Love Affair at Glenrock Quest Design

Page 1


Quest Design Document

Elizabeth Wright +1 (604) 518 5417

February 2016

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock Sabrina's Dialogue Flowchart Part 1

Character Dialogue Reward

NPC Dialogue

Talk to Sabrina

Dual Dialogue

Partial Quest Outcome

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Has NOT Met: - Fancy seeing you here.

Leave: - Farewell.


Journal Update

Has Met: - You again? - Hello again.

NPC Deaths

Tell me about yourself.

I'm married to Jackson and step-mother to his daughter Ava. I'm his second wife, his first wife left him.

Jackson is NOT dead

I currently live with my husband, Jackson. I moved in with him and his daughter, Ava, shortly after we met.

My husband's daughter, Ava, has gone missing. She disappeared a few months ago. She has been officially declared dead, so we held a small funeral for her last week.

Jackson is NOT dead Liam is NOT dead

What do you do for a living?

What are the recent events that have happened around town?

How is your relationship with your husband?

It has been strained since Ava disappeared. I don't think he trusts me. He's always watching me. I know he thinks that I am cheating. If he doesn't stop following me I swear I'll tell Liam about his dark past and have him locked away.

Jackson is NOT dead

Jackson is NOT dead

Tell me about Ava's disappearance.

Do you think that Ava ran away?

Jackson has been so distraught ever since she disappeared. I thought he would want my support, but now he barely speaks to me.

Probably, that girl was always a bit strange. Her father knew her better than I did though, you might want to talk to him.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock Sabrina's Dialogue Flowchart Part 2

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Talk to Sabrina

Dual Dialogue


Journal Update

NPC Deaths After asking the Mayor about his relationship with his wife.

Mayor is NOT dead

Mayor is NOT dead Mayor is NOT Arrested

What do you think about the Mayor?

Mayor NOT arrested

Mayor NOT arrested

DIDN'T Show Sabrina Ledger

Showed Sabrina Ledger

He's an amazing man. When Ava went missing he sent out several search parties looking for her. He was there to comfort me at her funeral too.

I met him at the Summer Festival five years ago. He has always been kind to me and he even bought me this necklace.

I don't think much of him now that I've seen that Ledger. It's very incriminating.

I spoke to the Mayor and he wants to know if you are still interested in him.

Mayor arrested

I thought we might have had a future together but he blew it. Fancy getting caught gambling all the money away. He could have spent it on me. I'm better off without him.

DIDN'T Show Sabrina Ledger

This Question will disappear once it has been selected.

Showed Sabrina Ledger

I have been interested in him for a while now. What can I say, the man is generous, powerful, and rich. My husband Jackson knows nothing about our relationship. Tell the Mayor him I am head over heels in love with him.

I'm not interested in him anymore. After seeing that Ledger, it's clear that he has wasted all of his money.

150 xp for updating

150 xp for updating

Sabrina Told us she is interested in the Mayor.

We showed Sabrina the Mayor's Ledger and she doesn't want to be with him anymore.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock Sabrina's Dialogue Flowchart Part 3

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to Sabrina

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths

You have the Love Letter from the Mayor*

You have the Mayor's Ledger

The Mayor decides to stay with his wife

Mayor is NOT dead

Mayor is NOT dead

Mayor is NOT dead

Mayor is NOT Arrested

Mayor is NOT Arrested

The Mayor gave me this love letter addressed to you.

DIDN'T Show Sabrina Ledger

Showed Sabrina Ledger

Sabrina DOESN't know the Mayor has decided to stay with Jane

Sabrina DOESN't know the Mayor has decided to stay with Jane

He wants to leave his wife for me? This is wonderful news! Tell him to meet me at the Tavern as soon as it gets dark, I'll be waiting. Oh, and keep the letter, I don't need it anymore. Here, have this bottle of wine, you deserve it.

He can keep his love letter. I'm not interested in him anymore. After seeing that Ledger, it's clear that he has wasted all of his money.

300 xp for updating +1 Reputation Bottle of fine wine We showed the love letter to Sabrina and she rewarded us with a bottle of fine wine.

Mayor Stays with Jane

I found the Mayor's Ledger. He has spent all the town's money on Gambling.

I spoke to the Mayor and he has decided to stay with his wife.

He has been gambling away all of the town's money? I had no idea. Well, I'm not interested in someone who has wasted all their money, and is a crook.

Well, he was too old for me anyway. More fool him. Besides, I've had my eye on Liam for quite some time now.

180 xp for updating

We showed Sabrina the Mayor's Ledger.

Well, it sounds like that stupid man has decided to stay with his wife. Just throw that letter away!

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock Sabrina's Dialogue Flowchart Part 4

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to Sabrina

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths

Mayor is dead

Jackson is dead

Liam is dead

The Mayor is dead.

Jackson is dead.

Liam is dead.

He always had a secretive side to him. It's poetic justice really. Besides, he wasn't long for this world.

Poor man, he was always so unhappy. At least now he can be with that daughter of his.

I will always remember him and the way he looked at me with his seductive eyes. Such potential...

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock Jackson's Dialogue Flowchart Part 1

Character Dialogue Reward

NPC Dialogue

Talk to Jackson

Dual Dialogue

Partial Quest Outcome


Journal Update

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Has NOT Met: - Yes? I've work to do, so please be brief!

Has Met: - Back again to disturb me?

Leave: - Good. now I can get back to my work.

NPC Deaths

Tell me about yourself.

I moved to Glenrock a couple of years ago with my daughter Ava. I'm married to Sabrina.

What do you do for a living?

I've been working as a Grocer since I came to Glenrock. It's not the most glamorous job, but I thought it would be a good way to get to know the locals.

What are the recent events that have happened around town?

My darling daughter Ava went missing. I have looked everywhere for her. She has been officially declared dead. Last week we had a quiet funeral for her. It broke my heart.

Have you met a lot of people since you moved here? Tell me about Ava's disappearance. Not really. I tend not to trust people. All my suspicions have come true now that Ava has disappeared.

I have no idea where she might have gone or with whom. I still have hope that she's alive. She's only eight years old!

Do you think that Ava ran away?

There was no reason for her to run away. She was happy here. We were very close.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock Jackson's Dialogue Flowchart Part 2

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to Jackson

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths Asked Jackson about his relationship with his wife

Asked Jackson about himself

Sabrina is NOT dead


How is your relationship with your wife?

It sounds like Jackson has been keeping track of Sabrina's whereabouts in his diary.

We've been together almost two years, but I feel like we have been drifting apart. I often have to work long hours at the Grocery store and I hardly see her anymore.

I suspect that she is cheating on me. I have been keeping a diary of her whereabouts hidden in our house.


Best thing to do if you ask me. Watch her movements and confront her with anything that's vaguely suspicious. +1 Blunt

She may have been driven into another man's arms. Who knows? He should talk to her first before doing anything else. +1 Considerate





Spot on! If he thinks she's sneaking around, then by following her he'll soon find out if his suspicions are correct. He has a right to know what his wife is up to.

Keeping a record of her movements is a violation of her privacy. A marriage is based on trust, and Jackson will be putting his marriage in jeopardy if he continues to spy on her.

I agree. They need to talk before this all gets out of hand. Sabrina deserves his trust, and the marriage won't survive without it, that's for sure.

Look, if asked straight out about her dalliances she would deny everything, wouldn't she? It's obvious. The man is a fool if he does nothing!

+1 Blunt

+1 Considerate

+1 Considerate

+1 Blunt

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock Jackson's Dialogue Flowchart Part 3

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to Jackson

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths

You have the Love Letter from the Mayor Mayor is NOT dead

Sabrina is dead

The Mayor gave me this love letter to deliver to Sabrina.

What do you think about the Mayor?

Mayor NOT arrested

Mayor arrested

The Mayor is a good man. He tried to help me when Ava disappeared. He organized search parties to look for her. I am grateful for his efforts.

It's so hard to believe that the Mayor has been arrested for embezzlement. He has definitely gone down in my estimation.

I met the Mayor when I first moved to this town. I didn't know many people, but he welcomed me and my daughter with open arms. He even introduced me to my wife Sabrina.

I knew she was cheating on me! How could she do this? I've lost my daughter and now my wife. I want her out of my house. Who knows what other lies she's been telling me.

200 xp for updating +1 Reputation

Sabrina is dead.

First my daughter and now my wife! Such a cruel world.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Elizabeth Wright February 2016

Love Affair at Glenrock Jane's Dialogue Flowchart Part 1

Character Dialogue

Talk to Jane

Dual Dialogue


Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Has NOT Met: - Hello, why have you come?

Has Met: - You again? - Back to see me?

Mayor in Jail: - I heard that my husband is now in jail.

Mayor is dead: - My husband is dead! Leave me alone to grieve.

Leave: -Goodbye then.

NPC Deaths

Mayor is NOT dead

Tell me about yourself.

I'm the Mayor's wife. I often oversee many of his decisions regarding the town.

What are the recent events that have happened around town?

Unfortunately, there has been a disappearance of a sweet little girl, Ava. She went missing a few months ago and has now been declared dead.

What do you do for a living?

I am the Lady Mayoress, and I work with the Mayor to look after the town. I often help him with the accounts and attend charity events on his behalf.

Tell me about Ava's disappearance.

Do you think that Ava ran away?

I don't know much about it to be honest, but my husband, Richard, has sent out several search parties to look for her.

It doesn't seem likely. Every time I saw her she was clinging to her father, Jackson. He barely let her out of his sight.

What do you think about the Mayor?

Mayor NOT arrested

Mayor arrested

Richard is the love of my life. Such a kind soul and so caring. I met him many years ago before he became the Mayor, and we fell hopelessly in love.

I heard that he was arrested. He was always so reckless and such a fool! I suppose it's for the best. At least as the Mayoress, I alone will be in charge of the town's affairs from now on.

Richard has done so much for the people of Glenrock. He even helped to rebuild many of the houses that were destroyed when the Orcs attacked.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Elizabeth Wright February 2016

Love Affair at Glenrock Jane's Dialogue Flowchart Part 2

Character Dialogue

Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to Jane

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths Asked Jane about her relationship with her husband

Asked Jane about what she thinks of the Mayor


Mayor is NOT dead

Jane seems to believe that the Mayor has been gambling away all of the town's money. She even found his Ledger.

How is your relationship with your husband?

Richard is a kind man. I know he has his faults but we have been married for fifteen years and I'm happy with our life together.

I've been a bit worried lately though, since I found his gambling ledger. From what I can tell it looks like he has been gambling away all the town's money.

PARTY DIALOGUE Jane told us that she found the Mayor's Ledger, and that he's been gambling away all the town's money.

Everyone likes a bit of fun every now and again. Who's to say that it got out of hand?

The Mayor had no right to risk the town's money like that, on gambling of all things. He abused his position and should be punished accordingly.

+1 Renegade

+1 Righteous





Indeed! It's just some harmless fun. Let's give the guy a break, everyone needs a bit of excitement in their lives.

This ledger will show him up for what he really is...a thief. The law will take its revenge.

Quite right! The good people of this town will be shocked at his behaviour when they find out. I never gamble and don't expect our elected officials to either, especially with other people's money!

It's all a bit of fun, if you ask me. Remember, you gotta be in it to win it. He was a risk taker and a jolly fellow. No harm done really.

+1 Renegade

+1 Righteous

+1 Righteous

+1 Renegade

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Elizabeth Wright February 2016

Love Affair at Glenrock Jane's Dialogue Flowchart Part 3

Character Dialogue

Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Talk to Jane

Dual Dialogue


Journal Update

Asked Jane about her relationship with her husband

NPC Deaths

Mayor is NOT Arrested

Let's discuss the Mayor's Ledger.

Already Failed to get the Ledger

You want me to give you Richard's Ledger? I'm not sure...

Please don't press me for the Ledger. I won't give it to you.

Give me the Ledger or I will be forced to take drastic measures. (Intimidate)

You're just a victim in all this. Let me turn in the Ledger. (Charm)

If you give me the Ledger I can turn him in. It's the right thing to do. (Reason)

+1 Intimidate

+1 Charm

+1 Reason

Rock, Paper, Scissors with NPC



+1 Intimidate

+1 Charm

+1 Reason




I don't want any trouble! Fine, take the Ledger, just don't hurt me!

These are Richard's mistakes, not mine. I don't want to get dragged down by all of this. Here, take the Ledger.

You're right. Richard needs to learn from his mistakes. I'll give you the Ledger.

You can threaten me all you want, but he's my husband and I'm not giving you the Ledger.

I'm his wife and I'm just trying to protect him. I'm sorry, you can't have the Ledger.

What do you know about right and wrong? If he goes to jail it will ruin our marriage. You can't have the Ledger.

500 xp for updating

500 xp for updating

500 xp for updating

Mayor's Ledger

Mayor's Ledger

Mayor's Ledger

We managed to convince Jane to give us the Mayor's Ledger so that we could turn him in.

We managed to convince Jane to give us the Mayor's Ledger so that we could turn him in.

We managed to convince Jane to give us the Mayor's Ledger so that we could turn him in.

We failed to get the Mayor's Ledger from Jane.

We failed to get the Mayor's Ledger from Jane.

We failed to get the Mayor's Ledger from Jane.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Elizabeth Wright February 2016

Love Affair at Glenrock Jane's Dialogue Flowchart Part 4

Character Dialogue

Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to Jane

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths

You have the Love Letter from the Mayor

The Mayor has decided to stay with Jane

The Mayor DOESN'T stay with Jane

Mayor is NOT dead

Mayor is NOT dead

Mayor is NOT dead

The Mayor gave me this love letter to deliver to Sabrina.

I spoke to the Mayor and he has decided to stay with you.

I couldn't convince the Mayor to stay with you. I'm sorry.

I know Richard likes to stray every so often. It doesn't really hurt our marriage. I still love him regardless of how many women he looks at, but I didn't know he was planning on leaving me. do you think you could speak to him and convince him to stay?

I'm glad that he's come to his senses. I know that we can get through anything as long as we stay together. Thank you for convincing him, please take my Amulet as a reward.

Curse that man! Thank you for trying. I'll have to have a word with him about this. Maybe I can still change his mind.

150 xp for updating

500 xp for updating +1 Reputation Gold Amulet

We showed the Mayor's wife, Jane, his love letter to Sabrina. She wants us to convince the Mayor to stay with her.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Elizabeth Wright February 2016

Love Affair at Glenrock Liam's Dialogue Flowchart Part 1

Character Dialogue

Talk to Liam

Dual Dialogue


Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Has NOT Met: - Hello! It's a fine morning don't you think?

Has Met: - Hello, nice to see you again!

Leave: - See you soon my friend!

Tell me about yourself.

I'm the guard captain of Glenrock. I'm responsible for law and order in the town. I am not married but I have my eye on someone.

What do you do for a living?

Do you know many of the locals?

I work for the town of Glenrock as the guard captain. Since I am still young, I feel like I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders.

Yes, many of them are good friends of mine. I like to socialize, and often spend my Friday nights in the Tavern drinking with them.

What are the recent events that have happened around town?

I've been sending out many of my best men to search for a little girl, Ava, who went missing. We haven't had any luck yet and she has now been officially declared dead.

Tell me about Ava's disappearance.

Do you think that Ava ran away?

It happened a few months ago. Jackson reported her missing and I attended her funeral last week. I'm hoping I can still solve the mystery of her disappearance.

She might have done. There hasn't been any evidence so far that points to foul play. If you discover any evidence relating to her disappearance let me know.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Elizabeth Wright February 2016

Love Affair at Glenrock Liam's Dialogue Flowchart Part 2

Character Dialogue

Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to Liam

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths

You have the Love Letter Mayor is NOT dead

This is a love letter from the Mayor to Sabrina

What do you think about the Mayor?

Mayor NOT arrested

Mayor arrested

I didn't know that the Mayor was in love with Sabrina. Well, he doesn't have a chance with her, he's a married man almost twice her age. 100 xp for updating

I respect him. He appointed me as the guard captain. The man has a big heart and he commands a lot of respect from the community.

I met the Mayor a couple of years ago when I first enlisted. He shook my hand and told me that I would do great things.

I'm ashamed of him. He was my superior and should have been beyond reproach. A stint in jail will hopefully teach him a lesson.

We showed Liam the Mayor's love letter to Sabrina.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Elizabeth Wright February 2016

Love Affair at Glenrock Liam's Dialogue Flowchart Part 3

Character Dialogue

Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Talk to Liam

Dual Dialogue

Requirements Cont.

Journal Update

NPC Deaths You want me to arrest the Mayor? What on earth for?

Spoke to Jane about the Mayor's gambling debts.

You have the Mayor's Ledger

The're someone that you should arrest.

I found the Mayor's Ledger. He has spent all the town's money on gambling.

Who would you have me arrest?

I always thought that the Mayor had the town's best interests at heart. How could he do this? I'm going to arrest him for embezzlement.

The Mayor

I haven't found any proof yet.

Then your claims are not valid. I need proof before I decide to make an arrest.

1000 xp for updating Mayor is dead

I can't arrest him, he's dead.

Mayor is NOT dead

Mayor is NOT dead

+1 Reputation

Mayor is NOT Arrested

Mayor is Arrested

We showed Liam the Mayor's Ledger and he has decided to arrest him.

You want me to arrest the Mayor? What on earth for?

He has already been arrested!


The Mayor has been arrested, but his wife will wait for him.

We showed Liam the Mayor's love letter to Sabrina.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Character Dialogue

Love Affair at Glenrock The Mayor's Dialogue Flowchart Part 1

Reward NPC Dialogue

Dual Dialogue

Partial Quest Outcome

Talk to the Mayor


Journal Update

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Has NOT Met: - Well hello there! It's nice to see a friendly face.

Has Met and Mayor is Annoyed: - Oh it's you again.

Leave Annoyed: - About time, Goodbye.

Has Met: - Hello again, back so soon? - It's always nice to see a familiar face.

Mayor in Jail: - I'm stuck here in this miserable place. Leave me alone.

Leave: -Farewell my friend. -Goodbye!

NPC Deaths

Tell me about yourself.

I am the Mayor of Glenrock. I live here with my wife Jane. We've been married for fifteen years.

What are the recent events that have happened around town?

A little girl Ava has disappeared, and search parties have been looking for her. There's been no trace, and recently she was declared missing, presumed dead.

What do you think about Glenrock?

Glenrock has had some trouble with Orcs over the past few years, but now it seems to be flourishing. The town relies mainly on fishing for its revenue.

Are you originally from Glenrock?

How did you become the Mayor?

Do you know many of the locals?

I became Mayor after being elected by a majority vote. The people of Glenrock have always fully supported me as their Mayor.

Since I grew up in Glenrock, I know many of the locals. I often help to host large events in the Town Square where people can come to drink and dance.

Tell me about Ava's disappearance.

Do you think that Ava ran away?

Jackson reported her missing a few months ago, and I arranged for several search parties to look for her. Hopefully they can find her. We held a funeral for her last week.

Perhaps she did, but somehow I doubt it. She was always such a timid child who never strayed too far from home.

I've lived here all my life. This is where I met my wife Jane and several other lovely ladies. I have given everything to this town, I'll be sorry when it comes time for me to leave

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock The Mayor's Dialogue Flowchart Part 2

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to the Mayor

Dual Dialogue


NPC Deaths Asked the Mayor about his relationship with his wife

Asked the Mayor about himself

Sabrina is NOT dead


Jane is NOT dead The Mayor wants us to find out if Sabrina is interested in him.

How is your relationship with your wife?

I haven't been spending much time with Jane lately. I've been feeling overwhelmed. I feel like I need to get away from this place.

I hope to go off into the sunset with Sabrina my mistress. I have been secretly planning to leave my wife for her. Can you find out if she is still interested in me?


The Mayor asked us to find out whether Sabrina is still interested in him.

I think it's sweet and rather wonderful that he's having another chance at happiness. He should grab it with both hands.

He's married, isn't he? And I believe he's been with his wife for a long time. He should think carefully about his marriage and what it means to him

+1 Romantic

+1 Pragmatic





I agree! This love was meant to be and he must follow his heart. He and Sabrina are made for each other. They deserve a wonderful life together, away from here and all their worries.

He is the Mayor of Glenrock and as such he is a role model to others. He needs to come to his senses and consider his duties to his wife and office first, and set aside these foolish fantasies.

Indeed! If you ask me he's acting like a silly old fool. Do you think a young, beautiful girl like Sabrina would be interested in him romantically? No, if anything she's after his money and status.

It sounds like they're in love. Life is too short and they deserve to be happy. A love like this is a rare and beautiful thing and shouldn't be side aside.

+1 Romantic

+1 Pragmatic

+1 Pragmatic

+1 Romantic

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock The Mayor's Dialogue Flowchart Part 3

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Talk to the Mayor

Dual Dialogue


Journal Update

NPC Deaths Sabrina is NOT dead Mayor asked us to find out if Sabrina is interested in him

Ah, so you talked to Sabrina. What did she say?

Sabrina is NOT dead

About the assistance you asked of me.

Sabrina is interested

Showed Sabrina the Ledger

Mayor Stays with Jane

Jane is NOT dead

Sabrina is NOT dead

DIDN'T ask Sabrina if she's interested yet

Sabrina is NOT dead

Sabrina is interested

Showed Sabrina the Ledger

DIDN'T show Sabrina the Ledger yet

Jane is NOT dead

DIDN'T show Sabrina the Ledger yet

Mayor hasn't decided to stay with Jane yet

Sabrina is NOT dead

Mayor hasn't decided to stay with Jane yet

I spoke to Sabrina and she is interested in being with you.

Sabrina found out about your gambling debts and she is not interested in being with you.

That's wonderful news! She is a pretty young thing, and her uncle has a ship that will take us far away from Glenrock. I've written her a love letter explaining that I am going to leave my wife Jane. Please give it to Sabrina for me.

How did she find out? It doesn't matter. I will do everything I can to win her back.

+1 Reputation Ah, so you talked to Sabrina. What did she say?

Your assistance is no longer necessary. I've decided to stay with my wife Jane.

150 xp for updating Have you found out if Sabrina is interested in me? Please ask her.

Love Letter The Mayor was delighted to her that Sabrina is interested in him and asked us to deliver a love letter to her.

We told the Mayor that Sabrina found out about his gambling debts and isn't interested in him.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock The Mayor's Dialogue Flowchart Part 4

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue

Talk to the Mayor

Dual Dialogue

Partial Quest Outcome


Journal Update

NPC Deaths

Showed Sabrina the Love Letter

Sabrina is NOT dead

DIDN'T show Sabrina the Ledger yet

I showed Sabrina the love letter and she wants to run away with you.

Ah, marvelous! This is excellent news. I'll meet her in the Tavern tonight and we will run away together.

500 xp for updating +1 Reputation We told the Mayor that Sabrina saw his love letter and wants to run away with him.

Sabrina is dead

Jane is dead.

Liam is dead

Sabrina is dead.

Jane is dead.

Liam is dead.

My poor Sabrina, I can't believe she is dead.

She has been my faithful wife for fifteen years. I will mourn her passing.

He was a good guard. His death is a tragedy.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Character Dialogue

Love Affair at Glenrock The Mayor's Dialogue Flowchart Part 5

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Dual Dialogue

Talk to the Mayor


NPC Deaths Jane thinks the Mayor has been gambling

Jane is NOT dead

Your wife thinks you have been spending the town's money on gambling.

You DON'T have the Ledger

You have the Mayor's Ledger

She does, does she? Well, I may like to gamble every so often but I can assure you that I haven't been using the town's money. The nerve of that woman! I'm astounded she would accuse me of such a thing.

I see that she's found my Ledger. Well that's no surprise is it? She's always snooping around. It's all a misunderstanding. I was going to pay that money back, I just ran into a bit of bad luck that's all.

We questioned the Mayor about his gambling, and he denied everything.


Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock The Mayor's Dialogue Flowchart Part 6

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue

Talk to the Mayor

Dual Dialogue

Partial Quest Outcome


Journal Update

You have the Mayor's Ledger

NPC Deaths

We should go ahead and pursue this.

It doesn't seem like any of our business.


+1 Bold

+1 Cautious



Isn't it rather foolish to get involved?

Agreed. We should keep out of it.

+1 Cautious

+1 Cautious

Intimidate, Reason, Charm

Decided NOT to report the Mayor


I agree! The Mayor should be investigated. +1 Bold

Decided to report the Mayor

You're going to report me? Please no, I'll do anything. I don't want to rot in jail!


I disagree. Surely it would be right to report him. +1 Bold

Intimidate, Reason, Charm

I'm glad that you've come to your senses. I'll take the Ledger off your hands.

Intimidate, Reason, Charm +1 Bold

+1 Cautious

If you stand in my way I'll have you arrested for obstructing justice. (Intimidate)

If we report this there may be a big reward for us. (Charm)

Come on now, reporting him would be the right thing to do. (Reason)

Don't be stupid! We shouldn't report him. (Intimidate)

I don't want you to make a fool of yourself. We shouldn't get involved. (Charm)

Maybe it would be better if the town didn't know about this. (Reason)

+1 Intimidate

+1 Charm

+1 Reason

+1 Intimidate

+1 Charm

+1 Reason





Decided to report the Mayor

Decided NOT to report the Mayor

Decided NOT to report the Mayor

Decided to report the Mayor

You're going to report me? Please no, I'll do anything. I don't want to rot in jail!

I'm glad that you've come to your senses. I'll take the Ledger off your hands.

I'm glad that you've come to your senses. I'll take the Ledger off your hands.

You're going to report me? Please no, I'll do anything. I don't want to rot in jail!

+1 Reputation

+1 Reputation

Mayor takes Ledger

Mayor takes Ledger

We chose not to report the Mayor to Liam.

We chose not to report the Mayor to Liam.

We told the Mayor that we would report him.

We told the Mayor that we would report him.

LEGEND Dialogue Start

Love Affair at Glenrock The Mayor's Dialogue Flowchart Part 7

Character Dialogue

Elizabeth Wright February 2016 Larian - Gameplay Scripting Test

Reward NPC Dialogue Partial Quest Outcome

Journal Update

Talk to the Mayor

Dual Dialogue


Jane has seen the Mayor's love letter

NPC Deaths

Jane is NOT dead

I showed the Love Letter to your wife Jane.

Did you indeed! I've already told Jane about Sabrina, and she completely understands my situation. She always was such an empathetic woman. I want to leave Glenrock and start a new life with my love Sabrina.

You're being a coward! What kind of man leaves his wife? (Intimidate)

You're an intelligent man. Don't make this mistake. Stay with your wife. (Charm)

If you leave your wife you'll ruin both your lives, not to mention your reputation in the town. (Reason)

+1 Intimidate

+1 Charm

+1 Reason

Rock, Paper, Scissors with NPC



+1 Intimidate

+1 Charm

+1 Reason




Alright, alright. I'll stay with Jane, just leave me alone. I don't want to talk about this mess anymore.

That's true. I've always used my intelligence and experience to make good choices, even if I say so myself. You're right, the smart thing to do is stay with Jane.

I suppose you're right. My whole life has been based on respectability and trust. The fling with Sabrina was just an impulsive act and no more.

Who do you think you are? Telling me how I should live my life. I'm going to leave Jane and no-one is going to stop me.

My whole life has been based on sensible decisions. Look where it has got me! Well, no more. I'm throwing caution to the wind and letting my heart rule my head for a change.

I don't care about my reputation. My love for Sabrina surpasses all.

200 xp for updating

200 xp for updating

200 xp for updating

We convinced the Mayor to stay with his wife.

We convinced the Mayor to stay with his wife.

We convinced the Mayor to stay with his wife.

We failed to convince the Mayor to stay with his wife.

We failed to convince the Mayor to stay with his wife.

We failed to convince the Mayor to stay with his wife.

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