THE JAZZ IN M.E.E. is the newest addition to the M.E.E. network, targeting devotees to jazz and the arts. This online magazine will include dynamic cover stories, trendy Jazz Watch music reviews, boldly stylish CD releases, trend setting blog updates, enchantingly cool featured festival insights, informative “Inside M.E.E.” reports and other consequential jazz information. The magazine was developed after the success of In the Jazzy Limelight, an online article profiling various jazz artists. In the Jazzy Limelight has reached over 180,000 readers in 25 countries, with highest international views in Japan, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, France, and the United Kingdom. Readers of the online feature have a passionfor jazz vacations, explorations and getaways. These topics will continue to be explored and expanded upon with the launch of THE JAZZ IN M.E.E.