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News from the Three Valleys Team
is on our side and that, no matter how Dear Friends We are now fast approaching the bad things may become, we are not alone and that there is always hope. Christmas season which, because Yours of Covid, is shaping up to be a most Tony Gilbert extraordinary festival this year. There will Team Rector be fewer church services and fewer, if any, parties as people will be fearful of what is around the corner; there is a general downbeat atmosphere. The media seem News from Yetminster Methodist Church to be concentrating on concerns that I have never written an article for the families will be unable to get together Advent and Christmas Season in more this year and, of course, that is likely to uncertainty! The question on everyone’s be true. Unfortunately, when the media mind, can we be with our extended do that, they miss the fact that for many family and friends this Christmas season? who have no family or for whom family Perhaps a deeper question, should we life was so painful, such meetings are be? And if we are not what does that quite problematic and many feel alone at mean – isolation, loneliness, long hours this time of year anyway. Christmas as celebrated by the Christian Community is not a festival that revolves around families, nor is its primary importance as a festival for children. Many families and friends do use the time stretching out? What is there to look forward to? Some of my friends who love Christmas put their trees up at the beginning of November, anything to brighten the mood. Some will see that as a positive to catch up with each choice to make things feel other and there is no better, and there is nothing denying that children wrong with that. do enjoy it all, with the I wonder though if God promise of presents is calling us to something and fun together – it deeper. To recognise our will be hard if they are loneliness, isolation, to name deprived of that. But it, to lament for it. That is perhaps, this year of all to cry out to Him about how years, it would be best it really is, being bluntly to remind ourselves that honest, recognising our need Christmas is actually a festival of Hope. A time when we can look at “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the for relationship and intimacy. That deep need for connection. To not be frightened of that the troubles all around curtain into God’s inner sanc- need, it is the core of our us and know that God tuary.” Hebrews 6:19 humanity to know and be 58

known. Oh, we run from that, filling our lives with business, and doing, achieving. Anything to fill the dull ache of longing to love and be loved. That ache which I believe God has placed within each one of us as a longing for himself, a longing for Emmanuel, God with us.
Matthew 1: 23 says, ‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel’, which means, ‘God is with us.’
God with us deeply, intimately. He is not confined to staying two metres away, behind a mask. When invited, he takes up residence deep in our souls to fill us with peace, presence, and hope.
Perhaps some of you reading this are wondering, well how do I do that then? How do I let God cross my threshold when people cannot, so I do not feel so alone? Here is a suggestion. Sit with your hands on your lap and your hands open to receive. Start by telling God how it is, no fancy words, just talk, pour out your heart and then invite God to come and fill the deep need for perfect love that you have and wait…… Trust Emmanuel God with us to come and be with you, where you are at, in the midst of all the pain and isolation.
I know many want to fast forward through 2020 and get to 2021, to a time when we can hold hands and hug again. It is wonderful that vaccines may be just around the corner and, if effective, let us hope we can get back to normal. But my prayer is that we do not just go back to normal, but that we build a new normal. Our President, Rev’d Richard Teal has taken as his text Isaiah 43: 18-19, ‘Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.’
I hope we hold firm to what we have learned over the past nine months, that relationships and hugs are vital and life giving. That stillness is essential for creativity and to make us aware of our need for deep relationship and connection. That we recognise our interconnectedness as the whole world is affected and, as we act, we do so together, building for a new normal. I hope that, as we re-build, our first thought is for the poor, the marginalised. I dare to dream of a better world – a new thing – let it spring forth. Let us pray that God makes a new way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
May God richly bless you this Christmastime.
Our plan, if it is possible, is to join with the worshipping community at the school on 13 December and then to share a time of meditation and readings on Wednesday 16 December at 2.00pm at the Methodist Church. If you would like to join us, please email me revkatekonrad@ gmail.com or phone 01935 415837.
Rev’d Kate Konrad
Team Office:
Yetminster Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG
01935 872600
e:3valleysoffice@gmail.com w:www.threevalleysteam.org Opening hours Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 9.30am – 12.30pm Tues 1.30 – 4.30pm
Team Rector: Rev’d Tony Gilbert
The Rectory, Church Rd, Thornford, Sherborne. DT9 6QE
01935 873044 e: rector3valleys@gmail.com
Team Vicars Rev’d George Moody
The Rectory Church St, Yetminster DT9 6QE
01935 873214 e: revgeorgemoody@gmail.com Rev’d Richard Kirlew
01963 23570 e: rector3valleys@gmail.com
Jubilee Hall Yetminster
ENQUIRIES: Three Valleys Benefice Office,
01935 872600 e: 3valleysoffice@gmail.com
Yetminster Methodist Church
Chapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJ Minister: Rev Kate Konrad 01935-415837 Worship co-ordinator: Mrs Barbara Driver
Tel: 01935 873690 Treasurer:
Mrs S Gilbey
All services begin at 10:30am followed by coffee.

7.30am Morning Prayer followed by silent prayer 8.30am Sung Eucharist 12.30pm Midday Prayer 5.15pm Evening Prayer, followed by prayer time Night Prayer arranged at supper
Tuesday to Saturday
7am Silent Prayer in Chapel 7.30am Morning Prayer 12 noon Midday Prayer and Eucharist 5.15pm Evening Prayer, followed by prayer time 9pm Night prayer (8.15pm -Thurs, 8.45pm-Sat)
Roman Catholic Services
Roman Catholic Church
The Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3EL
tel: (01935) 812021 Weekend mass times: Saturdays at 6.00pm Sundays 10.30am Holy Days 10.00am and 6.30pm
Parish Priest: Monsignor Canon Robert Draper e: sherbornerc@prcdtr.org.uk w: sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk
Dear Friends You don’t need me to tell you that this has been a difficult year. Covid-19 has disrupted all our lives and that seems set to continue for some time to come. As I write this note we are in our second lockdown. Although we have been assured that it will end on 2 December, and that we can expect to have a near normal Christmas, we don’t know what other restrictions might be placed on us that will affect church services.
It is the clergy team’s intention to hold December and Christmas services where we can, to which you are all invited. However, we can’t know at this time exactly how we will provide them nor what we will be permitted to do in December or indeed in January. That means that I can’t give you the normal schedule of service times that you would expect to see in this magazine. All we can do is to ask you to keep an eye on your church notice board and the Three Valleys website (http://www.threevalleysteam.org) where we will do our best to give you up to date information.
The specific website page for services can be found at: http://www. threevalleysteam.org/index.php/services
If I may remind you that, above all else, Christmas signals hope for a better tomorrow so although things may look dark at the moment, we know that the coming of the Christ child signals hope for us all.
Let me join with the whole team in wishing you a Blessed Christmas.
Tony Gilbert Team Rector