Essay About School Life

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Now that I am coming to the end of high school and to the beginning of my college education, it scares me to death. Going to school has been one of my biggest priorities and the most routine part of my life for the past thirteen years. I have many more years to get through, but the years that I spent in elementary school and junior high were the most memorable. I have learned so much since then, it has made me a different person today. I have so many memories from my earlier years in school. I especially remember how much easier it was back then and how much harder it is becoming now as I get older.

I started off by going to Peppermint Patty preschool in I do not remember more content... Especially since I would always get in trouble for it. For some reason I do not remember much about first grade. I do not know if it was because it was just a boring year of school or because I just did not like the teacher. One thing I do remember about first grade is that I won the spelling bee. That was a big accomplishment for me in first grade. I think the challenge of first grade was the whole reading concept. Learning how to read is very difficult for a little six year old. I was actually very good at reading, which made me enjoy first grade a little more. I am just glad that it is over with.

When I was in second grade it was a big year for me. The main reason is because I made my First Holy Communion. My family is very religious and they were very proud of me for making my Communion. My teacher in second grade was Mrs. Lignowski. She was an old women, but she was very nice. The main subject in second grade was of course religion, so it was not very exciting was a child, but it means a lot in my life now. We would take many trips across the street to the church and practice what we would do in a mass. I remember being absolutely terrified to make a confession with Father Hanley. That was part of making your first Communion so we had to do it. I of course did not confess my sins face–to–face, so I went in the confessional booth. It is done and over with now, it still kind of makes me nervous if I were to do it to this day.

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Essay about school days

A Day in School Life

The day begins with a high–pitched yell, "moooooooorninnnnng" from my mother. I wake up tired with a headache as I think I have a cold. I rush to leave the house, my father complains about the lack of urgency in my movement by shouting out the time every five minutes.

There is not enough time to drink my tea; the tea burns my tongue as I gulp it down my throat, leaving a nasty taste. I ran as fast as I can towards my bus stop. Upon arriving I realize that despite the hectic hurry of mornings I am actually early. "I really should tell my parents what time the bus comes so my mornings can be more relaxed," I tell myself.

The large coach's doors slide open to a more content... However, I come to realize that the squabbling penguins are not very interesting so I find somewhere comfortable and detached to sit and my mind wanders off.

The official day starts with a tutor period. My mood is lifted as I make quite a few people laugh.

The first lesson is French. The teacher is absent so I am free to take part in a conversation with my friend concerning the weekend. The teacher next door keeps telling us to keep quiet. For some reason the rest of my fellow students feel the need to shout and keep getting louder after each complaint.

The second period begins. The teacher ignores my enquiries as to whether we will be using the "metro " book this lesson then yells at me for not having written the title in my book, even though she hasn't started the lesson or even written the title on the board. When I point this out to the teacher another student already distracts her. After twenty minutes, the tiredness sets in and hinders my work effort. The headache from that morning begins to throb and my eyes are itchy and bloodshot.

Essay on A Day in School Life

The mountain scenery contrasts against the blockish and uninspiring appearance of the school, as it leaves a light and breezy atmosphere. The sea breeze carries a sense of freshness, which promotes an industrious work ethic. However, during the summer months the stifling heat and humidity

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Life After High School

I've just entered my senior year of high school. I know that this is a very important year. I have a lot of decisions to make and not much time to make them. These decisions will either make or break my life, and I want to make sure that I make them to the best of my ability because there is no turning back. I need to make sure I definitely want to attend college. The decision is totally up to me. There are many positives and negatives of attending college. Go over them, and then decide. I know myself better then anyone else, and I won't let anyone else tell me what to do. I will make sure if I am going to attend college that I have something in mind that I will want to do, to succeed in. Choosing a major can be more content...

I knew I wanted to do this because I was very interested in sports my whole life. It wasn't an easy decision in choosing a school, but I think I made the best choice based on my major right now. In a short essay "College? What's in It for me?" by Steven M. Richardson, the author makes some very good points about college. Richardson states that there are a lot of reasons to not attend college, but furthermore states that attending college is your best bet at succeeding in life. Richardson states "The biggest reason for not going, probably, is that college costs money" (169). On the other hand, he states, "The decision to attend college is an investment in your future–a risk, certainly, but one with a big payoff if it's the right decision for you" (171). These are the things I had to think about along with millions of high school–students before making my decision on what I wanted to do with my life. Choosing a college is only the first part of the decision making process. What I want to do for the rest of your life is the question that the majority of high school students will ponder. As Richardson states, choosing a college as well as choosing a major is definitely an investment. The way you handle that investment is up to you. If you handle it correctly your investment will pay off immensely in the end (171). This is why I chose Athletic Training as my major. Get more content

Life after high school Essay

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