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REP & DISTRIBUTOR: Paul Attwell pcattwell@gmail.com
Shady in the bluebells Photo: James Starr
Batcombe is always at its best at this time of year and especially now, with a fantastic array of primroses and early bluebells, with the first spotted on 30 March. By the time you read this, we will be enjoying the magical bluebells in full flower in Hendover Coppice above the village and there will be lambs in the fields.
While all this has been going on outdoors, the people of Batcombe have been as busy as ever raising funds for the church and planning future events. 4
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
Batcombe will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on 5 June, from noon, with a Bring and Share picnic at Batcombe Hill House. Dress code is Garden Party or Fancy Dress in Regal style. All welcome, invitations will be dropping through Batcombe letterboxes in the coming month.
In celebration of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, with the crowds laying their cloaks and palm branches in front of him, Batcombe church welcomed Alf and Precious, two Shetland ponies, to the service on Palm Sunday. They behaved surprisingly well and all ran smoothly, apart from a small memento left on the church floor.
Photo: Julie Gibbs
Churchyard Maintenance Day
With everything starting to grow the first of the church and churchyard maintenance days was held on 9 April. Thanks to those who gave up their time to help tidy and clean.
Bolster the Beams
The highlight of the month was a talk by Tattie Isles of Tattie Rose Flowers held at Leigh Village Hall. Sparkling wine and canapes started the evening off before a fascinating masterclass in flower design. Tattie’s career and her passion to encourage and demonstrate sustainable floristry, highlighting what can be achieved with locally sourced foliage and flowers was fantastic and everyone who attended left with a small posy of flowers from a grand display. The evening raised over £3,500 for the Bolster the Beams fund. A magnificent achievement by all those involved and many thanks to Tattie for giving her time.
Batcombe Cream Teas
Batcombe will be holding its cream teas in June this year so put the date in your diary now.
The Friary will be hosting once again and the date is 26 June at 3.00pm.
Batcombe Church Lottery
The prize-winners are:
March 2022
1st No. 24 Derek Gordge 2nd No. 42 Louisa Macpherson 3rd No. 37 Tom Shelford
Paul Attwell