short Mat Bowls


Leigh Village Hall

Wed/f/night Mobile Library

Wed - Sat

Friary Shop

St Peter’s Church, Chetnole


Planning Applications BATCOMBE WD/D/17/000325 01/03/2017 CHURCH FARM HOUSE, STILE WAY – Proposed glazed link between listed farmhouse and nearby outbuilding. Revised access from lane (Stile Way) (Full). Approved 3 Apr 17. CHETNOLE WD/D/17/000546 01/03/2017 LAND ADJACENT TO MEADOW VIEW AND BLOSSOM HILL, STOCKWOOD ROAD – Amendment to planning permission reference WDD/D/15/000694 - Change of garage to gym and sunroom. Non-material Amendment). Approved 4 Apr 17. WD/TP/17/00087 13/02/2017 BRIDGE HOUSE, NEALS LANE – 1 No. Ash: reduce crown by 4.5 – 5m to secondary branches. No Decision. WD/D/17/000127 09/02/2017 WINNOWINGS, MILL LANE – Single-storey rear extension (Full). Approved 23 Mar 17. WD/D/16/000759 07/07/2016 THE OLD FORGE COTTAGE, MILL LANE - Refurbishment; WD/D/16/000760 partial demolition and two storey extension (Full & Listed Building Consent). Refused 23 Mar 17. WD/D/15/001532 12/06/2015 LAND ADJACENT MEADOW AND BLOSSOM HILL, STOCKWOOD ROAD – Application to revoke Section 106 Agreement dated 18.3.1981 (Modification and Discharge of Planning O). Under Consideration. HERMITAGE & HILFIELD WD/D/17/00602 06/04/2017 YEW TREE HOUSE, HERMITAGE LANE - Extensions to the main dwelling & demolition of 3 existing sheds. Erect two single storey side extensions & a two storey extension to the rear. Erect a replacement porch together with a rear dormer roof extension. Install 3 velux rooflights to the south facing roof together with 12 photovoltaic panels. Replace existing garage with new double garage & create an enlarged permeable hardstanding. Certificate of Lawfulness (Proposed)). No Decision. WD/D/16/01770 24/08/2016 YEW TREE HOUSE, HERMITAGE LANE - Demolition of existing cottage and outbuildings, relocation of one existing long shed and construction of a new replacement dwelling. (Full). No Decision. WD/D/15/00748 07/08/2015 1 CHURCH VIEW COTTAGE, LOAD LANE, HILFIELD – Erection of first floor rear extension (Full). Refused 22 Dec 16. LEIGH WD/D/17/000792 30/03/2016 POUND FARM, BACKDROVE – Erection of a summerhouse and retrospective change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden around pond. (Full). No Decision. WD/D/17/000352 17/03/2016 DAUGHTERS FARM, THREE GATES - Relocation and improvement of existing entrance (Retrospective) (Full). No Decision. WD/D/16/002136 26/10/2016 THREE GATES FARM, THREE GATES - Replacement of existing agricultural building with 2 no. agricultural workers dwellings (Full). No Decision. WD/D/17/000301 08/02/2017 ILES FARM, SHERBORNE ROAD - Request for confirmation of compliance of conditions 1, 2 and 3 of application WD/D/16/000149 (Compliance with Conditions). No Decision. Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


May2017 WD/D/16/002063 20/10/2016 BROOKFIELD FARM, BATCOME ROAD - Convert Barn to Dwelling (Change of Use). Approved 8 Mar 17. RYME INTRINSECA WD/D/17/000476 08/03/2017 VIOLET COTTAGE, RYME ROAD - Remedial works to roof WD/D/17/000477 structure & re-thatch. Replacement windows to rear wing. Repointing of front, east & rear elevations. Erect fence & entrance gates. (Full & Listed Building Consent). No Decision. WD/D/16/002390 08/11/2016 CHURCH FARM COTTAGE, RYME ROAD - Erect kitchen extension, replace flat roof over utility back hall. Construct raised terrace area. (Full). Approved 22 Feb 17. YETMINSTER WD/D/17/000740 03/04/2017 YEW TREE COTTAGE, BRISTER END - Conversion & WD/D/17/000741 alterations of existing garage to form a single storey dwelling for holiday let and ancillary use with Yew Tree Cottage (Full & Listed Building Consent). No Decision. WD/D/17/00064422/03/2017 MEADOWAY, CHETNOLE ROAD - Construction of a clay lined below ground manure storage lagoon, with associated safety fence. (Full). No Decision. WD/D/16/002524 16/03/2017 PENCARROW, QUEEN STREET - Render outside of house, replace baton and roof felt and put back tiles. Erect replacement shed (Full). No Decision. WD/D/17/000235 15/03/2017 HILL HOUSE, CHURCH STREET - Demolition of two existing WD/D/17/000590 garages and construction of two timber bays in revised position WD/D/17/000605 09/03/2017 THE GARDEN HOUSE, CHURCH STREET - Erect extension (Non-material Amendment). Approved 29 Mar 17. WD/D/17/000509 08/03/2017 LAND AT CROSS FARM, HIGH STREET - Request for WD/D/17/000558 confirmation of compliance of conditions 1,2,3,4 and 5 of planning approval WD/D/16/001346 & D/D/16/001347 WD/D/16/001825 07/10/2016 FOLLY FIELDS FARM. THORNFORD ROAD - Erect a permanent rural worker's dwelling, an Agricultural Building and Lean-to, together with a feed Silo and internal access track (Full). Approved 24 Feb WD/D/16/002214 2/04/2016 THE OLD COURT HOUSE, HIGH STREET - Reparatory works to West gable wall of main house and maintenance works to roof structure over main house; external alterations relating to precommencement conditions on Listed Building Consent WD/D/14/000548 (retrospective) (Listed Building Consent). No Decision. WD/D/15/002655 30/10/2015 LAND TO THE NORTH OF RYME ROAD - Outline Application for the erection of 98 dwellings (Outline). Undetermined appeal 15 Mar The next Development Control Committee meetings will take place on the 27 April 2017 at 10.00am and 25 May 2017 at 1.00pm, meetings start 1.00pm in Committee Room A & B, South Walks House, Dorchester. A full register of all past and present planning applications can be found at: www.dorsetforyou.com/planning applications. Graham Plaice


WVM Advertisers’ Register May 2017 ADVERTISER

Page No.

ART & ANTIQUES Ark Village Muddy Waters Metal Art Old School Gallery Steve's Clocks

64 7 4 40 66 Back Cover


Addison Motors, Leigh Autotech Garage Services Brotherwood Automobility NS Autos, Dorchester Rd Thornford Transmissions West Country Cars Yetminster Motor Co.

49 66 7 29 58 45 12

CHIMNEY SWEEPS Alexander the Grate Clean Sweep, Roger Dodd Steve White COMPUTERS, MARKETING & IT DMDH Computers iPadery Jurassic Creative PC Problems PDC Computing Professional Website Designer

34 7 58 30 666 12 45 19 14

EDUCATION Barn Owls Nursery Leweston School Lower Covey Montessori Nursery Maths Tuition Emma Harris

50 50 50 50

EVENT VENUES Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall The Marquee Hire Co. Thornford Village Hall Yetminster Jubilee Hall

4 8 52 56 8

FINANCIAL SERVICES 123 Bookkeeping Services 4 Shires Asset Management Dorset Trading Standards

8 23 11

FOOD, DRINK & CATERING Leigh Village Stores & PO On the Boyle Café SPAR, Stores & P.O., Yetminster

Page No.


BED & BREAKFAST Chetnole Inn Fourwinds, Chetnole Hound House, Yetminster Tarks Hill View, Yetminster CARE AT HOME & CARE HOMES Bay Tree Cleaning Old Vicarage Care Home, Leigh


66 2 30

Brister & Son


Grassby Funeral Services


AJ Wakely & Sons



Bailey Ridge Plants


Digger Hire, Yetminster


Dorset Stabling Buildings


Dry Stone Walling & Paving


Everything Green


Express Equipment Centre


Garden Maintenance & Pruning


Hay & Straw Sales


Hollick Gardening & Handyman


KDS Garden Machinery Repair


Knighton Countryside Mgmt


Komit Kompost


Logs & Wood Working


The Log Man


Logs - Malcolm Dunning


M&S Welding


Malcolm Dunning gardening


Paul Hambidge Contractors


Queen Thorne Landscapes


Perrett Fencing Ltd


Pestwright & Mole Catcher


Wriggle Valley Fencing


Tree Surgery (Westree)



ADVERTISER Stuart Goodier Boiler Servicing M Harris Builder AR Hillier, Building Maintenance Steve Jones Carpentry & Joinery Knott Roofing Lawrence Electricals Mark O'Sullivan Handyman Neal Electrical Services Parks Roofing & Building Ltd Phelps Heating Solutions Sellick & Saxton Spearbuild Steve Mumford General Builder BA Wallbridge Plumb. & Heat. Wayne Timmins Decorator Westcountry Electrics

Page No.

25 69 11 19 23 36 35 58 33 8 19 55 23 36 49 33

HOME, OFFICE & INTERIORS Steve Bane fabrics Country Office Furniture Intoto Kitchens Melbury Kitchens & Interiors Ovenu - oven cleaning Sibley Kitchens & Bathrooms Michael Sturmey Carpets Upstairs Downstairs West Country Tiling

69 12 42 49 58 4 12 20 45

LEGAL SERVICES Porter Dodson Solicitors


PETS & LIVESTOCK Dog Grooming & Stripping Perfect Paws Smart Dogs of Yetminster



Beauty Barn


Phoenix Physique


Leigh Yetminster

Rebecca Dolbear, Psychotherapy



Robert Frith, Optometrists


Remous, Milborne Port

Penny & Melissa, Hair & Beauty



Yetminster Health Centre


Stockwood Lettings

34 69 40




AD Renovations 19 ALL IN ONE David Williams Builder 20

Chetnole Inn King’s Arms The White Hart

Bay Tree Cleaning


J Bennett Joinery Blooming Hill Services - Heating

33 52


John Butler Master Thatcher



Ian Crossland, Property Maint. Dorset Plasterers Elite Estates Fournier Ltd

11 34 25 52

Cerne Abbas taxi SJ Executive Cars Heart Of Wessex Railway

Barfoots' Bouncers


Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com

49 25 79 33 14 36 34 50 4 40 25 2



News, views & previews from the Wriggle Valley in Dorset MAY 2017

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