REP: John Parker DISTRIBUTOR: Susan Ferdinand
Photo: John Parker
Our annual parochial church meeting on 2 October marked the official end of Mrs. Veronica Crane’s 24-year service as our PCC treasurer. Following the meeting, Rev. Tony Gilbert presented Veronica with a hardback copy of ‘England’s Thousand Best Churches’ by Simon Jenkins, from our PCC in recognition and with grateful thanks for her long and loyal service. We are delighted to
welcome our new treasurer Mrs Mengxi Gibson and thankful to her for taking on this role in our PCC. In mid-October Mr. Nick Swann, an amateur video maker from Warminster, visited to make a video of St. Michael’s Church and grounds. Nick’s aim is to make records of old English churches in which he is interested, especially in Dorset. He had already made an excellent video of St. Peter’s in Chetnole (see the November issue) and we are similarly impressed with his results for us. Do have a look on Youtube https:// youtube/FJBu-ECA8dg. Our Service of Remembrance on 8 November was cancelled and we were able to join the service at St. Mary Magdalene, Thornford instead. St. Michael’s was decorated with poppies and open as usual on Sundays (and Wednesdays) for private prayer.