294 April 2017 Wriggle Valley magazine

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NO. 294 APRIL 2017 wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Cover - Happy Easter from the Wriggle Valley - St Andrew’s Church, Leigh


CHAIRMAN: Graham Plaice gplaice@gmail.com 01935 872921 EDITOR: Bella Neate-Clegg wrigglevalleymag@aol.com SECRETARY & DIARY: Judith Palmer ja_palmer@btinternet.com TREASURER: Rob Barfoot 01935 873306 ADVERTISEMENTS: Gordon Ratcliffe 01935 872996 gojan@btinternet.com PRODUCTION & GRAPHIC DESIGN: Bella Neate-Clegg DISTRIBUTION: Stan Darley 01935 873340 e:wrigglevalleymag@aol.com w:wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk COPY DEADLINE ● 12th of the month at the latest, prior to publication, earlier if artwork needs creating ● Maximum 400 words for ALL articles please ● Photographs either as .jpeg via email or as originals, the better the quality the better the reproduction. ● All village info. should be emailed or delivered to your village rep (please see addresses and email under each village heading). Collection point for hand written or typed articles: WVM box, Old School Gallery (On the Boyle Café), Yetminster or 1 Cloverhay, Yetminster Find us on FACEBOOK Printed by Remous, Milborne Port NEXT ISSUE MAGAZINE 1 MAY st

More harbingers of Spring

EDITOR’S MUSINGS… Now that the clocks have gone forward we now know,for sure, that Spring is here and all is well with the world. We have frog spawn wriggling to life in our pond and have put up fresh nest boxes for our local horde of wild birds. This is a lovely time of year to share in and enjoy your local church’s Easter praise; nearly every church in our Wriggle Valley has an Easter service. We are very lucky to have such beautiful and well kept churches; our church wardens work so hard to keep these spiritual places of worship busy and happy. I am especially impressed with all the activities happening in St Andrew’s Leigh (see the beautiful cover of one of their stained glass windows taken by Eddie Upton), with their and - something to appeal to everyone, see p19. On a house keeping note, please may I respectfully remind all our super contributors that I really need your news, views and previews at the latest, by 12th of the preceding month. If any posters or adverts need producing then I would appreciate it if they were able to wing their way to me even earlier - as they take time to create. I have such a tight deadline each month to get the magazines to my proof readers, to the printers and then back to you before the end of the month. Keep on sending in your articles and photos - without them our lovely little mag wouldn’t exist! Immerse yourselves in the plethora of Wriggle Valley Easter and Spring time activities.

Disclaimer: Whist every effort is made to ensure the accuracy the contents of this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any information given or claims made by our contributors and advertisers. Should you have any complaints please send them to the Chairman of the Wriggle Valley Magazine, Graham Plaice.


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Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


News from the Villages



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lease come and support our ANNUAL JUMBLE SALE on Saturday 8th April. Any good jumble would be welcome on the day at Leigh Village Hall or contact Carol or myself. Congratulations to first time Grandparents Andrew and Susie on the birth of Alfie David Noble to Tattie and Fred and, here you must indulge me, to Peter and Louise (our son and daughterin-law to be) on the birth of Charlie James. I know from past experience what a joy these little ones bring us all. If anyone has some thrilling news they would like to include here please email me; any help to fill this article would be great. V W M

BATCOMBE CHURCH LOTTERY February 2017 1st No. 36 Hilfield Friary 2nd No. 29 Isabel Graham 3rd No. 13 Dan & Asya Williams




e start April by welcoming to Chetnole the new occupants of 1 Polans (Jackie Guard’s old house), Lawrence and Ann Martin, and we hope that they will be very happy in their new home. We also wish a speedy recovery to Rod Yeatman who has been poorly recently; get well soon Rod.


This year's APCM will be held in St Peter’s Church, on On Sunday 2ⁿd April at 10.15am Coffee and cakes provided All Welcome wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

THANK YOU very much to all the kind volunteers who gave up their valuable time to help clear up litter around the village in March as part of the Annual Litter Pick - you are very much appreciated. Looking at our diary section for the coming month we have the last jazz cafe for this season on the 29th April with the PHILIP CLOUTS QUARTET - see our poster for details. And a date for your diary - the CHETNOLE DUCK RACE is back and will be taking place on Sunday 14th May - a great village and family fun day. Happy Easter to you all

V W M BINGO NIGHT AT THE HALL Don't forget that Saturday 6th May is BINGO NIGHT at Chetnole village hall at 7:00 for 7:30pm. No need to book, but places will be limited so first come, first served…. Prizes for every game. Entry is £4 plus an optional Cash Bonus round for £2, where all money goes to the prize. Eyes down looking!


Doors will open at 7:00, eyes down at 7:30. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday 3rd June - We have lived at Mill House for 40 years this year and I have worked for SAVE THE CHILDREN for the same amount of time. To celebrate this Ruby Anniversary I will be opening my studio with tea in the garden. More details in the next issue of the WVM. Bee Grant Peterkin

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


ALLOTMENT FOR FREE IN CHETNOLE We have a kitchen garden opposite our cottage that we can no longer manage and would like to offer it to somebody who is looking for an allotment. There would be no charge other than to tend it and prevent it from becoming overgrown. The piece of land has a shed, fruit trees and a greenhouse. If you would like to look after it for us please call Gudrun on 01935 873369 for more details.

Easter Sunday Service 3pm 16th APRIL at Melbury Bubb Followed by tea and cakes and an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Everyone from anywhere is very welcome to this service.

Gudrun & Michael Tweedy, The Old Cottage, Chetnole.

CHETNOLE COMMUNITY CHOIR By the time you read this your community choir will have taken part in their first foray to perform outside of our local community. Ian Lingwood, our indomitable leader, informed us early in the year that he had enrolled us to take part in ‘Praise’ with the Bristol Jazz and Blues Festival Chorus as part of the Bristol Jazz and Blues Festival 2017 which takes place from 16th March – 19th March. We will be joining with other choirs from across the SOUTH WEST, SINGERS AND THE LONDON COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR on Sunday 19th March at Colston Hall in Bristol approximately 300 singers –it should be an amazing experience for our young choir. The programme includes both traditional and contemporary Gospel classics such as Oh Happy Day and Joyful, Joyful, very different pieces from our usual repertoire. The choir is looking forward to the performance with some trepidation as on this occasion we have been asked to learn all the words and music and sing from memory – quite a challenge! I am sure that all of us will enjoy this new venture and will sing, with or without words, with enthusiasm. Michele Aldhouse

SUMMER MUSICAL DIARY DATE Have you ever heard of Seckou Keita? Have you ever heard someone playing the Kora? Seckou comes from Senegal and is an internationally acclaimed player of the Kora - which is a West African stringed instrument with 21 (or 22>) strings -played like a harp. He performs all over the world and usually tours in the UK each year. This

summer he is playing only two venues (arranged by Artsreach) in our area - and one of those venues is Chetnole Village Hall - on Saturday 15th July. I know that is a few months away but you will not want to miss the opportunity to hear this stunning performer. So please pencil in the date now and you will receive the usual publicity nearer the time. This is one of those occasions when you will want to say "I was there!" John Head wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

CHETNOLE JAZZ CAFE Our final JAZZ CAFE for the 2017 season will be on 29th APRIL when we welcome the PHILIP CLOUTS QUARTET. Philip is from South Africa and his music reflects the dancing exuberance of South African township music together with gospel influenced soul jazz. He has also travelled to many other continents and includes in his music the influence of the Caribbean, Cuba and India. ] His career has included playing at Ronnie Scott’s, Birmingham Symphony Hall and Glastonbury and Womad festivals and his music has recently been played on the Jamie Callum Show Shirley Madgwick

Hi, I'm Amy and I love cats! If you're going on holiday and are not sure who you can ask to look after your cats, or other small pets, then why not contact me? While you're away I will go to your home to feed your pets, water your plants, and generally keep an eye on your property. I already have three villagers on my books, so I can give you a reference.

Spring has sprung, The grass is riz, I wonder why my mower isn't starting!! Last year David and Mark started buying old mowers from the dump and refurbishing them. They have learnt a lot about engines and are now confident that they can come to your home and help get your mower started. If not, then they can offer your mower a clean-up and full service, or the possibility of a partexchange for one of their refurbished mowers, (subject to availability). No start - No fee! Email either ruth@drapper.com or andrew@drapper.com or give us a call on 03330064332.

CHARITABLE GIVING St Peter's Church, Chetnole wishes to thank all those who gave so generously to named charities at the REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE, the CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE, and the CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE. We sent: ● £230 to the British Legion ● £300 to Shelter and ● £250 to Toybox. It is a real pleasure to be part of a community which takes giving to others seriously, and we have received heartfelt thanks from each charity.

CHETNOLE OIL GROUP If you would like to order domestic oil please contact John Sanford on 01935 872973 at least five working days before delivery date. Thanks


Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


CHETNOLE & STOCKWOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE The Steering Group met on 22ⁿd February, primarily to meet Planning Consultant Jo Witherden. After an informative presentation and a lengthy question & answer session, it was decided to engage Jo on a formal basis to assist the group to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. Subsequent discussions covered the costs likely to be incurred over the next six months, the application for a Locality grant, and a progress report on the Chetnole Halt Access Project [CHAP]. Steering Group members are : Imogen Davenport, Andy Jolliffe, Tim Kidd, Ned Kozowyk, Dave Orton, Owen Pope, Gordon Ratcliffe, John Stobart, Andrew Wellstead, Ian Wood [CHAP leader].

NEIGHBOURHOOD Sue Woodford will assist in her capacity as Parish Clerk. Minutes Secretary: David Russell. Others have kindly volunteered to help on a case by case basis. Our focus now is to formulate a Vision for the next 15 years - i.e. how we would like the Parish to be by 2031. We shall need agreement from the majority of residents, before we can make any meaningful progress in preparing a Plan. In the meantime, residents are invited to consider two questions: ● What is it that you like about living in Chetnole or Stockwood? ● What would you like to change? The C & S Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

CHETNOLE ANNUAL LITTER PICK A big THANK YOU to the dozen volunteers who cleaned up around and beyond the village in the middle of March. By the time you read this, DWP should have collected all our filled blue bags from the Village Hall car park and from the litter hotspot by the sharp bend on Stockwood Road. Some of the waste was disgusting how can we convince the dumpers to mend their ways? Gordon Ratcliffe Thank you so much to ALL the local volunteers who do such a stoic and possibly unpleasant job keeping our verges looking pristine - it is much appreciated by everyone in the villages and allows our wild flowers to thrive in a blemish free environment. Editor


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BINGO – Saturday 8th April Bingo returns to Hermitage Village Hall, after its winter break, on Saturday 8th., with ‘eyes down’ at 7.30pm. We hope to see you there. CROQUET – Wednesday 19th April Wednesday evening croquet sessions will return to Church Farm on 19th April (subject to favourable weather), starting at 5.30pm. No experience necessary - come along, meet friends and gave some fun. SPRING WALK AND BRUNCH Sunday 30th April This is a final reminder that you are invited to join us on 30th April. for the walk that will start at 11.00, from the Nature Reserve car park on Gore Hill (above Hilfield Friary). This is a really pleasant way to enjoy our beautiful countryside in the company of friends, so we hope that you will come along (with your dog, if you have one). Once we have completed the walk we will move on to the Village Hall for a brunch of soup and bacon butties (for a charge of just £5). Please call me on 01963 210292 so that we know how many to cater for. Thank you. BALL ON THE GREEN Friday 11th August

This is a reminder that our BLACKTIE BALL will take place on Hermitage Green on Friday 11th August , starting at around 7.30 and ending 11pm to midnight. Although plans for the Ball are moving forward at a pace, at the time of

FAMILY SERVICE 10.15am going to press we do not have all our costs so, we cannot say how much the tickets will be. What we do know is that it will be a good evening! If you would like to provisionally reserve your place please call George Grazebrook on 01963 210253.

VILLAGE LUNCH – Sunday 13th August This is a further reminder that there will be a village lunch for all residents of Hermitage, Batcombe and Hilfield – plus their friends and relatives – on Sunday August 13th. As with the ball, we do not yet know all our costs, so do not know how much the tickets will be. To reserve your place please call Jan Pescott on 01963 210380.

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


GREAT BRITISH SPRING CLEAN 3rd -5th March On Saturday March 3rd Hermitage and Hilfield donned their yellow jackets and joined forces for a litter pick followed by Batcombe on Sunday 5th March, and what a lot of litter we found. We managed to accumulate 30 bags of miscellaneous rubbish, a bucket of solidified concrete, two computers, two car bumpers, a long bladed knife, and numerous beer cans and wine bottles. A big credit must go to all those who turned out to levitate litter from our lovely leafy lanes. We also thank Dorset Waste Partnership for the loan of the picking equipment. We intend to do this again next year when hopefully there won’t be as much to pick up as this has been the first formal initiative other than people doing it on their own.



DISTRIBUTOR: Brian Hawkins 01963 210245







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pring time - it makes me think of daffodils and.......dog poo.


One of our residents has had the unpleasant experience of finding bagged-up poo on the verge outside her house on three separate occasions. Please watch your dog, especially on the roads and footpaths and pick up their 'doings' so it doesn't get stuck to someone’s shoe or car tyre. EVENTS IN LEIGH IN APRIL ARE: Saturday 8th April - COFFEE MORNING at The Old Vicarage 10.30am Saturday 15th April - WATKINS & SWARBRICK BAND APRIL CONCERT, Leigh Village Hall, 7.30pm Bar, 8.00pm Concert - 01305 837299 or email: songsfromthehalls234@gmail.com Easter Monday 17th April - PRAYERS AND SONGS TO REMEMBER ANNIE SINNOTT, The Old Vicarage, 11.00am. POGLES WOOD Wednesday 26th April – WOODLAND WEDNESDAY, starts 12 noon Wednesdays 12th & 19th April – WOODLAND WEDNESDAY ‘COME AND PLAY’ SESSIONS, start 12 noon Monday 10th and Tuesday 18th April – JOHN MUIR DAYS, start 10 am Just to round off here’s an antidote to my first poem. It’s a Spring-time folksong by the Copper family from Rottingdean in Sussex who have a tradition of singing in the family which goes back to at least the early 1700’s.

A STREET CAT NAMED BOB (12A) Based on the international best sellar. The true feel-good story of how James Bowen, a busker and recovering drug addict, had his life transformed when he met a stray ginger cat. Starring Luke Treadaway and Joanne Froggatt Shows start at 7.30pm,doors open 7pm.(bar provided) We look forward to seeing you on some of the above dates. Tickets £6 will be available from Bridge Stores,Leigh or Fiona and John Parks (01935 873603)

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews




ST ANDREW'S CHURCH, LEIGH Please come to our Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Thursday 6th April at 7pm (for 7.30pm) in the church. You will be welcomed with a glass of something! This is the opportunity for you to hear what the church has been involved with over the past year and to ask whatever questions you may have of the PCC. Our next COFFEE MORNING is on Tuesday 4th April at 10.30am and of course we hope you may be able to come one of the EASTER SERVICES being held in St Andrew's. There will be a Family Holy communion on Easter Day morning at 10.15am followed by EASTER CRAFTS and our 2nd Community Spirit two course lunch (chicken casserole) at 1pm. If you are coming for lunch please let us know before Saturday 14th April (eddie@folksw.org.uk 01935 873889). We had a church full on 5th March for Evening Prayer at which David and Anne Reason had a renewal of marriage vows and a blessing celebrating their Golden Wedding - thank you to all those who came to support them. We have been having some work done to the church and the Bier House and we are very grateful to Mick Harris for doing such a great job – the church gates now look like new. Another date for your diary is Saturday 22ⁿd April from 10am when we will be carrying out our next CHURCH SPRING CLEAN – a joyous community occasion when you will be treated royally to tea/coffee and chocolate biscuits in return for a little labour in the church or the churchyard. Please come and help. May we wish you all a very Happy and blessed Easter. Eddie Upton and Anne Reason Churchwardens

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (for 7.30pm) in the church.

EASTER SERVICES Family Holy communion on Easter Day morning, 16th April at 10.15am followed by EASTER CRAFTS and our 2nd Community Spirit two course lunch at 1pm.

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, LEIGH COMMUNITY SPIRIT SUNDAY This exciting new initiative got off with a real bang on Sunday 19th February 2017. Our Family Service, at 10.15 am, which included the Baptism of Hector and a welcome to the Leigh community of the recently-baptised Henry (whose grandparents live in Leigh), attracted 103 people, including a good number of children. It was a holy commotion in every sense of the word, and a joyous, noisy and almost riotous start to our COMMUNITY SPIRIT SUNDAYS. The service was followed by tea, coffee and a biscuit or cake and then about 20 children embroiled themselves in a variety of craft activities. Some of our more mature citizens immersed themselves in a Knit and Natter in the chancel, whilst others stayed in the pews to read the day’s newspapers. All changed at 1pm when St Andrew’s Church was transformed into St Andrew’s Bistro, and 37 people of all ages were served a cooked 2-course lunch. It was a real pleasure to see the church being used by such a wide cross section of the community. Our next COMMUNITY SPIRIT SUNDAY will be Sunday 16th April (Easter Day). The timetable will be the same: service (Family Communion) at 10.15 am, followed by tea, coffee and a biscuit; crafts, games, newspapers and Knit and Natter (or just natter) at about 11.30 am; and a two-course lunch (chicken casserole) at 1.00 pm. You can come to any part of the day you wish, but please let us know if you want lunch (01935 873889 or eddie@folksw.org.uk). There is no fixed charge for lunch but you will be encouraged to make a donation. Eddie Upton and Anne Reason Churchwardens

For everyone’s information our next Just Breakfast in St Andrew’s Church, Leigh will be on Sunday 7th May.


CLUB LUNCH Leigh Village Hall

12.30 Tuesday 18th April bookings by 11th April

MENU Salmon Fillet Baby potatoes Peas & Sweetcorn

Bread & Butter Pudding For Reservations or more details: Ring Connie 01935 872946 wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

As discussed at the Leigh Parish Council (LPC) meeting on 21st March, Leigh Parish Council is considering approaching the owner of the field adjacent to the Village Hall, with a view to purchasing c.2 acres in order to establish a Village Green. Prior to this, and before making any decision, LPC is keen to hear residents’ views on the desirability of this concept. WHAT WOULD THE VILLAGE GREEN LOOK LIKE, AND WHAT WOULD IT BE USED FOR? LPC envisages the two acres to be a mowed grass area, surrounded by a postand-rail fence (or equivalent). Council members envisage no buildings or other facilities on it. It would be intended for use as open space that anyone could enjoy, for activities such as: stalls during village annual events, picnics, informal family games and other such activities that families without access to a suitable garden might otherwise not be able to enjoy. It would secure the area as an open, green space for all future generations. WDCC have previously indicated that they would be likely to look favourably on the necessary planning consent. HOW WOULD IT BE PAID FOR? While at this stage costs are only outline, it is envisaged that a capital expenditure of some £30k would be required. This includes purchase, minimal landscaping and fencing. Thereafter, annual maintenance costs of c.£600pa would be incurred (grass cutting,

Malcolm Balmer


occasional fence maintenance) – this annual maintenance cost would be paid by LPC. The capital sum would be raised initially by securing a loan, probably for a period of not more than 10 years. This loan would be paid off by a combination of fund raising, securing of grants, and, if required, by a proportion of the parish charge element of residents’ Council Tax. In any event, in order to pay back any part of the loan, it is not intended to increase the parish charge above what has previously been agreed for FY2017-18 (Band D property: c.£37 per annum). NEXT STEPS You are encouraged to send Leigh Parish Council your views on this concept; please send all correspondence to the LPC Clerk: leigh@dorset-aptc.gov.uk , or talk to a member of the Parish Council. The issue will be on the LPC agenda again at its next meeting (Tuesday 23 May). Alan Bennett Councillor, Leigh Parish Council.

March 2017 Lottery Draw : 1st (£30) No.170 Mrs Julia Jepson 2ⁿd (£20) No.57 Sir Michael Arthur

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


A beautiful visitor The date for our is fast approaching. We have been busy collecting lots of lovely goods for our stalls so please come and support us. Money raised will go towards our defibrillator and the British Heart Foundation. (See poster for details). If you have any raffle prizes or goods for sale, please give them to the office at the Old Vicarage. On Easter Monday, 17th April, it will be a year since we lost Annie. We will be marking the occasion with some prayers and uplifting songs at 11am. Plans are in full swing for our 1950’s Vintage Party on the Lawn on Saturday 17th June. There will be displays of vintage memorabilia and a raffle and we would like as many people as possible to dress up in 1950’s style. All the churches in the Wriggle Valley Benefice will be involved and John Summers, our Curate, will be leading the songs of praise and celebration. We are asking for anyone and everyone to make cakes for the afternoon tea and all money raised

will be split between the churches in the Benefice. Look out for further details nearer the time and if you would like further information contact Jan Millward on 01935 873033.


BEN, CHRIS AND TOM HELP RAISE £600 FOR DEFIBRILLATOR A packed house in Leigh Village Hall rocked to the music of Europe’s king of boogie piano playing, Ben Waters. Ben is a local lad who lives near Dorchester. Ben is recognised as one of the UK’s supreme boogie piano players, and has worked with The Rolling Stones, Ray Davies, Chuck Berry, Jools Holland, Jerry Lee Lewis, Shakin’ Stevens, to name but a few – and the list keeps growing! Joining him on stage was his son Tom. Tom has been lucky enough to be brought up on blues and boogie, and is a great exponent of rocking saxophone. As a young man of 16 he has already reached the far-flung corners of the globe touring New Zealand, Argentina and

Canada, as well as many European dates, with his dad. Tom has now started on the main thrust of his crucial music education and enrolled in the junior jazz course at the Royal Academy of Music. A very special guest, Chris Jagger, joined Ben and Tom on stage. Chris bought with him his own style of blues, country, folk and rock that had the audience’s feet tapping. Ben and Chris have known each other for some time and that became obvious in their rapport and in their music. Yes, and before anyone asks Chris is Mick’s brother! Concert organiser, John Nash, said “We had wanted to bring Ben to Leigh Village Hall for sometime and were lucky to get him before he jets off to Venice and Japan. He, Tom and Chris provided a wonderful evening’s entertainment that



elcome to David and Frances Peacey who have moved into 2, Elsford Cottages; they have moved out to the country from Yeovil. David works as an engineer at Honeywell and Frances works at Yeovil College . They have three grown up children and two grandchildren. They enjoy walking and cycling and we hope they will be very happy in Ryme. If anyone is interested in following what happened to our donation from the Christmas Church Services to SCHOOL IN A BAG. Our donation supplied five bags, numbered 44645 _ 44649 and they went to Romania. You can follow them on schoolinabag.org. FRANKHAM NGS GARDEN is open on Sunday 23rd April 11.30am - 5pm. Three acres of lovely garden and woodland, delicous BBQ pork & soup lunches and tea and cakes afterwards.


had the whole hall rocking. We hope we will be able to bring them back next year as we could have sold the tickets twice over.” All the profits, £600, are going to the Old Vicarage in Leigh to help purchase a defibrillator for the care home. Josie Aggett, co-owner and daughter of the much missed Annie and Ian Sinnott, thanked the band for such a magnificent concert, and everyone who came for their contribution to the home. John Nash


ANNUAL CHURCH APCM This year the annual church APCM will be on wed 5th April 6.30pm in the church. All are welcome.


V W M Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com



ve atque Vale” at the White Hart. (That’s posh for “Hello and Goodbye” – a quote from a chap called Catullus around 60 BC, not as many would have it, Lennon and McCartney late 60s AD.) It was a jolly “goodbye” session with Jim and Carole. They have been serving the village for 23 years. Their hospitality has been much appreciated. Good wishes for their planned travels. By the time of printing there will no doubt have been an equally jolly “hello” bash hosted by Alex and Blanche. Do support them. It will be hard - all that eating and drinking! May a flourishing pub continue at the heart of the village - which no doubt Alex, Blanche and team will strive to provide. Good wishes for their success. LOCAL BUS SERVICES. A reminder. Dorset County Council are planning to cut the 74 and 212 bus services. This has the potential to leave the elderly, and those without cars isolated in their villages. There has been a petition to sign. If you have missed it but would like to register your concern and haven’t done so yet, go to (please see the following website): west-dorsetlibdems.org.uk/save_our_bus_services. Ever had that feeling your flowers or your cake should have won at the SUMMER SHOW? Ever felt cheated of success by an “unfair” decision? Would you like to put something into the Show but don’t think your entry would be good enough? Well, here’s a chance to get the inside track. Hosted by the Garden Club, a panel of judges for this year’s show (fruit & veg, flower and cookery) will be at the Jubilee Hall, 7.30pm Tuesday 11th April. They will talk about how they go about judging, what they look for and will be answering your questions. Why not go along? Members and non-members alike are welcome.


THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN GROUP have been hard at it behind the scenes taking the plan to the next stage as required by law. There is full report later (page 34). One thing to look out for is a new website dedicated to keeping you up to date with the plan and to enabling to you get involved. It will also link to, and be accessible from, the parish website. You can find it at www.yrinp.net. Take a look at it and let the Group know what you think. V W M



Tuesday 28th March

A Street cat Named Bob (12A)

Based on the bestseller, the true story of how a busker and recovering drug-addict had his life transformed when he met a stray ginger cat. Yetminster Jubilee Hall 7.30pm (doors open 7pm) Tickets at £6 will be on sale in the Spar/PO, Sunnyside, Yetminster from two weeks beforehand. Tickets include choc ice!



ur annual “WAY OF THE CROSS”, walk of witness will be on Good Friday and will be led this year by Revd John Summers. We will meet by the letter box to begin at 3pm and then stop at the Church, the Close and Higher Farm entrance before walking to our final station at Manor Farm, Higher Knighton. We will listen to a bible reading, sing a hymn and share a prayer at each place. The Johnsen family have kindly invited us for tea and hot cross buns. The walk is about a mile in length and tea finishes at around 4:30 pm. Please join us and bring your friends and relations.


VILLAGE HUB INITIATIVE Over recent months, a group of Beer Hackett residents have been actively lobbying Thornhackett Parish Council, West Dorset District & County Council representatives together with DCC Highways Department to urgently explore options for reducing speeding traffic and encouraging careful driving through our small hamlet. These efforts are very much on going and are making some progress. Running alongside and related to this initiative, ideas have also been put forward for discussion, that look at giving the village a little more of an ‘Identity’ for inhabitants, visitors and passers by. It was also felt that some small measures might alert drivers to the fact that they are actually passing through a small community, home to people of all ages, children and pets, not to mention; the ramblers, horse riders, cyclists and joggers regularly using the village road! At present we are considering some

relatively inexpensive changes under the overall project heading of ‘Village Hub’ which include the replacement and possible repositioning of the Village Notice Board, creating a display panel with information about Beer Hackett together with new ‘Welcome to the village’ signage, incorporating a ‘Careful Driving’ plea. A proposal paper will be circulated to inhabitants later this spring to gauge interest/support and to gather other ideas and suggestions that would be of benefit to our small community. If the initiative proceeds it is intended to meet the costs involved through an application to ‘AWARDS FOR ALL’ (part of the Big Lottery Funding scheme) and other funding sources as well as seeking individual contributions and sponsorship. For more information please contact:

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


NEWS FROM YETMINSTER COMMUNITY PROJECT We are now in a position to offer modest grants to local organisations, so if you have a project which would benefit from extra funds please email us with the details: ycp873@gmail.com. If you are not already on our mailing list and would like to get information about our events, and an opportunity to reserve tickets in advance, please email us. Our next event will be a welcome return of the FAT MARROW BLUES BAND on Sunday 30th April at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Hall. Tickets are £10 to include supper, available to order by email until Tuesday 4th April. After that, any remaining tickets will be in the Spar shop. On Saturday 20th May we are holding a QUIZ in the Jubilee Hall in conjunction with the Fair Association. It will be our usual tried and tested format – bring your own supper and drinks and enjoy a light-hearted quiz set by Harvey, Simon and team. Tickets will be £5 per person, with a maximum of six per team: bookable in advance by email, or from the Spar shop in early May. Coffee & Cake has been going for over a year now, and has proved a very popular

social occasion. It is held in the Jubilee Hall on the first Wednesday of each month from 10am – 12noon, and is run by a rota of volunteers. For a small donation you can have as much coffee or tea and cake as you can handle! All funds raised are donated to charities nominated by those attending. Ray Drewett

RHYME Welcome to Rob & Sue Wydra who have a last managed to move into Fern However to achieve this status we need The National Playing Fields Association to link the area to the war. There are various (now known as ‘Fields in Trust’) has set up a suggestions but the one favoured by the scheme to ensure sports fields and the like Council is to purchase a park bench, have a can be protected in perpetuity and also suitably engraved plaque attached to it and become a ‘Centenary Field’ to commemorate place on the sports field. The cost of this 100 years since the First World War and as a would be about £400 including the plaque. Whilst the Council will cover the cost it is memorial to those who lost their lives during thought that residents might like to contribute that war. towards this cost. If you would like to The Parish Council believe this is a contribute, please contact me on 873814 or worthwhile project as it would mean the dggould@waitrose.com. sports field, allotments and play area could never be built on. In addition the village does not have an outdoor war memorial. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


ST ANDREW'S CHURCH, YETMINSTER April and Spring... And Easter! Our EASTER DAY SERVICE will be at 9.30am, with choral Holy Communion, and the choir in full voice. Before that, the Lent poetry meetings will be taking place on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in Thornford, under the guidance of John Summers. On Good Friday we will have a QUIET SERVICE OF MEDITATIONS at 2pm, and the Way of the Cross Walk from Beer Hackett will also take place at 3pm. Our venerable clock will, we hope, be back in action in the summer - David is working hard on the faculty with the Diocese, so the clock repair should begin sometime after Easter. Preparations for the faculty for rewiring are also ongoing, and hopefully by next winter it will be warmer in church!

9.30am 16th April The weekly pewsheet is now being emailed to 47 parishioners. If you would also like to receive the pewsheet and news, please let Clare know on the email address below. Your Churchwardens: David Gould and Clare Lindsay. pccsec.yetminster@gmail.com

MARRIAGE OF CARA & KRIS On a fantastic February day at St Andrew’s Church, Yetminster, Cara and Kris, with family and friends, gathered together to celebrate their marriage. The day was blessed with sunshine and blue skies which filled the Church with light and joy. The churchyard was a carpet of snowdrops making the spring setting perfect for the happy couple. Wishing you both every happiness. Love Sandra and Ian McVeigh wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


FAREWELL TO THE BAYFIELDS Villagers from Yetminster bid Carole and Jim Bayfield farewell and good luck as they retire from the White Hart. Carole and Jim have run the pub for over 23 years; Carole has always been the smiling face at the front of house in the bar whilst Jim was the cook for many years. During their tenure they opened up the bar area, built the Cottages out the back and created an outdoor seating and patio area. Over the years they have raised £1000s for charity (Jim has run the London Marathon several times). The wine tastings and quiz nights were always popular and helped with the fundraising. The pub has its own skittles teams, continued to host the local Morris Dancers and was always popular on Yetminster Fair Day. As well as developing the business they saw their three Daughters Joanne, Gina and Rachel all marry and have 6 Grandchildren between them. Jim said ‘we will not rest on our laurels, we will be busy, catching up on some travels initially’.

DOG POO The Neighbourhood Plan Team recently asked the school children to complete a short questionnaire on what they thought of the village and what they would like to see in the future. This was done by form (therefore age) and some interesting comments were made, which will be useful to the Team. One common thread in the answers was the need for dog parks and more dog poo bins. The inference I get from this is that they are fed up – as we all are - with dog poo in the streets. What an indictment to be brought to task by our children.

“The Sunday Boys" presented a bouquet from Occasions, Prosecco from Vineyards and chocolates from The Chocolate Musketeer

We wish them well. The new publicans Blanche and Alex have taken over the reins from Carole and Jim and opened on Friday 17th March. Tony Leggett

Dog Parks and more Poo bins might help but the basic problem is twofold: 1 Some owners don’t pick up their dog’s poo, bag it and put it in the nearest rubbish bin or take it home and put it in their rubbish bin, both of which are legal requirements. Evidence suggests that this is more prevalent after dark. 2 Some owners leave their dogs to run ‘wild’ in the street with the inevitable result. 3 Some owners go halfway, picking and bagging the poo, then throwing it in the hedge! Will all owners please be more caring about the community and ensure they remove their dog’s mess every time and ensure it goes in a bin. David Gould, Chairman YRIPC wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN APRIL UPDATE March saw the completion of phase II of the plan project and we now have our draft vision (see the previous WVM) and our provisional objectives to enable us to achieve this. A number of people have commented on these and we are now looking at further ways to enable the community to engage with us. We do, of course now have our Facebook page (facebook.com/YRINP) and also our pages on the Parish Website but we want to do more. Options are some form of consultation questionnaire delivered to every household and perhaps some form of NP Surgery whereby people can drop in and meet members of the team. We were also keen to involve the school children at St Andrews and we are grateful for the School’s Rights Respecters who produced a questionnaire. We now have lots of information as to how young villagers see their village’s future and we shall be looking at this over the next weeks – a big thank you from us to all those who helped and took part in this. Some concerns have been expressed that the process is taking a long time and we do appreciate this. However, it is essential that

in producing our Plan we ensure that it will meet all the requirements of the legislation and National Policies. You will therefore, hopefully, appreciate that a considerable amount of research and discussion has to take place for us to have a robust plan and that we are, to a certain extent, lay people although we do have the benefit of a consultant to help us. A further constraint is the need to seek funding from Central Government and this can only be done in stages, one part having to have been completed before a further application can be made and this process produces its own delays. To be positive, things are moving and our phase III will evolve the work done so far into a draft plan which should be available towards the middle of September. In looking at what needs to be done for this we are considering what we need in the terms of photographs etc. Ideally, we would like to have some aerial shots of Yetminster and of Ryme Intrinseca using a Drone as we feel these will provide an interest in the document. If you have one that might be suitable and are prepared to help us could you contact us so we can see what is possible. The Neighbourhood Plan Group yetminsterplan@gmail.com

REVIEW OF THE WDDC LOCAL PLAN West Dorset District Council are reviewing their Local Plan and have issued a consultation document and are inviting people to respond to this by 3rd April. Details of the consultation together with the supporting information can be found at:www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/local-plan-review www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/planning-policyconsultation It may seem a bit daunting but do have a look – it is understood that the YRIPC and the Neighbourhood Plan Group will be responding but don’t hesitate to make your own comments.

RYME ROAD – JUDICIAL REVIEW Following the dismals of their appeal we now understand that Gladman are applying for a Judicial Review of the decision by the Planning Inspector. The grounds are that she misunderstood their arguments regarding the increased traffic from the proposed development and therefore drew the wrong conclusions. This is immensely disappointing after both the community’s and WDDC’s efforts to rebuff the development proposals. If successful the case can be referred back to the Planning Inspectorate for a new hearing.


Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews

Ryme Road Appeal Group



Dates Dates for foryour yourDiary Diary




28 Leigh WI My Life in Fashion Yetminster Film Night A Street Cat named Bob 31 WVMU Lent Lunch Easter Bingo Herm. & Hilfield YF

7.30pm 7.30pm

Leigh Village Hall Jubilee Hall Yetminster

12-2pm 7pm

Jubilee Hall Yetminster Leigh Village Hall


Chetnole Playing Field


St Peter's Church, Chetnole


Chetnole Village Hall

10.30am 7.30pm

St Andrew's Church, Leigh Leigh Village Hall


St Andrew's Church, Leigh

10.30am 2.30pm 2:30 PM 7.30pm

Old Vicarage, Leigh Leigh Village Hall Hermitage Village Hall Leigh Village Hall


Jubilee Hall, Yetminster

12-3pm 10.15am 3pm

Pogles Wood St Andrew's Church, Leigh Melbury Bubb Church


Old Vicarage, Leigh

12-3pm 5.30pm 10am 10am 11.30am 12-3pm

Pogles Wood Church Farm, Hermitage Leigh Village Hall St Andrew's Church, Leigh Frankham Farm, Ryme Pogles Wood















Wed Sun Sun

12 16 16





Thur Sat Sun Wed

20 22 23 26

Chetnole Chuckers new season event and buffet APCM St Peter's Church, Chetnole, Coffee & cake C &L GC Extraordinary Bulbs Chris Ireland Jones Coffee morning/ bring & buy Leigh Discussion Club Ickers Joggers and AGM APCM St Andrew's Church, Leigh, & drinks Coffee morning Batcombe Jumble Sale Bingo Leigh Moviola A Street Cat named Bob Yetminster Flower Show judges Q&A session Come & Play Easter Community Sunday & lunch Melbury Bubb Easter service, tea & Easter egg hunt Prayer & song remembering Annie Sinnott Come & Play Croquet season begins Beginners' Tai Chi for health Annual Spring Clean NGS Open Gardens Woodland Wednesday

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Dates Dates for foryour yourDiary Diary


28 29 30 30

PTFA Quiz Jazz Café Philip Clouts Quartet Fat Marrows Blues Band Hermitage Spring walk and brunch

7pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 11am

St Andrew's School, Yetminster Chetnole Village Hall Jubilee Hall, Yetminster Gore Hill car park

Chetnole Fete & Flower Show Bingo Night


Chetnole Village Hall

Y&RGC Plant Sale Just Breakfast Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Companion Planting

10.30am 9-11am 7.30pm

Cross Fram St Andrew's Church, Leigh Chetnole Village Hall

Coffee morning/bring &buy Leigh Discussion Club Outing to Windsor


St Andrew's Church, Leigh

2pm 2.30pm

Mill Lane Bridge, Chetnole Chetnole Playing Field

9.30am 11am

Jubilee Hall, Yetminster St Andrew's School, Yetminster St Andrew’s School, Yetminster


Frankham Farm, Ryme



Sun Mon

7 8




Sat Sun

Y&RGC Outing 14 Chetnole Duck Race WV Cricket Club match Stour Provost 20 Yetminster Fair Association Quiz 21 PTFA Fun Run PTFA May Fair

JUNE Fri Sat

2 3

Holwell Summer Music Night Bee Grant Peterkin open studio for Save the Children

Sun Mon

4 5

NGS Open Gardens Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Outing to Venn House

Tues Sun

6 Coffee morning/bring & buy 11 Flower Festival Athelhampton starts

Tues Sat

13 Y&RGC The Answer Lies in the Soil 7.30pm 17 Party on the lawn for National Care Home open day


20 Leigh Discussion Club Outing to Isle of Wight from Poole Harbour


21 Candle Auction

10.30am St Andrew's Church, Leigh 10.30am- Athelhampton 5pm


Jubilee Hall Yetminster Old Vicarage, Leigh

Leigh Village Hall wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Dates Dates for foryour yourDiary Diary


JULY Sat & 1& Open Weekend St Andrew's Sun 2 Church, Leigh Tues


St Andrew's Church, Leigh

Coffee morning/bring & buy


Y&RGC Peter Cantrell’s Nursery


St Andrew's Church, Leigh

11 Y&RGC Summer Party & Quiz


Jubilee Hall, Yetminster


12 WV Cricket Club Match v Blandford Flyers


Chetnole Playing Field


15 Artsreach Event Seckou Keita Concert


Chetnole Village Hall


18 Leigh Discussion Club Dancing Ledge -Poole Harbour


23 Annual Dog Show


29 Leigh Food Fair/ Classic Cars



Coffee morning/bring & buy



70th Chetnole Fete&Flower Show


11 Ball on the Green


Hermitage Village Green


12 Leigh Flower Show


Leigh Village Hall


13 Hermitage Village Lunch

Hermitage Village Green


19 Y&RGC Summer Show

Jubilee Hall, Yetminster

Old Vicarage, Leigh 10am

Leigh Village Hall


St Andrew's Church, Leigh

AUGUST Chetnole Village Hall & field





Promotional Discounts Available On Kitchens & Bathrooms

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


General News WRIGGLE VALLEY CROQUET CLUB The Croquet Club meets every Wednesday and Friday afternoon at the Yetminster Sports Club from 3pm to 5 pm from mid-April to mid-October. Our first session in 2017 will be Friday 21st April. We have two lawns, one full size and the other half size, placed on the old cricket square, and both are in very good condition having been mowed each week during the playing season over the last six years. We have about twenty members of the Club but!.....WE ALWAYS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS, of any age, or sex; whether or not you’ve had experience of playing the game beforehand. We play Golf Croquet, a much more social game than Association Croquet and much easier to learn. So do come along and try us out on any Wednesday or Friday afternoon during the season - most of our members have done it that way and if after one or two sessions you would like to continue then you would be welcome to join the club, the subscription for which is £55 p.a., Including membership of Yetminster Sports Club.

All equipment is provided and dress is optional. The Sports Club Bar and Club House are open on a Friday evening, and generally we can be found celebrating / discussing tactics, or just ‘drowning a few sorrows’ in the bar after play on that day. We have an internal pairs competition at the end of the season, with an end of season party when the Club's challenge cup is presented, and one or two friendly matches against other local clubs during the summer months. Members of the Club are always star turns in the intervillage competition which normally takes place in September. If you would like to know more please contact John Strover on 01935 872437 or e-mail: johnandmarystrover@ hotmail.co.uk wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

As you might have been aware, St Andrew’s CE Primary School Yetminster is holding a on . This is a race for the whole community, so we would love to see as many of you as possible on the day, whether you’re keen to dust down the trainers and run (or walk) the course, beat your own personal best, or just to come along and cheer on friends, family and neighbours and enjoy the sunshine (here’s hoping!). It’s also a great way to support your local school as all the proceeds from the Fun Run will be used to benefit the community swimming pool. Registration for the costs £12 on the day, £10 in advance (under 16s cost £5), and you can download the form from the school website and return to the school office. The starts with registration in the car park of St Andrew’s School at 9.30am, followed up a warm-up at 10.15am and the start of the race at 10.30am.

We are looking for volunteers to act as marshals on the day, so if you think you might be able to spare an hour or two to help out along the route, which loops Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca, please do get in touch by emailing Above all, please do spread the word and encourage as many people as you can to join. We want this year to be our yet (no mean biggest and best feat as we’ve had some great ones in the past) and we know with everyone’s help, and some great community spirit, if any village can do it, it’s Yetminster! What’s more, St Andrew’s PTFA will be holding a traditional straight after the Fun Run with lots of exciting events and attractions for all the family until 3pm, from a mini runners’ race around the playing field to stalls, hot food and cream teas, so all in all it’s looking like a double bill of Maytime fun.

Dressing up in WW2 soldier’s uniform Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


Jubilee Hall Yetminster 7.30pm Tuesday 11th April Our 2017 SUMMER SHOW judges for sections;

 ALL WELCOME We will be starting work on the Woodland Area in St Andrew’s CE Primary Area to make it more accessible for the children. If you have any time to spare and would like to help your local school we would appreciate your help. The leaking pond has already been drained and

will be turned into a seating area. Paths will be created using timber and bark to allow better access for the children. All of this will enable den building and other forest school activities to take place in a safer environment. We will need help with: removing the pond liner, creating paths, laying turf. If

you are able to help gives a ring in the school office 01935 872430.

LEONES - LOVE LOST & FOUND The acclaimed German group Ensemble Leones is coming to Yetminster before heading off on its European tour. Local musicians Uri Smilansky and Katharine Hawnt will join Marc Lewon, the group director, for a musical travel log visiting England, France, Germany and Italy with music dating from the 12th to the 15th centuries. This is a rare chance to hear seldom performed music played by international specialists. There will be an open rehearsal for local children between 2-4pm in the church on the day of the concert, Monday 3rd April. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION From 27th March to mid-April, the Gallery in Yetminster will be hosting a photographic exhibition by local photographer, Barrie Allington, depicting local Hay Making with a

Tai Chi for Health Anyone for Tai Chi? Beginners Tai Chi/Qigong classes starting Thursday mornings 10am at Leigh village hall from 20th April. The Class lasts for one hour with refreshments afterwards. The classes are being run by the charity Tai Chi for Health who ask for a £3 donation per attended session. For more information on the charity please visit:www.taichiforhealth.org.uk/ Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that today is practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It is a non-competitive, self-paced system of gentle movements. It is inexpensive and requires no special equipment or clothing. Any one of any age or ability can do Tai Chi. It is a complete health maintenance system which works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels and is accessible to all. Many

number of colour and black and white prints. There will also be a talk to accompany the photographs by local farmer, John Birt, who is featured in a number of the photographs, at 7pm on Friday 7th April. Tickets for this talk will be available from the Gallery. Barrie trained as an Army photographer in the early 70s before joining the Dorset Police. After retirement, he moved to Cyprus and worked with the Cyprus Mail newspaper as a features photographer. He moved to Yetminster 3 years ago.

studies have been done on the benefits of Tai Chi and it has been found to help with many health conditions including: ● Stress, anxiety and depression ● Helps enhance quality of sleep ● Boosts the immune system ● Helps lower blood pressure ● Improves joint pain ● Improves overall well-being ● Has been found to improve arthritis ● Helps aerobic capacity ● Increases energy and stamina ● Improves flexibility, balance and agility ● Improves muscle strength and definition ● Reduces the risk of falls in older adults Above all Tai Chi is a fun gentle exercise with many health benefits. Please come along to this informal relaxed friendly class and try it for yourself. I look forward to seeing you. Contact Tracey Lindsay tel: 01935 873940 email lindsayhome@btinternet.com

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com



A huge thank you to all those who came along on Saturday 11th March and cleared a massive area of brambles - you were brilliant. Also to the young people who made such an excellent job of painting the chairs. Entirely thanks to my own efforts we now have a very smart area of matching concrete! Some people will do anything to make the day memorable! Our next few WOODLAND WEDNESDAYS will be - 22nd March (not 29th as you might

expect!) 26th April and 31st May with special EASTER HOLIDAY WOODLAND WEDNESDAY COME AND PLAY SESSIONS on 12th and 19th April. These sessions are for pre-school children during term time and children age 7 and under in the holidays. The session runs from 12–3pm and costs £4 per child. Bring your picnic lunch. Drinks available. On Monday 10th and Tuesday 18th April we will have two more JOHN MUIR DAYS when anyone over eight can come along and start or continue their award. The day starts at 10am and finishes at 3pm and costs £12. Please wear suitable clothing and bring a packed lunch. Looking ahead, we are hoping to have our VOLUNTEERS’ FAMILY CAMPING WEEKEND on the weekend of 9th June. It is always a fabulous chance to spend a weekend in the open air, to get some jobs done, to cook, eat, chat and sit gazing into the fire under the beautiful stars. Space is limited so please contact me for more details. We are planning a GRAND OPEN WEEKEND in July so please watch next month’s magazine for details of that! For more details email philippa@folksw.org.uk Why not like us on facebook - Pogles Wood Education


ABBEY 104’S 4th BIRTHDAY, 16TH FEBRUARY 2017 Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? I can’t believe it’s four years since I wrote a piece for W.V.M. about the launch of Abbey104. In those four years Abbey104 has had its share of problems to overcome including having to relocate our studio after two years. But where there is a will……… there is a way. We didn’t miss an hour of broadcast. We are now very at home in our Studio in Coombe in Sherborne broadcasting 24/7. From the original dozen or so members we have now grown to nearly 50 volunteers and have increased our ‘Live’ broadcasting time to nearly 60 hours a week. Not bad for a bunch of volunteers! Our clever computer provides

a great mix of music when we’re not able to do live broadcasts. We have expanded our programme choice to include Country Music, Trad Jazz, Special Folk Music, Blues and Classic Rock, as they say, to name just a few. There are programmes introducing New Music and there are many opportunities to give live air time for local musicians to perform. We try to ensure all our programmes include local news and items of local interest. Abbey104 is your Community Radio Station. The question is, have you found us yet? We support many local activities and local clubs, societies and schools. For details of Abbey104 programme schedule visit www.abbey104.com. To listen live you will find us on 104.7 FM on your home or car radio. There is every chance you will meet us at a village fete near you or at one of the events in Sherborne. Please come and say hello. If you have an event to promote email studio@abbey104.com

MINTERNE GARDENS COMPETITION TIME! WIN one of three sets of family season tickets. These allow FREE entry to the gardens for you and your loved ones for an ENTIRE YEAR throughout 2018. All you have to do is upload your pictures of Minterne Gardens onto the Minterne FACEBOOK comments. The three photos with the most 'Likes' & ‘Shares’ at the end of the year win! Simple! Closing date: 10th November 2017

Winners announced via Facebook: 17th November 2017. We can't wait to see your images and good luck!

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


A NEW APPROACH TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN DORSET In the light of reducing budgets, a new approach to public transport is essential. Currently there are 35 contracts for supported bus services costing £2.9m but these services account for only 9% of journeys in the county. The majority are run as commercial services without subsidy from the County Council. These contracts end in July and a new approach is being adopted for re-tendering. Support will be focused on a core network of routes linking our towns, serving 80% of Dorset’s population. School transport will be opened up for public use where possible and community transport operators encouraged, connecting rural areas with the interurban network. The County Council will work closely with operators to provide in-fill routes making use of empty vehicles travelling to and from school services.

ON THE BEAT The Dorset Police Rural Crime Team consists of a dedicated rural crime coordinator, a rural engagement officer and a rural crime analyst. It also includes nominated officers who are points of contact for each of Dorset's five rural sections: Bridport, Dorchester and Sherborne, Purbeck, East Dorset and North Dorset. Nearly half of Dorset's population live in rural areas: the Rural Crime Team

Last year, DCC had an extensive public consultation and 54% of respondents agreed with this approach against 27% who did not. The County Council is committed to supporting rural communities. It has increased investment in Community Transport and there are currently some 61 such schemes in operation and since April 2016 a further 20 trial schemes have started. A Community Transport Toolkit was published in July 2016 giving a start-up guide for communities in Dorset to set up a community transport scheme in their local area. The Community Transport Grant was introduced in October 2016 to support the establishment of new community groups; they can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 (capital expenditure) and £2,000 for revenue costs (IT, training and marketing). More information on all this can be found at: www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/traveldorset/bus/community-transport Margaret Lawrence

works closely with partners across Dorset to ensure they are engaged with and protected. If you have any information regarding rural crime, you can report it via the Dorset Police ‘Do It Online’ portal here: www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online/ Or by telephoning our non-emergency number 101 PCSO Mark Jones (Dorset Police, PCSO 6269) wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com

The winter term has been very busy for Yetminster Guides, who meet at the Jubilee Hall, Yetminster, from 7pm on a Thursday evening. We have designed our own Mocktails, learned about ‘Water Aid’, planned our dream holidays and taken part in a fabulous Kenya-themed evening organized by the older girls. We have also been to Girlguiding’s first ever National Winter camp at Foxlease in the New Forest where the girls were able to take part in archery, zorbing, backwoods cooking, ice skating and much, much more. Our next adventures include a region trip to Legoland on 1 April, Castaway camp on Brownsea Island in July and Girlguiding’s festival camp ‘Wellies and Wristbands’ at the end of August. For membership enquiries use or www.girlguiding.org.uk/joinus contact Angela Orton (Guide Guider) on 01935 872205. st


With any luck and a following wind (!) will take place this year’s on Saturday, 8th July - it helps raise money for local groups and has a long history going back to the 13th Century under a charter granted by the King to the Bishop of Salisbury for a fair “to be held in his manor of Yetminster” and we are anxious to keep up this tradition following the success of its return last year. As a Committee we already have a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Organiser and the booking of the stalls has also, initially, been organised. Additionally Alex and Blanche at the White Hart are also on board with regard to having a fair. So, you see, we are a very willing and keen team. However, there are always jobs with which some help would be appreciated, so, please do consider if you can make some time to join in the fun. Perhaps if you belong to an organisation in Yetminster that we have previously helped you would be prepared to come along to see what we do and if you can assist?

We meet at The White Hart on the last Thursday in the month at 7.30pm – importantly it doesn’t mean coming along EVERY month as we will keep you in touch with our progress. Additionally our loyal band of Fair Day helpers would also appreciate some extra people on the day itself so, again, let us know if you can be available on the 8th July. We feel that the Fair makes Yetminster busy for one day in the year when everyone can join in and have some fun whether that means retail therapy, watching the street entertainment, or having a cream tea or maybe a pint at the White Hart. People do come from the surrounding area, sometimes from much farther away and it is good to show off our village. We are also hoping to arrange a couple of evening attractions during the year, but more of that in future editions. Meanwhile, do consider if you can offer some help – you will enjoy it!!! Contact us at yetminsterfair@aol.com. Barbara Driver, Chairman YF

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com



APRIL AT MINTERNE GARDENS As you would expect at this time of year, the garden will be full of rhododendrons such as Rh. sinogrande, Rh. augustinii, Rh. falconeri to name just a few of the many varieties at Minterne. Magnolia sieboldii and other magnolias will be in flower, Cherry Avenue will be in its full glory with cascading blooms and not forgetting our wildflowers such as cowslips and selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) which will be appearing this month. Cowslips were associated with English folklore & traditionally adorned May Day garlands. Whether you are a fan of wildflowers or Minterne’s historical collection of stunning rhododendrons, the garden is worth a visit this month as it reaches its peak & ushers in the spring. Henni’s Sweet Treats will also be serving Cream Teas on the East Terrace overlooking the lake during the spring and summer months. Gardens Open 10am-6pm daily.www.minterne.co.uk

You may recall that Sherborne held a Parade and a Party-in-the-Park to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday last year. The day was hailed as such a success that the organisers have been moved to have a similar event this year. Well, you can’t just do the same thing again so on the 17th June there will be a bigger, more exciting FESTIVAL DAY in Sherborne’s Purlieu Meadows, (that’s the big field near the station) with more bands and more entertainment. There will be more information in the next edition of W.V.M.



FAREWELL TO REV COLETTE St. Andrew’s CE Primary School would like to say a fond farewell to Reverend Colette Annesley-Gamester, who sadly, will be leaving our parish at the end of March. Rev. Colette quickly became an important part of our school family and was instrumental in supporting the school through a great SIAMS inspection. The children have really enjoyed her weekly Collective Worship assemblies and she has taught them many complex Christian concepts, such as the Trinity, in a fun, vibrant way especially with her singing prayers. She was an integral part of Wednesday Club, our interdenominational Christian after school club sharing of Bible stories, songs and prayers with children. Colette also supported us as a foundation governor, as well as being a friend to our staff, and was often seen welcoming the children to school in the mornings. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Reverend Colette on behalf of the school and wish her the very best of luck in everything she does. We will miss her. Jane Prelogauskas, Headteacher

We were very proud of our entry into the Every child in the school made a little sculpture in the style of Antony Gormley. They looked stunning

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


WORLD BOOK DAY World Book Day is a celebration and wow did we celebrate it at the beginning of March! It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world. This is the 20th year there’s been a World Book Day, and all our children came together to appreciate reading. Very loudly and very happily. The main aim of World Book Day in the UK and Ireland is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and help develop a passion for reading which will last a life time. Our day was spent sharing our books and character costumes as well making book marks and other book fun. We certainly had more than our fair share of Harry Potters and Hermiones. We have also been “Extreme reading and Writing”, see below! What a lovely day; enjoy our photos. BNC

…and extreme writing

Extreme reading… wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Our Church Communities Three Valleys Team

Roman Catholic Services

Team Office : Yetminster Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG 01935 872600

Team Vicars Richard Kirlew

Team Email Address: 3valleysoffice@gmail.com

HELPING HANDS 01963 210953


Team Rector: Rev’d Tony Gilbert The Rectory, Church Rd, Thornford, Sherborne. DT9 6QE 01935 873044



01963 23570

Roman Catholic Church The Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3EL tel: (01935) 812021 Parish Priest: Monsignor Canon Robert Draper V.G. email: sherbornerc@btinternet.com

website: sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk


Yetminster Methodist Church Chapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJ Minister: Rev Mike John 24 Harbin Close, Yeovil BA21 5FS Tel: 01935 415837 email: revsup@gmail.com

Secretary: Mrs Barbara Driver Tel: 01935 873690


Worship co-ordinator: Mrs Marilyn Harris Tel: 01935 864232 Treasurer: Alec Reek, 17 Bucklers Mead, Yetminster.

Kate & Mike Rawlins from Motcombe. 23rd Mr Don Farquharson from Sherborne. 30th Rev Christine Le Moignan from Sherborne.

The Friary, Hilfield Tuesday to Saturday

Sundays: 7.30am Morning Prayer followed by silent prayer 8.30am Sung Eucharist 12.30pm Midday Prayer 5.15pm Evening Prayer, followed by prayer time Night Prayer arranged at supper

7am Silent Prayer in Chapel 7.30am Morning Prayer 12 noon Midday Prayer and Eucharist 5.15pm Evening Prayer, followed by prayer time 9pm Night prayer (8.15pm -Thurs, 8.45pmSat)

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews

Wriggle Valley Christian Fellowship We meet every Sunday for worship, teaching, and fellowship, at Chetnole Village Hall at 3pm followed by light refreshments. For more information check out the website: wvcf.uk



It was the tiniest of adverts in the Times Educational Supplement, but it changed the whole course of my life! In April 1967, fifty years ago this month I came to Dorset from the London suburbs where I had grown up, to take up a teaching post in a Dorset village school – and I’ve never moved away since from our beautiful county. I’m sure we’ve all probably had these critical or life-changing events which have shaped our futures – a new, unexpected relationship; an enforced or challenging career change; or perhaps some unwelcome event in our family. Suddenly our life has taken a surprising, unanticipated or even unwanted turn. The events of the first Easter were much like that for all those involved. The seeming tragedy of Good Friday turned to the joy of Easter Day. The story involves very ordinary folk whose lives were turned upside down. They would never be the same again. Encountering the risen Christ changed men and women. On Easter Sunday we shall be celebrating in all our churches the event that has transformed people’s lives over the

centuries, sometimes in most extraordinary ways, as they have encountered the living Christ. Christians believe and celebrate Christ’s resurrection, and that Christ really is alive today. Do come and join the celebrations yourself this Easter Day. Keith Budgell, Licensed Lay Minister


Our Church Communities NEWS FROM THE METHODIST CHURCH There is a long standing custom to acknowledge someone’s birthday or Anniversary and, to send some kind of present or greeting. I expect there are some of you who have days during April which you dare not forget. I don’t expect many of us will be sending a card to our Queen, who celebrates her 91st birthday on 21st April, although hopefully some will be acknowledging her Christian dedication in all she has done over her long reign. April, this year contains some extremely important dates for all of us in the various Christian churches. As Lent draws to a close, we have the celebrations of Palm Sunday followed by the varied events of Holy Week, when we think of Jesus celebrating a meal with His disciples and washing their feet. We may not go that far, but we always commemorate the meal and experience His presence with us when we share the Holy Communion service in our churches.

And then of course, the greatest event occurs on Easter Day, when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Many regard this day as the birthday of the church, so lets make sure we make it a day to remember and celebrate it in our various happy customs in our churches. Have a wonderful day. Happy Birthday ! Our minister, Rev Mike John, regretfully is still unable to return to work, at least until the end of April. He sends his love and greetings – not just to our members – but to readers of this magazine. He thanks us all for our continued prayers for his recovery and return to ministry. Blessings for Easter to you all.

Extra and Week Day Services in the Three Valleys APRIL Maundy Thursday

Good Friday


6pm 7pm

Holy Communion and Stripping the Altar Seder Meal (Whole Benefice)


Way of the Cross

10am 11am 11am 10am 2pm

Devotion Meditation Meditation Devotion Meditation

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



THREE VALLEYS’ TEAM For complete list see:




5th SUNDAY OF PALM SUNDAY LENT BATCOMBE 10.15am CW Holy Communion BEER 9.30am BCP HACKETT Matins Holy Communion BRADFORD 11am CW 11am CW ABBAS Holy Holy Communion Communion CHETNOLE 9.30am 8am BCP Morning Holy Service & APCM Communion HERMITAGE 6.30pm CW Evening Prayer HILFIELD HILFIELD FRIARY


6pm BCP Evensong

9.30am CW Holy Communion


YETMINSTER 11am CW Holy Communion

8am BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Morning Service 9.30am CW Morning Prayer

local services go to




2nd SUNDAY OF 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER EASTER 10.15am CW Holy Communion

8.30am CW Holy Communion 11am CW Holy Communion 9.30am CW Holy Communion 10.15am CW Holy Communion 4pm Easter Service 5am Lighting the Holy Fire + Holy Communion 10.15am CW Family Communion Community Spirit Sunday 10am Family Service 9.30am CW Holy Communion

9.30am CW Choral Holy Communion


9.30am CW Holy Communion 9.30am Family Service 9.30am CW Holy Communion

8.30am BCP Holy Communion

8am BCP 10am BCP Holy Holy Communion Communion 8am BCP Holy Communion 11am CW Holy Communion 9.30am CW Holy Communion

CW Common Worship BCP Book of Common Prayer wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Leigh Weather Watch FEBRUARY 2017 “Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.” Mark Twain SUNSHINE February had a little less sunshine than usual. The sunniest day was the 20th, with 8.3 hours. There were 12 sunless days, and it was another winter month with no trace of snow. TEMPERATURES The average temperature for the month was only a little higher than usual: 5.60C/ instead of 5.40C. The warmest day was the 29th, which peaked at 15.40C/59.70F, and

February 2017 Av.

Av. Feb. 2000-16

5.6 5.4

the coldest night was the 7th, with a chilly 5.60C/21.90F. RAINFALL February opened with very heavy rainfall (18mm/0.7” on the first day, and 30mm/1.2” on the second). It calmed down after that, and the total for the month was 81mm/3.2”, slightly higher than the average of 74mm/2.9”. PRESSURE Pressure was a little higher than usual. It averaged 1027mb, and varied from 1018mb on the 18th to 995mb on the last day of the month. WINDS The strongest winds peaked at 37mph on the 2nd, which was also our wettest day. They averaged 13mph for the month as a whole. Philip Bryan

Temperatures (deg. C) Min. Max. Av. Av. Min. Max. 1.8 9.9 -5.6 12.4 -4.1 17 1.3 9.6

Rain mm

Sun hours

81 72

40.1 45

Days without: Rain Sun 15 15

12 9

PC users: previous weather reports and other news abut Leigh can be found at www.leighvillage.org.uk

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


Club News The Joys of Rootling When Ros Liddlington was appointed by the late Earl of Pembroke as archivist for Wilton House her task was to document and produce e d u c a t i o n a l programmes for every level of the Pembroke estate. While not formally in her job description, the joy of her position is to be able to “rootle” in all the forgotten nooks and crannies of Wilton. A hoarder herself she found herself in a paradise of clothing, books and papers, household items and works of art stored at random since Tudor times. An interactive lesson on being an archivist. Ros passed round a selection of gloves she had found around the house. Rich satins, delicate lace, soft leathers, plain cottons. Only one pair can be kept. Which? Justify your choice. Of course we all went for the fine and the

beautiful. Wrong. Any museum has these. Plenty too in antique shops. No, keep the simple and the ordinary. These were the things used from day to day. They get lost, replaced or thrown away. If they are not preserved now they will be gone forever. What of the role of the Ladies Pembroke? Generally it was to provide cash via their dowries, followed by “an heir and a spare”. But some went a little further than that! If you are ever stuck on the A303 crawling past Stonehenge, thank Anne Clifford, wife of the 4th Earl of Pembroke. He had hired in Inigo Jones, who recommended getting rid of Stonehenge – “the stones were useless Roman remains”(!). Fortunately for our heritage Anne, who had already paid for the reroofing of Wilton House, squashed this proposal. If you ever wonder why the town of Wilton has an Italianate church you will now know it was

the brainchild of Catherine Vorontsov. Friend of Catherine the Great of Russia, very rich and wife of the 11th Earl. She was inspired by the design of a church near her brother’s house in the Crimea. She was also a clever business woman. She created six model farms that brought in the money to finance the house, and the building of schools and the church. Today maintenance of the house is still the biggest problem. And the present Lady has to wrestle with heritage authorities even to update her kitchen! OUTINGS. This year all the planned outings are fully booked. If you wish, you can put your name down on a waiting list for cancellations. For details contact Elizabeth Jubb on 873397. The next meeting will be 13th September – AGM & Jonathon Weeks: “A BLAST FROM THE PAST”


FEBRUARY MEETING A good number of WI members turned up to listen to Steve Hart talking to us on Yeovil Street Pastors and the work they do. Most of us had no idea that such an amazing group of people were working for the community on our very doorstep. Steve told us of his 22 years in the RAF, then 14 years working with the Yeovil Community Church before taking on his role as Co-ordinator for the Yeovil branch of the Street Pastors. The Street Pastors are a Christian Organisation which is part of a national movement and they work together with the Police and the Town Council to keep the streets of Yeovil safe. They call this the Urban Trinity. They go out on patrol every Friday and Saturday night from 10pm to 3.30am to offer a caring presence and a listening ear to people who may need it, helping people to stay safe whilst they are out at night. This may mean being a calming influence where they find aggressive behaviour or helping youngsters to get home safely if they are under the influence of drink or drugs or with mental health issues. Many of these young people have said that they

owe their lives to the Street Pastors. There are 52 Street Pastors and 20 Prayer Pastors in Yeovil which is more than many larger towns and all of these people are volunteers. They go out wearing their distinctive uniforms, in groups of four and are linked with their base by radio They call in every 15 minutes and the Prayer pastors pray together for the work they are doing. Their nightly route is always under the eye of CCTV. On a very practical level they carry a supply of flip flops to give to girls who started the evening in stiletto shoes but after too much to drink find themselves unable to walk in them! To become a Street Pastor you must be an active Christian over the age of 18 and have completed 40 hours of training and two supervised patrols. I suspect that you must also have something special to be able to offer such commitment, care and compassion to helping those in need when most of us are tucked up safely in our beds. Morag Orchard

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews



LEIGH DISCUSSION & SOCIAL CLUB At our meeting on the 7th March we were given a talk by Christine Stone entitled “VICTORIAN GARDENS”. There were many reasons why gardening became popular through the era, not least that Queen Victoria and Albert believed their children should have an outdoor and earthy life. They created a large landscaped garden and all the children had their own vegetable plots. Other reasons were that owners of industry, shipping and aristocracy had become very wealthy and were building very large houses, which needed large statement making gardens. Plant hunters were travelling the world and bringing home exotic plants and as the government of the day had abolished the “Glass Tax” glass houses were much cheaper to create and became very popular. A young man called Capability Brown was quick to see an opportunity for designing and creating all this for people, and his gardens can still be seen all over the country, including Sherborne Castle. Another, called Edwin Budding also did very well, inventing the cylinder lawn mower. Plant nurseries began to appear, because some stately houses needed as many as 40,000 bedding plants a

year. Suttons Seeds were a result of demand, and as paper and printing had become much cheaper, advertising in newspapers, etc., was being seen by ordinary people who popularised allotments for urban dwellers who did not have access to land. Graham Sargent

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tuesday 4th April, Mick Harris & Sam Symes ICKERS JOGGERS (charity fundraising) followed by AGM SUMMER TRIPS - Through the summer, we have various trips organised, also open to non-members, for full details please contact Pete Betts – Tel. 01935 873753. WINDSOR – 9th May ISLE OF WIGHT FROM POOLE HARBOUR – 20th June DANCING LEDGE FROM POOLE HARBOUR (evening) – 18th July All open to non members Contact: Pete Betts – Tel. 01935 873753

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


CHETNOLE AND LEIGH GARDEN CLUB Well! Monday 6th March was the club’s annual visit to Castle Gardens and what a turn out of members eager to hear the latest advice and at the same time seek out that elusive special plant for the garden as well as a bargain. No doubt Castle Gardens was delighted to see so many club members as the cash tills rang out almost steaming as they were nearly overwhelmed by overflowing trolleys and baskets laden with plants, tools, fertilisers and other garden necessities. Brian, of Castle Gardens, welcomed the group saying how delighted he was to see so many on an evening when the weather was not the best for looking around to see what was available. Now is the time to start off seed potatoes, broad beans and shallots in the greenhouse as well as onions. The level of rainfall is causing a moss problem in lawns. Various products are available to help rid your lawn of this problem. A number of changes have been introduced into pest control chemicals due to changes in the law, but there are still plenty of remedies to deal with slugs and snails as well as other pests. As ever there are a myriad of articles to make gardening ‘easier’! such as an implement which can be attached to a long handle to

p r e v e n t bending. Is this weeding made easy I ask myself – hopefully ‘yes’. If purchasing summer bedding plants in trays keep them protected until April as it is still early for these plants, and don’t forget to pot on into individual pots. Some spring bedding – violas, daisies, primroses, and primulas - like damp/shady conditions. Brian noted that do not just flower just once, they will flower again and again. Heathers, the summer flowering variety, particularly suit local growing conditions. There is a new variegated leaf available that looks particularly interesting. Once daffodils have finished allow them to die back, do not tie off or cut them down, let them die back naturally. Brian introduced a number of new seeds and plants available for the coming season such as Ovation a new evergreen, mound forming, and hardy variety. Other plants were suggested for shade, plants for suitable for containers and shrubs such as dogwood that have beautiful winter coloured stems. Members raised questions about the lily beetle - pick off the beetles and deal with them; box blight - no real cure, consider substituting with Ilex; and for black spot on roses - use a fungus fighter but start by spraying young foliage and vary the type of spray from year to year. Thanks were offered to Brian for his advice and information and members then moved to the serious matter of stocking up for the coming gardening year. The next meeting is on Monday 3rd April in Chetnole Village Hall at 7.30pm, the speaker is Chris Ireland on EXTRAORDINARY BULBS. New members and guests are always welcome.


YETMINSTER & RYME GARDEN, ART & CRAFT SOCIETY PLUG PLANT NEWS…..READ ON! Those of us who can remember the 50s may recall being sent home from school clutching a bulb which was to be nurtured and cherished and eventually returned to school as part of a daffodil celebration. For some reason my bulbs never grew and I remember the humiliation of having to take an empty pot to school only to find that everyone else had managed to produce a perfect plant. Well, this memory resurfaced when we decided to take advantage of Castle Gardens’ very generous plug plant offer. What this means is that everyone who joins us on 11th April for our regular monthly meeting will be given a plug plant of their very own, free of charge, to take home. All we ask is that you cherish your gift, pot it on and bring the mature plant along to the Summer Show in August. The plant we have chosen is a new hybrid Petunia “Tumbelina Anna” which, as you can see from the photograph, should produce a plant of exceptional quality, with very pretty white-edged, double pink blooms. And one of these is yours for the asking! Even better, there is no pressure attached to this offer. No-one is expected to confess a failure, so should your plant die, you will not have to undergo the ritual

humiliation that I experienced as a child. B u t hopefully most of these plants will flourish under the care of our experienced members and together will provide a wonderful exhibition display in August. It is certainly not a competition, so there won’t be any certificates but there will be a bottle of champagne for the finest plant. DISCOUNT BUYING AFTERNOON Castle Gardens did us proud again on Tuesday 14th March (there’s a theme emerging here!). Plenty of members turned up to take advantage of the 25% discount opportunity to spend, spend, spend, using that little yellow card for the last time this year. Part of the fun too was talking about what you had just bought over tea and cake afterwards, which of course we all did! Another splendid afternoon, leaving us with quite a lot of planting to get on with afterwards!

NEXT MEETING – 11th April This is a first for us. We have invited some of our judges from the Summer Show to talk to us and answer questions about how they make their decisions. More details in the Yetminster section. Carol Debell & Judy Ferretter

Next mag is MAY 2017, 12th APRIL for news, views & previews


WRIGGLE VALLEY WOMEN’S GROUP It seems such a long time ago when we had our annual Christmas meal and we discussed the forthcoming monthly bookings we had, but now it is really nice to look back at January when Peter Lawrence chatted about his passion with stamps and his family’s connection to the Titanic. Then in February we had Deryck and Wendy Parris showing us a COMPILATION OF THEIR FANTASTIC HOLIDAYS around the world, such beautiful places and such fabulous colours. March will see us getting moving with Andy Gatehouse TALKING ABOUT TRAINS, much to be learnt here, are they steam, the old push and pull or are they some great modeling of a special station or even an engine shed. We wait to see. In April we are being shown some very SPECIAL MINIATURES which Ann Gould will bring along and Daphne Atkinson, in May, will be talking about “LIFE BELOW STAIRS”. How many of us will have our own tales to tell, of family who worked in “the big house”?

Taking Tea with Lesley Waters

Then we come to June, a change for us, when we are “TAKING TEA” with Lesley Walters at her cookery school in Halstock. July’s meeting is our planning meeting, do come along with ideas for the next year. As usual, most of our meetings are held at Gable Court in Yetminster, we are very lucky to have this venue with a log fire warming us when the weather is inclement. See you all soon. Pat Smith

MPs and District Councillors serving you in 2017 House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA -

8 Waterside, Sydling St Nicholas, Dorchester, DT2 9NY E: T:


T: 07921 846082 E: Trill Farm, Thornford Road, Sherborne, Dorset. DT9 6HF T: E: 90 Newland, Sherborne, Dorset. DT9 3DT T: E:


Regular Meetings … Every Mon Table tennis Bev’s Core Vinyassa Flow Yoga

Every Tue

9.30-12.30pm 9.30-10.30am

Leigh Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall

Leigh Short Mat Bowls Just Gym Gymnastic class

2-5pm 4.15-6.30pm

Leigh Village Hall St Andrew’s Primary School

Yetminster Table Tennis Club Yetminster Bell Ringers

10-12noon 7.30pm-10pm

Scout Hut, Yetminster St Andrew's Church

Topsy Turvy Toddlers 9-11.30am Chetnole Art Group (until Easter) 10am-1pm

St Andrew's Primary School Chetnole Village Hall

Beginners Pilates

Chetnole Village Hall

Kids After School Yoga (term time) 3.15 - 4.15pm

St Andrew’s School Hall

Relax & Renew Yoga Cubs (in term)

6.30 -7.30pm 6-7.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Scout Hut Yetminster

10-12 noon 10.30-11.30am

Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall

Every Wed Drop in Coffee Morning Morning Yoga Class

Croquet Coach/Play 3pm (until Oct) Wednesday Club (in term) 3.15 pm-4.05pm Chetnole Chuckers Pétanque Club 5pm summer only

Yetminster Playing Fields St Andrew's Primary School Chetnole Playing Fields

Croquet Junior WV Players (in term) Beavers (in term) Scouts (in term) Beginners yoga

5pm summer only 6-7pm 6-7pm 7-9pm 7pm

Church Farm, Hermitage Leigh Village Hall Scout Hut Yetminster Scout Hut Yetminster St Andrew’s Primary School

Yetminster Short Mat Bowls


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Every Thur Tai Chi

Every Fri

1.10 - 2.10pm


Leigh Village Hall

Advanced Pilates Pear Tree Baby & Toddler

10am 1.30-3pm

Chetnole Village Hall Pear Tree Preschool

Yetminster Short Mat Bowls Leigh Rainbows (5-7yrs)

2-5pm 5.45-7pm

Yetminster Jubilee Hall Trim Room, Yetminster

Leigh Brownies (7-10yrs) Guides Leigh Short Mat Bowls

5.45-7pm 7-8.30pm 7-10pm

Yetminster Jubilee Hall Yetminster Jubilee Hall Leigh Village Hall

Chetnole Community Choir Table Tennis

7.30pm 9.30-12.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall

Croquet Club


Yetminster Sports Club

3pm 10.15 am

Yetminster Sports Club Yetminster Jubilee Hall

(May - Oct)

Every Sat

Croquet Irish Dancers

Every Sun

Chetnole Chuckers Pétanque Club 3pm summer only

Chetnole Playing Fields

Upgrade to colour? Contact Gordon Ratcliffe email:gojan@btinternet.com


…Events & Activities 1st Mon

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club


Chetnole Village Hall

1st Tue

Leigh Discussion Club (wint)

7.30 - 10.30pm

Leigh Village Hall

Wriggle Valley MU (alt months)


Church Hall, Yetminster

Tuesday Club

2.30 - 4pm

Leigh Village Hall

Yetminster & Ryme Garden Soc.


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Senior Winter Lunch Outings


Sue Footner 873610

2nd Tues

(not July/Aug) Halstock & Distr. British Legion

3rd Tues

Rest & Welcome Pub

WV Women's Group


Gable Court

Wriggle Valley Lunch Club

12.15 - 3pm

Leigh Village Hall

Leigh Parish Council - alt mnths


Leigh Village Hall

Last Tues

Leigh Women's Institute

7.30 - 11pm

Leigh Village Hall

1st Wed

Coffee ‘n’ Cakes

10 - 12noon

Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Batcombe Coffee Morning



Yetminster Senior Citizens


The Meadens

Yetminster Historical Society


Yetminster Jubilee Hall

Police Support Unit

2 - 3pm

The Cross, Leigh

Chetnole & Stockwood PC


Chetnole Village Hall

2nd/4th Wed High Stoy Bible Study


Venue contact 872342

3rd Wed

District Council Ward Surgery

11am - 12noon

Old School Gallery, Yetminster

Last Wed

Woodland Wednesdays


Pogles Wood nr Leigh

[not Aug & Dec]

Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca PC

2nd Wed 2nd Wed/alt mth

Police Community Support

By Church, Yetminster 7.30pm 10.20-10.40am

St. Andrew's Primary School


Stonyacres, Yetminster


Shearstones, Yetminster


Carpenters' Arms, Leigh


Church Lane, Hermitage

2.30 - 4.30pm

The Friary, Hilfield

1st & 3rd Thu Yetminster Scribblers

6.30 - 8pm

Old School Gallery, Yet

Last Thurs

Yetminster Fair Association


White Hart

Leigh Short Mat Bowls


Leigh Village Hall

Wed/f/night Mobile Library

Wed - Sat

Friary Shop

St Peter’s Church, Chetnole


Planning Applications BATCOMBE WD/D/17/000325 01/03/2017 CHURCH FARM HOUSE, STILE WAY – Proposed glazed link WD/D/17/000326 between listed farmhouse and nearby outbuilding. Revised access from lane (Stile Way) (Full & Listed Building Consent). No Decision. CHETNOLE WD/D/17/000546 01/03/2017 LAND ADJACENT MEADOW VIEW AND BLOSSOM HILL, STOCKWOOD ROAD – Amendment to planning permission reference WDD/D/15/000694 - Change of garage to gym and sunroom. (Non-material Amendment). No Decision. WD/PT/17/00087 13/02/2017 BRIDGE HOUSE, NEALS LANE – 1 No. Ash: reduce crown by 4.5 - 5m to secondary branches. No Decision. WD/PT/17/00074 07/02/2017 WRIGGLEBANK, MILL LANE – T1: Ash – Fell. No Decision. WD/PT/17/00009 06/01/2017 WINNOWINGS,MILL LANE – T1: Silver Birch – Fell. No Decision. WD/D/17/000127 09/02/2017 WINNOWINGS, MILL LANE – Single-storey rear extension (Full). No Decision. WD/D/16/000759 07/07/2016 THE OLD FORGE COTTAGE, MILL LANE - Refurbishment; WD/D/16/000760 partial demolition and two storey extension (Full & Listed Building Consent). No Decision. WD/D/15/001532 12/06/2015 LAND ADJACENT MEADOW AND BLOSSOM HILL, STOCKWOOD ROAD – Application to revoke Section 106 Agreement dated 18.3.1981 (Modification and Discharge of Planning O). Under Consideration. HERMITAGE & HILFIELD WD/D/16/01770 24/08/2016 YEW TREE HOUSE, HERMITAGE LANE - Demolition of existing cottage and outbuildings, relocation of one existing long shed and construction of a new replacement dwelling. (Full). No Decision. LEIGH WD/D/16/002136 26/10/2016 THREE GATES FARM, THREE GATES - Replacement of existing agricultural building with 2 no. agricultural workers dwellings (Full). No Decision. WD/D/17/000301 08/02/2017 ILES FARM, SHERBORNE ROAD - Request for confirmation of compliance of conditions 1, 2 and 3 of application WD/D/16/000149 (Compliance with Conditions). No Decision. WD/D/16/002063 20/10/2016 BROOKFIELD FARM, BATCOME ROAD - Convert Barn to Dwelling (Change of Use). Approved 8 Mar 17. MELBURY BUBB WD/D/17/000192 06/03/2016 WITHYHOOK FARMHOUSE, WITHYHOOK FARMHOUSE WD/D/17/000217 ACCESS ROAD - Request for confirmation of compliance of condition 3 of planning approval 1/D/13/001627/1/D/13/001628 (Compliance with Conditions). No Decision.

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April 2017 RYME INTRINSECA WD/D/17/000476 08/03/2017 VIOLET COTTAGE, RYME ROAD- Remedial works to roof WD/D/17/000477 structure & re-thatch. Replacement windows to rear wing. Repointing of front, east & rear elevations. Erect fence & entrance gates. (Full Listed Building Consent). No Decision. WD/D/16/002390 08/11/2016 CHURCH FARM COTTAGE, RYME ROAD - Erect kitchen extension, replace flat roof over utility back hall. Construct raised terrace area. (Full). Approved 22 Feb 17. YETMINSTER WD/D/17/000605 09/03/2017 THE GARDEN HOUSE, CHURCH STREET, Erect extension (Non-material Amendment).No Decision. WD/D/17/000558 08/03/2017 LAND AT CROSS FARM, HIGH STREET - Request for confirmation of compliance of condition 1,2,3,4 and 5 of planning approval WD/D/16/001347/WD/D/16/001346 (Compliance with Conditions). No Decision. WD/D/17/000433 02/03/2017 STAKE FORD BARN, SHEARSTONES JUNCTION,BRISTER END TO STA - Change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house (Prior Approval Agricultural to dwelling) No Decision. WD/D/17/000433 14/02/2017 SPINDLES, MELBURY ROAD – Erection of second storey extension on existing rear single storey room. (Full). No Decision. WD/D/16/002753 17/01/2017 13 EASTLANDS - Demolition of existing garage and construction of new attached garage to side elevation with room over, construction of lean-to extensions to rear elevation. (Full). Approved 16 Feb 17. WD/D/16/001825 07/10/2016 FOLLY FIELDS FARM, HORNFORD ROAD - Erect a permanent rural worker's dwelling, an Agricultural Building and Lean-to, together with a feed Silo and internal access track (Full). Approved 24 Feb 17. WD/D/16/002214 2/04/2016 THE OLD COURT HOUSE, HIGH STREET - Reparatory works to West gable wall of main house and maintenance works to roof structure over main house; external alterations relating to pre-commencement conditions on Listed Building Consent WD/D/14/000548 (retrospective) Listed Building Consent). No Decision. WD/D/15/002655 30/10/2015 LAND TO THE NORTH OF RYME ROAD - Outline Application for the erection of 98 dwellings (Outline). Undetermined - Appealed 15 Mar 17. The next Development Control Committee meetings will take place on the 23rd March 2017 and the 27th April 2017, 2.00pm, meetings start 1.00pm in Committee Room A & B, South Walks House, Dorchester. A full register of all past and present planning applications can be found at: www.dorsetforyou.com/planning applications. Graham Plaice


WVM Advertisers’ Register April 2017 ADVERTISER

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Garden Maintenance & Pruning


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Paul Hambidge Contractors


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EDUCATION Barn Owls Nursery Leweston School Lower Covey Montessori Nursery Maths Tuition Emma Harris

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EVENT VENUES Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall The Marquee Hire Co. Thornford Village Hall Yetminster Jubilee Hall

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FOOD, DRINK & CATERING Leigh Village Stores & PO On the Boyle Café SPAR, Stores & P.O., Yetminster

ADVERTISER Stuart Goodier Boiler Servicing M Harris Builder AR Hillier, Building Maintenance Steve Jones Carpentry & Joinery Knott Roofing Lawrence Electricals Mark O'Sullivan Handyman Neal Electrical Services Parks Roofing & Building Ltd Phelps Heating Solutions Sellick & Saxton Spearbuild Steve Mumford General Builder BA Wallbridge Plumb. & Heat. Wayne Timmins Decorator Westcountry Electrics



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Dog Grooming & Stripping Perfect Paws Smart Dogs of Yetminster

Beauty Barn



Phoenix Physique


Rebecca Dolbear, Psychotherapy


Leigh Yetminster

Robert Frith, Optometrists



Georgie's Hair & Beauty


Remous, Milborne Port

Yetminster Health Centre





Stockwood Lettings

AD Renovations 11 ALL IN ONE David Williams Builder 17

PUBLIC HOUSES & HOTELS Chetnole Inn King’s Arms

Bay Tree Cleaning


J Bennett Joinery Blooming Hill Services - Heating

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Ian Crossland, Property Maint. Dorset Plasterers Elite Estates Fournier Ltd

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