CHURCH NEWS News from the Three Valleys Team
Our Church communities is on our side and that, no matter how bad things may become, we are not alone and that there is always hope. Yours Tony Gilbert Team Rector
Dear Friends We are now fast approaching the Christmas season which, because of Covid, is shaping up to be a most extraordinary festival this year. There will be fewer church services and fewer, if any, parties as people will be fearful of what News from Yetminster Methodist is around the corner; there is a general downbeat atmosphere. The media seem Church to be concentrating on concerns that I have never written an article for the families will be unable to get together Advent and Christmas Season in more this year and, of course, that is likely to uncertainty! The question on everyone’s be true. Unfortunately, when the media mind, can we be with our extended do that, they miss the fact that for many family and friends this Christmas season? who have no family or for whom family Perhaps a deeper question, should we life was so painful, such meetings are be? And if we are not what does that quite problematic and many feel alone at mean – isolation, loneliness, long hours this time of year anyway. stretching out? What is there to look Christmas as celebrated by the forward to? Christian Community is not a festival Some of my friends who that revolves around love Christmas put their families, nor is its trees up at the beginning primary importance as of November, anything to a festival for children. brighten the mood. Some Many families and will see that as a positive friends do use the time choice to make things feel to catch up with each better, and there is nothing other and there is no wrong with that. denying that children I wonder though if God do enjoy it all, with the is calling us to something promise of presents deeper. To recognise our and fun together – it loneliness, isolation, to name will be hard if they are deprived of that. But it, to lament for it. That is perhaps, this year of all to cry out to Him about how years, it would be best it really is, being bluntly to remind ourselves that honest, recognising our need Christmas is actually a “This hope is a strong and for relationship and intimacy. festival of Hope. A time trustworthy anchor for our That deep need for connection. when we can look at souls. It leads us through the To not be frightened of that the troubles all around curtain into God’s inner sanc- need, it is the core of our us and know that God tuary.” Hebrews 6:19 humanity to know and be 58