8 minute read
News from the Three Valleys team
On 26 May we celebrate Ascension Day, another event in fact in the series of incredible episodes associated with Jesus’ life. The Book of Acts says: 9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.11 “Men of Galilee”, they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Where did he go? What really happened? Sceptics tend to dismiss this as just another story too hard to credit. Strangely perhaps, I have always found that people familiar with science fiction stories, which are often based on genuine concepts, accept the ideas behind the Ascension more easily than many religious people do. I wonder if this is because they are used to the mysteries of science, particularly ideas of alternative realities.
Acts tells us that Jesus went back into Heaven. Belief in those days located Heaven in the sky. Today, though we still don’t really know much about Heaven, our concepts of it have much more in common with these ideas of alternative realities than of a location in the sky.
In many ways our understanding has turned a full circle because on the cutting edge of physics there are all sorts of exotic and, to most of us, hardly believable theories about what reality is and the place of humanity 56 within it. If you don’t believe me, just put terms like the ‘Anthropic Principle’, ‘the Holographic Universe’ or ‘Super Symmetry’ into your Google search engine and see what comes up. Stick to reputable ones like the New Scientist or Scientific American and you will be astonished at what you read. You might even find some of your doubts about what was going on at the Ascension will suddenly melt away.
Perhaps it is enough to say that Jesus did indeed go to the ‘other’ so that he could still be with us today. We do not need to know what that other is.
Rev’d Tony Gilbert
Team Rector Three Valleys Benefice
News from Yetminster Methodist Church
For the beauty of the Earth, For the beauty of the skies For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies, Gracious God to Thee we raise This our sacrifice of praise!
May is a very special month to me as I walked down the aisle on my wedding day, 52 years ago, to this hymn. This was in Londonderry, just before the troubles of the 1970s began, and before the organ in the Presbyterian Church where we were married was removed for safe keeping.
The troubles in Ireland; the Falkland war; the Afghanistan situation; Syria, and so many other places, and now Ukraine. SO much fighting, suffering and loss of life over the last 50 years.
And yet…. I wonder did you, as we celebrated Easter, take time to reflect, “what is Life all about”? I hope you were able to meet with family, friends and enjoy this most special celebration in the Christian calendar.
Yes celebrate! Because the God, who was incarnate in the birth of Jesus, came and lived amongst people, bringing healing of body, mind and spirit. He, who was without sin and yet suffered and died the cruel death of a criminal in our place, said:
“I am the resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Well, in the face of such suffering in the world, the question is still, “Do you believe this?”
We will have been so moved by the accounts of many people, among them young people serving God through Youth with a Mission (YWAM), delivering food, cooking meals, getting people to the border to safety, putting their own lives at risk, in the face of such atrocities, but being the hands, feet and arms of Jesus as they shared in the suffering of the people of Ukraine.
Jesus bore our sorrows, our shame, our sadness, our wrongdoing on the cross so that we would be able to respond as Martha did in that encounter with Jesus after her brother, Lazarus, had died: “Yes Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, Who was to come into the world.”
Jesus made it possible for us to know the splendours of eternal life in God’s presence, in heaven, where there will be no more suffering, injustice, tears, war. A life that will be pure JOY. Yes, that is the gift of God that we are offered and have been celebrating.
His Presence with us, in the suffering on earth, and when our short time on earth comes to an end, for all eternity in His Heaven. Something worth preparing for!
Now we also prepare to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of our Queen, someone who has not only served her people in this country and in the Commonwealth, but also made no secret of serving faithfully her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Have a wonderful Jubilee.
Rev Ruth Farrant
Supernumerary Methodist Minister The Yeovil and Blackmore Vale Circuit
The Hilfield Youth Camp is running this year from 13–21 August and bookings are now open. The camp is run by an experienced team of volunteers (including me) and it offers up to 60 young people aged 13–17 years the chance of a low cost, fun holiday in stunning surroundings, while exploring a Christian theme. This camp is built on friendship, community and faith and is held at Hilfield Friary, so draws on the Franciscan tradition.
The young people are involved in all aspects of the camp from cooking meals to planning and leading worship. All the young people are supported to get fully involved and to use the gifts and skills they bring, as well as getting involved in lots of activities throughout the day and evening, including trips to the beach, adventure activities, challenges and games.
Through all this, the leadership has a caring and encouraging style, allowing individuals to express their feelings and positively recognise the validity of their own views and ask questions about faith and life. There is much more information on the website www.hilfieldyouthcamp. co.uk and I am very happy to talk to any groups of young people or parents who would like further information.
Bookings can be made through this website. The camp cost is £130 for the full nine days, if booked before 1 May, and £150 if booked from May – July. This includes all activities and food. If anyone would struggle with the full cost of the camp, then please do get in touch through the website as financial help may be possible.
Young people can come as individuals or with friends and as groups. There is normally about 40–60 people on the camp, so everyone gets to know each other quickly.
Lizzie Whitbread
Senior Adviser for Work with Children and Young People Tel: 07500 828184
For complete list see www.threevalleysteam.org go to Services page
Please continue to check the website and your local church in case things change.
1st 8th 15th 22nd
BEER HACKETT 10am BCP Holy Communion
CHETNOLE 10am Village Service HERMITAGE 6pm CW Holy Communion
10am CW Holy Communion
10am CW Holy Communion 10am CW Holy Communion 9.30 CW Holy Communion 10am CW Morning Prayer
10am CW Holy Communion
8.30am BCP Holy Communion 6pm BCP Evensong 10am CW Holy Communion 10am Community Spirit
THORNFORD 10am Welcome2Worship
YETMINSTER 10am CW Holy Communion
10am CW Holy Communion 10am Second Sunday at St Andrew’s School 8.30am BCP Holy Communion
10am CW Choral Holy Communion 8.30am BCP Holy Communion
6pm BCP Evensong
11am Short Communion and Rogation Service followed by Bring and Share Lunch (Finger Food only please) West Hayes Farm, Caundle Marsh DT9 5JT
Ascension Day Thursday 26th May 7pm
Service of Healing and Reconciliation with Holy Communion
Monday 9th May
3pm Holy Communion tbc
Tuesday Every
3rd May 6pm
10am Lower Covey Service
Thornford Church
The Old Vicarage Leigh Yetminster Church and on-line via Zoom. Please email for link Yetminster Church
Wednesday 4th May and 11th May only 5pm 6pm
Rectory Tea Room followed by Celtic Night Prayer
via Zoom. Please email for link
Services and times are correct at the time of going to press. Please continue to check website (see above) and church noticeboards.
Team Office:
Yetminster Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG
01935 872600
e:3valleysoffice@gmail.com w:www.threevalleysteam.org Opening hours Mondays: 9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesdays: 9.30am – 12.30pm or 2.00-5.00pm Wednesdays: 9.30am – 12.30pm Team Rector: Rev’d Tony Gilbert
The Rectory, Church Rd, Thornford, Sherborne. DT9 6QE
01935 873044 e: rector3valleys@gmail.com
Team Vicars Rev’d George Moody
The Vicarage Church St, Yetminster DT9 6LG
01935 873214 e: revgeorgemoody@gmail.com Rev’d Richard Kirlew
01963 23570 e: rector3valleys@gmail.com
Jubilee Hall Yetminster
ENQUIRIES: Three Valleys Benefice Office,
01935 872600 e: 3valleysoffice@gmail.com
Yetminster Methodist Church
Chapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJ Minister: Rev Kate Konrad 01935-415837 Worship co-ordinator: Mrs Barbara Driver
Tel: 01935 873690 Treasurer:
Mrs S Gilbey
All services begin at 10:30am followed by coffee.
Hilfield Friary services continue. Information can be found on our website https://hilfieldfriary.org.uk and Facebook page www.facebook.com/HilfieldFriary so please look to see what we are up to.
Roman Catholic Services
Roman Catholic Church
The Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3EL
tel: (01935) 812021 Weekend mass times: Saturdays at 6.00pm Sundays 10.30am Holy Days 10.00am and 6.30pm
Parish Priest: Monsignor Canon Robert Draper e: sherbornerc@prcdtr.org.uk w: sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk