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The Yetminster & Ryme Garden, Arts and Craft Society
17 August 2019 was a memorable day for Yetminster and the Garden, Arts and Crafts Society. It was the day of the Summer Show. The sun shone, the hall was resplendent with bountiful vegetables and flowers and the local artists, photographers and crafts folk excelled themselves. Open to residents of Yetminster and neighbouring villages made it a genuinely local event that brought the community together. It left us all looking forward to the next year.
Well, we all know what happened. When lockdown was announced last March, we never imagined that come August we would still be unable to meet. In the end the 2020 Summer Show became one of the myriad small casualties of the pandemic. But what about 2021? No-one can say with any certainty what is going to happen over the next few months but as the vaccination drive continues, we can hope. The date for this year’s Summer Show is set for Saturday 21 August and we are planning to make it a bumper event.
We have decided to roll over the programme we published last year because we know that many of you had already started work preparing for the event. This means your hard work will not be wasted. We are re-publishing the schedule now for the arts, photography and craft work classes so that there is plenty of opportunity to prepare entries. After all, we all have time on our hands and this gives us something positive to aim for.
This applies equally to our gardening enthusiasts. With so much rainy, dreary weather, it is difficult to imagine that our gardens will once again be bursting into life, but spring is on the way and now is the time to think ahead and to get those seed packets out.
The Summer Show relies on your efforts, enthusiasm and expertise to ensure that the 2021 event really does us all proud.

A patchwork cushion An item of jewellery or a small accessory in any style or material A handmade greetings card in any medium A picture, using cross stitch A knitted or crocheted item A 3D item or figurine in any medium not more than 15” (38cm) high ‘Something New from Something Old’ (recycling, with a change of use – you may add a card to explain your process) A decorated lampshade – no larger than 12” (30cms) wide A small item in any medium not specified above A mobile phone cover using any medium
Potato in the bag
This is a keenly contested challenge and is something we can all take part in, whatever is happening in the wider world. Distribution of potatoes will take place late March to early April.
If you have any queries about the Show, contact Carol Debell on 01935 872803 or Sue Gilbey on 01935 872402.
Terry Fellows and Bowls
Quite a few people came to the open meeting in the Church Hall in September 2000. Terry Fellows had called the meeting to see if there was sufficient interest to start an Indoor Bowls club. 20 years on that same bowling club, though currently locked down, has been mentored and guided by Terry.
Terry had retired to Hazelbury Bryan, where he was involved in setting up Hazelbury Bryan Short Mat Bowls club, now an extremely competitive club in Dorset and the South West. He and Barbara moved to Yetminster later and his love of
A pencil or pen and ink drawing of any subject A painting in a water based medium. Any subject A land or seascape A portrait – human or animal A botanical painting A painting which is ‘Mainly about Colour’ The Joy of Flowers
Any Subject Climate Change Wildlife Having Fun That’s Beautiful! In and about Yetminster Landscape
bowls inspired him to think of setting up another bowls club in Yetminster. For many years Terry was secretary to the Yetminster Bowls club and, until very recently, competition organising secretary to the Blackmore Vale Short Mat bowls association. Here in Yetminster, we have been very lucky to have Terry around, to guide us through the rules and regulations of the bowls game. Terry always had time to discuss problems, be it computers, cameras, cars, gardens let alone bowling techniques. He would repair the odd chair from the hall, would arrange the next barbeque, annual dinner or weekend away and for many years would move mats around the area to facilitate annual bowling competitions in Sherborne or elsewhere. His take on a Christmas card was often so special, one being faces of the whole club spread out for all to see. For the last few years Terry has been Yetminster SMBC’s president, we will miss him.
Pat Smith
During the pandemic, local people have been wonderfully generous in their donations to food banks and similar support organisations. However, this is the time when gardeners and ‘allotmenteers’ are making plans for this year’s fruit and veg areas, and getting ready to plant in early spring.
The Wriggle Valley communities are already supporting food banks and providing emergency boxes to help people whose finances have been hit harder than ever by the Covid-19 crisis. You may also be happy to support the idea of growing extra food crops or ensuring that any of this year’s surplus is put to good use. You may even encourage younger family members to join in on their own plots!
Rails Farm, a nine-acre smallholding in Holwell, near Glanvilles Wootton, is run by Christoph and Gaby Kuepper where they strive towards sustainable living. Growers can ask Christoph and Gaby to collect their extras and store them at Rails Farm or, as already happens in villages elsewhere, they could establish surplus boxes (with or without an honesty box for token payments). The Kueppers could deliver to villages if necessary. However, they would also invite food banks and similar agencies to contact them if they need fresh vegetables and fruit.
If any WVM readers are interested, please register your interest with Christoph and Gaby via railsfarm@ phonecoop.coop or contact the ‘Grow a Row’ project initiator, Ros Norton, via rosecanna@outlook.com.