FA M I LY H A N D B O O K 2013-2014
FSC Family Handbook 2013-‐14
Provided by Florida Southern College & the FSC Family Association
Florida Southern College Mission Statement Florida Southern College is committed to educational excellence and is a selective, comprehensive, private, United Methodist college with a strong liberal arts core and signature programs. The College enrolls a talented student body and includes an accomplished faculty who are dedicated to teaching excellence. Outstanding opportunities for engaged learning, student-‐faculty collaborative research and performance, service learning, study abroad, and honors study are distinctive features of the academic program at Florida Southern. The college offers exceptional student life programs, including a championship athletic program.
Student Development and You
Florida Southern College’s Office of Student Development supports the mission of our college by enhancing academic excellence through programs and services that cultivate spiritual growth, provide leadership opportunities and develop a close and honorable community for the development of the whole person. It is, of course, the place where lasting friendships are formed. Alumni through the years fondly recall their student development experience as the catalyst that created a sense of belonging that formed relationships with mentors, developed leadership, and allowed them to serve both the collegial and local community. Because Florida Southern is committed to the academic, social, and physical success of every student, preparing them to achieve life goals they would have thought unattainable, student development is essential to educational excellence. The student development culture is strengthened through increased collaboration with academics. Engaged learning strongly links both areas. Numerous clubs on campus allow students to explore interests that supplement and complement their course work, and provide them with valuable on-‐campus leadership opportunities. The fitness of all students is developed through activities that challenge them physically and mentally, supporting them socially, and empowering them to lead well balanced lives. Your student is our passion. Their successful growth into a graduate who will make a consequential impact on society is our goal. We are the Office of Student Development and it is our pleasure to partner with you as we work with your student.
A Message from President Anne Kerr I extend a warm welcome to Florida Southern College parents. Our faculty and staff have worked diligently throughout the year and especially this past summer to prepare for the arrival of our students, and we are deeply committed to the success of each one. We are fortunate that our faculty comprises exceptional teacher/scholars who have created stellar academic programs that are nationally recognized. Dynamic student life programs offer outstanding opportunities to develop leadership skills and cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime. Our athletic programs are thriving and are a source of wonderful spirit and Moc Pride. Campus ministries offer students a myriad of options for worship and spiritual development. Our Family Association is important to achieving the highest standards of communication with parents and continuous improvement of College operations designed with student needs in mind. I encourage you to become active with other fellow parents who have taken a leadership role in promoting and enhancing the FSC experience. I hope that your association with Florida Southern will be rewarding and enriching in every way. Sincerely,
Anne Kerr Anne B. Kerr, Ph.D. President
Florida Southern College Family Association The Florida Southern College Family Association is dedicated to building community in the college by linking student families through active support and programming. Membership is open to all family members of full or part-‐time students enrolled at Florida Southern College. There are no membership dues. Co-‐Chairs Tim & Jenny Urban
FSC Contact Personnel • Associate Dean of Student Success Shari Szabo, sszabo@flsouthern.edu, 863.680.4900 Family Association Email Address • family@flsouthern.edu Members of the Family Association assist the Office of Student Development in a variety of ways including: • Meet and greet of families during move-‐in and Orientation -‐ Aug. 17, 2013 • Visit with prospective families at Day on Campus events -‐ Oct. 12, Nov. 23, 2013 • Share the FSC experience with families members of accepted students at Scholars Weekends – January 31, February 21, and March 14, 2014
Message from the FSC Family Association Welcome to Florida Southern College! Whether you have a student new to FSC, or a returning student, this is certain to be an exciting year of changes and challenges. On behalf of the Florida Southern College Family Association, we extend a special welcome to you. The Florida Southern College Family Association was formed in 2000. Our Mission is to build community in the college by linking student families through active support and programming. As a parent of an FSC student, you are a member of the Florida Southern College Family Association. We are very interested in hearing your experiences as you go through this year of college. It is through sharing thoughts and ideas that we continue to improve relations, and make your student’s experience better. If you have questions, comments, or recommendations on any aspect of the college experience, we are here to listen and respond to your thoughts. We believe FSC offers excellent opportunities for students to have the best in academics, as well as many programs to enjoy a valuable community experience. We have found the on-‐line handbook to be extremely helpful in providing information you may need throughout the coming year. The Family Association is on campus throughout the school year to assist with Orientation, Prospective Student Days on Campus, Scholars’ Weekends and other events. As parents of a student, Florida Southern College has been a wonderful part of our lives. We hope you, too, will have a fantastic experience as part of the FSC family. The Family Association is ready to serve you and we invite your participation with us. We are only an email away. Your input and involvement is very important to FSC. Sincerely,
Tim & Jenny Urban Co-‐Chairs, FSC Family Association
Academic Calendar – Dates to Know 2013-‐2014 Fall Semester Classes begin August 21 Last Day to Register & Adjust Schedule August 27 Fall Break Oct 14-‐18 Final Day to drop courses w/o academic penalty Nov. 8 Thanksgiving Nov 27-‐29 Classes end Dec 6 Finals Dec 9 -‐12 Commencement Dec 14 2013-‐2014 Spring Semester Classes begin Jan 8 MLK Day Jan 20 Spring Break Feb 25 – Mar 1 Final Day to drop courses w/o academic penalty March 21 Good Friday April 18 Classes end Apr 25 Finals Apr 28 – May 1 Commencement May 3 FALL BREAK Friday, Oct. 11 -‐ Halls close at 5 PM (last meal is lunch on the 11th)
Sunday, Oct 20 – Halls open at 12 noon (first meal is dinner on the 20th) Students interested in remaining in the residence halls may do so at no cost by signing up on line on the Office of Community Living web page by Monday, Oct 7 by 5 p.m. Registering after this deadline places a $25 administrative fee on the student’s account. Dining facilities are open limited hours over breaks. THANKSGIVING BREAK Tuesday, Nov. 26 – Halls close at 5 PM Sunday, Dec. 1 – Halls open at 12 noon Students interested in remaining on campus may do so by signing up on line on the Community Living web page. The cost to remain on campus while the halls are closed is $75.00 which is charged through Student Accounts. The cost will not be prorated for students who stay for only a portion of break. Registering after Wednesday, Nov. 20 by 5 p.m., places a $25 administrative fee on the student account. Dining facilities are open limited hours over breaks. CHRISTMAS BREAK Thursday, Dec. 12 – Halls close at 5 PM (non-‐graduates) Sunday, Dec, 15 – Halls close at 12 noon (graduates) Tuesday, Jan. 7 – Halls open at 12 noon (First meal served is Dinner) Students may not stay on campus during Christmas Break. SPRING BREAK Friday, Feb. 28 – Halls close at 5 PM Sunday, Mar. 9 – Halls open at 12 noon Students interested in remaining in the residence halls may do so at no charge by signing up on line on the Office of Community Living web page. Registering after Monday, Feb. 25, by 5 pm, will result in a $25 administrative fee on the student’s account. Dining facilities are open limited hours over breaks. END OF YEAR CLOSING Thursday, May 1 – Halls close at 5 PM (non-‐graduates)
Sunday, May 4 – Halls close at 12 noon (graduates) Summer school students, athletes & study abroad all move into special summer housing (location TBD) as directed by the Office of Community Living.
Community Living Glossary •
COMMON AREA DAMAGE -‐ Each student may be charged a damage fee for damage to a common area of the residence hall, such as lobby, hallway, or bathroom. If there are any questions about a damage fee, please call the Office of Community Living at (863) 680-‐ 4206.
LAUNDRY VIEW – An online service in which students can monitor the availability and cycle of washers and dryers in the laundry facilities.
RESIDENT ADVISOR (RA) -‐ A student living in a residence hall providing assistance to students and information. This student builds relationships and assists on a variety of levels.
RESIDENCE HALL -‐ No longer called a dorm, this is a building where resident students live. Many people wonder why the term “dorm” is not used anymore. A dorm implies merely a place to sleep, and the College believes that residence hall is a more accurate term for the comprehensive educational environment provided by today’s colleges.
RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT -‐ All students are required to live on campus unless they meet one of the five following criteria: live with a parent or legal guardian, at least age 23 prior to semester of request, married, or have custodial children. An Off Campus Approval Request form must be completed prior to moving. This form is available from the Office of Student Development or online, and must be approved by the Dean of Student Development.
SCHOOL DUDE – An online service which students use to communicate maintenance needs in their residences.
STUDENT HANDBOOK -‐ This is a listing and explanation of campus policies, procedures, and services. Found on the campus Web site, and accessible by any computer linked to the internet at http://www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/studenthandbook/.
COMMUNITY LIVING COORDINATOR (CLC) – Community Living Coordinators are full-‐ time professional staff members responsible for supervising professional staff Hall Directors. Their overall responsibilities are to handle the administrative needs of the hall, build community, and supervise the undergraduate housing staff.
HALL DIRECTORS – This is a professional staff member who lives and works in the building and supervises the Resident Advisors. They create an inclusive community that is safe and welcoming, interprets College policy for residents, tours the building routinely to assess maintenance needs, and provides emergency response.
VISITATION – Because we believe that all members of a community are entitled to private hours, Florida Southern maintains hours for visitation. Hours are set for opposite gender visitation in residence halls: 10:00 a.m. -‐ 1:00 a.m.
Who to Call with the Questions Overall Student Concerns .................................. Student Solutions Center – 863-‐680-‐4900 Family Emergency ......................................... Student Development Office -‐ 863-‐680-‐4206 After 5 p.m. call Safety 863-‐680-‐4305 Loans, Work Study and Financial Aid ........................... Financial Aid Office -‐ 863-‐680-‐4140 Billing ................................................................. Student Accounts Office -‐ 863-‐680-‐4154 Academic ............................................................................. Academic Life -‐ 863-‐680-‐4124 Class Schedules ............................................................................ Registrar -‐ 863-‐680-‐4127 Residence Hall/Roommate ............................................ Community Living -‐ 863-‐680-‐4206 Safety Concerns or Campus Emergencies ............................. Safety Office -‐ 863-‐680-‐4305 Emotional or Mental Health Concerns ......................... Counseling Center -‐ 863-‐680-‐6236 Career Assistance ................................................................ Career Center -‐ 863-‐680-‐4390 Advising .................................................................... Susan Freeman -‐ 863-‐680-‐4900
Community Expectations at FSC – The Cornerstone Florida Southern College recognizes that higher education encompasses far more than academic activities in the classroom. The College's goal of producing good citizens who make a lasting impact on their communities is advanced by the quality of campus life in the college
community. Our community, our foundation seeks to create a community of scholars who hold one another accountable to the high ideals, vision and mission of the College. Through shared values and communal expectations, FSC engenders a specific atmosphere where students can study, socialize, rest and grow as they pursue their academic goals. Campus life creates a positive and enriching environment that cares for the whole person -‐ developing maturity of character that is the aim of the College. The Cornerstone outlines the standard of behavior that forms a basis for campus life. Along with the Academic Honor Code, the Cornerstone serves as a resource that helps shape and guides our collegial life together. Florida Southern seeks to create a community of scholars who hold one another accountable to the high ideals, vision, and mission of the college. Choosing to join the community obligates each member to a code of behavior that reflects the highest personal and communal values to which the college is committed. Inspired by the Judeo-‐Christian principles on which the college was founded, as a Florida Southern Scholar... I will practice personal and academic integrity and excellence of character and expect the same from others. ...commitment to this ideal demands personal responsibility and communal accountability. It requires that choices be made that reflect the shared values of the college community. It expects truthfulness, honor, and maturity from community members. Additionally, it requires adherence to the Academic Honor Code and following the rules and procedures of the Student Handbook. I will respect the dignity, value, and worth of all persons while learning from the differences in people, ideas, and opinions. ...commitment to this ideal calls for members of the college community to refrain from behaviors that compromise or demean the dignity of individuals or groups. It affirms equal rights and opportunities for all students regardless of race, creed, color, gender, marital status, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin. I will respect the rights and property of others. ...a commitment to this ideal affirms the college's goal of creating an environment where students can pursue personal growth and academic goals. It deems inappropriate all forms of theft, vandalism, arson, misappropriation, malicious damage to, and desecration or destruction of property. Respect for others' personal rights is inconsistent with any behavior which violates their ability to move about freely, express themselves appropriately, and to enjoy privacy. I will demonstrate concern for others, their feelings, and our communal need for conditions that promote personal growth and academic success.
...a commitment to this ideal calls upon each member of the campus to foster a sense of community by practicing civility. It is a pledge to be compassionate and considerate, to avoid behaviors which are insensitive, inhospitable, or which unjustly or arbitrarily inhibit others' ability to feel safe. Through my actions, I will honor and contribute to the rich heritage left by those who have preceded us and work to leave the college a better place for those who follow. ...a commitment to this ideal recognizes and affirms the unique opportunity afforded by being a member of the Florida Southern College community. It calls upon community members to practice good stewardship of resources and take responsibility for the continued success of the institution. The Cornerstone outlines the standard of behavior that is the foundation for campus life. Commitment to these ideals requires each member of the community to practice behaviors that promote the well-‐being of the community and to discourage those behaviors which do not.
Policies That Support the Cornerstone ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: • Academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, and other violations of academic integrity are causes for suspension or expulsion from the College. Florida Southern College students are expected to adhere to the academic honor code. For more information view the academic catalog webpage at http://www.flsouthern.edu/KCMS/Academics/Course-‐Catalog.aspx. ALCOHOL: • Florida Southern discourages the use of alcohol on and off campus because alcohol is not a drink but a drug that can cause harm. Still, in America it is generally accepted that 80% of all college students drink alcohol despite campus policies. This reality is why Florida Southern has instituted the Alcohol Wise online education program. Students need to know the scientific facts about alcohol in order to overcome shallow thinking myths about alcohol. It has been understood for over two thousand years that shallow thinking is the cause of tremendous suffering. Universities were established both east and west to teach the skills of deeper thinking, the skills today we call critical thinking. It implies the developed abilities to see past the shallow beliefs of family, culture, and politics to look at the world clearly with a minimum of prejudice and distortion, and to arrive at a fair and accurate assessment of the facts. This deeper thinking provides the opportunity to make good choices, to reduce human suffering, and to live a longer more productive life. Florida Southern, like all colleges of merit, strongly encourages this deeper critical thinking to all aspects of life such as history, biology, political science, and in this case to alcohol. It is by the application of this academic excellence to the issue of alcohol that the intelligent student will see the issues more clearly, make better choices, and move on to live a safe, happy, and
successful life. Thus, we do not teach that alcohol is the enemy-‐-‐shallow thinking is the enemy. We strongly encourage and teach the application of academic excellence to all aspects of life including the use of alcohol. However, possession, use, and being under the influence of alcohol and drugs are prohibited by Florida Southern College. Please see the Student Handbook on the FSC webpage for complete information. DRUGS: The College recognizes that there are serious health risks, behavioral problems, and legal consequences with the use of illicit drugs. Therefore, all members of the campus community are expected to understand that the illegal use and abuse of controlled substances is absolutely at variance with the mission of the College. The College abides by the Drug-‐Free Schools and Communities Act of 1990. The use, possession, purchase and/or sale of illicit drugs on campus is prohibited. The on-‐campus or off-‐campus use, possession, distribution, being under the influence of or sale of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, or unauthorized prescription drugs, or the misuse of any type of drug or hallucinogenic agent by individuals or organizations is prohibited and considered a serious offense. (Please see the Student Handbook for complete details.) ATTENDANCE: • Students are expected to attend all class and laboratory sessions on time, and may be absent only for unavoidable documented reasons. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the professor of an unavoidable absence, and to complete all course work missed due to absence. • A student may be withdrawn from a class at the discretion of the professor. Reasons for withdrawal may include, but are not limited to, lack of attendance or inappropriate classroom behavior. Students having a prolonged period of absenteeism, due to an illness for any reason, must obtain written permission from the Office of the Provost in order to return to classes for the remainder of the semester. • The College also requires students to attend Convocation. Convocation is a required faith and life presentation for the entire campus that takes place two times a semester. Every student must attend all convocations as it is a graduation requirement. Absence requires a make-‐up done by watching a DVD of the performance/speaker the following week, there are 3 make-‐up sessions offered on various days and time intervals. Failure to make up a convocation results in a $100 fine added to the student’s account. The video make-‐up option can only be used one time (unless prior permission is granted in advance due to an unforeseen conflict). If a student misses an additional convocation, there is an automatic $100 fine assessed to that student’s account. The only attendance exception is the semester the student plans to graduate. GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA): • Students are expected to maintain a minimum grade point average of a 2.0 or better, both cumulatively and during each term. • Degree requirements mandate that a student MUST earn 124 credit hours with an overall 2.0 minimum GPA, as well as a minimum 2.0 GPA in their major. Some degree programs require more than 124 semester hours and some degree programs require a C or better in all required courses.
• The Dean’s List gives recognition to students with a 3.7 or better GPA with a minimum of twelve graded semester hours in any one semester. President’s Scholars are students who achieve GPAs of 4.0 with fifteen graded semester hours in any one semester. Courses taken pass/fail or audit do not count in the calculation.
Dates to Remember: Nov. 8 Final Day to Drop a Course without an Academic Penalty March 21 Final Day to Drop Courses without an Academic Penalty For complete information regarding withdrawing from class/school, please see academic catalog: http://www.flsouthern.edu/KCMS/Academics/Course-‐Catalog.aspx.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
The FERPA statute states that educational institutions must give students the right to inspect and review their official education records; an opportunity to request an amendment of such records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their rights of privacy; that an institution must obtain written consent from students before releasing personally identifiable data from their education records, other than under a specific list of exceptions; that students be notified of their rights as enumerated by this document; and that the U.S. Department of Education investigate complaints of alleged violations of the Act. Current regulations will permit institutions to release information from a student’s record if the student has provided written consent to the person seeking access to it. Students at FSC can determine their FERPA consent status during New Student Orientation and can change it at any time in the Student Solutions Center.
Campus Safety
Federal law requires every college to disclose the previous year’s campus crime statistics (To view the crime statistics go to http://www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/safety/safetystats.htm. As a parent, you have the right to know how safe the campus environment has been, and you should encourage your student not to be complacent about personal safety. While you cannot physically protect your student from becoming a victim of crime, you can help your student live more safely by having frank discussions about safety issues before he/she leaves for college. You can encourage your student to leave valuable items at home. You will also want to make sure your homeowner’s insurance covers your student’s belongings in a residence hall. If not, consider renter’s insurance.
Further, keep the lines of communication open with your student about alcohol and other drug use, and sexual behaviors. You may not like what you hear, but you need to know whatever your student is willing to tell you. Emergency phones are placed throughout the campus that dial directly to the Safety & Security Office. Safety escorts are available year-‐round from the Safety & Security Office from dusk to dawn by dialing (863) 680-‐4305. http://www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/safety/. All students may have a vehicle on campus. The vehicle must be registered in the Safety & Security Office, and display a hand tag decal on the rear view mirror verifying the registration. A parking decal is good from August 1st 2013 – July 31st 2014 at a cost of $90.00 for commuting students, and $120.00 for resident students. For further information, call the Safety & Security Office at (863) 680-‐4305 or http://www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/safety/. Bosch Security Systems, in conjunction with Florida Southern College, offers a personal alarm transmitter to all members of the Florida Southern Community for $50.00 per year. Users are issued a personal alarm, which they may activate in emergency situations. After being activated, the Transmitter tracks a user's location on campus and a detailed map showing his or her movements can be viewed on a computer screen in the Safety & Security Office. The transmitter also sets off sirens and strobe lights when activated. Florida Southern is one of only a handful of colleges and universities employing this modern technology. In case of potentially dangerous weather conditions, you may call for an update about possible cancellations at (863) 680-‐4101 or visit us on the web at www.flsouthern.edu. The Office of Campus Safety & Security offers a variety of programs to enhance the safety and security of the Florida Southern College community. These programs are in addition to regular duties such as bike, vehicle, and foot patrols 24 hours a day, and 365 days per year. The department also routinely provides crime prevention programs, special event coverage, and precursory investigations into any crime committed on campus. If you have any safety concerns or questions, call the Safety & Security Office at (863) 680-‐4305. For your convenience, we also have an email address (safety@flsouthern.edu ) that is monitored around the clock.
Emergency Preparedness The safety of the Florida Southern College community—our students, faculty, staff and visitors—is our top priority. In the event of an emergency, the College has a plan to address the situation in an expedient manner, and this plan is reviewed at regularly scheduled intervals by the administration and campus safety personnel.
Additionally, Florida Southern maintains a close working relationship with the Lakeland Police Department.
Unless you are notified otherwise, classes, meetings, and events will proceed as scheduled. Notification of an emergency will be posted promptly via broadcast e-‐mail, broadcast voice mail, and on the home page of the FSC Web site at www.flsouthern.edu. Emergency updates will be provided via these same mechanisms as information becomes available. When the situation warrants, the Lakeland campus will activate an Emergency Alarm System. The Campus Safety Office also will activate and continuously update an Information Hotline that can be accessed by dialing 4101 from on campus and 863.680.4101 from off campus. Should telephone and/or electronic service be interrupted, information may be posted on campus bulletin boards and at entrances to buildings. Florida Southern College also provides information to area media outlets, including the following television stations: Fox 13, Bay News 9, Channel 8 and Channel 28; and radio stations: WPCV, WONN, WLKF, and WWRZ. Please do not rely solely on the media, however, as late-‐ breaking developments can occur between broadcasts. As a preparedness measure, students and parents are encouraged to formulate a communication plan for use during an emergency. This plan should include a course of action to be taken should telephone and/or electronic service be disrupted. For your convenience, here are some Web sites that provide safety tips and storm tracking before, during and after a hurricane: • • •
National Hurricane Center http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ Hurricane Preparedness http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/HAW2/english/intro.shtml Emergency Guide http://www.flsouthern.edu/emanagement/pdf/EmergencyGuide.pdf
Questions regarding the Florida Southern College emergency plan should be directed to: Terry Dennis at 863-‐680-‐4148 (vdennis@flsouthern.edu). In case of an emergency, call (863) 680-‐ 3555.
Getting Involved on Campus Key to a Successful Collegiate Experience Studies have shown that students are more satisfied with college when they have clubs to join, activities to enjoy, sports to play, and relationships with new friends. Student involvement in campus activities provides a higher quality of life -‐ a more satisfied, enjoyable, and well-‐ rounded experience. Student organizations create opportunities for growth in networking, friendship, leadership, philanthropic, athletic, social, and artistic endeavors. No matter where your student’s interests lie, Florida Southern offers a student organization to match that passion. Please refer to the Student Involvement website at: http://www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/studentinvolvement/ for more information. Feel free to contact (863) 680-‐4499 for more information.
Commuting students and their families face different challenges from those students that will be living on campus. Students can feel disconnected from campus. Just because a student does not spend twenty-‐four hours a day on campus does not mean he/she cannot get the full college experience .Encourage your commuting student to get involved on campus. Studies show that students that are involved are more likely to graduate. Ways to get involved at FSC include: • Student Government Association The Student Government Association is the coordinating and regulating agency of the student body and campus activities. SGA serves as the voice of the student body in matters involving the college administration, faculty, and staff. SGA is responsible for the disbursement of the student activity fees to Florida Southern organizations. SGA also works to create campus unity through campus pride, appreciation, and events. Please refer to the Student Activities website for more information www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/StuGov/. • Association of Campus Entertainment Involvement in the Association of Campus Entertainment provides opportunities for hands-‐on experience in concert booking, movie scheduling, special event planning, publicity, and much more! The Association of Campus Entertainment is your fundamental source of entertainment at Florida Southern College. ACE is a student-‐run organization that sponsors a wide variety of events throughout the academic year including bands, comedians, dances, coffeehouses, and movies. ACE looks to enhance the overall collegiate experience by offering quality programming organized by students, for students, so each event or movie promises to have personality true to the Florida Southern College student body. Please refer to the Student Activities website for more information www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/ACE/index.htm. • Greek Life The Office of Greek Life works to promote the development of well-‐rounded individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and interests to make a significant contribution to the Florida Southern and Lakeland communities. Greek Life provides students with special experiences and relationships that will last them a lifetime. Florida Southern offers students the opportunity to join 7 national fraternities and 6 national sororities. Recruitment for all undergraduate students occurs in September. Please refer to the Greek Life website for more information on the Greek community www.flsouthern.edu/student_life/greeklife/. Feel free to call (863) 680-‐4967 for more information. • Community Service The FSC Community Service Center encourages group and individual participation in service projects throughout the year. Clubs, departments, and campus organizations are encouraged to participate in one-‐day activities, special events, and on-‐going projects.. Florida Southern College engages in an all-‐campus service day. Faculty, staff, and students spend one day providing service to the community. The office is located in the Evett Simmons ’79 Center for Multicultural Appreciation on Callahan Court.
• Recreation & Intramural Sports Florida Southern College provides many opportunities for students to choose healthy activities for their leisure time. These include intramural flag football, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, and softball to name a few. Also offered are horseback riding, camping, and sightseeing trips. http://www.flsouthern.edu/wellness/ • Student Organizations The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) hosts Blast Off annually. The event is open to all recognized student organizations and allows them to come to one location at one time to allow students to gain more information about them. Students can visit with different organizations receiving specific information about who they are, what activities they do, what makes them unique, why he/she should join their club and when the next meeting will be held. If a student is unable to attend Blast Off there are still options to find ways to connect. • Campus Ministries Florida Southern College encourages students, faculty, and staff to enrich their lives by the regular practice of worship, and by participating actively in religious affairs. The Chaplain is the coordinator of religious activities that include a protestant student-‐led worship service held in the Frank Lloyd Wright-‐designed Annie Pfeiffer Chapel each Sunday, and a Catholic mass celebrated each Sunday afternoon in Annie Pfeiffer Chapel. The campus has many denominational and nondenominational ministry groups, Bible studies, and fellowship groups that meet throughout the week. For more information, please call (863) 680-‐4297. • Community Living Programs Living on campus enhances the college experience through engagement in a supportive community! As a student of Florida Southern you will learn and be challenged in the classroom. When you return to your residence hall after class you will continue to grow and develop as a person. Living among your peers in a community of friends and fellow learners you will have the opportunity to do so much more than eat, sleep and study. You will have opportunities to become involved in residence hall programs, campus wide events, clubs, organizations, and a wide variety of leadership opportunities. • Attend Athletic Events FSC’s athletics program is one of the most successful in the country in NCAA Division II. Overall, FSC has won 27 NCAA national championships (men’s golf-‐12, baseball-‐9, women’s golf-‐4, softball-‐1, and men’s basketball-‐1) and also had 17 NCAA national runner-‐up finishes. In addition, FSC has won 54 NCAA regional titles, 132 Sunshine State Conference regular season titles and 35 SSC tournament championships, 245 first-‐team All-‐Americans, and 44 Academic All-‐Americans. The Athletic Department offers 19 NCAA intercollegiate sports, all of which compete in the NCAA Division II. Men’s sports are baseball, basketball, cross-‐country/track, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming and tennis. Women’s sports are softball, lacrosse, basketball, cross country/track, golf, tennis, soccer, swimming, and volleyball. Cheerleaders are also a part of the athletic department, performing at basketball games. Most FSC student athletes are recruited; walk-‐ons are welcome to try out for any sport. Full-‐time students are entitled to
attend home regular season athletic events free of charge. I.D. cards are required for admission.
Below are the numerous opportunities available for campus participation. ENTERTAINMENT • Association of Campus Entertainment (ACE) GREEK ORGANIZATIONS Fraternities • Interfraternity Council • Lambda Chi Alpha • Pi Kappa Alpha • Pi Kappa Phi • Sigma Alpha Epsilon • Sigma Chi • Theta Chi • Alpha Gamma Rho Sororities • Panhellenic Council • Alpha Chi Omega • Alpha Delta Pi • Alpha Omicron Pi • Gamma Phi Beta • Kappa Delta • Zeta Tau Alpha HONORARIES • Alpha Epsilon Delta – Pre-‐Health • Beta Beta Beta -‐ Biological Sciences • Delta Sigma Pi – Business • Gamma Sigma Epsilon -‐ Chemistry • Kappa Delta Pi -‐ Education • Kappa Mu Epsilon – Mathematics • Lambda Pi Eta-‐ Communication • Omicron Delta Kappa -‐ Leadership • Order of Omega -‐ Fraternity & Sorority • Phi Eta Sigma – First-‐Year • Pi Sigma Alpha-‐ Political Science • Psi Chi -‐ Psychology • Sigma Tau Delta -‐ English
RELIGIOUS • Beyond Campus Ministries • Fellowship of Christian Athletes • Jewish Student Association • The Catholic Student Association • Upper Room Ministries • Wesley Fellowship SERVICE • Best Buddies • Circle K International • Habitat for Humanity • Rotaract • To Write Love on Her Arms • TZeDeK • Up Til Dawn STUDENT GOVERNMENT Student Government Association INTEREST • Allies • American Chemical Society • Association of Honor Students • Cantilevers • Chess Club • College Democrats • College Republicans • Collegiate Golf Association • Criminology Club • French Club • History Club • Horn Club • Interlachen • International Student Association • Math Club • MEISA • Mocettes • Model United Nations • Multicultural Student Council • Nature Enthusiasts • Philosophy Club
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Photography Club Psychology Club Residence Hall Association Spanish Club Sports Management Club Sports Medicine Society Student Athletic Advisory Committee Student Organization of Latinos Students for a Sustainable Campus The Undead Poets Society Toastmasters International Vagabonds Women’s Advocacy Club
PROFESSIONAL • American Advertising Federation • Delta Omicron-‐Women’s Music Fraternity • Florida Nursing Students Association • Florida Public Relations Association • National Broadcast Society • Phi Alpha Delta (Law) • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia-‐Men’s Music Fraternity • Pre-‐Professional Society • Sigma Alpha Sorority-‐ Citrus & Environmental Horticulture
Financial Information BILLING -‐ Bills will be mailed to the billing address provided by the student periodically throughout the school year. Student account information can be viewed at any time on the FSC portal, once the student is provided with an ID and portal access password. All bills must be paid in full or satisfactory payment arrangements made before a student may attend class or check into a residence hall. CAMPUS WORK PROGRAM (WORK STUDY) -‐ Students who qualify for the government-‐ subsidized work program are employed on campus, and paid directly from the payroll department. Work study payments are not automatically posted against student accounts. It is the student’s responsibility to endorse such checks to the college in the Business Office in order for the money to be applied against their balance. For more information call (863) 680-‐4140. FOOD SERVICE – Meal plans are available for both resident and commuter students. All first year resident students are required to participate in the 20 meal plan. All plans work in Wynee’s Bistro (the main dining hall), The Grill Master, the Terrace Café, TûTû's Cyber Café, and the Moc Mart. Selection forms with detailed meal plan information and costs are available on the FSC
website under Students Accounts/Business Office/Meal Plans for printing, signing, and returning to the Business Office. For more information please call (863) 680-‐4154. • Wynee’s Bistro -‐ Enjoy a wide variety of all-‐you-‐care-‐to-‐eat nutritious cuisine options, including a salad bar with over 40 items; gourmet sandwiches and salads; pizza and pasta; and a daily rotation of fresh entrees. • Terrace Café/Freshens/MocMart From wraps and salads, to hamburgers and fries, and nutritional smoothies in the Terrace Café. Freshly made “grab and go” sandwiches and salads are also available for students on the run. Visit the Moc Mart for all of your convenience items. • TûTû'sCyber Café – Relax with a favorite Starbucks coffee or other specialty beverage and enjoy the view of the Frank Lloyd Wright Water Dome. Fresh bakery items and a rotating lunch menu with salads and sandwiches are also available. • The Grill Master – Conveniently located in the center of campus, the Grill Master, offers a quick and easy way to grab a bite to eat as you travel to and from class. Choose a hamburger, hot dog or chicken sandwich from the grill and add chips and a beverage to complete the meal.
Staying in Touch with Your Student
MAILING ADDRESS -‐ Please address letters and packages to: Student’s Name, Box Number (assigned to each student), Florida Southern College, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland, FL 33801-‐5698. GIFT PROGRAM -‐ We offer special occasions to be made memorable with our unique themed baskets, balloons, cake and flowers. As a Florida Southern College tradition we offer birthday cakes for a nominal fee. For cakes and balloons, please call 863.680.4499. For gift baskets, please directly contact Baskets at 863.687.9465.For questions or to order, contact Center for Student Involvement at (863) 680-‐4499. POSTAL SERVICES -‐ A branch of the U.S. Post Office is maintained on campus with hours from 8:00 a.m. -‐ 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For questions, please call (863) 680-‐3928 or (863) 680-‐6222.
Campus Resources
CAREER CENTER Location: 1st floor, Thrift Building The Florida Southern College Office of Career Development is a comprehensive Career Center assisting our current students and alumni with all their career needs. We assist students in determining their major through: • assessments and major planning • writing résumés and cover letters • learning how to interview
• • •
searching for employers who match their skills helping them locate internships in their major field counseling them through the graduate school process
We offer two Career and Internship Expos a year, one in the fall on our campus and one in the spring in Tampa. We have a Graduate School Fair in early fall to get students started with graduate school plans. We invite colleges and universities, as well as employers, to visit campus and share the opportunities they have to offer. The Career Center staff is also available for class and group presentations on subjects relating to major planning, the job search process, graduate school options and many more. Let us help your student manage their future. Encourage them to get to know the staff at the Career Center in their first year and throughout their time at FSC. STUDENT SOLUTIONS CENTER Location: Raulerson Building (next to the Water Dome) The Student Solutions Center is a comprehensive resource location for students and families. Well qualified staff will answer questions related to academic, student development, financial aid, and business office concerns. Resources are available for students to explore their goals and aspirations while establishing a foundation for success. To contact a professional in this area, please email studentsolutions@flsouthern.edu or telephone 863-‐680-‐4900. Services include: • Academic Support • Academic Improvement Sessions • Supplemental Advising • Time Management Strategies • Note Taking Strategies • Test Preparation Strategies • Transition Support • Guidance with Academic Major Selection • Assistance with Registration and Orientation • Referrals to Other Campus Resources ORIENTATION (First-‐Year and Transfer Students Only) FSC Orientation provides a four-‐day, comprehensive experience which assists students beginning with arrival and through their initial days. During Orientation, students have the opportunity to: Meet other students and make new friends Meet with faculty and academic advisors to discuss classes and educational options Finalize course schedule and registration Learn about academic expectations Learn about the College’s services and resources
Familiarize themselves with FSC campus and community
The four-‐day transition program is designed to build connections between first-‐year students and all facets of the FSC community. Orientation is a great way to get acclimated to FSC before the semester kicks off. Students can be assured that by the time classes begin, they will become connected as a vital part of the FSC community. Many elements of the FSC Orientation Experience are mandatory. Orientation also assists parents of new students to understand the college environment and services and enhance parental awareness of issues facing college students. MOCSecond YEAR MocSecond Year, an initiative of the Student Solutions Center, focuses on the needs of all students who are in their second year at Florida Southern College. Working collaboratively with Community Living, the Career Center and faculty, MocSecond Year develops programming centered on the following: • Advising towards degree completion • Career and Internship preparedness • Community building • Academic skills • Campus involvement Throughout the year, second year students will have the opportunity to interact closely with faculty and advisors to create an academic plan for success, explore fun and educational destinations in Central Florida, and further develop their own talents and interests. FIRST-‐YEAR TRANSITIONING Florida Southern does a superb job offering support during your student’s first-‐year. Academic demands in college are much greater than those at the high school level. Your student will transition from spending about 35 hours a week in the classroom to an average of 16 hours in the classroom. This means your student will need to spend additional hours outside of the classroom preparing for the next class session. It’s easy to underestimate the time required to receive the same level of academic standard at the college level. Attendance and preparation are absolutely critical to college success at Florida Southern. There are many avenues your student can select in order to achieve greater academic success. Florida Southern professors are committed to your student’s excellence providing office hours for individual attention. Encourage your student to attend the monthly Academic Improvement Sessions offered on campus. These sessions cover areas such as time management, effective note-‐taking, and test taking tips. Also, your student is always welcome to work with a Student Solutions Center staff member for specific assistance.
STUDENT HEALTH CENTER Location: At the corner of Ingraham Avenue and Duke Place.
Florida Southern’s Student Health Center provides professional, efficient, cost-‐effective, and user friendly service in a comfortable and caring environment. Expert medical care is available 7 days a week (Mon.-‐Fri. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sat./Sun. 3-‐8 p.m.) at the Student Health Center. The following services are provided to full-‐time day students at no charge: clinic visits with the RNs and ARNPs; a variety of over-‐the-‐counter medications; ice bags, crutches, hot water bottles, plastic basins. Items that require a charge include prescription medication and laboratory tests that have been ordered by an ARNP. Prescription medications can be filled by convenient pharmacies nearby. Flu shots are available for a nominal charge in the fall. Every full time student is required to be covered by family insurance or student insurance the school offers. Medical information required to be on file prior to admission in August includes: 1. A current physical that has been completed and signed by a physician, ARNP, or DO 2. Proof of immunization for the following: A. MMR X 2 (measles, mumps, rubella) B. Meningitis C. Hepatitis B x 3 3. Health history form to be completed by the student All health records are maintained strictly confidential and are securely filed. Information is released only when a student’s permission is given by written consent. Please inform the Student Health Center of any health conditions or needs you may have. It is important that your roommate and/or Resident Advisor know of any health problems, e.g., diabetes, seizures, asthma, etc. This insures proper treatment is given if a medical emergency occurs. WALK-‐IN CLINICS Clark and Daughtery Medical Clinic ........................................ 863-‐644-‐0685 Southside Medical Center ...................................................... 863-‐688-‐9219 Watson Clinic Urgent Care ..................................................... 863-‐680-‐7271 Nite-‐Owl Pediatrics and Adult Care ....................................... 863-‐644-‐7337 NINA B. HOLLIS WELLNESS CENTER The Florida Southern College Wellness Program promotes involvement in the campus community, enhances the academic experience, and encourages commitment to a holistic lifestyle by providing programs that focus on health education, fitness and recreation. The HWC is open 107 hours a week to provide patrons plenty of opportunity for recreation and fitness, and serves as one of the largest employers of students on campus. The Wellness program has many components. Below is a list of our program areas and a few highlights from each one. Fitness: The Nina B. Hollis Wellness Center (HWC) is hub of Wellness Programs. Tanner Hall is the entrance into the HWC, which serves as a multi-‐purpose room. The Kirk McKay Jr. Exercise
Room offers a diverse selection of equipment including computerized treadmills, cycles, elliptical machines, rowing machines, free weights, plasma TVs', and much more. The Aerobics Room given by the James W. Sikes Family holds academic and non-‐academic group exercise classes and other special events. In addition, the HWC boasts a full court basketball and volleyball gymnasium. • Healthy Lifestyle Coaches – fitness and wellness assessments, personal training, fitness consultation and nutritional education • Group Exercise – 14 non-‐academic group exercise classes weekly free to HWC patrons • Nutrition Education • ACIS Incentive Program • Stress Free Zones • Monthly Wellness Screenings • Spin/Cycling Class Studio Intramurals: Ranked #10 in the country by the Princeton Review, our Intramural Sports program offers 27 sports and activities to current students, faculty, and staff. During the 2012-‐ 2013 academic year, the programs involved more than 50% of all FSC students. • Team and individual sports • Competitive and semi-‐competitive leagues • All sports are offered free of charge Aquatics: The Nina B. Hollis Wellness Center Pool offers the campus community a heated venue for outdoor aquatic fitness and relaxation. This venue also a “hot spot” for wireless access, allowing patrons to access the internet poolside, and is also the training and competition site for the FSC varsity swim team. • Heated pool (79 degrees F; seasonal) • Practice and competition site for the FSC swim team • Pool parties and special events • Lifeguard and Water Safety Training • Wireless access • Recreational aquatic activities include: water basketball, water volleyball, inner tube water polo, and aqua jogging Outdoor Recreation: The Outdoor Recreation Program encourages students to enjoy the “real Florida”. • Free local day trips to students • Deeply discounted overnight and break trips to students • Outdoor Recreation gear check-‐out free to students, faculty and staff • Free daily bike check-‐out to students, faculty and staff • Free educational clinics for students, faculty and staff
Low cost bicycle rentals for the academic year.
Waterfront: The Waterfront Program offers students a chance to get out on beautiful Lake Hollingsworth. Single and tandem kayaks are available to students, faculty and staff. • Two tandem kayaks • Five single kayaks • Intramural competition on the lake Water Ski Team: FSC boasts a nationally ranked water ski team. • World ranked skiers • Ski club available to students, faculty, and staff to learn to ski or improve skiing. RECYCLING The campus Recycling Program is beginning its fifth year, and offers recycling collection to the entire campus for plastics, paper, cans and glass. • 39 bins for plastics • 51 bins for paper • 7 bins for cans/glass Facilities Maintenance further segregates construction waste into metals, cardboard, construction, electronic and yard wastes. The Recycling effort is spearheaded by students selected at the beginning of the academic year. https://sites.google.com/site/fscrecycling/. STUDENT TRAVEL FSC students gain real-‐world experience beyond the classroom through our unique travel opportunities. This hands-‐on approach to learning provides students an opportunity to meet other students from around the globe, travel, and practice foreign language skills, all while earning academic credit. Students gain confidence, self-‐awareness, independence, adaptability, and many other skills that will serve them well in both life and their future career. Each October, a Student Travel Showcase is held on campus where students can meet with FSC faculty leading trips. Information for all trips is available through the Office of Student Travel, 863/680-‐6411. Students must be in good academic and social standing in order to participate and have a 2.0 GPA at the time of departure. Junior Journey At FSC, students are guaranteed a travel-‐study experience through the Junior Journey program. Students who have completed 4 semesters at FSC are eligible to participate in their Junior Journey trip. Most trips last one week, are both educational and cultural in nature, and students have the option of domestic or international travel. Junior Journey courses are worth 1 credit hour and are offered during Fall Break, Spring Break and summer sessions. Most Junior Journey trips cost nothing. Details are available at www.flsouthern.edu/juniorjourney. Traditional Study Abroad Programs Florida Southern College offers faculty-‐led study trips to international and domestic destinations. Students can choose to spend a semester away or study abroad for a month in
the summer. Destinations, courses & cost information can be found at www.flsouthern.edu/studyabroad.
Campus Building Index
Please see http://www.flsouthern.edu/map/ for complete updated listings.
The Home of FSC The City of Lakeland covers almost 75 square miles and 100,000 residents call Lakeland home. Lakeland was incorporated in 1885 as Florida was growing in population. The original town square called Munn Park acts as a hub of activity and focal point for Lakeland’s very unique and walkable downtown. Munn Park is bordered with interesting shops, boutiques, eateries and pubs. The charm of Lakeland can be easily felt as one visits Lake Morton and feeds the resident swans or meanders through one of the City’s many historic neighborhoods admiring the American Craftsman Style architecture that was very popular into the 1930’s. Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most prolific architects in the United States whose style was shaped during the American Craftsman era. The largest single collection of his work can be found in Lakeland at Florida Southern College on the banks of Lake Hollingsworth. Lake Hollingsworth is one of 16 lakes inside the City and it is a magnet for recreational activity. In fact, there are recreational paths that completely surround Lake Hollingsworth, Lake Hunter, Lake Mirror, Lake Morton and Lake Wire making these lakes a great gathering place for aerobic activity. The City of Lakeland is Polk County’s largest provider of recreational programs and activities, sponsoring over 400 separate programs at 50 parks, playgrounds and other recreation venues throughout the City. These programs and facilities are enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of area citizens all year long. One of Lakeland’s latest parks is the award winning Common Ground, one of Florida’s first all inclusive playgrounds designed and built for individuals of every age and all abilities. The park itself is in the shape of a butterfly – a symbolic representation of the individuality and character of every child. Lakeland is a very unique community that is close to everything but away from it all. With a short drive, residents and visitors can easily visit the theme parks in Orlando or the beaches near Tampa…or they can enjoy the hometown feel of Lakeland. Our quaint downtown, grand old oaks, interesting architecture and quality public spaces are why we think Lakeland is very near perfect. Local Businesses For options, check the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce website http://www.lakelandchamber.com/.