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REP: Tom Beels tom@beelsandco.com DISTRIBUTOR: Faith Hervey

Welcome to Sally Roohan and Richard Withey, who have moved into Blackberry Farm with their dog Ralph. We hope that they will be very happy in Hermitage and look forward to seeing them at village events when these start up again.


St.Mary’s church

The church continues to be open all day on Sundays and Wednesdays for anyone to go in for some quiet time. We had our first service since Christmas with a full church to hear the Banns read for Cheryl House and Ben Rieper, who will hold their wedding here on 29May.

We hope to settle into a regular pattern of services soon; until then we will let you know via e-mail, WhatsApp or phone calls.

Elizabeth Kenton


Photo: Jeremy Cozens

Annual Church and Parish Meetings

At the Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meetings on 13 April, Elizabeth Kenton was appointed as Churchwarden and the Parochial Church Council was elected as: Chair: Rev G Moody (when available) Vice Chair: Elizabeth Kenton Secretary: George Grazebrook Treasurer: Jan Pescott Fabric Officer: Martin Savage Electoral Roll Officer: Cindy Durham Deanery Synod rep: Elizabeth Kenton Safeguarding Officer: Jocelyn Buck (with EK until training is complete)

Activities during the coming year are not yet known, but it is likely that there will be a Spring Cleaning Working Party during early summer (probably June), Ride and Stride is expected for the second weekend in September, and we are hoping that the normal Hermitage Green weekend activities will take place on the second weekend of August as usual.

Volunteers for Spring Cleaning please!

George Grazebrook

 A nice photo taken by Joss Buck.

A handsome fellow who was finishing off the fish in her pond.

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