240 November 2011 Wriggle Valley Magazine

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No. 240

November 2011

The Wriggle Valley Magazine

Photo Nashby John Tatchell AmyJudy Gallimore

news and views from your Wriggle Valley community

The view from the top of Bailey Ridge over our beautiful Wriggle Valley

Christmas Fairs

PP 14, 25, & 27

“Lest we forget…..“ Poppy Talk

Last date for Operation Christmas Child

P 20 P 17 wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk

Yetminster Scout Group Quiz Night P 36


YETMINSTER HEALTH Centre Church Street, Yetminster Sherborne, Dorset DT9 6LG Offering a full range of primary healthcare services under one roof BRANCH SURGERY: TWICE A WEEK at EVERSHOT For all enquiries or to request a free practice brochure, please phone us on the Reception number

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Amy Sturgess

Contents News from the Villages Batcombe Chetnole Hermitage Hilfield Leigh Autumnal Chinese lantern skeleton

Editor’s notes…

Ryme Intrinseca Yetminster

5 5 6 13 14 14 22 24 27 28 30 33 40 43 44 47 50 52

As autumn finally touches us with her chilly fingers (haven’t we had a gorgeous Indian Out and About summer), our thoughts turn to the approaching festivities. In order to get you in the spirit follow Diary - November onwards the instructions of this festive recipe, Secret Regular Meeting & Activities Christmas cake on page 42. As promised we have been busy bees General News sorting out our new website wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk which is now Wriggle Valley recipes available for public consumption. You will notice that there is a slideshow of St Andrew’s Primary School local photos used in the magazine right below News from our Churches the header. Below this are the archived magazines which can also be accessed in their Benefice Church Services months from the right hand column. Click on the magazine and this will allow you to view a larger Leigh Weather Watch page; if you are having trouble reading the page click again on the hand icon and it will Planning Applications magnify. In addition we also have updated …gone Christmas gardening 55 events, activities and meetings on a button just below the header so you will have all you need Spotlight on our community 57 at your fingertips. Businesses which advertise with 59 us are hyperlinked from the page turning Club News magazine; just hover over the website address on the advert and a click will take you to that businesses’ website. We have also added local links on the bottom of the sidebar. If you can think of anything else you need from our website let us know. Next month is our double issue so please may we have all your news and views by 14 November. Don’t forget to send in photos to accompany the articles, it makes for a more interesting read. Enjoy the fireworks and be safe. Bella Neate-Clegg The Wriggle Magazine is FREE but readers are invited to make voluntary donations towards the cost of production. These should be forwarded to the Treasurer at Mallows House, Church Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG. Cheques can be made payable to Wriggle Valley Magazine. Thank you for your continued support


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he new school term has got off to a rocky start for some of our Chetnole sixth formers attending The Gryphon School in Sherborne. Sadly, and not without some degree of frustration

News from the Villages

BATCOMBE..... Rrepresentative: Alan Bastone (01300) 341351 Alan@FlowersFarmlakes.co.uk


The promised Indian Summer, all three days of it, has been and gone, the leaves on the trees are just changing colour and Batcombe will soon AT LEIGH VILLAGE HALL be dressed in Autumn gold. SATURDAY 12 NOVEMBER The Auction of Promises (see advertisement) on the 12 November is 7 FOR 7.30PM looking for promises and help on the SIT DOWN MEAL day. Please come along and help to PLEASE BRING OWN DRINK make it a successful evening . AND GLASSES The Harvest Festival saw the church full and our thanks to the ladies for TICKETS FROM arranging the flowers and also Andrew BRIDGET GORDGE ON 01935 and Suzie Graham for opening their 83644 or email house for the bring and share lunch; a bridgetgordge@hotmail.com really enjoyable day was had by all. IN AID OF ST MARY’S The Public Notice Board near Harris Farm is in a poor state of repair and CHURCH, BATCOMBE needs to be replaced. The Parish Council was wondering if it is used much. Please contact Kerry on 01935 83563 The next Batcombe coffee morning or kerrystraughan@onetel.com, if you is at Lillian Newman’s house on do use it before they spend the money Wednesday 2 November at 11am. on a replacement. Alan Bastone

High Stoy Parish Council Minutes

Flowers and Manor Farm, Hilfield, and Almshouse Farm, Hermitage. The farmers have kindly agreed not only to store the salt but to spread it as best they can. They Points of public interest discussed at may, at times, need a little help with this the Council Meeting held on 27 Sept 2011 and I hope all of us will be ready to offer Winter gritting policy – As our villages our services to help distribute the salt are not on the Council’s salting routes should we be asked to do so. (villages have to have over 750 houses in Superfast Broadband - DCC have order to qualify to have their roads salted) invited all PC owners to consider raising we have ordered six dumpy bags of salt, their Parish Precepts in order to contribute two for each village, which will be located towards the £10million required for capital at: Scotley and Church Farms in Batcombe, match funding in order to improve the Batcombe – Cllrs Evelyn Jone & Carole Potter Hermitage – Cllrs John Ryder (Chair) & Keith Mitchell Hilfield – Cllrs Alan Bastone & Sue Bosanquet Clerk – Kerry Straughan 01935 83563

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 5

broadband connectivity across the County. As this money comes from your pockets we would like to know your views on this suggestion. Please talk to your Cllr or email the PC Clerk at harrystraughan@talktalk.net if you have any views on this. Septic Tanks – please be aware that private drains and sewers which are not connected to a public sewer, but which drain to a private treatment facility such as

a septic tank or cess pit which does not itself discharge in to the public sewerage system, are required by law to be registered with the Environment Agency. For more information on this new regulation and free registration go to http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk or call the Agency on 03708 506 506. Kerry Straughan Clerk to HSPC


the Sun Walk and also to Team Fudge who, by now, should have taken part in the Great South Run – such sporting achievements cannot go unmentioned and all in aid of charity. Here’s hoping that the lovely sunshine we experienced in October continues this month and we are not to be besieged by unexpectedly large unseasonal falls of snow as we were in 2010. I’m not ready for sledging again just yet! Enjoy November, whatever the weather. Liz Tebbatt

with Melbury Bubb & Stockwood

Representative: Liz Tebbatt 873140 tebbatt.towers@virgin.net Chetnole’s best wishes go out to Tony Woodford who at the time of writing is convalescing in The Willows, Sherborne following a spell in Yeovil District Hospital and also to Steve Crumpler who has also had a brief spell there but is now on the mend. Well done to Jude Lewin on completing

Jude Lewin completes the Shine Marathon for Cancer Research UK A huge thank you to everyone who sponsored me for the Shine Marathon on 1 October for Cancer Research UK. Walking 26.2 miles across and around London during the night with 10,000 other people who took part was good fun (if not hot - it was the warmest October night on record!). I did it and I pretty much kept to my target of four miles an hour (although to be honest my target was just to finish it!) - no blisters or injuries (that I know of!) and apart from walking like I needed a hip replacement the day after, I've now recovered! I'm thrilled to let you know that together with on-line sponsors and support from locals in the pub I've raised


Jude & pals crossing the finishing line, still smiling!

an amazing £2500 for Cancer Research UK, plus an additional £450 through Gift Aid, so nearly £3000 - which works out at about £115 per mile! It's still not too late to sponsor me - my web page is www.sponsormetoshine.org/judelewin2 Thank you so much for your generosity for such a fantastic cause. Jude Lewin






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Jean Woodford Chetnole Bridge Drive After sixteen years, Jean Woodford is retiring from her role as organiser of the annual Chetnole Bridge Drive. During these years, Jean and her team have raised over £8000 for Cancer Research which is amazing and for which they should be congratulated. It all began on 9 March, 1995 in the village hall where teams including Chris Goodbody, Bee Grant-Peterkin and June Stringer battled it out over the tables to raise £352 for the charity and each year’s subsequent event continued to raise wonderful amounts of money. Bridge players from Chetnole and its surrounding villages will appreciate the efforts Jean and team have made over the years to produce a fun afternoon which always includes the infamous “Simply Super Tea” in recent

The Great Macmillan Coffee morning This took place in the village hall on Wednesday 28 September. Thank you to everyone who came and helped, bought items and supported in any way..........the final total including some late donations came to £310. What a generous village this is!!!

years courtesy of Sue Morgan, and Aly Kozowyk’s raffle. Jean would also like to thank Ken Madgwick and John Fripp for stepping in when she was in hospital in 2009 and to every member of the team who have all assisted her so well. Jean will continue to play Bridge (she regularly plays at Sherborne and Bradford Abbas clubs) and is ready to help with future Bridge drives should they continue.

Liz Tebbatt

Chetnole Village Hall 100 Club October 2011 1st Prize £20 No 34 Mr & Mrs J Sandford 2nd Prize £15 No2 Mr & Mrs A James 3rd Prize £10 No40 Mr & Mrs E Hirst

Ann Flew Leigh, Chetnole & Batcombe Seniors Citizens Christmas Lunch Committee Chetnole no longer has representatives on the Committee and it is vital that replacements are found to represent our village. This event has been running for the past 40 years and provides a lunch for the over 60s at the beginning of December. It is funded by monies raised at a few fundraising events throughout the year. The committee meets about 3 or 4 times during the year. If you are able to join the committee please contact Brian or Margaret Read on 872356. wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 9

St Peter’s Church News The Dorset Historic Churches Trust Annual Ride and Stride on 10 September, was undertaken on behalf of Chetnole by that well known trio, Stan, Adam and Clare Darley who between them raised the magnificent sum of £114. As always, half of this amount will be returned by the Trust for the upkeep of St Peter's Church. Earlierthis year, the ancient heaters in the Chancel were removed as their sole function seemed to be keeping a few spiders in comfort and little else. They have been replaced with ceramic radiant heaters which will be very welcome at Morning Prayers during the winter The first formal stage of paperwork for the repair/refurbishment of the churchyard wall has been approved by the Diocesan Advisory Committee and we now have the mandatory 28 days public consultation which will expire on 24 October. Following this, the stately minuet continues with the submission to the Diocesan Chancellor, requesting the issue of a Faculty which will allow work to commence. The Christmas Concert at St Peter's on Sunday 4 December will consist of Choir,

The Christmas

Concert at St Peter's Church on Sunday 6.00pm, 4 December Choir, Soloists, and Musical Ensemble of the girls from Leweston School

Soloists, and Musical Ensemble of the girls from Leweston School 140 tickets will be issued, half to us and half to the School. Although it is a long way ahead as I write, I have already sold 54 in advance ! If you haven't booked any yet, try me on 01935 872670 David Gough A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY

FLOWER SHOW & FETE AGM 7.30pm Tuesday 1 November Chetnole Village Hall ALL WELCOME




12 noon Sunday 20 November







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Selling a wide range of sweet & savoury puddings, pies, cakes & slices. Frozen & Fresh Monday - Friday 9.00am to 3.00pm 3, Hyle Farm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 6EE 01935 817373 www.puddingsandpies.com FIELD TO FORK CATERING. Home cooked buffets using our free range meat and home grown vegetables FROM OUR FIELD TO YOUR FORK Weddings, Birthdays & Christening buffets Dinner parties prepared for you to cook Celebration platters, office lunches, cream cake platters PLEASE RING FOR SAMPLE MENU AND PRICE LIST. OAKLEIGH FARM, COLES LANE, YETMINSTER, SHERBORNE. DORSET, DT9 6LP

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Delicious savoury and sweet biscuits, lovingly made at the Dorset Village Bakery

Local Stockists: Oak House Stores, Yetminster Bridge Garage, Leigh Goose Slade Farmshop, East Coker The Pear Tree, Sherborne “Speciality Producer of the Year 2009 Taste of Dorset - Harmsworth Award, 2010” Pinesway Business Park, Station Road, Stalbridge, DT10 2RN



HERMITAGE.... Local representative: Ray Dickerson (01963) 210292

Harvest Festival Our Harvest Festival was held on 18 September. The church was beautifully decorated by Pat Richardson and the service was well attended. Afterwards we all gathered at the Village Hall for a Harvest Lunch of delicious soups, homemade bread and cakes, all made by Christine Dickerson. We are extremely grateful to Christine for her hard work and generosity. Everyone enjoyed themselves and appreciated the lovely food. £200 was raised overall for church funds. Thank you also to everyone who helped and came to support us. Liz Cozens

An early autumnal morning in Hermitage

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sunday Soup Lunch - 6 November at noon This is a final reminder about the Soup Lunch being held in the Village Hall between noon and 2pm. Entrance is £2.50, to include homemade soup and bread lunch. Other refreshments will be available. As well as delicious soup there will be a Jam/Jelly/Marmalade/Chutney and Book Swap. Please ring Christine on 01963 210292 for further details.

Bingo Bingo returned to the Village Hall after its summer ‘lay-off’ on Saturday 8 October and a good time was had by one and all. The prizes were fairly evenly shared amongst the tables and thanks go to Barbara, Ann and Charlie for organizing the Service Sunday - 6 November at 6.30pm. evening. Our service of evening prayer on Sunday 6 November will also combine a Service of Village Hall committee Remembrance. Everyone is welcome. The AGM of the Village Hall committee was held in September and the following Quiz – Friday 18 November at 7:30 pm members were re-elected for another year. At the time of going to press, most of the Barbara Atyeo, Sue Bosanquet tables have been booked for this evening. (Chairman), Ray Dickerson (Secretary), If you have not registered but would like Cindy Durham, Tony Eidsforth (Treasurer), to play please give me a call just in case Pat Mitchell, Jan Pescott (Vice Chairman), someone has had to drop out. Nigel Stanford and David Whiteoak. As well as the Fish and Chips, there will Please find High Stoy Parish Council minutes in the Batcombe section

be a bar and raffle. Profits from the evening will go to St. Mary’s Church.

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 13

Christmas Fair – Saturday 3 December This is a reminder that St. Mary's Church is combining forces with the Village Hall committee to hold a Christmas Fair on Saturday 3 December in the Village Hall. There will be all things Christmassy; all proceeds to be shared for Village Hall and Church funds. We hope to see you between 10.30am and 12.30. Xmas Bingo – Saturday 3 December Bingo with a Christmas flavour will be held in the Village Hall. ‘Eyes down’ will be at 7.30pm.


Noon Saturday 3 December

Seasonal food, gifts, decorations, cards, a Christmas raffle, coffee and tea, mulled wine and mince pies.

New Year Party – 28 January 2012 The traditional New Year Party is Themed Evening – 10 March 2012 scheduled for 28 January. I know that it's a This is even further away, but once again long way off but please put this event in we’d like you to pencil this in your 2012 diary. your diary, with a start time of 7.30pm in At the moment we are favouring a the Village Hall. More details will follow in French theme, but watch this space! future Wriggle Valley magazines". Ray Dickerson

HILFIELD.... Representatives: Michael & Ann Harris 01300 341148

Please find High Stoy Parish Council minutes in the Batcombe section

LEIGH..... Representatives: Anne & David Reason (01935) 873726 dareason@btinternet.com

It is really rather comical isn’t it? In my ‘Intro’ for the October WVM I welcomed you all to Autumn – since when we have had Summer! Explanations please? Adaptability is the name of the game! Mentioning no names – perish the thought – we have had or about to have a number of septuagenarians, octogenarians and - ‘Whey Hey’ – nonagenarians in the village. Happy Birthdays to all of you! In the same vein we wish Dennis Fudge a speedy return to rude good health.


Bella, our Editor, warned that the Dec/Jan edition of WVM was a double one. We – Anne and I – will cover the February edition but that will be our LAST one. Philip Bryan very kindly will cover the March edition ONLY (as we are away) but after that – at the moment (12 Oct 11) – there is no-one to take on the mantle. Please don’t let ‘our bit’ fall into the wayside. It is not onerous but we have done it for 5 yrs (and delivered it!) – it’s somebody else’s turn! David Reason

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St Andrew’s Church The big money raiser this month is the concert “Dogs without Collars” in Leigh Village Hall on Friday 11 November at 7.30pm. There will be drinks and nibbles in the interval – they are a band of clergy who play 60s/70s music and in the second half encourage those who would like to, to get up and dance!! It should be a really fun evening and you can obtain tickets from either John Parks, David Reason or Leigh Village Stores (£7 each). The whole Benefice is invited to come! Many thanks to all those who sponsored David and me for the Dorset Historic Bike Ride in September and we (and Luke Goddard) managed to raise £350, half of which will come back to St Andrew’s Church, Leigh. A date for your diary – next year’s May Fair will be on Saturday 19 May 2012. Anne Reason

Dogs without Collars Come to Leigh Village Hall on 7.30pm, Fri 11 November To hear this rock band of local Dorset vicars Tickets cost £7 including glass of wine & nibbles in interval Available from David Reason 873726, John Parks 873603 or Leigh Village Stores In aid of St Andrew’s, Leigh

The Poppy Talk This year’s Poppy Appeal Talk on behalf of The Royal British Legion is on Thursday 3 November and as you read this you need to book NOW!! General Sir Robert Fry KCB, CBE has kindly agreed to give this year’s talk and his subject is the First World War. General Sir Robert lives in Sherborne and although retired from a distinguished military career is heavily involved with Help For Heroes. Commandant General, Royal Marines and Deputy Commandant General to the Coalition Forces in Iraq have, I’m sure, given him a rare insight into the echelons of high command. His interest and knowledge of the history and mythology of the Great War will fascinate everyone.

I really do recommend you come and listen to his brilliant talk. The Leigh Village hall doors open at 7.00pm. Tickets are £7.50 which includes a drink and nibbles before the talk which starts at 7.30 prompt. Tickets available from Julian Turnbull 01935 873846 or Brenda Addison at the Village Shop. Julian Turnbull wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 17

News from the Old Vicarage A trip to London back in September saw us pick up 2nd prize in the NAPA “Food Glorious food” challenge! (For full report, see below.) We have won £500, which has been earmarked for a new wheelchair friendly greenhouse once the new build is complete, a bread maker, and £50 in Co-op vouchers, which we have used for a cheese and wine morning for our residents. We were lucky enough to meet Prue Leith and also win a signed copy of her latest cookbook! Thank you to all who helped us to achieve this. Three members of staff got married this summer: Emily Rowe, Sarah Marner and Ayeisha Strong. For Emily’s wedding a trip was arranged for seven residents, accompanied by five members of staff. A guard of honour with decorated walking sticks greeted Emily as she emerged from the Abbey, followed by a picnic in the Abbey grounds, and many happy memories were shared.

Emily emerging from Sherborne Abbey

Yetminster cub pack entertained us with a talent show and we were thrilled to have Tim Bassett provide us with a morning of song. The building work is in full swing and disruption is being kept to a minimum. We are planning a Grand opening next spring. Jan Milward

Food and fun at the Old Vicarage We’ve done it again! Having beaten all other competition in 2009 as the winner of the NAPA (National Association for Providers of Activities for Older People) Challenge, Music in the Air, the Old Vicarage Care Home makes it to the top five out of 190 entrants in this year’s Food Glorious Food Challenge. Despite the “very strong shortlist”, the Old Vicarage was very proud to make it to the Annual Gala in Hamilton House in


London this September, where they enjoyed dancing, as well as tea, cakes and sandwiches, and our activities coordinator, Jan, even managed to win a radio in the raffle! Annie Sinnott joined Jan, as well as two of our kitchen staff - Mark and Ginny - and Denzil, one of the residents, who all journeyed up to London to accept our very well earned second place prize of £500. Our prize-winning entry featured several

pictures of various residents enjoying delicious food and reminiscing about old times, as well as information on the methods of care used at the Old Vicarage and examples of lunch menus and food quizzes sometimes given to the residents. All in all, a fantastic day was had, and the award was very well-deserved. Hebe Neate-Clegg Assistant Old Vicarage Care Home

Email: bemat@msn.com

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Hill View Farm Yetminster DT9 6NN

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wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 19



Notes from the Minutes Meeting 20 September, Leigh Parish Council Councillors will be attending a meeting at County Hall regarding winter maintenance and will report back at the next Meeting. A working party will be formed regarding improvements to broadband in the village. With regard to affordable housing, Rob Aspray had attended the meeting and 20


Monday 14 November

MAO’S LAST DANCER This is a terrific film by Australian director Bruce Beresford with a great story, but unlike ‘ The Black Swan’, without the gothic horrors. This is about a child prodigy dancer who defects to the USA at the height of the Cold War and becomes world famous. This is an outstanding film thought by many to be better than ‘The King’s Speech’. Certainly a film not to be missed.

TICKETS £5 AVAILABLE FROM : Leigh Stores and Fiona Parks 01935-873603 Or email fionaparks@talktalk.net

Leigh Village Hall Lottery Results September 2011 1st (£25) no 110 - Mrs Clarke 2nd (£10) no 36 - Ms J Kraft 3rd (£10) no 148 - Mr & Mrs Morris

touched on the subject of Community Land Trust. He will be organising a public meeting in the village hall to explain this in more detail. Trevor Evans has obtained samples of markers for the footpath designated in memory of the late Stanley Waterfall and these would be ordered shortly. The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 15 November at 7.30 p.m. in Leigh Village Hall. Margaret Read

Screenbites - Friday 4 November This is the third time Screenbites have come to Leigh Village Hall. The doors will open at 7pm, and there will be food tastings from a large range of producers before the film, which is called Tortilla. Raquhel Welsh is making an appearance!!! AND Sue Fudge is giving a talk. What a pair! A list of stallholders etc. is in booklets which can be obtained from the Leigh and Yetminster shops. For any further information or tickets, please ring Elizabeth Turnbull on 01935 873846, or e mail on julian.turnbull@virgin.net Elizabeth Turnbull

FRIDAY 4 NOVEMBER Leigh Village Hall.

TORTILLA Doors open at 7pm, Food tastings More info: Elizabeth Turnbull on 01935 873846, julian.turnbull@virgin.net

Future of the Leigh Village Fete A number of those involved in the Village Fete this year met recently to discuss the ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’ of this year’s annual event. All agreed that there were too many events in July and August, not only in Leigh, but locally and within the County. It was also agreed that we should continue with a Fete or an equivalent venture which raises money for the maintenance of the Hall. Now that the Hall’s loans have been settled, those organising our major events i.e. The Food Fair and The Hog Roast are spreading their favours to suitable charitable causes, and not necessarily the Leigh Village Hall.

2012 will be a busy year; afternoon there would we all want to be sporting celebrate the Queen’s events aimed at children Diamond Jubilee and the and their parents: an Olympics as well as our Obstacle Race, Sack Race, traditional May and Food Egg and Spoon, the High Fairs, the Hog Roast, the Jump etc. It will be good Flower Show and Art fun. In addition there Exhibition and the will be the Diamond Ball Pantomime. Weddings, in the Village Hall that quizzes, Moviola, lunches evening. and the weekly exercise However those of us workouts will continue to who have been fetching bring in revenue. and carrying for a A suggestion to have number of years are not a one off event for 2012, getting any younger and in lieu of the Fete is being we need NEW BLOOD considered and we would and NEW IDEAS. Who is value your views. This going to step up to the proposal is to have a Plate? “Leigh Olympics/Diamond Volunteers and those with Jubilee/Sports Day” on ideas can talk to the the Old Vicarage Lawn on Village Hall Committee or Saturday 2 June. more specifically: There would be a Paul Orchard, 01963 210619 number of stalls but Duncan Moore, 01963 219154 principally a Bar, Julian Turnbull, 01935 873846. Barbecue and Cream Teas. Throughout the Julian Turnbull

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 21

Leigh Flower Show Saturday 13 August 2011 The 75th Leigh Flower Show seems quite a long time ago now, but between them 65 people put in nearly 500 entries over 100 classes and it proved a successful and enjoyable event for exhibitors and visitors alike. We were delighted that Dennis Lil (TV’s Mr Rose of The Royal) joined us to open the Show and present the cups. Judith Palmer’s vote of thanks was much appreciated and our charming flower girls played their part beautifully. Despite an often frustrating season, the exhibits of flowers and vegetables were of a high standard, especially the annuals and perennials. Cookery and Leigh always seem to go together and delicious entries were visible for all to see. Our local children did not let us down either with their imaginative and delightful entries. Handicraft proved excellent, but Leigh artists are in short supply. We know you are out there, so don’t be shy!

RYME INTRINSECA..... Local representative: Gilly Wilson 01935 872982 Harvest Festival How nice it was to have Canon Stephen Batty to preach at our harvest service and to welcome people from other villages who had come to hear him.The church was beautifully decorated and "thank you" to the St Andrews Choir for coming to swell the singing. Stephen commented that he missed seeing our village emblems on the headings of the villages in the Wriggle Valley Mag, in our case a horse from the greek " Hippio". Does anyone else have strong feelings about getting the emblems back? Supper as always was well attended at Church Farm,


Photography continues going from strength to strength, according to our Judge. The Floral Art had an increased number of entries, with new exhibitors, and was greatly admired by everyone. As you will see from the Cup Winners list, we have some new winners, as well as old friends. We are always delighted to welcome new exhibitors – nothing ventured, nothing gained, so we look forward to you joining us in 2012. Heather Baldock Flower Show Secretary


LUNCH CLUB Leigh Village Hall

12.30 Tuesday 15 November (bookings by 8 November)

MENU Fish Cakes & Parsley Sauce Peas & New Potatoes Baked Apples & Custard For Reservations or more details: Ring Connie 01935 872946 where everyone had more time to catch up with Stephen after he had dropped in on some of his older more infirm friends on his way up the street. Many thanks to all who helped with puddings, donations of wine,washing up, furniture moving and of course the biggest "Thank you" to Sue and Scrap Batten for hosting the evening yet again. Biannual Village Meeting This will be held on Tuesday 15 November at 7.00 pm in the church. All are most welcome to come and discuss anything to do with life in the village. Particularly what we want to do as a community celebration for the Queen"s Jubilee next year; will we have a beacon like the last jubilee?? Please come and voice your opinons. Gilly Wilson




Professional builders for 28 Years *Extensions *Garages *Roofing & *Chimneys *Lime Putty Pointing *Conversions *Fibreglass Flat Roofing. All Size Homes, Free Estimates and Quality workmanship Covering Somerset & Dorset 01935 829423 Mob 07971 025735 richard_bowring2002@yahoo.co.uk



wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 23

YETMINSTER..... Local representative: Graham Plaice 1 Cloverhay (01935) 872044 gplaice@gmail.com



Another busy month for the village, which has been heavily involved in the Thursday 17 November inter village round of competitions. Oranges and Sunshine A site to house travellers has been 12A – Drama proposed for both Yetminster and Leigh True story of the among other Dorset Villages. The scandal of exporting proposed Yetminster site is in the Coles Lane area of Yetminster. This issue has orphaned British children to Australia which went been reported on the BBC News website and more information can be gained on till the 1960s. Emily from the following website: Watson stars as www.dorsetforyou.com/. Nottingham Social The ongoing problems in the Post Worker Margaret Office may be offering a challenging Humphrys who exposed time for our pensioners, I believe David the matter and tried to Gould has placed a notice in the post remedy its effects. office to assist people to get to other Tickets will again be £5 to post offices in the area, I can do the include a choc ice and will be on same. My telephone number is at the sale at Oak House Stores two back of the magazine and I will be more weeks before each showing. than happy to offer a lift to either Leigh Although tickets will be available on or Thornford post office if required. the door, it is most appreciated if This issue may have resolved itself by they can be bought in advance so the time of print, if not, the offer still that seating can be sorted out stands. reasonably accurately and enough Graham Plaice wine and choc ices be brought to the Hall. Doors will open at 7pm (not before Ron and June Page as Moviola need the time to set up) I am pleased to say that after 6 and films begin at 7.30pm. months, Ron is now back home. Look forward to seeing you We would like to thank everyone for there. their cards, messages and offers of help. The kindness we received was truly overwhelming and 1st Hospice something we shall never forget. Lunch A special thanks to Emma Fuller and John Greenwood for their 1 November endless support during Ron’s long Manor Farm House stay in hospital 24


Jolin Gallery

Do come and enjoy THE CHRISTMAS FAIR

Yetminster 1 November to 24 December


Grand Art Sale Pre-Christmas Art & Sculpture


Silk Scarves, Prints and Cards by Two internationally renowned Artists Liz Shewan & Lyn Marie Whiteman

Admission 50p; Accompanied children free

St Andrew’s Church News Churchyard Clean-up

Harvest service on the previous Friday. Brunch followed in St. Andrew's THANKYOU to all who Hall enjoyed by the many helped with the Churchyard who attended. clean-up on Saturday All the tins and boxes of 8 October. The weather goods have been taken to stayed fine and an army of the Yeovil Night Shelter who willing volunteers with a were really grateful for such variety of tools joined our a generous donation and usual small team of wished their thanks to be mowers to help spruce-up conveyed to all who the Church-yard, well done contributed. The offerings everyone. for the Brunch amounted to Harvest £140.00 and this will be put toward the Footprints Our Harvest Festival charity which helps Service conducted by the Rev.Simon Brignall took prisoners after their discharge. place on Sunday Very many thanks to all 9 October, the Church who helped with the beautifully decorated decorating, the service and with displays of fruit, vegetables, and a wonderful the brunch, for all donations and the clearing up variety of foods in tins and afterwards. boxes, many brought by Thankyou the school children at their Valerie Rowsell

www.lizshewanart.com www.artofexpansion.co.uk

Thurs 3 November both artists will be “In Resident” working on Art pieces 11.30am to 3.30 pm. Thurs17 November Christmas Shopping Open Evening with mulled wine, mince pies & Nibbles 5pm to 7.30pm Wed 7 December Christmas Shopping Open Evening With mulled wine mince pies & nibbles 5pm to 7.30pm Everyone is welcome to all events We look forward to seeing you John ohn & Linda 01935 873044 Opening Times Mon to Fri 10.30am to 5.30 pm Saturday 10.30am to 4pm

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 25

The Chetnole Inn, Chetnole Winners of Best Dining Pub at the 2010 & 2011 Taste of Dorset Awards, The Chetnole Inn sits opposite the parish church in the delightful village of Chetnole. There’s a snug bar with wood-burning stove; a flag stoned, hop-hung lounge bar, a bright airy restaurant, and a beautiful garden. The menu is imaginative & seasonal. The Chetnole Inn prides itself on offering fantastic local food in a rustic inn environment. It also has three beautiful guest rooms for those wanting to combine eating and sleeping. Dinner, bed & breakfast offers run throughout the year. Chetnole, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6NU Tel: 01935 872337. Email: enquiries@thechetnoleinn. co.uk.

THE KINGS ARMS Thornford 872294 kingsarmsthornford.co.uk We are proud to announce that we are in THE GOOD BEER GUIDE. Also, our new winter menu is now on with good homecooked comfort food for the chilly nights ahead. Come & try it. The building of our new restaurant should begin on 7th November. Hopefully this won't cause too much disruption and it will be business as usual until the internal work is done next year. LIVE MUSIC...Nov 12th..9pm. Sean Scannell from Bradford Abbas will be entertaining us again with his fantastic mix of music...come early as it will be very busy. Don't miss it! Sat 19th Nov..9pm QUIZ NIGHT. £1 per person which goes to charity, fun & prizes to be won. Sat 26th Nov..7.30pm TAPAS Night a social evening with a wonderful three course selection of food. £20 per head. Please book by Wed 23rd Nov. From 30th Oct we will be closed Sunday nights. See our website for our opening times. Looking for a Xmas present for the person who has everything? Give them a gift voucher for a wonderful night out at The Kings Arms. All denominations available, just pop in or email us.

Stan Darley

Email: thekingsarmsthornford@gmail.com to join our database & find out about special offers & events.


Out & About- fun for all the family


POGLES’ POGLES WOOD 30 November, but not 28 December. Folk South West presents Open Air parent and toddler sessions at their Forest School site near Leigh Activities include outdoor crafts, guided walks, songs, stories, games and picnic time. 12.45-2.45 pm on the last Wednesday of every month £2.50 includes refreshments.

All welcome Book your place on 01935 873889 or email philippa@folksw.org.uk


Christmas & New Year Celebrations Our Christmas menu is now available for booking for parties from 4 - 50 people. 3 courses for only £20 per head. Menus are available at the bar, or email us

New Year’s Eve Dinner & Party Book your table for a night of Tapas from Around The World music to suit each course, games, fun and bubbly. enquiries@thechetnoleinn.co.uk wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 27

Diary - November onwards







St Margaret's Hospice Lunch [BYO wine] Chetnole Flower Show AGM Artists in residence [art sale until 24 Dec.] The Poppy Talk Screenbites - food tasting & film "Tortilla" Learn Xmas Carols Sunday "Soup Lunch plus" C & L Garden Club "Reliable Herbaceous Perennials" Yetminster History Soc. Talk on William Barnes Dogs without Collars Rock Band Auction Promises for Batcombe Church fund



Sat Sun

5 6










14 Moviola/Leigh Film "Mao's Last Dancer" 15 Ryme Village meeting


WV Lunch Club WVWG - Storytelling Thur



Manor House Farm, Yetminster


Chetnole Village Hall

11.30am 3.30pm 7.00pm 7.00pm

Jolin Gallery, Yetminster Leigh Village Hall Leigh Village Hall

10.00-3.00pm 12.00pm

St.Andrew's Church, Leigh Hermitage Village Hall


Chetnole Village Hall


Church Hall, Yetminster


Leigh Village Hall


Leigh Village Hall

7.00 for 7.30pm Leigh Village Hall 7.00pm

Church, Ryme Intrinseca

12.30pm 7.30pm

Leigh Village Hall Gable Court, Yetminster

17 Moviola/Yetminster Film 7.30pm "Oranges & Sunshine"

Sat Sun Fri

18 Quiz for St.Mary's - with Fish n' Chips Quiz Night - Yetminster Scout Group 19 Christmas Fair 20 Chetnole Curry Lunch 25 Community Xmas Fair


30 Woodland Wednesday

12.45 - 2.45pm


St.Andrew's Hall, Yetminster


Hermitage Village Hall


St.Andrew's School, Yetminster

11am - 2.30pm 12.00pm 6.00 -8.00pm

St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster Chetnole Village Hall St Andrew's Primary School, Yetminster Pogles Wood, nr Leigh




Mon Wed Mon


Artsreach - The Melstock 7.30pm Band 3 Christmas Fair 10.30am 12.30pm Xmas Bingo 7.30pm 6.00pm 4 Christmas Concert Lewiston School Choir & Musicians 5 C & L Garden Club 7.30pm members' Xmas Party 7 History Soc. Xmas Party 2.30pm 12 Candlelit Carols 7.00pm

Chetnole Village Hall Hermitage Village Hall Hermitage Village Hall St.Peter's Church, Chetnole

Chetnole Village Hall Church Hall, Yetminster Yetminster Methodist Church

JANUARY 2012 Sun Mon Tue Sat

1 9

Ryme I. Village walk C & L GC - "Seed Sowing& Propogation" 17 WVWG - "Agog in Dorset" 28 Hermitage NY Party

10.30am 7.30pm

Church Farm Chetnole Village Hall

7.30pm 7.30pm

Gable Court, Yetminster Hermitage Village Hall


7.30pm C & L GC "Extraordinary Bulbs" 8 Yetminster History Soc - 2.30pm talk on Boyles Ed. Trust 21 WVWG - open meeting - 7.30pm "300 Years of Music" 6

Chetnole Village Hall Church Hall, Yetminster Leigh Village Hall


5 C & L GC - Castle Gardens Visit


Chetnole Village Hall


10 Themed Evening


Hermitage Village Hall


14 Yetminster History Soc - 2.30pm S. Wallis, Archaeologist 20 WVWG- Seasonal flower 7.30pm arranging


Church Hall, Yetminster Gable Court, Yetminster


Next month will be a double issue - we need your news & views for the Dec/Jan next issue by 14 November at the latest


wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 29

Regular Meetings‌. Mon - Fri Every Mon

Wriggle Valley Pre-Sch Leigh Short Mat Bowls Yetminster Informal Art Group Ist Yetminster Guides Yetminster Table Tennis Club Yetminster Bell Ringers

8.30am - 3.00pm 2.00 -5.00pm 2.00 - 4.00 6.45 - 8.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm-10.00pm

St Andrew's P School Leigh Village Hall Trim Rm, Church Hall Trim Rm, Church Hall Scout Hut, Yetminster St Andrew's Church

Every Tue

Topsy Turvy Toddlers Beavers (in term) Scouts (in term) Beginners Pilates Chetnole Art Group[starts Sept]

9.30 - 11.30am 5.45 - 6.45pm 7 - 8.30pm wint 1.30 and 2.35pm 10.00 - 1.00pm

St Andrew's School Scout Hut Yetminster Scout Hut Yetminster Chetnole Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall

Every Wed

Dollywood Dance Class Outreach Post Office Services Drop in Coffee Morning Yetminster Short Mat Bowls Wednesday Club (in term) Morning Yoga Class Junior WV Players (in term)

2.00pm 9.30am -12.30pm 10.00 - 12 noon 7.00 - 10.00pm 3.15 pm-4.05pm 10.30 - 11.30am 6.30 - 7.45pm

St And's Hall, Y'minster Chetnole Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall St Andrew's Hall St Andrew's P School Leigh Village Hall Scout Hut Yetminster

Every Thu

Leigh Short Mat Bowls Yetminster Short Mat Bowls Leigh Brownies (in term) Yetminster Cubs Bridge Club The Eye Bus Advanced Pilates

7.00 - 10.00pm 2.00 - 5.00pm 5.30 - 6.55pm 6.45 - 8.15pm 7.00 - 10.00pm 1.00 - 4.00pm 10.15am

Leigh Village Hall St Andrew's Hall Leigh Village Hall Scout Hut, Yetminster Dairy House, Ryme Scout Hut, Yetminster Chetnole Village Hall

Every Fri

Table Tennis

9.30 - 12.30pm

Leigh Village Hall

Every Sat

Irish Dancers


Church Hall, Yetminster

7.30pm 12.30pm 7.30 - 10.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 2.30 - 5.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm

Chetnole Village Hall Manor Farm, Yetminster Leigh Village Hall Church Hall, Yetminster Hermitage Village Hall Leigh Village Hall St.Andrew's Hall Sue Footner 873610 Rest & Welcome Pub Gable Court Leigh Village Hall Leigh Village Hall

1st Mon 1st Tue

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Hospice Lunch Leigh Discussion Club (wint) Wriggle Valley MU (alt months) Hermitage and Hilfield WI 2nd Tues Tuesday Club (senior citizens) Yetminster & Ryme Garden Soc. Senior Winter Lunch Outings (not July/Aug) Halstock & Distr. British Legion 3rd Tues WV Women's Group Wriggle Valley Lunch Club Leigh Parish Council - alt mnths


7.30pm 12.15 - 3.00pm 7.30pm

…Events & Activities Last Tues 1st Wed 2nd Wed 2nd/4th Wed 3rd Wed Wed/f/night

Leigh Women's Iinstitute Yetminster Senior Citizens Coffee Beans Coffee Morning Yetminster Historical Society Police Support Unit High Stoy Bible Study District Council Ward Surgery Police Community Support Sturminster Mobile Library

Bridport Mobile Libray

Whist Drive Wed - Sat Friary Shop Alt Thurs Hermitage and Hilfield YFC 2nd Th/alt mth Chetnole & Stockwood PC Last Thurs Yetminster Fair Association 2nd/3rd Sat YPFPC Wastepaper Collection

7.30 - 11.00pm 3.00pm 10.00 - 12 noon 2.30pm 2.00 - 3.00pm 7.30pm 11.00 - 12 noon 11.15am 11.50am 2.00pm 11.40pm 12.20pm 12.40pm 8.00pm 2.30 - 4.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 12noon

Leigh Village Hall The Meadens Church Hall, Yetminster Church Hall, Yetminster The Cross, Leigh Venue contact 872342 Jolin Gallery, Yetminster By Church, Yetminster Church Lane, Hermitage Shearstones, Yetminster Stonyacres, Yetminster Carpenters' Arms, Leigh The Church, Chetnole Lamb Plot, Chetnole Chetnole Village Hall The Friary, Hilfield Leigh Village Hall Chetnole Villlage Hall White Hart Yetminster Playing Fields

LEIGH VILLAGE HALL Accredited to Hallmark 1. Kitchen 5 stars. Parking for 72 cars. Covered patio

Book Main Hall or Committee Room:

Available dates: Paul Orchard 01963 210619 or paulandmorag@gmail.com Pricing, firm bookings: Duncan Moore 01963 210154 or duncancmoore@aol.com A November date for your diary: Thursday 3: Poppy Appeal Talk General Sir Robert Fry: “The War to end War 1914-18” wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 31

Ask our Friendly Staff for advice on...... goodierheating@btconnect.com

Steve’s Clocks Vintage Clocks restored and repaired. We also have a good variety of clocks for sale. Contact : Steve Perry Telephone : 01935 83450 (there is an answer phone)

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Holistic treatment for both body and mind – bringing good health, balance and relief from stress. Please ring Susan Arrow Dip.NSpH on:

01935 872125 or 07966 940782 32

A warm welcome awaits you at this pretty thatched cottage in the heart of Yetminster. We have 2 beautiful rooms with separate sitting /breakfast room. Please contact us for further details or see our website. 01935 872243 / 07929 031973 www.houndhousebandb.com

General News Inter- Village Competition Boules match 2 October About 30 players and spectators enjoyed a sunny, occasionally hilarious and slightly bucolic afternoon on the Chetnole piste. The official result was a "Whitewash" i.e. The Rest of Wriggle Valley 9 - Yetminster 0. Total points scored : The Rest 117 - Yetminster 52; Thank you Davida and Nigel for volunteering to be "loaned out" to Yetminster for the afternoon. Our thanks to Julian for a simple but excellent sausage barbecue, [produce of the Yetminster Farm Shop] and also to Chris Murphy of Wriggle Cottage for the loan of the magnificent barbecue unit. Our fame has spread furthur than we thought , as Yetminster had brought along one player, Claudia, who had travelled all the way from California to take part in this prestigious event.............Cheers Gordon Ratcliffe

Cynthia and Terry Gough are pleased to announce that the next

PROJECT RETURN CHARITY DINNER will be held at the New Dynasty Chinese Restaurant

Bond Street, Yeovil

Boyles Educational Foundation Would all those students and those taking up apprenticeships please submit an application for a grant from the Boyles Fondation. This applies to those living in Yetminster, Leigh or Chetnole only. We would also consider applications from local youth groups.. Please contact Mrs Margaret Read, Bound Lane Farm, Leigh. Tel 01935 872356 Alan Hill

Tuesday 29 November 7.00 p.m. for 7.15 p.m. Meal £18, excluding drinks. Advance booking only. Tickets from Patrick and Frances Moule (01935 872447) or Terry Gough (01935 872045) Cheques payable to ‘Project Return’. Free car parks near the restaurant. Proceeds to support poor families in Vietnam. Project Return is Registered Charity No. 1081641.

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 33

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TELEPHONE: 01935 873676

Candle Auction There were 11 people at the Candle Auction held in Leigh Village hall on 27 September. This ancient tradition is still alive and two plots of land were auctioned by this method. These were Alton Mead and Beer Mill Mead; the auctioneer was Alan Hill who oversaw the proceedings and ensured a fair and honest auction. The good news in that Beer Mill Mead is in the hands of the Conservation group for another year. The flame was regrettably long lasting and gave some heart stopping moments in its last throws. This combined with upward pressure from other bidders meant that the price reached ÂŁ275. The amount of work required on the conservation area this year is not very great, as the work of previous work parties is bearing fruit on the variety of

habitats. There is even fresh grass growing in places where it has not for many years which is good for the deer. However more jobs may occur if there is winter storm damage. The following is a provisional job list for this Winter. Carry out nest box survey Re-fix Tawny owl box in an upright position Cut back the overhanging bushes and trees that obstruct the path along the lane beside BMM. If somebody would be willing to arrange a work party to do this work, then please let Kevin Waterfall know possible dates for a work party to get together. kevin.waterfall@btinternet.com Or telephone 07825 152251 Kevin Waterfall

Getting Messy Again! On a sunny Sunday afternoon, 20 Mums and Dads and 35 children met in St Andrew’s Primary School, Yetminster for our 2nd Messy Church. We came together for 2 hours from 3-5 and the afternoon was full of fun, crafts, songs, a play and then a meal of hotdogs and cakes. The afternoon was based around the story of the Good Samaritan. It was a really happy, joyful occasion and as always a big thank-you to the Messy Church team for their time and commitment to Messy Church. We would also like to thank St Andrews School for allowing us to

use the school. It made an excellent venue! We look forward to sharing many more fun filled Messy Church events with you in 2012!! Anne Reason and Kay Wilson White wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 35

Yetminster Scout Group

QUIZ NIGHT 7.00pm 18 November @St Andrew’s School £6 per person Max 6/team evening of fun and Come and join us for an a ploughmans supper, bring a bottle. There will be prizes for the first and last teams. Tickets are available in advance from the School office, Oak House Stores, The White Hart, Thornford Pub or by emailing “eastlands12@gmail.com” until Monday 14 November. Spaces are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Loud and Clear

MINTERNE GARDENS Over 200 Acers & Maples are creating spectacular autumn colouring now. Open until 9 November 10am to 6pm daily. Admission £5 01300 341370 www.minterne.co.uk

COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES FOR SALE Kennel Club Registered Tan and White One dog and one bitch Kitchen-reared Available early November Contact: Bea Grant-Peterkin Tel 872255

for Christmas

If you would like to learn some of the Christmas Carols that were sung round these parts in the days before organs were introduced into our churches, come along to St Andrew’s Church, Leigh on Saturday 5 November for a day led by Eddie Upton and Philippa Toulson. The day is open to everyone, regardless of experience. You will be learning songs in harmony but you don’t need to be able to read music. Eddie and Philippa are experienced leaders and run Folk South West. If you enjoy the day you will have the chance to meet again and contribute to a Christmas concert in Leigh on Saturday 10 December. The event on 5 November will run from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm with a suggested minimum donation of £7 per adult or £3 per child (£10 per family). If you would like to come please contact Eddie and Philippa at Folk South West 01935 873889 or email eddie@folksw.org.uk 36

Bespoke Carpentry Service Kitchens – Handmade and fitted units, made to measure free standing units Windows, Doors Libraries – storage solutions Loft conversions/Roofing work Property maintenance All Carpentry aspects covered Call Paul on 07894 822392 01935 872897 www.rbgstonemason.co.uk

www.fairhurstcarpentry.co.uk paulfairhurst7@aol.com

NINE SPRINGS NATURAL HEALTH CENTRE Complementary therapies · Relaxing treatments · Regular weekly classes · Interesting one-day workshops Studio and Seminar Room for hire 70 Hendford Yeovil BA20 1UR 01935 422488 reception@ninespringsclinic.org

For more information - www.ninespringsclinic.org Amy Whittlesea BMus/LRAM Professional musician & recorder specialist with 16 years of teaching experience. Can cater for beginner recorder players up to diploma level for any age. Can also teach violin & piano up to Grade 5 & prepare pupils for Grade 5 theory.

Tel: 01935 873720 Mobile: 07957 325381 Email: amywhittlesea@hotmail.com

Goose Slade

Farm Shop A wide range of local produce Including quality assured meats, fresh fruit & vegetables, fine wines, ales & cider, freshly baked bread & cakes And much more

Fresh oven ready geese available Michaelmas to Christmas

10 am - 6 pm Tuesday - Saturday Just off the A37 Yeovil to Dorchester Road towards Sutton Bingham Reservoir EAST COKER, YEOVIL. TEL: 01935 863735

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 37


Tupof!'!Xppe!Cvjmejoh!Dp/ Sherborne Tennis Club New members welcome! For Junior supervised Club sessions Junior and Adult Squads Junior and Adult coaching Easter and summer holiday camps Contact Matt Long on 07403 025881 Stu Wilson on 07825 660781 For Adult and Junior Membership info contact Meg Crothers on 0845 456 3591 Or log on to www.sherbornetennis.com


Extensions & Renovations Listed Buildings Traditional Repair Timber Framing Carpentry&Joinery

Contact Neil Sellick on 07769 730379 / 01935 83633 Batcombe Dorset. Est 15 yrs

“Volunteer – What, Me?” I hope that the following programme will interest you and your friends and colleagues. If you volunteer already, if you lead volunteers or just if it interests you. As part of its VolunTEAMing project, The Dorset Volunteer Centre (VCD) and Sherborne Douzelage, in conjunction with the Gryphon School and Sherborne Town Council, are hosting a 2 day Conference and Workshop entitled “Volunteer Leadership”. This is on Friday 4 & Saturday 5 November, in the Church Hall, Digby Road, Sherborne, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm each day. Participation is FREE, including a free buffet lunch and refreshments. You can attend a half day, 1 day or 2 days On Friday there will be key note presentations from Oliver Letwin MP, Jonathan Holyhead CEO of Dorset Blind, Nigel Spring of EuCan and Butterfly Conservation, Guy Patterson of Age UK, plus speakers from six EU countries. These will be followed by a Panel Session and discussions. On 5th we start with a discussion about voluntary work in local government with contributions from Michael Bevan DCC, Robin Legg & Robert Gould WDDC, Phil Burton DCA & Leigh PC, plus the mayor of Marsaskala in Malta and a contribution from Chojna in Poland. This will be followed by expert-led discussions to determine what participants want to improve about voluntary work in all sectors. These include Youth, Education, Health & Humanitarian, Elderly Welfare, Environment & Conservation, Arts,

Culture & Heritage, Community Action as well as Sport and Recreation. The event is truly International with 24 representatives from Voluntary Groups in Chojna, Poland; Holstebro, Denmark; Köszeg, Hungary; Marsaskala, Malta; Prienai, Lithuania; and Siret, Romania; as well as voluntary organisations from Dorset and Somerset. Please join us to give your views and hear what others have to say. Our Main Aims are: Share experiences of volunteering in our area and in different countries and learn from their best practices, especially showcasing Sherborne and Dorset best practices. Provide organisations and individuals with knowledge and techniques to enhance Volunteer Leadership and provide their voluntary organisations with greater opportunities. From this event participants will formulate proposals to go to local authorities and other bodies in their own villages to raise the profile of volunteering and create a better climate for voluntary work. We welcome participation from all, but to ensure we have enough space and to cater for everyone, please let us know you will be attending. Please contact Mary Clothier on 01963 251255 or email marydmc38@gmail.com to reserve your place and obtain a detailed programme. This project is funded with the support of Europe for Citizens Programme and WDDC. Kevin Waterfall

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 39

Secret Christmas Cake Many thanks to the Chetnole Cookbook Ingredients 1 cup water 1 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar Lemon juice 1 bottle Single malt Speyside whisky

This is what you do


Next, stif 2 cups of salt. Or something. Who hares a coot? Next, stif the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table Add a spoon of sugar, or something. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven and pass out the fridge. Turn the cake tin 350 defrees granheit. Don’t forget to beat off the turner, chuck the bowl drough the tham window. Check the whisky again and go to bed.



Sample scotch to check quality Take a large bowl Check whisky again – to be sure it is of the highest quality Pour one level cup and drink Turn on the electric mixer Beat one cup of butter in a fluffy bowl Add one tsp of sugar. Beat again Make sure whisky is still okay. Try another cup Turn off the mixer Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Mix on the turner If fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers pry loose with a screwdriver. Sample the whisky to check tonsisticity.

1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 4 large eggs Nuts 2 cups dried fruit


For Friendly Advice Call 01963 210180 Mobile: 07754290615 www.DMDHComputers.co.uk

Gas Safe qualified Boiler servicing & repairs, leaking taps, problem radiators, toilets, water leaks, blocked drains, burst pipes, washing machine and dish washer installations Call Alan on 07768 755 914 or

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Suppliers of Roof Coverings for the Wriggle Valley and beyond! Slates & Tiles (new and old), Ridges, Felt & Batten, Lead, Chimney Pots, Insulation, Cedar Shingles and Stable/Shed Roof Sheets, or just feel free to call for Roofing Advice. Unit 6, Yeobridge Trade Park,Flushing Meadow, Sherborne Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 5DL 01935 700425 or 07843 260274

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St Andrew’s Primary School PTA Support us in helping to create a thriving rural community If you don’t have children use by the school but also at St Andrews, you could be local residents and clubs. forgiven for thinking, “Oh, Many of you will have voted the school – that’s nothing to for this project in the recent do with me” turning over the NatWest Communityforce page and reading no further. initiative, but if you didn’t But please.... don’t! manage to register your vote Here in Yetminster and don’t worry, there will be the surrounding villages, plenty more fundraising we’re very lucky to have an events throughout the year, extremely good primary whether you take part, or school as a key part of our just come along and enjoy community. With a good the fun. Also, this year we school, we can be sure that had a stand at the Yetminster young and growing families Fair – our Year 6 leavers sold will continue to live in, work tie-dyed T-shirts and other for and grow our community, items they had made to raise helping to ensure the viability funds for their Leavers’ Party, of our local shops and while the ‘Hook a Duck’ and businesses, as well as local ‘Splat the Rat’ provided clubs, societies and the other plenty of entertainment for numerous activities that youngsters. make a rural community As you know, public successful. spending cuts mean that Our role in the PTA is to school budgets are being support the excellent work squeezed more than ever, done by the Governors of the and our role as fundraiser is school and our headteacher even more important to Paul Miller and his team. We ensure we can continue to also believe passionately that offer our community a school the school should serve the to be proud of. Just in the larger community, in being last year, the PTA has helped not just a hub for learning, to fund outdoor play but also a focus for a variety equipment, aids for literacy, of events and activities that equipment for the school draw our residents together computer department (or ICT and build our sense of unit) and dictionaries. It is community. this kind of equipment that You may be aware that the school simply does not our Swimming Pool appeal is have the budget for, and yet now well underway and with it can make such a difference your support we’re aiming to to our youngsters’ learning open a newly refurbished environment. (and heated) St Andrew’s We run a series of events Pool next year, not just for throughout the year, and

Dress as a Pirate on our Summer Family Fun Day 2011 while some of them are ‘child-focused’, many are not, such as our Race Night and our Annual Quiz. Our Christmas and Summer Fairs are supported by many of our local small businesses, selling their excellent products, so a visit to our Christmas Fair on 25 November could save you some time trawling round the shops looking for gift inspiration! So – please do support your local school and help us to support our local community. Events are advertised in local shops and our website has details of all up and coming events, as well as lots of information about what goes on at the school from day to day. Anna Matthews Chairman, PTA, St Andrew’s Primary School

www.standrewsyetminster.org.uk wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 43

News from our Churches The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. n the history of this country the only other monarch to achieve a reign of 60 years was Queen Victoria 1837 – 1901. In 2012 Queen Elizabeth 11 will become the second monarch to celebrate this historic landmark. The opportunity to celebrate an occasion as unique as this cannot be understated. Already preparations to mark the event are gathering pace as plans for a spectacular Jubilee begin. The Queen’s coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on 2 June1953 and a Bank holiday has been announced to give us all the chance to mark this historic date. Beginning on Saturday 2 June up until Tuesday 5 June there will be big national occasions in cities around the country but Sunday 3 June and Monday 4 June every town and village is encouraged to hold a local celebration. In 1977 ten million people shared a community Street Party to mark the Queen’s Silver jubilee. The big Lunch planned for Sunday 3 June is an opportunity for fun, celebrating community and friendship. A starter pack with downloadable material full of ideas, posters and recipe cards is available from: info@thebiglunch.com On Monday 4 June the challenge is to light 2012 beacons across the country on Castle battlements, Church towers, mountain tops, car parks and beaches. Beacons have been lit nationally for centuries, at first to alert the population of a threat to the nation’s security, but in 1897



From the Registers Baptisms Finnia Lyon-Wilson


the tradition was revived to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. Since then beacons have been lit across the country to celebrate many anniversaries most notably the Queen’s Silver jubilee in 1977 and her Golden jubilee in 2002. There is a website with information about how to register a Beacon location at: www.diamondjubileebeac ons.co.uk There are many other ways we can mark this event. The big Lottery Fund are committing £3.6 million for local community projects and the ‘Fields in Trust’ charity are asking local communities to identify local recreational spaces which they want to protect from possible development. They will thereafter be called ‘The Queen’s Fields’. One local suggestion however has caught my imagination. The idea is to give Yetminster Parish Church clock a face! The idea has been around for a while, but maybe now is the moment to leave a lasting memorial to mark this historic date in our national history. Please write to the Editor at the Wriggle Valley magazine with your ideas and suggestions at wrigglevalleymag@aol.com Rev. Simon Brignall. www.wrigglevalleybenefice.org

News from the Methodist Church Atmospheres

S We need you in Wednesday Club Who would like to join a small team of teachers and helpers on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30pm to 4.00pm to help run The he Wednesday Club at St Andrew’s School, Yetminster? We are a Christian group who try to pass the Good News on to the young of our Benefice and have some fun at the same time! We meet only in the term time and if you think you might be interested, do please contact me. This Club has been in existence since 1987 and we would like to think it will continue for many years to come!

Anne Reason 873726



MONDAY 12 December 7.00 pm

ome Years ago, Emma Soames, granddaughter of Sir Winston Churchill, wrote a newspaper article in which she said than on revisiting the library at Chartwell she was conscious of an atmosphere of deep concentration still lingering in the room. She concluded that Chartwell was still “haunted by the indomitable spirit” of her famous grandparent. Was this merely a strong subjective reaction arising out of Mrs Soames’ nostalgic memories of her own childhood, or are the rooms at Chartwell really still impregnated with an intangible spirit? Would a casual reader be equally sensitive to this atmosphere? Some students of parapsychology have suggested that hauntings are triggered by a residual personal energy originating from a previous resident of the house. There is no scientific evidence for this; indeed, how could there be any? What instrument

could be devised capable of detecting such energy? Yes we may be convinced that, whatever sceptics may argue, certain building do have a distinctive ambience. Perhaps human personalities do leave their impression upon the fabric of a building. When a novelist like Charles Dickens makes the houses in his novels almost animate entities, taking on the characteristics of their owners, we sense that this is not entirely a flight of the imagination. Perhaps we have enjoyed the hospitable atmosphere of a Dingley Dell, or paid an uncomfortable visit to a Bleak House. Which leaves us with some interesting questions, for instance, do centuries of prayer and devotion create a psychic atmosphere in some ancient churches? Do we sense this in our own church? We might also venture to ask ourselves what atmosphere our own home might possess. Dennis Tackley

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 45

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6.00pm 6.00pm 10.00am 9.30am 11.00am 2.30pm 10.50am

8.30am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.15 am Family Holy Communion

10.15 am Holy Communion

6.30 pm Evening Prayer/Remembrance

Mid-week Services Monday third in month Mondays others Tuesday first in month Wednesday second in month Wednesday last in month Thursday first in month Friday second in month








6th 3rd Sunday before Advent

10.15 am Choral Holy Communion

6.30pm Evensong

10.15 am Morning Prayer

8.30 am Holy Communion (BCP)

Christ the King

20th. 27th

Yetminster Yetminster Yetminster Yetminster Yetminster Leigh Yetminster

8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

8.30 am Holy Communion (BCP)

1st Sunday of Advent 10.15 am Holy Communion 10.15 am Holy Communion 6.30pm TaizĂŠ

Healing Service Compline Mothers and Toddlers Mid Week Holy Communion St Andrew’s Day H.C. followed by lunch Holy Communion Old Vicarage, Remembrance Day Parade

10.15am Remembrance Service with Guides and Scouts

10.50am Remembrance Sunday Service

13th 2nd Sunday before Advent

Wriggle Valley Benefice Services for November 2011 The Benefice Church Services for November

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 47

Information about your Church Wriggle Valley Benefice

The Friary, Hilfield

Priest in Charge: Rev’d Simon Brignall The Rectory, Church St, Yetminster tel: 07718 627674 or 01935 872 237 email: brignall97as@btinternet.com


Office: St Andrew’s Hall, Church Street, Yetminster Tel: 01935 872600 (24 hr message service) email: wrigglevb.office@gmail.com Note: Simon’s usual day off is Friday Licensed Lay Minister: John Strover 01935 872437

8.30am Sung Eucharist 5.15pm Sung Evening Prayer (Mondays Closed – Brother’s Free Day)

Weekdays: 12 noon Midday Prayer followed by Eucharist 5.15pm Evening Prayer These are sung on Saint’s Days

Roman Catholic Services Roman Catholic Church The Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3EL tel: (01935) 812021 Parish Priest: Monsignor Canon Robert Draper V.G. e-mail: sherbornerc@tiscali.co.uk website: sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk

Mass times: 6pm Saturday 10.30am Sunday Holy Days 10am and 6.30pm Wednesday 10am Friday 10am For other services and information, please see the noticeboard, newsletter or website.

Yetminster Methodist Church Chapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJ Minister: Rev'd Sooncheol Choi 73 Granville Way, Sherborne, DT9 4AT Telephone: 01935 815666

Services & Preachers for:

email: choi_sc@hotmail.com Worship co-ordinator: Mrs Marilyn Harris (01935 864232) Treasurer: Mr Cliff Harris, Broad View, Forge Lane, East Chinnock, Yeovil, BA22 9EG. Secretary: Mrs Barbara Driver (01935 873690)

27 10.30am

Services commence at 10.30am and are followed by refreshments.


NOVEMBER 13 10.30am

DECEMBER 11 10.30am 18 10.30am 25 10.30am

Remembrance Sunday at Parish Church Morning Worship Mr Richard Sinden Morning Worship Revd Sooncheol Choi Holy Communion Revd Roy Catchpole Christmas Day Worship Cheap Street Church, Sherborne Revd Sooncheol Choi



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wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 49

Leigh Weather Watch September 2011 “After Apple Picking For I have had too much of apple picking; I am tired of the great harvest I myself desired” Robert Frost - poet (& apple grower)

Leigh was once famed for its apple trees and cider houses. 2011 has seen wide extremes in weather, but they ensured a bumper harvest in September. Like the poet, I now wonder whether a mere three trees have supplied far more apples than we needed. Rainfall September usually has 20 rain-free days but this year there were only 11. This went some way to making up for an exceptionally dry year but, despite the month’s rainfall being 11% above average, the year to date total is still 18% down - 473mm (19”) instead of 574mm (23”). The wettest day was the 17th, with 20mm (0.8”). Temperatures Unusually, the highest temperatures came at the end of the

month, with a peak of 27.8C (82F) on the 29th. Despite this, average maximum temperatures were close to nomal at 21C (69F). The main difference was the warmer nights, with minimum temperatures 21% higher than usual - 10.6C (51F) instead of 8.8C (48F). Sunshine After a mediocre summer, September made amends by being exceptionally sunny. Only one other month has had no days without measurable sunshine. There were 139 hours of sunshine - the most since April - and 25% more than we usually have at this time of year. The increasing number of local residents with solar electricity panels must have been delighted to see how much the electricity company now owes them for the energy they have generated! Pressure and wind speeds The barometric pressure in September was close to normal and the maximum wind speed was only 26 mph, or 10% lower than usual for the time of year.

Philip Bryan

Temperatures (deg. C)

















Av. Min. Av. Max. 10.6


Days without:

PC users: previous weather reports and other news about Leigh can be found at www.leighvillage.org.uk


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Planning Applications - November 2011 BATCOMBE 1/D/11/001505




CHURCH FARM HOUSE, STILE WAY, - Porch (Listed Building Consent) - No decision. CHURCH FARM HOUSE, STILE WAY - Porch (Full) - No decision.

HILFIELD 1/D/11/001550




POND FARM, POND FARM ACCESS ROAD - Construct tennis court & manège. Use of land for private equestrian purposes (Full) - No Decision. KNAPP FARM, LOAD LANE Erect agricultural worker's dwelling to replace mobile home (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) (Full). No Decision.

LEIGH 1/D/11/001501













CHURCH FARM Extension (Listed Building Consent). No Decision CHURCH FARM - Extension (Full) No Decision. FIELD ADJACENT CHURCH FARM - Ground mounted solar PV panels (Full). No Decision. ILES FARM, SHERBORNE ROAD. Demolish workshop & garage. Re-roof barn (Listed Building Consent). Approved. ILES FARM, SHERBORNE ROAD - Demolish workshop & garage. Re-roof barn (Listed Building Consent). Approved. ILES FARM, SHERBORNE ROAD Demolish workshop & garage. Re-roof barn (Full). Approved.

YETMINSTER 1/D/11/001477
















TARA, QUEEN STREET, Attached single garage (Full) No Decision. THE BUNGALOW MINSTER MUSHROOM FARM, MELBURY ROAD. - New detached garage (Full). Approved CROSS FARM, CHURCH STREET - Alterations to barns (Listed Building Consent). Approved. CROSS FARM, CHURCH STREET - Renovate barns for stabling, tack room & fodder/implement storage (Full). Approved. CROSS FARM, CHURCH STREET Convert & extend barns. Erect garage (Listed Building Consent). Approved. CROSS FARM, CHURCH STREET Convert & extend barns to form dwelling & erect garage (Full). Approved. 28 ST OSMUND CLOSE - Single storey extensions (Full). Approved. 6 SUSSEX FARM WAY - Two storey extension (Full). Approved.

The next Development Control Committee meeting will take place on 10 Nov 2011, 14.15 at Stratton House, 58/60 High West Street, Dorchester. A full register of all past and present planning applications can be found at: www.dorsetforyou.com/planning applications. Graham Plaice

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 53


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…gone Christmas gardening… A Very Merry…

have been busy bottling our produce from the garden then it might be that we have a cupboard full of jams and preserves, what better gift to give anyone? But please don’t try to hang them on the Christmas tree though!!

…starts in November When you are young the greatest magic of Christmas is the wonder and the mystery of it all: the Christmas nativity, dressing up in sheets and tea-towels, visiting the church, singing joyful hymns, making little gifts for those you love, opening the Christmas post, the anticipation and thrill of Christmas night, the tree glistening with lights and colour, the smells of oranges and cinnamon and a warm family get together. As we grow older nothing really changes and what is most enjoyable is the making of Christmas and the joy that it brings to those around you. Authentic home-made Christmas’ have been abandoned but are now being revived so let’s roll out a homemade Christmas this year starting good and early in November! There are lots of things which you can get your teeth into, so before you go charging off down the High Street brandishing your cash cards look around your house, the garden and the hedgerows and see what there is that you can recycle, forage or use to make Christmas presents.

Home-made dog biscuits… Gifts which we make with our own hands cost hardly anything but the time it takes to make them and they give so much pleasure because they are personal. If we

…and hand made cards

We could set out on a golden autumn day and pick sloes and make sloe gin. It makes a fantastic present unfortunately you might not be inclined to give this away happily. Then why not gather pine cones and create a table decoration, you could dry slices of apple and orange and tie some cinnamon sticks up with red ribbon, press all the bits into an oasis and put a church candle in the middle! Having decided what to make for your friends, gift wrapped it in homemade Christmas paper and tagged it up with home-made gift tags cut from old Christmas cards and covered it in copydex and glitter, sit back and look at your creations. Can what you have produced be deemed to be worthwhile? The answer is most definitely yes, you had fun making it and someone else will enjoy tearing off the wrappers to decide what it is you made and why you made it. The most wonderful gift I ever received was a wish that had been written on the back of an old piece of Christmas card and tied to the Christmas tree with a piece of red ribbon. The value was in the sentiment…… Sue Dodge The Company of Landscapers

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 55

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SPOTLIGHT on our community News form the Three Wandering Women of Chetnole Throughout the summer we have tried to get in as many walks as possible but we really did not expect to have two weeks with such balmy evenings, right at the end of September. Our last two walks have been exceptional evenings, calm, dry, birds singing, rabbits scuttling about and lovely sunsets. On the 22 September we walked from Chetnole along Herbury lane to Yetminster. We went via the old railway house in Yetminster where we reminisced about times past and what a shame it would be when the little old house is demolished.It also became somewhat depressing as by 7.30pm it was getting dark; we realized how quickly the summer had gone and how soon we would be putting the clocks back. Even more sobering and probably a sign of our advancing years was the fact that we were unable to remember what we had done the week before!! This week we walked from Chetnole up towards Stockwood and then out across the fields to the main road and back to Chetnole at School lane. Another fantastic evening but almost dark by the time we got back to the village (and no we hadn't stopped at the pub). We only had one scary moment and that was when we were faced with a field full of those frightening big black and

Batcombe Down, one of our favourite walks

A very scary beastie

white things. Eileen (a farmer's daughter) was as usual, awfully brave even when one of the beasties kept charging at us, then veering off at the last minute. Eileen said confidently "they are just a bit skittish."Â However Tracey and I were trying hard not to panic and make a run for it and were thankful to have remembered our trusty walking sticks which we only really take for fending off scary animals and getting ourselves out of muddy puddles. We all made it back home safe and sound but have agreed that we may have to move our evening walks to mornings so that we will still be able to find our way home without coming across any scary beasties in the dark. Julie Hardy wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 57


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Club NewsChetnole Cricket Club Hundred of Yetminster History Society Inner Sanctums After our AGM on 14 September, Rob Curtis gave us a most amusing talk entitled “Inner Sanctums, Private Business” for which he had obviously done a good deal of research. He took us back to the early Indian civilization when already in 2500 BC there were water closets, pipes and drains, only to be forgotten until much later centuries, though people, some quite well known, could be born or die on the loo. Early man made use of nearby running water or forests, though Knossus, Egypt, Sri Lanka and Rome had good technology, which could have been spread. In the Middle Ages monks were perhaps the cleanest people but most people had to do with a wooden plank over a pit. Castle Walls had garderobes which discharged into a moat, leaving stains, and could be used by enemies to gain access. There was good pay for those brave enough to clear things out (either the moat or the dung room below). No wonder

Tudor monarchs like Henry VIII often moved to a cleaner river or palace. Although the water closet was reinvented by Sir John Harrington in 1596, it was little used, even by Queen Elizabeth I. The monarch may have had a close stool and eventually chamber pots came in, though the Victorians modestly hid them away from sight. Only after the connection was made, in the nineteenth century, between disease and the lack of adequate sanitation did change come, and then only slowly, with good inventions and acts of parliament ignored. Even trains supplied conveniences for First Class passengers alone and public conveniences were rare. Only really in the twentieth century was progress made for most and once again we were glad to live now (and no longer have to watch out for gardyloo) rather than earlier, even if black toilet paper has not reached us yet. There were many more details and pictures to convince us. Shelaigh Hill

Wriggle Valley Women’s Group Our new programme for 2011/12 began by meeting at Gable Court, Yetminster on Tuesday 20 September when our speaker was David Peet talking about some amusing and interesting situations an Official Receiver can find himself in, in “Feeding lions and other animals-work and life of an Official Receiver”. He began his career as an accountant moving to being a receiver when businesses fail. Most things can be taken at a steady pace, except when animals are involved. Finding a home and food for an elephant quickly is not easy!! Our next meeting will again be at Gable Court, Yetminster on Tuesday 15 November at 7.30pm when our speaker will be Linda Carroll giving a talk on “Storytelling” New members are always welcome or if you want to know more about the group contact Ann Flew 873660 or Pat Smith 872553 Ann Flew

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 59

Tuesday Club September We were pleased to see our chairwoman in her usual place although we were sorry to see that numbers were down as many of our members were unwell. Our speaker for September was John Rennie and his talk was entitled “From the Scalpel to the Sword”. A few of us, at least, imagined that he had been in the army as well as being a surgeon, but the sword was the sword of Christ and for the last five years he had been working in the church. Heather our secretary had worked with him when they were both at King’s hospital and had met up quite by chance since they both came to live in Dorset. We were also wrong if we imagined that the scalpel was still much used as now diathermy or electrical surgery is far more common as it prevents so much loss of blood. John Rennie told us that he was a gut surgeon and that the two greatest advances in surgery in his lifetime had been the use of stapling guns instead of stitches and keyhole surgery both of which did far less harm to the patient so that now 80% of surgery could be done as day surgery. His rule of medicine was to keep the patient amused while God does the healing! His recent years have been in great contrast to his years as a surgeon, from Coldharbour Lane, London to Melbury Bubb. He misses most working as part of a team but loves the sense of community he has found in Dorset.

Chetnole Chuckers Boules Club Two club competition finals were played on a sunny piste on 16 October, in front of a small but enthusiastic group of spectators. Many thanks to John Head for adjudicating with his unique brand of patience, humour and fairness. Jane Smith battled hard, but could not prevent Janet Ratcliffe from winning by two games to love, thereby retaining the Ladies’


October Once again we were sorry to see that so many of our members were absent due to their illness, especially as they were about to miss out on a fascinating illustrated talk. Richard Grundy’s talk was entitled Splendid Isolation – Tristan da Cunha and he told us about his few years spent as a teacher on the island. The island certainly is isolated, situated as it is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with the nearest land South Africa 1750 miles away. It has only 262 residents and only ten ships a year visit it, so there is no doubt that it must feel very cut off. The island is an active volcano which last erupted in 2004, but there was a large eruption in 1961. By the luckiest chance, at that time, two boats were in harbour and were able to take everyone off the island. They returned two years later. We learnt how the main foods were potatoes, fish, beef and lamb but the only cash crop is the Tristan rock lobster, the only other money earning being from the sale of postage stamps and coins. Richard also showed us marvellous photos of the wildlife including seals, rockhopper penguins and the yellow nosed albatross. I think many of us by the end thought we would love to visit the island but were not sure about living in such splendid isolation! Remember that on 12 December we shall be having our Carol Concert followed by a special Christmas tea. We would be very pleased to welcome anyone who would like to join us Sylvia Bryan Singles trophy for another year. In the second final, in two nip 'n tuck games, Les and Connie Wallis finally wore down Julian and Liz Turnbull to become the 2011 Mixed Couples Champions. Well done everyone for providing an entertaining afternoon! We await the Men's Singles Final in late October with baited breath. Gordon Ratcliffe, Club Chairman


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Leigh & District Discussion Club Our winter programme commenced at 7.30pm on 4 October 2011 in Leigh Village Hall. Chairman Charlie Osmond welcomed everyone, especially two newcomers. It was also lovely to see Adrian Samways after the recent sad loss of his wife Marge. Charlie introduced Mr Peet our first speaker for the new season. He had spent 35 years as an Official Receiver, starting off his career in the Yorkshire Dales, a little reminiscent of James Herriot times except he was involved in bankruptcy cases. Apparently, as soon as a person was declared bankrupt on his patch he had to proceed with all haste and take responsibility for whatever he might find. He related stories of pigs in the house, no feed left for the livestock and another occasion where a zoo declared they were bankrupt and he had to find a home for some lions. You will have heard of Arms Dealers, he found a Zoological Dealer who calmly found a new home for them. The Wriggle Valley Mother’s Union A huge thank you to all those who helped, donated and came to our recent Jumble Sale. We raised £326 and we have not only paid for children’s bibles to be given to the newly baptize (at a cost of £69) but also we are dividing the remainder to go to the Mothers’ Union Overseas Fund and the Salisbury Women’s Refuge, both very deserving causes. The Mothers Union also helped with the catering at the recent Messy Church held in St Andrew’s School – this was a very happy occasion to which 55 parents and children attended – the theme for the afternoon was “Love your Neighbour”. We are delighted to have some new members join us recently and please contact Margaret Shipman for more information about the work of the Mothers’ Union or if you would like to join us. Her number is 872440. Anne Reason

Throughout his time he dealt with many cases both in this country and abroad and quite a few famous names as well. An interesting talk which was most appreciated by all present. Tea and Biscuits were served and then Alan Bastone, Club Secretary, informed everyone of the forthcoming Annual Dinner, to be held this year on Friday 18 November at the Folke Golf Club - menus were passed around and orders requested at our next meeting on 1 November where speaker Mr Goodfellow will be talking about "Farming in Ukraine". It was also suggested that as last year’s cake competition had been cancelled we would like to use the same recipe that Marge Samways had produced. Adrian was asked, and gave his consent. There being no further business Charlie Osmond declared the meeting closed. We are always looking for new members to join us, if you are interested then call Charlie on 01963-210276, Paul on 01963210226 or Alan on 01300-341351 Chris Jacobs

Chetnole Cricket Club As many will have been aware, there was a concern at the beginning of the 2011 season about the long-term viability of the Chetnole Cricket Club due to the lack of players available. Now at the end of the season it is good to able to report that there has been a renewed interest during the season, which has brought in a number of new local players. This gives the club much hope for the season of 2012 and a chance to continue to build on the new situation. So anyone interested in playing next year, would be very welcome. If you wish to contact us – or are just interested you can find us at the website www.chetnolecc.co.uk

Rodney Yeatman wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 63

Leigh Our September meeting was a Members only meeting which was an occasion to let our hair down! We had a quiz organized by several members followed by a sumptuous supper to which we all contributed – a good time was had by all! Our meeting on 30 November will be the “12 Days of Christmas” by Mrs Anne Gray – 7.30pm in Leigh Village Hall. Do join us. Rosalie Volkes

Hermitage & Hilfield Christmas seems a long way off but members of Hermitage and Hilfield W.I. are

already thinking about their Christmas Cakes. At the meeting on October 4th., Nicole Stanford gave a demonstration on how to make a very realistic poinsettia flower out of sugar paste. We were amazed by her dexterity but she assured us that, with the appropriate tools and lots of practice, we could all achieve an acceptable result. She brought along an array of interesting products, which can be found on the Internet and can be used to create beautiful cakes for all occasions. We all went away full of ideas to impress friends and family. Our next meeting will be on November 1st., when we will be having a Beetle Drive. Come along and join the fun. Christine Dickerson

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club The 24th Annual and relatively healthy General Meeting of the state; indeed the annual Club took place on the membership subscription evening of 3 October in was not increased for the Chetnole Village Hall coming year. A rare where over 50 members situation these days! gathered to hear the Apart from Rosemary annual report from Burden, several outgoing Chairman, Committee members Rosemary Burden, with the retired including Mary additional enticement of Head, Dick Volkes and the wine and nibbles as well as undersigned all having a plant swap providing served a five year stretch. enhanced motivation. The new Chairman is By and large, the past Sandy Burton with recruits year has been very Lyn Darley, Rachel successful - as indeed has Graham and Chris the three year term of Withycombe joining Morag Rosemary’s tenure as Orchard, Karen Moore, Chairman. The standard of Janet Wood, Michelle speakers at the monthly Aldouse (Treasurer) and events has been of a Blair Sibun (Programme consistently high level and, Secretary) on the while costs have risen Committee. Linda Carroll inexorably, the Club’s kindly agreed to continue finances are in a stable in her position as Secretary.


After the “formal” presentation of the various reports and the Committee election, the Chairman’s gavel was passed from Rosemary to Sandy – the latter seizing and whacking this symbol of authority with great gusto! Then followed a lively and hilarious discussion on the Club’s future activities. Apart from a comprehensive list of speakers and events already in place for the next year, great interest was shown in the passing of gardening and produce skills, knowledge and expertise between Club members, perhaps at a local gardening fair, where questions could be posed and answers or solutions provided. It looks like an

increased level of visibility and activity is very possible for the coming year. Members’ eyes lit up in anticipation of serious pillaging on hearing the news that the annual 25% reduction offered by Castle Gardens for composts, fertilisers, bulbs etc. during January and February, will now be applicable to a much wider range of goods (inc. garden tools, watering equipment, gloves & footwear, bird food & feeders, seedlings etc.). This offer, supported by a plunder voucher given to each Club member, can be exploited on every visit to Castle Gardens Centre, Sherborne, Brimsmore or Poundbury in January and February. Surely a huge incentive to join the Garden Club where the annual membership subscription of £10 can be saved many times over with the use of the voucher? The next meeting will be in Chetnole Village Hall on 7 November at 7.30pm. The speaker, Malcolm Shennan, is a popular and renowned local gardener who has addressed the club to great acclaim on several previous occasions; his subject will be “Reliable Herbaceous Perennials” …. a species much sought by all gardens and gardeners. Tom Withycombe

Yetminster and Ryme Garden, Art and Craft Society Autumn visit to Westonbirt Westonbirt Arboretum, with its 600 acres of wooded parkland and home to one of the world’s finest tree collections, was the destination for the Yetminster and Ryme Garden Society in October. The promise of a wonderful day spent strolling around the Grade 1 listed landscape and enjoying the famous autumn colours prompted a bigger than average turn out for the day – in fact we had to order a bigger coach to accommodate us all! For anyone who is a tree lover, or who just enjoys nature in general, you couldn’t fail to wonder at the magnificence of many of the trees. Giant pines that were planted over 150 years ago, soaring skywards with thickly knarled multi-coloured bark, stately limes, and acers with trunks and branches so twisted they looked like a coil of knotted rope. There were glorious wide avenues stretching the length of the Old Arboretum. With over 3,000 different specimens, if you were looking for a special tree to hug, you’d be spoilt for choice! Following the established autumn trail, we spent a couple of hours in the morning in the Old Arboretum enjoying the original collection of rare and exotic trees from around the world and the Acer Glade, interspersed by a variety of shrubs laden with multi coloured berries.

After a reviving lunch in the stylish café, most of us set off to explore the Silk Wood with its Japanese Maple Collection. Westonbirt has over 125 maple specimens. In some areas the colours were glorious, in others perhaps we were a little early, but even those in their summer colours were still stunningly beautiful, and, with our very odd climate, it would take a magician to get the timing completely right. Coming home on the coach, I noticed two little trees sitting snugly behind the back seat (purchased from the nursery, I hasten to add). So a small piece of Westonbirt has come home to grow in Yetminster! I think we all had a great day. It was certainly amazing value at £10 per person for the whole trip, but then that’s one of the many advantages of being a member of our Garden Society! I didn’t hug a tree, but I felt very refreshed after a full day of fresh air, exercise and some spectacular sights. I’ll just take this opportunity to remind members that our AGM is on Tuesday 8 November. For anyone wishing to join the Garden Society, this would be a good time to come along. The AGM will be followed by a talk by Kate Pickard of North Dorset Quilters. Hope to see you there! Pandy Brown

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District Councillor for the Cam Vale Ward

District Councillor for the Halstock Ward

District Councillor for the Yetminster Ward

the parishes of Folke, Alweston, Holnest Holwell, Leigh, Leweston, Lillington, Longburton, and North Wootton:

Batcombe, Corscombe, East Chelborough, Evershot, Halstock, Hermitage, Hilfield, Melbury Bubb, Melbury Osmund, Melbury Sampford, and West Chelborough:

Chetnole, Ryme Intrinseca, Stockwood and Yetminster:

Cllr Richard Jungius The Members' Room, West Dorset District Council, 58/60 High West Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1UZ. Email: richardjungius @btinternet.com

Cllr Tony Frost, Homeleigh, Corscombe, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 0NX. Tel: 01935 891321

Cllr Margaret Lawrence, Trill Farm, Thornford Road, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6HF Tel: 01935 872780


The Wriggle Valley Magazine Chairman: Graham Plaice 01935 872044 Editor, Production and Design: Bella Neate-Clegg Secretary: Judith Palmer Treasurer: Rob Barfoot, 01935 873306 Advertisements Co-ordinator: Trish Hart, 01935 873918 Distribution: Stan Darley Villages Co-ordinator & Diary: Gordon Ratcliffe, 01935 872996 email: gojan@btinternet.com The Wriggle Valley Magazine, 2 Sunnyside, High Street, Yetminster, Sherborne DT9 6LF e-mail: wrigglevalleymag@aol.com

Copy deadline - 14th OF THE MONTH PRIOR to publication, however we would appreciate it if copy could be submitted before this date. Photographs can be sent either as jpeg via email or as originals in colour or black and white that can be reproduced. All village info should be emailed or delivered to your village rep (please see addresses and email under each village heading). Collection point for hand written or typed articles: Yetminster Stores or 1 Cloverhay, Yetminster, Dorset.

Printed by Remous, Milborne Port

Disclaimer: Whist every effort is made to ensure the accuracy the contents of this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any information given or claims made by our contributors and advertisers. 66


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Wriggle Valley Magazine November 2011

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