281December 2015/January 2016 Wriggle Valley Magazine

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Cover photo‌Snowy footpath from Leigh towards the Knoll at Chetnole

Stan Darley


: Graham Plaice 01935 872921 : Bella Neate-Clegg

Judith Palmer Rob Barfoot 01935 873306 Gordon Ratcliffe 01935 872996

Stan Darley 01935 873340 John Fripp 01935 873798


prior to publication ● Photographs can be sent either as .jpeg via email or as originals, the better the quality the better the reproduction. ● All village info. should be emailed or delivered to your village rep (please see addresses and email under each village heading). Collection point for hand written or typed articles: ●

Another bumper magazine for your delectation this month filled with festive cheer. I am sure you will support your local churches and sing your little hearts out in the myriad of candle lit carol services, Christingles and nativity plays, too many to mention here. Don’t forget this is a double issue so we won’t be back with until February 2016, so all your news and views of the festive season to us by 12th January 2016 please. Thank you to all of you who are involved with our magazine, committee, village reps, distributors, advertisers and you the reader; have an and hopefully a for everyone.

Disclaimer: Whist every effort is made to ensure the accuracy the contents of this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any information given or claims made by our contributors and advertisers. Should you have any complaints please send them to the Chairman of the Wriggle Valley Magazine, Graham Plaice.






To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com








..this includes FREE advertising on our website and Facebook page

1/6 page 62mm x 62mm Colour £110pa 1 off £25 1/3 page 128mm x 62mm Colour £220pa 1 off £50



Do you want to advertise your business to over 1300 homes in the Wriggle Valley…?

CONTACT GORDON ON: gojan@btinternet.com wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


News from the Villages



e are now in the festive season, so I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We shall be decorating the church Saturday 19th December, please come and help if you can. THE CHILDREN'S CRIB SERVICE will take place on 24th December at 3pm in the church with mince pies and mulled wine, we are hoping to have a children's choir for this service so please contact me for info. Please can all the children make a tree decoration to be put up during the service and of course bring a toy to loan to baby Jesus. CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE with the Brothers from the Friary will be at the usual time of 10.15am. There will be no service on the 4th Sunday in December. ERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all

Service 3pm 24tttï December with mince pies and mulled wine

Christmas Day Service 10.15pm with the Brothers from the Friary

Batcombe Church Lottery OCTOBER 2015 1st No 38 David Perry 2nd No 4 Hilary Williamson V 3rd No 46 W M Henry Straughan




elcome to this double issue’s news for December and January.

Sad news this month that Kenneth Guard of Neals Lane has passed away and we send his wife Jackie and their family our most sincere condolences. We are also sorry to announce that Elizabeth Yeld died on Tuesday 17th November. Elizabeth


had lived in the village for over twenty years and we send our condolences to her family. Get well wishes also go to Jack Morgan who has also been poorly. GUDRUN AND MICHAEL TWEEDY Gudrun and Michael would like to thank their friends for all their good wishes and prayers they have received since Michael wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

was taken ill - it means so much to them both that they are in your thoughts. Get better soon Michael. HALLOWEEN Ann Flew sent in this lovely photo of School Lane residents Magda and her beautiful girls all dressed up on her doorstep on Halloween last month - don't they look adorable? Ann says that she and Tim had lots of visitors; all dressed up and all very polite! SANDBAGS: The rainy season is upon us, and we have already had Flood Warnings from the Environment Agency. Would anyone who requires sandbags to protect their property against flooding, please let me know how many they are likely to need.

Forthcoming Events in Chetnole Village Hall Thursday 3rd December CANDLELIT CHRISTMAS SHOW Richard Durrant and Amy Kakoura - Artsreach 7.30pm Saturday 16th January 2016 CHAMELEON - a duo presenting a cornucopia of different jazz styles to cater for all tastes. Jazz Café 7.30pm Wednesday 20th January CHETNOLE & FLOWER SHOW AGM 7.30pm Saturday 13th February with Des Bacon and the RED HOT SYNCOPATION’S will be playing jazz music from the 20’s. Jazz Café


WELL DONE JACKIE Several village residents have pointed out the lovely plant containers outside the village hall and that Jackie Sibun has put in lots of hard work to keep them looking bright and cheery all the year round so well done Jackie! HAVE A LOVELY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The wind and the rain didn't put people off from coming to The Greasy Spoon Cafe on Saturday 7th November. Thank you so much to everyone who braved the elements for this event in aid of the Save the Children Fund refugee crisis appeal , you helped raise over £800 which is absolutely fantastic !


Bee Grant Peterkin

CHETNOLE INN PUMPKIN CARVING COMPETITION This year’s winning pumpkins! Judged by five independent trick or treaters! They are: Steve Crumpler and Matt Burton for the adults and Robyn Elliot and Kiera Hudson for the children! Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


at St Peters Church, Chetnole

Please join us for our

Carol Service on Tuesday 23rd December at 6pm in St. Peter’s Church and start your Christmas celebrations with your favourite carols, followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

All welcome


CHETNOLE OIL GROUP If you would like to fill up your tank then please contact John Sanford on 01935 872973 at least five working days before.

2016 delivery dates: TUESDAYS * 12 Jan * 1st March* * 19th April * 21st June* * 20th Sept * 22nd Nov*

LOGS ORDERS The next bulk log delivery will be during week commencing 18th January, 2016. Contact Nigel Bray on 872233 if you wish to be contacted the week before this for your log or kindling order.

Chetnole Village Hall 100 Club Results for November 2015 1st Prize £20 No 19 Mr &W Dowding 2ⁿd Prize £15 No 11 Mrs M Prodger 3rd Prize £10 No 29 Mrs G Tweedy

RICHARD DURRANT'S Thursday 3rd December with special guest singer Amy Kakoura. Richard Durrant is not only a world class, virtuoso guitarist, he is a creative force and his Christmas shows are amongst his most beautiful. With the evocative and wintry sounds of early music from Christian, pagan and folk traditions as well as many wonderfully distinctive Durrant originals, these concerts have become a much-loved part of Christmas for audiences throughout the U.K. Joined by half Irish/half Greek vocalist Amy Kakoura, the due present an evening of music ranging from the oldest songs in the Oxford Book of Carols to the Fairytale of New York on ukulele. Expect a show of surprises and mid-winter charm. Tickets available from John Head 873555 or John Sanford 872973. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com



Winter is here, the sun is low and visibility poor. Could you once again consider always wearing a high viz jacket/ tabard when out riding on our roads – your safety is very important to us!

MESSAGE FROM A GROUP OF CONCERNED RESIDENTS: Christmas is coming, and a small number of dog owners continue to leave the beloved pets’ toxic “presents” on the perimeter of Chetnole Playing Field, in the belief that they will disappear by magic......... Let us dispel the myth once and for all – THERE IS NO DOG POO FAIRY!! There is however, a box of free poo bags by the main gate for use by said owners, alongside a special dog poo depository bin. NO EXCUSES!” wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

AGM 20 January 2016 7:30pm Chetnole Village Hall Everyone is welcome


BINGO – 17th October ‘Halloween bingo’ was well attended and we had an enjoyable evening, with spooky prizes. Thanks go to Charlie for calling and Ann for her help, and thanks also to all who were able to come and support us. By the time that you read this we will have held our ‘Christmas bingo’ on the 28th November and bingo will return in the New Year. Watch out for future dates in this magazine. MEXICAN THEMED EVENING 24th October What a great evening we had, almost a 'full house', good food, lovely atmosphere and brilliant decorations. Thank you to all of the helpers, who provide these evenings with so much support and enthusiasm and of course all of you for attending, which makes it all worthwhile. It was lovely to see some new faces among our 'regulars.

01963 210292 DISTRIBUTOR:

INTER-VILLAGE QUIZ You may have read in last month’s magazine that ‘a team from Hermitage’ won the recent inter-village quiz. For the record the team members were Liz Cozens, Christine and Ray Dickerson, Elizabeth and Geoffrey Kenton and Dave Whiteoak. CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING – Thursday 3rd December This is a final reminder of our ‘Christmas’ coffee morning, on December 3rd in the Village Hall between 10.30 and noon. There will be minced pies and Christmas cakes to buy, mulled wine (for a donation), Christmas gifts, a raffle, and a chance to

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


the January blues. This year we have decided on an earlier start, so proceedings will commence at 6.30pm in the village hall. For just £7.50 you will enjoy a two course dinner, and a fun evening out. We hope that you can make it – to reserve your spot please call me on 01963 210292 or email hermitage.village@yahoo.co.uk, so that we know how many to cater for. MUSIC CONCERT Saturday 13th Feb 2016 Leweston School On 13th February a classical music concert will be held at Leweston School, starting at 7.30pm, in aid of Leigh and Hermitage churches. The concert is being organised by Sir Michael Arthur, former British Ambassador to Berlin and well known concern pianist. Tickets are £12, which includes a glass of wine during the interval, and are available from Faith Hervey on 01963 210360 and Anne Reason on 01935 873726. get-together with friends. Entry is just £1, which includes the tea or coffee and a biscuit. We hope to see you there. BERTIES BIG BAND CHRISTMAS CONCERT Saturday 12th December (Leigh Village Hall) This is a final reminder that the South West’s premier 20 piece Big Band return for a special Christmas concert, with all the big band sounds, to Leigh Village Hall on 12th December starting at 7.30pm. Contact Liz Cozens on 01963 210392 for tickets at £10, which includes a glass of sparkling wine on arrival. Profits are in aid of St. Mary’s church Hermitage. There will be a bar and raffle but please bring your own nibbles. CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Thursday 24th December Our Carols by Candlelight service will be held in St. Mary’s Church on Christmas Eve at 7pm. Everyone is welcome. NEW YEAR’S PARTY Saturday 30th January 2016 This is a great way to start the New Year, meeting with friends and banishing


Our traditional Carols by Candlelight service will be held on Thursday Christmas Eve in St. Mary’s Church, starting at 7p.m. Everyone is welcome. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk



ENQUIRIES: Pandy Brown 01935 873850

To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com





on’t forget to buy one of the lovely calendars or diaries in aid of Fortuneswell Ward Dorchester Hospital. Also just a note to remind everyone again that our CHRISTMAS SERVICE is on Wednesday 23rd November at 6pm followed by mince pies and mulled wine at Pond Farm by kind invitation of Emma and Mark Fisher. V W M

DISTRIBUTOR: Brian Hawkins 01963 210245

CHRISTMAS Service Hilfield Church

at 6.pm with Mulled Wine and Mince Pies

CALENDARS & DIARIES available from: *Bridge Garage Leigh * Â Georgies Hair & Beauty Studio Yetminster * The Old School Gallery, Yetminster * Mrs Sally Vickery * Mrs Joyce Dibble * Sportsman Gun Centre, Southern Counties Shooting Ground, Wardon Hill 01935 83099, is 07970730656 * ann.hilfield@hotmail.co.uk * Bridget Gordge 01935 83644 bridgetgordge@hotmail.com * Cindy Durham in Hermitage *Flowers Farm Trout Lakes, Batcombe*





s I write this, Philippa is about to go into hospital in Southampton, and as you read it, she should be home again and resting and recovering. We are told that she will be out of action for at least a couple of months, so her request for someone to step into her place as Leigh correspondent for the Wriggle Valley Magazine becomes even more pressing. It seems that these things are invariably undertaken by the busiest people, but surely there is some public spirited soul who has just a little time to spare to help both the village and this lovely magazine. At this time of year the church comes more and more into focus for many people. Doubtless we will be filled to the rafters for the CAROL SERVICE on Christmas Eve but make a note that our CHRISTMAS COMMUNION service will not be on Christmas morning, as it has been in recent years, but at 11.30 pm on Christmas Eve.

We have a busy Christmas coming up. Do come and join us for our very on Christmas Eve at 6pm followed by a (Common Worship) at 11.30pm. Our Christmas Day will be in Chetnole at 9.45am for those who do not wish to stay up so late on Christmas Eve! so hopefully there is a service for everyone!


What better way to start Christmas than by going to the GRAND CHRISTMAS SINGALONG in the Village Hall on Sunday 20th December. This is a brand new venture and one designed to appeal to all ages. The ticket price includes a sausage and mash supper so make sure you book in advance. Elizabeth Turnbull gives us advance notice that next year’s FOOD, VINTAGE/CLASSIC CAR AND BIKE FESTIVAL will be on Saturday 16th July, so all you club secretaries and organisers write the date in your diaries now to avoid any unfortunate clashes. I think that’s it for now. As they say in Odcombe when they go out singing the village’s very own repertoire of old Christmas Carols, ‘WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR’.



CLUB LUNCH Leigh Village Hall

12.30 Tuesday 19th December bookings by 9th December

CHRISTMAS MENU Prawn cocktail Roast beef & Yorkshire pudding, Parsnips, sprouts, carrots & roast potatoes Christmas pudding, Cream or brandy cream Chocolate sponge & sauce

For Reservations or more details: Ring Connie 01935 872946

LEIGH OIL DELIVERIES If you would like to fill up your tank then please contact John Sanford on 01935 872973 at least five working days before. 2016 delivery dates: WEDNESDAYS * 20th Jan * 16th Mar* * 4th May * 6th July* * 1st Oct * 2nd Nov*

45 Years (12A) 11th January Tom Courtenay and Charlotte Rampling play a couple whose celebration of 45 years of marriage is wrecked by the discovery of the body of a previous lover,50 years after her actual death. This is all about close relationships now revealed to be not what they seem.

A Walk in the Woods (15) 15th February This is about a man, who instead of retiring with his wife, decides to challenge himself to hike the Appalachian Trail. Unfortunately the peace and tranquillity he is seeking is anything but, once he agrees to be accompanied by the only person willing to join him. The two have a completely different view of the word ‘adventure’. With Robert Redford, Emma Thompson and Nick Noite.

Suffragette (12A) 14th March A drama that tracks the story of the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement. With Helena Bonham-Carter, and Meryl Streep (12A)

11th April Alan Bennett’s play with Maggie Smith in the title role. A film not to be missed. Shows start at 7.30pm and doors open 7pm (bar provided). We look forward to seeing you on some of the above dates. Tickets £6 will be available from Bridge Stores,Leigh or Fiona and John Parks (01935 873603)

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


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To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


For an evening with a difference, why not come to Leigh Village Hall for our very first For a very modest admission price you get a three and a half hour event crammed full of musical and festive fun and with a sausage and mash supper thrown in. With so many community choirs cropping up all over the place, this is the opportunity for us all to get together to raise the rafters by joining in with a host of singable songs – some of them seasonal, some of them not. We’ll have Christmas carols, other Christmas songs, music hall and other popular songs and we’ll start with a special hour of songs aimed at the younger members of the community (though adults will be very welcome to join in as well as their children and grandchildren). After the “children’s hour” we’ll have supper and then we’ll be singing off our supper until about 8.30 pm. There will be a special bargain ticket for children of £5 to include child sized supper which will take them through to 7.00 pm, when we will be embarking on the adult programme of songs. The evening will be hosted by Leigh’s very own ‘mouth of the Wriggle’, Eddie Upton, assisted by that maestro of the keyboard, Tony Durkin. Also putting in

a special appearance will be the giving a cameo performance of popular songs from the Victorian and Edwardian period. Do come along to what promises to be a memorable event. An enjoyable evening is guaranteed and you’ll have the added satisfaction of helping to raise some much needed funds for the village church. Get your tickets from

Leigh Lottery Winners November Draw 1st No 45 Mr & Mrs D Moore 2nd No 87 Mrs Lumsden

£30 £20


ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, LEIGH As some of you may have seen, the builders have commenced work on moving the Font and hopefully they will be finished in the next week or so. Also we had the good news that we have now received planning permission for a Shed in the Churchyard so we can house the mower and lots of other things we have collected over the years! Many thanks to all those who supported the coffee morning in November and please note in your diaries at 10.30am and at 10.30am. The Stanchester Quire entertained us on a dreary November evening and I think everyone felt very cheered by their enthusiastic singing and it is so great that they keep alive songs from the region which might otherwise be lost - huge thanks to

them, especially Eddie, and also Michelle Read and her team for all the delicious eats they provided for half time. The wine was good too! Our Christmas services will be the usual followed by an 11.30pm Holy Communion. We will not be having a service on Christmas Day but there is a Family Service in Chetnole at 9.45am for those who do not wish to stay up so late on Christmas Eve! However we will be having an 8.30am Holy . Communion BCP on Our next Family Service will be on at 10.15am. and thank you for all your wonderful support over this past year.


Another busy month at the Old Vicarage, and since our last report we have discovered that we won the Chef’s Masterpiece section of the annual NAPA (National Activity Providers Association) awards as well as the other two categories! We were laden down with prizes and goodies on the train back, with three bottles of champagne, three enormous framed certificates, and an iPod docking station amongst our haul! We had a celebration tea party for staff and residents to say thank you to

everyone who had contributed to our success at the NAPA awards as well as of course getting Beacon status in the Gold Standard Framework Awards. We are entering Care Home idol again this year and our entry should be online. Do have a look and vote for us! Many thanks to everyone who supported our recent Christmas Fair. We raised over £450 for Leigh church and village hall as well as several hundred pounds from other charity stalls. Sid the turkey was a star and he raised £36 for diabetes research! Everyone went home loaded with bargains ready for Christmas! We would like to take this opportunity to say a sad farewell to Natalie, our manager. Nat is leaving us to become a lecturer in Health and Social care at Yeovil college. We wish her every success for the future and hope that she will come back and see us whenever she can.

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please



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THE 20th LEIGH ART SHOW The 20th Leigh Art Show on the 16-18th October was a great success, some people even saying it was better than the Sherborne Show. There was plenty of discussion about paintings and a feeling that the Hall itself was one of the stars of the show. I want thank all the volunteers who contributed so much to creating the great atmosphere. I have tried to thank all volunteers personally but I may have left one or two out, if you are one of those please see it a failing of my memory and not my gratitude, we could not have put on the show without you.

A special thanks goes to Fudges who generously supplied biscuits, to Sandy Burton and Clare Lindsay for offering their experience of running art shows, to Jack Patterson for the wonderful web-site and to Philip Bryant who supplied the catalogue and posters amidst the crisis of computer breakdown. Thanks also to the core committee of Plaxy Arthur and Julian Turnbull, who were so responsive and supportive. Our wonderful caterers Serena Dubuisson and Hilary Clark provided lunch, real coffee and cream teas, which included the best scones ever. Many thanks also to all who provided nibbles for the Preview, they were gobbled up very quickly! Those children who participated in Katy Lane’s workshops produced some lovely collages. The pastel portraits by James Meiklejohn on Sunday were an a d d e d attraction as visitors could see the artist at work. The portraits made very good Christmas presents.

Kim Pragnell won the “best in show” painting with a wonderful seascape. Artists produced a variety of pictures to suit all tastes, some abstract and many realistic pictures. We had only one exhibitor in the ceramics and no sculpture. Next time, in 2017, we hope to attract more artists, including sculptors; with a low commission rate and a good number of sales to our credit, this is a great place to exhibit. The profit from the show was divided between the Village Hall and The Rendezvous. A cheque for £400 will go to the Rendezvous, a drop-in centre for young people in Sherborne. Amongst other things it helps young people to gain qualifications and to write CV’s and boost their self-esteem in order to find themselves a job. Rachel Graham





6pm. Sunday 13th Dec followed by wine and nibbles with Andrew and Sue Footner.


o please come and support your beautifully redecorated church and help the community spread some Christmas spirit. Do please bring friends, neighbours & relatives with you ALL ARE WELCOME New Year VILLAGE WALK will be at Frankham Farm at 10.30am on Sunday 3rd January, followed by delicious home grown pork, sausages and other tasty delights. Please try and bring someone else along as well. Dogs on lead welcome. Please call Sue Templeman 872 819 if you would like to join us. RAG–BAG sadly this is no longer trading in this area. Thank you all so much for all your support in the past. HARVEST was well attended, the church looking fantastic as always. Many thanks to all who helped with the lovely decorations. The service was followed by a very pleasant evening with a delicious supper very kindly hosted by John and Marlene Broadbent. Thank you very much, also to all the pudding makers! THE VILLAGE MEETING was very well attended by nearly 40 people, the highlight of discussion being the Gladman proposed development on the Ryme Road. Most people were concerned that there just is not enough



room on the street through Ryme to take the quantity of traffic this development would bring. It was requested that traffic should be monitored all day not just at some random quiet period. There were concerns: for the school, doctors, lack of good public transports to name just a few. Another development for 90 houses next to the school is still ongoing. Speed watch will target the approaches to Ryme over the next few months. Recently they have caught more people on the telephone than speeding! Volunteers are still needed to help out, please get in touch with Andy P on 872096. QUEEN ELIZABETH’S 90th IN JUNE Do you have any ideas as to how Ryme would like to celebrate the? HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


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Year 6s from St Andrew’s paying their respects


ell, as always, it has, with the Remembrance Ceremony in the High Street been an emotive month. I do find it emotional when the children lay their wreaths and the strong cup of coffee in the hall afterwards was most needed thank you for waiting if you were one of the motorists who found the roads closed for the ceremony. I am sure there will an obituary elsewhere but you may have heard the sad news that Hazel Rogers, who lived in the village for 31 years, and was a founding member of the Hundred of Yetminster History Society, has passed away and no doubt you will want to join with me in sending condolences to her family at this difficult time. December will see the demise, after many years, of Coffee Beans so do try to pop along in the morning to the Jubilee Hall on Wednesday 2nd to give the ladies a rousing send off for all their hard work (also get along on the 6th January when "Coffee N Cakes" will rise, with Sarah Hedin's help, phoenix like from the ashes! - volunteers are needed so please ring Angela on 01935 872600 if you can help with this). Christmas Clubby things get underway on the same day (the 2nd) with the History Society's Christmas Party and it occurs to me that you could just make yourself comfortable in the morning and stay there all day! The hall continues to be busy with a Table Top Sale on Saturday 5th December


from 2.00pm - 5.00pm with funds being raised for St Andrews Church so it's for a good cause. The Gardening Club are promising a "magical" evening at their party on the following Tuesday (the 8th) and if you like singing carols then the Methodist Church is for you with their Candlelit Carol Service on Monday 14th at 7.00pm with mince pies and coffee afterwards As an alternative, (do both if you are in fine voice!) the SAS (St Andrews Singers) are again at the White Hart with their "Carols in the Pub" evening on Saturday 19th December at 7.30pm. The YCP have their "It's a Wonderful Life" Artsreach event at the hall on Thursday 28th January at 7.30pm so something for the new year. So lots going on but don’t forget to say thank you to all those who beaver away in the background making it all happen. Lastly a very Happy Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year to you all - I hope Santa is good to you. See you in 2016!

4.30pm Sunday 6th December 6pm Sunday 20th December 11.30pm Christmas Eve


Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


YETMINSTER CLEAN UP Ladies and Gentleman of Yetminster – lets clean up our village. My wife and I recently spent three weeks in the United States and were most impressed with the cleanliness of the streets and roadsides. There was less litter in 100 miles of road than in the High Street of Yetminster; the towns were equally clean. Surely we in Yetminster can do better with our street cleanliness. We have four problems: Litter, Dog Mess, Plants growing out of both house and garden walls and Out of Date notices LITTER: In the first place don’t drop it and encourage children not to drop it. I accept that some is thrown from cars over which we have no control unless you are guilty! In the second place if you see litter in the street be a Good Samaritan; pick it up and dispose of it. If we all picked up one piece of litter a day there very soon would no litter. DOG MESS: Recently an old lady slipped on some dog mess – was this your dog? – luckily she was not badly hurt. So please bag up your dog mess and either put it in the litter bins or take it home for your bin. Do Not throw the bag in the hedgerow/nearest garden. If your dog runs free in the street; please try and remove its mess on a daily basis. PLANTS: All along the streets are plants growing out of cracks in walls and in the crevices at the joint of wall and pavement. These are the responsibility of the wall/house owner not the Council who only clean the gutters. Not often enough in my view but nothing we can do about that. Not only are these plants untidy but many are impeding pedestrian passage along the pavement. So house owners please take some pride and remove the offending plants. OUT OF DATE NOTICES. There are far too many of them around the village. If you put up a notice for whatever reason please remove it when the date of the event is passed or in the case of ‘lost cats’ and the like after a reasonable time say a month.


Do come and join us for our annual

led by (Katy Ashman and Miles Nipper) with organist Richard Mentern followed by

D G Gould, Chairman Parish Council wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Well, we have rearranged the furniture so that the cosy chairs are by the wood burner ready for the promised winter weather. Day Bowman’s work, abstract and contemporary, is adorning the walls with a 7ft painting over the fireplace that was exhibited in Southwark Cathedral as part of a collaboration with composer Jonathan Harvey based on banners and music for sacred spaces - Day is emerging as one of the UK's most exciting contemporary painters and her paintings are charged and fluid, dynamic in form and joyous in palette. She is also exhibiting at the Mall Galleries in London at the moment and we

feel privileged to have her work with us at the Old School Gallery. Fleurtatious Floristry are returning in December for two floral decoration workshops which will help you to produce glorious seasonal floral decorations for your home and from past experience these are not to be missed. We are also having a special Christmas ‘pottery’ event with Leigh potter Plaxy Arthur. So "toasty toe" time by the fire, supplemented by wafting aromas of homemade Christmas Cake and Mince Pies and Christmas menus in the Cafe will be the order of the day! So it's only left to say many, many thanks to all those who have brought joy and friendship to the Gallery over the last year and we wish all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Mark at the Ark Down at the Ark Village we are looking forward to Christmas with the fairy lights all a twinkling and the sound of bells ringing! This year we will be having pop up stalls of Christmas Fayre with a multitude of handmade pieces of crafty goodness. We will also have wreaths (including natural handmade ones nearer the time) of all shapes and sizes and also bits and bobs to make your own. The Hair Loft (new telephone number 07884947886) Christmas specials during December include 10% off colours and perms with, additionally, gel nails, manicure and polish for £15 and also put your hair up for partying for £20!

A vintage gift from the past makes a lovely present so come on down and pick out a bargain and why not try a homemade festive mince pie from our Vintage Buffet just to round off your visit. I hope Santa is good to you Mark Stephen

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please





"l have measured out my life with coffee spoons" says T.S.Eliot in his poem 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'. No doubt the stalwart workers of the "Coffee Beans" will empathise with that sentiment. They have, for a full decade, provided free coffee and cakes in the Jubilee Hall on the first Wednesday of each month, to a large number of senior citizens and others. To this can be added charitable fundraising events, mainly for 'The Lord's Larder', and annually, refreshments for hundreds of people attending the Hall for their "flu" jabs, and had fun down at the Meadens. The genesis of the "Coffee Beans" arose from the strong community feeling aroused by the 2005 Tsunami Disaster and subsequently three Yetminster and three Ryme residents decided to establish a monthly community event. Margaret Bedding, Jenny Gloster, Pat Smith and Fiona Williams were originally joined by Ruth Hawkins, Fiona Moore and Jackie Simmons as founder members - not forgetting the lovely Rosalind Warren. They have run this enterprise without a single break in the last ten years - a truly commendable example of voluntary service. With a few helpers they made cakes (at little or no cost), served coffee,

washed up, prepared the Hall and cleared up afterwards. They also maintained a much-appreciated book loan service. Christmas was a special event, provided with great imagination and a sense of fun. Small donations were received but never asked for, and these were used to offset costs, which mainly included the hire of the Hall. Another welcome service was the regular visits by local members of POPP, community police and fire brigade, District Councillor Margaret Lawrence, our local councillors, and Anne King giving computer advice. Now the "Coffee Beans" are taking a well-earned rest, and we must herald in a new era of this very worthwhile service, maybe with slightly different ideas. COFFEE & CAKES It demands a small committed team which Sarah of The Old School Gallery has already offered to help coordinate. Tony Gilbert, our Team Rector, has already appealed for volunteers, and anyone willing to help should initially contact Angela at the Jubilee Hall Office (872600). We owe a great vote of thanks to the "Coffee Beans" team for their hard work and devotion; but the best tribute we can offer them is to keep the spirit of it alive. Stuart Grant

are a group of six ladies, originally from the Wriggle Valley Women's Group, who share a passion for embroidery. Having been working together for almost two years we have produced a variety of unique pieces of embroidery and have become a friendly and supportive group. It has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to continuing in the New Year. Thank you and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


HAPPENINGS AT THE HART Well Benefice it's been a busy year The what with Rachel's Charity Sky Dive, our American Day and the various quizzes and skittle evening events! Since our London Marathons we have raised, with your help, in excess of £6500 for Charity which is a tremendous effort by everyone so a huge Thank You. Just to dispel all those rumours which seem to be doing the rounds we are not closing, we are not selling and are we not applying for a change of use! The White Hart will long continue to remain your village pub and it is our intention to pass it on within our family as a going concern. Someone with a fertile imagination has been busy so please just come in and ask and we will be happy to answer your concerns. So soap box moment over - hopefully we will see you over the festive period and we have the SAS (St Andrews Singers) with their, by now, traditional "CAROLS IN THE PUB" evening on Saturday 19th December at 7.30pm which is great fun so do try to get along. Last but not least - from all of us here at The White Hart - A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Jim & Carole Bayfield

ST ANDREW'S CHURCH YETMINSTER are selling Christmas Cards to raise funds towards the upkeep of this lovely building. There are five different designs and they come in packs of five costing £2.50 each. If you wish to purchase some cards, they are on sale in the church or from Claire MacLeod-Ash at Hound House telephone 01935 872243 - or call in on your way to the Spar.


12A Tuesday 26th January A drama that tracks the story of the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal state. These women were not just from the genteel educated classes, there were also working women willing to lose everything in their fight for equality – their jobs, their homes and their children. Starring Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham-Carter, Anne-Marie Duff and a powerful cameo from Meryl Streep as Emmeline Pankhurst. - 15 Tuesday 23rd February Comedy adventure based on Bill Bryson’s bestseller starring Robert Redford, Emma Thompson and Nick Nolte. Instead of retiring to his wife and happy family, Bill Bryson challenges himself to hike the Appalachian Trail. He agrees to be accompanied by his long lost and former friend. The trouble is, the two have a completely different definition of the word “adventure”. 12A Tuesday 22ⁿd March Alan Bennett’s stage play filmed with Maggie Smith in the title role supported by a wealth of UK treasures! Tickets at £6 will be on sale at the Spar/PO, Sunnyside, Yetminster from two weeks beforehand. Tickets include choc ice! Please try and buy your ticket in advance. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30 show start. Wine and nibbles will also be on sale. Tickets at £6 will be on sale in the Spar/PO, Sunnyside, Yetminster from two weeks beforehand. Tickets include choc ice!


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Our Annual General Meeting was held after the deadline for the WVM so a full report will appear in the February edition. However I can confirm that we have had applications for funding from the Yetminster Scouts Group, Art for All, St Andrew’s Primary School, the Yetminster Irish Dancers, The Jubilee Hall Committee and a request to carry over funding from Project Yetminster for their Village Notice Board project. Additionally as Chairman I have also made an application in the form of a YFA Chairman's Community Grant as this will enable the Association to support community initiatives in a proactive way in the future. I must admit that, having been away, it is very gratifying to return and find that the Committee has been working hard and things are starting to come together and, I must admit, that it all looks rather exciting - more of our plans in the ensuing months so do "watch this space"!

It's a bumper draw next month in our 50 Club Lottery with the top prize being £100 and three more prizes of £50, £25 and £15. This is the Association's main fund raising effort and if you are not already a member can I urge you to join (forms are available on the Parish website within the YFA pages) as you will be directly helping local groups and organisations. New volunteers to help the Association are always welcome so perhaps pop along to our meeting at 7.30pm in the White Hart on the last Thursday of the month and find out what you can do. Please see the next edition for details of the grants that the YFA were able to make Lastly let me take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting the YFA in 2015 and to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. David Torrance, Chairman, YFA yetminsterfair@aol.com

YETMINSTER FAIR 50's Club November 1st £50 2ⁿd £30 3rd £20

No 13 No 7 No 16

Mr B Crumpler Mrs S Goldsworthy Mr A Rolls



PLAY AREA, AROUND THE SCOUT HUT AND MEADENS OPEN SPACE AND MAINTAIN BOYLES PATH If you are interested please contact Carinna Vickers, Clerk to the Council, via email yetminster@dorset-aptc.gov.uk


You will be aware of the proposal by Gladman to develop the land on the Ryme Road and a number of residents made their concerns known at the recent YRIPC Council meeting. At the moment the Council has not received any formal application for this development although a submission is expected to be made to WDDC in the near future. Once we have the details we will be calling a Public Meeting to discuss these proposals with residents and to seek your views. John Greenwood, who has

experience of the planning procedures, has agreed to be available to help explain the options, including objection, that are available in order that residents may consider what action they can take. Unfortunately, as explained in the Neighbourhood Plan article, we will be unable to use the WVM as an information source until the February edition. If it is felt that a meeting is necessary before February we will make every effort to let you know about this but please do check the Parish Website and the Notice Board in the High Street on a regular basis. David Gould, Chairman YRIPC RHYME


SPEEDING IN THE VILLAGE "SPEEDWATCH" Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council joined the "Speedwatch" initiative after concerns about excess traffic speed in the villages were expressed by residents. The measuring equipment is straightforward to use and was provided from central funds. The Police are very supportive of the initiative and to date some 30+ parishes have schemes in operation with the intention being to have one Speedwatch group available in each of the larger villages. Reports of speeding are held on a linked database so speeding in separate villages will be added together. Three contraventions will result in a prosecution although it must be remembered that the project is intended to raise awareness and deter speeding rather than as a tool for court action - it is felt important to do something before an accident happens. Stoford Speedwatch have been very successful with their scheme and speeding through their village has been reduced by 90%. We in Yetminster have provided evidence for the Police to issue a number of

warnings and we are keen to continue with the initiative. Legally three people are required to carry out the monitoring which is normally undertaken for an hour at random locations. In our scheme there are 12 volunteers at the moment but due to work and family commitments more are needed so that there is a large enough pool of people to be able to produce a three team rota. We know from the recent Parish Plan consultation that speeding continues to be an important issue for residents so if you feel that you are able to help, and want to volunteer, or would like further information as to what is involved, please contact the Clerk to the Council on 01935 873510 or by Email: yetminster@dorset-aptc.gov.uk Brian Knight (YRIPC)

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please




Offering a full range of primary healthcare services under one roof

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Our first Artsreach production will be by a small

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING As you may be aware the Localism Act introduced the concept of Neighbourhood Planning with the aim of enabling local communities to become more involved in planning for their community. With the Government's "presumption in favour of sustainable development" the idea is to guide development for an area although it is important to recognise that it is more about getting development right for an area than stopping it altogether. The Parish Council has therefore been considering whether or not to develop such a plan and has now decided that it will do this but in conjunction with our adjoining neighbours thereby sharing resources and we are awaiting final confirmation of this. Assuming that they are in agreement we will join together to produce a "Wriggle Valley Neighbourhood Plan" enabling the combined community to, in effect, set out their own "vision" for the area within the National Planning Policy Framework (the NPPF) and the District Council’s Local Plan. Providing it is adopted by the Community, the Plan will form part of the overall District


by a small touring theatre based at Farnham Maltings. Tickets will be £8, and it should be an excellent family show.

touring theatre based at Farnham Maltings. It will be in the Jubilee Hall on . This promises to be an excellent family show, suitable for ages 8+, and has had very good reviews. It will be performed in the centre of the hall, with the audience seated around the action. More details are available at http://theatre.farnhammaltings.com/portfol io/its-a-wonderful-life. Wine and soft drinks will be available before the performance and during the interval. Tickets will be on sale at the Spar shop from early January at £8 for adults and £6 for under 18s. Please contact us on ycp873@gmail.com to book tickets in advance or to get more details. There may be a limited number of tickets on the door at £10, but please get tickets in advance if you want to be sure.

Development Plan and will be used to determine planning applications, unlike a Parish Plan which, although it covers much wider issues and provides a framework for the Parish Council's relationship with the community, has no legal standing. So we have a lot of organising to do and it is important to note that whilst such a plan is led by the Parish Council, it is produced by the Community and so significant community involvement is required to produce it We shall be seeking your help and calling a Public Meeting over the next few months. As we will be unable to use the WVM as an information source until the February edition please do check the Parish Website and the Notice Board in the High Street in case we are able to organise a meeting earlier. In the meantime if you have any queries or want further information please use the contact page on the website or drop us a line using the WVM Mail box in the entrance to Georgies / The Old School Gallery or contact the Clerk to the Council on 01935 873510 Email: yetminster@dorset-aptc.gov.uk. David Gould , Chairman YRIPC


YETMINSTER & RYME INTRINSECA PARISH COUNCIL Summary of COUNCIL MEETINGs 16th Sept and 21st Oct 2015 This report covers two Council Meetings as I went on holiday immediately after the September Meeting. The meetings were attended by seven councillors, up to 30 members members of the public, DCclr Lawrence and the Clerk. PLANNING Land behind Croft Cottage As a result of meetings with the affected residents Greatworth Developments has produced a compromise proposal which is probably acceptable to all sides. However no formal planning application has been received as of end October. Land on Thornford Road A formal application for Outline Planning permission was received and refused by the Parish Council mainly on the premise that not only was the site outside the Defined Development Boundary but also that the application was not in accord with the latest District Plan which was adopted by the District Council on 22 October 2015. Land on Ryme Road. Gladman's have leafleted the village with a proposal for outline planning permission for 135 houses on a site north of the Ryme road adjacent to the Meadens and the other estates there. At the October Council meeting the Chairman explained to the many residents present that the Council knew no more than they did as Gladman’s had not discussed the proposal with them. The Council has subsequently met with Gladman’s which did not really add much to the sum of our knowledge except that the proposal is now for 98 houses. A change as a result of objections apparently! When the formal application is received the Council will call a village meeting at which Mr John Greenwood has kindly agreed to brief residents on how they might object if that is what they want to do.

Oak House Stores. The Council has withdrawn its requirement to retain Oak House Stores as a village asset as Mr Cupper has shown that he has had no luck in trying to sell the premises as a retail outlet therefore it is most unlikely that the Council would have any better luck. Solar Farm at Alton Mead Lane. The Council have objected to this and asked for clarification of some concerns. Caswell Farm Solar Farm. A solar farm has been sited near the A 37 but will be connected to the Grid at the Brister End substation. This line will be underground and will either run along the road from Ryme causing much disruption or across country. A consultation was held on 31st October and we await the decision. Planning generally. The Chairman reiterated his view that there will come a time when Yetminster will have to accept further development and this may be in the not too distant future. The WDDC plan has a 5 year housing supply – just. This is a rolling figure so as this is depleted by development, further sites will be needed to restore the numbers. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The Council agreed to produce a Neighbourhood Plan in conjunction with other villages. The proposed large developments have shown how important such a plan is to the area. A village meeting will be convened in the near future at which it is hoped that people will volunteer to help. It is a Community venture not a Council one RENTS It was agreed to that Allotment and Scout Hut rents would remain the same for next year. The Sports Club rent would be agreed at a meeting between both sides and reported on in November. Precept A Precept of £11000 was agreed. S106 Moneys Councillor Parfitt is continuing his investigation into how much money is available and will report in November on what he considers the money should be spent on.

D G Gould, Chairman

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please



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To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


‘I understand that God will be blessing you with a baby brother or sister this Christmas’, said a priest to a member of the Sunday School ‘Yes’ the child replied ‘and he knows where the money is going to come from too; I heard dad say God knows where the extra money is coming from!’’. Do you worry at Christmas? – You don’t need to. Christmas has been marked for 2000 years as part of the general range of Christian celebration yet in the last 200 years the secular world seems to have taken it over and whilst keeping many of the trappings it seems to have changed it into a consumerist nightmare. So what is Christmas actually about? Many TV

programs start with a short recap the phrase ‘and previously on …… Well similarly with Christmas. Except that the phrase ‘and previously’ in Christian belief should be said at Easter and refer back to Christmas. This is because the Christmas story was recorded from the point of view of and after Easter had been experienced. Matthew and Luke, in whose Gospels we find all the Christmas material, were keen to show that God’s love for humanity was apparent right from the beginning of Christ’s life. This was clear in early celebrations. It was not until the Victorians and more particularly Charles Dickens' story `A Christmas Carol’ that it was irrevocably changed and the (expensive) extras have

grown year on year. The early church felt that it was appropriate to hold a celebration of hope in the cold barrenness of winter that pointed to better things to come both physically with the warmer weather and spiritually with the Easter. Christmas is about hope for us all. I once heard on the radio a self-admitted atheist telling how she always enjoyed being invited around to some particular friends of hers at Christmas because as Christians `They knew how to celebrate Christmas properly'. Strange thing for an atheist to say you might think but then many people are nearer to Christ than we or they realise.


News from the Registers Funeral/Thanksgiving Hazel Maude Rogers Yeovil Crematorium and St. Andrew's Church Yetminster.

Join us for Messy Nativity, Sunday 29th November at St Andrew’s CE Primary School THE REAL ADVENT COMPANY New design for 2015 - behind each window there is a high quality Fairtrade Belgian chocolate and behind the first window there is a Christmas story booklet illustrated by Sophie Allsopp. The only Fairtrade advent calendar with a FREE 32 page Christmas activity story booklet. A great gift for grandchildren, your own children, friends, Sunday school members and work colleagues; The Real Advent Calendar is a fun and effective way to share the Christmas story. Diane Louise Jordan "I encourage everyone to buy a Real Advent Calendar. Not only is it educational and made from Fairtrade chocolate but it's a great opportunity to raise funds.." The Meaningful Chocolate company is run by people who are passionate about ethical trading and faith. At the Meaningful Chocolate Company our philosophy is simple - we love good chocolate and we love helping people. We have donated more than £140,000 from our sales to charitable projects. This year we are hoping to help raise over £10,000 for FunziBodo. The Funzi clinic provides medical care to the community of Funzi Island in Kenya. The clinic provides medical care 24 hours a day, providing post and ante natal care, immunisations, baby weighing and growth monitoring. If mums or babies fall sick there are always medical staff there to help. Includes a 5p charitable donation to Traidcraft Exchange

VILLAGE PRAISE Sunday, 24th January 2016 Please join us for Village Praise on Sunday, 24th January 2016 We will begin at 5pm with tea, coffee and cakes. We will praise God with singing and prayers. and be joined by others from across our local area, aiming to finish at 6pm approx. Village Praise is a great way to come together and worship God. It is a monthly event held in different local areas which gives an opportunity for informal worship. This is our time to host the event in Hermitage at at Lin and Geoff’s home in Hermitage. Buck Cottage, Cottage, Granville Lane, Hermitage, Dorchester, DT2 7BB 01963 210953

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


Stop pain & ill health Acupuncture at

Yetminster Health Centre

Garfield Hunter-McILveen BSc Hons, LicAc MBAcC

01935 873770 www.huntermcilveen.com email: julie@huntermcilveen.com


THREE VALLEYS TEAM local for services The Benefice Church Services April for Decem SUNDAY









10.15am CW Holy Communion 9.15am BCP Matins + Holy Communion




10am CW 11am CW Holy Holy Communion Communion


8.30am BCP Holy Communion


6.30pm BCP 10.15am CW Evensong Holy Communion


6.30pm Carol Service

THORNFORD 4.30pm Christingle


CHRISTMAS DAY 3pm 10.15am CW Crib Carol Service Christmas Communion 9.30am BCP Christmas Family Communion 6pm 4.30pm 11am CW Carol Service Nativity & Carols Christmas 11.30pm CW Communion Midnight Mass 9.45am Christmas Family Service 10.15am CW 7pm Morning Prayer Carol Service 5pm 6pm Cribside 9.45am Carol Sing-a-long Carol Service Christmas in Village Hall 11.30pm CW Family Service Christmas at Chetnole Communion 11.30pm BCP 10am Midnight Mass Christmas Family Service 3pm 7.30pm CW 9.30am Carol Service Christmas Family Christmas Communion Family Service

8am BCP Holy Communion 9.30am CW Morning Prayer YETMINSTER 10.15am CW 10.15am CW 10.15am CW 11.30pm CW Holy Morning Prayer Holy Communion Midnight Mass Communion 6pm Carol 4.30pm Service Christingle

10.15am CW Christmas Communion



10am CW Commun

8.30am B Holy Com (said)

10.15am Holy Com (said)


Every except 28th Dec





1st in month


Lower Covey Toddlers' Service



1st in month

2.30pm Holy Communion

LEIGH Old Vicarage


4th Decr

2.45pm School Christingle



4th Dec

9.30am School Christingle


To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


mber 2015


January 2016




BAPTISM OF EPIPHANY 2 CHRIST 10.15am CW Holy Communion

W Holy nion (said)






10.15am CW Holy Communion

9.15am BCP Matins + Holy Communion 10am CW 11am CW 8am BCP 9.30am Holy Communion Morning Prayer + Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion 8.30am BCP Holy Communion

BCP mmunion

m CW mmunion

6.30pm BCP Evensong

9.30am Family Service 3pm BCP Holy Communion 10.15am CW Holy Communion

8.30am BCP Holy Communion

6.30pm BCP Evensong

8.30am BCP Holy Communion

For complete list see:

Thursday Friday Friday Friday Wednesday Wednesday

17th Dec 18th Dec 18th Dec 18th Dec 23rd Dec 23rd Dec

10.15am CW 10.15am CW Holy Communion Holy Communion

10.15am Prayer and Praise 10.15am CW 10.15am Holy Communion Family Service

8am CW Holy Communion 9.30am BCP Matins 10.15am CW Morning Prayer

9.30am CW Holy Communion

9.30 am CW 8am BCP Holy Holy Communion Communion 11am CW Holy Communion 10.15am CW 10.15 BCP Choral Holy Holy Communion Communion

go to

6.30pm 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 6pm 6pm

Carol Service School Carol Service School Carol Service School Carol Service Carol Service Carol Service



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To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Shops, supermarkets, hotels and Travel Agents and many others have been preparing for Christmas for months and have been trying to tempt us with their various special offers. Now that Advent has arrived, it is the time for Christians everywhere to prepare themselves too for this great event I know it is difficult not to let all the commercialism detract us from the real meaning of Christmas, but I pray that we might find time to prepare our hearts for this momentous occasion. I hope that we shall be able to get a new and meaningful message from the old familiar carols and from the well known passages of scripture. When we see and hear of all the evil things happening in the world today, it appears that there has never been a more important time to hear the message that Jesus Christ brings to us. May the supreme love that He

offers to each one of us bring renewed measures of peace and hope especially as we launch into a New Year. By His coming afresh into our churches, our homes and our families, may we be encouraged to spread that same love and peace into the lives of all whom we meet every day. We pray God’s richest blessing on you all this Christmas time. We hope we shall see quite a few of you at our on Monday, the 14th. 7pm God- Bless from


To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


The Friary, Hilfield

Three Valleys Team

Team Office : HELPING HANDS Yetminster Jubilee Hall, 01963 210953 Church Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG Tel: 01935 872600

Sundays: 8.30am Sung Eucharist 5.15pm Sung Evening Prayer Mondays Closed – Brothers’ Free Day

wrigglevb.office@gmail.com www.threevalleysteam.com


Team Rector: Rev’d Tony Gilbert The Rectory, Church Rd, Thornford, Sherborne. DT9 6QE 01935 873044 rector3valleys@gmail

Roman Catholic Services

12 noon Midday Prayer followed by Eucharist 5.15pm Evening Prayer These are sung on Saint’s Days


Roman Catholic Church The Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3EL tel: (01935) 812021 Parish Priest: Monsignor Canon Robert Draper V.G. Further information is available from our e-mail: sherbornerc@btinternet.com weekly newsletter, the Church Office on website: sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk 01935 812021 or visit our website Further information is available from our weekly newsletter, the Church Office on 01935 812021 or visit our www.sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk website www.sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk

Yetminster Methodist Church


Chapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJ Minister: Rev Tom Carmichael email: ta.carmichael@yahoo.co.uk

6th No Service 13th Mr David Webb 14th (Monday) 7 pm Carol ServiceRev Tom Carmichael 20th No Service 27th Mr Dennis Tackley

Worship co-ordinator: Mrs Marilyn Harris (01935 864232) JANUARY 2016 Treasurer: Mr Alec Reek, 12 3rd No Service Sussex Farm Way, Yetminster. 10th Ms Jennifer Gardner 17th No Service Secretary: Mrs Barbara Driver 24th Rev Tom Carmichael (Covenant Service) (01935 873690) wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Dates for your Diary



26 Chetnole Community Choir Autumn Concert


Chetnole Village Hall


27 PTFA Community Christmas Fair


St Andrew's School, Yetminster


28 Coffee morning


Thornford Village Hall


Hermitage Village Hall

Christmas Bingo Sun

29 Leigh Christmas/ Retro Craft Fair Messy Nativity

10am-2pm Leigh Village Hall 3-5pm

St Andrew's School, Yetminster

10.30am12 noon

St Andrew's Church, Leigh







Coffee morning/ bring & buy

Leigh Discussion Club Working 7.30pm street organs Joan & David Wright

Leigh Village Hall

Coffee Beans Coffee morning Last one


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Yetminster History Society Christmas Party


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Artsreach Event Candlelit Show Richard Durrant & Amy Kakoura


Chetnole Village Hall

Christmas coffee morning

10.30am12 noon

Hermitage Village Hall



Table Top Sale


Yetminster Jubilee Hal



Tuesday Club - Carols & Christmas tea


Leigh Village Hall

Yetminster & Ryme Garden Club Christmas party


Yetminster Jubilee Hall


12 BERTIES' Big Band Christmas Concert for St Mary's Hermitage


Leigh Village Hall


13 Candlelit Carol Service


St Hippolytus Church, Ryme


14 Candlelit Carol Service


Methodist Church, Yetminster


15 WVWG Members' Dinner


venue tba


16 Cuppa N Cake for Senior Citizens


St Andrew's School, Yetminster


17 Carol service


St Michael's, Beer Hackett


18 Carol Service


Holnest Church


Stockwood Church


19 Candles in the Pub


The White Hart

Candlelit Carol Service

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


Dates for your Diary


20 Family Christmas sing-a-long & supper



Wed Thur

Carols & mulled wine for Julia's House 23 Carol service & mulled wine Carol Service 24 Carol service Children's Crib service Carols by candlelight


Leigh Village Hall


Lower Covey, Yetminster


St Nicholas, Hilfield

6pm 6pm 3:00pm 7:00PM

St Peter’s Church, Chetnole St Andrew's Church, Leigh St Mary's Church, Batcombe St Mary's Church, Hermitage

JANUARY 2016 Sun Mon

3 4

Ryme Village walk 10.30am Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club 7.30pm Pollinators & Wild Bees Joy Wallis

Frankham, Ryme Chetnole Village Hall

Tues Tues

5 5

coffee morning/ bring & buy Leigh Discussion Club Submarines Polaris & Trident Graham Plaice

10.30-12 7.30pm

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Leigh Village Hall

Mon Tues

11 Leigh Moviola 12 Yetminster & Ryme Garden Club Slightly naughty plants

7.30pm 7.30pm

Leigh Village Hall Yetminster Jubilee Hall



Trim Room,Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Chetnole & Stockwood PC meeting Jazz Café Chameleon WVWG Dorset Buttons Chetnole Fete & Flower show AGM

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall Gable Court, Yetminster Chetnole Village Hall


Leigh Village Hall

7.30pm 7.30pm

Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Thur Sat Tues wed

14 16 19 20


26 Leigh WI Lewd Wenches &Loose Living Fellows Bruce Upton Yetminster Film Night Suffragette


Artsreach Event 28 It's a Wonderful Life


30 New Year's Party

Yetminster Jubilee Hall


Hermitage Village Hall



Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Creative gardening with bulbs Christine Skelmersdale


Chetnole Village Hall



Coffee morning/ bring & buy


St Andrew's Church, Leigh wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

LEIGH VILLAGE HALL In the heart of the Wriggle Valley - 6 miles SW from Sherborne, Dorset

* * * * * * * *

Award winning facilities and beautiful grounds. The ideal venue for truly memorable celebrations. Main Hall seats up to 150 (100 at tables). Meeting Room for up to 30 (20 at tables). Modern five-star kitchen 72 off-road parking spaces plus large overflow area. Covered patio & two acres of landscaped grounds. A short walk from St Andrew's Church.


Paul Orchard 01963 210619 or paulandmorag@gmail.com Duncan Moore 01963 210154 or duncancmoore@aol.com www.leighvillagehall.co.uk

Private Hire ● ● ● ● ●

For all Private and Business Travel. Mercedes car and a 6 seater MPV. Members of Institute of Advanced Motorist. A reliable 24 hour service, 7 days a week. All Airports/Seaports or any other destination required.

Contact: Tel: 01305 266443 Mobile: 07467 941029 Email: charlotte@sjexecutivecars.com


Yetminster, Dorset, DT9 6ND Near to the centre of this historic village, step out to a woodland nature reserve, riverside walks, and open countryside. Private bathroom, TV, WIFI, separate breakfast room.

Reservations call Georgina 01935 873527 / 07890 281551



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Tel: 01460 240229

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To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Dates for your Diary Tues


Leigh Discussion Club Vietnam Venture


Leigh Village Hall

Thur Fri Sat

4 5 6

WVP Panto Dick Whittington WVP Panto Dick Whittington WVP Panto Dick Whittington

7.30pm 7.30pm 2.30 & 7.30pm

Leigh Village Hall Leigh Village Hall Leigh Village Hall



Yetminster & Ryme Garden Club Magna Carta Flower Festival


Yetminster Jubilee Hall


10 Yetminster History Society Dorchester Prison Eddie Wilson


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Chetnole & Stockwood PC meeting 13 Midwinter Chamber Concert for Leigh & Hermitage Churches Jazz Café Red Hot Syncapations 15 Leigh Moviola

7.30pm 7.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Leweston School

7.30pm 7,30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall


Mon Tues Tues

16 WVWG Being a JP 23 Yetminster Film Night A Walk in the Woods

Gable Court, Yetminster Yetminster Jubilee Hall



Coffee morning/ bring & buy 10.30am Leigh Discussion Club Smuggling in 7.30pm Dorset Bonny Sartin

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Leigh Village Hall



Yetminster History Society Thomas Hardy Andrew Leah


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Sat Mon Tues Tues

12 14 15 22

Jazz Café Gustav Bensel Hot Club Leigh Moviola WVWG Willow modelling Yetminster Film Night

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm

Chetnole |Village Hall Leigh Village Hall Gable Court, Yetminster Yetminster Jubilee Hall




Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Violets Clive Groves


Chetnole Village Hall


5 5

Coffee morning/ bring & buy Leigh Discussion Club Call My Bluff Larry & Sue Skeats

10.30am 7.30pm

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Leigh Village Hall

Sat Mon Sat Sat

9 11 16 30

Spring coffee morning Leigh Moviola Jazz Café Harlem 5 YRGC Plant sale

10.30am 7.30pm 7.30pm

Old Vicarage, Leigh Leigh Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall Cross Farm, Yetminster




07734 258911 ncheesmanbuildingcontractors@hotmail.co.uk

For all your plumbing needs at prices you can afford. Already established & recommended in Yetminster, Thornford, Cerne Abbas, Holywell & neighbouring villages! ● Installation of new ● Central heating taps, showers or systems entire bathroom ● Outside plumbing suites ● Emergency plumbing ● Repairs to burst (24 hr callout at a pipes, toilets or non rip-off rate) leaky taps ● All areas covered ● Plumbing in of ● Free quotes kitchen appliances

Wayne Reeves (WRAS Accredited)p 07531 133916 / 01935 475101 To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


We are looking for more children to come and join and adults to help in our Wednesday Club sessions in St Andrew’s CE Primary School.! They are for children rising 6 years old and the sessions run from 3.10 to 4pm every

Wednesday during term time when we share Bible stories with the children, sing some songs and hopefully give them a good time! We end the term (Christmas & Summer) with a party, which they all enjoy! If you would be interested to find out more please give me a ring 01935 873726. Your children can join any time during the term. Anne Reason wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

HELP CREATE A NATION OF LIFE SAVERS. Are you and all your family and friends familiar with performing CPR on someone who's heart has stopped? Can you use a defibrillator? The British Heart Foundation have produced a short training DVD and supplied practice manikins for you to learn easily at home. Do take this opportunity to be ready to save a life. Call Sue Morgan who will answer any questions and supply these items on 873104 or e-mail her on rsm182@talktalk.net DON’T DELAY!

2015 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL - CHETNOLE, RYME INTRINSECA AND YETMINSTER. Thank you to all who made this years poppy appeal such a success. This means the faithful poppy collectors who do the work collecting for the appeal and to you all who have contributed so generously. David Dixon and his loyal band of collectors in Chetnole collected a massive £443.11 of which £90 was gift aided - thank you David. Roger Excell trudged the length and breadth of Ryme Intrinseca and swelled the coffers by £124.78. Sterling service. The Yetminster team of collectors persuaded the residents to

part with £812.34 whilst our loyal Spar shop, St Andrew’s CE Primary School, Medical Centre, White Hart and On the Boyle Cafe topped up our collection with another £362.43. St.Andrew's Church collection on Remembrance Sunday raised a further £300. This brings the total for this year for our collectors to £2042.66. On top of that, in due course, we will get back the gift aid tax. So, a big thank you to all. Aubone Pyke PAO TCF 26

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


Join us for our COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS FAIR and visit Santa, we know he's already sent his red suit to the dry cleaners, booked the barber for a beard trim and put his sleigh in for a service. We think we serve the best mulled wine and mince pies for miles around!. He's also hoping to do a spot of shopping while he’s there, searching for a present for Mrs Claus, and with stalls selling everything from cupcakes to crafts, Christmas cards to beauty products, we are confident he’ll be spoilt for choice. It would be wonderful if you could join us. Elaine Pennington, Chair, St Andrew’s CE Primary School PTFA

DO YOU RECOGNISE ANYONE HERE?' Well, Doreen, Miss Corey and Rosemary look very happy perched on various knees!! I don't know who the lady standing is , do you? I think the man standing on the left is Doreen Gisborne's husband but again I'm not quite sure. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

ART ON YOUR IPAD Whether you are a dabbler or dedicated artist, creating art on your iPad is hugely rewarding but picking the wrong app can put you off for life. I’ve tested some of the most popular apps recently and provided some comments below. It can be worth paying a little for an app to block advertisements or open up extra features. There are various types of styli to pick from although you can just use your finger, you might also want to apply a screen protector which is a very fiddly job. Once you’ve got the app, the canvases, brushes and paints are free! I will be running art taster sessions, so contact me if you’re interested. Art Set Pro £4.99 Fantastic app! The range of media/tools is outstanding - oil pastels, wax crayons, paint, pencils, charcoal, sponge, solvents, sandpaper - 21 in all. There are 28 types of ‘paper/canvas’ to choose from before you start on your masterpiece and you can mix any colour variation you wish by blending colours. You can also start with a photograph on the canvas to draw over. You can work in very fine detail using the iPad’s zoom feature by spreading your fingers to magnify a section of the screen. Drawing Desk free, or £1.49 to block advertisements Inexpensive fun for children and doodlers. There are 4 parts to this app - photo desk, doodle desk, kids desk and sketch desk. The Sketch desk part can be used for simple line and wash sketches. It’s not possible to adjust the size of the tools in the basic version

David Hockney’s untitled artwork created on an Ipad although you can use one part of the paintbox to mix colours. Additional features can be purchased. One of my customers uses this app frequently to make charming sketches to send with emails and messages to her family. Paper 53 free A little tricky to start with but well worth pursuing. The app has changed recently - it used to show blank sketchbooks and some users are disappointed to find it now works with stacks of paper called spaces. To get a blank canvas and paintbox, tap ‘+’ at the foot of the screen. Your finished creations can be saved in the ’My Ideas’ space or another space you create. The app is pre-filled with sample stacks and you can play with or delete the papers within them. Procreate (£4.49) work in layers so if you are making a landscape painting, for example, you can add the background, trees, buildings, flowers etc on individual layers and change your mind or make corrections. Brushes Redux (free) - clever brushes and sophisticated techniques - can be tricky to use. Here’s my Christmas card design created with Brushes and as I look at it now, I can spot a mistake - the leaves should not be translucent. Anne King ipadery@icloud.com

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


For Ipad lessons in the Wriggle Valley

IPAD CLUB NEWS It’s been great to introduce iPad Club members to the popular e-book and emagazine services from Dorset libraries (delivered to your iPad for free!). A new iPad Club starts in the Jubilee Hall on 7th January, please contact me to check availability as it may be full before the WVM goes to print. I offer individual lessons too and my monthly newsletter includes information about apps and new courses. If you use Facebook, I have an iPadery page. Anne King iPadery@icloud.com

2016 The first JAZZ CAFÉ of 2016 will be held in CHETNOLE VILLAGE HALL on Saturday 16th January 2016 and is by CHAMELEON - a duo presenting a cornucopia of different jazz styles to cater for all tastes. The next JAZZ CAFE is on 13th February when Des Bacon and the RED HOT SYNCOPATION’S will be playing jazz music from the 20’s. An era of flappers, gangsters and bathtub gin! Doors will open at 7.00 pm and tickets at £10 are available from Shirley Madgwick on 01935 872838 / John Head on 01935 873555 or on the door on the night (subject to availability) Chetnole Hall Committee wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

ON THE BEAT With our previous warnings about scamming, Dorset Police will be giving advice on how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of Cybercrime at 10.30am on 2nd December in the Jubilee Hall, Yetminster so please make a note in your diary and pop along. It will be good to see you. Police are also appealing for witnesses and anyone with information to come forward following an alleged burglary at an address in Church Street, Yetminster, between 10.15pm on Wednesday 4th and 8am on Thursday 5th November 2015, Several items of silverware were alleged to have been stolen, including an inscribed silver Armada plate which was awarded to the victim to mark a significant historical achievement and is of great sentimental value. If you have any information relating to this incident, or are offered this item for sale, please call Dorset Police on 101 quoting incident number 5116 - all calls will be treated in strict confidence. We also have, unfortunately, to report a two further incidents in Yetminster.

Firstly, at approximately 6.45am on the morning of 5th November, a homeowner partially opened a ground floor window and later observed a male who put his arm through the window, presumably with the intention of gaining entry to the property. When challenged the person ran off. The only description of the male is that he was wearing dark clothing. Again, If you have information please contact Dorset Police and quote incident no 50031 Secondly, four alloy wheels were stolen from a Land Rover Discovery whilst it was parked in Station Road, Yetminster between 6.00pm on Saturday 7th and 7.45am on Sunday 8th November - please quote incident No. 24592 if you can help with this. So a reminder to check your security arrangements (consider fitting an audible burglar alarm if you do not already have one) and don't forget to ensure that all your windows and doors are locked to your house and that your car is alarmed if one is fitted. PCSO Mark Jones Dorset Police, PCSO 6269

HOLNEST CHURCH Saturday 16th July 2016 This is just a gentle reminder to all those making dates for events, so that we don’t clash. I am sure you wouldn’t dare!!! More details later in the year. Any questions: Elizabeth Turnbull 01935 873846

Come and visit our church lit by candles To start your Christmas Celebrations. Sit in our unique box pews. Sing Carols with us On FRIDAY 18th DECEMBER at 6.30pm Followed afterwards with mulled wine and Mince pies All Welcome

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please



Wriggle Valley players It’s that time to celebrate as a family and friends come together for the festive season so why not come and join Wriggle Valley Players and Wriggle Valley Juniors for a rags-to-riches pantomime that’s purrrfect for the whole family. Follow the story of Dick Whittington (Katy Lyons) who comes to London to seek his fortune, as he has heard that the city’s streets are paved with gold. All he has in the world is his faithful best friend, a cat named Tommy (Phoebe Ferris) and so, together they travel to the city via a few local landmarks! Dick and Tommy are soon disappointed when they find that, far from being paved with gold, London is a dark, busy and lonely place. Finally, Dick manages to find a place to stay, with a wealthy merchant named Fitzwarren (Paul Atwell) and his daughter Alice(Sian Doble). Dick and Alice quickly fall in love, but the story’s villain, King Rat (John House) conspires to come between them. King Rat rules the underworld of London and sets a trap for Dick so that he is accused of stealing a watch from Alice’s father. Dick is sent from the city in disgrace and sadly he begins to make his way home, until he falls asleep and has a dream that the bells of London, orchestrated by Fairy Liquid (Amy Goodfellow), chime a message to him, telling him to return to London, where he will one day become Lord Mayor! He returns to the city where Alice convinces her father to give Dick another chance. And so, he is given the opportunity to be part of Captain Goodness’s (Steve Crumpler) crew on board the Armadillo, along with Mrs Goodness (Bella NeateClegg), Midshipman Gracious (Mike Flint) and Mrs Gracious (Sarah Ferris). Whilst on board the Armadillo, King Rat causes the ship to sink in a storm, and the crew gets

washed up on the shores of Morocco. The Sultan of Morocco (Rev Tony Gilbert) and his wife the Sultana (Daphne Barfoot) explain to our hero that their country is overrun by rats – a problem that Dick assures him, Tommy the cat can solve, being a champion rat-catcher! In return for saving his country, the Sultan gives Dick more gold and jewels than he could have dreamed of, and so, when he returns to London, he is greeted as a hero. Just as the bells told him, Dick becomes Lord Mayor of London… and marries his beloved Alice! Soooo, before I give anything else away, on behalf of Wriggle Valley Players I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and hope to see you on either 4th/5th/6th February 2016 at Leigh Village Hall for this wonderful pantomime. Tickets available from our BOX OFFICE 07970 819861. Adults £7 & Children £3. Who knows; you may even get a ticket in your stocking! George Flint, Panto Director


1ST YETMINSTER BEAVERS 1st Yetminster Beavers have been a very busy group over the past 12 months. We currently have 16 boys in our group, we meet every Wednesday during term time. We have had a busy few months with activities ranging from archery, swimming and den building. We have been on trips to Brownsea island and Cerne Abbas with the other district beavers. We joined our Cubs and scouts for a bonfire and firework party where we invested new beavers. Beavers are busy preparing for our annual trip to Weymouth pantomime in December as our end of year treat. A train ride, fish and chips and a pantomime!! Oh no we don't!! If you are interested in becoming a beaver scout or would like to know more about becoming a leader please feel free in get in touch with me at hairymez@hotmail. com . Yours in scouting. Maryann Parkinson 1st Yetminster Beaver Leader

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


1st YETMINSTER CUBS Over the past few months the cubs have been very busy and we have welcomed five new members to our cub pack who were invested in November. Cubs meet on a Tuesday night each week from 6pm until 7.30pm and have been taking part in a range of activities each night including cooking, knots and lashings, quiz nights, hallowe’en fancy dress, bonfire and firework night and many other activities and games. Three of our cubs took part in the cub quiz night in October which was held in Bridport and did extremely well and coming

second, well done Jake, Reuben and Oscar. In November the cubs together with our beavers and scouts took part in the Remembrance Day parade and service at St Andrew's church, Yetminster. The group carried our group flags and joined the congregation in a service of remembrance after which they formed a guard of honour outside of the church. Six of the cubs also took part in the district swimming gala which was held in Bridport. The cubs did very well and enjoyed themselves very much, they came first, second and third in several of the

heats and final events. Well done to Jake, Oscar, Lucy, Reuben, Alex and Alfie-Jack, it was a really great effort. Also a big thank you to Jess for making the gingerbread men and ladies which went down very well after the swimming. Paul Hollick & Jess

Everyone loved the display. The guy that the Beavers made helped light the bonfire whilst we all enjoyed our sparklers. Afterwards the Scouts took part Can the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts say a big in various games from apple bobbing, thank you to Andy Roles for donating some amazing hunt the sweets in the flour and ring donut relay. Dawn Perry, Scout leader fireworks for the Bonfire party. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

COULD YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE?...... We are a small voluntary group from the Wriggle Valley who provide short term support, transport, befriending and shopping for people of all ages. Our group urgently needs more volunteers for the villages covered by Yetminster Surgery. This is not an onerous commitment-much of the support is on a one-off basis. You would be given training and if the task is for transport you would be reimbursed for your expenses. Helping Hands has been operating for several years and there is a proven need for this service, especially taking people for medical appointments. . If you would like to know more please contact Lin Allen 01963 210953


Local author Louise Hodgson has done it again. After more than two years’ research, she has produced a worthy successor to her first book . Louise has made a study of West Dorset her priority and shares her discoveries in the follow-up

. Illustrated with beautiful colour photographs and a selection of her artwork, it demonstrates just how much there is to be found in this part of the county. Published by Dorset books specialist Roving Press, Louise goes off the beaten track to discover history, folklore, curiosities and legends, as well as ancient trackways, enigmatic stones and holy wells. She says: ‘I’ve always felt there was more to discover; more mysterious, atmospheric and provocative places that stimulate our powers of imagination and heighten our ability to empathise with the natural landscape.’ ‘The drive to explore is within most us to varying degrees, and West Dorset is one of those places where exploration can easily lead to

adventures beyond the usual and ordinary.’ As part of ‘Bridport Christmas Cheer’ late-night shopping on Wednesday 9 December, Louise will be in Waterstones from 5.30 pm, personally signing copies of her books as presents for Christmas. Books will also be available in other local outlets and direct from the publisher (www.rovingpress.co.uk, tel 01300 321531), with free delivery in time for Christmas.

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


CALLING ALL WRIGGLE VALLEY SINGERS AND BEYOND We have just performed our very first concert to a full house and with rapturous applause; thank you to one and all for all your hard singing work. We will be starting back again at 7.30pm on Thursday 21st January so if you love to sing and would like to join our happy band of community singers come along, no audition needed. We sing a mixture of ballads, popular songs and songs from the musicals. We look forward to seeing you in January. Ian Lingwood www.chetnolecommunitychoir.co.uk Email:ianlingwood@hotmail.com

LORD’S LARDER CHRISTMAS 2015 APPEAL At Christmas time, we usually give more than 300 special parcels, to encourage people who may be lonely or shut in, so that they may enjoy this festive period. Last year, Christmas 2014,

The Lord's Larder was able to give out 300 Christmas Parcels, which went to help 682 people, 366 adults and 316 children in our local community. If you're interested in donating food items for Christmas parcels, or making a financial gift at Christmas, we will be collecting again from November 2015 for this coming Christmas, if you would like to donate through out the year, please take a look at our shopping list. All donations for The Lord's Larder can be dropped off at the Gateway Building, postcode BA20 1QN, Mon Fri between 9-5pm, please

label the bags or boxes with your name, so we know who donated what. Our number to call in case of a large donation is (01935) 479398, and our other contact details can be found on our contact page. Many thanks for all you do to support the work of The Lord’s Larder, Mat Callaghan Yeovil Christian Support Trust



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MOTs only ÂŁ30 Free collection service in Yetminster area All types of Servicing Carried Out - with a FULL range of Diagnostic Software Available

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To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


News from Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service KNOW YOUR NEW CONSUMER RIGHTS! The run up to Christmas is a busy time for shopping, but did you know that from 1 October 2015, consumers’ rights were changed under the new Consumer Rights Act 2015? So, how have your rights been affected? Well, as before, anything you buy must be: ● of satisfactory quality ● fit for its intended purpose ● as described Perhaps the biggest change is that your right to ask for a refund if the goods are faulty is now limited initially to the first 30 days after you bought them. So make sure any presents you buy are examined within 30 days if you can. Once 30 days has passed you are entitled in the first instance to ask for the goods to be repaired or replaced. This must be done at no cost to you, within a reasonable time and without causing you significant inconvenience. After just one attempt at repair or replacement, if the goods are still not satisfactory, then you are entitled to a refund. You do not have to give the trader more than one opportunity to repair or replace (although you can if you want to).

If repair or replacement is not available, or is unsuccessful, then you can choose whether to keep the goods or return them. If you keep the goods, you can claim a reduction in price. If you return them you are normally entitled to a full refund, although it may be reduced to take account of any use you’ve had if it’s more than 6 months since you bought it. For the first time, consumers’ rights relating to ‘digital content’ are also set out. This will include for example, computer programs, smartphone apps, e-books, CDs, DVDs, etc. It will also include digital content included with goods such as cars or washing machines, as well as that provided by direct download or streaming via the internet to your own equipment. For digital content your rights are roughly the same as for ordinary goods, except that you do not get the initial 30 days to reject faulty digital content alone, and get a refund, unless the digital content is supplied as an inherent part of physical goods, such as computer systems, smartphones and washing machines. For pre-shopping advice, advice about a consumer problem, or to report something to trading standards call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or visit citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer



OUR WONDERFUL SCHOOL Our school is a wonderful school, the children are motivated and happy and the staff likewise. I would say, however, that our school family, which St Andrew the fisherman includes the wider community, will appreciate that this hasn’t been the best of years for us and yet, in spite of this, we continue to thrive. Thank you to you, our parents, our staff, PTFA and governors, wider community and of course our children for being so understanding and supportive this year. 2016 is going to be a great year for St Andrew’s CE Primary School. In January, our new deputy head, Adam Gough, is joining the ship that is St Andrew’s on our voyage forward into an exciting future. HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL AND A VERY PEACEFUL NEW YEAR. Bella Neate-Clegg

I am really looking forward to starting at St. Andrew's CE Primary School in January. Currently I am the leader of Key Stage 1 at Sherborne Primary school and also a staff governor. Outside school I enjoy competing in triathlon events and running for my local running club in Dorchester. I have a little girl, Poppy, who is 14 months old and my wife Samantha is also a teacher in Dorset. Adam Gough

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Our football team in action

Cross country running

SILVER SPORTS MARK We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the Silver School Games award! The award is a tribute to all the teachers and parents who help and support with sport at our school and to our fantastic pupils who take part with enthusiasm and passion. WHAT IS IT? The School Games Mark was launched nationally by the Government in the Olympic Year of 2012. The scheme praises schools for sporting excellence, enthusiasm and the quality of PE provided. The mark is awarded after evidence has been verified. With the help of the sports funding introduced in 2013, we have been able to offer a wider variety of sporting opportunities throughout the school year. More clubs have been introduced during term time and in the holidays, either free or subsidised. It has been wonderful to see the participation in sport across the school rise annually since 2013. I would like to thank parents/ careers also for your support with clubs and sporting events/ fixtures, allowing your children to take part in many different sporting opportunities. Charlotte Trew, PE Leader Photos by Anna Taylor Photography

Our netball team

Exploring disability sports

Our tag rugby team wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

OCTOBER 2015 “When autumn birds in flocks Fly Southward, back we turn the clocks, And so regain a lovely thing, That missing hour we lost in spring.” Phyllis McGinley ‘Daylight savings time’

Typical optimist - some of us aren’t so keen on having to shut out the dark by teatime. SUNSHINE October was a very dull month, with only half the usual number of sunny days. There were 12 hours of sunshine on the 13th but only 5 other days had more than 5 hours, and 11 had no sunshine at all. TEMPERATURES Average October temperatures this year were 10.7C instead of the longterm average of 11.2C. Only the 1st & 2nd were above 20C./68F. The coldest day was the 17th with only 13.2C./56F. Three nights had frosts: -0.3C /31F on the 24th, -1.0C /30F on the the 14th, and -1.3C/29.7F on the Oct. 2015

13th. The end of the month saw some warmer days, ending with a summery 18.9C/66F on the 31st. RAINFALL The month was slightly drier than usual, with 94.3mm/37.1” of rain instead of the a v e r a g e 116mm/4.6”. Despite this, there were only 12 days without rain, instead of 19. The wettest days were the 5th, with 18.7mm/0.7” and the 29th, with 22.6mm/0.9”. PRESSURE October’s average pressure of 1023mb/30.3” was much higher than the usual 1019mm/30.1” and there were only 4 days when it dropped below that. WINDS The windiest days were very wet - the 4th saw 26mph and 18.7mm/0.7” of rain, and the 21st had 21mph, with even more rain: 22.6mm/0.9”. Winds were generally southwesterly, averaging 275 degrees. Philip Bryan

Temperatures (deg. C)




























Av. Min. Av. Max.

Days without:

Av. Oct. 1999 - 14 PC users: previous weather reports can be found at: www.wriggle valleymagazine.co.uk Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please






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A HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS My earliest childhood memories are of Christmas at home in Canada with Mum & Dad, my brothers and sisters. It always snowed in December and I remember being released early one afternoon from Dove Creek School. We walked home and stopped at the frozen pond to slip and slide and have a snowball fight. Our nearest neighbours were miles up the road. Sometimes the hydro would go out. One evening we lit candles and sang songs until the electricity came back on. The next evening there was a huge dump of snow and we were ‘snowed in’ for two days until the snow plough came through. At home I used to spend hours making things with mother in the kitchen sweating over the wood fired range and every now and again a waft of hot air fragrant with the smells of cinnamon and spice would envelop me when the oven door was opened. I remember making lemon curd, Christmas puddings and mince pies and licking out the bowls! Father would take us into the bush to find and cut down a Christmas tree and then we would carry it home between us. Some years w e r e

prosperous and there was plenty on the table to eat. Some years there was very little of anything, but the poorer we were the happier we seemed to be and the more memorable it was. Our stockings had nuts, apples and oranges in them and we usually received a selection box of chocolates which kept us happy for the whole of Christmas Day and Boxing Day as well. Those days seem to have gone and so has some of the charm. What happened to good old fashioned personal gift making and giving? We have had an abundance of vegetables and fruit from our gardens. Children love to make things and to spend quality time with Grandparents, Mum & Dad, it makes Christmas special for them, giving them a sense of pride, achievement and confidence. Jams and preserves are a favourite to make as are pickled onions and chutney. Use kilner jars to present them and perhaps find some christmassy fabric and some organza ribbon to tie around the tops. Make your own Christmas label and put a little verse on it. Take them around to your friends along with their Christmas card and don’t forget to sing a carol on the doorstep to herald your arrival! WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS. Sue Dodge, Bailey Ridge Plants




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Why don’t you just let us worry about keeping you dry and warm? To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


YETMINSTER & RYME GARDEN, ART & CRAFT SOCIETY tornados, snow drifts, hurricanes and dramatic lightning, all demonstrated by grainy old fashioned photographs It was a gentle and interesting talk and after eighteen years this was Mark’s swansong, so we got him just in time!

Our November meeting opened with a glass of mulled wine followed by our AGM where the Chairman reported on a highly successful year, with the record breaking Summer Show being just one of many highlights. Once the formal business was over, we were entertained by Mark Ching and his presentation on Dorset Weather – an interest he developed during his career as a thatcher. There is something rather cosy about sitting inside in the warm, with a glass of mulled wine in hand looking at photographs depicting freezing conditions and violent storms. Mark’s interest lead him to research the key events where extreme weather brought chaos and disruption to local communities. His collection of old photographs showing places such as Bridport, Bournemouth, Godmanstone and Swanage in the late 1800s and early 1900s not only provided interesting historical scenes, but also demonstrated how miserable it must have been in those days to experience such awful conditions. He winningly produced a photo of Yetminster, albeit in the slightly more modern times of 1978. We heard how Dorset has had its fair share of flashfloods, sea storms,

Membership Cards and the Programme for 2016 will be available at our December meeting. The Committee has had great fun planning our programme for next year and we have in place a wide and interesting range of entertainment, meetings and special garden outings. Our January and February meetings will be held in the afternoon to avoid our members coming out late in cold weather. SLIGHTLY NAUGHTY PLANTS PREPARING FOR THE MAGNA CARTA FLOWER FESTIVAL Key dates for the diary are the on and on . If you are interested in joining in on the Open Garden day, please let me know.

We are a friendly and lively group and are always happy to welcome new members, so if you would like to find out more, please contact me on pandy.brown@btinternet.com. Meetings usually take place on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in Yetminster Jubilee Hall. Garden outings tend to be on different days.


LEIGH WI At our October meeting Diana Perry showed us "Ways with Scarves"! She brought loads of scarves with her and started her talk by telling us a little bit about their history starting with cavemen, then turbans, togas, saris etc. Diana said that silk scarves were the best for glamour and warmth. She showed us many ways to tie a scarf and also all their different names, The Fan, Manhattan, Ascot, Butterfly, The Cossack, Pussycat and the Cravat. She showed us how to wind a scarf around our middle and then tie it by making a rose out of the scarf end - ingenuous. We all had brought a scarf with us and it was fun watching how we all had a go at these different ones, some making a much better attempt than others! She made a bodice out of one and also a bikini which as you can imagine had us all in fits of giggles - ask Connie Wallis about her bikini!! She finished her talk by making a bag out of a Hermes scarf - not sure many of us have those lying around but you never know. It

At our November meeting Nicola Gilbert gave us a fascinating insight into the life of St Francis of Assisi and the Third Order which is a lay order following the principles laid down by St Francis. I think most of us we had no idea

was all very entertaining and I am sure many of us went home and had a practice.

We have our CHRISTMAS MEAL in December and then on 26th January Bruce Upton from the Bridport Museum is talking to us on LEWD WENCHES & LOOSE LIVING FELLOWS - that should brighten up a January evening! Anne Reason

how widespread this is there are members of the Third Order all over the world and it was very interesting to learn more about it. We then spent a short time discussing our plans for next year.

In December we will be singing carols with the residents of The Old

Vicarage and then we have our on in The Trim Room, Jubilee Hall, Yetminster. If you would like to join us - we would love to have members from other areas of The Three Valleys - do contact Margaret Shipman on 01935 872440.

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


Disorganised chaos? Looking amazingly like Frazer of TV’s Dad’s Army, Dale Johnson arrived in authentic Home Guard uniform and vehicle (see photo). There was a minor detail difference: Dale had swapped hobnail boots for modern rubber-soled army issue to save damage to the Hall floor - and his knees!! He described the chaos that was the Home Guard. Eventually, however, it became an organised observation and auxiliary force, and the source of a resistance army had there been an enemy invasion – armed with sniper rifles, with orders to kill collaborators to avoid reprisals. On 14th April 1940 Anthony Eden put out an appeal for volunteers to report to their local police stations. However communications were a lot slower then – no mobiles, email etc. Without warning, police stations around the country were surrounded by hundreds of men. The police thought they had riots on hand. But, true to British tradition, they formed everybody into orderly queues and proceeded to take down names and

addresses. By June, 1½ million men had signed up. At the same time ⅓ million regulars had just been rescued from Dunkirk. They took priority for re-arming and uniforms. So the Local Defence Volunteers as they were officially called had to parade in a mixture of civilian dress and denims, with LDV armbands. It took at least another year before the LDV came under the full control of the army, and the ranks and uniforms standardised. And yes, there were Mainwarings promoting themselves to Captain. The “Dad’s Army” writers did not invent it. Because of the shortage of weapons, many were issued with WW1 American rifles. These had red bands painted on their barrels – to remind you to use the right ammunition. You’ve guessed it. The calibre was incompatible with the standard British rifle and bullets. 1200 men of the LDV were killed in the line of duty – alas, often in accidents. The force was stood down on Sunday 3rd December 1944, the government thinking the war would be finished by Christmas. Dale brought along a store of memorabilia for all to inspect and try out, including an American rifle with its “they don’t like it up ‘em” bayonet (see photo). NEXT MEETING: 2.30pm Wednesday 10th February 2016 at the Jubilee Hall, Yetminster. EDDIE WILSON – DORCHESTER PRISON. New members always very welcome. Just come along. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

CHETNOLE AND LEIGH GARDEN CLUB The 2015-2016 season opened with a welcome to new members and introduction to the new programme which opened with a talk given by Christine Stone on Plant Hunters. Christine’s background in broadcasting followed by a Masters degree in Garden History provided for an animated and wide ranging talk on Plant Hunters. In her research she has visited over 250 gardens around the world researching the travels of the hunters and the plants and seeds they brought back and introduced to our gardens over the centuries. The illustrated talk began by Christine showing a number of slides identifying a variety of plants and the countries of origin. As the talk progressed the questions of Who? What? Why? Where and When? were answered beginning with the Romans and the introduction of the sweet chestnut, ranging through the medicinal gardens of the monastic orders to more recent times and names which gardeners of today recognise such as Sir Joseph Banks, E H Wilson and George Forrest. Many of these hunters experienced hardship, loneliness and danger in their travels to discover new plants. The skills required to be a successful hunter included a knowledge of Botany, an ability to collect, preserve and ultimately cultivate plants and seeds, also a highly developed ability to map read or in fact discover routes and then draw the maps, have good negotiating and organisational skills; the hunters also needed to be physically fit with the ability to canoe, walk long distances, climb and be a good sailor. Botanical gardens often sponsored these expeditions and Christine divided up the discoveries and

introduction of new plants into nine major periods from 1000 AD through to today. The countries explored by the hunters included Russia, North America, South Africa, China and India – in reality all around the North and Southern Hemispheres. And this is not to discount the influence of Darwin and his discoveries. Most hunters were male but there are a number of redoubtable women who can be included in this notable list – Marianne North, Mrs Fyson (Diana Ruth Wilson) and Ellen Willmott as well as others. The meeting closed with our thanks to Christine and leaving members to consider where the next Plant Hunter would come from and where new discoveries might be made!

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY The next meeting is on Monday 7th December the club CHRISTMAS PARTY (members only) in Leigh Village Hall. 4th January 2016 POLLINATORS AND WILD BEES by Joy Wallis February 1st CREATIVE GARDENING WITH BULBS by Christine Skelmersdale Michele Aldhouse

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please


Our speaker who had been booked for the October meeting unfortunately had to cancel at the last minute, but needless to say one of our stalwart regular local speakers leapt into the fray at the last minute. Dorothy Baldock came gallantly to the rescue with her talk CURDS AND WHEY on the history of dairying. We were reminded that Tess of the Durbervilles had been a famous milkmaid. At her time they would have been hired at Mop Fairs held at Michaelmas The majority were underpaid and overworked but the luckiest had very good perks as the proceeds from the cheese, butter eggs and honey often went to the milkmaids. In addition to the milking it was the milkmaid’s job to keep the dairy spotlessly clean, to prevent contamination. Milkmaids had to be fit and strong and were renowned for their excellent complexions as they never caught smallpox as the cowpox innoculated them from it. The work of Edward Jenner and Benjamin Jesty further developed this. All cattle originated from the ancient wild African and Eurasian aurochs and were first domesticated in Syria in the Bronze age, but it was not until the 18tttï and 19tttï centuries that people like Robert Bakewell started breeding the breeds we know today like the Jersey and the Hereford. The next major advances were in methods of milking, machines being introduced in the 19tttï century, but not becoming common until the 1940s. At certain

times dairying became fashionable with the upper classes as with Marie-Antoinette in France and the Prince Consort who built a very fancy dairy at Windsor castle . The products made from milk have also been very popular, especially cream and clotted cream, butter and cheese. Originally all cheeses were soft cheeses, the Romans keeping them in Wicker baskets. The earliest hard cheeses were Cheshire and Wensleydale; cheeses being made by separating the curds and whey and adding rennet and penicillium mould for blue cheeses. By the end of Dorothy’s talk we all knew a lot more about dairying and it’s products and were even more grateful to her for coming to our rescue. Our will be our December meeting and we shall let you know the details of next year’s exciting programme in the New Year.


WRIGGLE VALLEY WOMEN’S GROUP The October meeting held in Gable Court by kind permission of Judy and Boney Pyke, was addressed by Jennie Marfleet who had recently spent time in a Leprosy hospital in Nepal. Her photos and memories showed the horrors of Leprosy, where patients are often ostracized by their family and where the

loss of limbs meant they were had to be re-trained to manage their life. The happy, smiling faces were fantastic to see, with little sign of the tragedy of their lives. The December meeting is a CHRISTMAS DINNER for members but, looking forward to 20th January 2016, we will be trying our hands at making DORSET BUTTONS. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Our talk for the 3rd November was presented by Paul Sturgess, a retired dairy farmer from Poole. He entertained us talking about his two great passions – walking the Dorset countryside and recording what he sees on film. Paul explained how he often starts his day at 3 a.m. to be able to arrive at his intended location in time to capture the amazing colours created by the sun rising and reflecting off cloud formations or through misty valleys and we were shown many stunning examples of this. We were also shown spectacular cliff top views extending from Christchurch to Lyme Regis. The most memorable for me, being a view from the top of the Golden Bowl in the Purbecks looking down on to Chapmans Pool. We also saw many other coast line views and photographs of hill forts of which there are about thirty in Dorset, small and interesting churches, including Hilfield, various types of

farming that we have in the county, signs of Roman roads and various mills situated on the River Stour, including one which was just a ruin due to a fire. Paul explained that all the photographs were taken walking footpaths or disused railway lines either on his own or with the walking group that he organises. Both the talk and slide show were very enjoyable and to be recommended. Tuesday 1st December STREET ORGANS – 1 PIPE, 1 REED Joan and David Wright , SUBMARINES, TRIDENT AND POLARIS Graham Plaice Come and join us – all welcome.


MPs and District Councillors serving you 2015/2016

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Tel: 01935 851131 Email:

Next mag, FEBRUARY ISSUE, 12th January for news & views please





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Regular Meetings…. Every Mon Table tennis

Every Tue


Leigh Village Hall

Bev’s Core Vinyassa Flow Yoga


Chetnole Village Hall

Leigh Short Mat Bowls


Leigh Village Hall

Just Gym Gymnastic class


St Andrew’s Primary School

Yetminster Table Tennis Club


Scout Hut, Yetminster

Yetminster Bell Ringers


St Andrew's Church

Topsy Turvy Toddlers


St Andrew's Primary School

Chetnole Art Group (until Easter) 10am-1pm

Chetnole Village Hall

Beginners Pilates

1.30 & 2.35pm

Chetnole Village Hall

Cubs (in term)


Scout Hut Yetminster

10-12 noon

Chetnole Village Hall

Morning Yoga Class


Leigh Village Hall

Croquet Coach/Play

3pm (until Oct)

Yetminster Playing Fields

Wednesday Club (in term)

3.15 pm-4.05pm

St Andrew's Primary School

Every Wed Drop in Coffee Morning

Chetnole Chuckers Pétanque Club 5pm summer only

Chetnole Playing Fields


5pm summer only

Church Farm, Hermiatge

Junior WV Players (in term)


Leigh Village Hall

Beavers (in term)


Scout Hut Yetminster

Scouts (in term)


Scout Hut Yetminster

Beginners yoga


St Andrew’s Primary School

Yetminster Short Mat Bowls


Yetminster Jubilee Hall


Leigh Village Hall

Advanced Pilates


Chetnole Village Hall

Pear Tree Baby & Toddler


Pear Tree Preschool

Yetminster Short Mat Bowls


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Leigh Rainbows (5-7yrs)


Trim Room, Yetminster

Leigh Brownies (7-10yrs)


Yetminster Jubilee Hall



Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Leigh Short Mat Bowls


Leigh Village Hall

Chetnole Community Choir


Chetnole Village Hall

Table Tennis


Leigh Village Hall


Yetminster Sports Club

Every Thur Fitsteps

Every Fri

Croquet Club

(May - Oct)



Yetminster Sports Club

Every Sat

Irish Dancers

10.15 am

Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Every Sun

Chetnole Chuckers Pétanque Club 3pm summer only

Chetnole Playing Fields

To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


…Events & Activities 1st Mon

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club


Chetnole Village Hall

1st Tue

Leigh Discussion Club (wint)

7.30 - 10.30pm

Leigh Village Hall

Wriggle Valley MU (alt months)


Church Hall, Yetminster

Tuesday Club

2.30 - 4pm

Leigh Village Hall

Yetminster & Ryme Garden Soc.


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Senior Winter Lunch Outings


Sue Footner 873610

(not July/Aug) Halstock & Distr. British Legion

3rd Tues

Rest & Welcome Pub

WV Women's Group


Gable Court

Wriggle Valley Lunch Club

12.15 - 3pm

Leigh Village Hall

Leigh Parish Council - alt mnths


Leigh Village Hall

Last Tues

Leigh Women's Institute

7.30 - 11pm

Leigh Village Hall

1st Wed

Yetminster Senior Citizens


The Meadens

Batcombe Coffee Morning



Yetminster Historical Society


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Police Support Unit

2 - 3pm

The Cross, Leigh

2nd/4th Wed High Stoy Bible Study


Venue contact 872342

3rd Wed

District Council Ward Surgery

11am - 12noon

Old School Gallery, Yetminster

Last Wed

Woodland Wednesdays


Pogles Wood nr Leigh

2nd Wed

Police Community Support [not Aug & Dec]

Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca PC

Wed/f/night Sturminster Mobile Library

Bridport Mobile Library

Wed - Sat

Friary Shop

1st & 3rd Thu Yetminster Scribblers

By Church, Yetminster 7.30pm

St.Andrew's Primary School


Church Lane, Hermitage


Shearstones, Yetminster


Stonyacres, Yetminster

10.55 am

Carpenters' Arms, Leigh


St Peter’s Church, Chetnole

2.30 - 4.30pm

The Friary, Hilfield

6.30 - 8pm

Old School Gallery, Yet

2nd Thu/alt mth

Chetnole & Stockwood PC


Chetnole Village Hall

Last Thurs

Yetminster Fair Association


White Hart wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk


2nd Tues

BATCOMBE Nil CHETNOLE WD/D/15/002153 04/11/2015 HIGHER FARM, BATCOMBE LANE - Erect extension to rear WD/D/15/002154 of listed building (Full & Listed Building Consent). No Decision. WD/TP/15/00318 04/11/2015 ST PETERS CHURCH, BATCOMBE LANE - Proposed surgery to 5No. Yew, 1No. Holly & 1No. Thuja Proposed Felling & Surgery to trees protected by TPO 674: T.84 - Thuja - fell, T.85 - Yew - surgery, T.86 - Pine - surgery, T.87 - Yew – surgery. No Decision. WD/D/15/002119 21/08/2015 LAND ADJACENT MEADOW VIEW AND BLOSSOM HILL, STOCKWOOD ROAD - Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 4, 5, 6 & 7 of planning approval WD/D/15/000694 (Compliance with Conditions). No Decision. WD/D/15/001505 14/07/2015 LAND TO THE SOUTH OF NICKS NEST, BATCOME LANE Outline application for the erection of one dwelling & garage together with associated vehicular access (Outline). Refused 9 Nov. WD/D/15/001532 12/06/2015 LAND ADJACENT MEADOW AND BLOSSOM HILL, STOCKWOOD ROAD – Application to revoke Section 106 Agreement dated 18.3.1981 (Modification and Discharge of Planning O). No Decision. HERMITAGE & HILFIELD WD/D/15/002230 02/11/2015 SUMMERLANDS FARM, GUNVILLE LANE - Conversion of attic space to 2 bedrooms to include dormer windows and roof lights (Full). No Decision. WD/D/15/00748 07/08/2015 1 CHURCH VIEW COTTAGE, LOAD LANE, HILFIELD – Erection of first floor rear extension (Full). No Decision. LEIGH WD/D/15/002423 05/11/2015 WILLOW BANKS, CHETNOLE ROAD - Erect conservatory & lean to (Full). No Decision. WD/D/15/002213 14/10/2015 CROSS FARM - Cover existing yard/silage clamp (Full). No Decision. WD/D/15/002182 25/08/2015 FRAMPTON FARM, CHETNOLE ROAD - Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 3 & 4 of planning approval WD/D/15/001268 (Compliance with Conditions). Approved 30 Oct. WD/D/15/002098 17/08/2015 LAND SOUTH OF BACK DROVE - Outline application to erect 2 no. new dwellings with double garages (Outline). No Decision. WD/D/15/002027 14/08/2015 ACORN LODGE, THREE GATES - Request for confirmation of compliance with planning conditions 4 & 5 of planning approval WD/D/15/000059 (Compliance with Conditions). Approved 9 Oct. WD/D/15/001561 11/08/2015 ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, CHETNOLE ROAD – Erect storage shed (Full). Approved 3 Nov. WD/D/15/001665 29/06/2015 OLD DAIRY COTTAGE, CHURCH FARM - Change of Old Dairy Cottage from a unit of holiday accommodation to a dwelling (Full). No Decision. MELBURY BUBB WD/D/14/002556 23/10/2015 WOOLCOMBE BRIDGE COTTAGE, WOOLCOMBE FARM Erect single storey extension (Full). No Decision. Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


RYME INTRINSECA WD/D/15/002465 30/10/2015 CASWELL FARM, COMMON LANE - Amendment to WD/D/15/002467 planning permission 1/D/13/000242 - to allow a mono pitched roof WD/D/15/002444 rather than a flat roof for the substation to allow amendments to WD/D/15/002336 condition 9 regarding biodiversity mitigation. Revised layout for security fencing. Amended location of construction compound. Additional section of access road. Module layout has been amended to reflect overall changes to the scheme. Revised power station proposed. Reduction of 4 power stations to 3.(Non-material Amendment). Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 5, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 13 & 14 (Compliance with Conditions). No Decision. YETMINSTER WD/D/15/002338 09/11/2015 1 SUSSEX FARM WAY - Erect two storey extension (Full). No Decision. WD/D/15/002452 06/11/2015 LAND AT CROSS FARM, HIGH STREET - Erection of a detached two-storey dwelling (Full). No Decision. WD/D/15/001841 05/09/2015 LAND AT ALTON MEAD LAND, LEIGH, YETMINSTER – Install standalone solar Photovoltaic modules, access cable route and associated infrastructure. (Full). No decision. WD/D/15/001693 25/08/2015 LAND SOUTH OF FOLLEY FARM, THORNFORD ROAD – Outline application for residential development. (Full). No Decision. WD/D/15/001941 06/08/2015 PRIORS CLEVE, HIGH STREET – Erection of timber framed garden room (Full & Listed Building Consent). Refused 5 Nov. WD/D/15/001916 29/07/2015 TOWNEND, RYME ROAD – Erect single storey extension, solar thermal power installation and general internal refurbishment. (Full). Approved 27 Oct. WD/CA/15/001468 09/06/2015 OAK HOUSE STORES LTD, HIGH STREET - Change of use from mixed use A1 & C3 (shop and residential) to C3 residential use only (Change of Use). Approved 2 Nov. WD/CA/15/001224 19/05/2015 2 WILLOW FARM COTTAGES, BRISTER END - Insertion of new window to front elevation above existing Porch (Full). Under Consideration. WD/CA/15/001175 19/05/2015 BINGERS, RYME ROAD – Change of use from Agricultural to Equine with proposed sensory access path (Full). Under Consideration. WD/CA/15/001197 19/05/2015 THE OLD COURT HOUSE, HIGH STREET – Request for confirmation of compliance of planning conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 & of planning approval WD/D/14/000548 (Compliance with Conditions). Under Consideration. WD/D/15/001225 01/04/2015 BINGERS, RYME ROAD – Extension to existing dwelling, demolition of existing garage, new build gym and store, new build garage and alterations to gradient of entrance drive. (Full). Under Consideration. The next Development Control Committee meetings will take place on the Thursday 10th December 2015 and Thursday 14th January 2016, the meetings start 2.15 in Committee Room A & B, South Walks House, Dorchester. A full register of all past and present planning applications can be found at: www.dorsetforyou.com/planning applications. Graham Plaice wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

WVM Advertisers’ register Dec 2015/Jan 2016 ADVERTISER

Page No.

25 6 2 14

BED & BREAKFAST Fourwinds, Chetnole Hound House, Yetminster Tarks Hill View

2 87 36

CARE HOMES Old Vicarage Care Home, Leigh

Back Cover


Addison Motors, Leigh Autotech Garage Services Brotherwood Automobility George Horn, Man & a small Van NS Autos, Dorchester Rd Thornford Transmissions West Country Cars

40 32 43 25 66 43 39

CHIMNEY SWEEPS Alexander the Grate Clean Sweep, Roger Dodd Steve White

50 39 40

COMPUTERS & IT DMDH Computers iPadery PC Problems PDC Computing

46 43 10 18

EDUCATION Barn Owls Nursery Lower Covey Montessori Nursery

36 81

EVENT VENUES Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall The Marquee Hire Co. Thornford Village Hall Yetminster Jubilee Hall

2 52 25 22 14

FINANCIAL SERVICES 123 Bookkeeping Services 4 Shires Asset Management Dorset Trading Standards

Page No.


ART & ANTIQUES Ark Village Muddy Waters Metal Art Old School Gallery Steve's Clocks


21 6 67

FOOD, DRINK & CATERING The Chippy Van Leigh Village Stores & PO On the Boyle Café SPAR, Stores & P.O., Yetminster

69 40 2 74

Thomas J Fudge Wriggle Valley Brewery

22 36

WS Brister & Son Grassby Funeral Services AJ Wakely & Sons

48 48 48

GARDEN & OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE Bailey Ridge Plants Digger Hire, Yetminster Dorset Stabling Buildings Dry Stone Walling & Paving Everything Green Express Equipment Centre Garden Maintenance & Pruning Hay & Straw Sales Hollick Gardening & Handyman KDS Garden Machinery Repair Knighton Countryside Mgmt Komit Kompost Logs & Wood Working The Log Man Logs - Malcolm Dunning M&S Welding Malcolm Dunning gardening Paul Hambidge Contractors Queen Thorne Landscapes Perrett Fencing Ltd Pestwright & Mole Catcher RGB Stonemason-headstones etc Wriggle Valley Fencing

72 34 43 35 10 14 22 14 71 14 14 32 10 72 2 46 39 53 21 29 81 62 10

HEALTH & WELL BEING Abbey Hearing Clinic Acupuncture Alexander Technique Beauty Barn Phoenix Physique Rebecca Dolbear, Psychotherapy Robert Frith, Optometrists Georgie's Hair & Beauty Jane Redfern Yetminster Health Centre Yoga - Bev Welch

M Harris Builder AR Hillier Steve Jones Carpentry & Joinery Knott Roofing Lawrence Electricals Mark O'Sullivan Handyman Steve Mumford General Builder Neal Electrical Services Nick Cheesman, Building Contract. Parks Roofing & Building Ltd "R" Plumbing Works Roofing Gear Sellick & Saxton Spearbuild Tom Humphrey Building BA Wallbridge Plumb. & Heat. Wayne Timmins Decorator Westcountry Electrics

Page No.

40 21 18 6 6 18 4 36 54 52 54 74 71 72 72 14 32 39

HOME & INTERIORS Steve Bane fabrics KC Decorators Intoto Kitchens Melbury Kitchens & Interiors Ovenu - oven cleaning Sibley Kitchens & Bathrooms Michael Sturmley Carpets Professional Ironing service Upstairs Downstairs West Country Tiling

40 40 25 39 22 81 54 36 18 36

LEGAL SERVICES 29 43 33 25 74 35 29 4 4 35 54

HOME-BUILD & MAINTENANCE AD Renovations J Bennett Joinery Blooming Hill Services - Heating Complete Carpentry John Butler Master Thatcher Ian Crossland, Property Maint. Dorset Plasterers Elite Estates Fournier Ltd Stuart Goodier Boiler Servicing


Porter Dodson Solicitors Dog Grooming & Stripping Perfect Paws Smart Dogs of Yetminster

39 71 43

POST OFFICES Leigh Yetminster

40 74

PRINTERS Remous, Milborne Port


PROPERTY Stockwood Lettings

18 66 21 29 46 21 71 35 14 29




PUBLIC HOUSES & HOTELS Chetnole Inn King’s Arms

4 17

SPORT & LEISURE Barfoots' Bouncers Flowers Farm Trout Lakes

10 39


52 74 5

To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com



News and Views from the Wriggle Valley in Dorset, Dec 2015/Jan 2016 To advertise in colour please contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com

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