2 minute read
REP: Tom Beels tom@beelsandco.com DISTRIBUTOR: Faith Hervey
Creative thoughts
During these cold winter days, many Hermitage residents have been busy with their projects, keeping their eyes peeled for little moments of joy and making the most of the breaks in the rain to enjoy the fresh air. Jeremy Cozens captured a remarkably clear afternoon in early February on the high ground looking North – what a view! Tom Beels encountered this bizarre ‘ice sculpture’ created by chance as vehicles pass a locally flooded roadside.
If you have an interest in arty activity you might enjoy Sir Antony Gormley’s new public venture, “The Great Big Art Exhibition”. He is asking people to make an artwork at home to put in their window or garden. The Angel of the North sculptor said the ambition is to create a countrywide show of imagination and optimism, inspired by the NHS Rainbows last year. Details of how to take part (including a free activity pack) are available from arts organisation FirstSite.

Photo: Jeremy Cozens

Cindy Durham
Get creative at the church
We invite Hermitage residents of all ages, to unlock their creative talents during Lent (17 February to 1 April).
Come and visit and use the church or churchyard as inspiration for a poem or artwork (paint, draw, sculpt, sew, construct ...) Whether you look at the church itself or a small part of it, or at the trees and spring bulbs, or the view, or listen to the birds singing – let it be a celebration, a meditation or simply an escape from lockdown.

Bring your poem or work of art to church on Easter Saturday 3 April for display throughout April. This is not a competition, but just an exhibition of inspiration.
The church is open all day on Sundays and Wednesdays and the churchyard is open all the time. You will of course need to observe social distancing and Covid-19 regulations. All services in the benefice are currently on-line. Clergy and churchwardens are hoping that we may be able to hold services at Easter but plans will depend on the Covid-19 situation and regulations.
Wanted: photos to formalise familiar footpath
High Stoy Parish Council would like some photographic help.
We are in the process of getting the short footpath on Hermitage Village Green dedicated; this is the one that runs from St Mary’s Church kissing gate, to the gate at the car park area. The path will then be included on the definitive footpath maps. To do this, it is a legal requirement that the public ‘accept’ that the footpath exists and use it.
High Stoy has been asked by Dorset Council to present evidence of this by providing photographs of people using the footpath. If you walk along this footpath, it would be immensely helpful if you could take a photograph of you or a member of your household on the footpath, and email it to the parish clerk, Amy Sellick (highstoy@dorset-atpc.gov. uk). The people in the photos don’t need to be recognisable, someone walking away and at distance is fine.
Dave Whiteoak