257 July/August 2013 Wriggle Valley Magazine

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No. 257

July/August 2013

The Chetnole Inn Chetnole, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 6NU

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Cover photo: Wessex Highlanders’ Pipes & Drums at Yetminster Fair - Anna Taylor Photography


Chetnolian Julian Mullins marries Denise Tattersall on

Editor’s musings…

News from the Villages










Ryme Intrinseca




Out & About


What a busy couple of months July and * Diary * Diary * Diary * 26 August are going to be. There are so many events not to be missed: flower shows, hog Regular Meeting & Activities 30 roast, food festivals, Pogles Wood summer fun 32 and of course the very popular Yetminster Fair, News from our Churches p22, which claims to be one of the oldest street 36 fairs in Dorset, having been started in the 13th Church Services - July/Aug century under a charter granted to the Bishop 41 of Salisbury. Check out the diary, p26, to find General News out more about all these summer events. Who 55 would want to live anywhere else but our …there's nowt so… beautiful Wriggle Valley? St Andrew’s Primary School 56 I hope that many of you will take the opportunity of joining our local school St Leigh Weather Watch 58 Andrew’s CE Primary School in Yetminster for their Year Six performance of Mid Summer Planning Applications 60 Night’s Dream, it promises to be a very enjoyable, p 56. …gone gardening.. 64 If you have young children, you will also 67 notice that St Andrew’s Pool will be open for the Club News first time this summer to the local community, Advertisers' Register 78 but they need your help to help run it, p41. Do you fancy releasing your inner thespian and auditioning for the next Wriggle Valley Players next pantomime, Aladdin? The read through and auditions take place at the beginning of July in Leigh Village Hall, p67. We are having our summer break next month. The next magazine will be in September so please send in all your summer news and of course loads of good quality colour photos by 12 August; it would be nice to produce a colour photo spread for the September edition. Have a lovely summer and good luck to all the Wriggle Valley youngsters who are awaiting exam results. Bella Neate-Clegg




The Wriggle Magazine is FREE you with but readers are invited to make voluntary donations towards the cost of production. These should be forwarded to the Treasurer at Mallows House, Church Street, Yetminster, DT9 6LG. Cheques can be made payable to Wriggle Valley Magazine. Thank you for your continued support

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Doors, windows, wardrobes, stairs, bookshelves, roofing, fitted kitchens etc. For Free Estimates ring: Home: 01935 872950 Workshop: 01935 83565

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Rep: Alan Bastone (01300) 341351 Alan@FlowersFarmlakes.co.uk


ongratulations to Sara and Andy Elford on the Christening of their daughter Kirsty, little sister to Charlie. July’s coffee morning will be with Sara and August’s with Marrion Jeffries. Looking forward to Autumn. The popular auction of promises is at Leigh Hall on Saturday 23 November. Please contact Bridget on 01935 83644 with your promises (in aid of

Batcome Church). Now that all the cold weather has gone, it is hoped that the summer is still to come. Alan Bastone

The Annual General Meeting, High Stoy Parish Council The Annual General Meeting of High Stoy Parish Council was held on Tuesday 14 May at Hermitage Village Hall. Keith Mitchell was elected as the new Chairman and Sue Bosenquet as the Vice Chair. John Ryder resigned after 26 years as a Parish Councillor for Hermitage and I am sure you will all join us in thanking him for all he has done for High Stoy Parish Council and agree that he has served his community extremely well over the past 26 years. Kevin Pescott, from Hermitage was co-opted on to the council in John’s place. Finance - the Cllrs approved the PC’s annual audit which is now available for view by contacting the Parish Clerk, Kerry

Straughan. They also acknowledge the donation from Leigh and Chetnole Parish Councils for the Snow clearing operation in January. Planning - Cllrs discussed and approved Planning Application 1/D/13/000464 to extend permission for a temporary agricultural dwelling at Court Farm Batcombe for a further 3 years. The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm, Tuesday 17 September at Hermitage village hall, you are all most welcome to attend. The High Stoy Councillors are: Batcombe – Dawn Griffin and Eveline Jones. Hermitage – Keith Mitchell and Kevin Pescott. Hilfield - Alan Bastone and Sue Bosanquet. Kerry Straughan, Clerk, 01935 83563 wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 5


News from the Villages


6 6

with Melbury Bubb & Stockwood Rep: Liz Tebbatt 873140 tebbatt.towers@virgin.net


his must be a first; I am watching the tennis at Queen’s on the telly whilst a roaring log fire is burning in our woodburner. It is June. Need I say more? Hope you all enjoyed the one week of summer we had and that you have managed to venture outdoors for more than just putting the bins out on Thursdays. As summer stretches out its legs and some Chetnolians think of exploring lands further afield do not forget our seasonal day of fun and frolic that is the Chetnole flower show on Saturday 3 August. A village event which not only entertains all ages but also raises money for charity, it is not to be missed. See our poster and look out for more information as the date nears. Congratulations and very best wishes go to Julian Mullins and Denise Tattersall on their marriage at 'The Grange', Oborne, on Saturday 18 May. Where the sun shone! Julian lives in Lamb Plot, and is a long time resident of Chetnole, and whose Grandparents Yvonne and Toby Cull lived in Chetnole for many years. Chetnole Oil Group John Sanford will be arranging another oil delivery for September 5th so please ring him in good time if you would like to be included. Telephone 01935 872973. Young Literary Star in the Making Turning the pages of the Western Gazette I was delighted to come across our very own Hebe Neate-Clegg's article on the evolution of modern language which we featured recently. Congratulations Hebe on your progression into newsprint, we are very proud of you. Today the Western Gazette, tomorrow Fleet Street; we would also like to wish you and all those with exams this summer, all the very best.


Flower Show & Fete Saturday 3 August 2.00 - 4.30pm Fun for all the family

WE HAVE: Live Music from

In aid of Local Charities Over the last 2 years we have donated £3,500 to charities that support local people. If you know of a local charity that we might consider donating to this year, or if your local organisation wishes to apply for a donation, please contact: ● ●

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

Bed & Breakfast Chetnole, Dorset DT9 6PE Telephone 01935 872736 Enjoy a relaxing and truly comfortable stay in the delightful village of Chetnole. All rooms are ensuite, have LCD TV, tea and coffee facilities and breathtaking panoramic views of the Dorset hills. For further information please visit our website on


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Praise Service 10.15 am Sunday 18 August There will be a Praise Service at St. Mary’s on Sunday 18 August starting at 10.15 am and led by Alan Ward. All are welcome.

The AGM, High Stoy Parish Council Minutes are in the Batcombe Section p5 Quiz for St. Mary’s – Saturday 12 October This is an early notification that the next Quiz for St. Mary’s will be on Saturday 12 October, starting at 7.30pm, in the Village Hall. The cost is £4 per head with team sizes a maximum of 4 people. There will be a raffle and a bar but please bring your own food/nibbles. Please call me on 01963 210292 to register your team, or an individual interest. Profits from the evening will go to St. Mary’s church in Hermitage.


Nina Garcia sings on the Green 7 p.m. Sunday 25 August Nina Garcia, popular female solo artist, will be performing in the marquee on Hermitage Village Green on Sunday 25 August. Using high quality pop, jazz, soul, folk and fiddle tracks Nina sings and plays her violin entertaining every age and musical taste. Tickets are just £10 each (£5 for under 12’s) and can be obtained by contacting Kevin House on 01963 210498. There will be a bar but please bring your own food. Sheep Racing August Bank Holiday Monday – 26 August This is a final reminder that Sheep Racing is back on Hermitage Village Green. As well as the racing itself, we will have Gun Dog demonstrations, Dog Agility and Dog Show, Skittles, a Barbeque and Bar, plus - new this year - Ferret racing! Entrance to the races is free and car parking on the Green is £2 per vehicle. It all begins at 2.30pm and we hope to see you there.

SINGS ON HERMITAGE GREEN 7pm SUNDAY 25 AUGUST Nina sings a wide range of popular songs, suitable for all ages Bar Available Please bring your own food

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 9


Rep: Ray Dickerson, 01963) 210292


Magic Evening The Evening of Magic held on Friday 7 June was a great success and a thoroughly entertaining show. Peter Wardell, an award winning magician from Bournemouth, kept us amused and enthralled with his amazing magic tricks. We have made a profit in the region of £700 all in aid of Hermitage Church funds. Thank you to Kevin and Pippa who ran the bar for us and many thanks to all who came.


Rep: Philippa Toulson philippa@folksw.org.uk


e are poised on the brink of a whole host of exciting summer activities! Like book ends marking either end of the summer holidays are the Hog Roast on 27 July and the Art Exhibition beginning on 30 August closely followed by the Village Fete at the Old Vicarage on 8 September. Right in the middle comes the flower show on 10 August. There certainly is a lot to look forward to as usual. If you are slightly curious about what is going on at Pogles Wood then do join us for a Pogles Picnic on either 28 July or 18 August. Bring your own picnic and we will make tea and show you round, or keep out of your way so you can enjoy the beautiful setting in peace!!

If you would like to be more involved in village activities the Village Hall Committee are on the lookout for new members. They meet about six times a year and make a massive contribution to the life of the village. If you are prepared to help then please contact Duncan Moore on 01963 210154 or duncancmoore@btconnect.com or Paul Orchard on 01963 210619 or paulandmorag@gmail.com As a child, having names that contained in total four P’s meant that I almost always had to say my name several times in order for people to have a fighting chance of sorting it out! I managed to get rid of one of them by getting married but that was only a small improvement. Foolishly perhaps my name is part of my email address

10 10

and recently a few of your important emails have been lost in the ether because they contained a different combination of l’s and p’s!! I am sorry but do please give your news items and reports one extra check before you send them and if you don’t get an acknowledgement then chase them up. We all hate it when things go astray. In a month when we said a sad farewell to Monica Jackson it is lovely to be able to welcome baby Tilly, a beautiful daughter for Angus and Amanda. Congratulations. Please note the slightly later opening times for the Leigh Village Stores 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday; Saturdays and the Post Office opening times remain the same. Have a wonderful summer and don’t forget to send me all your autumn news! Philippa Toulson

May Leigh Lottery Draw 1st 2nd 3rd

Mr T Durkin Mrs C Cahill Mr Hussey

£50 £30 £20

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

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Our annual May Fair was very successful; thanks to the support of all those who helped on the stalls, baked cakes or donated goods to sell. Many thanks to all those attending and supporting this Fri 30, Sat 31 August & fundraiser for St Andrew’s Church, Leigh. Sun 1 September We raised £1167. Although this figure is Leigh Village Hall slightly down on preceding years it is a considerable sum in the current financial climate. We would like to recognise publicly the very valuable hard work that everyone contributions in order to make this event August and the exhibition takes 20% of any sale with all monies going to Leigh Village so successful. Karen Taylor, PCC Secretary Hall funds. So there is plenty of time to get pencils and paints into action and magic up Leigh’s 19th Art Exhibition – Friday 30, those masterpieces. If you fancy entering Saturday 31 August & Sunday 1 September then please contact Sandy Burton on 01935 After a year’s absence the Leigh Art 873522 so you may receive the necessary Exhibition is back on the calendar this year entry forms. All types and mediums are and we open an invitation to artists who most welcome. If you are not an exhibiting artist we have not previously exhibited with us to hope that you will come along and support take part and give us a try. You may submit up to four framed pictures at a cost of £3 the event and enjoy a cuppa and biscuit in each and any number of unframed pictures pleasant surroundings admiring the for the troughs for £1 each. Pictures for paintings. We also hope to have artists’ hanging at the exhibition must be cards for sale if you want something a little submitted on the morning of Thursday 29 less expensive! Sandy Burton/Morag Orchard

WRIGGLE VALLEY LUNCH CLUB Meets monthly at 12.30 pm in Leigh Village Hall Tuesday 16 July

Tuesday 20 August

(bookings by 9 July)

(bookings by 13 August)



Coronation Chicken

Fish Pie in Cream Sauce

Mushrooms, cous-cous & watercress Apple & blackberry pie & Ice Cream

Potatoes Anna, Broccoli & Cauliflower Fruit Pavlova

For Reservations or more details: Ring Connie 01935 872946 wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 13


May Fair

News from the Old Vicarage. The 60th anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth was celebrated with a sumptuous tea party. The flags were up and many memories were shared. Eleanor brought along a beautiful picture that she had hand embroidered in 1953, depicting the Coronation procession, and Joan remembers her parents being at the event! Bet Coffin remembers the Coronation celebrations in Leigh, and we were lucky enough to have the original flag and photographs from that day on display! Several gentlemen enjoyed a trip to the Countryman’s club at Ryland's farm where Maggie Smith-Bendell, a Romany Gypsy gave a fascinating insight into the life of a gypsy in the 1950’s. She was born on the edge of a pea field and shared with us her memories of a more simple way of life. The annual trip to the Swannery had to be changed due to the wet weather, but a lovely lunch at Washingpool farm shop plus a drive back along the coast was some consolation. We had a fantastic sing song with Stef Mizrany, who as well as singing all the old songs entertained us with some beautiful music of her own. Folk South West provided us with a fun morning of traditional song and folklore to welcome in the summer months (here’s hoping for better weather!) and the Wessex accordion band as always were on top form.

FOUND A GOOD HOME Following on from last month’s appeal, Tony Durkin from Leigh contacted me in haste - stamps are his passion - and he literally rushed around to get them!. He's obviously excited to have them and we're thrilled that they've gone to a home where they will be kept, cherished and appreciated. Many thanks indeed to all WVM readers. Philip Legge, Batcombe.

14 14

Fun dog show. show The Old Vicarage, Leigh. 2-4pm Sunday 28 July Lots of fun classes plus agility and obedience. Raffle and cream teas. Supporting Canine Partners. Everyone welcome! Details from Jan Millward. 01935 873033

On Sunday 28 July we are holding a fun dog show where you are welcome to bring your (well behaved!) dog and enter in one of our many fun classes. We are raising money for and are supported by Canine Partners, a charity that trains dogs to work with the disabled , allowing individuals to retain their independence. We will be having a raffle and cream teas. Everyone is welcome, you don’t have to have a dog! Donations of raffle prizes and offers of help will be most welcome! Jan Millward

77th Annual Leigh

FLOWER SHOW Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables & Crafts at Leigh Village Hall Refreshments

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please


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wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 15

Leigh Plant Sale

The plant sale team are very grateful to Sainsburys for their support of the sale in providing the rolls for the wonderful bacon butties. Morag Orchard


16 16

Rep: Gilly Wilson 01935 872982


e were very lucky with the weather for our Rogation Service held at Church Farm on 12 May. There was a good turn out of some 60+ people from Ryme & Yetminster, who gathered in an open marquee on the lawn. The service was conducted by Prebendary John Parrfitt, with music & solo singing from Eddie Upton of Folk South West. This was followed by a delicious buffet lunch in the house supplied by Oakleigh Farm Shop. A very pleasant Sunday was had by all. Many thanks to the Battens for hosting it. Textile recycling " RAG-BAG" in aid of our church repairs & fabric is going very well. Thank you so much to all the people who have delivered bags of belts, shoes (tied together) bags , hats, all clothes in any condition, sheets, towels, blankets. Any textiles please except pillows &

Join us for the to be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 10 August. Nearer that time you will be able to review the results of your horticultural and artistic efforts. Arm yourselves with a schedule from the Leigh Garage Shop or Heather Balldock at Leigh Cross cottage. Then submit your entries to enhance the personal satisfaction and prowess. Whether you are gardener, artist or cook, come along at 2.30pm on 10 August and enjoy the spectacle of your own and others endeavours on display.

The Ryme Intrinseca Book Exchange continues to be a great success, now in its second year. We try to change over about 30 books each month but are in need of good quality fiction so please keep donating. Thank you once again for your support. Laura & Daphne Blakey

duvets. If possible please deliver to the stable in Church Farm yard clearly marked RAG-BAG. If you need help please call me on 01935 872982 & leave a message. Bin liners/ carrier bags welcome. As we go to press 10 large bags have already gone & 12 more are about to go. Many thanks please spread the word among your friends. Congratulations to Andy Templeman for achieving a Long Service Award in recognition of over

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

Frankham Farm for the last 40 years. Before moving to Ryme he worked on a farm in Hinton St George, Somerset and also on the Cooper Dean Estate in Bournemouth. Gilly Wilson

W. H. (Scrap) Batten Some 600 or more people gathered in brilliant sunshine on the 4 June at St Hippolytus Ryme Intrinseca to say farewell to a much loved resident, Scrap Batten, who died on the 25 May following a stroke as he went out to mow the lawn. Scrap was born in the village in 1926 and it was fitting after a lifetime of service to his community that he should be buried in the churchyard next to the house he was born in and surrounded by his family, colleagues, neighbours and friends. In a service led by the Rector the Rev’d Simon Brignall the packed congregation heard two addresses, the first a eulogy describing Scrap’s wartime service in the Royal Marines, his professional career as a much respected solicitor, his time on the

Sherborne Magistrates Bench, his many years involvement with the Bath and West Agricultural Society, his love of sailing, the Cattistock Hunt, Aldon Horse Trials and the Pony Club where his practical skills came to the fore and his pride in his family. The Rev’d Prebendary John Parfitt in his sermon went on to talk about the qualities of the man and how his talents were used with particular reference to Ryme Intrinseca and the surrounding villages, the Church and the rural community which he loved. Despite the service being held in our tiny

church the congregation were able to see and hear the service on a series of screens and speakers. With typical Batten generosity a wonderful reception was held afterwards at Church Farm where his friends reminisced about Scrap ‘who always enjoyed their company’. His was a life well lived by a man so obviously loved.

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 17


40 years service in agriculture. The award was presented to him at the 150th Royal Bath and West Show by The Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bishop Peter B Price. Andy has worked for the Earle family at

CANINE CAPERS Solve any unwanted behavioural problems ONE TO ONE DOG TRAINING DOG BEHAVIOURIST NEW PUPPY CONSULTATIONS OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLASSES PUPPY SOCIALIZATION SOCIALIZATION / COMMUNICATION CLASSES addresses the timid/shy/lacking in confidence dogs to the aggressive/ over boisterous dogs.

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NEW STORES & POST OFFICE Yetminster Karen & Tony welcome all our new customers to your new We offer a wide selection of: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Come along to see your new store If there is any lines we do not sell which you would like we will do our best to find them.

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Rep: David Torrance (01935) 873979 wvnyetrep@aol.com


ometime ago (and I must admit after a glass or two of red wine) I purchased some bird seed from a farm internet site which specialise in such things. Lulled by a sense of well being I rashly (as I thought at the time) also brought some feed for Hedgehogs. This has lain forgotten in my garage but a couple of nights ago, having seen a small prickly ball moving around the front drive, I resurrected the large bag of feed from beneath the recycling box and put some strange looking, but presumably tasty, morsels down. To my delight I am now visited each night by my new friend and it is great fun to hear the snorting and heavy breathing that accompanies these late night visits – hopefully slug rule in the garden will soon be a thing of the past! I have been told off about my suggestion in the last issue that the Archers in any way related to realities of farming life so my apologies for this although presumably they might behave like that in Central England (but definitely not, as I now understand, here in Dorset!). Unfortunately I also have to apologise to Mary Kachel who sent in details to the

WVM of a Coffee Morning she was holding in aid of Parkinsons UK on Saturday 22 June and which I subsequently sent into the ether to be lost forever!. Mary was going to try to make the best of things and hopefully she was able to get her invitation to as many people as possible. However, if for whatever reason, you didn’t know about the event and want to make a donation to this worthwhile cause, please drop an envelope through her door at 33 St Osmunds Close or give her a ring on 873913 - I meanwhile will consider falling on my sword! Another year has gone by and the Yetminster Fair is here again. Barbara Driver has written all about this (page 23) and I would urge everyone to support this as you will be directly helping local projects and initiatives and I know that the Fair Association’s members work hard to make the day a success. You might also like to buy a couple of tickets in the Treasure Chest Raffle which has a top prize of £100 and she has indicated where these can be purchased. Finally, doesn’t everyone seem happier with the few days of sun that we have had. People now smile at each other and life suddenly seems a little better so if you are off on holiday make sure you enjoy yourselves! David Torrance

SUMMER SHOW 2.00pm Sat 17 August St. Andrew’s Hall, Yetminster Admission £1 for adults, accompanied children free

Tea & Cakes throughout afternoon + Grand Raffle Trophies presented at 4.00pm followed by raffle draw Schedules & Entry Forms available from the Oak House Stores wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 19



St Andrew’s Hall





The latest update is that our efforts to change St Andrew’s Hall into a village hall are progressing. It has been suggested that the hall be renamed ‘The Jubilee Village Hall’. We have had a favourable and encouraging response from the Church Our films this autumn will be on Commissioners. The committee now has to Tuesdays come up with a carefully thought out ● 24 September business plan and to formalise procedures ● 22 October & as to how we should continue. This will ● 26 November inevitably involve a structural survey on the We think “Hyde Park on hall and advice from solicitors to ensure that Hudson” will be our September we comply with any legal requirements. film, but please check this These then will have to be considered by the magazine’s September issue. Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance. Members of the committee are organising a series of three events which The story of the love affair between will take place in the Autumn in order to FDR and his distant cousin Margaret gauge public opinion and to act as fund “Daisy” Suckley, centered around the raisers. Details will be made published weekend in 1939 when our King and shortly. Queen visited New York. Starring It is intended to pay for the legal and Bill Murray, Laura Linney, Samuel West and Olivia Colman. other costs by fund raising however payment may be required before these Doors will open at 7pm (not before as Moviola need time to set up) and films funds are raised. In this case it is intended to begin at 7.30pm. use money from the Jubilee Fund (currently Look forward to seeing you there. standing at £5485) which is earmarked for a specific future project within the Hall. As money is raised the Jubilee Fund will be reimbursed. In view of this I would be most grateful if those of you who have promised money to the Jubilee Fund would let David Gould (1 YETMINSTER Chapel Meadow) have a cheque (payable to PARTIES MEETINGS Yetminster Jubilee please) or cash in the LECTURES near future. Please append your name and ENTERTAINMENTS telephone number so that he can cross you off the list and not chase you! Large Hall Meeting room If you have had a ‘senior moment’ and Disabled access Kitchen parking forgotten what you promised his telephone Modern and well appointed number is 873814. Competetive rates Simon Eadon Interim Hall Committee Chairman ENQUIRIES: Pandy Brown 01935 873850 20 20 Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please


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MC FLOORING KDS Garden Machinery Repair Unit 3, The Old Saw Mills, Middlemarsh DT9 5QW Stylish Showroom offering a wide range of flooring products. Open daily 9am - 4pm (Closed Wed and Sun ) Advisory and floor laying services. Free estimates. We pride ourselves on our prompt and reliable attention. Contact Mark or Michael: 01300 345600

mc_flooring@yahoo.co.uk www.mcflooring.moonfruit.com

All servicing and repairs For mowers, strimmers, saws etc.

Kevin Morse The Old Saw Mill, Middlemarsh, DT9 5QW

Tel: 01300 345783 Mob: 07795 564751 wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 21

Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council Summary of COUNCIL MEETING 15 May 2013 The meeting was attended by ten councillors, DCllr Lawrence, six members of the public and the Clerk. Councillor’s Responsibilities. Cllr Gould and Cllr Parfitt were re-elected Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. Councillor’s Duties were agreed: for a full list go to www.yetminsterparishes.gov.uk Finances The renewal of the Insurance Policy and the grass cutting contract were agreed. Planning The Chairman and Cllr Parfitt agreed to investigate the removal of part of the hedge between the allotments and Sussex Farm Way houses. Solar Park near A37. The Council had no objections Development of land at Cross Farm (Buckler’s Orchard). Outline objections to this development were agreed. Subsequent to the meeting an agreed formal objection was made. There were no other contentious planning applications Website Cllr Perlejewski is keen to hear from anyone with ideas to improve the parish website. Neighbourhood Plan No decision has been taken by the Wriggle Valley villages regarding a combined plan. The Chairman made the point that such a plan was vital to the future of the village and that if the joint plan did not go ahead Yetminster should have its own plan. DCllr Lawrence offered to attend the next meeting of the joint committee Boyle School Path There appears to be some confusion as to who is responsible for keeping this path clear. Cllr Wills will attempt to resolve with Boyles Trust who own the path. Speeding. Councillor Knight now has sufficient volunteers (more always welcome) to operate the speed cameras. Training will take place shortly. David Gould

22 22


Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please


Saturday 13 July Well here we go again! The Fair Association has been hard at work and this year the fair, on Saturday 13 July will start at 1.15 pm with the opening procession from Stonyacres up along the Thornford Road and then down into the High Street – we realise this can hold up the traffic on the main road but do ask that, if you are driving, you are patient with us for about 5 minutes. This year we expect to have in excess of 90 stalls along the High Street together with craft stalls in St Andrew’s Hall – look out for our friends the Yetties who again have a stall selling their merchandise but also use the occasion to catch up with old friends. We have two bands playing various types of music to cater for all tastes and there will be traditional dancing from the Yetminster Irish Dancers and children’s entertainment at the rear of the White Hart. The Dog Show, which is rapidly becoming a regular feature, will be back and it is rumoured that there may be Terrier Racing! A wide range of food and drink will be available including Dorset Cream Teas provided by the Scouts in their “Jamboree” area in St Andrews Hall, and the White Hart, with the ever resourceful Jim and Carol, will again be at the

centre of things and will be the Gallery’s Art for All Project open throughout the Fair day and the Guides. as we know looking at all Organisations like these do those stalls is thirsty work! depend on voluntary support Rob (where would we be and are always grateful when without him!) from Party we are able to help them so Tyme Entertainments will please do your best to again be acting as compere support us. and keeping us all in order Our Treasure Chest raffle and we are hoping that Abbey is again running –there is a Radio will be there to support top prize of £100 and tickets us as well. are £1 for two and are Parking will be signposted available from Oak House and why not again travel in Stores, The White Hart and style to and from the High the Spar Grocery so do have a Street courtesy of Crystal “flutter” you might just get Carriages using their pony and lucky!. trap! – this was a great Finally, I do hope that you success last year and is a free will want to come to our Fair service although a donation to which makes an excellent the YFA would be much afternoon out for the family appreciated. so why not make a date in The Fair Programme will your diary. be on sale and we are grateful We have spread our other for the support given by all fund raising events over the those who have taken year and our concert will take advertising space in this. place on Saturday 12 October There will be collection of which more information buckets in the High Street and later. Barbara Driver, we would be grateful for any YFA Chairman contributions that you can yetminsterfair@aol.com make - last year we were able to donate just Yetminster Fair Association over £1800 50 Club Results - June 2013 from all our fund raising 1st Prize £100 No.56 Mrs L Manaton activities to 2nd Prize £50 No.32 Mr V Evans various groups 3rd Prize £25 No.11 Ms V Kimber in and around 4th Prize £15 No.19 Mr C Goldsworthy the village The Association raises money for local Holloway including, organisations and is non-profit making and Helping Hands, run entirely by voluntary support wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 23

George Albert Hotel

Dog Grooming and Hand Stripping Always putting your dog’s needs and comfort first, I specialise in hand stripping terriers, but all other dogs welcome for grooming, bathing and clipping Please contact Mel in Leigh on 01935 873 573 or 07796 181 701

more than just a great night’s sleep

- 2013 Tribute Nights FEATURING





Friday 16 August


th anniversary Saturday (36 25 May of Elvis’ death) th

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Out & About

Saturday 13 July 2013 Opening Procession at 1.15 pm

For Stall Bookings please phone: 01935 873719 Dog Show Entry Forms available from Oak House Stores and St Andrew’s CE Primary School DOG SHOW or Tel: 01935 873545

Yetminster History Society



Aid Across the Beautiful Dorset Countryside Along Separate Marked Courses for Walkers, Runners & Riders

£10 Per Horse 11.00am Start (Last Entry 1pm) Approximately 7 Miles -~

11am Start £6 Per Person (Last Entry 1pm) Approximately 6 Miles

Please Call to Confirm Numbers 07970 730656 01300 341728 Summer Church Service @ 3.00pm Tea/Coffee & BBQ from 11.00am DT27BA ~ Dogs Welcome on the lead

& in

, Come and enjoy the history of our village wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 25

* Diary * Diary * Diary * Diary * END OF JUNE Fri

28 Junior WV Players Alice the Musical


Leigh Village Hall


29 Junior WV Players Alice the Musical


Leigh Village Hall


30 Village Praise


Maiden Newton Parish Church

3.30 - 5pm

St Peter's Church Chetnole

Garden Cottage, Chetnole

Cream Teas & Teddy Bear Parachuting

JULY Mon 1

Chetnole & Leigh Garden club Garden Party - Members only


Tues 2

Leigh Discussion Club Outing to Tyntesfield


Summer Literary Luncheon Sherborne Literary Society

12 -2.30pm Refectory, Leweston School

Wriggle Valley Players Panto Read Through for Aladdin


Leigh Village Hall

Wed 3

Quiet Day


Bembury Farm, Thornford



Yetminster History Society coffee morning


Cross Farm, Yetminster



Scout Hut Grand opening party

Tues 9

Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society Outing to Hestercombe

Yetminster Scout Hut

Wed 10 Wriggle Valley Players Panto Auditions for Aladdin


Leigh Village Hall



High Street, Yetminster

Wed 14 Forest School Family Day


Pogles Wood


20 Leigh Food fair & Classic cars/bikes


Leigh Village Hall


27 Scout Group Treasure Hunt Hog Roast


Leigh Village Hall


28 Ride or Stride


Hilfield Farm

Village Praise


Canning Court, Pulham

Charity Fun Dog Show


Old Vicarage, Leigh

Pogles Picnic


Pogles Wood

13 Yetminster Street Fair

Yetminster Scout Hut

Mon 29 Forest School Family Day


Pogles Wood

Wed 31 Woodland Wednesday


Pogles Wood


* Diary * Diary * Diary * Diary * Sat

Chetnole Flower Show & Fete


Chetnole Village hall

Mon 5

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Gardens of Australasia - Mike Morrell


Chetnole Village hall

Tues 6

Leigh Discussion Club Outing Fiddleford Mushrooms 2.30pm

Leigh Village Hall

Mon 12 Forest Club


Pogles’ Wood

Wed 14 Family Day

11am- 3pm Pogles’ Wood



10 Leigh Flower Show


16 Elvis Tribute night


17 Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society Summer Show


St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster


18 Praise Service


St Mary's, Hermitage

Pogles’ Picnic

George Albert Hotel


Pogles’ Wood

Mon 19 Forest Club


Pogles’ Wood

Wed 21 Woodland Wednesday


Pogles’ Wood


Hermitage Village Green

Mon 26 Sheep Racing


Hermitage Village Green

Wed 28 Woodland Wednesday


Pogles’ Wood


25 Nina Garcia sings on the Green


30 Leigh Art Exhibition

Leigh Village Hall


31 Leigh Art Exhibition

Leigh Village Hall



SEPTEMBER Leigh Art Exhibition

Leigh Village Hall

Mon 2

Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Nectar Plants - Martin Young


Chetnole Village Hall

Tues 3

An evening of poetry and music Wriggle Valley Mothers Union


Boyles Gallery, Yetminster


Leigh Fete


Tues 10 Leigh Discussion Club Outing Moreton Church & Tea Room Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society Gardens to Remember Graeme Mitchell Fri

13 Charity Masquerade Ball Wriggle Valley Players

Old Vicarage, Leigh 1.30pm 7.30pm

St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster


Leigh Village Hall

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 27



* Diary * Diary * Diary * Diary * Sat Tues Tues Sun

14 17 24 29

Mon 7 Tues 8 Sat


Tues 22 Sat


Tues 12

Sat 23 Tues 26

Dorset Historic Churches Bike Ride 10am-6pm

High Stoy Parish Council Yetminster Film Night Village Praise OCTOBER Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club AGM and drinks Yetminster & Ryme Garden Society Pruning Shrubs Yetminster Fair Assoc Folk Concert Scout Group Cheese & Wine Evening Quiz Night Yetminster Film Night NOVEMBER Scout Group Quiz night Greasy Spoon Café Yetminster Fair Concert Yet. & Ryme Garden Society AGM & Wildlife on My Doorstep Batcombe Auction of Promises Yetminster Film Night

7.30pm 7.30pm 5pm

Hermitage Village Hall St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster Leigh Village Hall


Chetnole Village Hall


St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster


St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster Yetminster Scout Hut

7.30pm 7.30pm

Hermitage Village Hall St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster


Yetminster Scout Hut Chetnole Village Hall


St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster


Leigh Village Hall St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster

Henry is an author, reviewer and critic of nonfiction specialising in language and cultural history and is a very engaging and entertaining at a Summer Literary Luncheon speaker. He was a King’s about his latest book Scholar at Eton before going to Sorry! The English and their Manners Christ Church, Oxford and University College, London. So TUESDAY 2 JULY far he has written five books: Dr Johnson’s 12.00 noon for 12.30pm Dictionary: The Extraordinary Story of the Book The Refectory, Leweston School That Defined the World (2005), The Secret Life Tickets: £25 of Words: How English Became English (2008) (£22.50 for Literary Society Members) that won the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, Who’s includes welcoming drink and two course Afraid of Jane Austen?: How to Really Talk About luncheon from Sherborne Tourist Information Books You Haven’t Read (2008), The Language Centre or can be ordered from www.SherborneLiterarySociety.com Wars: A History of Proper English (2011) and Sorry! The English and their Manners (2013).

Sherborne Literary Society presents


28 28

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

Farm raised, freshly frozen Beef, Pork & Lamb for sale through our farm shop. Large range of ready meals with gluten and wheat free options available, various cakes and quiches. We also do outside catering and Hog Roasts; from one pork chop to a whole pig, we will cater for everyone.

HOUND HOUSE Bed & Breakfast Yetminster, Dorset, DT9 6LF

A warm welcome awaits you at this pretty thatched cottage in the heart of Yetminster. We have two beautiful rooms with separate sitting /breakfast room. Please contact us for further details or see our website. 01935 872243 / 07929 031973 www.houndhousebandb.com


Delicious savoury and sweet biscuits, lovingly made at the Dorset Village Bakery

Oak House Stores, Yetminster Bridge Garage, Leigh Goose Slade Farmshop, East Coker The Pear Tree, Sherborne Fudges ‘ online’ shop – see website

Pinesway Business Park, Station Road, Stalbridge, DT10 2RN


wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 29


Kate 07971 842274 Hamish 07967 309786 hamish01st@hotmail.com the Dairy House, Netherton Farm, Closworth, Yeovil

Regular Meetings…. Mon - Fri Every Monday

Every Tuesday

Wriggle Valley Pre-School (term time) Leigh Short Mat Bowls Gymnastic Classes Ist Yetminster Guides Yetminster Table Tennis Club Yetminster Bell Ringers Topsy Turvy Toddlers (term time) Beavers (term time) Scouts (term time)

Beginners' Pilates Chetnole Art Group Every Dollywood Dance Class Wednesday Baby & Toddler Group (term time) Drop in Coffee Morning Yetminster Short Mat Bowls Boules Club - Chetnole Chuckers Wednesday Club (in term) Morning Yoga Class Junior WV Players (in term) Zumba Every Thursday

Every Fri Every Sat Every Sun 1st Mon 1st Tue

2nd Tues


Beginners’ Yoga Leigh Short Mat Bowls Yetminster Short Mat Bowls Leigh Rainbows & Brownies (in term) Yetminster Cubs Bridge Club The Eye Bus Advanced Pilates Zumba Table Tennis Irish Dancers Boules Club - Chetnole Chuckers Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club Hospice Lunch Leigh Discussion Club (wint) Wriggle Valley MU (alt months) Tuesday Club (senior citizens) Yetminster & Ryme Garden Soc.

8.30am -3.00pm 2.00 -5.00pm 4.15 - 6.30pm 6.45 - 8.30pm 7.30pm 7.30-10.00pm 9.30 - 11.30am 5.45 - 6.45pm 7 - 8.30pm wint. 7 - 9.00pm sum. 1.30 and 2.35pm 10.00 - 1.00pm 2.00pm 9.30 -11.30am 10.00 - 12 noon 7.00 - 10.00pm 5.00pm 3.15 pm-4.05pm 10.30 - 11.30am 6.30 - 7.45pm 4.00pm

St Andrew's P School Leigh Village Hall St Andrew’s Primary Sch Trim Rm, Church Hall Scout Hut, Yetminster St Andrew's Church St Andrew's Primary School Scout Hut Yetminster Scout Hut Yetminster Scout Hut Yetminster Chetnole Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall St And's Hall, Y'minster Lower Covey Nursery, Yet. Chetnole Village Hall St Andrew's Hall Chetnole Playing Fields St Andrew's P School Leigh Village Hall Scout Hut Yetminster Leigh Village Hall

7.00pm 7.00 - 10.00pm 2.00 - 5.00pm 5.30 - 6.55pm 6.45 - 8.15pm 7.00 - 10.00pm 1.00 - 4.00pm 10.00 - 11.00am 4.00pm 9.30 - 12.30pm 10.15am 3.00pm 7.30pm 12.30pm 7.30 - 10.30pm 7.00pm 2.30 - 5.00pm 7.30pm

St Andrew’s Primary Sch Leigh Village Hall St Andrew's Hall Leigh Village Hall Scout Hut, Yetminster Dairy House, Ryme Scout Hut, Yetminster Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall Leigh Village Hall Church Hall, Yetminster Chetnole Playing Fields Chetnole Village Hall Manor Farm, Yetminster Leigh Village Hall Church Hall, Yetminster Leigh Village Hall St Andrew's Hall

2nd Tues (not July/Aug)

3rd Tues

Last Tues 1st Wed 2nd Wed 2nd/4th Wed

3rd Wed not Aug & Dec Wednesday /fortnight

Senior Winter Lunch Outings Halstock & Distr. British Legion WV Women's Group Wriggle Valley Lunch Club Leigh Parish Council - alt mnths Leigh Women's Institute Batcombe Coffee Morning Coffee Beans Coffee Morning Yetminster History Society Police Support Unit High Stoy Bible Study District Council Ward Surgery Police Community Support Yetminster & Ryme I. PC



Sue Footner 873610 Rest & Welcome Pub Gable Court or tbc Leigh Village Hall Leigh Village Hall Leigh Village Hall Batcombe Church Hall, Yetminster Church Hall, Yetminster The Cross, Leigh Venue contact 872342 Jolin Gallery, Yetminster By Church, Yetminster St Andrew's School

Sturminster Mobile Library

Friary Shop Hermitage and Hilfield YFC Chetnole & Stockwood PC

11.15am 11.50am 2.00pm 11.40pm 12.20pm 12.40pm 2.30 - 4.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm

Church Lane, Hermitage Shearstones, Yetminster Stonyacres, Yetminster Carpenters' Arms, Leigh The Church, Chetnole Lamb Plot, Chetnole The Friary, Hilfield Leigh Village Hall Chetnole Village Hall

Woodland Wednesdays Yetminster Fair Association

12.00-2.45pm 8.00pm

Pogles’ Wood nr Leigh White Hart

Bridport Mobile Library

Wed - Sat Alt Thurs 2nd Thur

7.30pm 12.15 - 3.00pm 7.30pm 7.30 - 11.00pm 11.00am 10.00 - 12 noon 2.30pm 2.00 - 3.00pm 7.30pm 11.00 - 12 noon

/alt mth

Last Wed Last Thurs

LEIGH VILLAGE HALL Accredited to Hallmark 1. Kitchen 5 stars. Parking for 72 cars. Covered patio.

Book Main Hall or Committee Room: Available dates: Paul Orchard 01963 210619 or paulandmorag@gmail.com Pricing, firm bookings: Duncan Moore 01963 210154 or duncancmoore@aol.com

July/Aug dates For your diary

Wed 3 & 10 July


Aladdin read through & auditions

Sat 20 July

10 - 4pm

Leigh Food Fair & classic cars

Sat 27 July


Leigh Hog Roast

Sat 10 Aug


Fri 30 Aug - Sun 1 Sept

Leigh Flower Show Leigh Art Exhibition wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 31


‌Events & Activities

News from our Churches Enough food for everyone IF...


F big businesses were made to pay their taxes .... IF the G8 leaders were persuaded to keep their climate change promises .... IF world leaders were to keep their global health pledges .... IF we were to buy fairly traded goods, from bananas to gold .... IF the poor were not forcibly evicted from their land and left with no way to grow food These are some of the issues that brought more than 200 campaigning organisations from many faiths and none together to organise a rally on Saturday 8 June, ahead of the G8 meeting, which is to be hosted by David Cameron in Lough Erne, Fermanagh from June 17 to 18. We joined the huge crowds at a service at the Methodist Central Hall, where Archbishop Vincent Nichols spoke of how we need to recognise our own poverty in order to be close to the poor. There was a moving

interview with Aimee Manimani, from the Republic of Congo, who spoke of her own experiences of hunger and of the injustice of the money that drains out of her country through tax dodging and corruption. We were urged to consider what changes we could make to our own eating habits and what we already do. From Westminster we walked to Hyde Park, where we joined tens of thousands of people in the sunshine, being challenged to think about our shopping and eating habits, and how we contribute to climate change. There were speeches from Danny Boyle, Bill Gates and Eddie Izzard, amongst others, whilst across the city David Cameron was addressing a meeting ahead of the G8 conference, speaking of a target goal to end absolute poverty by 2030, citing the importance of foreign aid and innovation. The G8 summit is going to tackle trade, taxation and transparency, and we can all add our voices by writing to our MPs or simply making changes to how we live and eat. What can you do? Sue Footner and Clare Brignall

32 32

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

2 June St. Mary’s Maiden Newton by the Bishop of Sherborne.

31 May St. Andrew’s Leigh

28 May St. Andrew’s Leigh

4 June St. Hippolytus, Ryme.

I AM THE WAY I am the way, says the Lord, Come listen and mark my word, I am the truth, what is more, I am the life and the door. Come through the door of the fold, Whether you're young or you're old, I'm the good shepherd, you'll see, I know my sheep - they know me. I am the bread of your life, Banish all hunger and strife, Drink from the water, it's free! Life is abundant in me. I am the only true vine, You are the branches, you're mine! Be fruitful, my branch of the tree, Stay firmly rooted in me. Jill James wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 33


19 May St. Andrew’s, Yetminster

The Christian Aid house to house collection total for the whole Wriggle Valley is currently running at £1,783.83. This amount is on target to exceed the total last year. I am unable to give a full breakdown for each village separately at the moment because at the time of going to press collection envelopes are still awaited from two villages. If anyone still has a Christian Aid envelope at home and would like to donate please return them to your local collector, churchwarden or the Rectory at Yetminster, or direct me at The Old Post Lodge, Leigh. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped with the collection. Your gifts will surely help those in need and transform lives around the world. Karen Taylor

News from the Methodist Church White Rabbit spotted near Leigh Hall God’s mercy is with us whatever the weather – everyone is on about the weather. In some parts of the country there has been too much rain. In others farmers are having problems because there hasn’t been enough and the soil is very dusty. When it is a really nice spell like early in June some people commented how it was too hot for them, there I am thinking, “I like it like this”. We are never satisfied. Weather is also a topic of conversation in Britain. When in a doctor’s office recently, he said good morning and commented on the weather. Last year some of you will know I came to live in Sherborne from Bridgnorth in Shropshire, I was working in a church up there. The church house had a garden, so I invited everyone round on 15 July for Songs of Praise and a cream tea. The only thing was the weather, what was that going to be like, because up until then the weather wasn’t reliable. Well we put all the tables and chairs out on the grass and set up the tea and more than 40 people arrived. It didn’t rain all afternoon. In fact I choose my hymn for Songs of Praise which was a seasonal hymn, “Summer suns are glowing”. Everyone had a good sing and praised the Lord, and had a nice tea, friendships were renewed and some people including me with my bald head, got a bit of a sun tan. After all the things were washed up and put away we reflected on what a great day it had been. On Monday, the day after, it rained. The two days couldn’t have been more different. We need all kinds of weather to live. The hymn “Summer

34 34

suns are glowing”, an older hymn says this and its verses say what we believe about God’s mercy pouring out for us. As you read through these verses by William Walsham How, we pray you will be greatly blessed by God, whatever you are doing. Summer suns are glowing over land and sea; Happy light is flowing, bountiful and free; Everything rejoices in the mellow rays; Earth’s ten thousand voices swell the psalm of praise. God’s free mercy streameth over all the world, And His banner gleameth, by His church unfurled; Broad and deep and glorious, as the heaven above, Shines in might victorious His eternal love. Lord, upon our blindness Thy pure radiance pour; For Thy loving kindness we would love Thee more; And when clouds are drifting dark across the sky, Then, the veil uplifting, Father, be Thou nigh. We will never doubt Thee, though Thou veil Thy light; Life is dark without Thee, death with Thee is bright; Light of light, shine o’er us on our pilgrim way; Go Thou still before us to the endless day. Deacon Gary Hoare

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please


at Cannings Court, Pulham

Wednesday, 3 July 10.00 – 4.00 pm.

( )

Village Praise are regular informal meetings across the Melbury, Wriggle Valley and Vale of White Hart benefices. We enjoy reflective worship with songs and brief but thoughtful teaching. There will be time and space to be with God, with others and to explore what it means to follow Jesus. Just turn up – drinks and eats to start : on 29 September at 5pm in Leigh Village Hall as guests of Simon 01935 83003 or johnrennie40@hotmail.com for more details

led by The Reverend Canon Jeremy Davies Precentor of Salisbury Cathedral 1985 - 2013 Please bring a picnic lunch, bible and notebook Tea, coffee & soft drinks will be available Places may be booked, and directions to the garden obtained, at Sherborne Abbey Parish Office (01935 812452) during office hours

‘Experiencing Christian Community’ An opportunity for young people (17 - 25) to come and experience the life and work of the Hilfield Friary Community.

Tuesday 9 to Friday 12 July ‘Making Peace in a World of Conflict’ with The Revd Jonathan Herbert. Journeying through peace and reconciliation in our own lives and in the life of the world guided by the New Testament, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jnr.

Tuesday 16 to Saturday 20 July

Saturday 27 July to Sunday 4 August Hilfield Families Camp. A week at the Friary enjoying rest, fellowship, family activities and reflection. Contact Kelvin and Helen Inglis: h.inglis@tesco.net

Sunday 11 to Sunday 18 August Hilfield Youth Camp. A week for young people with fun, friendship, Christian teaching and worship. Contact Bob Bailey: bobjess@btinternet.com

For more information and bookings please contact the Guest Brother on: Telephone: 01300 341741 Email: hilfieldssf@franciscans.org.uk or visit our website: www.hilfieldfriary.org.uk wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 35


– hopefully in open air Worship to be led by Rich Roberts from Beaminster

The Church Services for April TheBenefice Benefice Church Services for July





The sixth The seventh The eighth Sunday after Sunday after Sunday after Trinity Trinity Trinity 10.15am Holy Communion

The ninth Sunday after Trinity 10.15am Holy Communion

8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.15am Holy Communion




6.30pm Evening Prayer

10.15am Prayer and Praise 10.15am Holy Communion 6.30pm TaizĂŠ at The Friary



10.15am Holy 6.30pm Communion Evensong (BCP) RYME 8.30am INTRINSECA Holy Communion (BCP) 7pm YETMINSTER 10.15am Holy Hymns and Communion Pimms at The White Hart

2-4pm Riders and Striders Service +tea 8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

6.30pm Evensong (BCP) 10.15am Choral Holy Communion

8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

Mid-Week Services Monday Tuesday

1st, 8th, 6pm 22nd & 29th 15th 6pm 2nd 10am














Healing Service Lower Covey Ministry Meeting Bishop of Sherborne. Blessing of Church Wall Holy Communion

Yetminster Yetminster Yetminster

Chetnole Old Vicarage, Leigh

The for April TheBenefice BeneficeChurch ChurchServices Services for August






10th Sunday 11th Sunday 12th Sunday 13th Sunday after Trinity after Trinity after Trinity after Trinity BATCOMBE

10.15am Holy Communion

10.15am Holy Communion


8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.15am Holy Communion


10.15am Prayer and Praise

6.30pm Evening Prayers


10.15am Holy Communion

6.30pm Evensong (BCP)

RYME 8.30am INTRINSECA Holy Communion (BCP) YETMINSTER 10.15am Family Holy Communion

10.15am Family Service

8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

6.30pm Evensong (BCP) 10.15am Matins

10.15am Choral Holy Communion

8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)

Mid-Week Services Monday

5th, 12th & 6pm 25th





Healing Service Yetminster




Lower Covey





Ministry Meeting





Holy Communion

Old Vicarage, Leigh


wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 37



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01935 812647 daniel@wsbrister.co.uk


Emergency out-of-hours service

33 Sparrow Road Yeovil Somerset ALSO AT 16 Newland Sherborne Dorset Contact:


Information about your Church Wriggle Valley Benefice

The Friary, Hilfield

Priest in Charge: Rev’d Simon Brignall The Rectory, Church St, Yetminster tel: 07718 627674 or 01935 872 237 email: brignall97as@btinternet.com


Licensed Lay Minister: John Strover 01935 872437

Roman Catholic Services Roman Catholic Church The Sacred Heart & St. Aldhelm, Westbury, Sherborne DT9 3EL tel: (01935) 812021 Parish Priest: Monsignor Canon Robert Draper V.G. e-mail: sherbornerc@btinternet.com, website: sherbornecatholicchurch.org.uk

Weekdays: 12 noon Midday Prayer followed by Eucharist 5.15pm Evening Prayer These are sung on Saint’s Days

Mass times: 6pm Saturday 10.30am Sunday Holy Days 10am and 6.30pm Wednesday 10am 10am Friday For other services and information, please see the noticeboard, newsletter or website.

Yetminster Methodist Church Chapel Lane, Yetminster DT9 6LJ Minister: Rev’d Dr Roy Catchpole 60 Gainsborough, Milborne Port, Sherborne, DT9 5BB 01963 250040 email: rev.catch@virgin.net Worship co-ordinator: Mrs Marilyn Harris (01935 864232) Treasurer: Mr Cliff Harris, Broad View, Forge Lane, East Chinnock, Yeovil, BA22 9EG. Secretary: Mrs Barbara Driver (01935 873690)

Services for July & August. July Preachers 14 Deacon Gary Hoare. 28 Rev Roy Catchpole. August 11 Mr C. James. 25 Miss J Le Moignan Services commence at 10.30 am and are followed by refreshments.

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 39


Office: St Andrew’s Hall, Church Street, Yetminster Tel: 01935 872600 (24 hr message service) email: wrigglevb.office@gmail.com Note: Simon’s usual day off is Friday

8.30am Sung Eucharist 5.15pm Sung Evening Prayer (Mondays Closed – Brother’s Free Day)

Melbury Kitchens Interiors



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General News St Andrew's Swimming Pool is open! The children of St Andrew's have not only being enjoying the pool during the school day, but also after school in the After School swim sessions. Each afternoon is divided into slots, giving every child at the school the opportunity to swim in their pool. Although the last couple of days have been a bit wet and windy, there have been some hard core swimmers who have not been put off by a bit of rain well they're only going to get wet anyway!! And not least of all that the water temperature is a good 10oC (sometimes double) above the air

temperature! So far, only the students have been enjoying the warm waters - but now we're ready to release what we'd like to be the Summer & Weekend timetable. I say 'we'd like' it to be because we need your help! For each session we need 2 people to be on Pool Duty. One needs to have First Aid (with resuscitation) qualifications and the other needs to be a competent swimmer. Have a look at the following timetable and if you can help out with any sessions, please let me know at anna@taylors5.co.uk. The more the merrier, and the more the pool will be open for this hot hot summer we're going to have (staying positive!!) Thanks St Andrew's Swimming Pool Committee

St Andrew's School Pool Holiday Timetable Tuesday






10am-11am ADULTS

10am-11am 10am-12 noon 10am-12 noon 10am-12 noon ADULTS


11am-12pm FAMILY

11am-12pm FAMILY
















● Membership forms are available in the school office or a printable version is available on the PTA page of the school website. ● Oakleigh Farm Shop, the Spar and Oakhouse Stores have membership forms too. ● Membership costs £10 per family or £5 for individuals then £1 per swim for adults and 50p for children under 16.





10.00am - 4.00pm SATURDAY 20 July £2 Adults Children under 15 Free Taste and buy some of the best food and drink on offer from local producers. The Stallholders will include:● Alweston Jam & Chutney Empire ● Bridport Pies ● Capreolus Fine Foods ● Chocolate Workshop ● Dorset Blue Cheese & Soup Co. ● Dorset Fishwife ● Easy Beans ● Fudges ● Granny Gothard’s Ice Cream ● Leakers Bakery ● Longmeadow Organic Vegetables ● Manna Kitchen ● Olivesetal ● Pinks Organics ● Reads Coffee Roasters ● Somerset Cider Brandy Co. ● White Post Gate Honey ● Wylde Meadow Farm ● and Yarty Cordials.

42 42

A variety of interesting cars & motorbikes will be on display. There will also be Flower Displays in St Andrew’s Church.

This is proving to be a very successful show, AND will, of course, be in our amazing Village Hall. Please spread the word to your friends and relations – it really is a day NOT to be missed.

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please


Telephone & fax 01300 341351 www.flowersfarmlakes.co.uk Email alan@flowersfarmlakes.com For good fishing in beautiful surroundings OPEN ALL YEAR 5.30 a.m. Till DUSK Subject to weather conditions www.dorset-water.co.uk

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On Friday 13 September from 7pm, the Wriggle Valley Players are hosting a masquerade ball in Leigh village hall. This is a charity ball in aid of the Southern Spinal Injuries Trust (SSIT). The charity raises money to provide equipment and maintain facilities in the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre, which is based in Salisbury District Hospital. The Spinal treatment centre specialises in the management of patients paralysed because of a spinal cord injury. Offering rehabilitative treatment, advice and support. Damage to the spinal chord can result in paralysis, either partial or total, and this in turn has life-changing consequences for people that are effected. Many patients that go to the treatment centre need constant assistance to complete everyday tasks, and many stay at the facility for many months while receiving support and advice on a whole new way of life. The SSIT supports people effected by spinal injuries and their families, by raising money so that they can have the equipment they need to enable greater independence and quality of life. At present they are raising money for a new minibus for the spinal injury wards, so that patients can take trips out of the hospital during their prolonged stays. In the past the SSIT have raised the funds needed to create a beautiful garden within the centre. Horatio's garden is a peaceful garden designed to give patients an accessible outdoor space to enjoy during their treatment.

The ball will be a great chance for everyone to dress in their finest and enjoy good food, all with Anna Taylor's masquerade photo booth. Live music will be coming from The Opus Clarinet Quartet, who play a eclectic mix of music from classical to jazz. Folk ensemble Strings and Things will have you all up and dancing. Finally, playing jazz and funk, The James Budden Band will be entertaining us before Darren Elford concludes the evening with a disco. What could be better than attending a fabulously fun evening while raising money for an important charity?! For Tickets and Information contact:

Amy John

07969 812069 07970 819861

Amy Goodfellow & Gemma Perrin wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 45


Masquerade Ball

Great Cycle Ride 2013 Dorset Churches Saturday 14 September. 10am to 6pm.

Notes from the Gallery No 3 The big news is that our woodburner is finally resting and flickering candlelight now illuminates the fireplace where, until recently, flames leapt. Oh, how we dreamed of this day during the cold, raw days of May.... yes, May! Would sunshine ever flood the walls of the old school? Would ‘On the Boyle’ boil? But wait..... there is the faintest memory of a May day when sunshine did shine upon our activities! Sherborne artist, Laurence Belbin, held a day’s workshop on drawing. Warmth and sunshine, yes SUNSHINE, ‘blessed’ the group’s outdoor drawing session in the afternoon; an enviable scene of tranquil creativity and concentration. The warmth has now continued on our walls with striking fabric designs by Halstock surface pattern designer Jaqueline Milton. Large golden roses, piercing blue delphiniums and serene hydrangeas adorn her linen fabrics and are echoed in lampshades and cushions. What a backdrop to our tea and scones! So preparations are now under way for our next ventures; a series of art lectures by John Meaker, and workshops in spinning (Kathy Henderson) and writing (our resident author Janet Gelernter) as well as a summer musical evening with Damian Clarke on his Hammer Dulcimer...... ........ and (some would say ‘more importantly’) we are about to serve ice cream. It MUST be summer? Warm and sunny wishes to you all. Sarah Hedrin 46 46

Look out for posters nearer the time

Musings I had a message from a friend who retired to Australia. He does some voluntary work and in his group of four. There is a Catholic, a Moslem, a Hindu and my friend who describes himself as a "don't know" or agnostic. They talk a lot amongst themselves and he asked each of them to put a good word in for him, just to hedge his bets, as he thinks he is not likely to get in. The Hindu shook his head, the Moslem brought him the Koran to read, and the Catholic sent him this:I dreamed death came the other night And heavens gates swung wide With kindly grace, an angel Ushered me inside. And there to my astonishment Stood folks I'd known on earth Some I'd judged and labelled Unfit or of little worth Indignant words rose to my lips But never were set free For every face showed stunned surprise NO ONE EXPECTED ME !! ANON !!!

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

By Janet Gelernter, B.A. “All the world’s a stage” said Will Shakespeare, who knew a thing or three about writing. Every one of us, as players on that stage, has a unique story to tell. In my work as a writer’s coach and editor, I often hear, “I have this great idea for a story!” But what comes after the idea? How do you turn it into a novel or a memoir or a screenplay? My advice is the same as that of the Indian sage who was asked, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

The Solution to Oven Cleaning – the Most Hated Chore It’s the little jobs around the house that are usually left unresolved, with cleaning the oven being a prime example. Although a tedious chore, it can be quite dangerous if neglected, unlike other odd jobs in the home. Even the most passionate cleaners will admit defeat when it comes to cleaning the oven as it is such an unloved chore. The buildup of excess fat and grease inside the oven, not to mention keeping tabs

1. Decide who is the star of your story and tell it from their point of view; 2. Lay out the events of your plot so that they build in intensity; 3. Make sure your principal player has changed by the end. That’s it really: the basic recipe for a strong story. So why not get writing and go from “player” to “playwright”! For information on upcoming writing classes or coaching/editing services, call Janet Gelernter (01935 873811).

on the exterior, can make cleaning the kitchen appliance a daunting prospect. Martin McNeill and his team at Ovenu Yeovil can solve this dilemma, leaving ovens glistening with their environmentally friendly oven valeting service, ensuring it will perform at its best and prolong its life. Martin said: “At Ovenu Yeovil we offer a thorough service that will leave your oven sparkling with our environmentally friendly valeting methods. Customer satisfaction is vital so we ensure that your oven is left in an impeccable state, which is safe for you and your family.” Ovenu Yeovil covers the entire Yeovil area as well as Sherborne, Martock, Crewkerne, Shaftesbury, Gillingham, Mere, Marnhull, Castle Cary and Bruton. For more information contact Ovenu Yeovil on 0800 140 9800 or visit http://www.ovenuyeovil.net/

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 47


Telling Your Story

PTA Summer Fete & Flower Show

Sheep Racing

On Saturday 15 June St Andrew's PTA held their first Summer Fete and Flower show. There were the flower show entries displayed in the marquee along with the tombola and some of the year 6's had their Bank Holiday Monday own stall raising funds for their year books. There was a coconut shy, pitch 'n' putt, lucky horse shoe game, human fruit machine Hermitage Village Green (many thanks to the teachers that gave up their Saturday afternoon to man this stall), pony rides (thanks to Leigh Equestian Centre), go-kart racing (many thanks to Peter at the Toy Barn Sherborne), Cream teas served by the 1st Leigh Guides and 1st Yetminster Cub Group, hot dogs and chips and a bar. Ÿ New for Ÿ Dog Children could get their face painted and 2013 agility jump off their energy and candyfloss on the Ferret Ÿ Dog show bouncy castle (many thanks to Barfoots Bouncers). racing Ÿ BBQ & The school children were Ÿ Races BAR very excited Ÿ Gun dogs Ÿ Skittles to find out who the 'mystery' guest was in the stocks and once our headteacher, Paul Miller, took his place, had lots of fun throwing the wet sponges at him! fl The fun races were enjoyed by many who entered in to the ower show. which included a three legged race, egg and Overall the day raised £500 which the spoon race and the favourite, tug of war, PTA are going to use to improve the outside which was filled by both children and adults area at the school. alike. The PTA are having a stall at Yetminster The PTA would like to thank everyone Fair in July where we will have more games who helped set up and clear away the fete, and activities for children and adults to enjoy. all who 'manned' stalls, came and Maryann Parkinson, Chair PTA supported us on the day and also everyone 48 48 Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please


27 August




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An Evening of Poetry and Music

All money raised will be donated to the overseas work of the Mother’s Union. Please see the Mother’s Union website - www.themothersunion.org - for details of the many programmes worldwide the Mothers’ Union supports.

After the 2011 announcement of £530 million to be spent through County or City Councils in England and Wales on Superfast Broadband, progress has been slow. Dorset has received confirmation of its allocation and has in turn allocated ‘matched funding’ which will bring the total for the county to over £19 million, and there will be a contribution (probably in kind) from the contractor selected for the task. As we in the Wriggle Valley communities had forecast, there has been a log jam in getting down to the details, selecting a contractor and negotiating a contract. This is all rather familiar and worrying since the Central Government cash allocation to Dorset has to be spent by 6 April 2015. The better news is that Dorset is now close to agreeing a contract with the preferred contractor and there will hopefully be an announcement of contract award by the beginning of August. But this means that all the people ‘in the know’ in Dorset CC and West Dorset District Council are in purdah until the contract negotiations are complete. This is giving the County and Districts less time to get organised to roll out

● Priority will be given to areas very slow broadband now (almost exclusively rural parishes) ● The initial contract will be to cover at least 90% of all premises ● The contract will permit better coverage and higher speeds as these become available A pilot briefing in Beaminster to some of their local ‘Community Champions’ was not adjudged a great success because the DCC and WDDC project team members were not permitted to explain just how the roll-out would proceed there. The second briefing, with much better information, is planned for the Wriggle Valley area in July or August in Leigh Village Hall. Details will come as soon as possible through Parish Councils and those people who have registered as Community Champions for the project. Phil Burton

INTER VILLAGE COMPETITION The September Edition of the WVM will have details of this year’s competition.

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 51


Progress on the Local Roll-out of Superfast Broadband. However, some principles have been agreed: Superfast Broadband

POGLES’ WOOD Activity Days Come and play in the woods during the summer holidays

Woodland Wednesday afternoon activities suitable for accompanied children age 6 and below.

12.00 noon to 2.30pm £3 per child Wed 31 July Wed 21 August Wed 28 August

Forest School Family Days Day of activities suitable for children aged 7 – 10 with their families. 11.00am to 3.00pm £5 per child Mon 29 July Wed 14 August

52 52

Forest Club day of activities for unaccompanied children aged 8 – 11 10.00am – 3.00pm £12 per child Mon 12 August Mon 19 August

Pogles Parties Activities include Pogles Wood is Treasure Hunt, Den available for building, Outdoor children’s parties Cooking, Craft, Basic Woodwork, For directions and Storytelling and lots of details of events or running about outside volunteering opportunities contact Places are limited so Folk South West, please book in Sherborne, Dorset advance.

Pogles Picnics

philippa@folksw.org.uk or Tel: 01935 873889

Come and picnic in the woods Sun 28 July Sun 18 August Open from 12.00 noon until 3.00pm Free of charge

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

Making all types of timber building including garages/sheds/fencing/panels All to suit your individual needs We will refurbish/rebuild all types of buildings and ground works

29 June QUIZ NIGHT in aid of St Margaret’s Hospice 9p.m. 5 JULY Top band ‘JACUZZI SOUP’ play at Thornford Village Hall. Tickets £8 or 2 for £15 from us... includes refreshments. A fantastic evening’s entertainment not to be missed.

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…there’s nowt so

fascinating as Folk …

I am a showman, and on my back the days I carry my actors all in a pack. of the John Pole, A puppet showman, that’s me, yours truly, seaside a Punch and And the stars of my show are Punch and Judy. concert parties, Judy man from end of the pier London, wrote his song about this ancient form of shows, and the white-faced troupes of entertainment in 1970. The song doesn’t pull Pierrots. Does anyone have photographs of any punches (no pun intended) in addressing such entertainment in Dorset? Did the Pierrots the sinister aspects of the traditional story, and come to Weymouth? Just as donkey rides on the sand are an it must surprise many of us that a show that integral part of seaside entertainment, so depicts wife beating, child abuse, are those two great gastronomic mistreatment of animals, murder delights, fish and chips and ice and a complete disregard for cream. I find it interesting that these public morals and the law of the two great British institutions were land should be regarded as often taken on by immigrant families children’s entertainment. from Italy and that Punch and Judy Entertainment it is, and came from the Italian commedia entertainment with a very strong dell’arte theatre tradition. sense of tradition. I once did a My partner Philippa has interesting few days work as an outdoor memories from an old lady, who entertainer in the Bull Ring in Birmingham. I was there as a one man band worked in service in a big house in Wiltshire. and fire eater (honestly!), and there was a One of the lady’s early responsibilities was to clown on stilts who recited Shakespearean make ice cream for the household. This was in speeches from his lofty perch, a strong man the days before electricity was installed, even whose main trick was to have a thick rope in the grandest houses. So ice cream could looped round his neck while people pulled on only be made in the depths of winter, either end, and there was a Punch and Judy especially at Christmas. The maid had to get man. The latter was one of the most miserable, up in the night to beat the frozen milk and then dissatisfied and unhappy people I’ve ever met! beat it again very early in the morning. Thus ice Fortunately I know three other purveyors of this cream was a breakfast treat on Christmas ancient art and they are very jolly people and morning! Thank goodness for electricity and for I’m sure the resident puppeteer on the beach those very clever people who make those delicious ice cream flavours that we can eat at Weymouth this summer will be just as jolly. Weymouth is also home to a family on a hot day while watching that poor Mrs enterprise that goes back to 1920. Fred Punch being put through the mill in her little Darrington started sand sculpting in the 1920’s theatre booth on the beach. And it’s until a stroke put an end to his work when he interesting to note that we who are eating was 86. His grandson, Mark Anderson, those ice creams and watching Mr and Mrs became an apprentice sand sculptor at Punch in their domestic disarray are just as the age of 22 and now continues in his much a part of the seaside tradition as the grandfather’s footsteps working on puppeteer and the ice cream seller. Let’s hope we all have a good Weymouth beach in the summer and carrying out other commissions summer and lovely summery weather. during the winter. I wonder how many Eddie Upton people remember

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 55


One Day a Year … That’s the way to do it!


We say a fond farewell.. I can’t believe it is that time of year where we say farewell to our cherished year 6 in Willow class. Most of them have been with us since their Reception year and have blossomed to their full potential in the intervening seven years. I don’t think they realise how far they have come. It is a funny time of year for them post-SATs when, like the fledgling birds abundant in our gardens, they are stretching their wings ready to fly onwards and upwards. We are in the process of producing our Year Books, class of 2013, which are given to each class member when they leave. Using our Business and Enterprise scheme, we are raising funds towards this venture. Two of our year 6 children, Eve and Ellie, even ran their own stall, of their own volition, at our Summer Fete. We are also having a fund-raising stall at Yestminster Fair making Willow wreaths, so do come and visit us. We are working very hard on their summer production of Shakespeare4Kidz’s Midsummer Night’s Dream which is filling us with enjoyable new challenges. Whoever said that Shakespeare is only accessible to secondary school children is totally incorrect; we are loving it. Following on from studying Macbeth we are now throwing ourselves into Bottom, Puck and all the lovable and loving characters. We are lucky to have local thespian and musician Jim Aldhouse, director of many local pantos and longtime drama teacher coming in to do drama workshops and help us direct this production.

56 56

We are having a performance especially for the community at 1.15pm, Wednesday 17 July, so if you would like to come and enjoy the bard at his best pop into the office for your ticket, £2 for adults, children free. As well as looking forward to new challenges we are also looking back at our time at St Andrew’s. The children are lucky enough to go on a couple of residential outings during their time with us and, not surprisingly a lot of their fondest memories come from these exciting and bonding times as well as the many plays in which they have performed. We wish you all well on your next educational journey; we will miss you and your cheery faces. Bella Neate-Clegg www.standrewsyetminster.org.uk

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

memor My favourite w’s of St Andre


My memories of

m joined in ory is when Sa My best mem ch other ea already knew reception we because I y pp . I was so ha out of school to St Aning him to go had been begg he came I ng time when drews for a lo with joy. nearly cried s was good it wa Leeson house ed lk wa p en Rhys slee d really funny wh an om ro r into ou en wh ed am scre At St Andrew s its like he woke up in all help each ot her out and front of the that’s one of mirror and he the things I to went back am bed

St And

rews My Favourite M emories are al l of the plays, especially Pand emonium when w e w er e in Year 5! I that play I w n as Apple White (an ugly Siste Hetty and we en r) , w it h ded up in the poster instead other year 6s! of th e It helped form our friendship from not even knowing each ot he r well, to knowin every detail of g each-other be ca us e we talk so much! a close commun ity,;we

going to miss. It’s one of those experi ences that you can never forget! There is alway s something interesting and fun, going on, making mor e and more memories. Unf orgettable mem ories! And I treasure them will for ever!

St Anew dr 's Prie to is a good plac mary School re he en ve be come to I ha mol and I reco ho sc e pr since o wh e on y er ev mend this to come I have to e lik d ul wo fun at this had a lot of has school and it of confidence t lo a e given m . school I go to for the next ver By Jack Wea

interacting with other pupils. Unfortunately I slipped in the playground my first day, and after my knee was treated I returned to my class room but that was easier said than done I couldn’t I remember walking down find my class-room so I missed a quarter of the cloakroom aisle anxious a hour of a lesson! Luckily one of my new to get out and meet some new friends, but I didn’t even friends spotted me and took me to my need to step outside to make classroom. More friendly people helped me through the day and the next day and next friends. I hung up my coat and saw a few familiar faces; in fact they still help me today. When I go to secondary school I will they were called Frankie, have more confidence because of my Jacob R, Rhys and Joe. Joe foundations that the school helped build. was asked by the teacher Any child that comes here will feel the (Mr.Higson-Guy), to watch support and the stability they need to go on out for me on my first day, to bigger, harder things. but that didn’t stop me

Leigh Weather Watch April 2013 “That’s the wise thrush, he sings each song twice over Lest you should think he never could recapture That fine careless rapture!” Robert Browning

is now 263mm/10.3”, making it 6% below average. Good news for farmers wondering if they would ever be able to get their cattle back into the fields. Sunshine April followed 2013’s pattern of being cloudier than usual. There were only 107 hours of sunshine, 20% less than the usual 134. The sun shone for a mere 26% of the daylight hours, rather than 34%. Pressure Barometric pressure in April was higher than usual and it averaged 1020mb instead of 1016mb. This helped the return to conditions drier than those we suffered in the exceptionally wet year of 2012. Winds The average wind direction was SSE (163 degrees instead of the usual 168 degrees). The windiest day was 6% down on normal, peaking at 32 mph - which means a high wind rather than a gale. Philip Bryan

April was not especially spring-like, but the thrushes’ dawn chorus still started on cue, much to the annoyance of those who prefer a full night’s sleep. Temperatures 2012 continues to be colder than usual. The average temperature was only 7.3C/45F instead of 9.1C/48F. The coldest night plunged to -6.3C/ 20.7F, well down on the our average minimum of -4.4C/24F. There were 12 frosts, almost double the usual number. The warmest day was the 23rd, with 20.1C/68F, but this was well below April’s customary maximum of 70 degrees in ‘old money.’ Rainfall There was a welcome change in the weather pattern - rainfall was 30% Note: the table below also summarises less than usual and there were 20 dry the weather in March as the full details days. Total rainfall for the year to date were missing in last month’s WVM. Temperatures (deg. C)































Av. Min. Av. Max.

Days without:

PC users: previous weather reports and other news about Leigh can be found at www.leighvillage.org.uk

58 58

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

Bon Appétit Caterer based in Mudford. Enjoy your event and let us do the work. We I can provide: ● Buffets, and light bites. ● Cold platters and salads for celebrations in your home or at a local venue. ● Finger food for special occasions. If you would like to discuss a forthcoming event, and want a personal service, please call:

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Planning Applications July 2013 BATCOMBE 1/D/13/000464 04/04/2013 COURT FARM, Stile Way – Temporary agricultural dwelling (Full). Approved. CHETNOLE Nil HILFIELD 1/D/13/000126 14/02/2013 LYONS HILL FARM - Demolition of Stockman's Accommodation; Demolition of Barn; Construction of New Dwelling for Stockman; Extension to Lyon's Hill farm House. (Full). No Decision. LEIGH 1/D/13/000573 03/05/2013 LEIGH VILLAGE HALL – Resurface the village hall drive with tarmacadam (Full). No Decision. 1/D/13/000320 03/04/2013 THE OLD POST LODGE, Chetnole Road - Remove existing timber single garage. Build replacement double garage. (Full). Approved 1/D/13/000328 06/03/2013 ST ANDREW CHURCH, Chetnole Road - Extension to form toilet (Full). Approved. MELBURY BUBB 1/D/12/000303 09/04/2013 WITHYHOOK FARMHOUSE, Withyhook Farmhouse Access Road, - Conversion and extension of barn to accommodate: a studio, a guest bedroom with kitchenette and WC, and a study (for exclusive use for the dwelling). Conversion of existing garage to provide a kitchen and mud/laundry room. Reorganisation of bathroom and corridor at first floor. Porch extension to front of farmhouse. Creation of an outdoor swimming pool. (Listed Building Consent). No Decision. RYME INTRINSECA 1/D/13/000407 01/05/2013 1 THE OLD GRANARY, Ryme Road - Conversion of a single 4 bed roomed dwelling house to a pair of 2 bed roomed cottages (internal alterations only) (Full). No Decision. 1/D/13/000284 18/03/2013 CASWELL FARM, Common Lane - Conversion of a redundant farm building into a holiday let accommodation (Full). No Decision. 60

YETMINSTER 1/D/13/000334 26/04/2013 THE OLD LIBRARY, Church Street - The demolition of 1/D/13/000333 the existing single storey kitchen and living room extensions and replacement with a combined kitchen and dining area extension and the removal of the garage door to the North (front) elevation and infill with natural stone incorporating a 3No light narrow modual window with alterations to the 2No first floor windows and internal alterations (Listed Building Consent). No Decision. 1/D/13/000417 25/04/2013 LAND AT CROSS FARM, High Street - Proposed erection of 2 semi-detached two-storey dwellings with ancillary garaging (Full). No Decision. 1/D/13/000563 24/04/2013 1 SUNNYSIDE COURT, High Street - Proposed infilling of existing porch. Flue to woodburner (Full). No Decision. 1/D/13/000487 24/04/2013 THE BUNGALOW, Melbury Road - Certificate of lawfulness for existing residential occupation of bungalow and garden in breach of condition 2 of planning permission 1/N/82/301 (Certificate of Lawfulness (Exi). No Decision. 1/D/13/000531 15/04/2013 WEST HILL FARM, Brister End – Extend roofs of existing buildings to form cover over a livestock yard (Full). Approved. 1/D/13/000389 21/03/2013 BOYLES OLD SCHOOL, High Street - Alterations to roof, internal alterations and installation of fittings in toilet block (Listed Building Consent). No Decision. The next Development Control Committee meetings will take place on 18 July 2013, both meetings start 14.15 at Stratton House, 58/60 High West Street, Dorchester. A full register of all past and present planning applications can be found at: www.dorsetforyou.com/planning applications. Graham Plaice

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 61

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News from Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service - Scams It is estimated that nearly half of people in the UK have been targeted by a scam and that £3.5 billion is lost to scams every year. Scams are schemes to con people out of their money. Other names for scams include fraud, hoax, con, swindle or cheat. Scams con in a variety of ways such as by post, phone, email, online and sometimes via a knock at the door. There are hundreds of scams including fake lotteries and prize draws, bogus health cures, dodgy investments schemes, pyramid selling, phishing – to name just a few. These may change as people become aware of them and as scammers attempt to keep one step ahead. People from all walks of life get conned because scammers are clever and are always on the lookout for dubious new activities. Spot Scams It could be a scam if: ● The call, or letter, e-mail or text has come out of the blue. ● You’ve never heard of the lottery or competition they are talking about and didn’t buy a ticket.They are asking you to send money in advance.

● They are telling you that you have to respond quickly so you don’t get time to think about it or talk to family and friends before you decide. ● They are telling you to keep it a secret. Stop Scams Report it. If you have been scammed, or if you think someone has tried to scam you, report it to Action Fraud on: 0300 123 2040 or visit www.actionfraud.police.uk/contact-us Get advice. The Citizens Advice Consumer Service 08454 04 05 06 can provide advice and pass details of rogue traders to Trading Standards. Tell someone. Tip off a friend, neighbour or relative about the scams you become aware of. Look out for the Buy With Confidence logo - trading standards check traders so you don’t have to. Visit the website www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk or call The Citizens Advice Consumer Service 08454 04 05 06.

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 63

...gone gardening Devising a Border Plan Planning the Border Sit down before you start and decide what you would like to grow. You must be aware of the conditions which already prevail in your garden. Aspect Decide which way the border should face because that will have a bearing on the plants which you use. If it’s a shady border then there is little use in planting it up with sunloving plants and vice versa. Be aware of corners which get frosted. A border facing west is always best. Manufacture small areas using trellis or screening. Soil Type Ensure that the plants which you are intending to grow will thrive in your soil. Check whether your soil is acidic, neutral or lime. Does the soil need conditioning, is it wet? Is it clay? Is the soil poor? Add compost and well rotted manure. Bear in mind that you cannot change the basic structure of your soil, no matter how much you feed or condition it, it will always revert back to what it was, unless you have gone to the trouble of removing all your soil and have imported new from elsewhere. Even then you are competing against mother nature and frankly one way or another she always wins given time. Choosing Plants When you pick plants think ahead, choose plants which will give you a longer flowering period and vary them so that something is flowering in your border

64 64

at all times. A good nurseryman or plants person will be able to advise you about this if you are not sure. Eventual Height Know what to expect from the plants which you choose. Remember if they are poorly placed in the border you might struggle to see them. Tall items should sit at the back of the border and pretty groundcover at the front. Colouring Your Border. Rulereds, bright yellows and orange always look closer than they really are. Whites and pale shades all look further away and give the impression of space in a garden. In a hot, exciting border its fun to daub colour with blousy red, orange and striking pink. Don’t be afraid to add splashes of colour with a dash of exotics by introducing pots of Canna lilies, gingers, dahlias, palms and cordylines, all of which can be removed in a timely fashion before winter sets in. Cool borders are tranquil. Pastel shades of cream, blue, pink and harmonising grey create a quietly comfortable palette. Happy Gardening! Sue Dodge Bailey Ridge Plants

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

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Club News Wriggle Valley Players


Aladdin Auditions The Wriggle Valley Players are once again starting to think about the forthcoming panto season. In February 2014 we will be performing Aladdin. A read-through will be held on Wednesday 3 July followed by auditions on Wednesday 10 July. Whether you’re young or old, a beginner or a professional performer the group promises you a warm welcome! Aladdin lives with his mother, Dame Widow Twankee and his brother Wishee Washee in their Chinese laundry. He enters the magical cave to retrieve a lamp for the evil sultan but becomes trapped and discovers the resident of the lamp.. ....will Aladdin marry the princess? ‌.will he defeat the evil sultan? .... Oh yes he will! Amanda Thornton

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 67

The History Society - Visit to the Barrington Court Following on from his recent talk about the chequered history of Barrington Court, John Allen gave us a guided tour of the house. This visit was to appreciate the restoration undertaken by Col. Arthur Lyle when he leased the house from the National Trust in 1920 and installed his collection of historic woodwork. Barrington Court is a Tudor house but by 1907, it was derelict. Lyle spent about £4 million on the restoration and everything seen inside is a result of his work. In the main entrance hall, Lyle installed a 17th Century oak staircase from Scotland with a 1490 Tudor ceiling above, and the Master’s Parlour in Tudor times became his library. In the Great Tudor Banqueting Hall, now lined with oak linenfold wood panelling, he discovered a minstrels’ gallery and the carved door has grapes for fertility and pineapples for a welcome. In 1930 this room became a ballroom for 200 guests to celebrate the completion of the restoration, and the floor is sprung by a hidden mechanism. Not long after this, Arthur Lyle suffered a heart attack while on holiday in the Caribbean and was buried at sea. The screen’s passage leads to an outer door and divides the family rooms from the working part of the house. The door, taken from an abbey or monastery, dates from 1470-80 and has symbolic creatures carved: an owl for the Holy Ghost, a bear for endurance and tolerance, a pelican for the blood of Christ and a monkey with a mirror, as nuns were not allowed to look at themselves. The Buttery once housed the wines and perishable goods. Here, Lyle installed a Tudor fireplace and 17th Century wainscot panelling with graffiti on it. Once a long room where the Duke of Monmouth was entertained, it is now divided by a screen which was a Tudor shop front. The back half became a small dining room with a honeycomb wooden

68 68

ceiling dating from 1490 and a 1639 fire back. The Tudor kitchen has the original fireplace, only discovered after seven smaller fireplaces had been removed. Upstairs is the Solomon Room. Now divided up, it was once a long room with a high ceiling and large windows. It had a separate entrance and was used as a Manorial or Ecclesiastical Court, hence Barrington Court. Above the fireplace is plasterwork illustrating the Judgement of Solomon. Originally all rooms were interconnected because the Tudors did not build corridors. Once, from what is now a cupboard, stairs led down to a garderobe which is now seen in the wall near the stair well of the entrance hall. In the master bedroom is a painted stone fireplace with the Strode family coat of arms which dates from 1625. When Lyle first saw it, there was no floor to the room and the fireplace was hanging off the wall. Carved in stone are painted red carnation buds for love and betrothal. On the top floor is the Long Gallery where ladies exercised in bad weather. There are 3,543 panels of 52 different sizes. The marquetry depicts time, religion, death and life. Our exhibition on Schooling in Yetminster is on display until 5 July in The Old School Gallery, Boyle’s School and from 6 July to 20 July in St Andrew’s Church, Yetminster. Sue Drewett

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

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imprinted on humans , they were all thoroughly at home in a crowded hall, obediently opening their wings on requeststunning - and calmly surveying the audience with what would normally be described as a wise old stare. But Sharan put us straight on that one. Owls are not the clever birds of fiction, she said. Rather, they are pretty stupid having very little room in their skulls for brains because of their supersize eyes. Sharan put us straight on a lot of things. She explained the sacrifice owls make in order to be able to fly silently. They can do this because their feathers are not water repellent. The extreme case is the barn owl which hunts in the fields. The downside, of course is that barn owls can’t hunt when it is raining so it makes it easy to understand the impact a very rainy spring, when the owls are rearing up to five or six owlets, can have on survival. In prolonged, very bad weather, the chicks will starve. The average life span of a barn owl in the wild is two years. In captivity they can live up to 30 years. And it is not just the weather. The disappearance of barns, which provide a dry but also food-rich roost, is certainly a factor in their SUMMER SHOW 2 pmSat 17 August decline but the horrifying figure is that St. Andrew’s Hall, 47% of barn owls are killed by cars because Yetminster they hunt in the long grass at the roadside.

We also learned what to do if we find a tiny tawny owlet sitting at the bottom of a tree. Yes, it has fallen out of the nest, but no, please don’t try to return it or, worse, pick it up and take it home. Sharan’s advice was to go on your way. The little owlet will eventually climb back up the tree to the nest. And be advised that its mother is watching over it. Try touching it and both the chick and its mother will attack and that can be very dangerous. Sharan was concerned that those of us taking out children to walk in the woods should understand the danger. This was an outstanding presentation which we will all remember for a long time. You can find out more about Sharandys at www.sharandysbirdsofprey.com

Next month we are off to Hestercombe Gardens on 9 July and please don’t forget our Summer Show. Schedules will be available from the Oak House Stores and the Old School Gallery from the beginning of July. Please exhibit if possible or come along on the day to see what others have grown, made or painted and enjoy the teas. Carol Debell

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 71


Completely spellbinding. Those are the only words to describe the demonstration of birds of prey, which was given to the Yetminster & Ryme Garden, Art & Craft Society on 9 June. The demonstration was given by Sharan of Sharandys, Somerset’s Bird of Prey Experience, and an organisation which specialises in introducing these magnificent birds to the general public through demonstrations, a range of of courses and one-to-one visits. Sharandys is also a registered raptor rescue centre. Sharan brought with her Breeze, a six-year old barn owl, Bracken, a 4-year old male tawny owl, Barney, a magnificent eagle owl who has been with Sharan since she rescued him at 10 days old and Pippin, a beautiful American kestrel. She introduced us to each bird, explaining the differences between keeping birds of prey in captivity, and their counterparts in the wild. Because the birds had been had-reared from eggs and have

Leigh WI This month we were deeply saddened to hear that Monica Jackson had died. She was a well liked and respected member of our WI for many years and we will all miss her very much. As our monthly meeting was on the same day as Monica's funeral it was little wonder that the evening started on a rather subdued note. However, we were extremely fortunate that our speaker for the evening was Andy Fussells whose enthusiasm and engaging manner soon had us engrossed in his quest to promote his "liquid gold" nationally. Andy is the owner of 'Fussels Fine Foods' and the "liquid gold" refers to his single estate bottled rapeseed oil which he produces on his farm near Frome in Somerset. He is extremely proud of the fact that he oversees every stage of the process from planting the seeds, harvesting and then fresh cold pressing to make the extra virgin oil. Although his company is well known here in the West, Andy and his team travel all over the country in an attempt to get his products recognised nationally. He told us that this can be very frustrating at times with many pitfalls along the way, as well as success. His account of when he appeared on Dragons Den in 2010 was enlightening. Although he came away without an investment it gave him three minutes of precious viewing time. His enthusiasm was infectious and by the end of his talk we were queuing up to sample his oils, dressings and mayonnaise. There will be another chance to buy Andy's products at the Food Fair in Leigh. Our speaker for July will be David Ackerley and his talk is entitled 'Dorset Footpaths' and in August Chris Shaw's subject is ' The Spitzbergen Explorer'. Always a good evening - do come and join us. Inga James

72 72

Yetminster History Society

COFFEE MORNING Friday, 5 July 10.30am - 12 noon Cross Farm House, Church Street By kind invitation from Mr and Mrs David Fogden. Entrance £1 includes coffee, biscuits and free entrance draw ticket for a pot plant. Please bring and buy something from our Bring & Buy Stall. There will be a grand draw and cake stall. This is our only fund raising event so please do come along and support us for a coffee and a chat.

The Junior Wriggle Valley Players Presents

Alice the Musical

Tickets from Oakhouse Stores, Yetminster & Bridge Garage Leigh Adults £6. Concessions £4 (OAPs, Students and children )

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

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Mothers’ Union

The Reverend Linda Wilcock talking to the Wriggle Valley Branch of the MU

The Wriggle Valley Mothers’ Union Meetings and Events in July Tuesday 2 July, 6.00pm Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Church, Leigh followed by a Bring and Share supper. Saturday 13 July The Mothers’ Union has a craft and homemade produce stall at Yetminster Fair. If you would like to volunteer to help on the stall, or provide any crafts or homemade goodies, please contact Margaret (872440). Friday 26 July 11.20-12.00 Wave of Prayer at St Peter’s Church, Chetnole followed by coffee and cake. We always welcome guests at our meetings and events. If you would like more information about the Mothers’ Union, want to attend a meeting, or are thinking about joining the Mothers’ Union please contact Margaret (872440), Anne (873726) or Jill (873736).

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 75


On Tuesday 4 June ten members of the Wriggle Valley Branch of the Mothers’ Union and one guest, from Sherborne, met at Ryall’s Ground, Yetminster. The weather was glorious and we were able to meet outside to enjoy and excellent talk by the Reverend Linda Wilcock about her visit to Ezo, part of the Sudan. Instead of the usual powerpoint or slide show, Linda illustrated her experiences with interesting photographs and artefacts which we were allowed to handle, though the delicate garland of flowers which greeted her on her arrival is now very fragile! We learnt much about Ezo: the remoteness of the country, the friendliness of the people, their amazing hospitality and their problems. After her talk we had a delicious tea with home-made sandwiches, biscuits and cakes given by the members and many enjoyed walking round the tranquil garden. Members were reminded that the next meeting on Tuesday 2 July would start with a Holy Communion Service at 6 p.m. in Leigh St Andrew church followed by a Bring and Share Supper at the home of Pam and Caroline Birdsell. On Saturday 13 July a stall would be set up at the Yetminster Country Fair in aid of MU projects. Produce and good quality bric-abrac will be needed. Contact Valerie Rowsell 01935 872594 for offers of goods, help or for more information. Frances Moule

Chetnole and Leigh Garden Club On Monday 13 May Keith Cranstone delivered a fact-filled talk on “Preparing Produce for a Show”. He began by explaining that he was not an expert, but his experience as a steward at the Leigh Show had enabled him to learn what judges were looking for in produce entered for showing. He emphasised that what was written in the Show schedule relating to different categories needs to be adhered to. If a flower arrangement is to be 10 inches tall, then an entry that is 10.5 inches tall will be excluded. Keith was an amusing speaker – he had brought with him an assortment of vegetables to demonstrate what was and what was not acceptable. “Four potatoes” means four potatoes of the same size, not necessarily the biggest that might slightly differ in size. He explained that French and runner beans, if they bend, need to bend to the same degree. Judges seem to prefer straight beans – and it is possible to straighten beans by picking them a couple of days earlier – strap them to a lolly stick – wrap in paper and store in the fridge! We were asked when does a courgette become a marrow? It seems a courgette should be 5 to 6 inches in length – and the stalk should be left on. Keith gave us tips on what vegetables should be shown with the stalk on – and how long the stalk should be. Onions should be bound at the top with raffia or garden twine. Some people grow carrots and parsnips in lengths of drainpipe to ensure straightness. Presentation is very important. Onions are best shown perched on napkin rings or rings cut from plastic pipe – not on plates. Any plates used for other produce should be plain. Doilies are a bit “twee”. 76 76

Thanks to Keith, the members had a very enjoyable evening with lots of laughter and a wealth of interesting information. Gardeners from outside Chetnole or Leigh, who intend to enter produce in the Chetnole or Leigh Shows will need to decide if any of the above items of information are spoof!

On Monday 3 June, 52 members of the Club boarded a coach for a day at Hestercombe Gardens, 2.5 miles north-east of Taunton. Hestercombe is a unique collection of three gardens, spanning three centuries and covers 50 acres. The Georgian Landscape Garden which lies to the north of the house was rediscovered in 1992 and is still under restoration. This part of the gardens covers forty acres of woodland with lakes, temples etc. and many opportunities to appreciate wonderful views of the Somerset countryside. The Victorian Terrace on the south side of the house was laid out in 1878 by the first Viscount Portman when he was remodelling the house. Today the Victorian bedding scheme is changed twice every year. The Edwardian Formal Garden was created by Sir Edward Lutyens and the planting scheme was designed by Gertrude

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

Jekyll. It is very attractive with many water features and wonderful views of the surrounding countryside. There is an interesting shop with all sorts of gifts and a good selection of plants. The Garden Club members had a delicious buffet lunch in Bamphylde Hall – a magnificent long barn. It was an extremely enjoyable day – the sun was shining – and the stocks of ice-cream were somewhat depleted by the time we boarded the coach for our return journey! Sincere thanks to the members of the Committee for organising such an interesting and enjoyable event. Mary Head


The Wriggle Valley Magazine, 2 Sunnyside, High Street, Yetminster, Sherborne DT9 6LF e-mail: wrigglevalleymag@aol.com website:wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk



Copy deadline 12th of the month prior to publication, however we would appreciate it if copy could be submitted before this date. Photographs can be sent either as jpeg via email or as originals in colour or black and white that can be reproduced. All village info should be emailed or delivered to your village rep (please see addresses and email under each village heading). Collection point for hand written or typed articles: Oak House Stores, Yetminster or 1 Cloverhay, Yetminster, Dorset.

Printed by Remous, Milborne Port

Disclaimer: Whist every effort is made to ensure the accuracy the contents of this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any information given or claims made by our contributors and advertisers. Should you have any complaints please send them to the Chairman of the Wriggle Valley Magazine, Graham Plaice.

wrigglevalleymagazine.co.uk 77


Chairman: Graham Plaice gplaice@gmail.com, 01935 872921 Editor, Production and Design: Bella Neate-Clegg e-mail: wrigglevalleymag@aol.com Secretary & Diary: Judith Palmer email: ja_palmer@btinternet.com Treasurer:Rob Barfoot, 01935 873306 Advertisements & Villages Co-ordinator: Gordon Ratcliffe, 01935 872996 email: gojan@btinternet.com Distribution: Stan Darley & John Fripp


The Wriggle Valley Magazine

WVM Advertisers’ register Jul/Aug ART & ANTIQUES Muddy Waters Metal Art Old School Gallery & On the Boyle Steve's Clocks Roderick Cole, Antique Furniture Restorer BED & BREAKFAST Fourwinds, Chetnole Hound House, Yetminster CARE HOMES Old Vicarage Care Home, Leigh CARS & SERVICING Addison Motors, Yetminster Autotech Garage Services Brotherwood Automobility Car Body Repair Specialists Express Equipment Centre NS Autos, Dorchester Rd Thornford Transmissions West Country Cars CHIMNEY SWEEPS Alexander the Grate David Moss Nick Rutter Steve White COMPUTERS & IT DMDH Computers JCH DataCare PDC Computing EDUCATION Barn Owls Nursery Lower Covey Montessori Nursery ENTERTAINMENT George Albert Hotel EVENT VENUES Chetnole Village Hall Leigh Village Hall The Marquee Hire Co. St Andrew's Hall, Yetminster FINANCIAL & LEGAL SERVICES 123 Bookkeeping Services 4 Shires Asset Management Bill Craster, Tax Accountant Dyne Drewett Solicitors Trading Standards FOOD & CATERING Bon Appetit Fudges Biscuits Hamish Pork Junior Cooks Manor Farmhouse, Yetminster

4 50 59 54 7 29 Back Cover

62 53 43 11 64 15 7 44 62 7 73 54 21 59 11 54 12 24 24 31 24 20 12 44 66 50 65 59 29 29 62 12

Oakleigh Farm Shop

Inside Front Cover

On the Boyle Café


78 78

Out of the Box, veg boxes Shelly's Cakes SPAR, Yetminster FUNERAL SERVICES WS Brister & Son Grassby Funeral Services AJ Wakely GARDENING & OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE Bailey Ridge Plants Digger Hire, Yetminster Green Man Garden Design Green Thumb Lawn Treatment Hay & Straw Sales JMH KDS Garden Machinery Repair Knighton Countryside Mgmt Komit Kompost The Log Man M&S Welding Malcolm Dunning gardening Queen Thorne Landscapes Equestrian Services Tony Perrett Fencing Pestwright & Mole Catcher The Secret Garden Wriggle Valley Fencing HEALTH & WELLBEING Acupuncture Acupressure Massage Core Pilates The Eye Bus Georgie's Hair & Beauty Maggie's Mobile Hairdresser The Nine Springs Health Centre Jane Redfern Sherborne Tennis Club Yetminster Health Centre HOME- BUILD & MAINTENANCE AD Renovations J Bennet Joinery

73 50 18 38 38 38

Inside Front Cover

53 65 74 12 44 21 8 65 4 73 74 73 53 15 62 40 62 70 69 53 38 50 40 69 7 69 Inside Back Cover

49 15

Bowring Building Contractors

Inside Back Cover

John Butler Master Thatcher Jeremy Cozens Surveyor Ian Crossland, Property Maint. Dorset Plasterers ECR Services, electrical & building Elite estates

4 38 74 18 43 12

Express Equipment Centre Fairhurst Carpentry Fournier Ltd gd timber designs

66 15 66 65

Stuart Goodier Boilers M Harris Builder AR Hillier Steve Jones Carpentry Knott Roofing Lawrence Electricals Leigh Napier Construction Neal Electrical Services Mark O'Sullivan MDK Roofing Parks Roofing Ltd "R" Plumbing Works Roofing Gear Sellick & Saxton Sibley Kitchens & Bathrooms Spearbuild BA Wallbridge Plumbing & Heating Wayne Timmins Decorator West Country Electrics HOME & INTERIORS Steve Bane fabrics House Clearance Kinetico water systems MC Flooring Melbury Kitchens & Interiors Ovenu - oven cleaning Alex Rankin, Oil Heating Services Michael Sturmley Carpets Trevor Winter, telephone engineer Upstairs Downstairs West Country Tiling Yetminster Cleaning Services MUSIC TUITION Amy Whittlesea PETS & LIVESTOCK Canine Capers Dog Grooming Foxlair, all-in-1 shop Smart Dogs of Yetminster PUBLIC HOUSES The Chetnole Inn The Lime Tree, Thornford SPORT & LEISURE Barfoots' Bouncers Flower Farm Trout Lakes Sherborne Tennis Club TAXIS & HIRE

18 4 7 4 8 49 73 11 11 66 44 70 11 18 49 54 54 70 20 8 40 43 21 40 29 69 73 54 49 54 21 49 18 24 40 73 Inside Front Cover

53 24 43 69

Wriggle Valley Cabs

Inside Back Cover

SJ Executive Cars A2B Distance Travel

40 8

Please note - This is a DOUBLE ISSUE, copy for SEPTEMBER’s magazine by 12 August please

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The Old Vicarage Residential Home

The Old Vicarage is a caring, passionate and multi-award winning care home in the relaxing heart of the Dorset countryside.

Investment in the building along with staff training, a full activity programme, computer suite and involvement with the village community creates a unique, friendly family home atmosphere where every effort is made to improve the quality of life for the residents. Our awards include winning the prestigious Carer of the Year award three times over. We especially welcome visitors and pets. Please get in touch or stop by for a visit if you need more information.

The Old Vicarage Care Home, Leigh, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 6HL tel: 01935 873033 www.theoldvicarage-leigh.co.uk/ email:care@tovic.com Wriggle Valley Magazine July/August 2013

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