The Wright Perspective: Fall/Winter 2021

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A biannual update for employees and friends of the Wright Service Corp. family of companies.









FALL 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS Wright Service Corp. Executive Excerpt Ownership Corner An Outside Perspective

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Wright Tree Service Adapting Our Images to the Times Meet Shane Vosberg In Memory of Will Nutter

Page 10 Page 10 Page 12 Page 14

Wright Tree Service of the West

Page 26

Wright Tree Service of Canada & ArborCare

Page 27

Wright Outdoor Solutions Nature Meets Office – The New Workspace Project Spotlights Employee Spotlight

Page 30 Page 30 Page 32 Page 34

Verdure Elements

Page 40

CNUC Transmission from the Top Safety Education and Training Around the Grid

Page 42 Page 43 Page 46 Page 48

Terra Spectrum Technologies Turning a New Season Developer Download Using Best Management Practices to Navigate the Road

Page 52 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54

Sustainable Environmental Consultants Gerber Commits to Carbon Neutrality for Organic Products in 2022 as Part of Climate Forward Nutrition Ambition Welcome to the Team

Page 55

Spectrum Resource Group Wildland Firefighting: Climate Change and Wildfires Presents a New Opportunity for Growth From the Roots Up Safety Education and Training

Page 62

Wright Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation

Page 66

Sprouts & Shouts

Page 69

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EXECUTIVE EXCERPT ROCKY’S RECOLLECTIONS: LOOKING BACK AT THE LAST 12 YEARS By Rocky Palmer, Director of Risk Management Looking back at my nearly 12 years with the company, a few things stand out that may be of interest to any reader reviewing the history of the company and my part of that history. The mere opening of the risk manager position is a sordid story, but it provided an opportunity for me. While I cannot go into detail about what happened to cause the position to open, I can say it had an impact on the job interview and the scrutiny of the position during what I will call the honeymoon phase. As a claims manager at a local insurance company, my role allowed me to work with other risk managers and become very familiar with their roles. A referral from Vermeer’s risk manager directed a placement service to call me. They started describing the company and I immediately knew who they were without being told their name. I told them I was interested and was sure they would recall who I was since they too had been one of my customers and I had handled their claims. After roughly five different interviews and several months I was finally offered the job. I had planned to start the job within three weeks after my notice. In true Wright fashion, I received a call on the third day after my notice was given. I needed to attend the General Foreperson (GF) School which was scheduled the following week. At that time, my position was part of the group that presented at GF School and Wright knew it would be invaluable for me to see what occurred at the school to bring me up to speed more quickly. They were right. Seeing the claims as a contractor for the company and reviewing details with management was a long way from understanding the complexity of this business. When I made it to my desk after GF School, I was greeted with a warm welcome and a desk completely covered with paper about a foot tall. It was my first exposure to tailgates of which we currently process about 200,000 tailgates annually. We are now on a path to take these completely electronic. Another major project was to transition from paper foreperson manuals to electronic versions. We will no longer need wheelbarrows to carry the zipper binder manuals. Thank goodness for iPads! After the paper was cleared from my desk, Jim Lorrigan, our safety manager at the time, must have thought I had caught up

(it never happens). He came to my desk, laid a piece of paper down and said I had to learn it. The paper simply said, “Tree trimmers are not qualified line clearance workers 1910.269.” That began my journey to understand OSHA 1910.269. Since then, I’ve served as a board member on the Iowa-Illinois Safety Council which is part of the National Safety Council and obtained my OSHA certification to be an instructor for both the OSHA 30- and 10-hour classes. After getting up to speed on claims and working to set the reserves to cover the associated expenses to cover those claims, I started to understand the business. I read as much as I could, and Jim took me to the field to point out the more critical aspects of the job. I looked at the incidents that we had as an opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the business. During those investigations, I got to know and appreciate the operations team. I also had the pleasure and responsibility to attend the ANSI Z133 meetings where I was fortunate enough to vote on changes in the arboricultural operations – safety requirements for our industry. This consensus standard committee consists of many of the top companies in the vegetation management world. Tied closely to that group meeting is the Utility Line Clearance Safety Partnership. This coalition of companies is solely focused on the safety of those in the line clearance business. The members of this group are the best in class to help the industry move forward in promoting safe work practices. Early in my career at my first company annual awards banquet, Jim asked if I was ready for my speech. Then he walked off with that now-famous grin and I thought he was just teasing, but within a couple of minutes Scott walked by and asked if I was ready to make the presentation. I was briefed on what was done in the past and after a short time, I was up on the stage in front of several hundred people. At that time, we had a saying that I am sure a lot of you reading this can relate to: you either sink or swim. I must have been able to swim, but I am sure glad Wes Tregilgas is with us now as he thrives in public speaking. As I look forward to the end of my career, I still have a few projects I want to check off my list. At the top of that list, buttoning up the performance reviews process now that it has transitioned to our learning management system. I’d also like to kickstart the full ISO 9000 Internal Audit Program to close the feedback loop.

Continued on page 5





PERSPECTIVE Mission · To support and guide each of the Wright Service Corp. companies to achieve its individual mission. · To enable the growth and success of our family of companies as a whole and ensure attractive value appreciation to our employee owners. I have always looked at my job responsibilities as simply serving my internal and external customers in the best way I can. I am not always the best at delivering my thoughts, but transparency helps to compensate for it. The individuals who have replaced me are the best in class and allow this family of companies to move to even higher successes. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to our success and ability to help the company grow while reducing injury and damages.

· To provide team members with an environment that enables them to achieve their personal and professional goals. · To make a positive difference in the communities we serve.

Vision · Leverage our core competencies to create new environmental product lines and services.


· By 2024 traditional business lines will represent 50% of the company's gross profit margin while continuing to remain #2 in our core market segments.

Rocky Palmer

· Expand into new services and market segments that will align customer and environmental needs with our expertise and capabilities.


· Grow our company in the U.S., Canada, and beyond. · Attract, retain and reward the highest quality talent in the industry.


Please join us in congratulating Sam Mintle who was appointed to Vice President of Membership for the Iowa/Nebraska Chapter of The ESOP Association’s Executive Committee. Sam has been a crucial member of our own Employee Ownership Committee since its inception. She has been serving on the chapter’s membership committee this past year. Sam has voluntarily served as the company’s liaison for communication with the chapter and national news and events.

SAFETY It is everyone's responsibility – we each own it. INTEGRITY We abide by the highest ethical standards. EXCELLENCE We continually strive to exceed our customer's expectations – and our own expectations. TEAMWORK It is how we operate and we hold each other accountable. INNOVATION We anticipate our clients' needs and we deliver creative services & solutions.

Congratulations, Sam!

FAMILY It is our foundation; it is who we are.




PERSPECTIVE Guess the Value It’s that time of year again – time to guess the value of WSC stock for the year ending September 30, 2021. Every year, the per-share value is announced in early December. The employee who guesses closest to the per-share value will win six times the new per-share price! If you’re reading this digitally, employees can submit their guess by clicking the button below. Your guess must be received by December 7. The winner will be announced on December 10 via email. The winner will receive their prize in the form of a check. One entry per person, please. No one knows the value but Jon Hicks, chief financial officer, and he’s not talking (or eligible to guess)!


In September, the Employee Ownership Committee announced the winners of the 4th annual Employee Ownership Coloring Contest! Employees were encouraged to share the contest with someone close to them and have them draw a picture of their favorite employee, doing what they believe the employee does at work. Again, we want to thank everyone who had someone submit an entry. We had great participation and hope to continue increasing the participation in future years. With the change to various age brackets, we’re excited to announce multiple winners. Big congratulations to the following: · A ge 3-4, Edith Mitchell, daughter of Wright Service Corp. Training & Development Specialist II Jackie Mitchell · Age 5-6, Leo Fox, son of Wright Tree Service Vice President of Operations Nick Fox · Age 7-9, Leah Walker, daughter of CNUC Regional Supervisor Todd Walker · Age 10-12, Catie Christenson, daughter of Wright Service Corp. Training & Development Manager Rose Christensen · Age 16+, Olivia Fitzpatrick, niece of CNUC Consulting Utility Forester Jonathan Emerson Here are the winning entries and what each of them had to say verbatim.

Guess the Value "I drolld Nick kuden down a tree with a chanzo and I drolld a buckit." – Leo Fox "I colored the room and a desk. My mommy stands at the desk. Because her room is beautiful." – Edith Mitchell

Top ranked WSC was recently named one of the largest employee-owned companies in the U.S., according to the National Center for Employee Ownership. WSC is the 24th largest majority employee-owned company in the country.

"My dad is important because he help people and he loves me. My picure is my dad and his freind inspecting trees. My dad loves his job." – Leah Walker

"I drew my uncle Jonathon who is my favorite CNUC employee. In the drawing, he is identifying a hazardous tree. His job is important because he provides his expertise to utility so they can provide reliable power to customers." – Olivia Fitzpatrick

WSC is proud to be employee owned since 2002 and 100% employee owned since 2006.



"My mom helps lead her 'students' so they can teach, too. But she is a student too. My mom helps guide the other workers so they can be successful in their charier at Wright Tree Service Corp." – Catie Christenson





He’s currently a participant of the Leadership, Education and Development (LEAD) Program, a two-year companysponsored program that provides a comprehensive perspective of our companies, a platform for cross-company networking, and the tools to enhance leadership potential. In addition, Alejandro is an active participant in the Employee Ownership Committee’s field outreach group, meeting every other month with other employees to provide suggestions and feedback on how the committee can improve communication and educate our employees about the ESOP and employee ownership. “Mr. Reyes is always going above and beyond for WTS,” his nominator wrote. “He is always looking out for his employees and making sure they get the proper training available… I have never seen so much dedication for a company. He is always looking for the best solutions for his brothers and sisters. He truly comes to work every day with a smile and the willingness to do what is best for WTS, always representing the company and it values.” Congratulations to the 2021 WSC Employee Owner of the Year, Wright Tree Service Division 80 Project Manager Alejandro Reyes!

Congratulations again, Alejandro! This award is well-deserved.

The award serves as recognition for an employee within the WSC family of companies who is an outstanding citizen, exhibits the characteristics of an employee owner and the values of our company, and makes contributions in the best interest of the company.

As this year’s winner, Alejandro will receive a special invitation to the Annual Awards Banquet, receive a $500 check, an engraved award, and recognition in the WSC newsletter and website.

The Employee Ownership Committee went through all of the nominations and selected five nominees to move forward through the judging process. A judging panel consisting of management across companies ultimately selected Alejandro to be named this year’s Employee Owner of the Year. Division Manager Joe Partridge surprised Alejandro with the news and awarded him with a framed certificate. Alejandro has been with Wright Tree Service for nine years, residing in Austin, Texas.

Nominations for the next Employee Owner of the Year will open in September 2022. For more information, visit







By Elsa Gallagher, Habitat Program Coordinator, Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund Seed A Legacy Program Wright Service Corp. is taking advantage of a partnership to help honeybees and monarch butterflies through the Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund’s (BBHF) pollinator habitat program called Seed A Legacy. The BBHF’s project on campus grounds will establish a high-quality pollinator habitat to ensure that honeybee and monarch butterfly populations thrive. The BBHF works with landowners, conservationists, scientists and beekeepers to design and build healthy and sustainable pollinator habitats. Pollinator populations are experiencing critical population declines. Monarch butterfly populations have declined by 80% over the past 20 years, honeybee hive losses top 40% annually, and as of 2017, the rusty patched bumble bee is an endangered species. Projects like the one at the WSC corporate office are helping to curb that decline.

During the growing season, WSC has been working to eliminate the existing grasses and weeds to ensure a successful planting this winter. At that time, it will be ready for a dormant seeding. The seeds will be broadcasted by hand with a honeybee clover mix and the other half to a monarch mix – a diverse mix with 63 wildflower species. Mixture descriptions and pollinator value scores can be found at www.beeandbutterflyfund. org. By planting two separate mixtures, WSC will be providing abundant lush and dense forage with the clover mix, which can also be used as a prescribed fire break. The monarch mix contains slower growing wildflowers that will provide nectar resources for monarchs Diverse habitat featuring plants such as and other pollinators, and a place for a purple prairie clover offers honeybees monarchs to lay eggs. nutritious pollen and nectar to sustain the hive and produce honey.

Populations of the iconic monarch butterfly have declined by 80% in the past 20 years. The BBHF designs seed mixtures that provide equal acreage for monarch butterflies and honeybees.

“The Seed A Legacy program offers a unique opportunity to get a high-quality pollinator habitat on the landscape in a critical location of the country,” says Chip Taylor, Director of Monarch Watch. “Establishing a pollinator habitat is one of the most impactful ways that people can benefit monarch butterflies and other important pollinator species.” One out of every three bites of food we eat exists because of pollinators, including many fruits, vegetables and seeds. Pollinators are not only necessary for our own food, but also for native wildlife. Iowa projects serve a critical role in addressing the National Pollinator Partnership Action Plan goals because of the location on monarchs’ migratory path.

Since 2015, the Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund has worked with landowners in the Upper Midwest to establish high quality pollinator habitats in a cost-effective manner that establishes quickly to better handle weed competition.

A Habitat at Wright On this project, pre-planning and site preparation started over a year ago. These are the most critical elements of a successful project.




Growing Process Planting in the winter is referred to as a dormant seeding because it closely mimics what would happen naturally. Native plant seeds are adapted to being dropped on the ground at the end of the growing season, lay dormant throughout the winter, then emerge in the spring. Many of the native seeds need a freezing and thawing cycle in order to break the seed coat so that the seedling can emerge. Here’s what you can expect during the first three growing seasons. SPRING 2022 – FIRST SEASON The habitat will be full of weeds; this is normal. The native plants will be growing roots and you won’t see much above four to five inches in the first year. Mowing will play an important part to reduce the weed load. SPRING 2023 – SECOND SEASON A few blooms from early establishers will start to appear. SPRING 2024 – THIRD SEASON A higher number of plants will begin to bloom. The seed mixtures are custom designed to include species that bloom at different times and have various colors and flower shapes. Support the Mission The BBHF believes that everyone can do something positive for our struggling pollinators. If you don’t have the space for the Seed A Legacy program, you can plant pollinator friendly natives in your yard which should include common milkweed or swamp milkweed. You can also donate to Gifts that Grow to support other local projects.




Thank You to Our Vendors


On Wednesday, September 15, 2021, Wright Service Corp. hosted a ribbon-cutting to mark the official opening of the newly renovated international headquarters in West Des Moines, Iowa. A second ribbon cutting for this location on Grand Avenue, with the first in 2012. Prior to this location, Valley Junction was home for 40 years. Since then, the company has continued to grow at a steady pace to eventually allow us to expand and renovate our Grand Avenue office. In the last nine years, we have added five brands to our employee-owned family of companies. We have expanded operations to nearly all of North America and Puerto Rico. Now, there are nearly 6,000 employees in our family. The newly remodeled international corporate headquarters serves as Wright Service Corp.’s flagship operation, providing office space for team members, primarily those in support services. Partners in the renovation include our architects, SVPA, and Eick & Day Construction. We also worked with Workspace who provided the furniture design, Baker Group, Hilsabeck Schacht, Inc., Comiskey Glass and of course Wright Outdoor Solutions who created the interior plant design and outdoor spaces. During the redesign, it was important to support our environmental sustainability goals around energy, water, waste, and biodiversity. A few examples of things we implemented are efficient natural light, waste and recycling solutions, bee and butterfly pollinator habitats and recycled or repurposed many items during the renovation. This new space offers many places to collaborate, a walking trail, increased wellness rooms and many other amenities to promote employee wellness and safety.

Academy Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Allen Interiors Amstutz Concrete LLC Architectural Arts Aronson Woodworks Baker Group Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund Beeline & Blue Better Builders Iowa Comiskey Glass Confluence CTI Doors, Inc. Eick & Day GSI Herman Welding & Repair, LLC Hilsabeck Schacht, Inc. Ingamells Commercial Flooring, Inc. J Laurenzo Specialty Products KRW Construction LRI Graphics & Signs Masonry, Inc. Max-R Midwest Auto Fire Sprinkler Parker Signs & Graphics, Inc. Porter Trustin Carlton Rippke Design Signarama Sister Bay Steel Erectors of Iowa Strauss Security Solutions SVPA Architects Tometich Engineering Walsh Door & Security Workspace Wright Outdoor Solutions Xtreme Xteriors, Inc. Zele Painting

Wright Service Corp. is glad to stay rooted in West Des Moines and support the Des Moines community at large. We truly believe West Des Moines is home. Our values have a positive impact on this and the many communities we serve throughout North America.





Adapting Our Images to the Times In the past couple of years, Wright Tree Service (WTS) has experienced a tremendous amount of growth. Internally, we have expanded into new areas, grown our employee base and added new service lines, including railway excavation. While we have been growing and changing, so have the industries we serve. Some of the biggest changes have come from the safety side of the utility vegetation management industry. For example, our Safety Education and Training (SET) team have been conducting single-rope system trainings across all our divisions to change the way we climb. With the changes internally and externally, we decided it was time to update our library of images to better reflect our safety, our employees and our service lines. On August 31 and September 1, we held a large photo and video shoot in the areas around West Des Moines, Iowa. In preparation of the photo and video shoot, our planning team met with WTS management and several departments to determine which photos we had, which photos we needed and which photos we wanted. We also discussed what employee stories we wanted to share and began the difficult process of choosing which employees could


Regional Manager •Greg Williams


Operations Supervisor •Rusty Ecord Project Manager •Nate Demby GF •Eduardo Saldana


participate. It is important to us that we have some of our actual employees be in front of the camera for our photo and video shoots. We want to show our real employees doing real work in all our images and rely on the planning committee and the employees in front of the cameras to make sure everything we capture is relevant and correct. Using all these discussions, we were able to put together a shot list that would fit within our two-day timeline. While the main goal of the photo shoot was to build up our library of safety-approved content, the video shoot focused more on recruitment, highlighting some of our employees and sharing their experiences working for WTS and in this industry. We partnered with a local videography company, Canoe There, that we had previously worked with for the 2019 recruitment video shoot. With their help and expertise, we’re excited to add to our library and use more photos that will grow with us.

Thank you to the following employees who helped plan and participate in the photo and video shoot!



Division Manager •Cory Edwards

GF •Cassidy Weston

General Foreperson (GF) •Matt Naylor

Crew Leader •Rebecca Haught

Crew Leaders •Hector Armendariz •Kyle Chapmen •Doug VonDal

Senior Safety Lead •Phillip Kelley

Trimmer •Esteban Jimenez




Safety Supervisors •Reggie Copes •Megan Bujnowski •Brandon Magee


Marketing & Communications Supervisor •Katie Moehn

Digital Marketing & Social Media Strategist •Kaari Jones Marketing & Communications Coordinator •Danielle Bell


» WTS will continue to be recognized by utilities as providers of the highest levels of quality, service, responsiveness, reliability and value.

OUR MISSION » To enable gas and electric utilities to provide reliable

service to their customers by ensuring that transmission and distribution lines are clear of vegetation.

» To provide attractive value appreciation to our employee owners.

» To provide team members with an environment

that enables them to achieve their personal and professional goals.

» To make a positive difference in the communities we serve.

OUR VALUES » SAFETY It is everyone’s responsibility – we each own it.

» INTEGRITY We abide by the highest ethical standards.

» EXCELLENCE We continually strive to exceed our

customer’s expectations — and our own expectations.

» TEAMWORK It is how we operate and we hold each other accountable.

» INNOVATION We anticipate our clients’ needs and we deliver creative services & solutions.

» FAMILY It is our foundation; it is who we are.

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Keep an eye out for our new photos and recruitment videos!




family tree


Meet Shane Vosberg Mountain States Division Manager Colorado Springs, Colorado

What is your work history? I worked in residential tree trimming for 10 years and was also a contract trainer and climber. I then worked for Asplundh for 10 years, first at the crew level and then in corporate safety for eight years. I started working with WTS on November 2, 2020. Being in the industry for roughly 24 years, I’ve had some exposure to a lot of different roles. So, when a GF or crew member calls with a question, I might have a little insight or advice instead of directing them elsewhere.

What made you want to work at WTS? I had known WTS Safety Manager Wes Tregilgas for several years and was looking to make a change. What really attracted me to WTS was the culture. Everything Wes and Regional Manager Adam Larson talked to me about as far as support, leadership and working in a family environment that is actually like a true family. That’s really what drove me to pursue a career at WTS and pursue a career as a division manager.

What has your first year at WTS been like? My first year here has been awesome. The support is unbelievable. One of the things that has stuck out to me is the acceptance of what I don’t know and the willingness to teach me in a patient and constructive manner. Within the division, we’ve focused on team culture. We’ve been going through a bit of a reconstruction phase and are focusing more on teamwork and getting buy-in from the GFs. We worked with Lacy Fitzpatrick in the Training & Development Department to create a series called Being Remarkable for the last six months. The series stemmed from a True Colors training she did in our division and is based on material from Paul



Axtell. It includes trainings on leadership, team building, how to make meetings effective, communication and more. Really, what we strive to do is encourage group involvement. We got the group of GFs together face to face last spring, did the true colors training, embarked on this journey for Being Remarkable and then each month we have a two-hour session with Lacy. There’s normally some prep homework and reflection for each session. The benefits of these sessions are the conversations we have and getting to know each other and what works for some may not work for others. We’re trying to build bridges so no one on our team feels like they’re on an island. I want them to know they have partners they can reach out to and that their manager supports them. We had our six-month session with Lacy in September and we talked about the dynamic shifting where employees now feel more comfortable reaching out to their manager and their peers. On both the business and personal side, relationships have been opened up and we’re all getting to know each other better. It’s also allowed me the opportunity to gain a closer insight, respect and understanding of exactly what customers need on a daily basis. I’ve always been part of the meetings and check-ins with our customers, so I understood their needs from the business side, but this has shown me more of the crew-level day-to-day.

What is a challenge you’ve encountered? Trying to spend more time in the field. I manage three fairly large states – Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. It’s not as large as others may have, but it’s always a consideration. I’d love to be out in


the field more and get some more facetime with the crews. I think I’m gaining ground in that regard.

What keeps you motivated? My family – I have a fiancé and a 13-yearold daughter. I work hard to help give my family what they need. I also work hard to put a product out that people respect and so everyone goes home safely at the end of the day. To provide jobs for others that are wanting and willing to work as well as take care of the employees we have. Those are the things that I get up and have goals for in the morning.

What advice do you have for employees? The opportunities are limitless. I graduated college with a park management degree and thought I was going to work in a park. I never did because I took an arboriculture class and money was a little better doing tree work than working in a park. I started dragging brush and learning how to climb. I’ve been fortunate enough to know and learn from a lot of well-known and respected folks in the industry. Take every opportunity you can to get to know people, make connections and stay in touch. The tree world, though seemingly big, is not actually that big if you think about how many people a person knows throughout the industry.

What is your favorite tree species? That’s a great question. I used to say ginkgo, but I haven’t seen one in some time. I think they’re one of the coolest trees. I’m also a big fan of the foxtail pines and a big old standing bur oak in the middle of a field has always fascinated me. I love big, broad-spreading trees. In grad school, I taught woody plants as a student teacher for two years. Every once in a while someone will ask what a tree is, and I’m able to tell them the scientific name.



Central Division GF •Hector Armendariz Crew Leader •Daniel Crabtree Central South Division Crew Leaders •Stewart Bischoff •Wesley Ecord •Lane Fager •Steven Keaton •Ethan Shields •Steven Tillery North Division GF •Tony Harbison Crew Leaders •Joseph Beatman •Andrew Blackman •Gary Chasteen •Richard Giebler •Bradly Kreter •Cody Mcdaniel •Bradley Saling •Morris Stewart •Dornell Thomas •Michael Wilkinson Division 25 Crew Leaders •Bill Lease •Owen West •Rodger Ries Pacific Division Crew Leader •Chason Richardson Southeast Division GFs •Camren Fuqua •Rustin Peck Crew Leaders •Chad Adams •Roger Anderson •Martin Chiki IV •Tyler Fowler •Jeffrey Freeman •Andrew Girard III

•Kristopher Halstead •Christopher Morgan •Siaosi Pohiva •Charles Spencer Jr. •Michael W Stouder Jr. •Carlos Tuifua •Jeffrey Westerman Administrative Assistant •Nilda Vargas Division 45 GFs •Sandy Afanador •Guillermo Casares •Orestes Mendoza Crew Leaders •Jose Aguilera •Angel Baez-Rivera •Jose Diaz •Adolis Gonzalez •Kevin Gross Jr. •Manuel Infante •Walter Leon •Jorge Martinez •Christopher Michael •Roberto Mora •Victor Rodriguez •Raunel Sanchez •Seth Shelton •Argel Tamayo Southwest Division GFs •Broderick Morris Crew Leaders •Leroy Carey Jr. •Anthony Defeo •Juan Ebanez •Larry Harrison •Cameron James •Jesus Perez Jr. Division 55 GFs •Ronald Ayers •John Duey •Jesus Hernandez Crew Leaders •Nexxus Alvarado •Jose Ayala Ojodeagua •Jonathan Baltazar •Joel Bastista

•Douglas Brown •Paul Brown •Marino Caballero •Protacio Cervantes •Dustin Cox •John Cruite •Miguel Cruz •Julio Diaz •Jesse Eggers •Alexander Elizararas •Yoandry Fonseca-Gil •Ryan Foster •Nicholas Gilbert •Michael Greenhalgh •Heriberto Guadalupe •Seth Hamilton •Gerardo Herrera •William Hugus •Austin Jenkins •Robert Jones III •Aquileo Junco •Ryan Korpi •Miguel Lerma Jr. •Hagan Leyva •Brien Loder •Donald Lowe •Nestor Martinez •Ian McCormick •John McGowen •Junior Mendez •Ramon Mercado •Louis Metro •Jessy Nash •Jacob Nolley •Manuel Pichardo •Kyle Ricks •Deinier Rodriguez •Leonel Rodriguez •Ulises Rojas •Pedro Santiago •Dalton Sawyer •Hector Sosa •Jonathon Starkey •Javier Tamayo •Andrew Vance •Hector Vega •Javon Yoder •David Young Work Planners •Shelton Carter •Robert Richey

•Adam Stables •Nehemias Rodriguez


Division Supervisor •David Craddock

Upper Management Vice President of Operations •Nick Fox

Administrative Assistant •Brenda Knighton-Slatter

Regional Manager •Cory Kobernick

Lone Star Division Crew Leaders •Mario Lopezn •Francisco Melendez

Central Division GF •Jason Babbel

Division 65 Crew Leaders •Edgar Garay •Emilio Hinojosa •Orlando Perez •Franco Real •Marcelo Rivera-Millan •Marcos Sanchez •Yurien Soto •Yasmani Torres •Chase Wadle

Central South Division PM •Nate Demby GFs •Joshua Dillow •Eduardo Saldana •Daniel Meredith Crew Leader •Dakota Dixon

Work Planner •Michael Basner II

North Division PM •Robert Slover

Division 80 GFs •Bacilio Alcala Jr. •Jorge Cuellar •Sean Eudy •Rene Maciel III •Yefrin Madrid

GFs •Salvador Campos •Ryan Creek •Keith Darmody II •Sam Gatley •Kyle Hogan •John Mollison III •Jesus Rojo

Crew Leaders •Luis Aguilar •Juan Calderon •Michael Cantu •Miguel Deleon •Javier Flores •Miseal Garcia •Johnny Gonzalez •Rodrigo Perez •Ismael Pineda •Uriel Rios •Barnabe Rodriguez •Mario Silva Puerto Rico GFs •Iris Alicea •Alfonso Serrano

Division 25 GFs •Corey Olcheske •Jason Stutenroth Pacific Division GFs •Barrett Baugher •Chris Horton •Robert Sego Southeast Division Division Manager •Nathan Johnson Project Manager •Ben Baker

Continued on page 15




family tree


Will Nutter 01/01/196 4 - 9/16/ 2 0 21

With more than four decades in the utility vegetation management industry, Will has been a driving force and influential leader serving as the past president of the Utility Arborist Association (UAA) and the chair of TREE Fund Board of Trustees.

On September 16, Wright Service Corp. Senior Vice President and COO Will Nutter passed away as a result of a motorcycle accident. Chairman and CEO Scott Packard said, “He was a cornerstone for Wright and will be greatly missed.” Will served as president and COO of Wright Tree Service and was the senior vice president and COO of Wright Service Corp. Under his leadership, Wright Tree Service grew to be widely recognized for utility vegetation management services in the industry, including integrated vegetation management, storm restoration, and work planning services to railroad and utility companies and their communities across North America.

“Words cannot express how much Will meant to us as a friend, teammate, and leader,” said Packard. “Our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife, children and family members who we know are grieving the loss of a loved one.”

Will began his career with Wright Tree Service as a groundworker in 1982. He continued to work through the ranks from general foreperson, division supervisor, division manager, operations manager, vice president and became president and COO of Wright Tree Service in 2008.

In Will’s honor, the Nutter family and Wright Service Corp. established the Will Nutter Memorial Scholarship Fund in support of education. If you wish to donate, please visit the Tree Fund.



tzyk and r, Don Heyel, Steve Pie ka Back row: Will Nutte Rip Bill and lor Tay n : Alle Phil Heinz. Front row



family tree NEW, ON THE MOVE, CERTIFIED & RETIRED cont. Southeast Division cont. GFs •David Young •Johnathon Gill •Michael Charles Division 45 PM •Pablo Carlos Work Planner •Michael Tomlin GFs •Sandy Afanador •Guillermo Casares •Thomas Nieman Southwest Division PM •Jessie Atwell GF •Dylan McCarthy Division 55 Division Manager •Paul Mitchell Division Supervisor •Dan Smith PMs •Tyler Kirkpatrick •Darrin Salvador GFs •Kenneth Arnett Jr. •Chris Frick •David Hall •Jesus Hernandez •Juan Orduna •Cassidy Weston

forever I N OU R H E A RT S

Division 65 PM •Tyler Joehlin

Division 65 GF •Sean Galbraith

GFs •Daniel Pingle •Craig Tackett

Minnkota Division GF •Adam Velishek

Minnkota Division GF •Shannon Gatz

New International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist Utility Specialists®

Division 80 GF •Lucko Self

Division 80 GF •Ryan Ebbert

Safety Safety Supervisor •Skyler Rambel



New International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborists® Central Division Crew Leaders •Paul Delgado •Michael Seuferer Mountain States Division GF • Jeremiah Wildeboer Crew Leaders •Ben Beebe •Dusk Curington •Chance Lockett

•Thomas Baird •Ted Doan •Gary Higgins •Ernest Johnson •Joseph Marra •Donnie Phillips •Timothy Rhodes •Joe Williams


•Devon Andersen •Naquan Baker •Rosendo Delgado •Michael Harris •Will Nutter


Wright Tree Service

Wright Tree Service




family tree

SUMMER SAFETY CHALLENGE The 2021 Spring Safety Challenge took place June 6-26. This year, the field challenge theme was ELECTRICAL HAZARDS, and the office challenge theme was HOME & OFFICE. Our safety challenges highlight the importance of being aware of your surrounding at all times and communicating those hazards with those around you.

During the challenge, WSC and WTS employees submitted 1,468 hazard submissions from crews in every division.

Submission Winners Congratulations to the following employees for their winning submissions!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the challenge this year! Your continued involvement in the safety challenges helps the SET team plan trainings and measure success.

FIELD WINNERS Week 1: Working in Proximity to Conductors • 1st Place: Central South Division: Oscar Lopez, Austin Ogle, Tommy Pearson & Paul Reynolds • 2nd Place: WTSW: Dalton Adams, Josh Chavez & Caleb Hogan • 3rd Place: North Division: Toby Lindstrom, Pat Monaghan & Brock Simmins • 4th Place: WTSW: Jackson Estes • 5th Place: WTSW: Neil Langston & Jesus Torres • 6th Place: Southeast Division: Tyler Farmer

Participation Winners This year, the division with the highest average employee participation was Division 25, with a staggering 97% of employees submitting a hazard.

Division 25 employees taking a group photo for the 2021 Spring Safety challenge. (Left to right) Back row: Anderson Torres Ramos, Christian Johnson, Justin Garcia, Jorge Reyes and Carlos Reyes. Front row: Aubrey Everett, Charles Devaney, Trevor Addis, Kris Shearer, Robert Byers and Gabriel Reyes.



Week 2: Use, Maintenance & Storage of Nonconductive Tools & Equipment • 1st Place: Division 25: Adam Pritts • 2nd Place: Southeast Division: Cody Owens • 3rd Place: Southeast Division: Kevin Brown • 4th Place: Southeast Division: Gavin Belcher, Jacob Hurley & Robert Waller • 5th Place: Southeast Division: James Benish • 6th Place: Division 55: Ryon Birtsch, Mitchell Jennings, James Shaw & Zack Shaw


Week 3: Hardware Identification • 1st Place: Pacific Division: Bailey Gleason & Tyler Randall • 2nd Place: North Division: James Bryant, Tanner Cox & Merle Large • 3rd Place: North Division: Brad Baumgartner, Jeremy Dubois, Cody Kennedy & Jonathan McCaslin • 4th Place: Division 25: Doug Rakes • 5th Place: WTSW: Sean Bester • 6th Place: Division 25: Patrick Hutchinson OFFICE WINNERS Week 1: Electrical • 1st Place: Mitch Price • 2nd Place: Alison West • 3rd Place: Kimberly Foster Week 2: Slips, Trips & Falls • 1st Place: Kristy Reynolds • 2nd Place: Pam Cherry, Becky Jordan & Kristy Reynolds • 3rd Place: Sarah Kern Week 3: Environmental Hazards • 1st Place: Kimberly Foster • 2nd Place: Kristie Ortiz • 3rd Place: Elisa Mortensen


family tree

GF SCHOOL GF School is a week-long program where WTS employees participate in a variety of trainings and hands-on exercises to build a solid foundation to be more effective at their position. The goal of GF School is to educate and train our GFs to build a strong and productive workforce. Since March 1, 2021, 59 WTS employees have attended GF school at the corporate office in West Des Moines, Iowa. Congratulations to all participants!

CENTRAL DIVISION • Nathan Mahr CENTRAL SOUTH DIVISION • Joshua Brett Dillow • Brandon Combes • Eduardo Saldana NORTH DIVISION • Keith Craney • Ryan Creek • Keith Darmody • John Ditta • Matt Rayfield • Derek Steinseifer • Derek Walker DIVISION 25 • Jon Hamm • Michael Mallow • Doug Rakes • Stefano Reuben • Jason Stutenroth MOUNTAIN STATES DIVISION • Jaime Flores • Christopher Keller PACIFIC DIVISION • Dallas Cackler • Jon Geyer

• • • •

• Aaron Jones • Darrin Salvador

Lyle Rauh Pablo Rios Daniel Whisler Cole Worrell


WTSW • Christopher Castillo SOUTHEAST DIVISION • Kyle Driggers • Ethan Ray DIVISION 45 • Guillermo Casares • Thomas Nieman • Joel Quiroz • Andrez Rangel • Nathaniel Stattler • Michael Tomblin

DIVISION 65 • Lisa Bagalay • Christopher Fulk • Daniel Pingle • Yoan Socas Espino • Michael Soper MINNKOTA DIVISION • Shannon Gatz • Adam Velishek

SOUTHWEST DIVISION • Joshawa Arnold • Dewey Fare • Marcotulio Masariegos • Juan Rodriguez • Brandon Rushing

DIVISION 80 • Ryan Ebbert • Sean Eudy • Ruben Gonzalez • Raul Lopez • Joel Rendon • Gerardo Rodriguez

Through the Corporate Audit Program, employees are recognized for successfully completing a random audit on a WTS truck. Once they have received written documentation from an authorized officer, they are presented with a branded duffle bag from Director of Risk Management, Rocky Palmer. Those deserving of the recognition since last fall include: Central Division GF •Jason Babbel Crew Leader •Jose Gallardo

Southeast Division cont. Trimmers •Jolio Plaza Molina •Daniel Santiago

Central South Division GF •Matt Brown Crew Leaders •John Blanton • Heriberto Olivas Sandoval •Jared Staten Trimmer •David Reeves

Southwest Division Trimmer •Charles Davidson

North Division Project Manager •Bryon Honea Division 25 Trimmer •Shane Urey

DIVISION 55 • Bradley Chapman • Pedro Condado • Jeremy Coomer • Christopher Evers • Ronald Frenzel

WTSW Crew Leader •Nathan Peterson Southeast Division GF •Chad Chaney Crew Leaders •Michael Adams •James Benish •Jeff Carlisle •Thomas Charles •Martin Chiki IV

Class of March 22-25

Class of June 28-July 2


Division 55 GF •Jeffrey Carlisle Crew Leader •Jeffrey Carlisle •Angus Campbell II • Javier Carracedo Carvajal Trimmer • Jorge Serrano Melendez Lone Star Division Crew Leader •Jose R Alvarez •Aaron Smith Trimmer •Mario Rivera Minnkota Division Division Manager •Travis Platt Crew Leaders •Michael Nelson •Brian Ricke

Class of August 2-6




family tree




Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) "I wanted to let you know that the crews in my area worked very hard and did a great job helping OPPD clean up all the damaged trees so that OPPD could get services back on after a storm. Thank you." Several crew members


Evergy "I'd like to compliment one of the truck crews that went out to trim the trees by my home. They were very nice, professional and did a great job. They asked me to move my vehicle to avoid scratches to my truck and I was very pleased with how nice they were." Crew Leader James Emery and Trimmers Zach Harrison and Ty Williams "We had WTS come out to our house to trim the trees back from the electrical lines and I have never met a nicer crew. They were very professional. They did an awesome job and I wanted to compliment them." Several crew members

Central Division Acting Project Manager Nate Demby and General Foreperson Matt Naylor celebrated Arbor Day at Pinckney Elementary in Lawrence, KS. They volunteered their time educating our future leaders on tree health, the history of Arbor Day, safety, our company and community involvement. This was the first onsite field trip of the school year and the teachers and students were thrilled to partake in the festivities. Wright Tree Service donated a Japanese Maple tree that will be planted on school grounds to commemorate this event.

Division 25 During an Arbor Day event on April 30th, members from our crew in Massillon, Ohio gathered to help plant a Dawn Red Wood donated by Wright Tree Service to the city. Attendees included from left to right, General Foreperson Chad Craver, Crew Leader Kam Kaswinkel, Trimmer Alex Pittman (also pictured solo by the tree) and Safety Supervisor Brian Christensen. In addition, the team helped take down a dead Elm tree using the 5 to 1 system. Thank you to these individuals for donating their time to help honor Arbor Day, a day Massillon Mayor Kathy Catazaro-Perry proclaimed as a city holiday.

"I was so happy with the crew that worked on my property. They did such a great job!" Several crew members "The crew working near my property were just awesome and did a great job. They cleaned up everything. Thank you." Several crew members "Your crew came to remove a branch that was touching the electric pole. They did a great job carefully moving furniture and removing the limbs. Had to say they were an excellent team!" Several crew members "I wanted to compliment the tree service. Your employees did a real good job clearing my lines today." Several crew members "The crew was professional and courteous." Several crew members "Evergy determined that a tree in our back yard had to be trimmed to keep the power lines safe and they sent WTS to do it. The crew was awesome. They rang the bell to let me know they were working in our yard and we had a brief discussion about the flower beds immediately below the tree. Then they went to work. I came out about an hour later as they hauled off the last of the limbs and debris. The flowerbeds were just fine, and they cleared up all the mess they created. The crew was polite and took care of my property. They definitely exceeded my expectations given the nature of the project. Thank you." Several crew members




MIDWESTERN SUNRISE Central Division A beautiful morning in Des Moines, IA! Thank you to Project Manager Nate Demby for capturing this beautiful sunrise in early March.


family tree NORTH DIVISION

Ameren "I wasn’t happy with the trimming and spoke to a WTS representative. A week later, the crew came back and removed the tree. They were very polite and professional. Great response, great service. Thank you." GF Toby Lindstrom, Crew Leader Dan Kirkwood and Trimmers Jade Davis and Noah Mcbee "I requested assistance from Ameren with a shingle oak tree that was splitting and needed to be taken down. It had limbs close to the power lines. Within two days, a WTS crew showed up to trim the trees. It took determination and persistence to figure out how to get the spider lift into the backyard. While here, they educated me about the whole tree experience. I’m taking care of my 90-year-old parents and have plenty to do without adding tree removal into it all. I felt very supported and knowledgeable on what I was dealing with thanks to them. It took them two days to finish it and I’m grateful for their help." Crew Leader Alvin Benson, Trimmer Josh Alexander and Groundworker Todd Hill "WTS was doing maintenance work in my area for Ameren. I saw two of your employees and asked them if they could look at a limb on my tree that was weighing on the power line in my backyard. These two gentlemen looked at the limb and told me they would trim the branch so it was not affecting the line. They also trimmed my neighbor’s branches in my yard so their line would be free too! I want to thank WTS for hiring excellent employees and servicing our community. You should be proud of these three gentlemen and your wonderful company." GF Nick Ditta, Crew Leader Dan Kirkwood and Trimmer Broderick Lee "The crew dispatched to my road for power line trimming were extremely courteous." GF Damon Muscarella, and Trimmers Josh Halley and William Martin "I wanted to give kudos to Dustin and James from WTS. They were working in my area a few weeks ago and they did a great job trimming trees and had great customer service." Crew Leader Dustin Hart and Trimmer James Swaringim "I want to compliment your workers on the job they did clearing out the power lines. They had to be in our back yard and had a lot of tree limbs to cut. After they cut the limbs, they took them to the front yard and put them in a shredder. They even cleaned up the small branches. You would not have

known they had been there if you hadn't seen them working." Several crew members


American Electric Power (AEP) "I wanted to let you know how pleased I was with your crew. They were so nice and did a great job, especially Zack. I was extremely happy they did what they said they would do." Work Planner Zack Braude, Crew Leader Josh Gardner and Trimmer Xavier Armstrong "I generally hate to see the trimmer trucks in town because I have had bad experiences with different companies previously. However, this year I happened to be home when a Wright truck pulled up and the crew walked around the property to check out a couple trees in my yard and my neighbor’s yard. My yard as the access point. Most of my conversation was with Crew Leader Patrick Hutchinson, but they all were courteous and respectful toward me and the property. We quickly decided on a plan of action that was agreeable to everyone. It was a refreshing experience compared to previous years." GF Corey Olcheske, Crew Leaders Rachel Hamm and Patrick Hutchinson, and Trimmer Khayree Mathews "I want to say thank you for the great service you have provided. The gentlemen who worked on my trees were extremely efficient and professional. The job they performed on the trees was done neatly and cleanup was perfect." Crew Leaders Patrick Hutchinson, Brian Mc Daniel, Irving Ramos, Rodger Ries and Jordan Roberts, and Trimmers Zach Blum and Khayree Mathews "I just wanted to let you know the crew that was here trimming and cleaning up did a great job. Rarely have I had anyone clean up and trim as nicely as they did. They were gentlemen and answered all my questions." Crew Leader Jordan Roberts and Trimmer Patrick Hughett FirstEnergy "Josh and the crew were very kind and helpful." Work Planner Josh Smith and Crew Leaders Collin Covert and Ryan Mikrut


Central Division Big thank you to GF Matt Naylor, Crew Leaders Edson Henderson and Sean King, Trimmers Tim Buell, Brandon Young and Elijah Rayburn for participating in a photo shoot for a billboard in the Southbend/ Niles area of Indiana!


Central South Division A job well done by our crew for the removal of a large sycamore tree in the Kansas City, Missouri area! With the tree standing at about 100 feet and a bucket truck that only reached 70 feet, the crew had to climb the rest of the way up. After two and a half days and many obstacles (three service drops, a garage, solar panels and the houses below) our team was able to safely complete the tree removal! Thank you to Project Manager Mitch Frye, GF Tommy Pearson, Crew Leaders Paul Reynolds, Austin Ogle, and Oscar Lopez, Trimmers Quentin Hough and Vance Johnson, and Groundworkers Issac Sandridge and Vincent Cooper for helping complete this project!

"In February 2021, Zack Braude introduced WTS to us as being chosen by First Energy Corp. to trim our trees away from the electric power lines. What a wonderful choice by First Energy Corp. Zack was extremely courteous, answered all our questions about maintaining the health




family tree WILDLIFE VISITORS Division 80 Look who stopped in for a visit on GF Ryan Ebbert's crew as they were chipping brush in the Austin, TX area. North Division Thank you to Crew Leader Tim Cart for capturing this photo of a bald eagle in Williamsfield, IL during a day in the field.


In early September, WTS crews traveled to Louisiana and surrounding areas to respond to Hurricane Ida. KCCI, an Iowa news station, interviewed Senior Vice President of Operations Wade Myers on our crews traveling to help with restoration. "One of the most satisfying things about the job that I have is knowing that I'm working with a group of employees that are willing to go above and beyond to help communities in need," said Myers.

and integrity of our silver maple trees, and even explained to my wife and me what a pollard cut was. About a month ago, a crew arrived and did a marvelous job trimming our trees. They cleaned up afterwards, even using a rake and a blower to restore our lawn and driveway. They also cut up and stacked the larger wood for us to use. They worked together like a family and treated us homeowners like we too were part of their family. They left behind a great first impression of Wright Tree Service as being a very reputable and trustworthy company. Thank you for a job well done." Work Planner Zack Braude and several crew members Your crew was on my property taking care of a tree. They were great guys and I wanted to let you know that! Several crew members


"Your crew trimmed trees away from the electrical line at our house and I wanted to let you know that they were so nice, respectful and conscientious. They did a wonderful job of cleaning up. They were exceptional and I'd like for them to work with us again." Crew Leader Ryan Tovar and Groundworker Humberto Meza "Thank you for taking care of my problem so quickly." GF Jaime Flores, Work Planner Juan Sanchez, Crew Leader Alberico Castro and Trimmer Federico Calderon

Black Hills Power & Light "I just wanted to give a big shout out to your crew that was working in the alley behind my house. I understood that a tree was going to be removed, but the work order didn’t indicate that to the crew. My neighbor noticed the tree was trimmed and not removed, got ahold of me and went out and talked to the crew in my absence. Ultimately they put their schedule on hold, got approval for the tree removal and adjusted their schedule to come back and remove the rest of the tree. I am so grateful that the tree is gone and couldn’t be happier with their fantastic customer service. They represent your company well. Thank you again to all of them!" Several crew members Xcel Energy "I just wanted to commend you on your super professional team that

has been cutting trees near the power lines on my property. They did a spectacular job! They were very neat and tidied up the area nicely. Plus, they didn't leave the trees looking weird as has been the case in the past. I'm just super happy with their A+ work. Great job! Thank you very much!" Work Planner Hugo Sanchez and several crew members


Pacific Power "I received a tree maintenance and power line safety notice and I connected with Josh Phillips' crew who was working on my street. The following morning the crew arrived ready to work before 9 a.m. They worked tirelessly until 2:30 p.m. on a very cold and snowy day, clearing power line dangers including a 75-foot Douglas Fir that had been dead for several years. I appreciate and compliment their efforts, safety and work ethic. I am truly grateful!" Crew Leaders Philip Jaeger, Josh Phillips and Shane Welter, and Trimmer David Ortiz PacifiCorp "Mike came to ask permission to come onto our property to cut some trees on our

KCCI Reporter Kayla James with Wade Myers Feller Buncher Articulating boom with mulching head attachment




Side Trimmer


family tree neighbor’s property. He was very pleasant, and the crew was very considerate to our property. They were also nice enough to deposit a few loads of wood chips that will help me out. Crew Leaders Mike Tegano and Andrew Munden Rocky Mountain Power "Two crews came to my location, one to trim a tree that was rubbing on my power line and the other to work on the main road trimming limbs off and away from the main power line. Both crews did a great and very professional job. They all wore safety gear and communicated very well with my questions. Thank you!" Crew Leader Julio Suarez-Santiago and Groundworkers Santiago Nieto and Kenny Pena "Amazing service! This company came to trim and remove trees for Rocky Mountain Power and I could not be more pleased. They are safe, efficient, fast and clean up very well. They are also very kind and informative, and were willing to work with me on a difficult situation with neighbors. Five stars!" Several crew members

SOUTHEAST DIVISION AEP "Our neighbor’s tree was taken down recently as it was dead and a danger to the power lines. Many large pieces were dropped in our yard. Three of your employees arrived to clean up branches that could be shredded. Your employees went out of their way to cut up the larger pieces to more manageable sizes and moved them off my garden. My husband and I will now be able to dispose of wood properly. We greatly appreciate their help and would recommend your company. Thank you!" Several crew members

Gulf Power "WTS came out to my house to cut down a river birch that I had requested be removed due to its growing in the power lines. I just wanted to let you know that the crew was very polite and did an excellent job of cutting the tree, clearing the debris and leaving the yard as they found it, which was a pleasant surprise." Project Manager Jeff East and several crew members Louisville Gas & Electric "We wanted to take a moment to compliment the team that did our tree trimming for LG&E. We greatly appreciated Bryan scheduling with us so that we could keep our animals up the day the crew would

be here. Yilber and his team were fast, courteous and clean. We found everyone to be very professional and polite. Much appreciated! I hope we get this same crew next time!" GF Pedro Hernandez, Crew Leaders Yilber Fuerte and Bryan Juarez-Vergara, and Trimmers Manuel Gonzalez, Teodulo Juarez and Armando Olguin

SRS TRAINING Division 25 Safety Supervisors Evan Beck and Brian Christensen led a Stationary Rope System (SRS) Training in Ohio this summer.


AEP "I wrote a complaint about a broken yard sweeper I had that hadn't been resolved in a while. Ryan Peck came out to my house and got everything set and the issue resolved in a very professional manner. Thank you." GF Ryan Peck "Andrez was very kind and courteous. WTS were not the ones that made the mess, but he helped make it right." GF Andrez Rangel Indianapolis Power and Light "The line-clearing crews from WTS did some extensive work in my yard recently. They were preparing the way for the crews to install new utility poles along the lines that run through our neighborhood. We had crews on our property three different days, and I was impressed by them all. The workers cut limbs from two large maple trees and removed a 90’ tall pine. They were very careful to protect my yard, trees and plants by using mats to carefully move the cherry picker into position. They were also careful not to drop the wood on any emerging flowers below or walk through the flower beds. I was impressed with how good the trees looked when they were done. I appreciated how friendly the crews were to me. I was out in the yard most of the time while they were working, taking pictures and asking an occasional question. All of the crew members were polite, professional and friendly. I was especially impressed with Raul and José. I liked Raul because he listened carefully, made notes and followed up on my concerns. José is also a very talented climber. A man of few words, he did a great job to make the trees look good and protect the yard, other trees, flowers and shrubs. The crews worked really hard and left my yard looking great when the work was completed. I met almost all of the crew members and was thankful to have such a conscientious group in my yard. I can see why IPL has had a long relationship with WTS. You folks do great work because you have great people working for you! Keep it up!" GF Raul Claros, Crew Leader José Herrera and several crew members


WINTER WONDERLAND Mountain States Division

Crews walking along a snowcovered right of way in Colorado.

The sun rising over a winter day in Brighton, CO. Photo from George Herbert.

BLACK HILLS JOB FAIR Mountain States Division

Safety Supervisor Jon McCormack (left) and GF Nathan Quist (right) pictured at the Black Hills Job Fair on March 3rd.



family tree GOOD SAMARITAN Southeast Division GF Gerardo Ventura was attempting to contact a homeowner when he spotted smoke and a fire in the kitchen in the home next door. He called the fire department and they were able to put out the fire quickly, saving the property and a dog as well. Great job, Gerardo!


City Utilities of Springfield "I had the pleasure of meeting and being helped by Rex and Caleb. Both were friendly and professional young men with strong work ethics. Wish you both the best." Crew Leader Caleb Trantham and Trimmer Rex Myres Oklahoma Gas & Electric "The crew did a fantastic job. They cleaned up everything and did a great job trimming. While we would rather have our trees, we understand that they need to keep the electricity on, and we would recommend WTS to anyone." Several crew members "Crews from WTS cleared trees and limbs that were encroaching on an OG&E easement behind our house. We had a large tree that had been shading our property for years that had to be removed. The crew were very careful to not damage the landscape in our backyard. Per our request, the crew left a large level stump. I think your crew took pride in what they had done! I thank them for going beyond what one would expect." Several crew members

CORY KOBERNICK PROMOTION TO RM In March, Cory Kobernick was promoted to regional manager over the Southeast Division and Division 55. Cory has over 20 years of experience working for WTS in the utility vegetation management industry. He is an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist and a Vegetation Management of Kentucky board member. He started at WTS in 1998 and has held several positions within the company including foreperson, crew leader, general foreperson, division supervisor and division manager. “Cory’s diverse skillset and extensive knowledge of the vegetation management industry is what we are looking for as we continue building our team,” said Vice President Nick Fox. “This experience, combined with Cory’s level of integrity, aligns perfectly with WTS and will be a great asset as we continue to grow and build critical business partnerships.”

"I wanted to tell you what a great job your employees are doing. My young son enjoys seeing the trucks, so I pulled over so he could watch your crew work and he loved it. The crew was very nice and polite." Several crew members


Duke Energy "A crew with trucks that said Wright Tree Service has been working at our neighbor’s house. As I stepped outside to water the garden, a very polite man on the crew walked over to ask permission to back into our driveway and turn around. We live on a dead-end street. I said of course. He wished me a good evening, then I watched him walk up and down the driveway and street, clearing away leaves. That kind of courtesy, professionalism and politeness left a big impression — so I had to reach out and give kudos to him!" GF Stephen Moore, Crew Leaders Raymond Henn and Shawn Miller, and Trimmers Kaylee Henn and Nathan Miller

Congratulations, Cory!

"Your crew did a remarkable job. I've seen trees cut down. I'm a Vietnam veteran and disabled and I came out to watch them and talk to them a little bit. They did a remarkable job. I wanted to let you know that they are awesome, and I appreciate so much what they did cutting the tree off the wires. Thank you." GF Chad Hirtzinger, Crew Leader Dusty Jenkins and several crew members




"I am a resident of Indiana and own and live on some personal property. The property is deep in the heart of a conservation preserve area and flood plain. A WTS crew took down trees along the road and my property and I was given no notice. After looking over the amount of land that was being cleared of trees, I talked to the crew leader and he explained what was happening and that your company was working with Duke Energy. He was very professional and polite and suggested I call Duke Energy with any concerns. I did just that and was visited at my home by GF Aaron Jones. He explained what your company was tasked to do and was also concerned that I was not contacted about what was going on. He apologized for any inconvenience or concern that might have happened, and asked if there was anything he and his company could do to make me feel more at ease with the work that was being done. On my property next to my house were a couple of large tree limbs that have been a real issue regarding their close location to my roof, deck and exterior siding. I asked if Aaron could direct his crew to remove them. The next day, the crew arrived early and removed the problem tree limbs from my property in the most professional way and in the true spirit of your company. I was very impressed with the quality of all your employees - especially Aaron." GF Aaron Jones and several crew members "We have an old big oak tree in front of our farm that WTS came to trim for Duke Energy. I would like to compliment you on your crew. What nice men and what a wonderful job they did. Clean up was great. Thank you!" Several crew members "All of the employees I have been in contact with have been very courteous. Not every tree contractor that has worked in this area is like that. Thank you." Several crew members "WTS has been trimming trees along the power lines at the back of our property and the road behind our house. The crew had to access the yard over our back fence as well as the neighbors and removed a lot of stuff. I just wanted you to know they were kind, friendly and respectful. They even fixed my flowerpot on the fence which had fallen off prior to their work. I work from home right now, so I was home during all three days of work. They worked quickly and cleaned up well. Kudos to them - these properties aren’t easy to access." Several crew members "Your crews trimmed trees in our neighborhood. They were efficient and thorough, and cleaned up behind


family tree themselves. They were also polite when I asked them to move the truck away from our mailbox. I thanked them for helping to ensure our power will stay on during windstorms." Several crew members SECO Energy "Thank you and your employees for prompt service and attention to my concern. It shows diligence and good care for the nature of operation of the company. Keep up the excellent work." Crew Leader Rigoberto Aguilar and Trimmer Charles Kitchen


Oncor "Oncor contracted your company to do some tree trimming around the power lines on my property, and I'd like to share the following appreciation. I want to thank you for sending your A-team to do the necessary work around my property. I appreciate their strong focus on safety first and their attention to detail in the high quality of their work. I wish to thank the management/leadership team of your company for hiring the best, and then providing them the world-class safety training required of the type of work they perform. Again, thank you for the great and safe service you've provided." Crew Leaders Cody Self and Jason Sumpter, Trimmers Aaron Brown, Harvil Hicks, Justin McDonald, Andrew Santibanez and Jose Torrez "WTS was contracted by Oncor to trim the trees in our alley. Not only did a kind supervisor take the time to review which limbs needed to go and how far they needed to be pruned with me, but he also made sure our owl family was kept safe while they trimmed. He was so careful and compassionate while assuring me he would protect them, and he followed through on his word. Kindness is always appreciated! He went above and beyond professionalism and made my day. Job well done!" GF Rudis Ventura, Crew Leaders Eleazar Gonzalez and Raul Varela, and Trimmer Selvin Ventura "I wish to thank the crew that came to my home to complete the necessary power line tree trimming. They were very skilled at their work and had an absolute focus on safety first! Again, thank you all very much for the fine work on and around our property." Several crew members "I was very impressed by the professionalism of your crew and how your employees conducted themselves. They were mindful of what they were doing and

NATURAL STATE TREE CLIMBING COMPETITION Southwest Division The Natural State Tree Climbing Competition was held at Entergy Park in Hot Springs, Arkansas in early May. The annual statewide competition promotes tree care professionalism and work safety practices. Contestants compete in preliminary events for the opportunity to advance to the Master’s Challenge. Thank you to SET Team Technical Trainer Kristian Schultz and Crew Leaders Larkin Bush and Isaac Rael for donating your time to volunteer at the Ascent event, and to everyone else who came out to support their coworkers! Also present was Division Supervisor Afton Stanko, GFs Dewey Fare and Randall Dejager, Crew Leaders Dustin Holmes and Race Vaughan, and Trimmer Michael Shilling.

STEM IDENTIFICATION Southwest Division Members from our southern crews have been participating in stem identification walks with Grow With Trees. This training helps our team to identify compatible and non-compatible species of vegetation in the rightof-way. They learn the species characteristics in dormant, as well as blooming and mature, states. In addition, they are also taking part in monitoring pollinator habitats by recording a scorecard weekly to identify the health of the pollinator's habitat. This is a wonderful initiative, and we are proud to be a part of it!

DORMANT-STEM IDENTIFICATION TRAINING Southwest Division Dormant-Stem Identification training gives individuals the knowledge to identify compatible plants for an integrated vegetation right-of-way, helping to decrease the destruction of habitats where pollinators and native wildlife thrive. Congratulations to the following herbicide applicators and consulting utility foresters for completing their Growth With Trees certifications on March, 10th, 2021 in Joplin, Missouri. From WTS (from left to right): •Casey Freeman •Jason Anderson •Coltin Schuler •Leroy Bridges •Francisco Greene •James Maynard

Grow with Trees: •Johnny White From CNUC: •Doug Oakley •Michael Garoutte •Ed Ritter




family tree when they were done, they chipped the excess limbs and used a blower to clean the area and left it looking as it had before they started working." Several crew members


PAUL MITCHELL PROMOTION TO DM In April, Paul Mitchell was promoted to Division Manager of Division 55. Paul has almost 30 years of experience working for WTS in the utility vegetation management industry. He is an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist – Utility Specialist and is ISA TRAQ Certified. He started at WTS in 1992 dragging brush in Topeka, Kansas and has held several positions within the company including crew leader, GF, project manager, safety supervisor, and most recently division supervisor. Congratulations, Paul!

SWEET TREAT Minnkota Division Special thank you to Katie from Caribou Coffee in Woodbury, Minnesota for going out of her way to surprise our crew with coffee and treats! GF Terwey and Safety Supervisor Ira Signalness were using the parking lot for a new hire orientation day reviewing job site set up and chipper and bucket operations when Katie came out with the coffee and treats. We appreciate the act of kindness on behalf of Caribou Coffee and Katie for going above and beyond.

DTE Energy "We were notified a few months ago that your company was going to be doing tree trimming on our street for DTE. Your trucks were in front of our property for three days. The third day it began snowing, so all the trimmings were left on our property as well as a large stack of unwanted logs. Once the snow melted, I called Samuel, whose name was on our card. He was very professional and said he would pass along my desire to have the logs removed from the back of our property, as well as the lawn cleaned up. The crew who did the cleanup, Maury and Mike, were amazing in their attention on our property. They hauled all the unwanted logs away and did an outstanding job of cleaning up all the debris that was left on the grass, both front yard and back. Thank you." Several crew members "I compliment the WTS trimming crew working in Saline, Michigan. They were very professional, industrious and helpful. They did a great job of cleaning up and returning the yard to the same appearance as prior to their work. Job well done!" Several crew members "WTS has been clearing branches from around the electric wires in our neighborhood. They are impressive! They were hard working and cleaned up wonderfully. WTS appears to be a great company to work for as well as a company that does great work! Keep it up." Several crew members "Great work in White Lake Michigan! Your crews have been busy after the White Lake tornado hit. Thank you for your service!" Several crew members

"Our community was ravaged by a powerful storm that even knocked over large 100-year-old trees, causing damage to electric and homes in our area. Your company and hardworking employees quickly removed the fallen and damaged trees so DTE could safely begin restoring power. Please thank the crews that were in Michigan helping us return to normal. Our power and town were restored even before the estimated time from DTE." Several crew members Lansing Board of Water & Light "You crew was respectful and courteous. They kept me informed of their activities. I was so appreciative of the cleanup." Trimmer Jason Leitch and Groundworkers Keagan Leitch and Josh Plettl


Xcel Energy "Some of your professionals trimmed trees near the utility wires in my back yard and I just wanted to say what a good job they did. They were very polite and competent. They cleaned up so well, my yard looked better after they were done than before they started." Several crew members "I feel the crew that cleared our power line right of way really went above and beyond what was required of them when they cleaned up after taking out our pine trees. The stumps were cut right to the ground and I think I found maybe one or two very small branches left behind. They made an unpleasant situation better for us by doing that. I wanted to give credit where credit is due." Several crew members

PRUNING Division 80

Yoselyn Aparicio pruning in Texas.





family tree RETIREMENTS North Division After 20 years, Ernest retired from his Journeyman role on May 7, 2021.

NICK FOX PROMOTION TO VP In March, Nick Fox was promoted to Vice President of Operations for Wright Tree Service! Nick has over 20 years of experience working in the utility vegetation management industry. He is an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist, ISA Utility Specialist and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. He started at WTS in 1998 as a groundworker in Iowa and has held several positions within the company including crew leader, safety supervisor, project manager and division manager. “Nick’s career path has been such that he has gained a wide range of experience in utility vegetation management both with Wright Tree Service and as a utility employee,” said Senior Vice President of Operations Wade Myers. “This experience will be a great value as we continue to grow our company and take on new challenges.”

Ernest started with Wright Tree Service as a groundworker and worked hard through the ranks to achieve his Journeyman title. Ernest was then promoted to a foreperson position and had the opportunity to operate various forms of crews ranging from all-terrain buckets, mowers, spray crews, as well as a backyard lift. Division Manager Nathan Johnson says he had "the great opportunity of working around Ernest for the past 14 years. No matter what the situation was, you could count on Ernest making you laugh. I will miss his great attitude at the morning stand-downs, and his drive to be a great employee. His dependability is unmatched by most and I wish him well in his retirement journey." Thank you, Ernest, for your leadership and commitment over the years. We wish you well in the next stage of life!

Please join us in congratulating General Foreperson Gary Higgins on his 10+ years of service and his retirement on April 9, 2021. Gary has been a reliable and valued member of our team. He is a constant professional and worked diligently to provide the highest service for his customer, peers, and direct reports. Gary is taking with him a wealth of knowledge and we are grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him and are appreciative of the commitment he has shown over these years. Thank you and best wishes to Gary for his years of service with the Wright Tree Service family.

Congratulations, Nick!


Safety On September 1, we celebrated Safety Supervisor Brandon Magee and his 22 years of service with Wright Tree Service thus far! Brandon has been a major contributor to the company in various departments, specifically helping our marketing department with several photo/video shoots over the last couple of years. To show our appreciation, the marketing department made him an honorary sash marking him as an unofficial member of the marketing team. Thank you, Brandon, for your dedication to your coworkers and this company!




family tree


News from the Branches Compliments sent to Wright Tree Service of the West.


Administrative Assistant

 Helen Austin

Crew Leaders

 Brian Branton  Jorge Vargas Sanchez Lead Consulting Utility Forester

 Tyler Wallace


 Sean Bester  Chris Castillo  Clint Woods

"Had your crew out my way today! I can't say enough good things about Crew Leader Rusty Berg. He is amazing and did a fantastic job." Crew Leader Rusty Berg "Yesterday, unplanned to this residence, one of your teams arrived at our door and explained PG&E contracted your services for power line clean up as we have a 65-yearold plus pine tree on our property. Knowing the driving force was for public safety, we were appreciative and supportive of the crew's objective. The gentlemen were professional, conscientious and kind in all facets of the task at hand. My family thanks your organization for your services." Several crew members "WTS dropped wood chips on my property at my request. All my interactions with the workers were positive. The chips were a great benefit for me. It was a win-win for everyone." Several crew members "I would like to say how great your drivers are. They never speed down our road. The new yard is off our road, and when the drivers see us, they wait and don’t pull out. I want to commend you - you are training them right!" Several crew members


 Noah Miranda


New International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist Utility Specialists®



 Brian Clarke



Thank you, GF Ben Rakestraw, for sharing your experience with COVID-19 and helping to spread awareness on how serious it can be. Safety is our #1 value and we want our employees to be safe. Watch his video on our social pages!



family tree


News from the Branches Compliments and reviews submitted to ArborCare and Wright Tree Service of Canada (WTSCA) by various members of the public and we’d like to commend the following individuals.

“Professional, timely service at a fair price.” “The company is doing a great job here in Cochrane.” “Up to date equipment ensures the client of a timely, safe and professional completion to meet their full range of tree needs.” “Amazing service! Everyone at ArborCare is extremely professional. They all seem to genuinely enjoy working there which goes a long way to enhancing customer service. It took two weeks from reaching out for a quote to remove two trees to the stump removal. All the felled wood was piled neatly, the area cleaned up. All of my questions were answered honestly and clearly. I had truly amazing service. Very refreshing!” “As the first buds appear, I can truly appreciate the amazing job done by ArborCare on the Kids with Cancer Society heritage property. To say that the enormous trees and shrubs were in need of pruning, shaping and general tender loving care, is an understatement. From their estimate, which included the names, condition and recommendations of each tree and shrub, to the execution of the service, which was performed by knowledgeable and skilled arborists, this was a project executed at a very high standard. It was a pleasure to work with

them from start to finish and it is exciting to see everything coming to life on the property.” “I had the biggest elm tree in Lake Bonavista removed from my yard. They did an extremely tricky job with ease and much less than estimated. Great job ArborCare.” “They were here for past two days cutting down our 75-foot, 50-year-old poplar tree. The team of five were very friendly, efficient, and professional. Their price was very good. We couldn’t have asked for a better job! We highly recommend!”

just a tree! Rob helped me choose appropriate perennials for planting. He visited my home at least twice to observe the sun filtering through at different times, looked at my notes from urban farm school and assisted with a basic rendering of design. He helped me coordinate the right size of planters to be commissioned and on planting day, Rob arrived early to ensure I had every single plant I ordered and organized where each plant would go to ensure they were planted correctly. The planting crew were

“I received a very timely response. I was very pleased with how the situation was handled.” Operations Manager Chris Gamache “I am very pleased with the work Luke and Zach from ArborCare completed at my acreage. Polite, professional, and very qualified! I have used other companies in the past. My trees are happy that I chose ArborCare this year! I have used their services twice this year and will have them back next year.” Crew Members Zachariah Innis and Luke Oliver “I had a fantastic experience with ArborCare! Last year, we had a suckering poplar removed and we had to regrade our yard. So, I just had boring gravel on the front lawn. My plan was to initially plant a pretty tree – but we have far too much space and potential to have



This summer, we made it easier for you to shop with us online in a matter of clicks. Depending on your location, you can book plant management, landscape maintenance or tree planting services along with firewood sales. Check out today!



family tree

News from the Branches fantastic! They were very passionate about gardening themselves and taught me so much! They showed me how to get the plants out of the pots without hurting roots. They spaced each plant with precision and they even fixed my hose to the right setting and showed me how and where to water the plants! I feel confident that ArborCare will be able to help me manage my planters’ progress and help me continue to cherish my front yard for years to come!” Outside Sales Rob Paul and several team members “I recently used ArborCare to remove some large branches off of my Manitoba Maple and Green Ash trees. From the estimate through final billing, I found them extremely helpful and

very professional. They did a great job removing some branches that were hanging over my neighbour’s house and garage. The employees were pleasant and helpful as well as informative. I would recommend them to anyone interested in an arborist in the Calgary area." Crew Lead Connor Rehberg and Crew Member Nicky Stabler “I can't say enough good things about the work done by the ArborCare crew members who helped out in taking down the poplar tree in my backyard. Upon arrival, we discussed the importance of not damaging the gravel pad for the future greenhouse and where the firewood would be stacked. The takedown was done safely and efficiently with soft, controlled landings. The result

WORKING TOGETHER In the spring, we partnered up with Foothills Nursery to supply trees and shrubs for a Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta project. Our team helped direct the volunteers to ensure they were planted properly. Varieties included Pyramidal Mountain Ash, Navigator Ornamental Pear, Starlite Ornamental Crabapple, Prairie Spire Green Ash and Wichita Junipers trees, Artic Fire Dogwood, Dwarf European Cranberry, Dwarf Artic Willow, Ivory Halo Dogwood, Dwarf Garland Spirea and Fireball Burning Bush shrubs.





was no damage to the neighbour's tool shed or the existing fence, gravel pad and yard plantings. The ‘clean up as you go’ approach kept the work area clear at all times while minimizing the pile of branches in the yard. The care taken to not damage plants around the fence gate when moving branches out of the yard for chipping was very much appreciated. Firewood was cut and placed as agreed and the final clean up was top-notch. So, in summary it was a great job.” Crew Members James Sinclair and Leah Gurba, and several others



Another happy customer! Check out this landscape transformation thanks to Crew Lead Wes Callaghan, and team members Chase Fallis, Stuart Davis and Jake Fehrand.

GF SCHOOL In July, we held our first General Foreperson (GF) school in Canada. GF School is a week-long program for employees to participate in a variety of trainings and hands-on exercises. WTS Safety Manager Wes Tregilgas, Senior Safety Lead Phillip Kelley and Safety Supervisors Megan Bujnowski and Brandon Magee led the training, covering topics ranging from Microsoft Outlook to rope knots. Congratulations to the 15 employees below!

ArborCare - Wesley Callaghan - Jamie Harris - Scott MacKeigan - Andrew McLellan - Luke Oliver - Simon Richards - Levon Russell - Arron Schemenauer

WTSCA - Paul Barnes - Nathan Holmquist - Ashton Martin - Christopher Paterson - Sherri Perkins - Jessie Wintonyk

Spectrum Resource Group Inc. - Steven Relkov






From virtual spring shows to in-person shows in the fall. Our team had the opportunity to safely attend the Calgary and Edmonton Fall Home Shows. Not only were we able to offer free tickets to our social followers, attendees who visited the booth were entered into a raffle to win a 15-gallon potted stock tree.



Nature Meets Office – The New Workspace Employers around the globe are adopting new workplace configurations that are boosting employee satisfaction, productivity, and happiness. The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted how workspaces look and function. As many employees return to the office after months of working from home, there is a desire for more dynamic spaces and employers are delivering. Historically, humans spent much of their day working outdoors. It wasn’t until the dawn of industrialization that the modern indoor workplace evolved. From private offices and cubicles to open concept with collaborative spaces, the office environment has changed many times throughout the years. As we navigate a new world where employees will likely spend time both at home and the office, companies are reconsidering what the workspace should be for their employees. In an effort to improve the employee experience, some companies have taken drastic steps, such as redesigning and remodeling their buildings, as they reimagine the work environment. However, drastic steps are not always necessary to make a large impact on the well-being of a workforce. Although it has been around for some time, biophilic design has moved to the forefront of office space design in the midst of the changing work environment. Biophilic design encourages the incorporation of nature into the built environment. This design philosophy is based on the biophilia hypothesis which suggests that contact and exposure to nature is a basic human need, as opposed to an amenity or individual preference. Research indicates that incorporating direct or indirect elements of nature into built environments provides numerous psychological and physical benefits.

An obvious method of introducing nature into the workplace is with the use of plant life. Plants offer much more than aesthetic value. Plants are shown to reduce stress, diffuse noise, provide separation between spaces, filter the air, increase creativity, and improve health and feelings of well-being. Healthy plant life in an office setting gives the impression of a nurturing company that helps its employees thrive. Additions such as desk and floor plants, living walls, blooming floral arrangements, moss wall installations, plant wall dividers, botanical and succulent bowls, and plant vignettes to name a few are practical and realistic options that can make drastic improvements to your environment. Indoor plant life also makes a statement with a nod to sustainability, which for some companies, is core to their business. Another example of biophilic design that is trending is the addition of outdoor workspaces. Boundaries of physical spaces are changing and becoming more flexible. Outdoor workspaces have become a popular desire of employees returning to work both for conscious and subconscious reasons. Studies suggest that spending time in nature can lead to increased focus, creative thinking, problem solving, and overall happiness. Each of these notions can have a positive impact on employee engagement, retention and productivity. Large corporations such as Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft are implementing increased outdoor workspaces in light of COVID-19 and many are following suit. Wright Outdoor Solutions (WOS) and Verdure Elements have been hard at work helping Wright Service Corp. (WSC) headquarters, and many other employers across the state, achieve strong biophilic design. The following installations have come to life at headquarters in the recent months:

Living Wall In the main lobby, employees and guests will notice the living wall installation. This was a unique way for the company to display plant life vertically, which not only saves space, but acts as a striking piece of art that welcomes visitors. Within the living wall, you can find spider plants, crotons, pothos, and more.




Moss Walls The mobile moss walls reduce noise, construct privacy, and foster a natural ambiance within the office space. A whiteboard is included on the reverse side of the moss vignette, providing additional functionality for note taking.


Wright Outdoor Solutions will be recognized as the most reputable, reliable, knowledgeable and environmentally sensitive company in the markets we serve.


· To provide comprehensive solutions for our clients’ outdoor and indoor spaces.

Collaborative Space Plants Plant vignettes of all shapes, sizes, and colors have been intentionally placed throughout the office to provide aesthetic value in collaborative spaces. You can find dracaenas, palms and sansevierias to name a few.

Desk Plants Wright Outdoor Solutions has provided desk plants to several employees at headquarters. Desk plants bring visual interest and personality to workstations.

· To provide attractive value appreciation to our employee owners. · To provide team members with an environment that enables them to achieve their personal and professional goals. · To make outdoor and indoor spaces more beautiful and sustainable.


SAFETY It is everyone’s responsibility – we each own it. INTEGRITY We abide by the highest ethical standards. EXCELLENCE We continually strive to exceed our customer’s expectations – and our own expectations. RESPECT We earn it from our customers and from each other.

Outdoor Workspaces Employees at headquarters now have the option to utilize the 2,800 square feet of outdoor workspace to the north and south of the building. Hardscaped spaces will be made complete with sustainably sourced tables, chairs, ottomans, and tete-a-tetes from Sister Bay Furniture Co. All pieces are made from 95% post-consumer recycled plastic. The functional outdoor spaces may be used for independent work, meetings, lunch breaks, and more.

TEAMWORK It is how we operate and we hold each other accountable. INNOVATION We anticipate our clients’ needs and we deliver creative services & solutions. FAMILY It is our foundation; it is who we are.

Walking Trail Community Garden

The community garden has gotten a great deal of use in the last few months as employees have planted vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. Gardeners can find all necessary equipment to begin planting projects in the shed next to the plant beds.

The trail is .28 miles in length and is surrounded by trees and shrubs including blue spruce, aronia, lilac, sugar maple and river birch to name a few. Employees are encouraged to utilize the walking trail for small meetings and breaks.





Wright Outdoor Solutions is proud to partner with Joppa Outreach on their Shared Roots Community Garden endeavor. The Joppa organization helps homeless individuals find housing and rebuild their lives through homeless services, housing development, and education advocacy. Joppa developed the Shared Roots Community Garden in Des Moines’ Cheatom Park neighborhood. The garden provides free, fresh produce as well as a central gathering place for neighborhood residents. To make way for future site developments, the WOS team worked with Joppa to remove several designated trees along the garden’s fence. In addition to making way for future development, the removal opened the space to the downtown skyline view.

Beach Vibe Firepit For a little dose of the beach in this Midwest backyard, the Wright Outdoor Solutions team installed a Rochester Lakeland Fire Pit with Silver Creek Fire Ring Caps. Included in the design is a soft, fine filtered sandy foot area completed with Rochester Granite Edgers. With gorgeous sunsets in all hues, the beach themed fire pit makes a perfect space to take it all in while enjoying the sights and sounds of the wildlife that frequent the pond just beyond the yard. From relaxing to entertaining, this custom fire pit has all the beach vibes.

Low Maintenance Landscape To manage water runoff for this sloped backyard, Wright Outdoor Solutions created low maintenance planting beds along the side of the home’s foundation. Coral bells, bergenia and quick fire hydrangeas were planted near the front, transitioning to blue muffin viburnum shrubs for the boulder wall areas. The corner nook between the back patio and home was transformed into a planting bed, continuing the flow from the side of the house and filled with hostas and a limelight hydrangea for additional interest. Both river rock and dark brown mulch were used to fill the beds and edged with an interlocking tan edger. A marmo maple was planted for shade and rounding out the landscape was a refresh of the plantings along the back sidewalk. Overgrown plant material was removed and new shrubs were planted to give seasonal color and blooms.

FRIENDS OF DES MOINES CITY PARKS GOLF TOURNAMENT In June, WOS sent a team to the FORE! Our Parks! Best-Ball Golf Tournament & Bike Ride. The event is held each year at Waveland Golf Course to raise money for Des Moines Parks and Recreation.




DIGGING IN Inviting Patio This home had undergone extensive foundation repair, which in turn dislodged the patio steps and left the original patio cracked. Over time, and during the soil disruption from the foundation repair, the original retaining wall surrounding the patio had also settled.

Surrounding the patio is a retaining wall utilizing Highland Stone® Freestanding Wall block in Sandstone with Ledgestone™ coping buff wall caps. The newly installed walkway from the back door to the garage used the same pavers as the patio for a cohesive look.

The goal of this project was to provide a safe outdoor living space that retained the grade and provided an inviting space for family to gather. The new patio was installed with Bristol Valley® pavers in Copper Ridge with an accent of Copthorne® in Burnt Clay and Old Oak.

To complete the space, a low maintenance planting bed was placed around the patio, edged in a Tumbled Granite Edger™ in Sante Fe and planted with ‘Pee Wee’ hydrangea, boxwood, hosta, coral bells and carex.

Hazardous Tree Removal


This tree had become a hazard near the power line and required specialized equipment to complete the removal. To navigate the tight space, our team used the Super Arborist lift to access the tree. Weighing over 11,000 lbs. itself, this robust lift made the hard-to-access removal much easier.


Andrew Koppes, Arbor Team Crew Leader Dean Remington, Landscape Crew Member Erio Castillo, Landscape Crew Member Jayme Lenning, Arbor Crew Member Jose Ramirez, Landscape Crew Member Konrad Powell, Interior Plant Tech Maria Mendez, Exterior Maintenance Crew Member Nicholas Dolan, Lawn Care Crew Member Nicholas Gordon, Arbor Crew Member Nolan Reinier, Plant Health Care Crew Member Mandy Pleiss, Interior Plant Tech (Verdure)

Rural Hospital Living Wall The interior plantscaping team recently worked with a rural Iowa hospital in refreshing their common space with a living wall installation. With a linear design throughout, the hospital desired to soften the space with organic, natural shapes by using living plants. Large murals in shades of black and white surround the living wall and help to achieve a cohesive visual system that speaks to Iowa’s tradition of farming and agriculture. Each of the three walls measures 6 feet wide and 15 feet tall. Nearly 1,500 plants were installed including rubber plants, schefflera, N’Joy pothos, and neon pothos. The living wall is irrigated to maintain plant health and beauty for years to come.


On the Move

Carissa Ritter, Receptionist Eduardo Escobedo, Arbor Team Crew Leader


Amy Bittle, Aerial and Scissor Lifts certification Konrad Powell, Aerial and Scissor Lifts certification



Rewarding Success The Rewarding Success program rewards and recognizes employees who exhibit WOS values in an exemplary manner. As part of the Gold Star tier of the program, each quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31), employees and managers may nominate a fellow employee who has gone above and beyond their normal scope of duties, has a positive attitude, is dependable, and willing to help the team.

Q1 Recipient Brian Lewis

Q2 Recipient Jeff Russo

Congratulations to Arbor Team Member Brian Lewis for winning the Quarter 1 Employee Spotlight Award as part of the Rewarding Success Program! Brian was nominated by his peers and selected through a committee.

Congratulations to Exterior Maintenance Team Member Jeff Russo for winning the Quarter 2 Employee Spotlight Award as part of the Rewarding Success Program! Jeff was nominated by his peers and selected through a committee.

Brian has been with the team since February 2017 in the arbor department, working both in the Des Moines metro and as the lead for the Cedar Rapids crew. He was nominated for this award for his positive attitude, willingness to take on new jobs with short notice, early arrival to ensure equipment is available for team use, and for putting in extra hours by working Saturdays. Recently, he was part of a tree removal crew for a retired U.S. Navy veteran that garnered extremely kind words from the family. Thank you Brian for all your efforts – we are glad to have you on the team!

Jeff has been with the team since July 2017 in the exterior maintenance department, as well as assisting where needed, including the snow crew in the winter. He was nominated for this award for his positive attitude, dedication to his job, and commitment to the team. Never without a smile, Jeff is always ready for the task at hand and takes great pride in his work. He is patient with new employees and is always willing to go above and beyond, whether it be taking the time to train and mentor new employees or helping across departments to keep projects moving along. Thank you Jeff for all your efforts – we are glad to have you on the team!

Seen & Heard “Great service. Peace of mind.” -Luis “As always, the crew was efficient and thorough.” -Dan “They are always on-time and professional. They do amazing work and our yard looks great as ever since they began taking on the lawn treatments. We are looking forward to them beginning our landscape design project.” -John and Kathleen “The pickup truck that brought the lawn treatment arrived as we were leaving and when we returned, everything was done. They did good work as always.” -Anthony



“We have been using Wright Outdoor Solutions for 15 years and would not use any other service. Wright has always done exactly what we requested in a very professional manner. Their cleanup process is amazing, after they have finished you can hardly tell the work was done. In the last project they performed, Josh and Jamie did a great job and were a pleasure to work with. Many of the homeowners in our area will only use Wright Outdoor Solutions.” -Danny “The Wright crew did a wonderful job removing a damaged leaning tree from our backyard. You couldn’t even tell they were ever here, except everything looked better.” -Larry


“I love the Wright Outdoor Solutions experience. The office staff is very helpful. The arborist is so good at his job. I’ve had many questions and he has always given me a thoughtful and experienced answer. I’m so glad WOS has an arborist on staff. Not all do. The workers come out, trim or cut down whatever I want, and answer any questions I have about the process. They are patient and efficient. When they are finished, everything is cleaned up. The stump removers do the same plus the ground is always filled in to be level with the lawn. They always leave the work area clean. I’ve always been satisfied with Wright Outdoor Solutions and will call them for the care of all my outdoor yard needs. Thank you!” -Julie

DIGGING IN “Wright Outdoor Solutions was great to work with. They were prompt and responsive on communications and the workers did a great job with the trees and cleaning up afterwards. We asked them to let us know when they would be working so we could keep the dog inside and asked that they close the gate when they were done, both of which they did. We're happy with the experience!” -Sue “Heath did a great job. He let us know what he would be doing. He exceeded our expectations. We had several surface roots that he took out. He filled the area, smoothed it out and cleaned everything up. Now it's up to us to get the grass growing.” -Terry “Very professional. They work fast but very safely. They are thorough and provide excellent cleanup. I would recommend them to anyone.” -Keith “Always professional and communicate well. Very happy with their service.” -Jane “The derecho damaged a tree and caused a big split that we hadn’t noticed. The Wright Outdoor Solutions arborist was knowledgeable and reassuring, offering us options.” -Kay “We have used Wright Outdoor Solutions for years. Their team is always helpful, responsive, and professional both over the phone and on site.” -Erik and Elizabeth “I was amazed to get a bid on Monday and have the job done before the end of the week. Everyone was so friendly and courteous and cleaned up all tree leftovers. I would highly recommend your company. Thanks so much!” -Gayla “Great job!! I was so impressed by the operation I saw on my porch and watched. Much better than anything on TV!” -Caroline “Amy is great, I’ve used her for years. Very thorough and full of knowledge.” -Pivot Wealth Strategies “Your team was prompt and kind when my tree fell on a garage. They fit me in so quickly and left the area very clean. I really appreciate your folks.” -Pam “The crew on site did a fabulous job removing a tree limb without damaging other plants, which was greatly appreciated!” -Amy “Everyone we worked with from initial contact, proposal and work getting done was just amazing.” -Kris

“We have used Wright Outdoor Solutions several times. Your office staff have always been courteous and helpful. The crew are friendly, professional, and efficient.” -Kathy

giant arborvitae collection. So far so good, I’m very pleased. Many thanks for your service.” -Joseph

“Kim Rieber is OUTSTANDING, as is Jim. They managed three projects for me and I am extremely pleased!” -Dennis

“Excellent staff and crew. Communication is very good. Very professional and I would highly recommend them.” -Dennis and Connie

“I hired Wright Outdoor Solutions to spray for Japanese beetles. The job was done quickly and effectively. No sight of beetles on any of the trees.” -Curt

“I find your crews to be friendly and efficient. They get the job done and leave the yard cleaned of all the tree debris! Thank you!” -Kay

“The crew did a great job and I appreciated the clean-up. It was excellent. I have appreciated having them do the tree removal, a great job.” -Louise

“Whenever we have Wright Outdoor Solutions personnel do work on our trees, they are friendly, knowledgeable, and most importantly, do a terrific job. It is always a pleasure doing business with you. My parents began using Wright, then Wright Tree Service, back in 1957, and I have continued that tradition. Keep up the great work!” -Dale

“You have provided service to my trees and yard for many, many years and I continue to appreciate the level of customer service, engagement, and knowledge of your staff. I have recommended your services many times and again just yesterday to a new neighbor. I would not look to anyone else for these services.” -Monique “Always a good experience with the conifer spraying people. This was no exception! Thanks.” -Vintage Cooperative of Beaverdale “Dennis Wilson is so professional and goes above and beyond for his customers. Our flowers and boxes are always lovely, and we get so many compliments! I would recommend Dennis for your flower gardening desires!” -Greg and Tresa “We appreciate the good work Wright does for us. We have used them for many, many years and will continue to use them for most of our tree services.” -Brian and Janeane “The onsite crew went above and beyond and were very knowledgeable about our trees. Thank you.” -Larry and Wini “All the staff were hard working, knowledgeable, and pleasant. Despite the long wait for the service due to last year’s derecho, I feel that working with your company has been entirely worth the wait. Bonus points to Heath and his crew for making sure all of the smoke tree in the back was removed, the front yard was completely leveled out, and working in 100 degree temps!” -Laura “Your crew took down the remaining tree from my pool area very safely and effectively. I’m very pleased. Seth Balvanz visited my property for a walk around and made recommendations for preserving my

“We’ve had large limbs come down in our yard a couple times in the past few years and Wright Outdoor Solutions has sent someone out the same day we called. The limbs were removed by the next day. All tree debris was cleaned up and they left no sign they were even there. We will continue to use Wright for all of our tree services.” -Nichole “We have been working with a lot of companies lately for home projects of sorts. You have been the easiest, most professional, and fastest of everyone. No remnants of debris at all! We have told everyone of our multiple great experiences with your company. Keep up with your fantastic way of doing business!” -Travis and Nichole

“As always, Amy and her crew did a great job and got it done quickly!” -Dennis and Barb “Whenever we contact Ryan Burlingame, we get such a wonderful response to our needs!! We are SO happy with our services! Thank you!” -John and Pam “Ryan is a real asset to your company. His friendly, yet professional, demeanor casts the organization in a most favorable light. I find myself looking for more and more tasks that Wright Outdoor Solutions can take off my plate.” -Randy “Prompt, careful, respectful, so much better than expected! The tree and trunk both were removed without needless damage to surroundings. I’ve recommended them repeatedly.” -Claudia Continued on page 36



DIGGING IN “The Wright Outdoor Solutions service crew did such a great job thinning deadwood and raising up the branches on my huge, old, loved catalpa tree. It looks great and I am reassured it will grace our property for some time to come. The crew was professional and skilled. I've already recommended them. I also had a landscaping crew install some anchor plantings and mulch in my front area. The installation crew was wonderful and mindful of nearby existing plantings.” -Cindy “Dennis Wilson was a joy to work with during this process. His team did an outstanding job and while here, provided me with instruction on care for the new tree, plants, and foliage. Outstanding customer service from one and all!!!!!!” -Jo

“Ryan and crew did an excellent job from planning, removal, and the cleanup! Always answered questions and concerns with a very polite attitude. In two words, great job! When needed, I know who to call!” -Bill “We always recommend Wright Outdoor Solutions to friends and family. Jason Brauckman and the crews are exceptionally responsive, easy to work with, friendly, always professional, and they do a fantastic job every time. For years now, with multiple outdoor needs, we have used Wright Outdoor Solutions and have been more than pleased with everything they have done for us.” -Duane and Mary “The crew did a great job and were so friendly. They were so careful of all of our flowers. So appreciate it. Thank you!” -Dave “Ryan does an excellent job with our tree trimming each year. We had a pile of smaller branches and twigs this year that we asked the crew to please take with them and they did a great job in cleaning up that area.” -David and Jeanie “Everyone from staff on the phone to the people who come to our house are always professional, knowledgeable, and polite. Thank you.” -Berniece “As always, my crew led by Jeff, was fantastic. The crew worked quickly, efficiently, beautifully, skillfully, professionally, politely, and were overall awesome! They did a great job trimming and pulling weeds, raking the yard, measuring the contracted hours with my priority needs, and a fabulous and gorgeous



job with my new mulch! I never have to supervise this crew and simply get to watch my yard/garden be transformed before my eyes! It is so much fun to have Wright Outdoor Solutions on our property for any job! I hope this is the crew that keeps coming back every time this summer! Each person demonstrates service excellence! The yard/garden always looks so much better when Wright has been here than when they got here! We would never choose anyone else for our lawn/garden/ landscaping needs! We think you all are super fantastic -- off the charts! Thanks for everything! Can't wait for our next garden visit!” -Rich and Jill “I had a tree stump that needed to be taken out by hand. Your crew persevered and got it out. What an arduous task. They were great.” -Michelle “They planted an Aspen tree for my veteran at the Iowa Veteran Cemetery and did an excellent job. Thank you very much!” -Nanette “The crew did an EXCELLENT job removing the old ash stump. It was a big job being a five-foot diameter stump, but they did great work and had amazing attention to detail. They definitely deserve a big bonus for this one. They are keepers!” -Lance “We have come to rely on Wright Outdoor Solutions for all our tree needs. Jason Brauckman has been a knowledgeable, personable, and reliable person to work with over the years. Every crew that has come out has been professional, efficient, and pleasant to work with. We recommend Wright to friends and neighbors.” -Duane and Mary Rose “They did an excellent job of removing our old trees and planting the new ones. There was no mess when they were finished!” -Cheryl “Wright Outdoor Solutions provides and maintains the plants for our law firm. They have been our provider since we opened, and cared for our plants throughout the pandemic, without fail, and safely. Wright is fantastic about replacing plants when needed, moving them around our office for more sun, and their office staff and client service staff (Nick) are always friendly and reliable! Great prices, beautiful products, and great customer service!” -Stacey “We switched to Wright Outdoor Solutions this year for our lawn treatments, cleanup from fall, edging, and mulching. Crews have been very conscientious, checking in with us, and doing a great job. Lawn and


landscaping beds look great. Look forward to Wright continuing to provide our current and expanded services. Thanks, team!” -Cara “They continue to monitor several of my trees on a regular basis and provide necessary treatment and maintenance. The arborist knows the trees and the crew knows the right way to trim them. I will not let anyone else touch my trees!” -David and Linda “I have had experiences this spring with multiple crews, ranging from lawn cleanup to tree trimming to conifer spraying. All have exhibited professional demeanor and quality. I will continue to call on Wright in the future.” -Robert and Pat “My experiences with Wright Outdoor Solutions have been nothing but excellent. I would recommend them every time!” -Nancy “We have used Wright Outdoor Solutions for years and have never been disappointed.” -Sharon “Wright Outdoor Solutions has done so much of our landscaping and we love the spring clean up and mulch!” -Linda “Kim was awesome and had great ideas for design.” -Shelley

“I have used Wright for many years at my business and my personal properties. Wright employees do a first-class job and always check with me before they leave to make sure I am satisfied with the results.” -John “Deb was amazing! Gave me a lot of options and understood what I was trying to get accomplished. The driver was very kind and polite.” -Laura “Met the work crew today for the first time. Jeff introduced himself and explained what they were going to do. He was very professional and I look forward to working with him this growing season. Kim is my account manager, and she is so easy to work with and is very patient with my questions and changes. Great company. I have been working with them for years and I am happy to give a good review and recommendations.” -Howard and Jill “Pleasant office staff and very friendly on-site crew. They did what was needed and were out of there quickly. No hassle, no fuss – what a great way of doing business.” -Tracy

DIGGING IN “Dennis Wilson has great customer service skills and always follows through with any needs I have. Emily Griffith was very thorough spraying our crab tree and it looks beautiful. Thanks for coming out to spray before the flowers were in full bloom.” -Denise

“We have been extremely happy with Wright Outdoor Solutions. Kim has been excellent all through the planning stages. She listened to what we were wanting and came up with a wonderful plan that we are very happy with. The crew was fantastic! Our backyard had several issues to work around, and Andrew and his crew made it all look great. They were always professional and answered any questions we had. We love our new paver patio and we are so pleased with the end result.” -Kim “Cooperation and performance by field crews was extremely good. They performed the work in a well-organized, cooperative, and safe manner and left the worksite with minimum disturbance.” -Raymond “No matter what service Wright Outdoor Solutions is providing us, the person doing the service is excellent!” -Cheryl “We have had WOS spraying our crab apple trees for a number of years and they do an excellent job. They are very responsive regarding any questions or changes we may have.” -Tim and Dawn “Always a pleasure working with Wright Outdoor Solutions. They are a knowledgeable group.” -John and Cindy “The crew at Wright are always professional and deliver on their commitments. The final product always looks great!” -Luke and Kate “The men on the crew were friendly, answered any question I had and did a great job of cleaning up. Thanks.” -Dave and Jane “Jason Braukman rocks!” -Rick “Great service. Professional and friendly crew!” -Patrick

are always courteous, professional, and neat. Office staff is helpful and friendly.” -David “Ryan has always come through for my trees. Estimates were done quickly. Work got done sooner than expected. Work was done very well, and the cleanup was great! The workers are knowledgeable and friendly.” -Bruce “Really appreciate the timeliness of the service, and the professionalism of the crew. They showed up even sooner than expected and did a great job!” -Todd “We recently got a rod placed in our linden tree in the front yard by Mike! He and his crew partner did an awesome job! It was completed swiftly and beautifully. Mike is an excellent craftsman and super skilled and tremendously pleasant. We always have your superb 'service excellence' you are known for and that we have come to rely on. The job was to start a few days prior and got slightly delayed. The first day, Jared came with Mike and cleaned up shavings from the tree being trimmed recently when there was snow still on the ground. Jared did a perfectly outstanding job. We love Wright Outdoor Solutions. We have NEVER had a bad experience and would NEVER call any other company to help us with our outdoor solutions! We tell everyone who we have come and help us each and every time! Thank you Mike and thank you to Jared and thanks to Wright Outdoor Solutions!” -Rich and Jill “A two-person team came to deal with some damage from this summer's derecho. I was pleased with their polite conduct, and how they scoped out the area and seemed to discuss between themselves the best plan of attack for the broken limb tangled up over our garage. They did a fantastic job and didn't even dent the gutters getting the limb down (something a previous tree service did while trimming). My dad came by to watch the process and asked for some of the wood to use as firewood. The crew was very helpful and nicely stacked a pile of wood for him. The team even raked up the area they were working in better than I had of leaves and other debris.” -Tina

“Work was beautifully done and the crew made sure what was expected before they started. Very happy with the service and the people!” -Tom and Lorraine

“We have used Wright Outdoor Solutions for years. Tree care, lawn service, leaf clean up and landscaping. We have never been disappointed, they have always done a great job.” -Sharon “Very professional crew, and the work performed was excellent.” -Jason “The crew was professional and safe. The tree looks good. Thanks!” -Iris “Excellent service both visits. Always good communication. Stump grinding and final cleanup exceeded our expectations. Thank you!” -Lee and Deb “All of your employees that I have encountered have answered all my questions, I never feel rushed or that I am inconveniencing them. Their work is exceptional, they take their time to do things effectively and safely. They do a great job of clean up and filling with dirt after stump grinding. Ryan the arborist is always very helpful. Retention of experienced personnel is always a value to the customer.” -Joe and Kathy “Team was professional, conscientious, and took great care doing the work. I appreciate a job well done!” -Marlene “Always a pleasure doing business with you.” -Nationwide Insurance

Tree Care “I am so pleased with the work of your team! WOW! They have been amazing. Professional, kind, courteous, going above and beyond. They have really impressed my neighbors too. I think one of my neighbors is going to have them come out and remove some of their damaged trees! I am so proud of the work they have done here. They have been safe every step of the way. Most of my trees were about 40 feet or taller and they were able to bring them down without any surprises. In fact, with ease! I will gladly recommend Wright Outdoor Solutions for any outdoor work that needs to be done and we will surely be calling again.” -Amy complimenting Arbor General Foreperson Joshua Appletoft, Arbor Heavy Equipment Operator Shane Brauckman and Arbor Crew Member Jayme Lenning “The tree crew did a fantastic job on our trees.” -Ashley complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Eugene Waage and Arbor Crew Member Brandt Jelken “The crew did an awesome job removing my trees!” -Brenda

“Ryan Burlingame is a trusted resource for accurate, reliable recommendations. Crews

Continued on page 38



DIGGING IN complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Eugene Waage and Arbor Crew Member Brandt Jelken “Ryan is very knowledgeable and pleasant to work with.” -Barry complimenting Account Manager Ryan Burlingame “We have two giant maples in our back yard, Wright Outdoor Solutions came in and thinned both trees. We now have more filtered light and air through the trees. Also, we had two mature aspens that had grown past their maturity. We had both cut down and stumps removed. We were very impressed and pleased with the work that Wright Outdoor Solutions did for us and the clean-up was excellent. Also, their prices were better than other estimates we received. We were more than satisfied with the final product and would recommend their services fully.” -Brian complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Mike Cook, Arbor Crew Member Kaleb Sanders and Arbor Stump Grinder Levi Daniels “Great crew! Thanks.” -Caroline complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Kyle Lindahl and Arbor Crew Member Colin Sinn

“Thank you so much for removing the tree debris from our family home in Cedar Rapids. My father is very appreciative of the goodwill that you extended to him – as are his five children! The home has been the bedrock of our family since the mid 1950s. Dad is very resilient and has seen a lot in his 95 years. This past year has been especially challenging with the derecho, the pandemic, my youngest sister battling cancer, and then the house fire. Your act of kindness helped to alleviate some of his burden.” -Amy and family

“Yesterday we had Heath here to remove a stump and several exposed roots. We want you to know how pleased we are with the work he did. Heath explained what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. He engaged with us in a personable manner. He was thorough and did an excellent job of cleaning up and preparing the area with topsoil. He is a hard worker and conscientious employee.” -Christensens complimenting Arbor Stump Grinder Heath Beckman “The crew was efficient, agreeable, and dedicated. I am very pleased with the final product. The crew deserves a raise and a steak dinner.” -Craig complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Kyle Lindahl and Arbor Crew Members Colin Sinn and Jayme Lenning “The trees are gone! I just wanted to drop you a note to say that your crew was awesome. They tolerated my puppy and were super careful with everything. Those guys were great.” -Darin complimenting Arbor General Foreperson Joshua Appletoft and Arbor Crew Member Jayme Lenning

“Thank you for the incredible job clearing the trees and cleaning up afterwards. Your crew was very professional and kind to work with.” -Holly complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Kyle Lindahl and Arbor Crew Members Colin Sinn, Jayme Lenning and Heavy Equipment Operator Joe Sanders “We just wanted to let you know how extremely pleased we are with the highly professional team that removed our splitting ash tree. WOW! Those guys are great! And a special thank you for moving our project up on your to do list! Thanks again!” -John complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Joe Bickel and Arbor Crew Members Nicholas Gordon and Kyle Hansen “Thank you to you and your crew for doing such a great job pruning the trees on our property. The crew members were extremely professional and pleasant to work with throughout the day. Their cleanup was world class. It would’ve been hard to convince anyone that they did that much work by looking at how clean the lawn was at the end of the day. I couldn’t be more impressed and satisfied with their work. Our place looks so much better after this job. I’ve recommended Wright Outdoor Solutions more than once since this job was completed.” -Jeff complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Kyle Lindahl and Crew Member Colin Sinn “Thank you for a great job. We have a much bigger yard now and it allows more light to come into the kitchen and dining area.” -Jim and Kathy complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Russell Davis and Arbor Crew Member Jayme Lenning “I am very impressed with the arbor crew and cannot say enough great things. They are fantastic and I really appreciate their work.” -Jim complimenting Arbor General Foreperson Joshua Appletoft and Arbor Crew Member Jayme Lenning

complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Brian Lewis, and Arbor Crew Members Brandon Prost and Brian Lenning.

“Thank you so much for your advice on my oak tree! I love my trees and would hate to see them cut down needlessly. I appreciate your time and expertise.” -Diana complimenting Arbor General Foreperson Joshua Appletoft




“I just want to thank you for all your help with the trees in our backyard. You have a wonderful team. Also, Heath is wonderful and amazing at what he does. We are extremely pleased by his meticulous work, attention to detail and wonderful attitude. He is very hard working and explains everything thoroughly.” -Hala complimenting Arbor Stump Grinder Heath Beckman

“Thanks for taking the linden tree down – the team did a great job.” -John complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Kyle Lindahl, Arbor Crew Member Colin Sinn, and Arbor Heavy Equipment Operator Shaun Reinier

DIGGING IN “I just wanted to thank you so much for coming so quickly yesterday to look at the branches that came down on our roof during the last storm. I know this is a very busy time for you and the company and I really appreciate you taking the time to make this a priority. Now we can quickly move forward on the gutter repair and having the roof assessed for damage. The buyer of our house will feel reassured. Great job as always.” -Lisa complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Kyle Lindahl and Arbor Crew Member Colin Sinn “Very efficient and professional. Did great work!” -Lu complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Eugene Waage and Arbor Crew Members Brandt Jelken and Heath Beckman “I would like to commend Joe for his excellent work and conscientiousness. He was great!” -Marlys complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Joe Bickel and Arbor Crew Member Nicholas Gordon “Wow, Joe and Nick did an excellent job!” -Mike complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Joe Bickel and Arbor Crew Member Nicholas Gordon “The Science Center looks amazing! They did a nice job.” -Science Center of Iowa complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Kyle Lindahl and Arbor Crew Member Colin Sinn

“Thank you for your help in getting my trees taken care of. It’s all done and looks great. I am over the top impressed in their work ethic, workmanship, and communication. The crew never stopped moving the entire time they were here. They were conscientious of my property and their clean up was beyond my expectations. Your service was far more than expected. You were quick to respond, efficient in your work, and I feel my bid was a fair price. All in all, I am quite happy with everything involved in my job. I won’t hesitate to pass along your name.” -Susy complimenting Arbor General Foreperson Joshua Appletoft, Arbor Team Crew Leader Andrew Koppes and Arbor Crew Member Jayme Lenning “Thank you for the good service! Good work, Heath!” -Terry complimenting Arbor Crew Member Heath Beckman

“What a great job. This is why we do business with the best. Thank you so much.” -All Saints Catholic Church complimenting Arbor Team Crew Leader Mike Cook and Arbor Crew Member Kaleb Sanders “I will recommend your service to other people. Thanks!” -Rich complimenting Account Manager Jason Brauckman, Arbor Team Crew Leader Joe Bickel, Arbor Crew Members Nicholas Gordon, Brandt Jelken and Colin Sinn and Heavy Equipment Operators Joe Sanders and Shaun Reinier

Landscaping & Maintenance “Eduardo and Jose were polite, precise, worked well together, did a good job of answering any questions I had, and were very kind. We are very happy with our landscaping project.” -Connie complimenting Landscape Team Lead Member Eduardo Escobedo and Landscape Crew Member Jose Ramirez “My mighty garden crew was here this morning first thing and did a fantastic job in very short order! They were awesome! I had Jesseca, Jeff and Alicia – everyone are favorites but Jesseca is always number one and she knows it! Jesseca is the one who transformed my garden once upon a time from a true wreck, a royal weedy mess. I would not have blamed her, Dennis, and others for turning down the job, but like she said today it is ‘night and day’ now. I will always give her the credit for her ‘masterpiece’.”

manner (they make it all look so easy, so beautiful, clean, and manicured). We are super pleased!” -Rich and Jill complimenting Exterior Maintenance Team Lead Sean McPhee and Exterior Maintenance Crew Member Jeremy Williams “The team that did our planting were great!” -Mark and Jane complimenting Landscape Team Lead Eduardo Escobedo and Landscape Crew Member Jose Ramirez

“I am impressed with the service I am receiving from Wright Outdoor Solutions. Emma came out last week. She was delightful to have on our property. Her enthusiasm for her work and your company is infectious.” -Randy complimenting Plant Health Care Crew Member Emma Griffiths

“The whole crew was fantastic and the garden/yard look amazing. We are always in awe of how much better everyone leaves our garden and yard than when they come. Cleanup is always par-excellent! Like always, we were so very pleased! KUDOS!” -Rich and Jill complimenting Exterior Maintenance Team Lead Jesseca Robertson and Exterior Maintenance Crew Members Jeff Russo and Alicia Chipp “Thank you! Jim was awesome!!” -Jill complimenting Landscape & Maintenance Operations Manager Jim Altwegg

“Sean and Jeremy are exceptionally thorough, focused, strong, skilled, masterful, and personable! They are awesome. They are doing an exceptionally excellent and fantastic job this morning. WOW! Can’t say enough good about the work being done today in a quick and smooth



Wright Outdoor Solutions







VALMONT INDUSTRIES LIVING WALL The Verdure Elements (VE) team installed five plant walls at the headquarters of an Omaha-based manufacturing company this summer. Six team members worked over the course of two days to complete the installation. Each wall was strategically placed in common spaces throughout the three-story office building to bring life and color to the workplace. Over 750 plants were placed within the five walls including ferns, Janet Craig compacta bush, jade pothos, golden pothos, and neon pothos.

PINNACLE BANK PLANTER INSTALLATION Pinnacle Bank of Omaha trusts the expertise of Verdure Elements for many of their plantscaping needs. A recent project included the installation of multiple exterior cement planters at one of their branch locations. Weighing 900 pounds each, the team placed each planter prior to filling with soil and plants. The planters help achieve a more welcoming entrance for customers and employees while providing decorative curb appeal. The planter design was selected to complement the architecture of the building and plant vignettes will be updated throughout the year to correspond with seasonal plants and color schemes.





SEEN & HEARD SEASONAL CONTAINER GARDENS "This was exactly what I wanted, love them!" -Nicole

complimenting Verdure Elements Account Manager Tom Knight


OMAHA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S BUSINESS ON THE GREEN VE was an exclusive hole sponsor for the Omaha Chamber of Commerce’s Business on the Green event in June. Business on the Green is the Chamber’s annual best-ball scramble where businesses from the community take their work to the course for the day. The VE team enjoyed networking with participants and sharing information about our professional plant services. One lucky participant won a large seasonal planter crafted by our expert plant designers.




Year in Review By Josh Beaver, Senior Vice President As the current fiscal year ends and we begin a new chapter, I’m proud when I reflect on what we accomplished throughout a challenging year. The challenges stemmed from hurdles still lingering from the pandemic, most notably travel restrictions that affected our management team. The inability for inperson connection with our employees and with our clients sustained itself throughout much of the year. As a company that believes in spending time on site and in the field, it was important that we addressed this challenge and took innovative steps to overcome communication barriers. We did this by leveraging technology and we were able to get back to business as usual. Operationally, there were many bright spots for the company that helped offset the challenges. Our field staff continued daily operations and provided the high level of service our clients expect. We were able to achieve many of the strategic priorities that we had established earlier in the year, including revamping our safety communication program and introducing companywide State of the Company calls. These new initiatives have been a success and have become a permanent part of our communications strategy. In September,



we were able to resume our annual Leadership Academy after a year off in 2020. In short, we were able to get back to what we do best – spending time with our employees while focusing on training and continual improvement. The past year also saw CNUC continue to capitalize on expansion opportunities by adding to our growing list of clients. This success is a direct result of our field staff and management team working tirelessly to achieve excellence which has, in turn, strengthened our reputation nationwide. An exciting aspect of the growth is that much of it has occurred in markets that have historically been slower to develop. Most of the growth took place in Division 20 with new clients added in the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Central regions of the country. The extent of this growth will see us split the eastern division in the new fiscal year so that we better serve our clients. Division 25 will encompass the northern region, while Division 20 will manage our southern clients. I’m proud to say that company growth was not limited to the East, as we added new clients to all divisions within CNUC. We were also pleased to extend our footprint across continental North America by adding a new longterm client in Canada with many more opportunities on the horizon. By leveraging the skillsets and qualifications of our staff, we continued extending our service offerings beyond UVM. Our Division 30 team completed several tree inventories for various


clients across the country. We also completed several small-scale asset management projects in the Western US with plans to grow this service offering which adds value for our clients. These projects will position us well for future opportunities and the growth of our expanded service offerings.

We enter the new year with high expectations. By providing a solid product, we firmly believe that more opportunities abound in the new year to gain satisfied clients and to provide professional growth opportunities for our staff.

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Crisis Management: A Primer By Todd Walker, Regional Supervisor


We started the hike early on a beautiful, crisp spring day in Southern California, but clouds had been slowly building throughout the morning. By noon, a gray haze had engulfed the trail on our ascent to Mt. San Antonio summit, as if curtains had been drawn over the sun. The temperature and visibility had dropped significantly. Things were taking a turn for the worse as I donned my cold-weather gear. Visibility continued to drop to 30 feet. A nasty, freezing wind howled as we continued up the exposed ridge. Soon, I realized we were in the midst of a crisis. The wind had become so fierce, the only way I could communicate to my hiking partner, Jeremy, was by yelling. On a quiet day, a whisper would have sufficed. This was no such day. Neither of us were ready to turn back but we were running out of time and options. The weather had become nearly impossible. Not wanting to become a statistic on the morning news, I yelled directly into Jeremy’s ear something to the effect of, “I THINK IT’S TIME TO HEAD DOWN!” He agreed, and we turned south to descend – crisis averted.

of the theoretical. Theories will not help you manage a crisis. Planning and clearheaded thinking coupled with conclusive decision making during the crisis, and intelligent post-crisis analysis will.

CRISIS PLANNING: THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM It’s important to take the time to identify the crises your organization may encounter in the field of utility arboriculture. A pre-inspector lost out in the field without cell service? A line strike during pruning operations from a removal gone awry? A bulk transmission circuit outage from an unknown cause? Now is the time to ask the hard questions and get answers on how to handle these situations, as well as contingencies, that could arise in the process. Crises often strike unexpectedly and without mercy. It is much better to plan and prepare when conditions are not nearly so stressful and are much more stable – when time is on your side.

This was neither the first nor last crisis I would face. Merriam-Webster defines a crisis as “an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending. especially: one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome” (Merriam-Webster, 2021). This being the case, there will likely be several variables, unknowns and a need for good decision making when a crisis arrives.

The military trains and performs exercises over and over. The goal is to be prepared ahead of time for any number of contingencies that may arise. From my experience in Marine Combat Training, for example, we became fully proficient in operation, disassembly and reassembly of multiple weapons to the point it became second nature. This cross-training on multiple weapons not only produces a high level of proficiency in each Marine but minimizes time and effort needed to address malfunctions that can occur during critical operations — where there will likely be a very high level of stress and confusion. Learning how to operate a weapon or address an associated malfunction under enemy fire is the wrong time to learn. The very same principles apply to crisis management.

My hope with this article is to share some practical insights on how to manage crises. I say practical because I want to stay clear

Imagine one of your climbers has a medical emergency while roped in at 60 feet up in a Deodar. With little to no


CNUC is the premier company in providing innovative, economically sensible and environmentally sustainable vegetation management services.


>> To assist our clients in achieving compliant, effective, efficient, and defensible utility vegetation management programs. >> To provide attractive value appreciation to our employee owners. >> To provide team members with an environment that enables them to achieve their personal and professional goals. >> To make a positive contribution in the communities we serve. >> To provide appropriate strategic support to our parent and sister companies. >> To drive the industry in the areas of technology and knowledge.


SAFETY – It is everyone’s responsibility – we each own it. INTEGRITY – We abide by the highest ethical standards. KNOWLEDGE – We maintain a peerless understanding of our industry. EXCELLENCE– We continually strive to exceed our customer’s expectations – and our own expectations. INNOVATION – We anticipate our clients’ needs and we deliver creative services and solutions. FAMILY – It is our foundation; it is who we are. TEAMWORK – It is how we operate and we hold each other accountable.

Continued on page 44



Along the Lines warning, they become incapacitated. What do you do? Better yet, does the rest of your on-site climb crew know what to do? Are they trained for emergency aerial rescue or first aid? Is there a pre-established crisis communication plan? Have they trained for this sort of event, so as to not compound the crisis by becoming a casualty? The answers to these questions could be the difference between life and death. Planning here will not eliminate unknowns and variables altogether, but it is a good start in minimizing them so when such a crisis strikes, there will be less guesswork involved in how to respond. Your first line of defense is to plan, prepare and get ready before the crises reach your shores. The next time someone reminds you to “hope for the best and expect the worst,” remind them, as my colleague Wright Tree Service Safety Manager Wes Tregilgas did some years ago, that hope is not a plan. Hope will not prepare you for a crisis. But effective, constructive planning will.


Once you find yourself in the midst of a crisis, the first thing to remember is to focus. Focus on the crisis at hand and leave behind such questions as how did I/we get here or what could I/we have done better? There will be time for honest introspection once the smoke clears. Now is the time for decisive action predicated on good decision-making. On that note, avoid decision making characterized as paralysis by analysis, which is really a failure to make any decision at all. Overthinking will be of no advantage. Likewise, avoid snap decisions that can result from a panicked mind. Take time to use your reason. Evaluate what you do know in light of unknowns and variables and make the best decision possible. Immediately assemble your crisis management team or be ready when called to assemble as a fellow member of the team.

Once you find yourself in the midst of a crisis, the first thing to remember is to focus. Review and execute your crisis management plan. Remember the following:



>> Gather all available intel and base your decisions on the facts as they stand. Keep speculation to a minimum.

>> Act quickly but not rashly. If you can critically look ahead, spot the warning signs and act quick enough, you may be able to divert the crisis altogether or at least the brunt of the impact.

>> Get ahead of the spin and control your messaging. Manage the crisis – do not let it manage you. Be proactive to avoid an unnecessarily protracted crisis.

>> Do not compound the crisis by avoidance or dishonesty. Both may be tempting in the heat of the moment, but they are poor long-term solutions. Both involve subterfuge, the first is a lie to oneself (denying the gravity of the situation or crisis) and the second is a lie to others (covering up the crisis to save face).

>> Be flexible and ready to think outside the box. Crises are often fluid situations characterized by uncertainty. Your crisis management team should be both flexible and resilient. Both are worth their weight in gold, especially in an extended crisis that requires endurance.


Once the crisis passes, it is imperative to reassemble your team and evaluate final outcomes. Open and honest introspection is a must. Many questions will need answering – What are the fundamental takeaways? Could better foresight or management have helped to avert the crisis? Was the crisis management plan sufficient for the task and executed well? How exactly did the crisis occur and who, if anyone, needs to be held accountable? This applies to the bad as well as the good. Those who performed exceptionally well in crisis management should be recognized and praised for their efforts. Likewise, those who were involved in wrongdoing that contributed negatively to the crisis need to be held to account. The future of your organization may depend on it. Finally, inventory the crisis-induced damage and begin rebuilding. The damage may not be tangible in many cases. No one can see your damaged reputation, but it may still be a very real problem that needs redress. If the crisis was overwhelmingly


stressful, those who were directly or even indirectly involved may be under psychological trauma yet to manifest. Everyone copes with stress and trauma differently, so knowing your people and proactively engaging them may be critical in helping them cope or getting them help to process their experiences from a trained mental health professional. An employee or co-worker struggling with crisis-induced stress or trauma will likely not be able to focus or think clearly. Anxiety, panic attacks and a host of other symptoms can interfere with everyday tasks. If you notice substandard work or other irregularities from an otherwise upstanding employee, say something. You may well avoid another crisis in doing so.


In the movie The Edge, Sir Anthony Hopkins reminds us that, “We’re all put to the test, but it never comes in the form or at the point we would prefer, does it?” (Tamahoru, 1997). You may not be able to stop your next crisis, but you can make ready and learn from the aftermath or, better yet, learn from crises others have gone through. Take a moment and examine similar scenarios others have faced and learn from them. Finally, remember that crises can actually have a positive outcome. Personal and professional growth, heroism and new opportunities previously hidden may well present themselves if you can steal yourself for a moment enough to recognize the possibility of such opportunities. References Merriam-Webster. (2021). Crisis. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from Dictionary: https:// Tamahoru, L. (Director). (1997). The Edge [Motion Picture].

Along the Lines NEW, ON THE MOVE & CERTIFIED Congratulations to the following CNUC employees who were recently appointed, promoted and certified!


Consulting Utility Foresters (CUFs) >> Antonio Aguilera >> Eric Annis >> Shawna Bekowsky >> Alexandria Bell >> Shadrick Brown >> Carlos D'Armas >> Jeffery Drach >> Kyle Dulin >> Osvelia Ferrusca >> Erica Flojo >> Victor Flores >> Ian French >> America Garcia >> Devin Gonzalez >> Gelson Gonzalez >> Kyle Grashoff >> Anthony Hernandez >> Antony Hernandez >> Sara Hernandez >> Timothy Hickman >> Alan Hoffman >> Brandon Holt >> Justin Kay >> Bowen Kehn >> Jacob Kersey >> Michael Lara >> David Liebhart >> Gianna Lozano >> Pascual Martinez >> Casey Nave >> Spencer Pace >> Son Pham >> Aquila Phelps-Gellman >> Gricelda Ramirez >> Jonathan Ramirez >> Aaron Reed >> Alfonzo Robles Sr. >> Carlos Ruelas >> Andrew Santacruz >> Shane Sauers >> Peter Scranton >> Edgar Soto >> Auston Tague >> Quetzalyn Tepayotl >> Fernando Vazquez >> Andrew Walker >> Mason Ward >> Ross Williams >> Troy Woolard >> Dakota Workman >> Fernando Zaragoza

Senior CUF (SCUF) >> Kaitlin Judy



Contract Coordinator >> Angelina Johnson

CUFs >> Kyle Dodson >> Ilia Donner >> Patrick Garvin >> Koby Gutsch >> Ryan Hansen >> Jackson Keel >> Christopher McCowan >> Kyle Rauch >> Mykel Spence


Lead CUF (LCUF) >> Gordon Lee CUFs >> Scott Arnold >> Tressa Boris >> Emerson Brown >> Keegan Brown >> Austin Burnett >> Justin Caldwell >> Aleda Collins >> Maya Chuck >> Kieran Coyne >> Jonathan Emerson >> Kalen Evans >> Nicholas Harover >> Christian Harris Jr. >> Randy Holtzman >> Benjamin Kelch >> John Kost >> Madeline Marshall >> Christopher Mintern >> Tristan Moorehead >> Daniel Nace >> Andrew Pell >> Donald Pyman II >> Aaron Shar >> Jason Snodgrass >> Kaitlin Sternisha >> Michael Stewart >> Jonathan Tarkington >> Abbey Taylor >> Brent Toler >> Janzen Velba >> Noah Rafaele SCUFs >> Nicholas Eing >> Ryan Harbison >> John Hughes Sr.


Project Manager >> Dustin Brooks LCUFs >> Nathan Gibson >> Lilibeth Munoz SCUFs >> Adonis Clawson >> Nate Matteson >> Daniel Woodcock

CERTIFIED New International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborists®

DIVISION 10 >> >> >> >> >> >>

Jess Benbrook Jeanette Burdick Patrick Morton Lilibeth Munoz David Newfield Hector Torres


The Rewarding Success program recognizes employees who exhibit the values of CNUC in an exemplary manner. 41 CNUC employees have been recognized through this program since March 2021. Congratulations to all recipients!


DIVISION 10 >> Abram Arias >> Shawna Bekowsky >> Joely Camacho >> Nathan Collins >> Kirk Defranco Jr. >> Kevin Hunter >> Nathaniel Matteson >> Kent Susick >> Sterling Welsh >> Matthew Wyatt

DIVISION 20 >> Aaron Richcreek >> Joel Smith >> Duane Thomas

ISA Certified Utility Specialists®




>> Michelle Chaffe >> Michael Johnson >> Matt Kane

DIVISION 20 >> Travis Irving

>> >> >> >> >>

Jonathan Casas Robert Keleher Timothy Sheehy Jon Vichi Kerry Washinko

DIVISION 20 >> Austin Kinney >> Jeremy Nofsinger


DIVISION 10 >> Jesse Armstrong >> David Liebhart >> Hector Torres

DIVISION 10 >> Timothy Sheehy

>> Jeff Eing >> Caleb Sisk



>> Jacob Thompson >> Cortnie Tingler >> Pam Schumann



EXCELLENCE >> >> >> >>

Jose Bautista Lawrence Griffiths Hannah Hroblak Ely Sanderson

DIVISION 20 >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

Jordan Chinchilla Heather Griffith Justin Miller Paul Myers Jr. Aaron Richcreek Jason Snodgrass Tammy Wright

DIVISION 30 >> Sarah Lilley




360 Walkaround Barriers By Bill Spencer, Safety Manager As with so many aspects of life, driving a vehicle often involves the making and breaking of habits. We all know habits can be good or bad depending on their outcome and context, but all habits are built upon the recognition of a reward through previous experience and repetition. One of the most difficult driver safety habits to form is the 360 vehicle walkaround. What is it about this pre-trip safety procedure that makes it difficult to become second nature?


Let’s face it, if walking around your vehicle before each trip isn’t something that’s been ingrained in your personal driving behavior, it’s going to take some time and practice before it becomes a part of your regular routine. One of the biggest challenges with a new employee isn’t necessarily getting them to buy-in to the idea of vehicle walkarounds, it’s more about providing enough time and repetition to allow them to truly develop the habit. Never miss an opportunity to communicate with your team about 360 walkaround expectations. Keep it at the forefront of everyone’s mind by using 360 vehicle magnets/decals, job briefings and tailboards, and always give reminders at the end of calls and meetings.

in at the end of each trip, which helps to lower the likelihood of an incident, provides critical backing up practice and even creates a tiny intrinsic reward when done well. Lastly, whenever there’s an opportunity: make it social! Get passengers to assist with the 360 walkaround inspection by having them check their side of the vehicle before taking off, and have groups conduct 360 walkarounds as a team before departing from meetings and gatherings.


When a driver is in a public area such as a parking lot or busy suburban street, there’s a good chance they’re going to feel awkward walking around their vehicle if they know other people might be watching them do it. In these situations, making the procedure feel more normal is a crucial step to make it more “socially acceptable,” and can be achieved by simply adding a few smaller tasks into the process. Have your team practice storing and receiving items from the passenger side of the vehicle, place out traffic cones, and always be sure they check tools and any rear loads to


In terms of forming a regular habit, walking completely around your vehicle before every trip certainly sets a high bar. If you want to make a 360 walkaround as instinctive as buckling up every time, it’s important to encourage other easy and safe driving habits so that drivers can begin forming a behavioral path. Don’t forget to remind your team to do the little things like adjusting seats and mirrors, using their parking brake, and always turning their lights on for safety. Encourage drivers to back their vehicles




ensure everything is secure. This allows drivers to complete their 360 walk-around without the awkward feeling that can arise from walking around your vehicle in a tight circle while in the middle of a crowded parking lot.

WE DON’T RECOGNIZE THE SEVERITY OF CONSEQUENCES Whenever a driver makes the choice to not perform a 360 walkaround, it’s often because they are focused on the likelihood of risk rather than the severity of consequences. While it’s true that the likelihood of something obstructing the path of a parked or idled vehicle is very low, it’s only when we realize what that obstruction might be that allows us to truly understand the consequences. Don’t think object, think child. Remind everyone that the 360 walkaround is about more than just protecting our vehicles, it’s about protecting others, and it’s the only way to ensure we do so every time we get behind the wheel.

Safety Stewards At CNUC, we like to say safety doesn’t happen by accident. In fact, it’s our safety slogan. It helps keep us accountable for our own safety and that of others, or as we call it – being a safety steward. The following employees recently ran into situations in which they exemplified being a safety steward.

On April 13, CUF Nathan Collins on the PG&E contract was nominated as a safety steward by his teammate, Mike Richard. "I was headed home at the end of the day when I noticed a CNUC truck stopped on the side of the road with its hazard lights on,” Mike said. “As I came upon the truck, I noticed debris in the road, and a Subaru parked in front of the CNUC truck. The Subaru had lost its rooftop cargo on the highway and Nathan had stopped to help the driver pick it up from the road. Thank you, Nathan, for taking the initiative to help keep the highways safe for all of us!" We couldn't say it better ourselves. Well done, Nathan!

On August 2, CUF Shawna Bekowsky was nominated as a safety steward by Regional Supervisor Todd Walker. “Shawna was traveling on the 101 FWY at 7 a.m. when high voltage power lines (likely 12KV or more), spanning the freeway, suddenly dropped from the power poles and onto the freeway into oncoming traffic,” Todd said. “She immediately stopped, sized up the situation, called 911 and PG&E, and secured the site. Her quick action may well have averted a more serious situation as she alerted the authorities in a timely fashion. “ Way to react quickly and safely, Shawna! Great job.

On August 10, SCUF Matt Wyatt noticed smoke coming from the north-western side of the street opposite where he was parked. “When I was certain that it was a fire, I called 911 dispatch and reported it,” Matt said. “While I was on the call, I drove to get a better view of the exact location of the fire as requested by the dispatcher. When I arrived on the scene of the fire, it was approximately one to two acres and moderately spreading. It was too large to attempt using a fire extinguisher or a Mcleod Fire tool to contain. I set out my traffic cones, turned on my emergency strobes, kept a safe distance and asked others in the area to do the same. A fire engine arrived on the scene and asked me and a couple of other people standing by to help pull the hoses. Within about 20 minutes, we were able to suppress one side of the fire. As other fire crews and air tankers arrived on the scene, the remainder of the fire was quickly contained. Just over 5 acres ended up being burned. I gave a report to the Cal Fire Police Investigator, along with my contact information should they need to ask any other questions. I also reported the incident to my supervisors. Although this was a crucial situation that involved the potential for high risk, at no time were those of us at the scene in any danger. There were clearly defined escape routes, as well as excellent leadership and guidance from the Cal Fire crews on the scene.” Great job looking out for safety. Thank you, Matt!




Along the Lines

Around the Grid COMPANY

State of the Company Call On July 19, we held our quarterly state of the company call. During the call, Safety Manager Bill Spencer gave a safety update, President & COO Derek Vannice spoke about the opportunities available at CNUC, Project Manager Andrew Donnachie and Regional Manager Patrick Larsen spotlighted their contracts, Director of R&D Randall H. Miller presented on how to use the data from the most recent CNUC UVM survey, and Vice President Josh Beaver spoke about CNUC’s incentive programs and recruitment.

Photo Club The CNUC Photo Club is not only a fun way to interact and engage with fellow employees, but also a way to understand our daily activities through photography. These photos can be used as learning tools and to note the similarities and differences we encounter throughout North America. We enjoy sharing these photos on social media with our followers.

A Virginia Pine still growing with basal flare. Photo by CUF Raymond Keeling.

A beautiful morning in Sunol, California. Photo by Supervisor of R&D Sarah Lilley.

Contract Coordinators Angelina Johnson and Jose Bautista during an onboarding in Redding, California.

Sunrise from Hope, Idaho. Photo by Regional Manager Patrick Larsen.

President & COO Derek Vannice

This is My Office Videos Thank you to everyone who sent in a video for our first This is My Office video! Our marketing team put your submissions together to create a video that gives a glimpse into the great team we have at CNUC. The video also uses some of the amazing This is My Office location photos you have submitted to the Photo Club.

You can watch our video on our website!



Sunrise from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Photo by Supervisor of R&D Sarah Lilley.

Tour des Trees Congratulations to CNUC CUFs Karen Jenkins and Tom Ordway, Regional Manager Matthew Searels and Director of R&D Randy Miller for their participation in this year's Tour des Trees in Colorado! With 38 riders—and 34 virtual participants—the tour covered 333 miles with 23,508 feet of elevation. Thanks to the tour, $190,000 has been raised for tree research and education, with $17,400 of that total coming from our team of dedicated cyclists. Together, the in-person team of Karen, Tom and Randy totaled 872 miles and 57,784 feet of elevation. Well done, team!


Tom Ordway, Karen Jenkins, Randy Miller and late WTS President & COO Will Nutter

Along the Lines


Fire Assistance

Fire in abandoned car.

As CUFs Chris Ferguson and Troy Woolard left their worksite to go home, they noticed an abandoned car was on fire. They stopped, called 911 and assessed the situation from a safe distance, including checking for any other potential fires in the area. They also pulled out their water packs and fire tools just in case as they continued to monitor the situation and fire services arrived.

Fire services putting out the fire as CUFs look on from a safe distance.

Great work, Chris and Troy, for noticing the situation and your quick thinking to contain it!

Onboardings A warm welcome to all our new employees!

Employees onboarding in Humbolt County, California. The new onboarding curriculum included conducting tree identification, reviewing growth rates, measuring DBH and clearance for power lines. (Back, left to right) Contract Coordinator Angelina Johnson, CUF Aquila Phelps-Gellman, Intern Kelsey Fletterick, SCUF Dustin Brooks and Regional Coordinator Mike Johnson. (Front) CUFs Shawna Bekowsky and Casey Nave.

Photos from a PG&E Redding onboarding in August. Pictured are LCUFs John Lynde and Daniel Woodcock with new CUF Gianna Lozano.


Fire Safety Training In July, Fire Mitigation Manager Frank Archuletta visited the Avista team to lead a fire safety training.

Photos from a D10 PG&E Redding contract onboarding. LCUF Tim Sheehy conducted training on utility pole nomenclature and tree id basics. Pictured with him are new CUFs Spencer Pace and Shane Sauers.



Along the Lines

Around the Grid DIVISION 20

Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO)

Arbor Day Celebrations

“I wanted you to know that the crew you sent out did an excellent job and should be commended. They did what they said they would do, when they said they would do it. One person got caught 20 feet up in the tree during a monsoon and didn't even flinch about it! Pete, thank you for always being a professional and a gentleman, even when we have disagreed in the past.” A homeowner complimenting LCUF Pete Burkett “I wanted to take a moment to let you know how great of a job Pete Burkett did when dealing with two different customers. Not that it’s a surprise Pete did a great job, because he gives it his all each and every day. However, I thought it was important to pass this along to you. To tee this up a little bit, we have been dealing with a new distribution work order to provide a new neighborhood with power. This new addition runs along three customers’ properties that have backed up to open cow pastures for years. Pete made customer contact, planned the properties to our specifications and worked with our engineer, ROW department and myself to provide our customers with the best experience possible. We had a meeting to meet with two customers, one to acquire a ROW and one to inform them that we are using the existing ROW to remove almost all their vegetation. This can be a tough situation to be in on the best of days. Pete took the lead when we met with the customers and explained our intentions well, clearly and precisely. As a result, we got what we intended, and the customers are very pleased. Pete showed great poise and exemplified what an asset he is to our team.” Customer complimenting LCUF Pete Burkett

Liberty Utilities “Chet dealt with a very difficult property owner in Buffalo who has had issues in the past. We have even had crews kicked off-site by them before. Chet was able to make contact with the property owner and work it out so both sides were pleased by the end of the transaction. It’s very easy to let these types of customers go and not deal with them, however, Chet stepped up to the plate and made a positive impact on the customer and all involved.” Customer complimenting CUF Chet Ellis

LCUF Pete Burkett and CUFs Travis Irving, Bubby Rodanski, Kyle Dismukes and Joshua Baker represented CNUC and Public Service of Oklahoma by attending the Tulsa Arbor Day celebration at Woodward Park on March 25. Also in attendance was Mark Bays from the PSO as well as a non-profit group Up With Trees. The group planted a little Japanese Maple. Digging was made a little easier due to the rain that day and the night before. Great job representing CNUC, everyone!

CUF Julianne Lee dug into Arbor Day tree planting at a local school in Virginia with REC Electric Forester Jacoby Lipscomb.

Field Meetings

In April, CUFs Kelly Saylor and Tom Ordway met with three AES foresters and three Lewis Tree Service managers to discuss capital work specifications.




AES Indiana Foresters, Asplundh managers and CNUC’s Regional Supervisor Jason Allen, Lead CUF Jeremy Nofsinger and CUF Thomas Walters attended a field specification meeting on April 8. Tom lead a lot of the show and tell.

Along the Lines FIELD FACTS

Technology in the Field By Cortnie Tingler, CUF Here at CNUC, our job requires us to work independently and provide a quality service for our customers. Although we have our fellow foresters to assist when needed, generally we’re left to our own devices. When I started working for CNUC two years ago, I utilized several different applications to aid me in performing at my best. To this day, I still use the same technology. First is Terra Spectrum Technologies (TST) FieldNote app. This easy-to-use GIS software provides the adaptive planning software we need to store data, increase safety awareness and reduce time spent in the office. FieldNote integrates contractors’ various work into one platform so all pertinent information can be seen from their tablet in the field. This includes planning for maintenance, construction and even surveys. Additionally, FieldNote allows users to set alerts for aggressive dogs, sensitive customers, property access points or any other factors deemed noteworthy. This feature is helpful to personnel by emphasizing our safety across the circuit. Lastly, since all data can be accessed on the tablet and is GPS located, there is less time spent in the office hovering over paper maps.

Furthermore, the property addresses can be edited immediately, as can all vegetative information, customer concerns or any other revisions viewed as necessary. The downside of using this kind of technology is that you have to have cell service to update your information or “sync.” Since the data is entered manually, it can be wrong and cause confusion. Lastly, if someone doesn’t understand how to set up their perspectives properly, then the data can display incorrectly or not at all. For me, this was the more confusing aspect of TST. Nevertheless, FieldNote has been a great asset for CNUC, as well as our utility customers. When I asked Vegetation Manager Jason Grossman from Liberty Utilities – Empire District about his experience with FieldNote, he said the configurability of the program was one of the best benefits. “With other software, if we wanted to make a change, we’d have to submit a request and wait weeks. With FieldNote we, the end-user, can make the changes to adapt to our specific needs.” From a utility perspective, the software has offered an almost all-in-one package. The coordinators can see up-to-date progress, run budget reports, conduct tree inventories and can provide a database for any inspections they may need. According to Mr. Grossman, the return on investment is well worth the cost. Other apps I use in the field are for dendrology. Picture This and Plant Identification are just two applications available that allow you to use photos to identify an unknown species. I prefer this method over a dendrology key or field book because it takes less time and I can get results almost immediately with a higher rate of accuracy. Furthermore, field books are bulky and are limited to specific regions, which can present an issue when dealing with


introduced species or invasives. The downside of the applications is that you have to have a signal for the apps to work. While Picture This does require a paid subscription, Plant Identification does not. The last set of apps I use daily are FieldArea Measure and LandGlide. The FieldArea Measure app uses satellite images to measure distances. This is extremely helpful when calculating brush polygons. The FieldArea app is the most accurate platform I’ve found that gives me the freedom to create beginning and end points with the simple push of a button. Though it’s always best to pace out the brush, this is just another tool to use and not to be solely relied upon. The LandGlide application provides information on properties such as addresses, property owners, lot size, towns and so much more. This is a very useful tool to use when working in rural areas or where mailboxes are not present. Both of these applications have served me well in the field by providing the information I need in a quick and easily accessible manner. While FieldArea requires a subscription, it is free to use. LandGlide, on the other, does have an annual fee. There are several tools available to accommodate our needs. I would encourage my fellow foresters to find the products that work best for their region and them personally. What works great for me might not be the best option for others, so please don’t limit yourself. Remember to stay safe and happy planning.


If you would like to submit a field fact, please email




Turning a New Season By Travis Yordi, Vice President & Chief Architect As the leaves change colors and the weather cools, many things come to mind. I always look forward to the return of football, visiting pumpkin patches and orchards with my family, and spending time in the fields and forests pursuing all types of game. Fall also signals the end of our fiscal year, where we take a moment to celebrate our successes, find opportunities for improvement and prepare a clear path ahead for the new year.


In the Booth & on the Stage Trees & Utilities October 26-28 Minneapolis, Minnesota



FieldNote® launched in March of 2018, with Liberty Utilities – Empire District coming online on day one and NorthWestern Energy following shortly after. We could not have been more fortunate regarding the individuals they have on staff and the support, positivity and feedback they provided. We owe them a debt of gratitude for taking a chance on a new product and believing in its potential. From October 1, 2018 through today, we have averaged an incredible 81% year-over-year growth in the number of crews we support, and we’re only getting started. The past year has certainly presented some challenges, but our planning and preparation combined with our incredible team have allowed us to achieve our most successful year on record. The transition to working remotely was incredibly successful – so much so that we will be continuing it into the foreseeable future. Our employees have enjoyed being able to skip the commute and spend more time with their families while providing even higher levels of support and productivity. The successes of the past year, coupled with our plan for exponential growth in the coming year, have necessitated the need to bring on additional staff and our work-from-home strategy will be a valuable tool in recruiting more top talent. The new additions will equate to a 60% growth in our team, and we look forward to introducing them to all of you as soon as we have them on board. We have always said that our client’s success is our success, and the words ring true now more than ever. We’ve


taken an incredible amount of pride in helping your operations run more efficiently and we have a lot planned to make the whole platform even better in the coming year. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve come up with!

The past year has certainly presented some challenges, but our planning and preperation combined with our incredible team have allowed us to achive our most successful year on record.

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Terra Spectrum Technologies


Our Philosophy: Continuous Integration By Dave Reed, Senior Product Manager In software creation, continuous integration means you can be nimble and ready to push out features and bug fixes in a more frequent manner. It’s the art of multiple people being able to work together on a project and keeping the product delivered in a state that is ready to go at all times. The end product code is hosted in a single location and can only be updated with ready-to-go, working code. Small changes are assigned out to developers to work on, and as they are completed, they can be merged into the main codebase. We are a lean and nimble team at Terra Spectrum Technologies (TST), but we have been able to achieve some pretty incredible things. FieldNote is our flagship software that is in continual development in order to meet the needs of our customers and as well as attracting new ones. Here are a few of the many improvements that we’ve added in the last year.

iOS App

Custom Map Point Labeling You can provide a custom label for any data point that has been added to the map for the current project. The labels are added dynamically from any data (or combination of data) that is collected via the form. Timesheet Summary As crews are going through and completing work and recording time entries, a small crew and work summary of their current timesheet is displayed in the top corner of the app. Location Search We added a new searching tool that will allow you to enter a location address, get real-time results, and be taken there on the map. From there you can begin adding notebook data or even route yourself to that location using the routing functionality. Measurement Tool This is a new type of field that can be added to any form that has functionality built into it to allow you to take an area or line measurement from the map.


Chart Filters You can now add independent filters for charts, allowing you to compare with different data within the same dashboard. Report Copying You can now copy an existing report with all fields and filters, saving you time from having to create a similar report from scratch. Timesheets You can now see a list of any timesheets that you have permission to view and export a formatted report in PDF format. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the FieldNote platform, both in response to customer needs and in innovating for the future. As TST and FieldNote continue to grow, continuous integration and staying nimble will be our key to success in our industry.



VISION Terra Spectrum Technologies is a leader in providing innovative, high quality software specializing in geospatial data collection and workflow management.


// Provide simple, streamlined and scalable software that exceed our clients’ expectations // Have comprehensive knowledge of the clients and industries that we serve // Have a positive influence on the communities we serve // Deliver attractive value appreciation to our employee owners // Give team members the training and opportunities needed to enhance their professional development and technical knowledge // Provide knowledge and technical support to clients with only in-house staff


Security: We protect our customers’ data as if it were our own. Innovation: We anticipate our clients’ needs and we deliver creative services and solutions. Knowledge: We understand and adopt the latest technology trends. Excellence: We continually strive to exceed our customer’s expectations – and our own expectations. Integrity: We abide by the highest ethical standards. Teamwork: It is how we operate and we hold each other accountable. Family: It is our foundation; it is who we are.




Using Best Management Practices to Navigate the Road By Nathan Jones, Senior Technology Consultant “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” the old saying goes, meaning that small preventative measures taken today can result in a future state with far fewer complications. In the field of utility vegetation management, best management practices (BMPs) can help to standardize operations and ensure reliable electricity to the greatest number of customers while preventing potential problems in the future. The days of cutting down everything growing in rights-of-way (ROWs) every four years are long gone. They have been replaced by an integrated vegetation management (IVM) approach, which utilizes a combination of tree pruning, tree removal, herbicide usage and compatible species considerations to provide the safest possible ROW while being mindful of environmental impact. With the IVM BMP, compatible plant species with no chance of interfering with power lines and electricity are allowed, and even encouraged, to remain in ROW. Lowgrowing shrubs are favored as a defense against nuisance species and native plants can turn a ROW into a playground for pollinators instead of a barren moonscape. There is also a shift in using herbicide as a spot application where necessary instead of a high-volume broadcast application. Of course, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to vegetation management but following a clearly laid out set of BMPs can help bring a program up to speed and save money in the long run while building public relations and goodwill with the public at the same time.


BMPs are like a roadmap helping you get to a destination. While that is a wonderful thing, BMPs aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on if they are followed loosely or ignored altogether. Like the proverbial dad who refuses to look at the map because he knows where he’s going, a few wrong turns can leave an organization in unfamiliar territory far from the goal destination. A very important step toward reaching goals is often overlooked is monitoring. Without monitoring the key factors that have been identified within BMPs, there is no way to know what’s working, what isn’t working, how much progress is being made, and if money is being spent wisely. Like that dad, monitoring gives organizations the opportunity to stop and ask for directions if their surroundings begin to look suspicious. Often that is the case – well-intentioned plans can give unintended results that need to be identified and corrected before too much time has gone by, too much money has been wasted and the opportunity for improvement has disappeared. Monitoring results from the field on a utility system is easier said than done if you’re only armed with prehistoric tools. There is no magic wand that allows the impact of BMPs to magically rise from a huge pile of spreadsheets sitting on a desk. There is, however, the next best thing – software that allows progress to be monitored at any time with the click of a button. It’s the equivalent of the directions-averse dad sticking a GPS to his windshield, typing in the address and clicking the green go button. Instant feedback allows a utility to shift from making sweeping changes at irregular intervals to fine-tuning whenever small tweaks are deemed necessary. BMPs are at their best when they provide a framework for realistic, actionable data to a utility and allow for adjustment based on real-world conditions.


Gerber Commits to Carbon Neutrality for Organic Products in 2022 as Part of Climate Forward Nutrition Ambition This press release was originally published by Gerber on on July 15, 2021. the planet, so babies can grow and thrive for years to come,” said Tarun Malkani, President and CEO at Gerber. “The commitment we make today is the start of the next chapter in elevating the choices we give parents who are seeking food that is good for baby and good for the planet, harnessing the next generation of regenerative farming and sustainable business practices. Our commitment to carbon neutrality is an important step in our climate journey, which will continue beyond 2035.”

ARLINGTON, V.A., July 15, 2021 – Gerber, the early childhood nutrition leader, today announced its Climate Forward Nutrition1 ambition to pioneer on-farm research and invest in regenerative agriculture techniques to ensure the ingredients for our nutritious food for baby are produced in a way that increases biodiversity and soil health, and reduces water usage. As part of this ambition, Gerber has also committed to carbon neutrality across its baby food portfolio by 2035 through collaboration with a third-party carbon neutral certifier, with 100% of its Organic portfolio and Natural

pouches and glass jars set to be carbon neutral in 2022. Gerber is the first U.S. company to announce its commitment to produce carbon neutral baby food products, representing the most ambitious climate commitment in the industry, and the integration of Gerber’s long-standing sustainable practices and new innovations that will reduce the company’s greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. “For generations, Gerber has been committed to doing anything for baby, including taking action to help protect

Gerber is providing the first ever carbon neutral baby food donation, contributing $100,000 worth of products to families served by the Feeding America® network to prioritize access to both nutritious and climate conscious baby food for communities facing hunger. As its longtime partner for addressing food insecurity, Gerber has partnered with Feeding America since 1988, investing more than $2.8M in 2020. “Nutritious food is critical to a child’s development. A potential 13 million children are at risk of being food insecure this year, a number that has been exacerbated by the pandemic,” said Blake Thompson, Chief Supply Chain Officer at Feeding America. “Feeding America is proud to partner with Gerber to help Continued on page 56



provide nutrient-dense food to children and families when they need it most.”


Sustainable Environmental Consultants is a leader in providing innovative solutions to better the planet.


Recognize the responsibility of organizations and individuals to be leaders in protecting our environment. We desire to provide transformative sustainability solutions that minimize risk for our customers, our communities, and our planet.


SAFETY It is everyone’s responsibility – we each own it. INTEGRITY We abide by the highest ethical standards. TRANSPARENCY We take pride in our independent authentication process of reliable traceability. SUSTAINABILITY We value action over definition when it comes to sustainability because it’s our passion. RESPECT We exhibit it toward our team, our customers and the environment. COLLABORATION We recognize we will move the needle on sustainability only through partnership and cooperation by many. INNOVATION We anticipate our clients’ needs and we deliver creative services & solutions. FAMILY It is our foundation; it is who we are.



Gerber will reach carbon neutrality by implementing practices across several priority areas: regenerative agriculture, packaging, manufacturing and supply chain management, and recipe design, and by investing in high quality offsetting projects. Key initiatives in Gerber’s sustainability and carbon neutrality roadmap include: • C reating fruit and vegetable research farm demonstration plots in Western Michigan where Gerber partners with the nonprofit Rodale Institute and Michigan State University to conduct unprecedented research in innovative technologies and advanced regenerative organic farming practices focused on replenishing soils, increasing biodiversity and evaluating the potential for nutritional benefits. • O ptimizing energy use and sourcing 100% renewable electricity for our own manufacturing facilities and distribution centers by 2025. • P rogressing our ambition to make 100% of our packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025 and continuing to reduce or eliminate unnecessary packaging material where possible. • A dvancing continuous improvement with Gerber farmers, or “Gerber Growers,” and documenting adoption of regenerative farming practices through data verified by Sustainable Environmental Consultants’ EcoPractices® platform. • A ssessing environmental impact as part of all new product innovations and introducing more products with plant-based protein across Gerber’s Baby Food portfolio. • P lanting one million trees in partnership with the National Forest Foundation and One Tree Planted in U.S. National Forests across 10 states. “Climate change affects us all – especially the very young – and we are proud to partner with Gerber to help realize their climate goals,” said Franziska Sinner, Head of Corporate Sustainability at South Pole, the leading carbon project and climate solutions provider, which conducted a baseline carbon footprint assessment for the brand and suggested ways to lower the organization’s emissions.


“Gerber’s commitment to implementing sustainable practices throughout the product lifecycle – from farm to table via low carbon supply chains – is visionary and has the power to inspire bold environmental action from other organizations.” To learn more, please visit: mygerber. com/ClimateJourney.

About Gerber Gerber Products Company was founded in 1928 in Fremont, Mich. Gerber joined the Nestlé family on September 1, 2007. Gerber is a leader in early childhood nutrition. At Gerber, research informs everything we do – from the products we make, the nutrition education we deliver and the services we offer. Gerber provides resources from the Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS) for health care professionals at Medical. and for parents at Gerber is proud to have served families for nearly 100 years. Over the last 12 years, the company has provided nearly three billion purees, snacks and cereals to babies around the world.

About Feeding America Feeding America® is the largest hungerrelief organization in the United States. Through a network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries and meal programs, we provide meals to more than 40 million people each year. Feeding America also supports programs that prevent food waste and improve food security among the people we serve; educates the public about the problem of hunger; and advocates for legislation that protects people from going hungry.

About Rodale Institute Rodale Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to growing the organic movement through rigorous research, farmer training, and consumer education. Widely recognized as a founder of the modern organic movement, Rodale Institute has been a global leader in regenerative organic agriculture for over 70 years. The Rodale Institute is headquartered on a 333-acre certified organic farm in Kutztown, Pennsylvania.

About Michigan State University The nation’s pioneer land-grant university, Michigan State University is one of the top research universities in the world. Home to nationally ranked and recognized academic, residential college, and service-learning programs, MSU is a diverse community of dedicated students and scholars, scientists and visionary leaders in agriculture and food production.

About South Pole South Pole, recognized by the World Economic Forum as a Social Enterprise, has been at the forefront of decarbonization since 2006. With its global Climate Solutions platform, South Pole develops and implements comprehensive strategies that turn climate action into long-term

business opportunities for companies, governments and organizations around the world. South Pole is also a leading project developer and has provided nearly 1,000 projects in over 50 countries with climate finance to reduce over a gigaton of CO2 emissions that meet the highest industry standards for certifying reductions. These projects also provide social benefits to less privileged communities which are particularly vulnerable to climate change.

About EcoPractices® Established in 2008, Sustainable Environmental Consultants, powered by EcoPractices®, is part of Wright Service Corp. employee-owned family of companies. Since their inception they have endeavored to be a leader in providing innovative solutions to better the planet through their three divisions

of sustainability risk management, agricultural compliance and engineering, and erosion control. They provide a full range of environmental services needed by food companies and their agricultural supply systems.

Climate Forward Nutrition is Gerber’s commitment to incorporate practices and technology to limit and eliminate carbon emissions. These efforts will take place on the farms where Gerber fruits and vegetable are grown and carry through the brand’s manufacturing, packaging and transportation processes to ensure babies everywhere get the nutrition they need to thrive while helping to protect the planet. Gerber will also be partnering with a third-party to certify that Gerber’s baby food products are carbon neutral by 2022 and 2035.


Welcome To The Team Luke Eaton Environmental Sciences Analyst Luke Eaton joined the Sustainable Environmental Consultants (SEC) team as an environmental sciences analyst in 2021 where he supports the company’s EcoPractices technology team in the development of modeling tools and integrating them into the EcoPractices platform. Passionate about sustainable agriculture, Luke works closely with SEC’s agronomic team to improve data onboarding efficiency, data processing and speed, and other analytics tools to generate outcomes. He conducts research on new projects and runs the environmental models, reviewing and summarizing data. Luke enjoys collaborating with the team to complete projects and getting the chance to see all the different pieces of the process come together. His passion for sustainable agriculture, specifically sustainable food systems, helps fuel his love for working with a team centered around helping growers who are passionate about the same thing. He finds the agriculture industry an especially appealing world to work in because of how tangible the science around it is and how it has very real-world implications. Luke graduated magna cum laude from the University of Missouri with a bachelor’s degree in environmental science with an emphasis in soil and land management, along with a minor in plant science. “Sustainable food systems are a passion of mine. I love that I get to work with a team and for growers who are passionate about the same thing. I’m always learning something new, and all of that makes what we do exciting and worthwhile.”



Welcome To The Team continued Emily Hugen Agronomy Support Specialist Joining the Sustainable Environmental Consultants (SEC) team in June 2021, Agronomy Support Specialist Emily Hugen loves working for a company that sees the value in sustainable practices and helping others become better stewards of the environment. Working with the EcoPractices platform on agricultural sustainability projects, Emily is integral in the research aspect of SEC’s projects, practice recommendations for the Sustainable Continuous Improvement Plans™, and working with farms to gather data. A strong background and understanding of agronomy, and a passion for sustainability, Emily enjoys collaborating with team members and building relationships with farmers. Her experiences in conservation and research gives her the ability to better understand both the technical sciences as well as the social aspect of production systems. Graduating summa cum laude from Iowa State University with dual Bachelor of Science degrees in agronomy and agriculture & society, Emily spent four of her collegiate years working for the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment. There, she studied soil aggregate stability and other research topics related to soils. When Emily isn’t working, you can find her outdoors, doing yoga, reading, and spending time with friends and family. “I love building relationships and collaborating with team members, and I’m excited to be part of a company who values sustainable practices and helps producers become better environmental stewards.”

Bailey Priborsky Agriculture Data Specialist Bailey Priborsky joined the Sustainable Environmental Consultants (SEC) team in August 2021 as an Agriculture Data Specialist. As a data specialist, Bailey works closely with our agronomic team to support farm participants with data collection and analysis. Prior to attending Iowa State University, Bailey was chosen to be a Borlaug scholar during their “Feeding Innovation, Fighting Hunger” campaign, presenting her paper focused on causes of hunger in the Central African Republic. Sparked by her experience as a Borlaug scholar, Bailey chose to continue studying sustainable agriculture in college where she discovered her passion for global sustainability during her studies at Iowa State University, graduating in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degrees in global resource systems and French. Her global resource systems degree emphasized sustainability and business, which took her abroad to study agriculture and sustainable practices in Peru, the Netherlands and Uganda. In her free time, Bailey enjoys crafting, reading and games. Cooking is also a favorite pastime, especially finding new and challenging recipes to try. “Research and reporting are integral to sustainable agriculture. In my role as an Agriculture Data Specialist, I enjoy compiling data points into comprehensive reports and sharing with our clients. I’m passionate about working with both the agriculture and business community around the globe to better the planet through sustainable practices.”




Courtney Titus Agriculture Data Specialist Courtney Titus joined the Sustainable Environmental Consultants (SEC) team in August 2021 as an Agriculture Data Specialist. As a data specialist, Courtney works closely with our agronomic team to support farm participants with data collection and analysis. After completing a research paper focused on environmental degradation, Courtney knew she wanted to pursue a career in sustainability. Combining a passion for her first love, math, with that of a sustainable future, Courtney earned bachelor’s degrees in economics and environmental studies with a Spanish minor before pursuing a Master of Science degree in agricultural economics, all from Iowa State University. Alongside the environmental and social pillars of sustainability, Courtney is excited to bring her economic background to support the third pillar, providing insight on the financial return of sustainable agricultural practices. In her free time, Courtney enjoys bird watching, spending time with friends and family, taking long walks and playing with her cat Salem. “Agricultural science is an exciting space. It is constantly evolving and changing as we work toward a more sustainable future. Driving innovation through research and applying new methods to make change and push beyond the normal scope is what I’m passionate about. Sustainable agriculture has both environmental and global benefits and I love being a part of the process in my role as an Agriculture Data Specialist.”

Brian Severin Director of Agricultural Engineering As the director of agricultural engineering for Sustainable Environmental Consultants (SEC), Brian Severin works closely with our agricultural compliance and engineering team, guiding strategy and opportunity development. Creating designs that work with client operation strategies to achieve goals is something Brian is very passionate about. He specializes in bioreactors, saturated buffers and other edge of field practices. Brian also works with our sustainability risk management team on the development and implementation of Sustainable Continuous Improvement Plans™ (SCIP), energy audits, life cycle assessments and more. Prior to joining the SEC team in May 2021, Brian worked for USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) as an area engineer. He provided conservation planning, engineering technical assistance, and agency leadership to the farmers and ranchers of southeast Kansas. During his tenure, Brian planned, designed, and applied a diverse range of engineering practices, including livestock waste management systems, wetland restoration projects, livestock and irrigation ponds, livestock watering systems, and in field conservation practices. Brian holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biological and agricultural engineering and a secondary major in natural resources and environmental sciences from Kansas State University. He has been professionally licensed as an engineer in the state of Kansas since 2011. Brian enjoys spending time with his family as well as fishing, camping, and hiking. As a native Kansan and sports enthusiast, he is often found watching and attending K-State, Royals and Chiefs sporting events. “Growing up in a rural community, I have always had an interest in agriculture. That interest developed into a career passion for helping those at the heart of our agricultural system. It is a rewarding experience to develop engineering solutions meeting a producer’s operational and environmental goals.”



Jenny Jensen and Doug McCorkle Featured on DocTalk

Jennifer Jensen, Director of Sustainability and Strategic Partnerships, and Doug McCorkle, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer, were special guests on Dr. Dan Thomson’s “DocTalk” agriculture series in Ames, Iowa, this summer. Dr. Thomson is Professor and Chair of the Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University and discusses important issues related to livestock welfare and management in this weekly program. Jennifer and Doug shared about SEC’s mission to help farmers and producers tell their sustainability story and improve the efficiencies of their operations through operation assessments, data collection, and Sustainable Continuous Improvement Plans™ (SCIPs). You can watch the episode, 479 “Soil and Sustainability”, by visiting the DocTalk channel on YouTube.

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Service Growth

SEC has been busy this year adding projects in 9 new states as well as Canada and Germany. SEC continues to assist consumer packaged goods companies, brands, associations, and other leaders in the agriculture space, empowering them to share their sustainability story by using data from our third-party verification and quantification platform, EcoPractices®. Projects now span over 35 states across row crop acres, specialty crop farms, and livestock systems such as dairy, pork, poultry and beef.

Iowa Gardening for Good Volunteer Outing

The SEC team spent an afternoon volunteering at Iowa Gardening for Good in September. Iowa Gardening for Good is located in Madrid, Iowa, and is dedicated to involving the community in growing produce for a good cause. The team harvested and packaged 50 boxes worth of peppers for donation to area food pantries.




Wildland Firefighting: Climate Change and Wildfires Presents a New Opportunity for Growth By Jesse Bazergui, Project Manager Spectrum Resource Group Inc. (SRGI) has recently added fighting wildfires to the extensive list of tasks we can perform. This has been a smart move and a necessary one, considering how frequent and intense wildfires have become in Western Canada. Most photos of wildfirefighting portray helicopters bucketing water over the flames; in reality, boots on the ground have proven invaluable. For instance, in the absence of water, crews can establish handguards. This is when crews will clear a path along the fire edge with chainsaws about 2 meters (6 feet) wide, then dig a trench about 40 centimeters (16 inches) down to mineral soil to stop a creeping ground fire. Photo depicts Our team works long, helicopter bucketing grueling hours for water over flames. days at a time to rein in the powerful conflagrations that have plagued our province’s beautiful forests. A full deployment is fourteen 12-hour days in a row, and then three or four days off to reset. Often, crews hike for hours through dense bush to even reach the fire’s edge

to control the flank. And even then, the fire can sometimes jump the guard and destroy all the work the crew set in place. The work is hard, it requires a lot of strength, but it is worth it to protect British Columbia’s unique beauty. It is no mystery that manmade climate change has been a major factor in creating ideal conditions for wildfires to occur – with more frequency and increased devastation. Hotter spring and summer seasons, combined with less snowpack than previous years, and snowmelt occurring earlier than before, have all resulted in a fire season that begins earlier and lasts longer. These profound effects were certainly felt this year with BC breaking several heat records and the town of Lytton burning down. This confluence of circumstances has presented the opportunity for Spectrum to aid in the suppression efforts for BC Wildfire Service (BCWS). I was a part of a Type I unit crew for BCWS for three seasons, from 2017-2019. I had about 220 fire days and have been deployed to forest fires all around BC, as well as in Quebec and Alberta. When Spectrum decided to put together a Type III contract crew, I already had substantial and valuable experience in wildfire fighting. I pride myself on doing good work and enjoy helping train our teams to preserve our forests and wildlife. Even with only

Wildfire fighting crews establishing handguards.

our one Type III 5-pack on fires this year, I feel like we accomplished a great deal. In total, we had 42 fire days with most of them being on the Cutoff Creek fire, south of Vanderhoof, which ended up being over 33,000 hectares (81,500 acres) in size. With most of our crew members being new to firefighting, they learned several new skills, such as creating fuel breaks, digging handguards, proper burning off techniques,

Transportation for the wildfire fighting crews.

Continued on page 63




Type I Crew – BCWS (BC Wildfire Service) are the government-employed firefighters, which can be: • Unit Crew • Initial Attack • Rapattack • Parattack Type II Crew – Company contract crews that have had at least five years of experience as a Type III crew.

and constructing water delivery systems for mop-up. For employees that work year-round, learning these tasks, educates them on the prevention and reduction aspects of wildfires, in addition to suppressing them. Employees learn how fuel reduction can greatly lower wildfire intensity and how this can help the efforts of their fellow firefighters and the surrounding communities. In the coming years, I would like to see Spectrum put forward several contract crews for each season that will develop into Type II crews.

I’d like to see Spectrum add on even more services to help combat natural contracted crews. disasters. Structural Protection Units (SPU) are necessary for the wildfire program. As a company, we can seek to cover all aspects of fuel load suppression, prevention and reduction. This will allow crews to implement water delivery systems around various structures - such as houses, barns, and ranches that might be threatened by advancing fire fronts. With more work done trying to prevent wildfires from starting, or mitigate their strength, the easier it will be to contain them in the future.

Type III Crew – Company


Spectrum Resource Group aims to be the leading integrated vegetation management provider in Canada.


To deliver the highest level of professional, safe and environmentally conscious integrated vegetation management solutions to the industry, public and our communities. To invest in employee development to provide new and innovative services adding mutual value to our clients and vendors.


SAFETY It is everyone’s responsibility – we each own it. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY We support activities that benefit our employees and add value to their communities. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY We strive to protect and improve all ecosystems. INNOVATION We anticipate our clients’ needs and we deliver creative services and solutions. INSPIRATION We provide a safe, healthy, caring and productive work environment to energize, engage and inspire our employees. FAMILY It is our foundation; it is who we are.

Rewarding Success

The Rewarding Success Program recognizes employees who exhibit Spectrum’s values in an exemplary manner. Eight team members were recognized this last quarter. Congratulations to all recipients!


- Desirae Dykun - Grant McLeod - Anna Fitzgerald - Bailey Janzen

INNOVATION - Hengda Liu - Rose Schmidt - Myia Stauber


FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @SRGBC Spectrum Resource Group Inc. @spectrum_resource_group




Embracing a New World of Recruiting By Dean Marshall, Vice President & General Manager

Canada Labour Outlook

With Canadian unemployment rates being at an all-time low of 6.9%, we are seeing an unprecedented labour shortage that is impacting every level of our organization. In addition to the low availability of labour, the workers that are available have become more and more difficult to reach due to COVID-19.


On June 10th, Spectrum Resource Group participated in "Best Day Ever," a day started by the Western Forestry Contractors' Association to recognize tree planters across Canada. We planted 414,255 trees between 234 planters!


Top Male Planter: Mish Bunn - 185,410 total trees Top Female Planter: Malena Pillipow - 149,635 total trees


Spectrum's Division 30 and our HR team have had to pivot from traditional means of hiring and recruiting. We had to get creative to ensure we have enough sustainable labour availability to staff our projects.

Spectrum has a very active presence in this region and has partnered with the municipality, the regional college and the provincial government to create a skillsbased training program for displaced forestry workers.

Recruiting – Virtual Job Fairs

Working with WorkBC and College of New Caledonia, we successfully built a curriculum to help local workers develop the certifications and training required to work in fuel reduction, invasive plant and forest development roles. Training courses offered include chainsaw certification, first aid training, forest resource road driving certification, invasive species training, S100/ S185 fire suppression, pesticide applicator training and certification, “in-field” technology training on iPads and GPS.

At one time our HR team would travel to universities in British Columbia and Alberta to conduct job fairs to get the word out about what we do. Today, all of this has now gone virtual. We continue to try and find ways to make the virtual hiring fairs more meaningful.

Recruiting – Referrals and Incentives

The number of applicants for the many positions that we advertise has become very low and the competition for skilled workers is very high. In 2021, we implemented a referral bonus for existing employees and a hiring bonus for new hires into some of our more technical roles – something that, in the past, would never have been a consideration.

Partnerships – Colleges and Communities

The community of Mackenzie, British Columbia, has been particularly hard hit by mill closures in the forestry sector.

We have now had two intakes for the program and are thrilled to report that in a 10-day period we are able to provide the training and opportunity for employment to potential employees that are actively engaged in finding employment. 10 program graduates began working for Spectrum immediately following graduation from the program. This has been a very successful program to date, and we hope to continue building upon this success while possibly expanding the program in the future. Our world is changing, and our team has begun adapting and finding new and creative ways to bring the resources to our door that will allow us to continue in our positive growth trajectory.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

In honour of the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Spectrum Resource Group invited all staff to attend the Talking Circle Webinar to gain a deeper understanding of the lasting impact that the residential school system has had on the social fabric of our communities. We invited all employees to wear orange on this day in remembrance of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Survivors and their families and communities. Let us come together to listen, learn and affirm every child matters while honouring the experiences of Indigenous People.





Planting Safety: Food for Thought By Desirae Dykun, Tree Planter and Head First Aid Attendant Tree planting season is a time for new challenges, friendships and unique life and work experiences. This is where I found my true roots as a person and established many of my core values. In between the sweat, blood and tears we planters all share throughout each new season, there is a growing need for conversation and awareness around planter safety. From my experience as a first responder, I know the importance of preparing for emergency situations, especially when working in a remote location. When living in a planting camp with 60 to 100 people, it can be easy to become complacent in safety because you feel more invincible – you know the people around you have your back. You can depend on your friends, teammates, and co-workers to look out for you. While this is great for team morale, I have personally found it can be misleading when making decisions about personal safety and could lead to injury. It’s important to remember that you are responsible for making safe choices for yourself and those around you. While living in a remote location, we must remember that the risk factor for injury increases exponentially solely on the fact that we’re much further away from

a hospital and higher level of care. Even a minor injury, like a cut, can become catastrophic if proper care isn't taken. In this case, the biggest risk to consider is infection. It is easy to clean and bandage a wound in the moment, but what is difficult in the planting environment is maintenance during the healing process. This is every individual’s responsibility to take care of their bodies' needs. When it comes to emergency response, the best way to be prepared is through handson practice. I recommend dedicating some time before and during each season to go through mock emergency scenarios with a team. This will better prepare you and those around you to respond to emergency situations in a timely manner. When living in remote locations, every minute can literally make the difference between life and death. Practicing emergency response isn't meant to make everyone’s actions be perfectly choreographed, but rather to hone and sharpen our abilities to make quick decisions while in these intense situations. Each season, we have an emergency response plan (ERP) handed out to each member of the management team to place in their work truck. Make sure you and those around you know the plan before you need the plan. While working as a medic in remote oilfields, I conducted daily meetings that contained every detail and step of the ERP. Through repetition my hope was to ingrain important details into everyone's minds about what to do in an emergency.

Kwadacha First Nation Partnership

Spectrum Resource Group is proud to partner with Kwadacha First Nation and provides internship opportunities for students in their community. Through this learning experience, the students have the opportunity to learn and experience what it would be like to work in forestry. We love to see them in the field getting hands-on experience!


The ERP includes vital information, like directions to the nearest hospital, the spot closest to camp that has cell reception, the names of designated drivers and their availability, the telephone number for helicopter evacuation, who makes the call to emergency services, names of all first aiders in the camp and much more. Meetings reviewing the ERP also serve as a great opportunity for crew leaders and first aiders to show the planters the contents of the emergency transport vehicles. Ultimately, the mitigation or reduction of risks and injuries comes through education and preventative measures. Remember you are responsible for your safety, as well as the safety of those around you. By shifting our focus to educating, empowering, and preparing our team, we can help each other grow into a stronger, safer and higher functioning community.


Congratulations to the following Spectrum Resource Group employees who were recently appointed and promoted!


Crew Leader Maria Balisi Emma Bellamy Dominic Caorso Patrick Cobite Jennifer Ellis Kisten Fisk Maddy Hooper Ainsley Mutrie Isaac Kipatrick Hengda Liu Mason Mowbray

HR Generalist Morgan Thieleman Safety Coordinator Tracy Turchyniak Supervisor Jeff Edwards Danielle Fisher Michelle Gognon Ashton Poier Rose Schmidt

ON THE MOVE Fleet Manager Richard Green

Project Manager Jesse Bazergui Scott Strano



WFSI Awards $125,000 in Grants for Tree Canopy Improvement About WFSI

The foundation, launched in December 2020, is a nonprofit organization focused on fostering innovative solutions in renewable agriculture and vegetation management. Each year the foundation will offer grants for which organizations working on projects that reduce carbon footprints and promote carbon positive practices can apply. Our grants are funded by organizations and individuals, including Wright Service Corp., that feel passionate about our mission. We are excited to make a lasting impact on our communities and the environment for the future. The focus of the first grant in spring of 2021 was derecho relief to replace and plant trees in areas that sustained damage from the intense windstorm that swept through the Midwest in August of 2020. Replanting after the derecho is a huge effort and the foundation wants to make sure those in need have access to replacing or increasing the number of trees in appropriate areas.

TWO ORGANIZATIONS IN IOWA RECEIVED GRANTS FOR TREE PLANTING PROJECTS Wright Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation (WFSI) is pleased to announce the grantees from its Spring/ Summer 2021 grant cycle, focused on improving the tree canopy in the Midwest. WFSI has awarded $75,000 to Trees Forever and $50,000 to Friends of Des Moines Parks. “We’re thrilled to award two organizations who share a common vision of planting trees in derechoimpacted communities to restore and improve the tree canopy and diversification,” says Scott Packard, WFSI chairman. “These projects will have lasting environmental benefits, improving the quality of life for natural habitat and people alike, while also providing volunteer and educational opportunities for the community.” The award to Trees Forever will support the Planting Hope Program to cover tree

The next grant cycle will take place in the winter of 2021/2022. To learn more about the foundation, visit our website:




plantings and associated care through the Growing Futures teen employment program in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, tree plantings and associated technical assistance across the derechoimpacted areas in Iowa and Illinois, and the multi-state TreeKeepers volunteer training program. Trees Forever staff will advise select community partners on species selection, proper planting and maintenance, and ensure long-term monitoring and documentation. “The goal of the Wright Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation is to ‘move the needle forward on sustainability projects’ and that is just what’s happening here at Trees Forever,” said Kiley Miller, Trees Forever President & CEO. “With the Foundation’s support, our organization is now able to accelerate our dual efforts of helping communities recover from last year’s devastating derecho and also providing job training


PERSPECTIVE opportunities to high school students who, we hope, will become the next generation of arborists. I fully expect the Foundation to drive new and powerful collaborations between the agriculture and forestry industries and nonprofits for the benefit of people and the environment.” Friends of Des Moines Parks will source, plant, mulch and maintain as many trees along the Three Lakes Estates Trail as funds allow. Trees will be planted along the trail where it connects the southern portion of the Easter Lake Neighborhood to Easter Lake Park. The new trees will replace thousands of trees lost during the August 10, 2020, derecho. The trees will help improve water quality, provide shade along the trail and help reduce the urban heat island effect. Planting along the stormwater control basins will provide increased natural habitat for birds and insects and aid in efforts to manage the stormwater control features in a more sustainable way. “On behalf of our entire team, I want to thank the Wright Foundation for awarding us this generous grant,” said Benjamin R. Page, Des Moines Parks and Recreation Director. “These funds will help us to further our derecho recovery efforts and tree canopy replacement work. We look forward to working with the Wright Foundation for years to come.”


The Wright Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation exists to foster innovative sustainable initiatives that make a positive impact on our planet. We want to find solutions to the complex challenges facing our world today.


Facilitate positive action toward sustainable and innovative solutions in agricultural and environmental sectors that reduce carbon footprints and minimize risk for our communities.


SUSTAINABILITY It is our passion and we commit to taking action toward a better tomorrow. INNOVATION We believe that new ideas are the key to sustainability and our goal is to foster innovative initiatives to make a positive impact on our planet. COLLABORATION We can only move the needle on sustainability by working together to create partnerships that make lasting change. TRANSPARENCY Our goal is to be as impactful as we can, through a standardized and transparent grant process that gives the most support to our projects and results in quantifiable outcomes. INTEGRITY We abide by the highest ethical standards. RESPECT We exhibit it toward our team, our partners, our communities and our planet.




PERSPECTIVE Earth Day Cleanup A group of employees celebrated Earth Day by picking up the trash on and around our corporate office in West Des Moines, Iowa. Within three hours, the team of volunteers collected 18 bags of trash! Thank you to all of our volunteers for your hard work!


Congratulations to the following WSC corporate office employees who were appointed, promoted or certified since the last issue was published through August!

NEW Accounting & Finance Senior Financial Analysts · Kristin Baliga · Fernando Bolivar Staff Accountant · Lisa Fedeler Payroll & Billing Specialists · Haris Malkic · Mitchell Tomlonovic Accounts Payable Clerk · Tawana Young

Human Resources (HR)

Meals from the Heartland 24 employees from the corporate office participated in the Meals from the Heartland’s 14th Annual Hunger Fight on September 2. WOS sponsored the event where 2,000,000 bulk meals were packaged!

Sustainability Report Wright Service Corp. released its inaugural sustainability report this year. It's our way of showcasing how we're delivering the highest level of professional, safe and environmentally conscious services and solutions to the industry, public and the communities we work and live in. You can read the full report at sustainability.



HR Generalist · Sarah Holliday · Alexa Rodawig HR Information Systems (HRIS) Service Desk · Chris Kuhns

Compliance Specialist · Kaitlin Bjork

Information Technology (IT) Manager, Infrastructure · Kyle Koch Hardware Specialist · Andrew Forret Systems Administrator · David Murphy

Legal Paralegal · Katelynn Cook

Marketing & Communications

Marketing & Communications Coordinators · Danielle Bell · Emily Croston Marketing & Communications Assistant · Megan Petersen Designer · Ellie Walter

Payroll & Billing Payroll & Billing Specialists · Joanna Liston · Emma Cooper · Joy Gachii · Matthew Ruiz · Colin Lane · Nina Hildreth · Jo Bevilacqua

Marketing & Communications Specialist · Jaren Dudley


Business Systems Administrator (BSA) Lead · Lucas Loftin


Claims Specialist · Mitch Price

ON THE MOVE Accounting & Finance Finance & Treasury Manager · Wendy Eckhart Contract Administrators · Lindsey Burton · Erica Thompson

HR Senior HRIS Analyst · Colleen Beaver Senior Compliance Administrator · LaVonne Russell

IT Core Business Systems Lead · Pavan Raghavendra


Systems Administrator III · Yassine Elboujarfaoui

Senior Paralegal & Corporate Secretary · Dani Welsch

Network Administrator III · Mark Wachendorf

Marketing & Communications

Business Analyst II · Ashley Mefferd · Nathan Salzburg

Marketing & Communications Supervisors · Amanda Huisman · Katie Moehn · Maryna Rath

BSA II · Betsy Hildreth Project Manager I · Kyle Kinney BSA I · Reece Kriener

Training & Development Learning Management System (LMS) Administrator II · Jordon Dierks




BABIES CNUC Consulting Utility Forester Greg Bemis welcomed Emmitt John Bemis on February 19. Emmitt was 7 pounds, 19 inches long and had a full head of hair.

Matilde, Juan and Areli Contreras

Sustainable Environmental Consultants Director of Environmental Modeling & Data Science Engineering Gabe McNunn welcomed Ella Grace McNunn on July 29. Wright Service Corp. (WSC) Marketing & Communication Specialist Sara Harpenau welcomed Eli William Harpenau on August 17. He is baby brother to Jack and Claire. Eli was 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 20 inches long. WSC Bilingual Risk Specialist Juan Contreras welcomed twin daughters Areli and Matilde on June 8. Areli weighed 5 pounds, 12 ounces and Matilde weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces.

Eli Harpenau

WSC Human Resources Generalist Lindsey Van Wyk welcomed Vivian Louise Van Wyk on August 23. Ella McNunn

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Will Nutter

President & COO Will Nutter passed away in September. Will began his career with Wright Tree Service as a groundworker in 1982. He continued to work through the ranks from general foreperson, division supervisor, division manager, operations manager, vice president and became president and COO of Wright Tree Service in 2008, in addition to serving as senior vice president and COO of our parent company, Wright Service Corp. Under his dynamic leadership, Wright Tree Service grew to be widely recognized for utility vegetation management services in the industry, including integrated vegetation management, storm restoration, and work planning services to railroad and utility companies and their communities across North America.

IN MEMORY WTS crews in Ohio used their bucket trucks to spell Will in tribute to his legacy.

See page 14 for article on Will Nutter.

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