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Why Veterans Are Important Essay
There are so many history stories in history books and on the internet, but the source from people who were actually there is so much better than reading the nonsense. It's better to hear stories from people who have actually lived and witnessed it rather than just read stories about it. Most students listen better than they read. When you listen to stuff, it sticks in our mind way longer than looking at a book trying to figure out what's going on. Veterans are an example of this. They tell us stories about the times they were in the training and when they battled, if they did or have already. They have always been an important part of our nation'shistory, present, and future. Everyone who went into the military or is currently planning to join has or will have a story to tell. It will be a part of them that they will always remember, the good times and the bad times. So many veterans love telling all the experiences they have witnessed. Thinking of it, it's not a bad thing; it's a great thing to be able to say they were actually there. Many students ask what the training is like when they first join the military, although it's really tough, many still consider going, some even make the commitment to join right after they graduate. Those who do make it, the commitment, are the reason our nation's history and future is how it is and how...show more content...
Our nation past was, well, not always perfect. Without some of our veterans, our country wouldn't be as free as it is. Veterans continue to make our country a free country, which also makes it a better place to live in. Veterans stood up for our country; whether the ones forced to go during the draft, or the ones who voluntarily go. Whether the cause, they were always ready to go and fight for the people's freedom. We really do see how great these people are, I mean, they risked their life for ours to be
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