Evaluation Essays Samples

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Different opinions arise when it comes to whom is supposed to evaluate teachers' performances as they educate students. Although teachers have had the proper education necessary to execute education in a classroom, some lack skills to present material which students can fully comprehend. In an effort to help students grasp learning material, the idea of students evaluating and grading their teacher's performance has been suggested. This idea would be helpful to teachers who need views on how to reach slower students and whom welcome helpful criticism. However, the entire evaluation should not be based solely on students opinions. Teacher evaluations should not be done solely by students. However, if students filled out 10% of a teacher...show more content...

Younger students are immature and tend to judge teachers based on the teacher's behavior and how much the student likes the teacher.

Unfortunately, student evaluations also could increase the leniency teachers would allow in homework and other assignments decreasing education . Students are not trained to evaluate their teachers. They do not have the expertise that professional evaluators do. A current teacher evaluation includes: teacher interviews; which include a conference, competency testing; which is used for hiring and certifying teachers, classroom observation; which is highly used, student ratings; which are collected easily, peer review, student achievement, and self–evaluation. Students have their own school work that places them under stress; they do not need to have to worry about these different types of evaluations that they have to review and study to understand in order to complete them. Much preparation would be required to complete a teacher evaluation, meanwhile, students have their own responsibilities. The time that would be allotted during a school day is not enough time to prepare for teacher evaluations. Teachers would be taking time out of class to complete an evaluation lesson, this would take time out of necessary learning. Joan Barrett, a ERIC author, stresses "that an effective evaluation program needs trained evaluators, administrative staff allocated for evaluation time, a staff development program for teachers, and Get more

Essay examples
Student Evaluation of Educators

Source Evaluation 1:

Credible Author: Explain how or why the author should be considered an expert.

When we are considering sources for a research papers, it is not a wise thing to just jump onto the Internet and pull of the first article you see on the topic, which may sometimes sounds legitimate. In this day an age, anyone can create a website and put their thoughts out there for the world to see. To avoid taking information from authors that are not credible, writers should always research the author's background, their title, and the work they have done in the past. Author Dr. Peter V. Hall wrote the first article used for this research paper, and this author is a credible researcher who is a professor and director of urban studies program...show more content...

The second source obtained for this research paper title is, Cross–Docking: A Strategy to Enhance Supply Chain Agility. This article was written by authors, Shweta Narang Arora, Dr. SM Anas Iqbal, and Dr.G.D.Gidwani, and all three of these authors have studied and work in the field of logistics, and have done credible research for the international journal of logistics and supply chain management perspectives.

Reliable Publisher: Who is the publisher? What is the publisher's reputation? Has this source been published by a scholarly or peer–reviewed press? Is this source available in trusted archives, such as subscription databases? If this is from a website, how stable is that website?

The publisher of this article is Pezzottaite Journals, and they are specialized in publishing quality research papers with series of multi–disciplinary journals. The source has been published by scholar peer review, and was pulled by the APUS online library from the ProQuest website. ProQuest has been a major assistant to school libraries across the world, this website uses technology to assist both students and Liberians in finding scholarly information to perform Get

Sample Source Evaluation Sample
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Choose a topic that you would like to write about. Since you will need to make a value judgment based on a set of criterion, you should know your subject well.

Formulate your thesis. The thesis of an evaluation essay is its overall purpose and should be stated clearly, giving you the direction that will allow you to distinguish between criteria and select, appropriate examples. It should state value, or the lack of it, in regard to what you are writing about.

Think of the criteria that you are going to use to make your judgment. It is difficult or even impossible to evaluate your subject immediately

choose several points of interest to make this process easier.

Choose a topic that you would like to write about. Since you will need to...show more content... It should state value, or the lack of it, in regard to what you are writing about.

Think of the criteria that you are going to use to make your judgment. It is difficult or even impossible to evaluate your subject immediately –choose several points of interest to make this process easier.

Choose a topic that you would like to write about. Since you will need to make a value judgment based on a set of criterion, you should know your subject well.

Formulate your thesis. The thesis of an evaluation essay is its overall purpose and should be stated clearly, giving you the direction that will allow you to distinguish between criteria and select, appropriate examples. It should state value, or the lack of it, in regard to what you are writing about.

Think of the criteria that you are going to use to make your judgment. It is difficult or even impossible to evaluate your subject immediately –choose several points of interest to make this process easier. Choose a topic that you would like to write about. Since you will need to make a value judgment based on a set of criterion, you should know your subject well.

Formulate your thesis. The thesis of an evaluation essay is its overall purpose and should be stated clearly, giving you the direction that will allow you to distinguish between criteria and select, appropriate examples. It should state value, or the lack of it, in regard to what you are writing about. Think

Evaluation Essay
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Essay about Program Evaluation and Its Usefulness

Program Evaluation

Jackie Woodard

Evaluation Methodology– HCS/549

December 6, 2010

Amer Kaissi

Program Evaluation Program evaluation is a tool used for evaluating and assessing a program in place. This paper will describe program evaluation and how it can be useful for an organization wishing to determine the efficiency, effectiveness, and the impact of a program. Five of the most common program evaluation models will be introduced. A number of different models are used by those who evaluate programs. This paper will describe, in detail, the success case method for evaluations.

Program Evaluation and Its Usefulness Program evaluation is a process of assessing whether a program is efficient, effective, and has an impact on its...show more content...

Five Most Common Types of Program Evaluation Models The five most common types of program evaluations are ones that assess the program's efficiency, assess the program's design and theory, assess the program's impact on the community or end user, assess the program's process or implementation, and assess the need for the program.

Success Case Model for Evaluation According to Brinkerhoff (1983), success case evaluation seeks qualitative information about a few subjects rather than seeking thinner, quantifiable data about many subjects. The success case model derives information from those participants who have benefited from the program according to the goals and objectives the program intends to have. This feedback may be helpful to others who have not benefitted as well from the program. "Success cases may be studies briefly through short interviews with a few trainees or through more elaborate approaches, such as work–sample analysis, records analysis and observation" (Brinkerhoff, 1983, para. 9). Some uses of the success case method are illustrating that the program has a positive impact, modifying and strengthening the program being evaluated, and building data collection methods to determine the extent of

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Sample Program Evaluation Essay

Program Evaluation Article Critique Overview This program evaluation article by Duffy, Barry, Curry, Darragh, and Lees, reviews an initiative to improve the working relationship between Northern Ireland's adult mental health services, and child protection services by reviewing a program called "The Champions Initiative" (Duffy, Barry, Darragh, & Lees, 2010). This was developed to facilitate a joint working environment to improve services and protection for children whose parent(s) may have mental health issues (Duffy et al., 2010). The Champions Initiative appointed a "champion" from each team of child protection workers, and mental health services, and their responsibility was to provide information, promote a joint working environment, and identify obstacles which would hinder good cooperation between the two teams (Duffy et al., 2010). The program evaluation assessed the levels of experience, training, confidence and awareness of the Champions, followed up with them in six months to assess the impact and the effectiveness of the program, and offered recommendations to...show more content... 158–159). "In reviewing the literature, the focus was on identifying the impact of parental mental health, the associated risks, the difficulties with the interface working, and proposed solutions" (Duffy et al., 2010, p. 159). Some of concerns expressed for the program to be effective were how mental health and child care services work together, communication between the two, role clarity, and the outcome hoped to be achieved by the development of this program was to provide holistic interventions which could not be provided by just one agency, earlier intervention which was more effective, to decrease staff stress, and to obtain a better outcome for the families involved (Duffy et al.,

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Performance Evaluation Essay

There is a purpose in doing performance evaluations, in which it helps management make general human resource decisions. Performance evaluations provide input to help make important decisions such as promotions, transfers and even terminations. Also, could help to identify training and developments they need, as well help develop programs and providing feedback to employees on how they performed on their review. Performance evaluation can help to see who will get merit pay increases and other rewards. In the scenario, I have three concerns about the evaluation that our manager is using. The first concern is the three items that they used to evaluate, friendliness, neatness and attitude, which are not in itself a dreadful start, but...show more content...

When using individual task outcome; you could be evaluated on such things as the quantity produced, the scrap generated in production, and the cost per unit. Evaluating behavior, you would look at how the employee is helping other coworkers, making suggestions for improve the work environment, and volunteering for additional duties. The behavior is the focus on interaction towards others and the organization. Evaluating traits are a little more trickery than the other two because it is farthest removed from the actual performance of the job. When looking at traits, you look to see if the person has a respectful attitude, do they show confidence in their job, are they dependable, and are they always busy, or do they possess a wealth of experience. These traits are routinely used as criteria for assessing an employee's level of performance. When using a method like the 360–degree to give a performance evaluation has a great advantage for everyone. It helps give the employees in an organization a sense of participating in the process of the person evaluation. By including coworkers, customers, and subordinates; it allows a more accurate reading on the employee's evaluation. Each of these people can give various views about the employee because each one is from different parts of the organization, or even an outside source review on the person can be very valuable. In our scenario, it could be good

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Theory into Practice Plan, Implementation, Evaluation

The purpose of this paper is to provide an introduction, purpose, and rational for selecting a nursing theory. I will describe the theory by identifying the purpose, concepts/definitions, relationships/structure, and assumptions. I will use the Chinn & Kramer evaluation criteria to critique this chosen theory. Finally I will describe a plan for implementing the theory into my practice setting, identifying any barriers and challenges. Introduction and Rationale for Theory In order to effectively guide practice, it is essential that nurses understand and critique different theories to evaluate them for use in practice. For this paper I have selected Jean Watson's Human Caring Theory:...show more content...

To provide guidance and direction, ten carative factors are identified that result in the satisfaction of human needs. The first three factors; acting from a humanistic–altruistic set of values, enabling and sustaining faith and hope, and cultivating a sense of sensitivity to self and others form the foundation of caring from which the other seven carative factors are built ("Jean Watson– philosophy and science of caring," 2010). This theory explains, describes, guides, and supports nursing practice. It gives language to the unspoken beliefs and perspectives of the nursing profession. This allows the nursing professionals to better envision, realize, and articulate their unique role in healthcare (Green & Robichaux, 2009).

Human caring is the basis of therapeutic relationships between human beings (Wade & Kasper, 2006) Critical Appraisal of Theory It is important to critically appraise the theory. I have used Chinn and Kramer's approach to evaluate Jean Watson's Theory of human caring. This evaluation criteria reflects on the clarity, the simplicity of the theory, asks how general, how accessible, and how important this theory to the nursing profession is. The Human Caring Theory is written logically as it identifies the ten carative factors and four concepts of the caring model. However, her concepts have been described as complex because of their

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Evaluation Of A Nursing Career Essay

One of the many goals of the nursing profession is to provide high–quality, safe patient care. There are many responsibilities that come with a nursing career and when the nurse to patient ratio increases, there is a possibility that it may hinder the safe care that patients deserve, and this may result in negative patient outcomes and level of satisfaction. Staffing is one of the many issues that healthcare facilities face. In many facilities, there never seems to be enough nurses per shift to provide high quality, thorough patient care which often leads to burnt out staff, and frustrated patients and families. This review discusses the findings of quantitative studies and one systematic review that involves patient outcomes in relation to nurse staffing. The first quantitative study analyzed was conducted by Dabney and Kalisch in 2015 and surveyed 729 patients. The purpose of the study was to continue researching for any correlation between patient outcomes and nurse staffing. They analyzed patient reports of missed nursing care and determined if there was a relationship between patient reports and the nurse staffing levels. The design and sample include data that was obtained in the study of patient reports of missed nursing care and compared it to the level of nurse staffing. The sample was made up of 729 patients on 20 units in 2 hospitals. The 20 units consisted of 12 medical units with 420 participants, 6 surgical units with 255 participants, and 2 rehabilitation Get more content


Qualitative research seeks to answer the "why" and not the "how" of the research project that is being conducted, this is done through a complex system of analyzing unstructured information such as survey's , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey's, focus groups, observations, emails, notes, video's, feed back forms and photo's; most of the time a qualitative report won't depend on statistical evidence alone it must be accompanied by detailed facts and proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data findings and can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time.

A qualitative research project is mainly used...show more content...

According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) the purpose of the interview is to elicit information about and from the stakeholders experience, perceptions, and meanings, this is critical in a qualitative research project it helps to understand what is being asked of the stakeholder. Interview data also incorporates the stakeholders personal perspective, and gives confirmation of the data through direct observation, or from other stakeholders involved in the research project; by eliciting the input of observation data this helps to confirm to the researcher the intent of the stakeholder, it also shows their behavior, and their personal meaning. Documentary and artifactual data includes texts, photos, and other tangible items from the site that they are being collected from, analyzed and reviewed. By reviewing the documents artifacts and materials of a culture provides the researcher with an unobtrusive method of gaining information and may offer other forms of information that's unavailable from any other data source. According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) journals, artifacts, photo's and artwork may provide information of occurrences that have happened before the evaluators arrival. As in all research projects documents and artifacts include the perspective and the biases of their human creator, therefore each item must be considered

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Qualitative Research Evaluation Essay

Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open discussions...show more content... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.

With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from

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Personal Self Assessment Essay

Critical Evaluation of a Research Article

Critical Evaluation of a Research Article

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to do a critical evaluation of the research article "Using to Predict Team Performance in the Work Place." This is a study to evaluate the high performance of individuals working in teams. The study samples 129 cadets of a military college divided into 29 squads. I would do an evaluation to find if the study has a clear notion of the problem, would analyze if the study has a purpose, and if it has significance. According to researchers, sociometric can provide an alternative to other methods, and this can be studied through the use of working team. I would analyze if through the use of a sociometric questionnaire the...show more content...

Military has the strictest form of evaluating stuff and especially cadet's performance as a team. Working together is essential to complete assignments within the military. For this reason this is the control group of theresearch, which is a very appropriate group, with an appropriate number of participants. A discussion arouses about whether or not sociometric is a measure of cohesion, to which there was not an agreement during the first hypothesis because there was not a significant effect with the sample, leaving to question validity and the sample use. Satisfaction made this hypothesis valid, according to the responses because members of the squads were more tend to bring the same members in if they were agreeing on the tasks performed, the ability to complete those tasks, and how the tam function together (Lucius & Kuhnert, 1996) The discoveries lead researches to believe that this study can help create more content teams and probably a more effective workforce within organizations. This sociometric study also revealed why the team of squads work together but did not revealed why some teams perform better than others. I found enough information with this study that would help me replicate. Some of that information is that I can form teams Get

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Examples Of Evaluation Design

Evaluation Design The evaluation design used for the youth transitioning from elementary school to middle school and middle school to high school was the Likert Scale design. The design was based on a three–point scale system of measurement. The following questions were used to properly measure the success of the group transitioning to the next grade level. Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful The group had three separate meetings. The group first meeting consisted of the Initial stage. The facilitator informed the group the purpose of the group meeting, set the group rules for the group. The facilitator informed them that it was an open group and that any student could join the group (R. Toseland and R. Rivas, 2008)....show more content...

The facilitator also shared some study habits and tips that the group may want to utilize as they go forward. The facilitator informed the group that we will discuss during the final meeting if the study tips helped them during the 1st quarter. The facilitator informed them that every student will find and create their own study plan. The facilitator stated that there would be an evaluation to determine if the information shared among the group was very helpful, somewhat helpful or not helpful at all. The facilitator informed the group that their 1st progress report and report card will let them know if the study habits and tips shared among the group was successful. During the final stage and group meeting, the facilitator welcomed the group and greeted the group and informed them the purpose of the final meeting. The facilitator reminded the group of the ground rules established during the initial stage. The facilitator utilized the round robin to get feedback from each student reference to their experience of the group and their experience (R. Toseland and R. Rivas, 2008). The students shared their personal experience on what they experienced the 1st quarter of the grading period. The facilitator listened to the feedback from the students. There were a quite a few students indicated that the number one study tip were reviewing their notes and index cards was very helpful when it was time to take a test. The students also indicated that

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Re–evaluation is a core theme as our GenXers enter middle age. The cohort who thrives on complexity, is now working to figure out who they are Those at the younger end of the cohort, are juggling kids, jobs, aging parents, and technology that constantly changes and sucks time. They struggle to figure out who they are in the face of all these demands on them and to still stimulate the adventurous, curious part of themselves I am firmly entrenched with kids activities. I am undoubtedly at a point in my life where too often my priorities are dictated by what is happening in that 24 hour window – L/L w/kids, Male A lot of my life is just maintaining a balance of keeping my kids and myself sane. There isn't much nurturing of myself happening right...show more content...

It's what links us to humanity – L/L, Female Yet, only Subscribers feel that they were getting an adequate level of culture I get in more live entertainment than most, as a matter of fact I may have to cut back because currently I may have too many shows, obligations. I enjoy the opera and go to 8 operas per year, add in the Steppenwolf, the Goodman, the Gorilla tango, the Redtwist and the Royal George from time to time, and you have a busy guy – Subscriber, Male Yes, I make specific efforts to take advantage of as many opportunities that interest me as possible while working in "down time" so I don't feel over scheduled. I love activities that provide me with flexibility – ticket exchange, variety of days/times, etc. – Subscriber, Female The structured activities offer more potent opportunities for enrichment but are harder to squeeze into full lives I do this a few times a year, usually with someone else; it makes me feel intrigued, curious, amazed, absorbed; it contributes to my sense of enrichment because I feel like I'm learning and exposing myself to something new –Prospect,

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Of A Re-Evaluation Essay Sample

As a group, it was important to us to have this in our FVC for a few reasons. One of the reasons for this was because we did not want any member to show up and be under the influence or complain the whole time. If this were to happen, we would have to deal with that problem which would take away time from working and would cause possibly a bigger problem. Profanity and complaining would not be tolerated also because that would then effect the environment and atmosphere of the work place. It can be assumed that with one of those problems occurring work would not be as efficient and scheduled as planned as we thought it would be. Thankfully, during the semester none of my group members complained or appeared to be under the influence during...show more content...

Even though there were problems with people pulling their own weight, I think that the outcome was great. We were able to create a program and without the other group members, it would not have been successful. I think it is important to keep in mind the end goal while going through some difficult stages with group members. Evaluation of Group Members This part of the paper will be about me and my peers and the grade that I think they deserve pertaining to their performance and attendance within the group. I will grade them based off of a focus on their participation, help with planning, attendance, and behavior. I think that these are crucial parts of "pulling your own weight" in order to help with the group as a whole. Katie Krasinski: A+. I believe I deserve this grade for a multitude of reasons. Immediately when we got the project, I along with Mike took some charge of the group. We wanted to meet as soon as we could so we could get a head start. As the semester continued and our group started getting more work to do, I feel that if participation went down extremely in our group. Some members would not show up, or would try to push back the dates we would meet just because they didn't feel like it. On the other hand, there I was clearing my busy day and plans to make time for the

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Group Evaluation

Feedback is imperative for any and every member of a team. Feedback is what allows individuals to improve and learn from their own mistakes. Constructive criticism is an instructive open door for both the sender and the recipient. The initial phase in evaluation is to explain the objective or the reason behind a criticism. Qualitative feedback is unique in the way in which it provides an opportunity for individuals to evaluate their weaknesses and further improve upon their strengths. This ultimately leads to greater success. Qualitative feedback follows a process beginning with offering positive feedback, followed by constructive criticism, and finally an action plan to improve the teams' performance. Ultimately, this provides a clear image of one's team, which allows individuals to move forward. Positive feedback can be used to acclaim or show appreciation. For instance, it is an opportunity to tell the beneficiary that a thought or action he or she has or does is extraordinary. For example, if he or she contributes meaningfully in a meeting or works diligently on a project, positive feedback can be used as a reward for good work. This can help build confidence and continuity amongst a team. The more rewarded and confident a group feels, the more likely they are to succeed again on the next project. The opportunities to offer positive feedback vary greatly. Such feedback can be given for strong organizational skills, such as planning ahead and completing assignments Get

Evaluation Of A Positive Feedback Essay
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My Self-Evaluation Of Speech

This paper will discuss mine self–evaluation and do into detail about my first speech. My first speech takes place in front of my class and I have to tell a story of an experience that has happened to me. Telling a speech was a new experience for me and I embrace the challenge. A speech can have an impact on a person life and the audience can also relate a topic that is being presented. I will explore and go into the details of ethos, pathos and logos of my speech for my personal assessment. I think I did a good job presenting my ethos through my speech story. I convince my audience with my credibility through my speech and the way how talk throughout the speech. For example, throughout my whole speech, I shown my hands and did not hide my hands. By keeping my hands in plain view, it shows my audience nonverbally that I can be trusted. The volume of my voice was at a normal speaking tone and was not too low. Most of my audience was able to hear me and listen to me very clearly. I also presented myself with confidence and gave off the impression that I was prepared. For example, I had a smile and had constant eye contact with my audience throughout my speech. There was certain things that I was doing that was ineffective while I was talking. Throughout my speech, I kept saying um and was pausing at times. I did not realize how much I was saying and doing these actions. These actions are something I need to work on more when I present my public communication to my audience Get

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I walked onto the stage from the left wing only to be blinded by fluorescent lights. The audience in front of me was a dim sea of indistinguishable figures waiting to judge my performance. The soft murmurs from the crowd as I walked towards the chair made my heart race and my thoughts run wild. My shaky hands held a white–knuckled grip on the neck of my guitar. I finally made my way to the seat and promptly began playing my recital piece. A minute and a half later I rushed off the stage full of disappointment and regret. I knew my performance was mediocre at best, and that I let the pressure of public performance get to me. From that moment on I made the choice to always properly prepare myself for performances, events, and even small public speaking presentations....show more content...

I went on to be the president of the Las Vegas Academy guitar club, a 3–time superior score recipient at the Las Vegas Solo and ensemble competition, and second place recipient at the Brownsville national ensemble competition; second only to a group from Austin, whose teacher was on the judges panel. I was also the recipient of a Target scholarship for a presentation I did on the topic of loss prevention during a criminal justice course I took at UNLV under the instruction of Dr. Tamara Madensen. The dedication and countless hours of practice and preparation taught me that although being passionate is an important part of achieving success, it is not always enough to excel and that it is necessary to be methodical and practical when it comes to preparation and learning overall. I have since taken my guitar and music based knowledge and turned it into a job. I currently teach a variety of different students in the Las Vegas community how to play guitar, read music, and develop strong practice habits that will help them in any field they choose to pursue in the

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Self Evaluation Essay Sample

English 111 introduces students to critical thinking and the fundamentals of academic writing. This is a prerequisite English class for higher–level English education. By the end of this course a student will have gained a great deal of practice in the craft of writing. This essay will evaluate the English 111 textbooks, essays, self–reflections, the instructor, and what I personally learned. The English 111 textbook had effective sample essays and diagrams of outlines. The Successful College WritingTextbook is the textbook used for the English 111 course. This textbook had great sample essays because they showed useful examples of transition words and phrases. These sample essays also gave a guideline for writing a proper essay. The diagrams in the textbook were extremely sufficient. The diagrams were of the outline of a certain essay. These were remarkably helpful when mapping out an essay. These sample essays and diagrams of outlines were excellent samples of writing. The essays in English 111 consist of an argument essay, compare and contrast essay, and a research essay. The argument essay is when you gather evidence and present a well–reasoned argument on a debatable issue. On this essay I chose to do an argumentative paper on abortion. I listed the issues with abortion and then stated my opinion. The main goal of an argument essay is setting out to persuade the reader to agree with your position on a topic. The purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to

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Evaluation Essay

Example Of Evaluation Assignment

Evaluation Assignment

In this document I will be evaluating and analyzing aspects of the online resources provided by the website ''www.sanjac.edu''. This report will help give potential students or individuals interested in looking for valuable information regarding the decision of furthering their education with this highly regarded community college. The topics that will be covered will consist of clarity of thewebsite, accessibility, and professional appearance as well.

The first topic that will be discussed is clarity of the website. The first page of the website you are shown is the homepage. The top left corner of the website indicates it is the San Jacinto College website in white lettering. It is typed in a large bold font to...show more content...

It must be able to be accessed easily and without hassle. It can be accessed from virtually any type of device that has internet access. Some devices you could use to access the San Jac website are laptops, computers, and phone devices. The website ''sanjac.edu'' is easy to remember and quite simple as well, making it all the more easier to be accessed at any given time desired. An example of some accessibility pertaining to this website could be the organization and how the website is set up. Specifically speaking, towards the middle of the home front page there is black lettering that reads ''GET STARTED HERE''. Underneath the lettering is a rectangular blue button with white bold words that say, ''APPLY NOW TO SAN JAC'' and an orange button with white bold words that reads, ''CLICK HERE TO REGISTER''. This area of the website immediately grabs the users attention, especially a user looking to apply and register for San Jacinto College. This makes it easier for a potential future student to locate this information, due to the bolded words, colorful rectangular shapes, and placement of this information. The accessibility of this website is easy and user

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Strategic Choice and Evaluation STR 581 University of Phoenix


Identifying a organizations alternatives is a concern for most major companies. The starting point is in strategic analysis, this is process that managers use to evaluate and select their competitive advantages which will help separate them from their competition in the market. Leading organizations shoulc "choose among alternative grand strategies to guide a the firms activities, particularly when they are tyining to decide about broadening the scope of the firms activities...show more content... On the other hand some customers look for products that meet their overall needs, customer service and no contacts. Companies that focus on this Value Discipline will outperform their competitions. To be successful it takes more than Value Discipline understanding and determination to listen to each other. Apple Inc. Grand Strategy The success of Apple Inc. can be credited to the strategic plans implemented to create the culture and products being developed today. The grand strategy of Apple Inc. provides basic direction for major actions directed toward achieving long term business objectives (Pearce, 2011, p. 188). The best grand strategy for Apple Inc. to implement is product development and innovation. Product development involves the substantial modification of existing products that can be marketed to current customers (Pearce, 2011, p. 193). Apple Inc. has established loyal customers based on their quality of product and brand names. It is a trusted brand that thrives in product development. The iPad, iPhone, and iPod are only some of their top selling products that continue to be improved. The overall goal of this strategy is to extend the products life cycle. Innovation is another grand strategy used throughout Apple Inc. Similar to product development, but it differs in the sense that it seeks to create a new product life cycle as opposed to extending one (Pearce, 2011, p. 194). A recent

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Strategic Choice and Evaluation
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