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Beer Hackett
BEER HACKETT REP: John Parker johnwincanton@gmail.com DISTRIBUTOR: Susan Ferdinand
Photo: Jean Parker
St. Michael’s Church
On Low Sunday, 11 April, we were pleased to be able to worship in church for the first time since December 2020 and were delighted to welcome Gifle Valley neighbours in a congregation of 21.
Our liturgy was changed at the last minute to the special service issued by the Church of England in memory of His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Henry Johnsen with his father James had erected our flagpole at the top of the tower the day before and affixed the Union Flag at half-mast. Henry tolled a bell 41 times before the service. Revd. Tony Gilbert included in his sermon a warm appreciation of a long life of service and some reflections on his meetings with Prince Philip while in the RAF.
We look forward now to Sunday services being able to carry on. Please continue to refer to the notice board and the website www.threevalleysteam.org. 9
Annual Parish Church Meeting (APCM)
This will be held in church immediately following the 10.00am service on Sunday, 9 May, and will be followed by a short PCC meeting. The APCM is open to everyone on the civil electoral roll. You are warmly invited to join us for both the service and the meeting, or even just the meeting afterwards at approximately 10.50am. This is your opportunity to hear all the reports on the finances, activities and plans of your PCC.
John Bingham
Friends of St. Michael’s Church
Membership subscription renewal
A kindly reminder – please renew your annual subscription if you have not already done so. The ‘Friends’ are now a registered Charity and are thus able to collect Gift Aid. Renewal letters including a Gift Aid form were included with the recent Contact Magazine distribution. However, if you require further copies of the Gift Aid form, or indeed any of the renewal paperwork, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Beer Hackett recipe book
The ‘Friends’ have come up with an idea to publish readers’ favourite recipes in a book to be sold locally.
The idea has been floated in the hope it will help raise monies for our Church.
If you would like to contribute your favourite recipe, please send it to the Secretary either by post or email. Please include the name of your recipe along with full details of ingredients and cooking instructions. Please also include your name and contact details, if only an email address, so that if the book is launched and you would like to purchase a copy – we can be in touch to arrange. This request for recipes is not confined to Beer Hackett – all other local villages are very welcome to contribute.
Defibrillator – volunteers
On behalf of our hamlet and surrounding community, the ‘Friends’ are desperately trying to find volunteers who are willing to collect and deliver the defibrillator should the need ever arise.
Currently we have just three volunteers. Response to this request has not been very forthcoming and so we would ask you all again to consider
putting your name forward for this very worthwhile purpose.
Obviously, the younger the person is the better – but it is far more important for the defibrillator to be delivered as quickly as possible to an emergency – even if it takes a little longer for us ‘oldies’. After all this last year has highlighted the fact that none of us know what is around the corner! Once we have a few more people on the list it will be published and distributed around the hamlet.
Olive Davison, Secretary Firemoon2015@hotmail.com 07552818389 Green Acres, The Mead, Beer Hackett DT9 6QT
Happy Hacketteers
Our village ‘Whats App’ group, set up last year during the first lockdown, is still going strong and proving a useful community resource for information sharing and updates plus humour, recipes, images, local traffic updates and a lot more. Do please join in as it does help to be able to rapidly share information in these strange times!
Dorset Council – recycling timetable
There are some printed copies of the refuse/recycled/garden waste collection rota in the Church porch for anyone doesn’t have the facility to print.